ahh nice lol i like to kill things. well i kill things that i dont like so idk if i might shoot someone and she might not like it. but nice, thanks man!
Do certain quest lines that could have you do something really positive. I romanced Piper during the "Confidence Man" side quest by being su… morepportive of Travis.
You can do any of the things your current companion dislikes, just as long as they are away. It won't effect your relationship with them.
Mine's sort of based on myself. First time I've ever done that.
He looks viking as hell but he's more sniper/sneaking/hacking type than brawler or big guns.
Agreed. Though atleast Marcy has an excuse to be annoying. I spend most of my time in Sanctuary (it's the only settlement I really bother wi… moreth at the moment.) So I had to get rid of him and banish him to Abernathy because he wouldn't shut up lol. All my other settlers and companions are quiet while Strong never shuts up and is always complaining about not enough supermutants.
Sir, I believe my synth is hacking your personal terminal, should you not be a little concerned? Also, Nick, um, that's probably not a good idea? I mean, Maxson's right here?
I was pretty low level when I went after Kellogg, so when the firefight started I bolted while he and the synths were distracted by poor Nick Valentine, hid in a bathroom, and when Kellogg finally found me I just kept shutting the door in his face to heal and reload... It proved an effective strategy, if not very dignified.
I got high on Psycho Jet, burned Kellogg to death with a flamethrower and feasted on his smoldering corpse. As far as vengeance goes, that was pretty satisfying.
So...the weapon bench is now my favourite thing. I never cared for crafting, always just chucked/sold duplicate weapons unless it was an upgrade over the one I had. But didn't realise that if you took off a modification and put something crappy on...it actually saves that mod to be used on a gun of the same type...so no wasting my crafting materials (except to make the crappy mod). I'm such a noob lol. You know that freezing rifle i found last week that had the shittiest stats ever but a cool effect? Now I can take all the mods off my 'good' version and chuck them on that. I was so happy I learned that. +1 respect point Bethesda.
When I saw him, I was hoping for Fawkes 2.0. Clearly I was wrong. But if you're gonna give us a character like that , can't they at least make him like helping out ghouls and stuff.
So...the weapon bench is now my favourite thing. I never cared for crafting, always just chucked/sold duplicate weapons unless it was an upg… morerade over the one I had. But didn't realise that if you took off a modification and put something crappy on...it actually saves that mod to be used on a gun of the same type...so no wasting my crafting materials (except to make the crappy mod). I'm such a noob lol. You know that freezing rifle i found last week that had the shittiest stats ever but a cool effect? Now I can take all the mods off my 'good' version and chuck them on that. I was so happy I learned that. +1 respect point Bethesda.
So, hold on. I understand that the Brothehood of Steel is against Ghouls because of the possibility of them being rendered feral (though I still disagree with the genocidal eugenic side of things), but why Synths? What exactly makes them abominations? Because sentient and self determining machinery sounds like very poor reasoning, given that we are exactly that. Is there something that I am missing here?
Basically, sentient machines are technology that cannot be fully harnessed or regulated. They are also the product of mankind's reckless hubris, which the Brotherhood sees as being the catalyst of the Great War.
So, hold on. I understand that the Brothehood of Steel is against Ghouls because of the possibility of them being rendered feral (though I s… moretill disagree with the genocidal eugenic side of things), but why Synths? What exactly makes them abominations? Because sentient and self determining machinery sounds like very poor reasoning, given that we are exactly that. Is there something that I am missing here?
All it takes is for someone to utter the reset code to wipe out whatever they've been before and turn them into, say, a killing machine. They're reprogrammable. That's the problem.
So, hold on. I understand that the Brothehood of Steel is against Ghouls because of the possibility of them being rendered feral (though I s… moretill disagree with the genocidal eugenic side of things), but why Synths? What exactly makes them abominations? Because sentient and self determining machinery sounds like very poor reasoning, given that we are exactly that. Is there something that I am missing here?
I shall give that they are the product of reckless endevours, but surely their production can be halted and those in existence can remain (i.e the dissolution of the Institute). After all, we ARE sentient machines ourselves. The only differences is that one race is synthetic and the other is organic. If they see machines that cannot be fully controlled as needing to be destroyed, then they ought to slaughter every last living thing on earth down to themselves.
Also, being the product of reckless hubris does not mean it should be destroyed. Halt the reckless disregard for humanity and take what benifits have been reaped from it. That way, it does not go to waste.
Honestly, the Brotherhood makes my eyes roll sometimes. The only thing about them that I like is the Power Armour. I know that they mean well, but seriously? Genocide? Eugenics?
Basically, sentient machines are technology that cannot be fully harnessed or regulated. They are also the product of mankind's reckless hubris, which the Brotherhood sees as being the catalyst of the Great War.
One could also argue that humans are programmable. If one is brought up believing and being indoctrinated, then thay can remain that way forever. Or, perhaps, they could be otherwise convinced, and the programming is "reset". I shall grant that programming a human a certain way is vastly different from a synth, but the principle stands on a relative scale. The ease in which this can be achieved should not matter. Because one person being more easily convinced to do something deplorable over another does not merit killing them.
Furthermore, their susceptibility to being molded can surely be adressed through modifications to the programming. Their shortcommings should be treated. To simply kill them because they are susceptible to suggestion is akin to killing an entire population due to an epidemic.
All it takes is for someone to utter the reset code to wipe out whatever they've been before and turn them into, say, a killing machine. They're reprogrammable. That's the problem.
I just love how each collectible magazine has a different cover, here are a few of my favorite ones I wanted to share with you guys - I'll only put three since I don't want to fill the thread with a long picture post. Anyway, Bethesda did such a superb job with these!
If any of you want to see the rest, this guy on Deviantart has a gallery of all the magazine covers, billboard ads, and wall posters that are present in the game. Enjoy!
It takes years to 'program' a human, and even then it's fallible. Institute synths are mass produced at breakneck speeds, as you can observe in the game itself. And then there's the 'replacement' issue - you can't replace someone with a person you've been training from birth. They'd be different from whomever you wanted to replace. A synth can be produced in the image of an existing person in the matter of hours. It just takes a synthetic frame and a brain scan.
I am not arguing the fallout synths aren't sentient, or 'human' enough. I'm saying they're a hazard, and it's because of the danger they pose that they need to be eliminated. And if you read between the lines, that's also what Maxson believes in.
One could also argue that humans are programmable. If one is brought up believing and being indoctrinated, then thay can remain that way for… moreever. Or, perhaps, they could be otherwise convinced, and the programming is "reset". I shall grant that programming a human a certain way is vastly different from a synth, but the principle stands on a relative scale. The ease in which this can be achieved should not matter. Because one person being more easily convinced to do something deplorable over another does not merit killing them.
Furthermore, their susceptibility to being molded can surely be adressed through modifications to the programming. Their shortcommings should be treated. To simply kill them because they are susceptible to suggestion is akin to killing an entire population due to an epidemic.
This is misleading, the brotherhood is actually strongly against eugenics, due to its connections to the FEV virus and Super Mutants. They aren't interested in weeding out bad genes, they just kill beings that they consider abominations.
I shall give that they are the product of reckless endevours, but surely their production can be halted and those in existence can remain (i… more.e the dissolution of the Institute). After all, we ARE sentient machines ourselves. The only differences is that one race is synthetic and the other is organic. If they see machines that cannot be fully controlled as needing to be destroyed, then they ought to slaughter every last living thing on earth down to themselves.
Also, being the product of reckless hubris does not mean it should be destroyed. Halt the reckless disregard for humanity and take what benifits have been reaped from it. That way, it does not go to waste.
Honestly, the Brotherhood makes my eyes roll sometimes. The only thing about them that I like is the Power Armour. I know that they mean well, but seriously? Genocide? Eugenics?
I just love how each collectible magazine has a different cover, here are a few of my favorite ones I wanted to share with you guys - I'll o… morenly put three since I don't want to fill the thread with a long picture post. Anyway, Bethesda did such a superb job with these!
If any of you want to see the rest, this guy on Deviantart has a gallery of all the magazine covers, billboard ads, and wall posters that are present in the game. Enjoy!
Holy shit, I didn't know that Elder Arthur Maxson was a kid in Fallout 3. He still a piece of shit though, so what faction did people settle with. I'm still yet to get a definite one, I'm finding it hard to figure out who would be best for the wastes. The insitute would prefer to let the surface rot then to help it, while the brotherhood are too xenophobic and too much of a self centered faction to be a help. The Railroad and the Minutemen seem like the most lasting option with the Minutemen possibly being the best with the Railroad's only goal in mind being the well being of synths. What did other people go with?
Holy shit, I didn't know that Elder Arthur Maxson was a kid in Fallout 3. He still a piece of shit though, so what faction did people settle… more with. I'm still yet to get a definite one, I'm finding it hard to figure out who would be best for the wastes. The insitute would prefer to let the surface rot then to help it, while the brotherhood are too xenophobic and too much of a self centered faction to be a help. The Railroad and the Minutemen seem like the most lasting option with the Minutemen possibly being the best with the Railroad's only goal in mind being the well being of synths. What did other people go with?
Holy shit, I didn't know that Elder Arthur Maxson was a kid in Fallout 3. He still a piece of shit though, so what faction did people settle… more with. I'm still yet to get a definite one, I'm finding it hard to figure out who would be best for the wastes. The insitute would prefer to let the surface rot then to help it, while the brotherhood are too xenophobic and too much of a self centered faction to be a help. The Railroad and the Minutemen seem like the most lasting option with the Minutemen possibly being the best with the Railroad's only goal in mind being the well being of synths. What did other people go with?
I'm not sure what makes you say that. The Minutemen modus operandi is "help and make things safer".
The Brotherhood wants to kill all non-humans and regards them as little more than animals. They're run by a rather megalomaniacal elder with a budding cult-of-personality. Plus they lord over the people like feudal rulers, extorting farmers for tribute and killing them if they don't cooperate.
Yeah, that's the thing. Their goal is noble but their methods are just wrong, anything that isn't what they call human is disregarded completely by them. Just listen to the pure hatred Danse has against super mutants, then imagine that hatred multiplied by the entire brotherhood and put that hatred into control of the entire Wasteland.
Well, here's the thing. The minutemen, despite having a great idea, they don't have the army or weapons to keep the commonwealth safe. The Minutemen don't have a standing army, they are based on the people stepping up to help. Remember what happened last time the minutemen decided to not pull together? I'll give you a hint, go to the Quincy Ruins. The Quincy Massacre was where the Gunners slaughtered an entire town because the Minutemen reinforcements just decided not to help. That's their problem. However, acting as a regulated police force under the Brotherhood's guidance is a good thing for them, it could help.
Now, the Brotherhood's "Xenophobic" problem is a bit more complicated than people like to make it with "Oh look, they're genocidal xenophobes". Look at what the brotherhood hate: Synths, Ghouls, and Super Mutants as well as Raiders. The only problem I have with this is Ghouls, since before they're feral they are not a problem. Raiders are usually scum that are only a threat, Super mutants are giant monsters with a five year olds intelligence with a revenge lust with killing, and Synths? Synths before type two are mindless robots, type two like Nick? Well, that's complicated like third gen, Synths are robots that can be reprogrammed. This turns them into dangerous machines that can turn coat quickly and slaughter dozens of people like what happened in Diamond City.
The Brotherhood aren't just psychopaths, the things they hate make sense to hate because they are dangerous to everyone's safety. There was a holotape on the Prydwn where a new soldier who came to here from the capital wasteland saw the mayhem that the mutants cause and became hateful because of that.
I'm not sure what makes you say that. The Minutemen modus operandi is "help and make things safer".
The Brotherhood wants to kill all no… moren-humans and regards them as little more than animals. They're run by a rather megalomaniacal elder with a budding cult-of-personality. Plus they lord over the people like feudal rulers, extorting farmers for tribute and killing them if they don't cooperate.
Yeah, that's the thing. Their goal is noble but their methods are just wrong, anything that isn't what they call human is disregarded comple… moretely by them. Just listen to the pure hatred Danse has against super mutants, then imagine that hatred multiplied by the entire brotherhood and put that hatred into control of the entire Wasteland.
To reprogram a synth you would need the Institute technology and information. Shut down the Institute, shut down a HUGE probability of them possibly being reprogrammed. From what I've seen in the game the only way to reprogram them is through the Institute, as I've not seen the synths reprogrammed to work for the other factions, an interesting note if they can be so easily reprogrammed.
It takes years to 'program' a human, and even then it's fallible. Institute synths are mass produced at breakneck speeds, as you can observe… more in the game itself. And then there's the 'replacement' issue - you can't replace someone with a person you've been training from birth. They'd be different from whomever you wanted to replace. A synth can be produced in the image of an existing person in the matter of hours. It just takes a synthetic frame and a brain scan.
I am not arguing the fallout synths aren't sentient, or 'human' enough. I'm saying they're a hazard, and it's because of the danger they pose that they need to be eliminated. And if you read between the lines, that's also what Maxson believes in.
ahhh shit i already did that one
ahh nice lol i like to kill things. well i kill things that i dont like so idk if i might shoot someone and she might not like it. but nice, thanks man!
They just started popping up with the regular mole rats, they are not that common but can be annoying :P
All you need to do is braid his hair, give him a handful of tatoos and it would look a perfect neo-norse pagan.
Deliverer is great. I honestly love everything about the railroad. It's a really cool faction.
Poor Abernathys. Raiders killed their daughter, haven't they suffered enough?
I see what they were trying to do: give us a 'feral' dum-dum, mutant companion instead of a civilized one like Fawkes and Lily.
Look at that bottle on the table. The elder is too blitzed on Vodka to care
There's some humorous irony in Nick, Deacon, Danse, and Strong all being at Sanctuary Hills together ...
Now i know why Piper likes when you successfully pick a lock. She loves a man with skilled fingers.
Heh, I was actually wondering if they were trying to hint at something, cause all the places where Maxson usually hangs out are chock full of booze...
Well played. Have a like.
I was pretty low level when I went after Kellogg, so when the firefight started I bolted while he and the synths were distracted by poor Nick Valentine, hid in a bathroom, and when Kellogg finally found me I just kept shutting the door in his face to heal and reload... It proved an effective strategy, if not very dignified.
I gave MacCready a fully upgraded shotgun...
I named it the MacAsskicker
"The synth er a blight on th wasteland...what r you doin bein' with a synth fgt, Knight?"
5 seconds later
Taco Bell run, who's comin'?!
So...the weapon bench is now my favourite thing. I never cared for crafting, always just chucked/sold duplicate weapons unless it was an upgrade over the one I had. But didn't realise that if you took off a modification and put something crappy on...it actually saves that mod to be used on a gun of the same type...so no wasting my crafting materials (except to make the crappy mod). I'm such a noob lol. You know that freezing rifle i found last week that had the shittiest stats ever but a cool effect? Now I can take all the mods off my 'good' version and chuck them on that. I was so happy I learned that. +1 respect point Bethesda.
When I saw him, I was hoping for Fawkes 2.0. Clearly I was wrong. But if you're gonna give us a character like that , can't they at least make him like helping out ghouls and stuff.
Haha, lucky. All I have is a freezing rolling pin.
Anyone ever find the Furious Power Fist? That weapon is the bomb. I can't stop using it
Wish it was faster. I prefer pike's knife though
He's now defending Covenant, my trade capital.
Killed a legendary deathclaw...Got a rolling pin.
So, hold on. I understand that the Brothehood of Steel is against Ghouls because of the possibility of them being rendered feral (though I still disagree with the genocidal eugenic side of things), but why Synths? What exactly makes them abominations? Because sentient and self determining machinery sounds like very poor reasoning, given that we are exactly that. Is there something that I am missing here?
Basically, sentient machines are technology that cannot be fully harnessed or regulated. They are also the product of mankind's reckless hubris, which the Brotherhood sees as being the catalyst of the Great War.
All it takes is for someone to utter the reset code to wipe out whatever they've been before and turn them into, say, a killing machine. They're reprogrammable. That's the problem.
Same with Cait, lol. They should make it where if you successfully pick a master lock, they'll love it each time.
I shall give that they are the product of reckless endevours, but surely their production can be halted and those in existence can remain (i.e the dissolution of the Institute). After all, we ARE sentient machines ourselves. The only differences is that one race is synthetic and the other is organic. If they see machines that cannot be fully controlled as needing to be destroyed, then they ought to slaughter every last living thing on earth down to themselves.
Also, being the product of reckless hubris does not mean it should be destroyed. Halt the reckless disregard for humanity and take what benifits have been reaped from it. That way, it does not go to waste.
Honestly, the Brotherhood makes my eyes roll sometimes. The only thing about them that I like is the Power Armour. I know that they mean well, but seriously? Genocide? Eugenics?
One could also argue that humans are programmable. If one is brought up believing and being indoctrinated, then thay can remain that way forever. Or, perhaps, they could be otherwise convinced, and the programming is "reset". I shall grant that programming a human a certain way is vastly different from a synth, but the principle stands on a relative scale. The ease in which this can be achieved should not matter. Because one person being more easily convinced to do something deplorable over another does not merit killing them.
Furthermore, their susceptibility to being molded can surely be adressed through modifications to the programming. Their shortcommings should be treated. To simply kill them because they are susceptible to suggestion is akin to killing an entire population due to an epidemic.
I just love how each collectible magazine has a different cover, here are a few of my favorite ones I wanted to share with you guys - I'll only put three since I don't want to fill the thread with a long picture post. Anyway, Bethesda did such a superb job with these!
If any of you want to see the rest, this guy on Deviantart has a gallery of all the magazine covers, billboard ads, and wall posters that are present in the game. Enjoy!
It takes years to 'program' a human, and even then it's fallible. Institute synths are mass produced at breakneck speeds, as you can observe in the game itself. And then there's the 'replacement' issue - you can't replace someone with a person you've been training from birth. They'd be different from whomever you wanted to replace. A synth can be produced in the image of an existing person in the matter of hours. It just takes a synthetic frame and a brain scan.
I am not arguing the fallout synths aren't sentient, or 'human' enough. I'm saying they're a hazard, and it's because of the danger they pose that they need to be eliminated. And if you read between the lines, that's also what Maxson believes in.
Fair enough, that's just my read on the lore.
This is misleading, the brotherhood is actually strongly against eugenics, due to its connections to the FEV virus and Super Mutants. They aren't interested in weeding out bad genes, they just kill beings that they consider abominations.
Thanks for sharing that link. The pride of my collection is this one.
Holy shit, I didn't know that Elder Arthur Maxson was a kid in Fallout 3. He still a piece of shit though, so what faction did people settle with. I'm still yet to get a definite one, I'm finding it hard to figure out who would be best for the wastes. The insitute would prefer to let the surface rot then to help it, while the brotherhood are too xenophobic and too much of a self centered faction to be a help. The Railroad and the Minutemen seem like the most lasting option with the Minutemen possibly being the best with the Railroad's only goal in mind being the well being of synths. What did other people go with?
I went with the Brotherhood. They honestly seem like the only group out of all of them who will actually help and make things safer.
Minutemen, in an alliance with the Railroad.
I'm not sure what makes you say that. The Minutemen modus operandi is "help and make things safer".
The Brotherhood wants to kill all non-humans and regards them as little more than animals. They're run by a rather megalomaniacal elder with a budding cult-of-personality. Plus they lord over the people like feudal rulers, extorting farmers for tribute and killing them if they don't cooperate.
Yeah, that's the thing. Their goal is noble but their methods are just wrong, anything that isn't what they call human is disregarded completely by them. Just listen to the pure hatred Danse has against super mutants, then imagine that hatred multiplied by the entire brotherhood and put that hatred into control of the entire Wasteland.
Well, here's the thing. The minutemen, despite having a great idea, they don't have the army or weapons to keep the commonwealth safe. The Minutemen don't have a standing army, they are based on the people stepping up to help. Remember what happened last time the minutemen decided to not pull together? I'll give you a hint, go to the Quincy Ruins. The Quincy Massacre was where the Gunners slaughtered an entire town because the Minutemen reinforcements just decided not to help. That's their problem. However, acting as a regulated police force under the Brotherhood's guidance is a good thing for them, it could help.
Now, the Brotherhood's "Xenophobic" problem is a bit more complicated than people like to make it with "Oh look, they're genocidal xenophobes". Look at what the brotherhood hate: Synths, Ghouls, and Super Mutants as well as Raiders. The only problem I have with this is Ghouls, since before they're feral they are not a problem. Raiders are usually scum that are only a threat, Super mutants are giant monsters with a five year olds intelligence with a revenge lust with killing, and Synths? Synths before type two are mindless robots, type two like Nick? Well, that's complicated like third gen, Synths are robots that can be reprogrammed. This turns them into dangerous machines that can turn coat quickly and slaughter dozens of people like what happened in Diamond City.
The Brotherhood aren't just psychopaths, the things they hate make sense to hate because they are dangerous to everyone's safety. There was a holotape on the Prydwn where a new soldier who came to here from the capital wasteland saw the mayhem that the mutants cause and became hateful because of that.
I'll direct you to the post above I made, seems easier to explain everything that way.
To reprogram a synth you would need the Institute technology and information. Shut down the Institute, shut down a HUGE probability of them possibly being reprogrammed. From what I've seen in the game the only way to reprogram them is through the Institute, as I've not seen the synths reprogrammed to work for the other factions, an interesting note if they can be so easily reprogrammed.