Yeah, I realized that when I looked up at the last post. Maybe this will help us revive the thread?
I'm 30 as of June 8. My ex cheated on me and didn't go through with the immigration process so that we can actually be together (he's American and I'm not heh) so I divorced as cleanly as I could. Still was messy though.
Yeah, I realized that when I looked up at the last post. Maybe this will help us revive the thread?
I'm 30 as of June 8. My ex cheated on … moreme and didn't go through with the immigration process so that we can actually be together (he's American and I'm not heh) so I divorced as cleanly as I could. Still was messy though.
They won't be coming back. They've moved onto DeviantArt, and a couple also us
I'm sorry to hear about that Btw, where do you hail from??
I just got super busy all the time and was going to have to take a break anyway. I do most of my writing on Google Docs these days and share tidbits with the community from time to time. I also play sims more often these days XD
While I do appreciate you bumping this, chances of this thread living are very slim. Unless Telltale considers making season... (you know which number). Or if other people decide to get creative.
Anyway, glad to come back on after a while and seeing this as a comment.
I am happy with your sentiment in your comment, but I highly doubt that this thread will once again prosper as it once did now that Fables is over and that TWAU S2 is nowhere in sight,
However, should there be a season 2, I trust that the thread master will reincarnate this thread on the subsequent subforum spawned. And so, it would rise like a proverbial pheonix!
Well, before I really talk, how are you guys? It's been....a while, hasn't it? I'm still alive, I'm sure you're all alive too (I hope). How's it going?
I have decided to slowly compile my writings up into Google Docs. I've been writing a lot since I left off, mostly unrelated tales of heroes and villains, of love and death, of tragedy and miracles. Lots of writing and so little time! Anyway, I've decided to compile all my chapters, however long it may take me (I've decided to go by story arcs; For now, all I have is that story about Therese and Reynard down.) I want to rewrite most of it. Maybe also omit the stuff I don't want anymore, and change a few characters up! It's been an itch on the back of my mind for a while now, to be honest. I love my Fables so much that I could never just stop writing about them, you know?
Well, I hope all is well in the world with all of you. I'm going to go to bed, it's late.
Hey Em! It has been a while huh? I haven't been on this website in a long time! I've been doing good for the most part lol! Hope you're doing good as well!
I agree! Although I've stopped writing Fables stuff for a bit, but I am thinking of a new story for it at the moment. I look forward to whatever you post here!
Hey guys.
Well, before I really talk, how are you guys? It's been....a while, hasn't it? I'm still alive, I'm sure you're all alive too (… moreI hope). How's it going?
I have decided to slowly compile my writings up into Google Docs. I've been writing a lot since I left off, mostly unrelated tales of heroes and villains, of love and death, of tragedy and miracles. Lots of writing and so little time! Anyway, I've decided to compile all my chapters, however long it may take me (I've decided to go by story arcs; For now, all I have is that story about Therese and Reynard down.) I want to rewrite most of it. Maybe also omit the stuff I don't want anymore, and change a few characters up! It's been an itch on the back of my mind for a while now, to be honest. I love my Fables so much that I could never just stop writing about them, you know?
Well, I hope all is well in the world with all of you. I'm going to go to bed, it's late.
Hey, meine Freundin! It has indeed been a very long time; too long. This thread is a damned gost ship.
I would hope to read these tales and writings you mention. Could you send me a link to where they are/shall be?
To be honest, I have lost my inspiration to continue my fanfiction. For one, school has only been becoming harder and more stressful as I slowly edge towards year 10 and I haven't the patience to sit down and write for long periods of time hence. Secondly, with Fables over and TWAU S2 not yet announced, I have no fuel for my writing engine as of now. I am considering ending my story within the next three-four chapters on DA. After that, who knows? I might take up writing some Until Dawn stuff maybe.
Hey guys.
Well, before I really talk, how are you guys? It's been....a while, hasn't it? I'm still alive, I'm sure you're all alive too (… moreI hope). How's it going?
I have decided to slowly compile my writings up into Google Docs. I've been writing a lot since I left off, mostly unrelated tales of heroes and villains, of love and death, of tragedy and miracles. Lots of writing and so little time! Anyway, I've decided to compile all my chapters, however long it may take me (I've decided to go by story arcs; For now, all I have is that story about Therese and Reynard down.) I want to rewrite most of it. Maybe also omit the stuff I don't want anymore, and change a few characters up! It's been an itch on the back of my mind for a while now, to be honest. I love my Fables so much that I could never just stop writing about them, you know?
Well, I hope all is well in the world with all of you. I'm going to go to bed, it's late.
Hey guys.
Well, before I really talk, how are you guys? It's been....a while, hasn't it? I'm still alive, I'm sure you're all alive too (… moreI hope). How's it going?
I have decided to slowly compile my writings up into Google Docs. I've been writing a lot since I left off, mostly unrelated tales of heroes and villains, of love and death, of tragedy and miracles. Lots of writing and so little time! Anyway, I've decided to compile all my chapters, however long it may take me (I've decided to go by story arcs; For now, all I have is that story about Therese and Reynard down.) I want to rewrite most of it. Maybe also omit the stuff I don't want anymore, and change a few characters up! It's been an itch on the back of my mind for a while now, to be honest. I love my Fables so much that I could never just stop writing about them, you know?
Well, I hope all is well in the world with all of you. I'm going to go to bed, it's late.
Hey guys.
Well, before I really talk, how are you guys? It's been....a while, hasn't it? I'm still alive, I'm sure you're all alive too (… moreI hope). How's it going?
I have decided to slowly compile my writings up into Google Docs. I've been writing a lot since I left off, mostly unrelated tales of heroes and villains, of love and death, of tragedy and miracles. Lots of writing and so little time! Anyway, I've decided to compile all my chapters, however long it may take me (I've decided to go by story arcs; For now, all I have is that story about Therese and Reynard down.) I want to rewrite most of it. Maybe also omit the stuff I don't want anymore, and change a few characters up! It's been an itch on the back of my mind for a while now, to be honest. I love my Fables so much that I could never just stop writing about them, you know?
Well, I hope all is well in the world with all of you. I'm going to go to bed, it's late.
Kieron sat up from what seemed like a hospital bed. He could feel pain surge through his body but he doesn't remember why.
"Kieron...? KIERON!!!" A pale blonde haired woman hugged him back down onto his pillow.
"Um...hello? May I ask who you are?" Kieron asked.
The woman smiled. "Oh yeah, he said that you wouldn't remember." She said handing him a pendant.
He clicked it open and saw nothing inside. And then memories began to rush into his head. The war for Wonderland, his depression, and then the vampire war. But there was still a blank memory in his head...he still didn't know how he got here in the hospital bed.
"Claire, how did I get here?" Kieron asked.
"Well there's a lot to go over and we have a lot to do today so I'll have to tell you later. Can you move?" Claire asked.
Kieron sat up in bed. He put his hand on his head. "My head is fucking killing me, but I should be fine. Hey where's-" Kieron was cut off by a sliding door. He saw his mother Red walk into the room.
"Hey sweetie, how're you feeling?" She asked.
Kieron smiled and stood. "I'm doing just fine mom. How about you?" He asked.
"I'm doing just fine. Are you sure you should be moving?" Red said.
"I'll be fine, Claire said we have business to attend to so I don't have a choice." He smiled.
Red walked over and hugged Kieron. "Just don't push yourself too hard today okay? You've been sleeping for a month already."
Kieron shrugged. "Time flies when you're having fun."
Claire laughed. "It may have been fun for you but the rest of us were worried, you even had Bigby worried!"
Kieron chuckled. "Is that so? I'll believe it when I hear it from the man himself because I'm pretty sure he'd rather see me dead than alive."
"Alright, alright. C'mon we need to head to the business office." Claire said.
Kieron nodded and looked at Red. "You going back home?" He asked.
Red nodded. "Fly is waiting for me."
Kieron nodded. "Alright. Tell him I said hi."
Red nodded as they all left the building and went their separate ways...
Kieron noticed how empty Fabletown was, sure it wasn't busy but it wasn't this empty. He felt like tumbleweeds would start moving through the streets it was so empty. However when he looked at the towns condition he could understand why. Some buildings had chunks missing and some were collapsed altogether. The war must've really gotten out of hand. He hoped he didn't have a part in all this destruction, however in his gut he knew he did have a part in the towns destruction.
"Hey Claire...? Where is everyone?" Kieron asked.
"Everyone's helping keep the Mundies blinded while they also repair the damages we've caused from the war." Claire said.
Kieron nodded. "Sounds bad if there's THAT many people helping." Kieron said.
"Yeah well, between Caine, Dracula, Bigby, and yourself. You guys could've capsized the entire continent! Thankfully you somehow managed to keep it in one state." Claire said.
Kieron sighed. "Damn it..."
Claire stopped Kieron in his tracks and hugged him. "It's over now..."
Kieron smiled. "Yeah it has, I assume you're the big person now?"
Claire nodded. "I'm the head of every vampire organization now. You are my bodyguard, even though I can hold my own." She laughed.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." Kieron said smiling.
Claire began to walk again. "C'mon slow poke we have to go talk to Snow. This is going to be a really big thing!"
Kieron nodded. "Lead the way."
When they arrived at The Woodlands, to Kierons surprise, was still standing and unscathed. They walked in and took the elevator to the appropriate floor and got off. They walked in and saw Snow doing paperwork while Bigby leaned on the edge of her desk talking to Snow.
"Hey, he's finally awake. We're ready to talk now." Claire said smiling.
Snow smiled. "Excellent. We need all the help we can get."
Bigby stared at Kieron and Kieron stared back at Bigby. Bigby finally gave a small smile. "Welcome back."
Kieron nodded. "Thanks Bigby."
Kieron and Claire sat down. Snow sat up. "Alright, so you want vampires to become Fabletown citizens?"
Claire nodded. "Yes. I believe we can help out Fabletown immensely by providing jobs and of course helping repair what we've damaged." Claire said.
Snow nodded. "Okay. Well here's what we've got to go over first..." Snow began to talk.
Bigby looked at Kieron. He gestured him outside. When Bigby got up, Kieron followed him outside. Bigby lit a cig.
"That was a hell of a battle Kieron. It'll take one hell of a miracle to make sure the Mundies don't see any of the damaged buildings." Bigby said.
Kieron leaned on the wall. "I know apologies can't cut it, but Claire and I will make sure that Fabletown will stay under the radar like it always has."
Bigby held out his hand. "Sounds good."
Kieron nodded.
Bigby and Kieron spoke for awhile about the war until Claire came out of the room.
"Alright Kieron. We can leave now." Claire said.
Kieron nodded and waved at Bigby. "See ya Sheriff."
Kieron looked at Claire. "Where to now?"
Claire smiled. "The apartment."
Kieron looked surprised. "Shouldn't we be going and helping rebuild?"
Claires smile turned mischievous. "Oh we have some time for some fun."
Kieron chuckled. "Alright but you're helping me clean the blood after."
Claire sighed. "Alright, alright..."
Kieron and Claire unlocked the door to their apartment and went straight for the bedroom and shut the door...
Heh heh, I'm back! Why you might ask? It's pretty late at night and I have an old notebook filled with the rest of Kierons original story which I have somewhat rewritten, so I figured I'd post the rest of it here and finish it up rather than leave it unfinished because I have another Fable story idea. Anyways these will be posted every once in a while due to work and me wanting to do other things. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week! :P
It feels odd, to be back on this thread commenting. Well, here it is.
First off, I am surprised that Kieron, regardless of his Fable status, can take in all of that information at once with the recovery of his memories. Knowing what I do about psycology, that would lead to an information overload. Then again, he IS a Fable, so i guess, well....
I am Glad to see it end happy, and on such a steamy note!
Kieron sat up from what seemed like a hospital bed. He could feel pain surge through his body but he doesn't remember why.
"K… moreieron...? KIERON!!!" A pale blonde haired woman hugged him back down onto his pillow.
"Um...hello? May I ask who you are?" Kieron asked.
The woman smiled. "Oh yeah, he said that you wouldn't remember." She said handing him a pendant.
He clicked it open and saw nothing inside. And then memories began to rush into his head. The war for Wonderland, his depression, and then the vampire war. But there was still a blank memory in his head...he still didn't know how he got here in the hospital bed.
"Claire, how did I get here?" Kieron asked.
"Well there's a lot to go over and we have a lot to do today so I'll have to tell you later. Can you move?" Claire asked.
Kieron sat up in bed. He put his hand on his head. "My head is fucking killing me, but I should be fine. Hey where's-" Kieron was cut o… [view original content]
Kieron sat up from what seemed like a hospital bed. He could feel pain surge through his body but he doesn't remember why.
"K… moreieron...? KIERON!!!" A pale blonde haired woman hugged him back down onto his pillow.
"Um...hello? May I ask who you are?" Kieron asked.
The woman smiled. "Oh yeah, he said that you wouldn't remember." She said handing him a pendant.
He clicked it open and saw nothing inside. And then memories began to rush into his head. The war for Wonderland, his depression, and then the vampire war. But there was still a blank memory in his head...he still didn't know how he got here in the hospital bed.
"Claire, how did I get here?" Kieron asked.
"Well there's a lot to go over and we have a lot to do today so I'll have to tell you later. Can you move?" Claire asked.
Kieron sat up in bed. He put his hand on his head. "My head is fucking killing me, but I should be fine. Hey where's-" Kieron was cut o… [view original content]
I should have put him having some problems with remembering all that at once, but I'm using the scapegoat that with all the psychological breakdowns and mental bashing he took earlier on in the story that remembering that much didn't really hit him that hard XD I do try to keep some realism in my stories though
It feels odd, to be back on this thread commenting. Well, here it is.
First off, I am surprised that Kieron, regardless of his Fable stat… moreus, can take in all of that information at once with the recovery of his memories. Knowing what I do about psycology, that would lead to an information overload. Then again, he IS a Fable, so i guess, well....
I am Glad to see it end happy, and on such a steamy note!
Yeah! You don't have to write a story if you don't want to; creating a character is just as fun And, if you're inspired to write later, you're most certainly welcome to!
Quite possibly so. I'm still thoroughly contemplating on writing something, though. I have a LOT of other writing that I do, so this might be a "If i can't think of anything else to write i'll come here" sort of thing
Quite possibly so. I'm still thoroughly contemplating on writing something, though. I have a LOT of other writing that I do, so this might be a "If i can't think of anything else to write i'll come here" sort of thing
I have been thinking of posting a catch up summary here, before then posting the final three chapters of my story on here. People can expect it soon, since I am now stuck at home with nothing better to do.
Quite possibly so. I'm still thoroughly contemplating on writing something, though. I have a LOT of other writing that I do, so this might be a "If i can't think of anything else to write i'll come here" sort of thing
My story has continued on DeviantArt, and until recently, was on an indefinite hiatus. I will end it soon (In the next 3-4 chapters). For those here who may have forgotten the story due to the passage of time or those who might not have continued reading it there, I give you this summary.
After having endured the onslaught of the Battle of Berlin and escaping to the western occupied zones, Alfred and Gertraud started to develop mounting debts. Unable to find and keep employement in Berlin, they were approached by King Alberto for a place in his Syndicate. Desperate, Alfred and Gertraud acceped and relocated to New York, just outside of Fabletown. After doing a job for the King, concerning his Mundy business ventures, he decided that Alfred and Traudl had proven themselves quite capable and ready for his Fabletown business ventures.
The next chapter will be posted here on November, 2. My internet allowance is nearly at its limit and hence I must wait before posting the chapters as it will then reset.
So I've been reading the comments you guys posted recently and I must say, I am seriously surprised some of you came back here to chat and whatnot! Perhaps it's nostalgia that's bringing your amazing selves back? Anyway, despite what happened, it's still awesome to see you guys being nice to each other after all this time. Besides, I missed you guys, for real - though you guys probably haven't missed me, lol.
Plus, it felt pretty good to log onto the Telltale forums and come back to this thread again. ^^
So I've been reading the comments you guys posted recently and I must say, I am seriously surprised some of you came back here to chat and w… morehatnot! Perhaps it's nostalgia that's bringing your amazing selves back? Anyway, despite what happened, it's still awesome to see you guys being nice to each other after all this time. Besides, I missed you guys, for real - though you guys probably haven't missed me, lol.
Plus, it felt pretty good to log onto the Telltale forums and come back to this thread again. ^^
Yeah, I realized that when I looked up at the last post. Maybe this will help us revive the thread?

I'm 30 as of June 8. My ex cheated on me and didn't go through with the immigration process so that we can actually be together (he's American and I'm not heh) so I divorced as cleanly as I could. Still was messy though.
They won't be coming back. They've moved onto DeviantArt, and a couple also us
I'm sorry to hear about that
Btw, where do you hail from?? 
Ah, I'm on fanfiction, so at least I'll be able to track them through there. ^^ I'm from Turkey, now living in Germany, in a cute little city. ^^
3 of us use that site, including me
Ahh very nice!
This legendary thread must live bump
I actually agree
Oh man...good times.
Too bad it went so sour. 
What happened how did it go sour?
Continuing to write for some became boring. Some feuds flared up and others, like myself, got very busy or lost interest.
But I have the good memories. :')
I just got super busy all the time and was going to have to take a break anyway. I do most of my writing on Google Docs these days and share tidbits with the community from time to time. I also play sims more often these days XD
While I do appreciate you bumping this, chances of this thread living are very slim. Unless Telltale considers making season... (you know which number). Or if other people decide to get creative.
Anyway, glad to come back on after a while and seeing this as a comment.
I am happy with your sentiment in your comment, but I highly doubt that this thread will once again prosper as it once did now that Fables is over and that TWAU S2 is nowhere in sight,
However, should there be a season 2, I trust that the thread master will reincarnate this thread on the subsequent subforum spawned. And so, it would rise like a proverbial pheonix!
Hey guys.
Well, before I really talk, how are you guys? It's been....a while, hasn't it? I'm still alive, I'm sure you're all alive too (I hope). How's it going?
I have decided to slowly compile my writings up into Google Docs. I've been writing a lot since I left off, mostly unrelated tales of heroes and villains, of love and death, of tragedy and miracles. Lots of writing and so little time! Anyway, I've decided to compile all my chapters, however long it may take me (I've decided to go by story arcs; For now, all I have is that story about Therese and Reynard down.) I want to rewrite most of it. Maybe also omit the stuff I don't want anymore, and change a few characters up! It's been an itch on the back of my mind for a while now, to be honest. I love my Fables so much that I could never just stop writing about them, you know?
Well, I hope all is well in the world with all of you. I'm going to go to bed, it's late.
Hey Em! It has been a while huh? I haven't been on this website in a long time! I've been doing good for the most part lol! Hope you're doing good as well!
I agree! Although I've stopped writing Fables stuff for a bit, but I am thinking of a new story for it at the moment. I look forward to whatever you post here!
Hey, meine Freundin! It has indeed been a very long time; too long. This thread is a damned gost ship.
I would hope to read these tales and writings you mention. Could you send me a link to where they are/shall be?
To be honest, I have lost my inspiration to continue my fanfiction. For one, school has only been becoming harder and more stressful as I slowly edge towards year 10 and I haven't the patience to sit down and write for long periods of time hence. Secondly, with Fables over and TWAU S2 not yet announced, I have no fuel for my writing engine as of now. I am considering ending my story within the next three-four chapters on DA. After that, who knows? I might take up writing some Until Dawn stuff maybe.
i've been good. Busy like crazy but really good.
Glad to hear you're doing well.
TBH, I've stepped down fro writing but might pick it up later in time. If you do post anythibng, I'll do my best to read and comment.
Well this is a surprise! We're back here again, for however short that time is :')
I'm still writing, moving onto writing some TFTB fanfics as well now, but Fables/TWAU remains my only source of inspiration for writing.
Kieron sat up from what seemed like a hospital bed. He could feel pain surge through his body but he doesn't remember why.
"Kieron...? KIERON!!!" A pale blonde haired woman hugged him back down onto his pillow.
"Um...hello? May I ask who you are?" Kieron asked.
The woman smiled. "Oh yeah, he said that you wouldn't remember." She said handing him a pendant.
He clicked it open and saw nothing inside. And then memories began to rush into his head. The war for Wonderland, his depression, and then the vampire war. But there was still a blank memory in his head...he still didn't know how he got here in the hospital bed.
"Claire, how did I get here?" Kieron asked.
"Well there's a lot to go over and we have a lot to do today so I'll have to tell you later. Can you move?" Claire asked.
Kieron sat up in bed. He put his hand on his head. "My head is fucking killing me, but I should be fine. Hey where's-" Kieron was cut off by a sliding door. He saw his mother Red walk into the room.
"Hey sweetie, how're you feeling?" She asked.
Kieron smiled and stood. "I'm doing just fine mom. How about you?" He asked.
"I'm doing just fine. Are you sure you should be moving?" Red said.
"I'll be fine, Claire said we have business to attend to so I don't have a choice." He smiled.
Red walked over and hugged Kieron. "Just don't push yourself too hard today okay? You've been sleeping for a month already."
Kieron shrugged. "Time flies when you're having fun."
Claire laughed. "It may have been fun for you but the rest of us were worried, you even had Bigby worried!"
Kieron chuckled. "Is that so? I'll believe it when I hear it from the man himself because I'm pretty sure he'd rather see me dead than alive."
"Alright, alright. C'mon we need to head to the business office." Claire said.
Kieron nodded and looked at Red. "You going back home?" He asked.
Red nodded. "Fly is waiting for me."
Kieron nodded. "Alright. Tell him I said hi."
Red nodded as they all left the building and went their separate ways...
Kieron noticed how empty Fabletown was, sure it wasn't busy but it wasn't this empty. He felt like tumbleweeds would start moving through the streets it was so empty. However when he looked at the towns condition he could understand why. Some buildings had chunks missing and some were collapsed altogether. The war must've really gotten out of hand. He hoped he didn't have a part in all this destruction, however in his gut he knew he did have a part in the towns destruction.
"Hey Claire...? Where is everyone?" Kieron asked.
"Everyone's helping keep the Mundies blinded while they also repair the damages we've caused from the war." Claire said.
Kieron nodded. "Sounds bad if there's THAT many people helping." Kieron said.
"Yeah well, between Caine, Dracula, Bigby, and yourself. You guys could've capsized the entire continent! Thankfully you somehow managed to keep it in one state." Claire said.
Kieron sighed. "Damn it..."
Claire stopped Kieron in his tracks and hugged him. "It's over now..."
Kieron smiled. "Yeah it has, I assume you're the big person now?"
Claire nodded. "I'm the head of every vampire organization now. You are my bodyguard, even though I can hold my own." She laughed.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." Kieron said smiling.
Claire began to walk again. "C'mon slow poke we have to go talk to Snow. This is going to be a really big thing!"
Kieron nodded. "Lead the way."
When they arrived at The Woodlands, to Kierons surprise, was still standing and unscathed. They walked in and took the elevator to the appropriate floor and got off. They walked in and saw Snow doing paperwork while Bigby leaned on the edge of her desk talking to Snow.
"Hey, he's finally awake. We're ready to talk now." Claire said smiling.
Snow smiled. "Excellent. We need all the help we can get."
Bigby stared at Kieron and Kieron stared back at Bigby. Bigby finally gave a small smile. "Welcome back."
Kieron nodded. "Thanks Bigby."
Kieron and Claire sat down. Snow sat up. "Alright, so you want vampires to become Fabletown citizens?"
Claire nodded. "Yes. I believe we can help out Fabletown immensely by providing jobs and of course helping repair what we've damaged." Claire said.
Snow nodded. "Okay. Well here's what we've got to go over first..." Snow began to talk.
Bigby looked at Kieron. He gestured him outside. When Bigby got up, Kieron followed him outside. Bigby lit a cig.
"That was a hell of a battle Kieron. It'll take one hell of a miracle to make sure the Mundies don't see any of the damaged buildings." Bigby said.
Kieron leaned on the wall. "I know apologies can't cut it, but Claire and I will make sure that Fabletown will stay under the radar like it always has."
Bigby held out his hand. "Sounds good."
Kieron nodded.
Bigby and Kieron spoke for awhile about the war until Claire came out of the room.
"Alright Kieron. We can leave now." Claire said.
Kieron nodded and waved at Bigby. "See ya Sheriff."
Kieron looked at Claire. "Where to now?"
Claire smiled. "The apartment."
Kieron looked surprised. "Shouldn't we be going and helping rebuild?"
Claires smile turned mischievous. "Oh we have some time for some fun."
Kieron chuckled. "Alright but you're helping me clean the blood after."
Claire sighed. "Alright, alright..."
Kieron and Claire unlocked the door to their apartment and went straight for the bedroom and shut the door...
Heh heh, I'm back! Why you might ask? It's pretty late at night and I have an old notebook filled with the rest of Kierons original story which I have somewhat rewritten, so I figured I'd post the rest of it here and finish it up rather than leave it unfinished because I have another Fable story idea. Anyways these will be posted every once in a while due to work and me wanting to do other things. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week! :P
It feels odd, to be back on this thread commenting. Well, here it is.
First off, I am surprised that Kieron, regardless of his Fable status, can take in all of that information at once with the recovery of his memories. Knowing what I do about psycology, that would lead to an information overload. Then again, he IS a Fable, so i guess, well....

I am Glad to see it end happy, and on such a steamy note!
Whoa this is a blast from the past!
So you found a job then, Jared? Nice
I'll read this soon...
I agree!
I should have put him having some problems with remembering all that at once, but I'm using the scapegoat that with all the psychological breakdowns and mental bashing he took earlier on in the story that remembering that much didn't really hit him that hard XD I do try to keep some realism in my stories though
For now...
Yeah man! Old Kieron is back!
Yup I'm a cashier now
Read when you can dude
omg I'm a cashier too! I work at walmart
This thread seems to be slowly reanimating.
It's just us though, and I only post on and DA now...
That's awesome! I work at Harris Teeter!
Damn. I Really want to write it, but i cannot write a whole story (because my english sucks). I can just write a character, right?
People have done that in the past, so I assume the answer would be yes.
Yeah! You don't have to write a story if you don't want to; creating a character is just as fun
And, if you're inspired to write later, you're most certainly welcome to!
Quite possibly so. I'm still thoroughly contemplating on writing something, though. I have a LOT of other writing that I do, so this might be a "If i can't think of anything else to write i'll come here" sort of thing
This was my thought process exactly, if I can't write anything else come here!
I have been thinking of posting a catch up summary here, before then posting the final three chapters of my story on here. People can expect it soon, since I am now stuck at home with nothing better to do.
Man I never thought this place would get a revive like this :O
I do not forsee it lasting, sadly.
My story has continued on DeviantArt, and until recently, was on an indefinite hiatus. I will end it soon (In the next 3-4 chapters). For those here who may have forgotten the story due to the passage of time or those who might not have continued reading it there, I give you this summary.
After having endured the onslaught of the Battle of Berlin and escaping to the western occupied zones, Alfred and Gertraud started to develop mounting debts. Unable to find and keep employement in Berlin, they were approached by King Alberto for a place in his Syndicate. Desperate, Alfred and Gertraud acceped and relocated to New York, just outside of Fabletown. After doing a job for the King, concerning his Mundy business ventures, he decided that Alfred and Traudl had proven themselves quite capable and ready for his Fabletown business ventures.
The next chapter will be posted here on November, 2. My internet allowance is nearly at its limit and hence I must wait before posting the chapters as it will then reset.
This thread will stay alive!
So I've been reading the comments you guys posted recently and I must say, I am seriously surprised some of you came back here to chat and whatnot! Perhaps it's nostalgia that's bringing your amazing selves back? Anyway, despite what happened, it's still awesome to see you guys being nice to each other after all this time. Besides, I missed you guys, for real - though you guys probably haven't missed me, lol.
Plus, it felt pretty good to log onto the Telltale forums and come back to this thread again. ^^
Neither have I, you guys are chock-full of surprises!
Slowly and (hopefully) surely.
Yeah, I couldn't resist. XD
Honestly I think it is the nostalgia :P
I doubt JJwolf will come back, but pudding_pie does log in from time to time. Masterstone logs in on occasion as well.