Season 2? Fiona and Rhys or Rhys and Sasha?
What up? So I love this game a lot! Whenever it is mentioned or streamed in Twitch I will usually check it out just to see how others played the game. And I occasionally go back and check out the intros because, they are bad ass am I right? Anyway, I just wanted to ask you guys if I should replay this series to maybe start the Fiona and Rhys ship going. If you guys do not know and are curious, YOU can ship Rhys and Fiona. It is not mandatory to ship Rhys with Sasha. It is just well hidden. All you have to do is not give Sasha the flower in Episode 3, then as Fiona you say to Rhys in Episode 5 to stay away from my sister. Rhys will have an option to respond saying he is interested in someone else. Then they give each other a real cute stare
. WINK WINK Anyway, I was thinking of doing this because I do believe they are going to make a Season 2 where old choices come in for the new game POSSIBLY. And I saw many of you say how you guys would love to be optimistic about the return and hell, maybe I am being just optimistic about the possibility of the 2nd season, but I do believe one is coming out because of all the sensational reviews this game is getting, and no I do not mean "4/5, pretty good game," no there is some GOTY talk with this game. And yes, they probably did not make the most money from this game such as a Walking Dead, or Wolf among us, But they do in fact pay attention to how loyal the fan base is. I always see them RT others cosplays of Fiona, Rhys, etc. Also, you cannot leave us in such a big cliffhanger. If it ended with Lets say, them finding riches and being happy, OK, maybe I guess I could see that they wanted to conclude it right there. BUT! Nope, they did not. Anyway, I am hopeful for a season 2, and I want to know what you guys think. Hopeful, or not, and why? BACK on track, I was thinking of Re-doing this game to the choices I would want to start with if Season 2 came out, and one was Rhys and Fiona. I love those 2 together. Sasha and Rhys is okay and I could live with it. I like it but come on. But then I thought about how TellTale structured the game. And then I thought about possibly Fiona and Vaughn, because in EP.5, Fiona gives Vaughn a wink, or how restarting the whole series may take me a while. and then I put that together and say, "hmmm, should I really do it?" Anyway, I'd just like you guys opinions, Season 2?Rhys and who? I'll probably be up all night, seeing that it is 11 PM and I havent started my HW,
. I'd just like to interact with you guys on here and share discussions on topics. I sure went on alot, shows my love for the game
You guys think Season 2 is going to happen? And Did any one of you actually replay it and if you did what decisions did you make differently?
We would all love a Season 2.
As far as shipping goes, my preference is Rhys x Sasha, of course, but it's not my decision who you choose.
Do what you want.
Just out of curiosity, is there a specific reason why you like Rhys and Sasha over Fiona?
Rhys and Sasha.
I just feel like the chemistry is there for them. I've seen it since Episode 1 with the pinky promise (optional, of course).
Also, Sasha and Rhys are two of my favorite characters from the game, so it makes sense.
im a rhysha guy
I guess everyone here knows my preferences, but honestly you should decide by yourself. :P
yes ship Rhys and Fiona as Rhy and Sasha seems way too forced. As far as when it will be released post Borderlands 3 my guess if we get one at all 2017 or 2018
So if you don't want us to kill each other, you're gonna choose what you want.
You want to make your opinion ?
Each of the community have a thread so go there and decide but you don't need our personal opinion for that.
I maintain that Rhys x Happiness is the one true tftbl pairing, but whatever floats your boat man.
In the part where it shows what the choices were, I think the majority of people shipped Rhys and Sasha, so I guess they win.
Rhys and Sasha pretty much since the beginning, I love their chemistry together.
I've always loved Rhys and Sasha personally. I find them adorable and it felt like to me that they completed each other. But if you don't think they feel natural together then go with Fiona, it's all up to you.
Why not both? They gave people the option to choose between Sasha and Fiona. (Which kinda sounds bad now that I phrased it that way) Even if Fiona was opened as an option at the very last minute. They are both there for the player to choose between. So I'm sure they'll have to follow up on both relationships, if they do a season two. Which means they're gonna have double the work. Good luck Telltale!
But if I had to choose, Sasha and Rhys. Hands down, I loved the flow of their progressing relationship. (As I did not avoid her like the plague). So it worked out in my game, wonderfully. Rhys and Fiona never gave me a romantic vibe. I love their friendship, very much.
I think it's obvious which pairing I like out of the two, but it's whatever floats your boat, man.
Well, I'll probably say Rhyiona, but considering both side of the deal, I hope we get both options but in a fair way. E.G, in Episode 3 you can not give the flower to Sasha, but there should've been an option to give it to Fiona. So, I hope we have a fair option for both ships, if there's a season 2.
Rhysha obviously
Ba dum tsh.
This is how I smile at women on first dates. It really reels them in.
So you want to become canon
but you call ships that are canon forced
If I had a dollar for every time somebody made a thread about shipping in this game I'd be able to make a season 2 with Telltale and release it on F17.
Right? It would seem like this game isn't about Rhys, Fiona, Sasha, and Vaughn finding a vault. But finding the lucky winner of Rhys' weeny.
Well, maybe we will get a Season 2, but if anything I think we could very likely get a dlc episode.
As far as the Rhys and Sasha and Rhys and Fiona pairings in Season 2, I just hope the choice will matter but I also hope there wont be some super huge focus on it.
I could name them all
And the trash one 'is rhys getting that puss tonight'
Edit: I forgot 'no more rhysha?' A.k.a the louisha thread
The pimp Rhys choice ill ship it
They most certainly do not give you a choice that refuses the ship. It's "Did not ship it" for Fiona and "CONFESSED your crush" for Rhys. None of those choices mean the ship isn't canon
u can't out weigh this chemistry tho
I believe I can.
Accepting Jack's offer ruined Rhysha for me. I know, my bad but hard to ship them after such fail.
We'll bang, okay?
I withdraw my previous statement. Screw Rhysha.
Then replay and distrust Jack
im shocked as well