Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • In less than a year he's a mod. Well done Ingen!

    No_username posted: »

    Ingen's first anniversary on the forums is today. Thank you for your contributions to the thread.

  • I think he does too.

    Is it just me or does rhys look really REALLY sinister in this picture.

  • Never stop making these dude, they're awesome

    Modern setting, Sasha is looking for her hairband -Sasha is searching furiously, checking under couches and every drawer possible- -

  • @Poopass we need to find a time to, I mean @Pipas we need to find a time to schedule a TF2 event with Erin again. A nice finale event if you know what I mean. ;)

  • I can join any ToS events that aren't during my school hours :D

    @Poopass we need to find a time to, I mean @Pipas we need to find a time to schedule a TF2 event with Erin again. A nice finale event if you know what I mean.

  • Chat is deader by the day... :/

  • edited November 2015

    Smol and cute ❤

    UnicornsFTW posted: »

    These stories motivates me to be smol and be proud of it!!

  • Seriously dude the Smol&Toll series was the best idea ever.

    Modern setting, Sasha is looking for her hairband -Sasha is searching furiously, checking under couches and every drawer possible- -

  • I might come to chatzy tomorrow don't worry Bae

    Chat is deader by the day...

  • Some one pm the pass

    Toffe posted: »

    I might come to chatzy tomorrow don't worry Bae

  • The greatest ship besides Loader bot and Gortys is the Scooter and Fiona ship.

    And then Rhysha with the hairy chest

  • I know, I know. But I dunno how should I formulate the question. "When do you have time?" doesn't seem right. :D

    @Poopass we need to find a time to, I mean @Pipas we need to find a time to schedule a TF2 event with Erin again. A nice finale event if you know what I mean.

  • Cool. Hopefully you'll make it to some. :P

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I can join any ToS events that aren't during my school hours

  • Maybe ask if she's interested in playing with us again for starters? Then work out the details

    Pipas posted: »

    I know, I know. But I dunno how should I formulate the question. "When do you have time?" doesn't seem right.

  • Nice new edits, mate.

  • Fucking A, mate

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Another find

  • Well... aren't wrong. ;)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    The greatest ship besides Loader bot and Gortys is the Scooter and Fiona ship. And then Rhysha with the hairy chest

  • I'm curious! When and why did everyone start to ship rhysha?

    I mildly paired the two together during the pinky promise scene. I was never much of "shipper" so I wasn't super dedicated to them. Then, episode 3 happened and well...I really started shipping it. And then it became one of my favorite ships after Tumblr threw a bitch fit, good times. Good. Times. (I hate tumblr, why am I still on there?)

  • edited November 2015

    The chemistry sparks were flying pretty high in the entire scene in the Atlas warehouse at least for some people.

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    I'm curious! When and why did everyone start to ship rhysha? I mildly paired the two together during the pinky promise scene. I was never

  • for me it was basically the pinky promise, and that whole scene in general. They just had such good chemistry and it was kind of adorable how well the worked together and got along. I didn't want to hold out too much hope though, I honestly thought telltale wouldn't go for a romantic subplot there, but then (like you said) episode 3 came out and I was all HOLY SHIT THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING.

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    I'm curious! When and why did everyone start to ship rhysha? I mildly paired the two together during the pinky promise scene. I was never

  • She is interested, I spoke to her about it a few days ago. The problem is that she's busy when the regular events are happening (that is Saturday 12PM PST), so the problem is just with figuring out a way to get everyone together at another, Erin-friendly date. I can host a TF2 server anyday after 11th Nov

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Maybe ask if she's interested in playing with us again for starters? Then work out the details

  • That's actually great news.

    Jacol posted: »

    She is interested, I spoke to her about it a few days ago. The problem is that she's busy when the regular events are happening (that is Sat

  • edited November 2015

    Here's a funny story actually:

    At first glance, when TFTB was announced, and I saw Rhys and Fiona being displayed as the main characters, I figured they'd be the ship I'd go for.

    Then, when I played the first episode, I discovered that the whole game would be one big flashback. Knowing that actually changed a ton of my decisions with Sasha and Vaughn, and made me weary of those around me, since from early on I believed the Stranger was someone close to Rhys and Fiona in their adventure (I wasn't wrong XD).

    Anyways, when I got to the scene where Rhys and Sasha were out the warehouse. At first I didn't trust her at all. I didn't compliment her kill on the bandit or anything. When she asked about the stun baton, I was about to say no, when I realized that this whole thing is a flashback, and since I obviously get well acquainted with Fiona in the future, obviously I'll know Sasha later as well. As a result, I decided yes, simply because I wanted to be on good terms with her.

    But I didn't choose 'yes', because I didn't want to come across as easy to manipulate/fool, so I clicked 'Promise?'.

    And lo and behold, I witnessed the pinky promise between Rhys and Sasha. And the way Sasha acted giddy afterwards made me reconsider her.

    I played the episode again, this time choosing nicer and more fun options, like smacking the terminal, or having Rhys brag about the bandits he fought. I loved their dynamic, like so much. So I shipped them.

    That's what made me start. :D

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    I'm curious! When and why did everyone start to ship rhysha? I mildly paired the two together during the pinky promise scene. I was never

  • Thx m8 I r8 8/8

    Tho seriously, thanks! @Pipas worked hard!

    AronDracula posted: »

    Nice new edits, mate.

  • After playing episode 1 and 2 I thought rhys and sasha would be cute together but I didn't really ship them much. During episode 3 all the rhysha scenes were just so damn cute and then when rhys put the flower in sasha's hair that was the moment when I officially started shipping them.

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    I'm curious! When and why did everyone start to ship rhysha? I mildly paired the two together during the pinky promise scene. I was never

  • edited November 2015

    Before this game, I hated the idea of shipping (it didn't help that this was coming off the heels of TWD S2 and when "it" was going around). Like others, the foundation was laid with Rhys and Sasha in the Atlas facility in Episode 1. I wasn't too fond of her at first because of the way she was treating Rhys (since I didn't play Borderlands before Episode 1, I didn't really understand, looking back I get why). However, as time went on, and they began to actually talk to one another, and you can open up as Rhys, I started to like her a bit more. When she asked to hold the stun baton, I was a bit unsure, but I ended up asking her to promise to give it back, and I have no regrets, it was so adorable. However, I didn't really start shipping them officially until Episode 3. Before that, whenever someone asked what side I was on, I said if I had to pick a side (remember, I didn't like shipping), it would have to be Rhys and Sasha, but I never declared a side. However, after Episode 3, I fell in love with them, their chemistry together was so great, and I officially started shipping them.

    Long story short, I liked them together after Episode 1, and while I didn't officially ship them yet, I did prefer them over Rhys and Fiona. Once Episode 3 happened, it was official.

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    I'm curious! When and why did everyone start to ship rhysha? I mildly paired the two together during the pinky promise scene. I was never

  • (it didn't help that this was coming off the heels of TWD S2 and when "it" was going around).

    The ship that must not be named.

    Before this game, I hated the idea of shipping (it didn't help that this was coming off the heels of TWD S2 and when "it" was going around).

  • For me, the first scene with Rhys and Sasha in the deal, where Rhys 'talks' her down, really got to me. The warehouse of course probably really started it, when she did the little bow after her kill.

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    I'm curious! When and why did everyone start to ship rhysha? I mildly paired the two together during the pinky promise scene. I was never

  • Exactly

    (it didn't help that this was coming off the heels of TWD S2 and when "it" was going around). The ship that must not be named.

  • No no name it! Oh, oh I love drama! What happened???? It's about Luke isn't it? Is it?

    (it didn't help that this was coming off the heels of TWD S2 and when "it" was going around). The ship that must not be named.

  • We will never discuss that monstrosity ever again, there's a reason why no one talks about it.

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    No no name it! Oh, oh I love drama! What happened???? It's about Luke isn't it? Is it?

  • Very well. I can accept that...sigh...

    We will never discuss that monstrosity ever again, there's a reason why no one talks about it.

  • edited November 2015

    When Sasha first appeared on screen, I suddenly felt the hope that she becomes an important character AND ends up with Rhys.
    No joke.
    Like the first nanosecond she appeared in Rhys' bit when he goes to meet August.
    And of course with every single other interaction they had, I felt more and more sure of that hope.

    What you learned today:
    I ship HARD and FAST!!

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    I'm curious! When and why did everyone start to ship rhysha? I mildly paired the two together during the pinky promise scene. I was never

  • Well, I think it's hard not to ship them lol on the first episode I felt that there was going to be somewhat of a connection either with Sasha or Fiona. And the second episode when Rhys and Sasha started spending more time together I knew they had something and it was awesome because it's a playful relationship, and Rhys is more the sweet guy and Sasha the tough one, so that dynamic for me is what motivated me to ship them hard lol. Because Rhys is breaking Sasha's shell and idk it's romantic.

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    I'm curious! When and why did everyone start to ship rhysha? I mildly paired the two together during the pinky promise scene. I was never

  • Looks like the warehouse sealed the deal for a lot of us.

    For me, the first scene with Rhys and Sasha in the deal, where Rhys 'talks' her down, really got to me. The warehouse of course probably really started it, when she did the little bow after her kill.

  • the minute she tried to throw him out of a moving car in episode 1 i knew i was in trouble. this might sound like a joke but im serious unfortunately.

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    I'm curious! When and why did everyone start to ship rhysha? I mildly paired the two together during the pinky promise scene. I was never

  • lol its funny when I started this game way back in November, I never expected to be so interested in a romantic subplot lol. For me it was pretty much the warehouse, like everyone else I guess. like 2 minutes into that scene I could see the chemistry between the two. I have shipped these two together since episode1 :D

  • I have some regrets about what I did in the chat this morning with my free time... :///////

  • enter image description here

    I have some regrets about what I did in the chat this morning with my free time... //////

  • Cluke.

    DDbaby74 posted: »

    Very well. I can accept that...sigh...

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