Why Are People So Obsessed With Romance In Games?

can't they all just be friends hanging out or is it impossible for men & women to be friends without romance creeping in eventually?



  • because we cant get some in real life

  • edited November 2015

    tbh i'm not obsessed with romance, i just wanted rhyiona to happen so i could put a review saying "i suggest you go f*ck yourself" on a postive note

    in all seriousness it's just this weird thing, we'd die to see two fictional characters kiss but would be sick to the stomach if we saw real life people go as far as into holding hands.

  • This is accurate, at least in my case.

    Green613 posted: »

    because we cant get some in real life

  • why are people always judging shipping.


  • Because it's fun to talk and joke about. I don't think anyone who plays this game takes it all that seriously, it's just a little fun thing that we talk about. If I were to list my reasons for my love of this game, Rhys and Sasha would be pretty low on that list. Yes they can all be friends, you have that choice, but you also have that choice to implement a romance if you so desire with either Sasha or Fiona.

  • Because we're not machines or waffles, we have feelings.

    Attraction,rejection,love, depression,true friendship, traitors who let you down.

    We're just a recipient with some life in it on a bumpy road. Nothing stay the same and we're ever changing.

  • It is just for fun. Romance isn't the main reason why I love Tales from the Borderlands so much.

  • enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    because we cant get some in real life

  • edited November 2015

    i don't think it as anything to do with shipping in general but to do with what we ship

    can't they all just be friends hanging out or is it impossible for men & women to be friends without romance creeping in eventually?

    they never said, "why is it shipping such a big deal?" or as such. they just commented on the fact we are shipping men and women. to some extent i do agree with their statement, men and women can be friends with out a romance blooming between them. but i don't think anyone is shipping rhysha or rhyiona because their relationships between a man and a woman.

    why are people always judging shipping. seriously.

  • they can be friends, but that doesn't mean that i can't find them cute to be together.

    this thread is still poking about shipping, and this is just secretly asking for flame wars.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    i don't think it as anything to do with shipping in general but to do with what we ship can't they all just be friends hanging out or

  • they can be friends, but that doesn't mean that i can't find them cute to be together.


    this thread is still poking about shipping, and this is just secretly asking for flame wars.

    true. this is practically a "don't ship thread" but it's weird how they only made a comment on the fact their het ships.

    they can be friends, but that doesn't mean that i can't find them cute to be together. this thread is still poking about shipping, and this is just secretly asking for flame wars.

  • It's not just games. Shippers exist in fandom everywhere. Books, TV shows, movies... I'm sure there's even weirder examples.

  • Okay, I'll actually answer properly now.

    I see shipping as some weird form of escapism. I already know that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life forever alone, so I lose myself in ultimately-pointless fictional romances.

  • or is it impossible for men & women to be friends without romance creeping in eventually?

    Tell that to TTG staff bro. I was totally cool with characters being a gang of dorky friends, but then the devs decided to add this unnecessary thing. So they're the ones who kinda ruined it.

    If you're talking about shippers, they're just having fun. Mostly. Till people start attacking them.

  • Romantic hints began in episode one. I don't understand how people consider this romance forced, when you are given the choice whether or not to pursue it.

    It's called chemistry, and it happens. Like, all the time.

    DeityD posted: »

    or is it impossible for men & women to be friends without romance creeping in eventually? Tell that to TTG staff bro. I was tota

  • where did the 'shipping' movement even come from? was anime the one to popularize it or is it much older than that?

    Demarcoa posted: »

    It's not just games. Shippers exist in fandom everywhere. Books, TV shows, movies... I'm sure there's even weirder examples.

  • edited November 2015

    I'm pretty sure it's normal human behavior. Like, people have done this for a long time, but the term, according to Wikipedia, came about in the 1970s due to Star Trek fans, which is interesting.

    But people have always lived vicariously through media. I'm pretty sure it's been around forever, but nobody had the social freedom or the internet to post their Shakespeare fanfic back in those days. Of course, I can't prove that, but it makes a lot of sense. I mean, there are people who "shipped" Jesus and Mary Magdalene as far back as the 13th century, so what else would explain it?

    bogey_j posted: »

    where did the 'shipping' movement even come from? was anime the one to popularize it or is it much older than that?

  • I was totally cool with characters being a gang of dorky friends, but then the devs decided to add this unnecessary thing. So they're the ones who kinda ruined it.

    I know, right? This could have been one of their best games ever, but... Oh wait, it is. Nevermind then.

    DeityD posted: »

    or is it impossible for men & women to be friends without romance creeping in eventually? Tell that to TTG staff bro. I was tota

  • Yeah, sure, 'hints'. Count as hints then compliments for Zer0 and obsession with Jack. That's not to mention those hints should've stayed hints unless you're willing to go deeper. But that's been discussed to death already, and I don't want to hear anything about this again - the point is the devs broke that rule "male and a female characters can't stay just friends and just have to fall in lust", so.

    Demarcoa posted: »

    Romantic hints began in episode one. I don't understand how people consider this romance forced, when you are given the choice whether or not to pursue it. It's called chemistry, and it happens. Like, all the time.

  • machines or waffles

    enter image description here
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    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Because we're not machines or waffles, we have feelings. Attraction,rejection,love, depression,true friendship, traitors who let you down

  • Well, I still liked Rhys and Fiona's interaction, especially in the end of ep5. That was nice, all the friendly bickering and stuff.

    Navoc posted: »

    I was totally cool with characters being a gang of dorky friends, but then the devs decided to add this unnecessary thing. So they're the on

  • Because our fantasies cant be quenched, can they.

  • They can just stay friends. For real, you can explicitly choose the "we're just friends" option if you want them to, you know, just be friends. You don't have to give any flower to anyone and you don't have to like anyone else.

    I don't see why it bothers you that there are other options for players who like to go down a different path; also, I don't see why romance shouldn't exist in the Borderlands universe. There are some young, attractive characters hanging around, so unless Rhys is also sporting a ballsack implant we haven't heard of, it's not that weird for him to check out where things might be heading.

    DeityD posted: »

    Yeah, sure, 'hints'. Count as hints then compliments for Zer0 and obsession with Jack. That's not to mention those hints should've stayed hi

  • When you stare at a video game character's cute butt for so long, you start to wonder if Loafer bot is willing to go all the way?

  • Yeppp was going to answer with a lengthy paragraph but you already said what was on my mind. :-)

    Okay, I'll actually answer properly now. I see shipping as some weird form of escapism. I already know that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life forever alone, so I lose myself in ultimately-pointless fictional romances.

  • I don't get it either, but trying to stop shipping is like yelling at a tidal wave to turn around. It's futile, so run.

  • I like to pretend that I'm a waffle sometimes.

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    Because we're not machines or waffles, we have feelings. Attraction,rejection,love, depression,true friendship, traitors who let you down

  • I don't think anyone who plays this game takes it all that seriously

    sips tea and looks at the rhyiona thread

    Because it's fun to talk and joke about. I don't think anyone who plays this game takes it all that seriously, it's just a little fun thing

  • Sometimes I pretend I'm a breadcrumb.

    Let's meet up sometime.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    I like to pretend that I'm a waffle sometimes.

  • enter image description here

    DoubleJump posted: »

    When you stare at a video game character's cute butt for so long, you start to wonder if Loafer bot is willing to go all the way?

  • Did we just become best friends?

    Sometimes I pretend I'm a breadcrumb. Let's meet up sometime.

  • because fuck them thats why!!! why you soo happy!! be miserable!!!

    lottii-lu posted: »

    tbh i'm not obsessed with romance, i just wanted rhyiona to happen so i could put a review saying "i suggest you go f*ck yourself" on a post

  • all those rhysha and rhyona ones lol

    I don't think anyone who plays this game takes it all that seriously sips tea and looks at the rhyiona thread

  • enter image description here

    This has to be the funniest comment I've ever read on this site so far. Thank you.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    When you stare at a video game character's cute butt for so long, you start to wonder if Loafer bot is willing to go all the way?

  • omg

    I don't think anyone who plays this game takes it all that seriously sips tea and looks at the rhyiona thread

  • It's true that there're more things to concentrate your attention on in games and other media. Honestly this is actually a good question, why do some people despise shipping and others just can't help it. I seriously have no idea, lol.

    Come to think of it, we probably tend to project ourselves on the characters, because of lacking actual romance in real life we're seeking it in the media formats. It's like a way to relieve your inner need in expressing your caress and romantic affection. Of course we can care for our friends and family in real life, but we need to feel other feelings too, sometimes without even realizing it. Some people just don't have a special someone to care about in that way. Or if they have that someone, then maybe it's a way of expressing their way of dealing with parenthood, like rooting for setting a happy life for your descendants - characters from game.

    We see chemistry and tension between two characters and that's it... here goes. It's like in real life. When you see two people (your two friends for example) and you know they like each other, you'd probably want to help them get together. I'm not saying it's like that for everyone, but that's my view on a possible reason.

  • I don't interact with people or have any romance in my actual life, so it's fun to pretend someone actually likes me. That's why i love romance in games

  • Yep!

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Did we just become best friends?

  • Friend! <3


  • Woah! Buddy woah! You mean to tell me that you did not play this game waiting with baited breath to see who was gonna end up boning Rhys???? Was it gonna be Sasha? Vaughn? Fiona? August? Jack with his blue hologram willy? Loaderbot? Vallory? Your mom???? Are you kidding me bro? That is obviously the most IMPORTANT part. Obviously. My god! My brain! Boom!

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