rhyiona lives guys ^ arent you happy ? omg the last episode i cant belive telltale give us the option of saying that he likes somebody else i will die happy now and sorry for my bad english XD asfhfj OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHHH TOT
It seriously made my week. I'd been having some pretty crappy days and then BAM, this. Couldn't believe they actually kept these lines, seemed too good to be true.
Glad you guys liked my video!
While I should of expected this, someone got mad I didn't go with a ship they like! If you want a chuckle or two, here you go.
Glad you guys liked my video!
While I should of expected this, someone got mad I didn't go with a ship they like! If you want a chuckle or two, here you go.
Hi folks,
I have something I need to get off my chest...I'm not a Rhyiona(?) shipper. Not because I don't think they're cute together or that there love is fated in the stars. As a lifelong geek and author my self I have seen every possible coupling and pairing media and literature can produce. Everything about their feudship (friendship feud) screams to the long ago forgotten 12 year old version of me that these two characters are "meant for each other". The reason I don't ship them is simply that I've fought the longest hardest battle a shipper can fight...that's right kids. My OTP is Spuffy, (google it to see my pain.) Roughly 12 years I've let Joss Whedon treat my heart like a punching bag. If I allow myself to ship any more works of fiction I could die. Now the only characters I root for romantically are the ones I write and Deadpool/Tacos.
My problem is that I dig TT and what they've done...mostly. I also dig Borderlands and was looking forward to seeing a little more story added to the game. So I start playing and Fiona shows up and I naturally think "Okay, here's the love interest...and her kid sister." So I go along with the program for a while and eventually I see a chance to get buddy buddy with Sasha. She happens to remind me of my own kid sister so I go out of my way to be sweet to her...not flirty, sweet. All of a sudden everyone's accusing me of wanting to give her the old robot hand. Now as I said I don't ship Rhyiona due to past wounds, but I certainly don't want Rhys to wind up with a immature little girl who has a weird thing for guns. I mostly think she's just a poorly written character. What I'm trying to say is in a game from a developer that is fashioning itself as a choose your own adventure maker; It would be nice if you could actually make choices, besides having said choice rammed down your throat. That is the last time I ever give a girl a flower and or joke with her about stealth tactics. Thank you for taking the time to read this...and if anyone has any Rhyiona artwork/fan videos/fanfiction I wouldn't absolutely hate having a link forwarded to me...or whatever.
P.S. Don't judge me, I'm not on a deadline right now.
Well, you have an option at the end of making it clear that you're just friends with her if you wanna take that route. You can't choose Fiona if you got too chummy with her (specifically if you gave her the flower -- that takes the option away automatically) but you can still clarify you meant everything in a platonic way if that helps.
Hi folks,
I have something I need to get off my chest...I'm not a Rhyiona(?) shipper. Not because I don't think they're cute together or th… moreat there love is fated in the stars. As a lifelong geek and author my self I have seen every possible coupling and pairing media and literature can produce. Everything about their feudship (friendship feud) screams to the long ago forgotten 12 year old version of me that these two characters are "meant for each other". The reason I don't ship them is simply that I've fought the longest hardest battle a shipper can fight...that's right kids. My OTP is Spuffy, (google it to see my pain.) Roughly 12 years I've let Joss Whedon treat my heart like a punching bag. If I allow myself to ship any more works of fiction I could die. Now the only characters I root for romantically are the ones I write and Deadpool/Tacos.
My problem is that I dig TT and what they've done...mostly. I also dig Borderlands and was loo… [view original content]
Hi folks,
I have something I need to get off my chest...I'm not a Rhyiona(?) shipper. Not because I don't think they're cute together or th… moreat there love is fated in the stars. As a lifelong geek and author my self I have seen every possible coupling and pairing media and literature can produce. Everything about their feudship (friendship feud) screams to the long ago forgotten 12 year old version of me that these two characters are "meant for each other". The reason I don't ship them is simply that I've fought the longest hardest battle a shipper can fight...that's right kids. My OTP is Spuffy, (google it to see my pain.) Roughly 12 years I've let Joss Whedon treat my heart like a punching bag. If I allow myself to ship any more works of fiction I could die. Now the only characters I root for romantically are the ones I write and Deadpool/Tacos.
My problem is that I dig TT and what they've done...mostly. I also dig Borderlands and was loo… [view original content]
Glad you guys liked my video!
While I should of expected this, someone got mad I didn't go with a ship they like! If you want a chuckle or two, here you go.
Glad you guys liked my video!
While I should of expected this, someone got mad I didn't go with a ship they like! If you want a chuckle or two, here you go.
Can't you just remove their comments? Make your section a cleaner place.
That or link them here, let's see if they're still saying no one wants Rhyiona lmaooo
Okay folks, I finished the game up today and afterwards, went online to go learn more about alternate paths and other such things. I read something about Rhys expressing feelings for Fiona? How's that work? Can I get something in detail? Along with Fiona's response to this?
Glad you guys liked my video!
While I should of expected this, someone got mad I didn't go with a ship they like! If you want a chuckle or two, here you go.
Okay folks, I finished the game up today and afterwards, went online to go learn more about alternate paths and other such things. I read so… moremething about Rhys expressing feelings for Fiona? How's that work? Can I get something in detail? Along with Fiona's response to this?
We found Roxi! We had to set up a trap and we finally got her! She is acting normal, no serious injuries or anything. Things have been going quite, better lately.
In order to get the dialog you have to tell Rhys to stay away from Sasha. Also, If you gave Sasha the flower or not depends on it as well.
Fiona doesn't really say anything when he hints that he likes her but she does pick up on it.
Same, I've been having a pretty crappy month then I played Tales from the Borderlands Episode 5 and it made it all better. I was so so happy to hear the lines that they kept.
It seriously made my week. I'd been having some pretty crappy days and then BAM, this. Couldn't believe they actually kept these lines, seemed too good to be true.
Man it's almost 4 AM and just now I've finished the episode I know I'm crazy but life's a bitch and doesn't give me free time during school so... since I've already finished the episode too late there's no point in saying my thoughts , decisions and stuff but there's my question that's gonna bother us for atleast 2 years from now on : Will there be a sequel or will we receive the TWAU treatment . also did anyone replay because in the decisions it said that you shipped Rhysha when you actually didn't ?
I couldn't stop thinking about these two crazy kids and I kind of ended up writing a little snippet of what could possibly take place after the teleport.
Rhys liked to think of himself as somewhat tech savvy, he could hack into most systems he came across. Teleportation though was not a field he was familiar with. He couldn't tell you whether the effect worked as a field encompassing you and any matter within said field and it then transported you as one big mass of matter; or whether every single atom in your body was torn apart and then stitched back together on the other side. As he came to with something soft pressed into his side though he hazarded a guess it must be the latter. It felt as if not all of his brain had made the journey and he'd open his eyes to see a great big pink chunk of his cerebellum lying beside him.
He struggled to open his eyes and was surprised at what he saw, stars. Not just any stars though, shooting stars; they streaked across the sky and left brilliant trails behind them in the atmosphere that lasted for what seemed like an eternity. He turned to the right and recognized what was pressed up against his side, Fiona. Specifically a certain area of Fiona he was pretty sure she hadn't intended to press up against him.
He immediately (he only lingered for a second) rolled over and jumped up to his feet, (Glad not to feel any brain matter under his boots.) causing her body to fall and land unceremoniously on her face. The motion jolted her awake and after a few seconds she lifted her head off the ground and through squinted eyes took in their surroundings. He could see the uncertainty of the situation in her green eyes. Finally her eyes found his and that look of trepidation turned into a half hearted smile as she rolled onto her back.
"Did we get the treasure?"
Rhys folded his arms and smirked.
"Oh…oh yeah, it was great big diamond; and the shock of seeing it was so powerful that you and I passed out and sleptwalked to this barren desert."
Fiona made a huffing sound as she began brushing the dust off her fine clothes.
"I guess we better go look for everyone else."
Rhys took that as his cue to be a gentleman, he came to her side and held out his cybernetic hand while looking out away from where they'd landed. He was slightly shocked when he felt soft, warm fingers grip his own flesh and blood hand. He looked back at her and saw that she had reached farther in order to grab his actual hand.
Why wouldn't she just grab the one offered? It was stronger than his own for sure. He was pretty certain it wasn't due to an aversion to robotics in general because if that was the case she wouldn't associate with synthetics like LB and Gortys.
He just couldn't figure out why she would prefer to grab the hand that could feel warmth, that could feel those tiny almost imperceptible hairs on the back of her hand, could feel the thump of her heart through the pulse point on her wrist; or those cool glossy fingernails. All these thoughts swirling through his head meant that when Fiona attempted to lift herself up he failed to provide an adequate counter pull and he ended up tumbling forward, landing right on top of her.
Their heads would have smacked together were it not for the brim of her hat, instead it got knocked off and they found themselves staring into each others eyes. Stunned silence followed for several seconds, for a moment both of their faces came a centimeter closer until Fiona's eyes widened.
"What is that?"
Rhys opened his slightly pursed lips and came out of the moment.
"Huh, what is what?"
Fiona pushed him off and sprung to her feet, waving her hand back at him.
"Whatever was just attempting to dig a hole through my hip!"
Rhys laughed awkwardly, holding up his hands in surrender before reaching into his pocket. He struggled to remove it's contents as Fiona glared a hole into his already sore brain. He could almost swear the arm that contained her derringer pistol was twitching. Finally with way too much effort he managed to dislodge the item that had come between them.
"See, it's just my stun baton!"
His smile was so sincere and very unRhys that Fiona almost let it go…almost.
"Well, unless you want to be pulling that out of somewhere very uncomfortable, you better keep it that way mister."
She smirked after saying this and put her hand to her side, cocking her hip out slightly. Rhys nervously chuckled.
"Well at least now we know it can't get any worse...right."
That's when they heard the sound of a gun hammer being cocked.
The End.
P.S. I know were allowed to post fan stuff, but let me know if it should be put in a different format.
Man it's almost 4 AM and just now I've finished the episode I know I'm crazy but life's a bitch and doesn't give me free time during school … moreso... since I've already finished the episode too late there's no point in saying my thoughts , decisions and stuff but there's my question that's gonna bother us for atleast 2 years from now on : Will there be a sequel or will we receive the TWAU treatment . also did anyone replay because in the decisions it said that you shipped Rhysha when you actually didn't ?
We've been celebrating since Tuesday.
Thanks Paul c:
You're the best
enter link description here
It seriously made my week. I'd been having some pretty crappy days and then BAM, this. Couldn't believe they actually kept these lines, seemed too good to be true.
I'll feed Janey to the Kraggons
Glad I could be of a use!
ruthless i see
Oh god what did you give to her?
Anything to get Athena in bed
lmao not really
Glad you guys liked my video!
While I should of expected this, someone got mad I didn't go with a ship they like! If you want a chuckle or two, here you go.
WOW think of Janey smh
You didn't see a comment of "Handsome Fish"? Damn
You should see some of the comments on the vid I made about the Rhyiona option in Episode 5. :v
EDIT: Subscribed, liked and favorited. 8)
You didn't ask help from our God Rhyiona.
Hi folks,
I have something I need to get off my chest...I'm not a Rhyiona(?) shipper. Not because I don't think they're cute together or that there love is fated in the stars. As a lifelong geek and author my self I have seen every possible coupling and pairing media and literature can produce. Everything about their feudship (friendship feud) screams to the long ago forgotten 12 year old version of me that these two characters are "meant for each other". The reason I don't ship them is simply that I've fought the longest hardest battle a shipper can fight...that's right kids. My OTP is Spuffy, (google it to see my pain.) Roughly 12 years I've let Joss Whedon treat my heart like a punching bag. If I allow myself to ship any more works of fiction I could die. Now the only characters I root for romantically are the ones I write and Deadpool/Tacos.
My problem is that I dig TT and what they've done...mostly. I also dig Borderlands and was looking forward to seeing a little more story added to the game. So I start playing and Fiona shows up and I naturally think "Okay, here's the love interest...and her kid sister." So I go along with the program for a while and eventually I see a chance to get buddy buddy with Sasha. She happens to remind me of my own kid sister so I go out of my way to be sweet to her...not flirty, sweet. All of a sudden everyone's accusing me of wanting to give her the old robot hand. Now as I said I don't ship Rhyiona due to past wounds, but I certainly don't want Rhys to wind up with a immature little girl who has a weird thing for guns. I mostly think she's just a poorly written character. What I'm trying to say is in a game from a developer that is fashioning itself as a choose your own adventure maker; It would be nice if you could actually make choices, besides having said choice rammed down your throat. That is the last time I ever give a girl a flower and or joke with her about stealth tactics. Thank you for taking the time to read this...and if anyone has any Rhyiona artwork/fan videos/fanfiction I wouldn't absolutely hate having a link forwarded to me...or whatever.
P.S. Don't judge me, I'm not on a deadline right now.
Oh for...
You left some comments?
I saw it just now; it's in the first part!
Poor you. :')
Well, on your video anyway!
Well, you have an option at the end of making it clear that you're just friends with her if you wanna take that route. You can't choose Fiona if you got too chummy with her (specifically if you gave her the flower -- that takes the option away automatically) but you can still clarify you meant everything in a platonic way if that helps.
Ship Rhoaderbot and you'll be fine.
Can't you just remove their comments? Make your section a cleaner place.
That or link them here, let's see if they're still saying no one wants Rhyiona lmaooo
I'm going to sleep guys. I accomplished something today.
I might end up doing that, removing their comments

I think you should, they're just creating drama for the heck of it.
Okay folks, I finished the game up today and afterwards, went online to go learn more about alternate paths and other such things. I read something about Rhys expressing feelings for Fiona? How's that work? Can I get something in detail? Along with Fiona's response to this?
The moment you make an opinion on youtube you're bound to get rekt.
Seriously though, that’s why I don’t really open up about my opinions unless I know it will turn out to be a respectable debate.
In order to get the dialog you have to tell Rhys to stay away from Sasha. Also, If you gave Sasha the flower or not depends on it as well.
Fiona doesn't really say anything when he hints that he likes her but she does pick up on it.
Shit, I forgot to post the Rhyiona is love, Rhyiona is life reminder.
We found Roxi! We had to set up a trap and we finally got her! She is acting normal, no serious injuries or anything. Things have been going quite, better lately.
u lik breathing m8?
Ahh, so its not explored. Eh, alright. Would've been nice if it was responded to.
Hell yeah!
My computer now is worth about $550. I run basically anything on medium to ultra graphics. My old PC was probably worth around $600 when it was new.
Later today, I promise.
Same, I've been having a pretty crappy month then I played Tales from the Borderlands Episode 5 and it made it all better. I was so so happy to hear the lines that they kept.
Man it's almost 4 AM and just now I've finished the episode I know I'm crazy but life's a bitch and doesn't give me free time during school so... since I've already finished the episode too late there's no point in saying my thoughts , decisions and stuff but there's my question that's gonna bother us for atleast 2 years from now on : Will there be a sequel or will we receive the TWAU treatment . also did anyone replay because in the decisions it said that you shipped Rhysha when you actually didn't ?
I couldn't stop thinking about these two crazy kids and I kind of ended up writing a little snippet of what could possibly take place after the teleport.
P.S. I know were allowed to post fan stuff, but let me know if it should be put in a different format.
Tell Rhys to stay away from Sasha.
You'll love it.