Handsome Jack Ep. 5 (SPOILERS)
I gotta know, how did everyone feel about Handsome Jack AI's 'death'? I am not gonna lie, I CRIED SO HARD!!!!
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I gotta know, how did everyone feel about Handsome Jack AI's 'death'? I am not gonna lie, I CRIED SO HARD!!!!
He's not dead if you don't crush the Implant to my understanding.
Crushed him into dust.
no ragrets
I still cried lol. He is my favorite character and I had serious hopes they would bring him back in the flesh. It was emotional for me.
I couldn't crush the AI as much as he deserved it.
Actually felt some sympathy from him, until he tried to kill me again.
Then I felt kinda sorry for him again. Still ground him into a fine powder though, and it felt good.
Well at least you felt sorry for it lol
That's exactly how I felt
I can't think of many villains/antagonists that can make me feel sorry for them, then angry, then sorry for them again, and then finally glad I killed them, all over the course of about an hour
I crushed the shit out of Jack. He was an asshole. A fun asshole sure. But that fun asshole was also an evil, batshit crazy, megalomaniacal asshole and far too dangerous to leave extant. I have no regrets fun as he was.
Oh my god. That scene was so well made. I think it second only to the ending of TWD S1 in terms of great scenes from Telltale.
What happens if you chose to rule hyperion at the end of episode 4?
You rule... for like five minutes then Jack betrays you, I'm super annoyed about that.
You get to buy Pizza, get to moonshoot a bandit camp, or fire the accountants. Then Jack shows you the exoskeleton suit and says you're gonna be the first to try it out. After that Rhys gets freaked out (Depends on your choices). Then Rhys will try to leave but Jack closes the trapdoor which causes Rhys gets stuck there, I'm surprised he didn't get crushed though. Put the same scene happens if you do both choices. From what I've heard at least.
I said sorry to HJ before I crush the AI thing. I said sorry because I was killing a great villain that I have been fighting against in Borderlands 2. I said sorry, because I was also in my own way saying good bye to him.
I love his death scene here. A much more worthy and satisfying end to his character than the one he got in Borderlands 2.
IKR? It didn't even make sense. Why woudl Jakc do that? He would literally gain nothing by backstabbing Rhys? He said he would make an army of Jacks...what does it matter if Rhys is a Jack-meatsuit or not? Why throw away your only loyal ally? Jack had always been cruel and selfish, but he never struck me as a stupid man. His choice was incredibly stupid, though.
I feel that this was a truly cringe-worthy cop-out on part of TT, they should have handled that better since they decided to give that choice at the end of ep.4. I'm all for bad consequences, but this particular result made no sense, as did Rhys sudden 180 in attitude... 'I was with you on everything Jack but now suddenly I think you suck, bye!'
Yeah. I loved TFTB...I really did...but this shitty consequence was just downright awful. As a Jack fan and a fan of good writing, I feel incredibly disappointed at this.
The worst thing is it's not even 'Jack betrays you', which I guess could somehow be explained by his paranoia (though that'd still be stretching it). It's literally 'suddenly Jack thinks you'd love to get mind-wiped and die for no reason at all and doesn't get why you don't want to', and your only responses are 'I now see that u suck Jack' without a single one letting you try to reason with him, even though my Rhys always sided with Jack, and obviously knew what Jack was generally about.
To be honest, my disappointment with this turn of events was so strong I didn't enjoy this ep much at all. I felt like all the character development I did for my Rhys through various dialog options just got erased, because TT wanted to write a different story. Why give me the options before then, though? Very sad about it, too.
Such a good feeling to watch Rhys break Jack down into just a man scared of death. A fitting end for Jack.
I agree, man. I decided from the start that I would play Rhys as a loyal ally to Jack, knowing that Jack was a cruel bastard but at least was reasonable enough to not harm the people who side with him unless he gets something really good out of it. I went into the episode expecting to see what would be good enough for him to be willing to discard Rhys (who has been the loyalest of allies he could have been) only to see...this. That was not what I came for to see. That wasn't Jack for me. And even though I could understand Rhys' unwillingness to go through with his plan (because in all honesty, why should he?), the lack of an option that at least tried to reason with Jack felt really off, you are absolutely right.
I just think the writers messed up really bad here. Neither side does make any sense in the Rule Hyperion situation and that's just sad. It's like both characters lost their ability to stay reasonable at all.
Wow, it's good to know that people felt the same way that I did. I actually was really disappointed in this episode as well. I dislike that your previous choices were just thrown out of he window during the first half of episode 5. I always chose the dialogue options which were in favor of Jack, Rhys never said anything bad about him, always chose his side etc. Then suddenly in episode 5, the only options I can choose are all extremely hateful towards Jack?! It's as if the way I played Rhys didn't matter at all.
I am so glad that I am not the only one that feels this way! Everyone keeps talking about how this is the best episode but I disagree. The whole Jack betrayal was very sudden and didn't even make sense. I played my Rhys to be a Hyperion douchebag who idolizes Handsome Jack because that was how TT first introduced him. Why have the ending so different and not even matter to that?
And now since Jack is "gone" I don't see what his real purpose was in this game. He was great when he had screen time but I just felt like the whole Jack scenario at the end was a cop out. I was very disappointed and couldn't enjoy the game after that.
It was badly written, because he was talking first about his own body then in two lines he wants Rhys body. It just feels like they are trying to force you to hate Jack, which only makes me like him more. There is no conceivable reason why a master manipulator would want to kill his one loyal alley.
Yeah, the first time I played through that bit it felt so surreal I was honestly expecting a Stranger 'stop lying, tell me what really happened' interruption... But no, it was for real. Then I quit and replayed cause I thought I must have chosen the wrong answer and angered Jack, so I stayed silent... still nope, same effect.
Sigh, 90 percent of my entertainment in this game came from pro-Jack interactions, so this episode taking those entirely away from me really diminished my enjoyment, I'm genuinely upset.
I have to say, despite all of what Jack has done, all the shit he's pulled, I just couldn't kill him.
Ah ok.
Well to be fair, Jack isn't the most trustworthy person ever.
Power? Jack's a fan of that, and sharing his power forever wouldn't really be his thing.
Well here it is the ultimate fate of Jack either to finally die or be imprisoned for a while.
In my game I went with two roads.
Still one of most powerful scenes in the whole game....and that Implants removal damn....
Pssst, you want me to play this violin I forcibly mugged from some Hyperion employee?
So is it now comfirmed that Angel did kill her mom? Because it was believed that Jack may have killed her.
He can manipulate Rhys, let the ole boy think he has the power while Jack works in the background. It would make for a better move to allow Rhys to be the new, likable face of Hyperion while Jack doesn't really give up anything. Play the Bobby Fischer trap on Rhys, let him win until it's time to check mate, mate.
It all depends on how you take the canonicity of the Reddit AMA's. Handsome Jack says he killed his first wife, but we never knew if that was Angel's mother - now we do.
Personally I think he killed her but convinced Angel and everyone else otherwise (and perpetuating the lie that locking Angel up was the best thing for her), he's a master manipulator.
I am so glad other people are seeing that! My husband is just as huge of a fan as I am, and we both think it was either lazy writing, or showing the AI had a flaw in it. Like maybe Nakayama made the AI too narcissistic. I mean, like you guys have been saying, why betray an ally you can get to do everything for you?
I think maybe Angel horribly injured her mother and to protect her, might've finished the job or not get her medical attention. I've always figured that was what happened and that Angel couldn't control her powers. He could still blame her and see it as a reason why he should lock her up.
Screw youm it woulda been hilarious if I'd found it earlier. Shut up.
This makes it worse for you since have ROSE in your name
Your pic oddly makes this better