I better have enough money for CL4P-TP
This is literally the only time I will like it if he's cheap because then I can afford him.
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This is literally the only time I will like it if he's cheap because then I can afford him.
You can get him to do anything for free!. Mr. Tassiter found out that if you say you'll be his best friend he'll murder innocent couriers for your scandalous needs.
i agree claptrap is life
"Vault Hunters. Some of Zarpedon's information runners have evidence I can use to get your employer fired once this fiasco is over. I need you to get that evidence for me."
"NO! I would never betray the man who gave me the ability to climb stairs!"
"I'll be your best friend."
Hey Claptrap, go into Telltale headquarters and release the Episode right now.
Never! I wouldn't betray the game makers who have made one of my all time favorite game series!
I'll be your best friend.
(Walking into Telltale HQ like:
(Fighting the Telltale Guards like: