Don't do it! Don't go down that thought path. Nothing good can come from thinking about Zombie AI Jack
Hmmm... wonder if he would get along with TK Baha....
Above all handsome Jack is narcissistic, there is no way he would sacrifice his own existence with the sole aim to eliminate a lowly pleb like Rhys... He already stated he wanted to copy his AI consciousness in every body, so isn't it plausible it was only a copy that was re-downloaded to Rhys and that he still inhabits Helios... heck maybe Hyperion has other bases/facilities he has already uploaded himself to.
Very disappointed that I could not side with Jack but understand from a narrative it would diverge too much to have to write\animate it both ways. Heres hopping Jack continues to be the major antagonist going forward in the franchise, easily my favorite villain.
I was legitimately sad. I wish he had tried to put the endoskeleton in a different host than Rhys. Then they would still be friends. I felt bad for Jack, even when he tried to kill me. I kept the eye for future use in the episode, but that didn't happen so oh well. Perhaps use in season 2?
Yeah, the AI wanted to be back in his body, his real body. So, I just gotta wonder if his body was on Helios already or.... oh I just visualized nightmare fuel. O.o
I honestly think that Handsome Jack tells us the honest truth about the death of Angel's mother and that the story about he himself killing her is a lie to dissuade the curious from the true circumstances of her death. He wanted to keep Angel's powers and very existance secret (the reasons for that we can debate till ragnarok) and a mysterious death of a family member of a famous person like Handsome Jack has a tendancy to attract nosy people. But telling everyone openly that "Yup, killed her with my own two hands" ? Totally believable coming from that guy and carries the implied threat of strangulation for anyone getting too close to him or his business.
It all depends on how you take the canonicity of the Reddit AMA's. Handsome Jack says he killed his first wife, but we never knew if that wa… mores Angel's mother - now we do.
Personally I think he killed her but convinced Angel and everyone else otherwise (and perpetuating the lie that locking Angel up was the best thing for her), he's a master manipulator.
Also, the silent treatment works ok-ish for like, 5 seconds before TT makes Rhys say something rude to Jack in non-player controlled dialog. Seriously, if they weren't going to make the way Jack and Rhys have a falling-out different for pro and anti-Jack players they could have at least given Rhys some different lines, ones that actually reflect the betrayal pro-Jack Rhys should feel. You know, just some 'I helped you, why are you doing this to me!' instead of 'FU Jack'... I think it would have worked really well with the flow of the prologue and intro, and wouldn't leave me feeling all 'wtf just happened'.
It would seem like an uncharacteristically stupid move not to back yourself up in an off base server. Heck, I back up everything and what's on my computers is less valuable than my life.
The whole idea of sticking his body in the robot skeleton was made before he ended up dying during the events of BL2. He was expecting to rule Hyperion until he died of old age... or died from a heart attack during a mad session of sex or something, so they'd be able to preserve his body while they figured out how to jam the skeleton into it and upload the AI into it. Him getting his ass kicked, and then killed inside of a volcano... was not part of the plan.
Eh, I don't think it was a dumb move either. He just made the best of a shitty situation, a whole bunch of people were going to die regardless of what happened.
I'd say killing hundreds(?) (thousands?) of people is justified when stopping a dictator who has no issue wiping out planets. I mean, within minutes of taking back power he either jettisons people out an airlock or indiscriminately bombs a city, he had plans to kill mass amounts of people to use their corpses as soldiers to kill more people, and we see him straight up execute a guy for not knowing who Rhys (1 out of thousands of employees) is off the top of his head. If Rhys didn't kill Jack and those people on Hyperion then there's a decent chance no one would.
He chose to cause mass death rather than an eternity of misery and death. He had a shitty situation, given his option he took the highest moral ground that was available.
Eh, Lenin is still preserved pretty well in Moscow while Kim Jong-il and Kim Il-sung are preserved as well. I'd imagine Jack is preserved and stored somewhere, I'm honestly surprised we didn't see his corpse on the tour.
I was thinking...wouldn't his body be like decomposed or something? I mean some time has passed from his death or does he stay Handsome forever?
Obviously stays Handsome forever
I didn't want to do it.............but I REALLY didn't want Jack to come back and kill Rhys and/or the others, so I sacrificed one hero for another. (jk about the hero thing)
Eh, Lenin is still preserved pretty well in Moscow while Kim Jong-il and Kim Il-sung are preserved as well. I'd imagine Jack is preserved and stored somewhere, I'm honestly surprised we didn't see his corpse on the tour.
I... don't really know why I kept him. Through the entire series, I was against him. And I only ever listened to him when he told me not to tell Fiona and Sasha about him. That's still tearing me up, that I lied to only the girls when I told them everything else.
Jack's a terrible person, but there's just that bit of good in him that makes him interesting.
Maybe I didn't destroy him cause I played Undertale, and that I still don't know everything about him.
But then there's the idea that I gave him the same fate he gave his daughter. Trapped, being used, and then forgotten again. And now I feel like shit, hoo boy.
But, I still wanna know where it is? I mean, it's seriously eating at my mind right now! I still am one of those theorists that think you didn't kill Handsome Jack at the end of BL2. That, and if that was the plan, why did it not go through? The beginning of Tales seems to be at least a couple of months after BL2. That should be pleanty of time to get the body off of Pandora and create RoboJack. This is why it's eating at me!!! >.< It could be proof that the real Handsome Jack didn't die, or it could end the theory all together. I WANNA KNOW!!!!!! lol
The whole idea of sticking his body in the robot skeleton was made before he ended up dying during the events of BL2. He was expecting to ru… morele Hyperion until he died of old age... or died from a heart attack during a mad session of sex or something, so they'd be able to preserve his body while they figured out how to jam the skeleton into it and upload the AI into it. Him getting his ass kicked, and then killed inside of a volcano... was not part of the plan.
I... don't really know why I kept him. Through the entire series, I was against him. And I only ever listened to him when he told me not to … moretell Fiona and Sasha about him. That's still tearing me up, that I lied to only the girls when I told them everything else.
Jack's a terrible person, but there's just that bit of good in him that makes him interesting.
Maybe I didn't destroy him cause I played Undertale, and that I still don't know everything about him.
But then there's the idea that I gave him the same fate he gave his daughter. Trapped, being used, and then forgotten again. And now I feel like shit, hoo boy.
Hope he rots in hell. tho to be fair i don't want to kill not because i think he is a tragic man or anything like that no i would kill him with out even hesitating but the fact once he dead he wont ever show up again to be a great villain. It like the joker every one says he should be killed but if it actually happened then we have no more great story's with him and no one wants that.
As much as I feel he's a terrible monster that should die ASAP and after all the hours I was battling with his loaders in Borderlands 2, I still felt somewhat sad for him. I am really sad whenever he says ''There's absolutely nothing there'' refering to the afterlife, which is pretty interesting by the way. But I got that Handsome Jack out of my system.
But I kept the echo-eye. I don't even know why. :S
Jack is one of my favorite characters and favorite villain of all time. This made me cry. I know his backstory, it really was betrayal. He considered the people his friends, and has dwelled on betrayal ever since.
I digress, this made me cry. The option to keep or save him was obviously to save him for me. But knowing it's a choice, I don't see ANY way he could be Borderlands' main villain now. Helios has crashed aswell, and all of the Hyperion workers are peaceful people who don't have any sort of fighting tactics but to hope nobody figures out they are defenseless. So knowing Jack probably won't come back (Unless there's some sort of use for him in Season 2 or Borderlands 3 for a side quest or something.) just makes me sad man. Just cause how sorry I feel for him
It makes me wonder what 'there' is. I mean if being dead is, well dead, there would be no there or the act of remembering that there is nothing. and "they lied". That is..possibly interesting, or could be, but I think they will shine over that foreshadowing. They have done a lot of that.
The part he was like "There's nothing there Rhys, don't do this to me."
I cried really hard and for a long time ;_____: TT^TT
I actually felt sorry for him at that moment-
Well, that's a very philosophical issue, isn't it... If it was possible to make an exact copy of your brain, wouldn't that copy be right in claiming it was as much 'you' as you yourself?
He also didn't have a choice, he had to destroy the source of power to survive. And as you said, Jack would have likely killed most of the employees and many others had he been allowed to live.
I'd say killing hundreds(?) (thousands?) of people is justified when stopping a dictator who has no issue wiping out planets. I mean, within… more minutes of taking back power he either jettisons people out an airlock or indiscriminately bombs a city, he had plans to kill mass amounts of people to use their corpses as soldiers to kill more people, and we see him straight up execute a guy for not knowing who Rhys (1 out of thousands of employees) is off the top of his head. If Rhys didn't kill Jack and those people on Hyperion then there's a decent chance no one would.
He chose to cause mass death rather than an eternity of misery and death. He had a shitty situation, given his option he took the highest moral ground that was available.
there is no way he would sacrifice his own existence with the sole aim to eliminate a lowly pleb like Rhys
He already has done that you know, and he always did when his plans didn't go the way he wanted. Perfect example: Just after Angel died what did he did? Simply digistruct himself in Control Core Angel with only a gun and a Collar for Lilith. If it wasn't because this was a cutscene and we didn't had control over our Vault Hunters he would have died in less than a minute. He digistructed himself in a room with 5 Vault Hunters, one veteran Vault Hunter and the most powerful being in Pandora with only a gun.
Handsome Jack wouldn't simply die without putting up a fight, shit, that's literally the ending of Borderlands 2. He KNEW he was going to die, but he did everything he could do to kill the Vault Hunters. And he fought and even after losing the fight he summoned the Warrior. But destiny is a bitch and he was destined to die. And it did happened.
This scene with Rhys is BY FAR the most canon way for Handsome Jack to go again. He wanted to be back in Helios so he could go with his plan in case the real Handsome Jack died. Whenever Rhys was completely submissive or in complete denial of being with Handsome Jack AI and using his help it did not matter in the end, because Jack's plan was to get back to helios and eliminate Rhys. He wouldn't simply share his fame, his power to a tool like Rhys no matter if the kid was good to him. He betrayed Rhys just like he betrayed the first four Vault Hunters. The moment the tools weren't needed anymore he disposed of them.
EP5 is either Rhys' sudden realization that he was used and Jack isn't who he tought he was (just like Jack said), or his escape plan depending on if you accepted or rejected Hyperion. As much as i and the other players wanted to be with Jack we couldn't, because Rhys did not wanted to be part of it. And that's were you understand that you are not Rhys. (And Shit! Rhys' character development is amazing!)
I haven't played the Borderlands series, so I thought maybe one of those who betrayed him or even his 'grandmother' (?) told him there's a lot of things or somethings on the other side.
It makes me wonder what 'there' is. I mean if being dead is, well dead, there would be no there or the act of remembering that there is noth… moreing. and "they lied". That is..possibly interesting, or could be, but I think they will shine over that foreshadowing. They have done a lot of that.
It's complete nightmare fuel!!! I may not sleep tonight! >.>
Above all handsome Jack is narcissistic, there is no way he would sacrifice his own existence with the sole aim to eliminate a lowly pleb like Rhys... He already stated he wanted to copy his AI consciousness in every body, so isn't it plausible it was only a copy that was re-downloaded to Rhys and that he still inhabits Helios... heck maybe Hyperion has other bases/facilities he has already uploaded himself to.
Very disappointed that I could not side with Jack but understand from a narrative it would diverge too much to have to write\animate it both ways. Heres hopping Jack continues to be the major antagonist going forward in the franchise, easily my favorite villain.
I was legitimately sad. I wish he had tried to put the endoskeleton in a different host than Rhys. Then they would still be friends. I felt bad for Jack, even when he tried to kill me. I kept the eye for future use in the episode, but that didn't happen so oh well. Perhaps use in season 2?
I was thinking...wouldn't his body be like decomposed or something? I mean some time has passed from his death or does he stay Handsome forever?
Obviously stays Handsome forever
I honestly think that Handsome Jack tells us the honest truth about the death of Angel's mother and that the story about he himself killing her is a lie to dissuade the curious from the true circumstances of her death. He wanted to keep Angel's powers and very existance secret (the reasons for that we can debate till ragnarok) and a mysterious death of a family member of a famous person like Handsome Jack has a tendancy to attract nosy people. But telling everyone openly that "Yup, killed her with my own two hands" ? Totally believable coming from that guy and carries the implied threat of strangulation for anyone getting too close to him or his business.
Also, the silent treatment works ok-ish for like, 5 seconds before TT makes Rhys say something rude to Jack in non-player controlled dialog.
Seriously, if they weren't going to make the way Jack and Rhys have a falling-out different for pro and anti-Jack players they could have at least given Rhys some different lines, ones that actually reflect the betrayal pro-Jack Rhys should feel. You know, just some 'I helped you, why are you doing this to me!' instead of 'FU Jack'... I think it would have worked really well with the flow of the prologue and intro, and wouldn't leave me feeling all 'wtf just happened'.
It would seem like an uncharacteristically stupid move not to back yourself up in an off base server. Heck, I back up everything and what's on my computers is less valuable than my life.
The whole idea of sticking his body in the robot skeleton was made before he ended up dying during the events of BL2. He was expecting to rule Hyperion until he died of old age... or died from a heart attack during a mad session of sex or something, so they'd be able to preserve his body while they figured out how to jam the skeleton into it and upload the AI into it. Him getting his ass kicked, and then killed inside of a volcano... was not part of the plan.
Eh, I don't think it was a dumb move either. He just made the best of a shitty situation, a whole bunch of people were going to die regardless of what happened.
I'd say killing hundreds(?) (thousands?) of people is justified when stopping a dictator who has no issue wiping out planets. I mean, within minutes of taking back power he either jettisons people out an airlock or indiscriminately bombs a city, he had plans to kill mass amounts of people to use their corpses as soldiers to kill more people, and we see him straight up execute a guy for not knowing who Rhys (1 out of thousands of employees) is off the top of his head. If Rhys didn't kill Jack and those people on Hyperion then there's a decent chance no one would.
He chose to cause mass death rather than an eternity of misery and death. He had a shitty situation, given his option he took the highest moral ground that was available.
Not at all, they'd just be a robotic extension of Jack.
Eh, Lenin is still preserved pretty well in Moscow while Kim Jong-il and Kim Il-sung are preserved as well. I'd imagine Jack is preserved and stored somewhere, I'm honestly surprised we didn't see his corpse on the tour.
I didn't even flinch. The instant I saw the option I went for it. There was no way that I was gonna give him the chance to ever possibly come back.
I didn't want to do it.............but I REALLY didn't want Jack to come back and kill Rhys and/or the others, so I sacrificed one hero for another. (jk about the hero thing)
Lenin was preserved surprisingly well. Mao Zedong...not so much.
I... don't really know why I kept him. Through the entire series, I was against him. And I only ever listened to him when he told me not to tell Fiona and Sasha about him. That's still tearing me up, that I lied to only the girls when I told them everything else.
Jack's a terrible person, but there's just that bit of good in him that makes him interesting.
Maybe I didn't destroy him cause I played Undertale, and that I still don't know everything about him.
But then there's the idea that I gave him the same fate he gave his daughter. Trapped, being used, and then forgotten again. And now I feel like shit, hoo boy.
i could never kill him.... he is my hero!
<-- thats what i was thinking
come on rhys give him your body dude
But, I still wanna know where it is? I mean, it's seriously eating at my mind right now! I still am one of those theorists that think you didn't kill Handsome Jack at the end of BL2. That, and if that was the plan, why did it not go through? The beginning of Tales seems to be at least a couple of months after BL2. That should be pleanty of time to get the body off of Pandora and create RoboJack. This is why it's eating at me!!! >.< It could be proof that the real Handsome Jack didn't die, or it could end the theory all together. I WANNA KNOW!!!!!! lol
The pain, it won't stop... I keep remembering all the awesome moments we had together and my heart literally aches ;_;
It wasn't enough time...
See ya, kiddo.
Like CL4P-TP said, it's gonna be a while before I get over it...
The part he was like "There's nothing there Rhys, don't do this to me."
I cried really hard and for a long time ;_____: TT^TT
I actually felt sorry for him at that moment-
',:) We got that ironic twist to his fate at least.
The feels trip will be over soon enough, until BL3 finds a way to make me feel worse about my decision/ finds another way to rip my heart out.
Hope he rots in hell. tho to be fair i don't want to kill not because i think he is a tragic man or anything like that no i would kill him with out even hesitating but the fact once he dead he wont ever show up again to be a great villain. It like the joker every one says he should be killed but if it actually happened then we have no more great story's with him and no one wants that.
As much as I feel he's a terrible monster that should die ASAP and after all the hours I was battling with his loaders in Borderlands 2, I still felt somewhat sad for him. I am really sad whenever he says ''There's absolutely nothing there'' refering to the afterlife, which is pretty interesting by the way. But I got that Handsome Jack out of my system.
But I kept the echo-eye. I don't even know why. :S
"Hey. HEY! I'm on my knees here!"
Jack is one of my favorite characters and favorite villain of all time. This made me cry. I know his backstory, it really was betrayal. He considered the people his friends, and has dwelled on betrayal ever since.
I digress, this made me cry. The option to keep or save him was obviously to save him for me. But knowing it's a choice, I don't see ANY way he could be Borderlands' main villain now. Helios has crashed aswell, and all of the Hyperion workers are peaceful people who don't have any sort of fighting tactics but to hope nobody figures out they are defenseless. So knowing Jack probably won't come back (Unless there's some sort of use for him in Season 2 or Borderlands 3 for a side quest or something.) just makes me sad man. Just cause how sorry I feel for him
It makes me wonder what 'there' is. I mean if being dead is, well dead, there would be no there or the act of remembering that there is nothing. and "they lied". That is..possibly interesting, or could be, but I think they will shine over that foreshadowing. They have done a lot of that.
My Rhys killed Jack.
He wasn't the real Jack anyway.
Which is why from nothingness he came to nothingness he returns.
Well, that is a good point. Still made me cry, tho. It was emotional for me
Well, that's a very philosophical issue, isn't it... If it was possible to make an exact copy of your brain, wouldn't that copy be right in claiming it was as much 'you' as you yourself?
He also didn't have a choice, he had to destroy the source of power to survive. And as you said, Jack would have likely killed most of the employees and many others had he been allowed to live.
I enjoyed every second and replayed that moment just for the joy
I love Jack. He is one of my favourite characters and favourite villains ever, but damn, he really needed to die for good. Bye bye, rest in pieces.
lol i was thinking less mobile
He already has done that you know, and he always did when his plans didn't go the way he wanted. Perfect example: Just after Angel died what did he did? Simply digistruct himself in Control Core Angel with only a gun and a Collar for Lilith. If it wasn't because this was a cutscene and we didn't had control over our Vault Hunters he would have died in less than a minute. He digistructed himself in a room with 5 Vault Hunters, one veteran Vault Hunter and the most powerful being in Pandora with only a gun.
Handsome Jack wouldn't simply die without putting up a fight, shit, that's literally the ending of Borderlands 2. He KNEW he was going to die, but he did everything he could do to kill the Vault Hunters. And he fought and even after losing the fight he summoned the Warrior. But destiny is a bitch and he was destined to die. And it did happened.
This scene with Rhys is BY FAR the most canon way for Handsome Jack to go again. He wanted to be back in Helios so he could go with his plan in case the real Handsome Jack died. Whenever Rhys was completely submissive or in complete denial of being with Handsome Jack AI and using his help it did not matter in the end, because Jack's plan was to get back to helios and eliminate Rhys. He wouldn't simply share his fame, his power to a tool like Rhys no matter if the kid was good to him. He betrayed Rhys just like he betrayed the first four Vault Hunters. The moment the tools weren't needed anymore he disposed of them.
EP5 is either Rhys' sudden realization that he was used and Jack isn't who he tought he was (just like Jack said), or his escape plan depending on if you accepted or rejected Hyperion. As much as i and the other players wanted to be with Jack we couldn't, because Rhys did not wanted to be part of it. And that's were you understand that you are not Rhys. (And Shit! Rhys' character development is amazing!)
I haven't played the Borderlands series, so I thought maybe one of those who betrayed him or even his 'grandmother' (?) told him there's a lot of things or somethings on the other side.
Still the feels ;__;