Ugh, double post due to the lag.
You know the forum is lagging too hard right now so I'm going to replay the shit out of this game and come back later.
I bought the plain old regular Psycho mask, so at first I thought it was some psycho bandit leader. Then I noticed his walking style, height, and mannerisms towards Rhys and it clicked immediately.
And the hair.
And the outfit.
Vaughn is HOT.
Spoiler tag! But, I agree Vaughn THERE I SAID IT!
Ugh, double post due to the lag.
You know the forum is lagging too hard right now so I'm going to replay the shit out of this game and come back later.
I would be gay for him.
I didn't even receive messages
Wecan't resist em you know
(I spoiler tagged it)
I'd go straight for this dude... 0_0
And that man bun doh
Haha Vaughn is one hell of a bro. And also a cult leader
All i could think when i saw him was "he looks like a dwarf from lord of the rings"
Still love him though
He was wearing the mask I bought for the death race, so I recognized him right away!
...I also recognized him by his abs. What a bro. A hot bro.
I just took one look at him and said "I'd recognize those abs anywhere. Vaughn!" Then he took off the mask and dat beard. He makes it work.
I bought the plain old regular Psycho mask, so at first I thought it was some psycho bandit leader. Then I noticed his walking style, height, and mannerisms towards Rhys and it clicked immediately.
Knew it was him once I saw his short stature and iron abs. Burst out in shocked laughter at his sweet new look.
The freaking ponytail!
The abs. It give him right away.
And that beard. We all knows now that beards are the main hotness for a man.
I was so happy to see Vaughn again.
Vaughn pulled a Kenny S2....and he was better at it.
Except for the beard
I'm sorry Vaughn, I love you and all, but Kenny's beard still kicks your beard's ass
Also, best priest ever.
It's funny because when I saw the Psycho I immediately thought it was Vaughn, but when he took the mask of I was so confused for a couple seconds.
Same here. I don't think they fooled anyone with the mask. Like no one in Borderlands is the same height as Vaughn...
enter link description here
vaughn totally settled into his new life, i bet him and sasha will be happy together
The moment I saw those abs (and that mask), I knew it was Vaughn.
And that beard?

I don't know if this is a reference to Jumanji, but that's what I was thinking about.
I knew it was him the second he hopped on screen. Kind of ruined the suspense, but I was really just psyched that he was alive.