Ep 2 Waiting Thread - Now available. Trouble downloading Ep 2? First post shows where to get help.



  • Probably once the season is finished

    Alright so I am a little worried about Wii U and Vita Version. Episode Two is almost underway and the Wii U and Vita don't even have a release date announced yet. Does anyone besides me feel concerned?

  • They've hinted they will release the Season as a whole on Vita after completion.

    Alright so I am a little worried about Wii U and Vita Version. Episode Two is almost underway and the Wii U and Vita don't even have a release date announced yet. Does anyone besides me feel concerned?

  • Minecraft story mode is my first telltale game. I know I know I know I'm terrible. This game so far is really good in my opinion. I really can't wait for episode 2, My next step is to play the Game of Thrones they came out with.Telltale games can make awesome video games!!! ^_^

  • You came at a pretty good time then, Game of Thrones final episode is out on November 17th. Have fun with their other games.

    Minecraft story mode is my first telltale game. I know I know I know I'm terrible. This game so far is really good in my opinion. I really c

  • Excellent point to begin, my friend. :)

    Minecraft story mode is my first telltale game. I know I know I know I'm terrible. This game so far is really good in my opinion. I really c

  • Since Game of Thrones Episode 6 releases on Nov 17, that crosses out that date for Minecraft Episode 2 since Telltale won't do two episodes on the same day. That leaves November 24th as the most likely date (assuming Telltale sticks to their original plan), since I did some quick Google searching and found out Tales from the Borderlands Episode 1 was released last year on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, so digital stores should hopefully still update around then as long as they stick to updating on Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • I think it's gonna be either the 10th or 24th.

    More likely 24th

    Since Game of Thrones Episode 6 releases on Nov 17, that crosses out that date for Minecraft Episode 2 since Telltale won't do two episodes

  • Thread: Episode 2

    when is Episode 2 coming out as i dont want to wait long as i only played Episode 1

  • I want relase dáte for Android... Do U know? :-)

  • I strongly recommend Tales From The Borderlands, too. The finale was just released. Welcome aboard!

    Minecraft story mode is my first telltale game. I know I know I know I'm terrible. This game so far is really good in my opinion. I really c

  • edited October 2015

    Wait, what? They delayed GoT... wasn't it scheduled for an Oct 27th release? Or am I just crazy?

    Since Game of Thrones Episode 6 releases on Nov 17, that crosses out that date for Minecraft Episode 2 since Telltale won't do two episodes

  • It was never scheduled for any release - you're crazy.

    AChicken posted: »

    Wait, what? They delayed GoT... wasn't it scheduled for an Oct 27th release? Or am I just crazy?

  • Don't forget to try Tales from the Borderlands!

    Minecraft story mode is my first telltale game. I know I know I know I'm terrible. This game so far is really good in my opinion. I really c

  • How are they releasing it that quickly, 119 insufferable days for GoT Episode 6 !

  • Thread: Episode 2

    what day will it come out?? anyone know?

  • Telltale said October would be a "Mega Month" with Minecraft on the 13th, TFTB on the 20th, as well as BTTF Remastered, so everyone just assumed GoT would be on the 27th

    AChicken posted: »

    Wait, what? They delayed GoT... wasn't it scheduled for an Oct 27th release? Or am I just crazy?

  • edited October 2015

    Telltale take your time. Because I was actually expecting more from Minecraft story mode.

  • when is episode 2 coming out ???

  • Yea same here. I found that the story and game wasn't as detailed as I had hoped it would be.

    ali-qw8 posted: »

    Telltale take your time. Because I was actually expecting more from Minecraft story mode.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited October 2015

    It looks like the episode 2 trailer could be finished.

    enter image description here

  • LOL, for a second I thought our Reuben would be the villain. :D

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It looks like the episode 2 trailer could be finished. https://twitter.com/jobjstauffer/status/657416426861391873

  • Okay! raise your hand if you think its coming out November 10th or even 3rd because after this update I'm a believer!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It looks like the episode 2 trailer could be finished. https://twitter.com/jobjstauffer/status/657416426861391873

  • I didn't I knew it would be bad and have not been disappointed.

    ali-qw8 posted: »

    Telltale take your time. Because I was actually expecting more from Minecraft story mode.

  • Only 10 days gone...


    TooSOON ;)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It looks like the episode 2 trailer could be finished. https://twitter.com/jobjstauffer/status/657416426861391873

  • hahah and you believe them? how sweet =]

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Telltale's head of creative communications Job Stauffer said in a interview that they are hoping to release before American thanksgiving which falls on November 26 so hopefully we don't need to wait too long.

  • [removed]

    Minecraft story mode is my first telltale game. I know I know I know I'm terrible. This game so far is really good in my opinion. I really c

  • The moment when Minecraft already released its 2nd episode and GoT still hasn't released its final episode yet. : /

    Okay! raise your hand if you think its coming out November 10th or even 3rd because after this update I'm a believer!

  • I really like Reuben's character so far, so it'll be interesting to see how that turns out.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It looks like the episode 2 trailer could be finished. https://twitter.com/jobjstauffer/status/657416426861391873

  • It's almost like when GoT got two episodes compared to TftB's one episode :U

    The moment when Minecraft already released its 2nd episode and GoT still hasn't released its final episode yet. : /

  • There's a trailer coming out so soon? o___o Telltale's breaking their rules of soon, this is not normal I'm a little scared.

  • Minecraft story mode's villain is pee wee herman, I dig it

  • It's pretty crazy how fast this series seems to be coming along. I don't think even any old Telltale series (with a genuine monthly schedule) had a trailer near completion this early.

  • Ok this kinda worries. The 1st episode came out 10 days ago and theres already a trailer?! Ok...I really hope they aren't rushing on this one. Or were they already in the progress of making episode 2 when they were still releasing episode 1?

  • I feel that they were in the process of making episode 2 when they were still releasing episode 1.

    But I don't know how or why they are so quick with Minecraft. It really makes me feel scared and nervous. I am not used to this.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Ok this kinda worries. The 1st episode came out 10 days ago and theres already a trailer?! Ok...I really hope they aren't rushing on this one. Or were they already in the progress of making episode 2 when they were still releasing episode 1?

  • edited October 2015

    Ya but i think they know what they are doing. Maybe they just don't want unlimited amount kids saying "WHERES THE NEXT EPISODE?!" :P

    I feel that they were in the process of making episode 2 when they were still releasing episode 1. But I don't know how or why they are so quick with Minecraft. It really makes me feel scared and nervous. I am not used to this.

  • edited October 2015

    I have seen a lot of negative reviews on Steam, but do you know how generally the kids reacted to the game?

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Ya but i think they know what they are doing. Maybe they just don't want unlimited amount kids saying "WHERES THE NEXT EPISODE?!" :P

  • If you take a look at the animations from this game, you can see that it's not that complex to make them. There's not too many things to animate, and it doesn't cost a lot of time. It's kind of like that:

    2 bendable arms, 2 bendable legs, a bendable body, a head, a mouth (the easiest i suppose).

    There's the Wither Storm though

    I feel that they were in the process of making episode 2 when they were still releasing episode 1. But I don't know how or why they are so quick with Minecraft. It really makes me feel scared and nervous. I am not used to this.

  • So, how much time will it take to we have the trailer?

  • edited October 2015

    This is obviously a guess, but I think we'll get the trailer either Next week or the week after.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    So, how much time will it take to we have the trailer?

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