Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)




    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, Remember the big project that @nohuhhuh and @Grumpydof were working on? Well, it's finished! They worked really hard to get it d

  • Here's my message to all of you guys

    enter image description here

    Its been only a month Iv'e been on this thread, and the game is almost over.

    You guys have been so nice and kind to me. I plan on staying here forever. Maybe in a year I will have 20000 likes and I will be a moderator on the fourms, who knows?

    Anyways, I love all of you guys and enjoy episode 5!

    Pipas posted: »

    Alright guys, this is it. The last day of the wait. We have waited long time for this moment to come. At times it almost seemed impossible t

  • It is known in the game that Rhys has a crush on Sasha, so maybe Rhys will make a move on her. Who knows?

    How likely do you guys think your ship will become a reality? Or will Telltale just have led us on to give us nothing with Sasha and Rhys. I don't know about you but that would hurt my heart a lot.

  • enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, Remember the big project that @nohuhhuh and @Grumpydof were working on? Well, it's finished! They worked really hard to get it d

  • You have a like for dot :D

    Leluch123 posted: »


  • THe rest won't **understand the history of that dot **as well as the reference ;)

    SzymeG posted: »

    You have a like for dot

  • I love leafpuppy's art. <3

    Well guys, tomorrow is our moment of truth! Everything we stood for comes down to it! By leafpuppy . . . . . Btw Rhys is representing exactly what I'm feeling now.

  • edited October 2015
    *insert hugging gif*

    *telltale site hates me*
    SzymeG posted: »

    I think This gonna be my last post for a long time ... Anyway i am really happy to be part of this wonderful community ( Comments, fanart

  • Hahahahaha! I love it! Especially how im just back there with a smoke. Awesome work guys!

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, Remember the big project that @nohuhhuh and @Grumpydof were working on? Well, it's finished! They worked really hard to get it d

  • Damn, that's incredible, nice work guys.

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, Remember the big project that @nohuhhuh and @Grumpydof were working on? Well, it's finished! They worked really hard to get it d

  • Man, thats some cool stuff right there.

    Sidenote: I hope everyone here enjoys ep 5!

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, Remember the big project that @nohuhhuh and @Grumpydof were working on? Well, it's finished! They worked really hard to get it d

  • I'm not good with speeches, nor am I very outgoing, so I'm just going to keep this relatively short.

    I want to say thanks to everyone who have been a part of this amazing thread and the incredible ride we have all been on. It's the amazing people here that have made the past several months so enjoyable, and I know I speak for many people when I say this. From the talented writers, artists, editors, and all the other people who have contributed, I want to say thank you for all of the hard work you have done. I only wish I could have done more with this thread, seeing some of the stuff that has been posted here makes me wish I had even the smallest inkling of talent so that I could contribute in some way. But that's not the point, the point is that I like to consider all of you good friends, and that no matter what happens tomorrow, I want to say thanks. And one last thing...



  • edited October 2015
    So,I'm going to sleep now,gonna POOTIS here because I'm an evil bastard who likes to play with your emotions,gn.
  • ZapThroat posted: »

    So,I'm going to sleep now,gonna POOTIS here because I'm an evil bastard who likes to play with your emotions,gn.

  • That purple creature still creeps the fuck outta me lmao

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, Remember the big project that @nohuhhuh and @Grumpydof were working on? Well, it's finished! They worked really hard to get it d

  • enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, Remember the big project that @nohuhhuh and @Grumpydof were working on? Well, it's finished! They worked really hard to get it d

  • Ah, man. I'm literally tearing up as I write this.

    I just wanted to say thanks to everyone in this amazing community for welcoming me and making me feel like part of something special. I've never felt so sad about potentially leaving a forum or community like I am right now. All of the fanart, the tol & smol posts, the banter... All of it was great. Wish I had joined sooner than I did so I could share these experiences with you all from the very beginning.

    Bring on Episode 5 and fingers crossed for that kiss!

  • The kiss will happen. It must!

    Ah, man. I'm literally tearing up as I write this. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone in this amazing community for welcoming me and

  • Darth Revan looks pretty dank.

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, Remember the big project that @nohuhhuh and @Grumpydof were working on? Well, it's finished! They worked really hard to get it d

  • Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, Remember the big project that @nohuhhuh and @Grumpydof were working on? Well, it's finished! They worked really hard to get it d

  • Guess who's back, ladies and gentlemen...

    It's me.

    I'm back.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited October 2015

    So apparently 'speeches' are a thing. I don't have one. I just have a large amount of text and images in a single post.

    I recall this glorious thread:

    I quickly 'joined ship' and came along. I noticed I never proclaimed the ship, I just joined. My first comment in there was:

    Kid Loaderbot. "Righteous Father!".

    Before this thread, I remember the craze over this:

    enter image description here

    And this glorious gif made by @Poogers555, which is also the first comment on this thread, not so coincidently my first comment here too.

    enter image description here

    Anyhow, (side bar I stopped writing this to watch the new TFA trailer on TV in the Eagles v. Giants game and holy shit it was good), this thread has always been a delight. I'm just going to call the first name the Band of Nine, like in the War of Ninepenny Kings. Or maybe the Friendship Nine, whatever. That's a reference. The OGs know what I am talking about. Rhysha Nine? I've spent too much time talking about this. I remember, seeing the Rhyionas have a thread a thinking, 'Hey, why don't we have one?', and I PMed @Pipas with the thread request, which he followed. Bless him for having his feed ruined instead of mine.

    Ah fuck it, I'll tag you all.

    The Friendship Nine:

    And of course everyone after that, we couldn't have done this without you. Sorry @ReggiesLeftArm, you were number 10 and could not be included.

    Back then the Rhyionas stalked our thread, but eventually they departed, seeing the fruitlessness. We started to grow, like a plant. With enough love and care, we grew taller and taller. Some branches needed to be pruned, other fell off and died, but fruit was grown, tasty, canon fruit. We continue to grow.

    enter image description here

    I think this thread, with all of it's positivity, energy, and just general great aura, is part of the reason I got my moderator status, and it's fun being the guardian of you guys.

    Now episode 5 is upon us as the journey ends. If Sasha dies, or Rhys, or Handsome Jack takes control of Rhys and becomes El Bandito Guapo, the ship lives on. It's sad to see the game end. Remember the Atlas Mugged wait? Yeah, that. Hail Rhysha.

    Now, I leave with you with a great speech by one of the Band of Nine, our very own @MetallicaRules, and a quote from "November Rain":

    Eleven months and four episodes ago, our Telltale brought forth on this forum, a new game, conceived in Borderlands, and dedicated to the proposition that choices will have an impact.

    Now we are engaged in a great ship war, testing whether that forum, or any forum so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great thread of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that thread, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that forum might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

    But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this thread. The brave men, shipping and typing, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The forum will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored shippers we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these shippers shall not have shipped in vain -- that this forum, under Telltale, shall have a new birth of discussion -- and that forums of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the site.

    So never mind the darkness

    We still can find a way

    'Cause nothin' lasts forever

    Even cold November rain

    enter image description here

  • thank you dot :) <3

    and thanks for taking your time and making that :D

    SzymeG posted: »

    I love you too Reggie

  • enter image description here

    SzymeG posted: »

    I think This gonna be my last post for a long time ... Anyway i am really happy to be part of this wonderful community ( Comments, fanart

  • Hellloooo.... So. Finale tomorrow. I'm getting the feels like how a TTG staff member commented saying he would enter our thread with popcorn in the episode 3 hype period. I feel like we could either be a complete ship, or we could agony in defeat. Either way, we should all accept it, we've been through a lot. My usual catchphrase being "This ain't high school musical, we aren't in this together batches!" Temporarily changes.

    For the ship, the ship that was at least canon for a few episodes, I'm not saying we won't get moments in Episode 5. They do have a lot to answer in this episode, and we can't really rely on getting much Rhysha with the main story progressing. I hope the community stays together, no matter what happens. If nothing at all happens, we all have our imagination. If it really helps, I know fanfictions, such as mine, armis and Ctarl's, Cakes, and others will still be here. Maybe we'll get new material to work with in Episode 5, maybe we won't. My point being, I was only here since about 1 month after episode 2 dropped. I'd like to say, I would hate to see us fall apart and go complete mute. We may not be friends and all that close, but I think of every one of you, yes you too Rhyionas, Rhack, etc, the community that gave me entertainment, happiness, and at times concern. The fullest experience of a game is truly the community of it, the aspect that can ruin the experience or fulfill it.

    Whatever happens, we should try our hardest to flow with it, adjust, all that stuff. I have expectations for us, and just because I do doesn't really mean much. But consider the fact that we built something amazing, because that's a rarity. In my opinion, at least. To all of you, let's have a good time tomorrow!

    enter image description here

  • edited October 2015

    Great job @GrumpyDof and @nohuhuh !!!

    I like how I'm attacked by a beard :D...

    all the characters look awesome, but i cant help to note how awesome that cat looks xD...

    @Pipas, u should put this in the thread description...

    EDIT: u already did... sry

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, Remember the big project that @nohuhhuh and @Grumpydof were working on? Well, it's finished! They worked really hard to get it d

  • Just in time... :)

    MrNoodles posted: »

    Guess who's back, ladies and gentlemen... It's me. I'm back.

  • thx, man ;) <3

    So apparently 'speeches' are a thing. I don't have one. I just have a large amount of text and images in a single post. I recall this glo

  • lets look at how we evolved over time...

    first 2 days of the thread:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    around after ep 3:

    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    EPICNESS!!!!! :)

  • edited October 2015

    U forgot about me sempai D:.

    lets look at how we evolved over time... first 2 days of the thread: around after ep 3: now: EPICNESS!!!!!

  • I think you have to ask GrumpyDof if you want to be on the map.

    darko22 posted: »

    U forgot about me sempai .

  • in what way, sensei? :/

    darko22 posted: »

    U forgot about me sempai .

  • Wow havent been here for a while and this is the 1st thing i see! Its AMAZING!

    Pipas posted: »

    Hey hey, Remember the big project that @nohuhhuh and @Grumpydof were working on? Well, it's finished! They worked really hard to get it d

  • This is the best series ever! All hail Rhysha!

  • I don't have a speech like everyone else, but uhh here's something: Rubba Dub dub thanks for the love. It's been an awesome journey of laughs and fun and I hope it has only just begun. Here's hoping for a season 2 so we can go pew pew pew and if there isn't well it's been a blast and hopefully we can all look back on the past and laugh and remember all the great times we had together with Rhys and Sasha and I am proud to be a member of the ship called Rhysha.

  • So it's 11:40am in England and TFTB Ep.5 is still listed as 'Coming Soon' for me :(

    ... Guess I'll have to play LiS Ep.5 while I wait!
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