Would you do it for $100?
So, the point here is to list various activities you think people would find demoralizing, embarrassing, and others would comment whether they WOULD do it for $100, or not (and why you wouldn't, if you are feeling fancy).
And please, try to keep things lighthearted. Nothing too dark, especially if you know nobody would do it.
I'll start!
1) Jump off a 1000 ft cliff into a lake
2) Stick your hand in a used toilet
3) Go a week eating only food that you hate
4) Live without power/electricity for a week
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Murder, lol jk.
Eat a living Badger.
lol I think four isn't hard. That just a week of me camping, fishing, and hunting. That sounds quite fun, for a 100 bucks.
I don't know why a badger of all thing, but regardless, no way!
Even if it was an animal we usually eat, like a chicken, eating it live would be too disturbing for me.
...maybe for $300 I'd do it.
1) Refrain from posting dank memes
2) Wear socks only for a week
3) Not going on the Internets for a week
4) Not looking at dank memes for a week
Easiest $300 I'd ever make. I'd only skip out on the socks one. It's winter time where I am.
For 100 dollars, I'd suck a dick. Literally. If someone offered me 100 dollars for prostitution, I'd take it as long as they have no STIs or STDs.
i would do ur mom for $100 ayyyyyyyyy
But in all seriousness, I would probably go for a week eating nothing but the food I hate for $100, and then can treat myself to good food immediately afterwards.
1) I would do it, it's easy.
2) I just have to wear gloves, so yes, I would do it
3) Only a week? Well, that's also easy.
4) Well... I can do that, but it wouldn't be so fun.
5) Live into a zombie apocalypse for a month (If you die there, you'll never come back)
6) Kill a rat with a stranger's glass
7) Swim in the ocean for 1 hour
8) Fight a psychopath in a cave
I'd most likely die in the zombie apocalypse. Definite no.
Rats, no problem! I'd do it.
I think I'm physically strong enough to pull that off, so sure.
And if the person is indeed a complete psychopath, then I wouldn't risk it. Who knows what they would do.
I think a lot of STD's can be prevented (or have damaged minimalized) if you have the doctor diagnose them early. Aka you realize that the person you slept with last night has an STD, so you go to the doctor and they immediately get to work and prevent hell being risen inside your body.
You're in luck about the psychopath thing. We just need a cave.
Bruh you can't be in the ocean for an hour?
Yes, we can be in the ocean for an hour.
I think Eryka meant not just treading water, which is easy, but actually swimming, which can be difficult for some.
You gone done it, now the Badgers will rise up in this act of defiance. XD!!!
1) Walk through a 50-foot-long hallway barefoot, the floor of which is absolutely covered with various, undeadly insects.
2) Alternatively, walking through a 50-foot-long hallway barefoot that is covered with particularly pointy lego bricks.
Since you specified "undeadly" then I'd do it. That's what showers are for. They'd just squish at my feet.
Not the legos one tho. For real, that would hurt and I've legit drawn blood stepping on a lego while barefoot.
No to the first 3.
I'd eat a donut made of toothpaste
Some toothpaste actually tastes good. What's the worst flavor you can think of?
Let us see.......
Definitely not the first, for that is actually fatal, contrary to what hollywood would have you believe.
Hand in a used toilet? Assuming you had some hand sanitiser on hand, maybe.
A week with food that I hate is a broad term, as the foods I find displeasing differ greatly in how much I hate them. It would depend on the food.
A life without power for a week would be alright. I can find plenty of things to distract myself with
I have done 4 before and still don't have $100.
Anything Colgate.
Would you :
Watch Tai Lopez's livestreams for 10 hours? (the Lamborghini guy)
Do an all-nighter to find out the homework was due in a week?
Take 10 different semester finals?
Or finally, have to brush your teeth with the dried out and crusty toothpaste, that was dipped in grease and breathed on many times by someone who just had a burger?
Good luck with the ocean, you'd die of hypothermia in like 10 minutes max.
Try drowning simulator if you haven't, it's free.
Meet me at the back at a local Denny's.
That's about it, fo' now.
To answer your questions.
Whenever I brush my teeth with Colgate, I can't help but shake a little.
In this thread, there are people who say yes... and then there are liars.
Nothing dangerous or depraved.
I'd do the 4th one if there was like 1000$.
Poor you
oh shit
If you throw in a klondike bar I'm game