Why does TWD get more attention?



  • Thanks I'll check it out. I always planned to get around to reading the comics...but it never happened haha. I guess now's the opportunity. My mistake guys and gal. :)

    Jennifer posted: »

    We actually do know whether it's Nerissa or Faith. The fifth episode of Telltale's game ended with a message to read the comics to continue

  • Which one is it

    Jennifer posted: »

    We actually do know whether it's Nerissa or Faith. The fifth episode of Telltale's game ended with a message to read the comics to continue

  • More emotional story?

  • They said the game was canon, but I'm not sure if the spin-off comic's interpretation of the game is canon though.

    Jennifer posted: »

    We actually do know whether it's Nerissa or Faith. The fifth episode of Telltale's game ended with a message to read the comics to continue

  • Twd is so much better than twau

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2015

    It's hard to say whether the entire story is canon since it does deviate from the game rather significantly in parts, but it's probably safe to say at least the revelation as to whether it's Faith or Nerissa is what the developers intended, as the game advertises that you can continue the story in the comics at the end of the game. Her identity is the only plot thread that was purposefully left wide open at the end of the game, which left people wanting more. The comic teaser at the end definitely did it's job since her identity isn't left ambiguous at the end of the comic's story arc.

    They said the game was canon, but I'm not sure if the spin-off comic's interpretation of the game is canon though.

  • I agree to a point but now they've picked up Batman too, so we'll be lucky to get another Borderlands game at this point let alone TWAU (which btw is my second favorite TTG series besides the obvious).

    kaleion posted: »

    Well, it's not just Bill Willingham, it's Vertigo a subsidiary of DC comics which in turn is a subsidiary of Warner Bros., now I don't know

  • Yeah, the collaboration for Batman pretty much killed that theory, I'm going to say that I'm not exited at all about Batman but I'll probably play it, there's nothing wrong with the idea but it's disheartening to see they are collaborating again and it's not for TWAU season 2, of course Batman will sell way more than a second Wolf season but damn it I've had too much Batman already, there's tons of good versions of Batman out there and for me Bruce Tim's Batman will always be THE Batman so I don't much care for this because any choice or dialogue that doesn't fit that Batman won't feel like Batman to me.

    TheRealBiz posted: »

    I agree to a point but now they've picked up Batman too, so we'll be lucky to get another Borderlands game at this point let alone TWAU (which btw is my second favorite TTG series besides the obvious).

  • It wasn't really a cliffhanger-personally I've never understood the debate because it's so obvious, but people don't agree with me obviously-it was a direct homage to the last scene of The Usual Suspects, which itself was an homage to to the old film noir movies that would often finish on a bizarre plot twist and then just. . .end. Mostly because they couldn't really explain things back then due to censorship.

    Chilled posted: »

    It was still a cliff hanger, the main issue was resolved, but more questions arose. We end the game with literally no idea what happened, an

  • If you are Batman in the game and you'd assume you are, the real fun would be being able to pick which Batman you want to be. His personality has been rebooted literally dozens of times.

    kaleion posted: »

    Yeah, the collaboration for Batman pretty much killed that theory, I'm going to say that I'm not exited at all about Batman but I'll probabl

  • TWAU was a breath of fresh air. It's original, nearly all the characters have their own lore. The atmosphere was amazing, the soundtrack was amazing, the art style was amazing, I could go on.

    Twd is so much better than twau

  • I agree, Wolf beats TWD in originality and freshness, and just being more beautiful to look at.

    Fat_Turt posted: »

    TWAU was a breath of fresh air. It's original, nearly all the characters have their own lore. The atmosphere was amazing, the soundtrack was amazing, the art style was amazing, I could go on.

  • If people can't see how TWD sold much better than TWAU then we got a big issue. First of all do people realize that TWD comes from the very popular comics? Oh but what about that show on tv that has people losing their shit? What about TTG scheduling the releases of TWD around when the tv show is off air?

    TTG is all about bridging off other successful franchises. Plus, lets face it and realize that a emotional story is more effecting than what TWAU gave us. I'm not saying TWAU wasn't great but I can't help but feel that TWD took a piece with me when I finished that damn game.

    Then you got the fact that TTG is being pumped with money to work on other series. That is why Minecraft is coming out so face and that is why GoT was already signed for several seasons.

  • I guess but if there's even one choice that doesn't have a Bruce Tim Batman feel it's probably going to irritate me, I wasn't a huge fan of the Arkham games because of the way Batman acted in them, that being said Kevin Conroy need to reprise the Batman role again, everyone else is unworthy.

    I mean, there have been other good Batmans but Kevin Conroy is Batman as far as I'm concerned and yeah if Joker's in this it needs to be Mark Hamil.

    TheRealBiz posted: »

    If you are Batman in the game and you'd assume you are, the real fun would be being able to pick which Batman you want to be. His personality has been rebooted literally dozens of times.

  • edited December 2015

    TWAU wasn't so popular until Telltale adapted it, and it made $12 million which is amazing for a game that started off with a little fan base. People don't care how popular it is, they care how good it is. Minecraft gets loads of hate even though its popular, I can't blame them because it makes Telltale look like their cashing off a series with little effort, I mean come on, have you seen how forgettable the characters are in TTG Minecraft. GoT is popular, a lot of people say the ending was weak, and it was pointless. TWAU did better than Minecraft and GoT. So I think that says something.

    If people can't see how TWD sold much better than TWAU then we got a big issue. First of all do people realize that TWD comes from the very

  • "TWAU did better than Minecraft and GoT"

    In some areas yes, but for choices I say no. That's just my opinion.

    Fat_Turt posted: »

    TWAU wasn't so popular until Telltale adapted it, and it made $12 million which is amazing for a game that started off with a little fan bas

  • The Walking Dead is "mainstream".

  • The Walking Dead has a bigger fanbase and is more popular because of the show and comic.
    If you're not aware TWD is one of the biggest shows on air at the moment and the comics have also gotten increasingly popular after the show first aired.
    TWAU is also based on a comic, Fables, but the fanbase isn't as big as TWD's one.
    Also TWDG was released in 2012 before TWAU and because of the already large fandom, TWDG got popular quickly. It also made a turning point on gaming because it was like an interactive movie that allowed you to make decisions that would later have consequences.
    And despite the zombie plot being done hundreds of times, the thing about the Walking Dead is it shows how the survivors cope with the strain of the apocalypse, it's not just about going around and shooting zombies. Which is why the show, game and comics are successful.

  • Vault Tec go away I want piper back

    The Walking Dead is "mainstream".

  • I expected GoT to end something like that because I read a article before that said they signed GoT to multiple seasons. I kept my expectations low and I was really enjoying it until around episode 3. Things started lingering until it got to episode five which was probably one the poorest written.....I mean it literally made me lose faith. The problem is it became apparent that there is no real weight to your choices. You have to feel like your choices mean something even if it doesn't do anything. TTG had that in TWD S1 started to lose it in TWAU S1 and the clung onto it in TWD S2. Though, GoT and Tales even go further down in the weight of your choices. The biggest difference is that Tales is far more enjoyable despite that.

    Also, keep in mind I'm not saying "your choices doesn't change stuff". I'm saying how the stuff you are choosing makes you question and feel during your play though. TTG is losing that while other games seem to be picking up on that and potentially going further. That is why I said that GoT season two will determine if season one was even worth it.

    Fat_Turt posted: »

    TWAU wasn't so popular until Telltale adapted it, and it made $12 million which is amazing for a game that started off with a little fan bas

  • TWD is a good game. But come on, TWAU is way better, so is the comic

  • Yeah you pretty much have to have Conroy, Hammill and the girl that did Harley's voice.

    kaleion posted: »

    I guess but if there's even one choice that doesn't have a Bruce Tim Batman feel it's probably going to irritate me, I wasn't a huge fan of

  • Twau already has a sequel

  • TWD is more popular and I think people have more of an interest in zombies :P

  • TWD had a bigger fanbase than TWAU. The TV show draws alot of people in probably, Even though it has nothing to do with it. I personally like both TWD and TWAU.

  • Twau already has a sequel

    ...huh? Mind pointing me in the direction of said Wolf Among Us sequel so I can drop everything I'm doing and play it ASAP? ;)

    Twau already has a sequel

  • Yeah, the comics. Not a full on sequel, but at the end of twau it says pick up more fable comics. I really think the comics are the reason they are not making a sequel

    Twau already has a sequel ...huh? Mind pointing me in the direction of said Wolf Among Us sequel so I can drop everything I'm doing and play it ASAP?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited January 2016

    Well, sequel is a bit of an odd way to phrase it, but yeah - the comics do continue the story of Fables, except in modern times instead of the 80's. However, it's not exactly the same thing even though the game and comics exist in the same universe.

    Yeah, the comics. Not a full on sequel, but at the end of twau it says pick up more fable comics. I really think the comics are the reason they are not making a sequel

  • They have the same characters and the "problems" between the characters, specifically beauty and beast, still do feel like they exist

    Well, sequel is a bit of an odd way to phrase it, but yeah - the comics do continue the story of Fables, except in modern times instead of the 80's. However, it's not exactly the same thing even though the game and comics exist in the same universe.

  • I think Tales from the Borderlands is way better than TWD and TWAU

    Raiyu posted: »

    TWD is a good game. But come on, TWAU is way better, so is the comic

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2016

    The Walking Dead also got a lot of attention because it was the first tailored choice game of its kind (there were games before it that were well received, like Heavy Rain, but Telltale evolved the concept in their own style, and the public enjoyed it). So it won over 90 game of the year awards, but the reason why it won so many of those awards was simply because it was a novel concept at the time.

    The Wolf Among Us didn't receive nearly as many awards (although it won more than The Walking Dead: Season Two).

    The Wolf Among Us won the following Game of the Year awards:
    Best Adventure at IGN, as well as Best Story and Best Performances
    Best Writing - Drama at Adventure Gamers (and a Reader's Choice award for Best Voice Acting)
    Middle of Nowhere Gaming's Best Story of 2014
    Game of the Year at Fanboy Feed

    And it was listed in several general Best of 2014 lists as well:
    Eurogamer's Games of 2014
    Best of 2014 Editor's Choice at Game Revolution
    Best of 2014 at A.V. Club
    Best of 2014 at Aspie Gaming
    Best of 2014 at Game-Wisdom
    Best of 2014 at Kill Screen
    The Best Games of 2014 at The Robot's Choice

  •     TWAU suffers from an identy confusion.   Atleast as far as the casual market goes.   Anybody I've shown the game loves it. The problem comes from this being a super nich game! Ppl know who BatMan is Bigby Wolf .... not as many as we would like .    Keep shareing this game buy copies and give them as presents.  Make them run out of stock @Target!  Money talks. Lack there of talks louder!
  • I guess it is simply more popular than TWAU and Fables. TWD franchise is big and is present in many different mediums unlike the Fables universe. Plus, TWD game was released first so people want to know what will happen next for that game before any other one. As far as I'm concerned though, I would be a lot more excited for a TWAU season 2 than TWD season 3.

  • Sadly, Telltale's 'The Walking Dead' series garnered more publicity and money. The Wolf Among Us, though it's better than both TWD seasons combined, won't make Telltale gain more money than a The Walking Dead Season 3 will. It's all about the money now with Telltale. They've lost interest in making fantastic narratives like The Wolf Among Us or Game of Thrones, and have moved on to mediocre games such as Minecraft Story Mode and Tales From The Borderlands.

  • mediocre

    Tales from the Borderlands

    Have you actually played the game, or are you speaking from assumptions?

    CunningFox posted: »

    Sadly, Telltale's 'The Walking Dead' series garnered more publicity and money. The Wolf Among Us, though it's better than both TWD seasons c

  • Tales is mediocre? Get outta here!

    CunningFox posted: »

    Sadly, Telltale's 'The Walking Dead' series garnered more publicity and money. The Wolf Among Us, though it's better than both TWD seasons c

  • No, I have played the game, and most of it consists of horrible humor and cheesy characters.

    mediocre Tales from the Borderlands Have you actually played the game, or are you speaking from assumptions?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    have moved on to mediocre games such as Minecraft Story Mode and Tales From The Borderlands.

    I personally consider Tales from the Borderlands their best work after The Walking Dead seasons 1 & 2 and i liked it a lot better than The Wolf Among Us but different strokes for different folks i guess.

    When The Walking Dead was announced they also announced that they have a multi year contract with Skybound to make multiple games based around the Walking Dead which they didn't do with The Wolf Among Us so if they do want to make another season they might need to sign a new contract which could take time to negotiate.

    They've lost interest in making fantastic narratives like The Wolf Among Us or Game of Thrones

    They still have interest in making good games as they have announced that they are making Game of Thrones season 2, Batman, Marvel and they have other unannounced projects and/or titles in the pipeline which go to 2017 and beyond so there are still some good franchises to look forward to.

    CunningFox posted: »

    Sadly, Telltale's 'The Walking Dead' series garnered more publicity and money. The Wolf Among Us, though it's better than both TWD seasons c

  • horrible humor and cheesy characters.

    I REALLY have to disagree with you on both counts.

    CunningFox posted: »

    No, I have played the game, and most of it consists of horrible humor and cheesy characters.

  • I appreciate you not bashing my opinion like some other people have. I am excited for Game of Thrones Season 2, but I could care less for Batman or Michonne. I just feel that Telltale's work has really gotten worse since Game of Thrones ended.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    have moved on to mediocre games such as Minecraft Story Mode and Tales From The Borderlands. I personally consider Tales from the Bo

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