Charles Sparks
I was still waiting for the buss. I looked at my phone. 5 more minutes till it was late. I began to worry he had taken the… more other street. If Mr.Pierce seriously took route 317 after i lied to one of my best friends to cover for him there would be hell to pay. Luckily i was wrong. I saw with excitement as the buss finally arrived. It was just one of those regular buses with the yellow pain and the black lines. But to me it was my ticket to the experience of a lifetime. The joy must have been clear on my face since after opening the door Pierce immediately commented on it.
"You know i was going to ask if you were happy now, but i don't really see the point in it anymore" He said with a small resentment in his voice.
Was it really that big a deal i wanted the trip early? I did my best to have a good relationship with him and always tried to make him feel appreciated as a teacher. But know he wants to be pissed at me becaus… [view original content]
Charles Sparks
I was still waiting for the buss. I looked at my phone. 5 more minutes till it was late. I began to worry he had taken the… more other street. If Mr.Pierce seriously took route 317 after i lied to one of my best friends to cover for him there would be hell to pay. Luckily i was wrong. I saw with excitement as the buss finally arrived. It was just one of those regular buses with the yellow pain and the black lines. But to me it was my ticket to the experience of a lifetime. The joy must have been clear on my face since after opening the door Pierce immediately commented on it.
"You know i was going to ask if you were happy now, but i don't really see the point in it anymore" He said with a small resentment in his voice.
Was it really that big a deal i wanted the trip early? I did my best to have a good relationship with him and always tried to make him feel appreciated as a teacher. But know he wants to be pissed at me becaus… [view original content]
Shockingly, I'm not the kind of person to give second chances, at least not unless there is a really good reason to do so. Zach is a jerk and he better does something to redeem himself first before I even consider giving him a chance. Besides, I like Sadie a lot more than Zach (which, to be fair, is not very hard) and I don't want to piss her off by hanging out with that asshole.
As for Riley, I have expected her to find a dead body. I guess this guy is the hobo who Sam saved earlier and I guess he was killed by these wannabe terrorists. I am just curious why they felt the need to write a message to Sam on the wall, but well, I guess that's how the mind of these crazy people works.
Charles Sparks
I was still waiting for the buss. I looked at my phone. 5 more minutes till it was late. I began to worry he had taken the… more other street. If Mr.Pierce seriously took route 317 after i lied to one of my best friends to cover for him there would be hell to pay. Luckily i was wrong. I saw with excitement as the buss finally arrived. It was just one of those regular buses with the yellow pain and the black lines. But to me it was my ticket to the experience of a lifetime. The joy must have been clear on my face since after opening the door Pierce immediately commented on it.
"You know i was going to ask if you were happy now, but i don't really see the point in it anymore" He said with a small resentment in his voice.
Was it really that big a deal i wanted the trip early? I did my best to have a good relationship with him and always tried to make him feel appreciated as a teacher. But know he wants to be pissed at me becaus… [view original content]
Charles Sparks
I was still waiting for the buss. I looked at my phone. 5 more minutes till it was late. I began to worry he had taken the… more other street. If Mr.Pierce seriously took route 317 after i lied to one of my best friends to cover for him there would be hell to pay. Luckily i was wrong. I saw with excitement as the buss finally arrived. It was just one of those regular buses with the yellow pain and the black lines. But to me it was my ticket to the experience of a lifetime. The joy must have been clear on my face since after opening the door Pierce immediately commented on it.
"You know i was going to ask if you were happy now, but i don't really see the point in it anymore" He said with a small resentment in his voice.
Was it really that big a deal i wanted the trip early? I did my best to have a good relationship with him and always tried to make him feel appreciated as a teacher. But know he wants to be pissed at me becaus… [view original content]
Good theory. I worn't confirm it but its really good.
The message written in blood is probably the biggest clue in the crime scene and depending on certain things it might eventually be the thing that reveals who did it.
Riley is sadly going to be traumatized by the whole even but if you play your cards right that might lead to something positive believe it or not.
[Follow Saddie's Advice]
Shockingly, I'm not the kind of person to give second chances, at least not unless there is a really good reason… more to do so. Zach is a jerk and he better does something to redeem himself first before I even consider giving him a chance. Besides, I like Sadie a lot more than Zach (which, to be fair, is not very hard) and I don't want to piss her off by hanging out with that asshole.
As for Riley, I have expected her to find a dead body. I guess this guy is the hobo who Sam saved earlier and I guess he was killed by these wannabe terrorists. I am just curious why they felt the need to write a message to Sam on the wall, but well, I guess that's how the mind of these crazy people works.
Charles Sparks
I was still waiting for the buss. I looked at my phone. 5 more minutes till it was late. I began to worry he had taken the… more other street. If Mr.Pierce seriously took route 317 after i lied to one of my best friends to cover for him there would be hell to pay. Luckily i was wrong. I saw with excitement as the buss finally arrived. It was just one of those regular buses with the yellow pain and the black lines. But to me it was my ticket to the experience of a lifetime. The joy must have been clear on my face since after opening the door Pierce immediately commented on it.
"You know i was going to ask if you were happy now, but i don't really see the point in it anymore" He said with a small resentment in his voice.
Was it really that big a deal i wanted the trip early? I did my best to have a good relationship with him and always tried to make him feel appreciated as a teacher. But know he wants to be pissed at me becaus… [view original content]
Charles Sparks
I was still waiting for the buss. I looked at my phone. 5 more minutes till it was late. I began to worry he had taken the… more other street. If Mr.Pierce seriously took route 317 after i lied to one of my best friends to cover for him there would be hell to pay. Luckily i was wrong. I saw with excitement as the buss finally arrived. It was just one of those regular buses with the yellow pain and the black lines. But to me it was my ticket to the experience of a lifetime. The joy must have been clear on my face since after opening the door Pierce immediately commented on it.
"You know i was going to ask if you were happy now, but i don't really see the point in it anymore" He said with a small resentment in his voice.
Was it really that big a deal i wanted the trip early? I did my best to have a good relationship with him and always tried to make him feel appreciated as a teacher. But know he wants to be pissed at me becaus… [view original content]
Charles Sparks
I was still waiting for the buss. I looked at my phone. 5 more minutes till it was late. I began to worry he had taken the… more other street. If Mr.Pierce seriously took route 317 after i lied to one of my best friends to cover for him there would be hell to pay. Luckily i was wrong. I saw with excitement as the buss finally arrived. It was just one of those regular buses with the yellow pain and the black lines. But to me it was my ticket to the experience of a lifetime. The joy must have been clear on my face since after opening the door Pierce immediately commented on it.
"You know i was going to ask if you were happy now, but i don't really see the point in it anymore" He said with a small resentment in his voice.
Was it really that big a deal i wanted the trip early? I did my best to have a good relationship with him and always tried to make him feel appreciated as a teacher. But know he wants to be pissed at me becaus… [view original content]
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I tried ignoring the sound but it was just impossible. Dammit, i should have set it to 'winter morning' instead i set it to 'marching band trumpet'. God i hated that setting. I tossed and turned in my Egyptian cotton bed sheets trying not to wake up but sadly it was only matter of time. I whined as i opened my eyes and got up from bed. Then i slowly put on my slippers and walked the marble steps to the other side of my floor were the bathroom was. I had the massage setting turned off for the first time in months so it felt weird to touch the hard floor. It made me wish we had the carpet from that penthouse in Rio in this mansion too. As i went to the bathroom looked at my reflection in the mirror. Then i was suddenly glad i forgot to take my morning picture.
Let's just say it hadn't been my best morning look. My red hair was a mess it looked like i just saw a ghost in one of those silly horror movies where everything was over the top. My flesh was pale and that made my freckles really highlighted. My mismatched eyes both looked tired. I tried to open them more but until i splashed water on my face it didn't work. As i saw them fully open i remembered how annoying people got about them. 'But how can one be brown and the other green?'. That and the obnoxious stare i got from people when they looked at me for the first just made me angry. And the insulting, stupid questions 'Did your parents experiment on you?' 'Do you see things different with them?' 'Can the green one shoot lasers?'. For the record No, Never and i wish it could, it would make dealing with guys like you so much easier. But i had found a different way. Anyway besides that i looked beautiful in my cashmere pajamas. I was so glad i chose the blue one this time, it felt amazing. Sometimes i had to look to remind myself i was wearing them and when i took them off i felt like i was shedding my skin. I stopped thinking about my looks and picked up my brush and tooth paste. The paste was crudely labeled 'Dr. Smiths self made toothpaste version 33'. Oh dad, are me and mom the only ones who will still try it? I wanted to make my own one of these days. Probably would make it taste better.
After i took my morning shower i went and put on my training uniform went to my personal mini dojo. I liked to practice in the morning, it helped me get ready for the rest of the day. And today was a special day. Today was the day we finally went to visit "Mechatech Independent Research Facility Alpha Building Division" though it wasn't independent anymore. I loved science it, was a huge passion of mine. So a visit to one of the world’s best if not the best science buildings, it made me super excited. It was a break from mom and dad's boring lectures about what i should focus on, which made me glad i only saw them a few times a week. It gave me way more independence to think up new ideas. I already thought up few things i could invent. That and it gave time for my other passion, photography. I took pictures daily and i always took camera with me everywhere, couldn't risk missing shot. Actually at the moment i wanted to make camera sunglasses. Easier to carry, easier to take. I would also have less of an awkward time explaining to the aikido master why i NEEDED to take it to class. I think i forgot the last one's name, which embarrassed me a bit. I mean i knew him a whole 4 days, that was 2 more days than almost any of the others. But anyway, i practiced frontal attacks till i felt like i did enough which took a while. Afterwards i went to my closet and started looking for a good outfit. I ended up picking the Kardini, it just made me look amazing today. Finally i grabbed today's camera, took a picture in today's outfit and went downstairs.
The mansion was ok i guess. It was much smaller than we were used to, it only had 14 rooms and 3 floors. It wasn't up to standards yet either i could barely see my reflection on the floor. Even worse was the fact we had no room phones installed yet so we had to use bells and wait for one of the servants to come up the stairs. And there were so many stairs. I counted 73 last time but it always felt like more, and since my floor was the top one i had to walk all of them. I really missed the elevator we had in Japan it made things so much easier. At the bottom of the stairs was one of the butlers. I didn't remember his face that well.
"Good day, Miss Smith how has your morning been?" he asked with some charm in his voice.
"Yeah it's been great so far, how about you......?" I stopped mid sentence trying to figure out his name.
"Wilfred, Wilfred Jonas." he said with a courteous bow and smile "I have been the head butler for the past few weeks"
Figures, i barely got to know the staff since it changed so often. But i wasn't going to be rude to him so i did my best to apologize.
"Sorry, my mistake" i said. He looked at me with some surprise. I guess he wasn't expecting me to apologize. But just as quickly as a blink of an eye he returned to his casual smile.
"No need Miss Smith. I was my fault for not introducing myself beforehand" He said a bit ashamed. Not this again. I closed my eyes and sighed.
"No it wasn't. I should have known it from the start and there's no excuse. I'm the one whose sorry" I said firmly. He seemed less surprised now.
"Whatever you prefer Miss Smith" he said obviously trying to end the conversation.
I wanted to continue but i knew it was no use.. I finished walking downstairs and followed Wilbert to the dining hall. He opened a chair for me and i sat down. This was one of the few rooms that looked like the ones we normally had. All the walls were decorated with different designs and on the roof was a big chandelier with more lights that it would take a whole day to count. I looked at the table in front of me. There were about 28 seats all prepared in case we needed them. All had wine glasses cleaned ready to be used, but to be honest only mom drank. Actually we barely used this table at all, dad liked to eat while working and mom while reading in the library. I was the one who most used it and that was barely 2 times a week. I normally ate in one of my rooms while i did something else. But recently we started using it more often. After sat down I stared out into the empty room till Wilbert suddenly spoke up.
"Oh, before i forget. Your father took the private plane of to Chicago for a conference and sadly couldn't join us"
And that makes four days since i saw him. So much for his big talk about being there to support me today.
"Which one did he take?" i asked with small sadness.
"The black one" he said calmly
That's funny, i didn't remember him owning one in that color. He must have bought it recently. Wilbert looked at me again with some sadness.
"And your mother......" He began.
"Is up in her lab in Washington, isn't she?" i finished with resentment
Wilbert looked surprised but saddened at the same time. He frowned as he replied.
"I'm sorry Miss" he said solemn tone. But i stopped him.
"You don't need to apologize. It's who they are. Nothing will ever change that." i answered finally accepting something i never wanted to.
He looked at me for a second and went to the kitchen. Then for a while, everything was quiet. It started to get boring. Shouldn't one of the maids show up to greet me by now? So i started to think about the trip. Mr. Piercesen had told us in class to make sure to bring a bag with all that we needed. I made sure mine had a few good batteries, film and even a few other cameras since i was always prepared. It also had couple of spring water bottles, an extra pair of shoes in case mine broke and a few different bracelets if i got bored and wanted to try them on. I also kept that map of the facility for safe keeping. It was a group thing so everyone in the class was going, Daisy, Valentine, Shane, Zack, Samson, that artist girl Rachel. I seemed like today was going to be fantastic. There was only one thing i was dreading, the buss. I don't think i ever used one before but for this trip it was mandatory. Sitting in something so small with so many made me uncomfortable. And i hated feeling uncomfortable. Also i heard from people that they only wash the seats once a week. I shuddered at the thought.
I waited for what seemed like hours till i finally stood up. For the first time in weeks i stepped into the kitchen. It looked just like i remembered it. It was bigger than most kitchens, it looked more like it belonged in a restaurant. But i guess it made sense it was made to make sure they could cook for about 75 people for those galas my mother liked to throw. Usually there was only one or two chefs daily ready to cook. But to my shock Wilbert was the only one there. Apparently he was already starting my usual breakfast, some pancakes and a small cake for dessert. I stood there in silence as i wondered why the head butler was cooking my meal. But then i saw the floor. It had familiar crimson liquid splashed on it. It was blood 'Oh god...... what.... Where did that.....'
As i he turned around to look at me the worst thing i could imagine came to my head. I wanted to run but i was paralyzed by fear. But then i saw his bandaged hand. A sudden calm came over me. As the fear began to fade out of me Wilbert spoke.
"I'm sorry Miss Smith, i was preparing your food when i accidentally cut my hand. I had to bandage it so it took me awhile to start up again" he said with sadness in his voice. "I deeply hope i haven't troubled you..."
"No, no it's fine." i said. I was happy i was wrong but i was also sad about his injury.
"The cook, Defonto" he continued "He had an issue with his wife, he said it gave him a headache and he couldn’t focus. He had to leave as soon as possible. The other chef was just dumped by his girlfriend. He told us he would need the day off to get over his heartbreak. And that only left me to prepare this. Sadly i'm not so skilled. But i’ll try to get it ready in a few minutes."
"It's alright thank you. I'm really sorry to bother you. Take all the time you need" i answered. I felt really bad over the fact i couldn't help him. If just knew how to cook i would have been able to take over and give the poor man a rest. But i would probably make things worse. Burn the kitchen or something. I wanted to stop him but i knew he would keep cooking anyway. So i went back to my chair and sat down, the sound of the chair echoing in the empty halls. I once again looked at the empty chairs in front of me. 'I hope the rest of today will be less lonely'.
Lylain Herntz
No, this was wrong.
"I'm sorry Matthew. I can't do this. There's just to big a risk something could happen and even then were blatantly sabotaging someone. This goes against everything i've believed in my life. I really sorry but i can't" i said turning around as i left. To my surprise Dr. Stevens immediately call out to me.
"You'd just abandon us in our time of need?" he said clearly affected by my words. Turned back and answered.
"I'm not abandoning anything. There's another way to do this."
"If he's telling the truth there is no other way"
"IF he's telling the truth"
"Lylain i've know Kevan for 8 years. I knew his father even before that. He might be what he is but he's not an idiot. You seriously think that he would insult me in such a way if he wasn't convinced?"
"Yes i do think so. The man is a self absorbed loon. Hell his project might be a mirror. 'Manages to capture his beauty' or some stupid thing like that" i said with anger in my tone i continued to walk away.
"DON'T YOU DARE WALK OUT THAT DOOR HERNTZ! You're not leaving till you promise me you'll do this!" he screamed in a tone i never hear him use before.
"So that's how this is then? What the hell happened to not holding it against me?" i asked
"I thought you would make the right choice. That you wouldn't think twice about this...."
"Think twice about risking my bloody life over nothing. No, i sure as hell wouldn't do that"
"This is me and Emma's life. The work we put in for years. We barely talk to our families anymore. This is what makes us happy. And you would be willing to risk us losing that over the possibility of harm. Do we not matter for you? All those times Emma defended you. I never thought you were such a selfish, rotten man." he said full of rage.
I had enough of this. I kept walking out ignoring his voice. This was a man i had admired, now cursing my name. I couldn't handle it.
"LISTEN TO ME!!" he screamed as i opened the door "DAMN YOU HERNTZ!!!!" he yelled with all his anger as i walked out.
Guess i wasn't going to be in mind when it came to finding a successor now. I just hoped he got whatever the hell came over him. I never tried to hurt Emma or him. This I would be risking my life blindly for something i didn't even believe in. Being a paranoid idiot because some insane egomaniac SAID his project was pure gold. I sighed as i walked out of the room, hoping Dr. Stevens wouldn't chase after me. That was just insane. I mean he had explosives with him. How the hell did he get those? And a key card that could go into any room. Had he used it before? Had he used it to spy on us? From now on i wouldn't be able to sleep he could enter the room at any time. I needed to secure the door with boxes or something.
As i walked down the hallway i saw a familiar black haired friend reclining with his back against the wall.
"Seems the old man really has it out for you Lylain." said Lucios with a smile "I hope whatever you did was worth it."
"It was" i answered trying to avoid the topic.
Lucios shrugged. "If you say so" He scratched small beard. He'd been keeping it longer than he used to this time. "Anyway. I wanted to thank you for earlier.... with Emma"
What? Oh the movie thing.
"Yeah you know i just thought you two could talk about that. You know..... friend stuff........" I said trying to sound inconspicuous.
He looked at me with a grin on his face "My god, You are probably the worst liar i have ever met in my life" he said as i starred at him in shock. "I mean even if i didn't know Emma had a crush on me i would....."
"YOU KNOW?" I screamed in surprise.
"Herntz, nothing gets past me. You should know that by now. I'm an expert in human psychology okay, i know how to read people. Me and her have been working for years. You really think a guy like me wouldn't have noticed the shyness, the silence, the looks. Honestly after a while i just started playing with her, telling the worst jokes knowing she would laugh no matter what, saying i needed help with something knowing she would immediately sign was sort of funny sometimes. I kept waiting for her to make her move but it seems the poor girl was too shy"
"Yo-you were waiting for her to..." He put his hands over my shoulders.
"You see man. That's why i gotta thank you for giving her the courage to. Even if you tried to pull a fast one on me. Old horror movies, it was a good one but you know like i said man. Nothing get's passed me. Anyway if this 'date' ends up well for both of us ill be sure to name you best man at the wedding"
Best man? ME. "But wouldn't your family......."
"I don't have any. I'm the last Welsick alive. And most of my friends are assholes or just not into that sort of thing. Consider it a thank you gift. For making our lives complete."
"I-I don't know what to say..." i said dumbfounded by how well this was going.
"Then don't say anything. Anyway i have to go finish working on my project. Have a good one Herntz." he said walking away.
"Yeah." i said looking back at him "I will"
I stood there watching as Lucios walked down the hall till i lost him to a corner. Then walked of to my room. Then i stop as a sudden thought hit me.
Yeah, first of Merry Christmas guys hope that it was good and you got to spent happy moments with your families and whatnot.
The recent part was written in a 3 day period and supposed to be posted yesterday (Christmas) but i sadly got greedy and wanted to add 1 or 2 more POV's. The reason for why those aren't in the part is the fact that i realized that the stuff in those other POV's would distract from what happened in these two. And i am really looking forwar to your reactions to this part, especially Zoey's part since i think its the longest Pov i've written for a single character so far.
Now i know most of you won't read this for a while but i just wanted to give you all a holiday gift, hope you enjoy .
Anyway since i already have one other Pov half written a new part should come soon.
Charles Sparks
I was still waiting for the buss. I looked at my phone. 5 more minutes till it was late. I began to worry he had taken the… more other street. If Mr.Pierce seriously took route 317 after i lied to one of my best friends to cover for him there would be hell to pay. Luckily i was wrong. I saw with excitement as the buss finally arrived. It was just one of those regular buses with the yellow pain and the black lines. But to me it was my ticket to the experience of a lifetime. The joy must have been clear on my face since after opening the door Pierce immediately commented on it.
"You know i was going to ask if you were happy now, but i don't really see the point in it anymore" He said with a small resentment in his voice.
Was it really that big a deal i wanted the trip early? I did my best to have a good relationship with him and always tried to make him feel appreciated as a teacher. But know he wants to be pissed at me becaus… [view original content]
Okay... I got a very, very bad feeling about Lucios. I don't know why, but his friendliness is slightly off-putting. Paired with his comment about being an expert on human psychology and I got the bad feeling that he might be some sociopathic evil genius who is just playing some cruel mind game on Emma. I hope I am wrong here, but I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be a lot less nice than he seems to be.
Zoey's part was nice as well! I don't know yet what to think about her, but it was a nice way to introduce her.
Zoey Smith
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I tried ignoring the sound but it was just impossible. Dammit, i should have set it … moreto 'winter morning' instead i set it to 'marching band trumpet'. God i hated that setting. I tossed and turned in my Egyptian cotton bed sheets trying not to wake up but sadly it was only matter of time. I whined as i opened my eyes and got up from bed. Then i slowly put on my slippers and walked the marble steps to the other side of my floor were the bathroom was. I had the massage setting turned off for the first time in months so it felt weird to touch the hard floor. It made me wish we had the carpet from that penthouse in Rio in this mansion too. As i went to the bathroom looked at my reflection in the mirror. Then i was suddenly glad i forgot to take my morning picture.
Let's just say it hadn't been my best morning look. My red hair was a mess it looked like i just saw a ghost in one of those sil… [view original content]
Interesting.... so for the first time you think Marlone is right? He is the one who says Lucios is evil and crazy all the time (That and insulting Emma every single time he possibly can)
As for Zoey glad you liked the part, you'll see her again soon.
Okay... I got a very, very bad feeling about Lucios. I don't know why, but his friendliness is slightly off-putting. Paired with his comment… more about being an expert on human psychology and I got the bad feeling that he might be some sociopathic evil genius who is just playing some cruel mind game on Emma. I hope I am wrong here, but I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be a lot less nice than he seems to be.
Zoey's part was nice as well! I don't know yet what to think about her, but it was a nice way to introduce her.
I actually don't think Marlone is wrong with everything he ever said. Obviously, I hate him with a passion for what he says about Emma and I always will hate him for that, but at the same time, I believe everything he says about Lucios and believed him from the very beginning. Even before Marlone mentioned Lucios to be evil and crazy, I was already convinced that he is up to no good with Emma. I also believe Marlone when he claims that everyone else treats him like crap, but then again, they have a pretty good reason to do so. Anyway, I think Lucios is probably even more evil and crazy than Marlone.
Interesting.... so for the first time you think Marlone is right? He is the one who says Lucios is evil and crazy all the time (That and ins… moreulting Emma every single time he possibly can)
As for Zoey glad you liked the part, you'll see her again soon.
Man you paint a very dark picture for Emma. I mean this is the guy she's loved in secret for years. Something like this would scar her for the rest of her life. Not to mention the reasons Lucios would have to torture her like this...............
Lets just hope for Emma's sake that you're wrong.
Anyway i'm glad you're thinking like this. Let's just say that there's some stuff going on behind the scenes in some parts and i like to hint at it a lot.
Oh and btw more references to other stories will come soon So look out for those.
I actually don't think Marlone is wrong with everything he ever said. Obviously, I hate him with a passion for what he says about Emma and I… more always will hate him for that, but at the same time, I believe everything he says about Lucios and believed him from the very beginning. Even before Marlone mentioned Lucios to be evil and crazy, I was already convinced that he is up to no good with Emma. I also believe Marlone when he claims that everyone else treats him like crap, but then again, they have a pretty good reason to do so. Anyway, I think Lucios is probably even more evil and crazy than Marlone.
Good chapter! I like Zoey's part and her introduction, and the butler. And I honestly agree with Liquid, I have a bad feeling about Lucios. He's off-putting, knows a whole lot about Human psychology, and is toying with Emma because he knows her secret. I hope I'm wrong, but anyway, Great chapter!
Zoey Smith
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I tried ignoring the sound but it was just impossible. Dammit, i should have set it … moreto 'winter morning' instead i set it to 'marching band trumpet'. God i hated that setting. I tossed and turned in my Egyptian cotton bed sheets trying not to wake up but sadly it was only matter of time. I whined as i opened my eyes and got up from bed. Then i slowly put on my slippers and walked the marble steps to the other side of my floor were the bathroom was. I had the massage setting turned off for the first time in months so it felt weird to touch the hard floor. It made me wish we had the carpet from that penthouse in Rio in this mansion too. As i went to the bathroom looked at my reflection in the mirror. Then i was suddenly glad i forgot to take my morning picture.
Let's just say it hadn't been my best morning look. My red hair was a mess it looked like i just saw a ghost in one of those sil… [view original content]
Good chapter! I like Zoey's part and her introduction, and the butler. And I honestly agree with Liquid, I have a bad feeling about Lucios. … moreHe's off-putting, knows a whole lot about Human psychology, and is toying with Emma because he knows her secret. I hope I'm wrong, but anyway, Great chapter!
As previous fellow commenters I have a bad feeling about Lucious, especially that it looked like he was playing with Emma's feelings A LOT, which is not cool and fair at all.
As for Zoey part, good introduction and beginning, curious about the moment she will join the rest in the bus she is so unhappy to trip with.
Zoey Smith
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I tried ignoring the sound but it was just impossible. Dammit, i should have set it … moreto 'winter morning' instead i set it to 'marching band trumpet'. God i hated that setting. I tossed and turned in my Egyptian cotton bed sheets trying not to wake up but sadly it was only matter of time. I whined as i opened my eyes and got up from bed. Then i slowly put on my slippers and walked the marble steps to the other side of my floor were the bathroom was. I had the massage setting turned off for the first time in months so it felt weird to touch the hard floor. It made me wish we had the carpet from that penthouse in Rio in this mansion too. As i went to the bathroom looked at my reflection in the mirror. Then i was suddenly glad i forgot to take my morning picture.
Let's just say it hadn't been my best morning look. My red hair was a mess it looked like i just saw a ghost in one of those sil… [view original content]
As previous fellow commenters I have a bad feeling about Lucious, especially that it looked like he was playing with Emma's feelings A LOT, … morewhich is not cool and fair at all.
As for Zoey part, good introduction and beginning, curious about the moment she will join the rest in the bus she is so unhappy to trip with.
Despite it's closeness the vote wins by Supers latest. Valentino will follow Sadie's advice and stay away from Zach......................I won't say much about what this will lead to but i will say that it will yield it's full results in a later episode. But it will permanently affect the development of some characters and if certain things happen could lead to something very dark.
Anyway i just finished a POV for the next part which will probably be posted tomorrow. It will be the last part of prime for the year. Hope you enjoy it. Though one of the POV's will contain some dark stuff. Not saying which though just get ready. Anyway goodnight (Or day) and see you tomorrow
I just finished baking the pancakes when Alex woke up. She had Summer with her, who instantly ran up to me. I was always surprised dog's could run so fast. Just looking at her today made me wish i could take her on the trip, but it said so right in the pamphlet. No pets allowed. I rubbed the back of her ear as Alex came into the kitchen.
She yawned "Sorry i'm late sis. I that pancakes? Wow i wasn't expecting this. I thought i would have to cook for you today"
I smiled "Consider it a thank you gift"
"Then i accept it. I love it when you make them." she said as she grabbed a plate.
I stopped petting Summer and started to finish my own batch of pancakes.
"Anyway" she said in between eating "Be careful out there. I heard there's some pretty messed up news about what's happening in the streets lately. I would walk you out if i could but i have to go to work early"
Then i remembered what i wanted to talk to her about. I almost did it yesterday but i was so tired i forgot.
"Alex" i said turning my head towards her "You know dad's release is next week...."
She stopped her meal and stared at me. The room was filled with silence. Even Summer stopped making noise, as if she knew the conversation carried weight. When i was little our father, Greg, bought a gun and robbed a couple of small markets. He was desperate. When mom left when i was 5 she took most of our money, then he got fired. I was just eight when they arrested him and i haven't seen him again. Me and Alex took care of each other since. He just sent us letters once in a while asking how we were. But then Alex started hearing these stories.......she told me prison had changed him, for the worse.
"What about it Eden?"
"Well.................. what do we do?"
She looked back at her pancakes and answered "I don't know.....well figure something out"
"Well we can't just ignore him. He's our dad and he's not like mom. He cares about us"
Her expression changed and she looked at me with sad eyes. "I know, it's just........ Some of the cops say he got mixed in with the wrong crowd and..."
"And we should judge him because of that?"
"No, ofcourse not i just meant." she closed her eyes and sighed "Look Eden it's been 9 years since we saw him sure he writes, but we haven't seen him in person. I'm just afraid he won't be the same anymore....." she said solemnly
I went back to cooking my pancakes. This just didn't feel right he was our dad. We should at least give him a chance before judging him. I knew i could convince sis to give him a chance. But then what if i was wrong? What if he was different? This was big risk, i wasn't sure if i should take it.
[Convince Alex]
[Agree with Alex]
Sadie Robbins
Okay bag was done. Next i went to the bathroom and brushed my hair. I was naturally a blond but i liked to dye it black. My eyes were a milky chocolate brown I never was too concerned about my looks but the beanie looked great , especially with the flannel i was wearing, tank top underneath of course. I also had my jeans on but i never payed much attention to those. As i looked at myself and smiled a bit with my mouth closed. 'Not that bad' i thought. Then i heard an argument downstairs. Not again.
It was my siblings, again. Tomas and Stephanie. They could be a couple of brats sometimes but they were good kids, sorry 'teenagers'. It felt so weird to have a problem saying that after all Steph was only 2 year younger than me. Maybe it was because she kept acting like she was nine. I went downstairs i heard what they were arguing about.
"I told you 5 times Steph. Notley's first death is way better than the one he get later. There's no point in saving him." Notley? Oh, COTC 5. I gave it to them a few days ago so they could spend more time together.
"How can you say that? So you think we should just leave him to be killed in a battle with Craylon?"
"Better than suffocating to death in space. That's just lame"
"Really? Sacrificing yourself for your friends is lame?"
"It is after you miss out on an awesome death battle. Seriously he doesn't even scream. They just look at him and cry. It's boring"
"It's emotional."
"No it's not, it stupid"
Then she got mad. She shoved him the he pushed her. I intervened. I tried to sound as calm as possible.
"OK, that's far enough you two. Stop this, now"
"Not until he apologizes" Stephanie said clearly mad.
"I won't. It's an awesome death. I'm right aren't i Sadie?"
Suddenly they both stopped to look at me. Time to solve the argument again i guess. Lucky for me i was good at breaking these.
"Well, to be honest Tom i don't think it's cool leaving anyone to die like that....." That made Steph smile
"....Even if it is awesome death" i finished as i grinned. And that made Tom smile.
"You see. I told you." he said to Steph
"And i told you" she replied with a smile.
"Yes you both 'told' each other. No can you stop arguing and please get back to being the adorable little nightmares i grew up with"
They both nodded. I smiled at them.
"Anyway i gotta go. Bus will come around any minute now. Sorry i couldn't spend the day with you guys"
"Don't worry sis" Tom said "It's okay, we'll just see you later"
"Good luck on that school trip thing" Steph said
"Thanks" i answered "Now come here, i need a family bear hug" I said as i wrapped my arms around them. I loved those hug's. They always felt so warm. After a minute i let them go and smiled.
"Make sure you two don't burn the house down while i'm gone"
"Don't worry we won't" Tom said with a grin "We'll save that up for when you comeback"
I smiled at them both and left the room.
"But just to be clear were choosing my version right?" Steph said as i walked out.
"Only if i get to fight the robot T-rex when we reach planet Zeta." Tom answered
"Deal" she answered.
As i went and grabbed my bag i noticed my guitar on the floor. 'Not now my love. Maybe later' i thought as i walked by. I put on my headphones and started hearing music. I never heard it before. But it was super catchy. It was one of those sweet songs. Seemed like only one person was singing it but couldn't tell if it was a woman or a man but it just sounded beautiful. It was called 'Midnight Serene' or 'Midnight Serenade' i couldn't focus that well, it was just so amazing.
'Come with me, come with me
Never be alone,
Come with me, come with me
To the Midnight Zone.
To the love, to the love
Away from the hate
Come with me, come with me
It's your one true fate
Bring your things, bring your friends, bring your family
It's the only place where you'll truly be free
Come with me, come with me
And then you'll see
Then it stopped. Dang it my reception is off, and i was enjoying it too. Oh well maybe i would hear the full thing one day. That song made me think of mom. She worked so hard these days. We barely got to see her lately. But those few moments were the best, the songs i played for them, the games we played, the shows we watched. They just made me.....happy. I smiled as i played one of my favorite playlists.
I loved my family.
Valentino Drake
Sadie was a good friend and i trusted her. If she said Zach was bad news, i was willing to take her word for it. Even if i had my doubts.
Anyway i grabbed my bag and walked out of the house. I was glad i made it yesterday. To my surprise the buss arrived just in time. Mr.Pierce was seated in the front.
"Morning Mr. Pierce." i said
"Morning Valentino" he answered
As i walked into the buss i noticed there were only two other guys. It was only Charles and that other guy...Wayne i think was his name.
"Hi guys" i said as i walked in.
"Hi Valentino" Wayne said. That got a reaction from Charles...was he angry?
"Hi, Val" he said glaring at Wayne who clearly didn't care.
I sat down and started to play with my phone. Long trip ahead. Next stop was was Sam then Riley. 'I wonder if she has any cool pictures to show me...'
Zach Sheen
No............No. I wasn't doing that. No way. I wasn't going to let this get the better of me. Not now. Not when i needed to fix things. I grabbed my bag and prepared to leave the room. I looked at the costume one last time before i left. I stared at it. Then i grabbed the mask and the cloak. Not now..........but...........maybe later. Didn't bring the chainsaw though. I was going to try. But if this failed for me........there was nothing to lose.
I walked out. I heard my parents downstairs in the kitchen talking about something. I didn't hear Scott though. He must have still been asleep, that or he went out with his gang. Either way i was glad he was gone. Like i said he was an asshole. I had been trying to avoid him all week. But anyway they were arguing about something. I took the opportunity to spy on them a bit.
"I just don't know Sean, i keep hearing complaints from Mrs. Robbins. She says he has been bullying her daughter Sadie and a bunch of other students in the class"
"Well, i trust that one of the teachers would have told us by now if it was like that. Maybe they just have it out for him....."
" 'Have it out for him'. Listen to yourself, you sound just like he does"
She sighed. "I just don't want another of our children to be kicked out of school...."
"Don't worry. Zach's a good kid at heart. He won't end up like...."
One of the floorboards under me made a loud sound and alerted them that i was there.
"Zach?" asked mom "Honey are you awake?"
I stepped down the stairs. "Good morning mom and dad"
"Good morning son" dad answered as he drank his morning coffee. "How was the night?"
"Okay i guess. How about you guys?"
"It was fine. Though your mother keeps telling me i snore at night"
"While you were asleep the neighbors called the police because they thought a shotgun was going off" mom answered with laughter.
"If you say so" he said turning back to his oatmeal.
Mom was cooking her own food. Cooked for us first like always. The fact that she didn't cook for Scott answered my question. I put my bag on the floor and sat down.
"So how's school going champ?" my dad asked when i sat down. I hope they thought i missed their conversation.
"It's great. I'm still keeping my grades up...."
"You're wrong about that..." I was suddenly very scared " You actually raised them. You know have straight A's in every class except..."
"Biology..." i said with relief.
"I never was good at biology either son" He said with a smile "So congratulations. Me and your mom were talking and we've decided were taking you to that video place to buy you that....Parasite series you like so much"
The rest of the series so far? This was amazing. "Thanks dad" i said with a smile.
"No, problem son. You earned it" He said clearly proud.
We stood there eating for a while till mom interrupted.
"So is there anything else you want to tell us Zach?"
Looked at her and tried to be as convincing as possible.
"No mom everything's fine"
For a moment i was afraid she would catch me but then her expression changed.
"Sorry it's just...well were worried about this trip, you know. Signing that 3 page permission slip. It made us worried. We just wan't to make sure you still want to go."
"It's ok mom i can take care of myself"
She smiled "I know you can."
Then she turned back to cooking. Rest of the meal went ok. We talked about sports and the news and just things. Then i said goodbye. Mom hugged me before i left and told me to be careful. I told her it was fine and the i left. I went down to the street for about 10 minutes till i reached the buss stop. I had to use it for the first time since in my street area it was prohibited to bring a buss. Which is why dad always drove me to school. But now this was the only way to do it. It was just a big bench with glass walls to the sides. As i sat down i noticed the glass had graffiti all over it. There was also a crack in the left glass. It looked kinda like someone punched it....oh no.
It was behind the mirror when i saw them. 4 guys, 2 girls. All clad in black leather jackets. I'd recognize them anywhere. Mostly from my worse nightmares. Most of the guys were really muscular. One of them, "Big Tank Tom' i think they called him, he was 8 feet tall. I always thought he could kill me with one punch. The blond guy to his left was called 'Killer Kevin' i never dared to ask him how he got that nickname. He had a tatto of a chinese dragon on his neck. Then there was 'Laughing Lenny' he was mute i think but he somehow found way to laugh anyway. Serial killer laugh. The one with the purple highlights was 'Drop Dead Dina', she always carried around a knife hidden in her jacket. She warned me if i ever told the cops i was next on list, left it up to my imagination to know what that meant. The girl with the short brown hair, she was the worst. She had black lipstick, brown eyes and a spiked collar around her neck and a piercing in her nose. Her name was 'Swearing Sara' and she was known for having meltdowns and just being unlikable. But for some reason Scott was really into her.
In the center of them was a guy many people said looked just like me. And i could see why. We both had the same hazel eyes, the same black hair (even though his was shorter), the same last name. That was my brother, their leader. 'Scycho Scott', i still hear stories about what happened to guys who told him that wasn't how that word was spelled. He came up with that nickname back in California before we moved.
They called themselves a 'gang'. But really they were just a bunch of high-school drop outs who were kicked out for bad behavior. How bad? Well i still suspected that they were the guys killing people around town. I wanted to run but i knew they would chase me. Took them a minute to notice me. I could already see Sara pissed. Once they were close enough she spoke up.
"Hey look what we have here guys, its Scott's pussy brother" she said mocking me. "I heard you were going to that institution shit, so what the fuck are you doing in our spot?"
"Your what?" i asked.
She pushed me against a wall. "Are you fucking deaf. OUR SPOT. The fuck are you doing in it!"
"This is a bus stop. It's not yours"
"And who the hell are you to tell me that?" she asked with rage in her eyes.
"You tell him S' " Kevin said while he watched.
"Hey babe be careful there" said a familiar voice "After all, he is my brother"
"The fucking hell should i?"
"Because you don't have to lower yourself to him" he said trying to calm her down.
"If I just break a couple of teeth its worth it." Oh dear god, she looked like she wanted to kill me.
"Look this is starting to piss me off. I when i tell you to stop, YOU FUCKING STOP!" he screamed at her. With that she reluctantly let me go, obviously unhappy.
Scott got closer to me.
"Hi there buddy. How's the day going for you?" he asked
"It's fine" i said trying not to look him in the eye.
"Fine, huh? Well let me tell you it's been great for me too. So great in-fact it was peachy. But then some sadist slut tried to beat my brother" he looked at Sara who looked away from him with resent.
"So i think it's time for her to learn" he grabbed my throat with his hand and looked me in the eye. "Only i get to do that" he finished as he began to choke me. I tried screaming but couldn't. The others were laughing except for Sara. She was quietly enjoying the whole thing. After i started to black out he stopped. I pulled my shirt collar trying to breathe better.
"There we go, i hope we all got that. We did didn't we guys?" they all nodded some even gave a thumbs up.
After i stood up Sara walked right in front of me.
"Fuck" she said with surprise "Hes so much of a pussy hes not even fighting back."
She looked back at Scott. "Can i break your rule just this once?" she said with a voice full of bored contempt and giving a her awful attempt pleading look. He looked back tentatively. She rolled her eyes "I 'promise' ill make it up to you later" she said clearly uninterested and lying.
But Scott failed to notice this and looked like he just scored a million "Hell yes" he said with a smile "Just make sure hes fine enough that people don't start asking questions"
She turned and looked at with delight in her eyes. "No promises." she smiled as she cracked her fingers.
Then she punched me in the gut. Then the face. I fell to the ground. She looked at me to get up. The others started to laugh, then she did too.
I couldn't let this happen. Scott was right she was a sadist, she liked this kind of thing. On the other hand there were 6 of them. If i started something i was probably going to regret it. But i had to........
She starred at me with an cruel grin on her face. If i was doing anything, now was the time.
[Fight Back]
[Let her beat you]
Emma Archer
I walked down the hall feeling nervous and sick. And in the extra time i had to prepare, perfect. I just couldn't help it. All those stories of people dying so horribly, they were just so disgusting. What sick person would like something like that. I looked at the walls. 'Calming blue' my butt. The color wasn't helping at all. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I just needed to get to my room. Relax a bit, maybe read some books. Just anything to get the images out.
I walked so i almost missed the dark figure in the corner looking at me. I ignored it anyway and kept walking. As i did i got enveloped by its shadow.
..........................All those deaths.....................All those deaths................All those beautifully gory deaths. I felt tingly just imagining them. The screams, the blood, the absolutely pleasurable agony. I smiled as these amazing images went before me. I just wish i'd been there. Just to hurt more people. I shivered wishfully at the thought. It just made me................
Then i screamed. My head, it hurt like it never had before. What............. was........... happening? I felt like it was going to explode. I screamed with all my strength.
Then it stopped................... What just happened?.........I feel so dirty. Like i just said something disgusting. But i haven't in years unless it's a really dirty joke. Why did i..........Oh my god those thoughts. Those awful, horrible thoughts. Why did i ever think them? I wanted to vomit just thinking about it. I never had thoughts like that. Never. 'I felt tingly' ok, now i WAS going to vomit. I ran as fast as i could to my room.
But as i ran i failed to notice the figure had vanished.
Eden McCoy
I just finished baking the pancakes when Alex woke up. She had Summer with her, who instantly ran up to me. I was always surpr… moreised dog's could run so fast. Just looking at her today made me wish i could take her on the trip, but it said so right in the pamphlet. No pets allowed. I rubbed the back of her ear as Alex came into the kitchen.
She yawned "Sorry i'm late sis. I that pancakes? Wow i wasn't expecting this. I thought i would have to cook for you today"
I smiled "Consider it a thank you gift"
"Then i accept it. I love it when you make them." she said as she grabbed a plate.
I stopped petting Summer and started to finish my own batch of pancakes.
"Anyway" she said in between eating "Be careful out there. I heard there's some pretty messed up news about what's happening in the streets lately. I would walk you out if i could but i have to go to work early"
Then i remembered what i wanted to tal… [view original content]
[Agree with Alex] Why not to meet him first before judging?
[Fight Back] Well, he should not let her beat him down, showing his brother he is not just a punching bag he have him for...
Good written
Eden McCoy
I just finished baking the pancakes when Alex woke up. She had Summer with her, who instantly ran up to me. I was always surpr… moreised dog's could run so fast. Just looking at her today made me wish i could take her on the trip, but it said so right in the pamphlet. No pets allowed. I rubbed the back of her ear as Alex came into the kitchen.
She yawned "Sorry i'm late sis. I that pancakes? Wow i wasn't expecting this. I thought i would have to cook for you today"
I smiled "Consider it a thank you gift"
"Then i accept it. I love it when you make them." she said as she grabbed a plate.
I stopped petting Summer and started to finish my own batch of pancakes.
"Anyway" she said in between eating "Be careful out there. I heard there's some pretty messed up news about what's happening in the streets lately. I would walk you out if i could but i have to go to work early"
Then i remembered what i wanted to tal… [view original content]
I assume I have understood that choice correctly, yes? This way, she would convince Alex to give him a chance, right? Because I think she should give him at least a chance.
[Fight Back]
The worst thing that can happen is that he is going to get beaten, so he should definitely try to fight back. I really don't like Sheen, but that is the only logical option in my opinion.
Also, what the hell just happened with Emma? That was scary! Perhaps, considering how strange and outlandish some of the experiments in the institute are, I wouldn't be too surprised if Emma just encountered an experiment that went out of control, or even scarier, an experiment that went according to plan, where she was used as some sort of guinea pig. Hopefully she's going to be alright
Eden McCoy
I just finished baking the pancakes when Alex woke up. She had Summer with her, who instantly ran up to me. I was always surpr… moreised dog's could run so fast. Just looking at her today made me wish i could take her on the trip, but it said so right in the pamphlet. No pets allowed. I rubbed the back of her ear as Alex came into the kitchen.
She yawned "Sorry i'm late sis. I that pancakes? Wow i wasn't expecting this. I thought i would have to cook for you today"
I smiled "Consider it a thank you gift"
"Then i accept it. I love it when you make them." she said as she grabbed a plate.
I stopped petting Summer and started to finish my own batch of pancakes.
"Anyway" she said in between eating "Be careful out there. I heard there's some pretty messed up news about what's happening in the streets lately. I would walk you out if i could but i have to go to work early"
Then i remembered what i wanted to tal… [view original content]
[Convince Alex]
I assume I have understood that choice correctly, yes? This way, she would convince Alex to give him a chance, right? Bec… moreause I think she should give him at least a chance.
[Fight Back]
The worst thing that can happen is that he is going to get beaten, so he should definitely try to fight back. I really don't like Sheen, but that is the only logical option in my opinion.
Also, what the hell just happened with Emma? That was scary! Perhaps, considering how strange and outlandish some of the experiments in the institute are, I wouldn't be too surprised if Emma just encountered an experiment that went out of control, or even scarier, an experiment that went according to plan, where she was used as some sort of guinea pig. Hopefully she's going to be alright
[Fight Back] Now or never champ. Let's show 'em what you got. Go down hard, come up swinging.
[Agree with Alex] Times change and so do pe… moreople, it's pretty dumb to be judging someone you haven't seen in a long time.
And what just happened to Emma? What?
Eden McCoy
I just finished baking the pancakes when Alex woke up. She had Summer with her, who instantly ran up to me. I was always surpr… moreised dog's could run so fast. Just looking at her today made me wish i could take her on the trip, but it said so right in the pamphlet. No pets allowed. I rubbed the back of her ear as Alex came into the kitchen.
She yawned "Sorry i'm late sis. I that pancakes? Wow i wasn't expecting this. I thought i would have to cook for you today"
I smiled "Consider it a thank you gift"
"Then i accept it. I love it when you make them." she said as she grabbed a plate.
I stopped petting Summer and started to finish my own batch of pancakes.
"Anyway" she said in between eating "Be careful out there. I heard there's some pretty messed up news about what's happening in the streets lately. I would walk you out if i could but i have to go to work early"
Then i remembered what i wanted to tal… [view original content]
Eden McCoy
I just finished baking the pancakes when Alex woke up. She had Summer with her, who instantly ran up to me. I was always surpr… moreised dog's could run so fast. Just looking at her today made me wish i could take her on the trip, but it said so right in the pamphlet. No pets allowed. I rubbed the back of her ear as Alex came into the kitchen.
She yawned "Sorry i'm late sis. I that pancakes? Wow i wasn't expecting this. I thought i would have to cook for you today"
I smiled "Consider it a thank you gift"
"Then i accept it. I love it when you make them." she said as she grabbed a plate.
I stopped petting Summer and started to finish my own batch of pancakes.
"Anyway" she said in between eating "Be careful out there. I heard there's some pretty messed up news about what's happening in the streets lately. I would walk you out if i could but i have to go to work early"
Then i remembered what i wanted to tal… [view original content]
Fight Back- Don't be a pussy like Jeb Bush or Bernie Sanders, fight back and even if the others beat you up, at least DROP THE BITCH-what's the worst that can happen?
Eden McCoy
I just finished baking the pancakes when Alex woke up. She had Summer with her, who instantly ran up to me. I was always surpr… moreised dog's could run so fast. Just looking at her today made me wish i could take her on the trip, but it said so right in the pamphlet. No pets allowed. I rubbed the back of her ear as Alex came into the kitchen.
She yawned "Sorry i'm late sis. I that pancakes? Wow i wasn't expecting this. I thought i would have to cook for you today"
I smiled "Consider it a thank you gift"
"Then i accept it. I love it when you make them." she said as she grabbed a plate.
I stopped petting Summer and started to finish my own batch of pancakes.
"Anyway" she said in between eating "Be careful out there. I heard there's some pretty messed up news about what's happening in the streets lately. I would walk you out if i could but i have to go to work early"
Then i remembered what i wanted to tal… [view original content]
[Give Zach A Chance]
Because he will open his eyes and stop being a bully i think... so give him a chance.
Riley part... pehaps Owlman?
Pehaps. I won't say if you're right though.
[Give Zach a chance]
Give peace a chance!
Holy crap, Riley... I could say that that could've ended better really. Poor girl.
Great part as always!
Thank you
Do you have any suspects for the killing?
As of now, no. But I am piecing it together as I go.
There are clues. You might be able to
[Follow Saddie's Advice]
Shockingly, I'm not the kind of person to give second chances, at least not unless there is a really good reason to do so. Zach is a jerk and he better does something to redeem himself first before I even consider giving him a chance. Besides, I like Sadie a lot more than Zach (which, to be fair, is not very hard) and I don't want to piss her off by hanging out with that asshole.
As for Riley, I have expected her to find a dead body. I guess this guy is the hobo who Sam saved earlier and I guess he was killed by these wannabe terrorists. I am just curious why they felt the need to write a message to Sam on the wall, but well, I guess that's how the mind of these crazy people works.
[Give Zach A Chance]
Come on, I think he learned his lesson. He is just a harmless jerk and I hope he can change.
Good theory. I worn't confirm it but its really good.
The message written in blood is probably the biggest clue in the crime scene and depending on certain things it might eventually be the thing that reveals who did it.
Riley is sadly going to be traumatized by the whole even but if you play your cards right that might lead to something positive believe it or not.
Give Zach a Chance
Assholes can change
Reaction to Riley's Part?
And do you have any suspects?
Follow Sadie's advice
[Follow Saddie's Advice]
I trust Saddie.
As for Riley's part, part of me thinks it's Owlman, but another part thinks that that's just what you want us to think and that's it's not Owlman
That vote surprised me.
Zoey Smith
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I tried ignoring the sound but it was just impossible. Dammit, i should have set it to 'winter morning' instead i set it to 'marching band trumpet'. God i hated that setting. I tossed and turned in my Egyptian cotton bed sheets trying not to wake up but sadly it was only matter of time. I whined as i opened my eyes and got up from bed. Then i slowly put on my slippers and walked the marble steps to the other side of my floor were the bathroom was. I had the massage setting turned off for the first time in months so it felt weird to touch the hard floor. It made me wish we had the carpet from that penthouse in Rio in this mansion too. As i went to the bathroom looked at my reflection in the mirror. Then i was suddenly glad i forgot to take my morning picture.
Let's just say it hadn't been my best morning look. My red hair was a mess it looked like i just saw a ghost in one of those silly horror movies where everything was over the top. My flesh was pale and that made my freckles really highlighted. My mismatched eyes both looked tired. I tried to open them more but until i splashed water on my face it didn't work. As i saw them fully open i remembered how annoying people got about them. 'But how can one be brown and the other green?'. That and the obnoxious stare i got from people when they looked at me for the first just made me angry. And the insulting, stupid questions 'Did your parents experiment on you?' 'Do you see things different with them?' 'Can the green one shoot lasers?'. For the record No, Never and i wish it could, it would make dealing with guys like you so much easier. But i had found a different way. Anyway besides that i looked beautiful in my cashmere pajamas. I was so glad i chose the blue one this time, it felt amazing. Sometimes i had to look to remind myself i was wearing them and when i took them off i felt like i was shedding my skin. I stopped thinking about my looks and picked up my brush and tooth paste. The paste was crudely labeled 'Dr. Smiths self made toothpaste version 33'. Oh dad, are me and mom the only ones who will still try it? I wanted to make my own one of these days. Probably would make it taste better.
After i took my morning shower i went and put on my training uniform went to my personal mini dojo. I liked to practice in the morning, it helped me get ready for the rest of the day. And today was a special day. Today was the day we finally went to visit "Mechatech Independent Research Facility Alpha Building Division" though it wasn't independent anymore. I loved science it, was a huge passion of mine. So a visit to one of the world’s best if not the best science buildings, it made me super excited. It was a break from mom and dad's boring lectures about what i should focus on, which made me glad i only saw them a few times a week. It gave me way more independence to think up new ideas. I already thought up few things i could invent. That and it gave time for my other passion, photography. I took pictures daily and i always took camera with me everywhere, couldn't risk missing shot. Actually at the moment i wanted to make camera sunglasses. Easier to carry, easier to take. I would also have less of an awkward time explaining to the aikido master why i NEEDED to take it to class. I think i forgot the last one's name, which embarrassed me a bit. I mean i knew him a whole 4 days, that was 2 more days than almost any of the others. But anyway, i practiced frontal attacks till i felt like i did enough which took a while. Afterwards i went to my closet and started looking for a good outfit. I ended up picking the Kardini, it just made me look amazing today. Finally i grabbed today's camera, took a picture in today's outfit and went downstairs.
The mansion was ok i guess. It was much smaller than we were used to, it only had 14 rooms and 3 floors. It wasn't up to standards yet either i could barely see my reflection on the floor. Even worse was the fact we had no room phones installed yet so we had to use bells and wait for one of the servants to come up the stairs. And there were so many stairs. I counted 73 last time but it always felt like more, and since my floor was the top one i had to walk all of them. I really missed the elevator we had in Japan it made things so much easier. At the bottom of the stairs was one of the butlers. I didn't remember his face that well.
"Good day, Miss Smith how has your morning been?" he asked with some charm in his voice.
"Yeah it's been great so far, how about you......?" I stopped mid sentence trying to figure out his name.
"Wilfred, Wilfred Jonas." he said with a courteous bow and smile "I have been the head butler for the past few weeks"
Figures, i barely got to know the staff since it changed so often. But i wasn't going to be rude to him so i did my best to apologize.
"Sorry, my mistake" i said. He looked at me with some surprise. I guess he wasn't expecting me to apologize. But just as quickly as a blink of an eye he returned to his casual smile.
"No need Miss Smith. I was my fault for not introducing myself beforehand" He said a bit ashamed. Not this again. I closed my eyes and sighed.
"No it wasn't. I should have known it from the start and there's no excuse. I'm the one whose sorry" I said firmly. He seemed less surprised now.
"Whatever you prefer Miss Smith" he said obviously trying to end the conversation.
I wanted to continue but i knew it was no use.. I finished walking downstairs and followed Wilbert to the dining hall. He opened a chair for me and i sat down. This was one of the few rooms that looked like the ones we normally had. All the walls were decorated with different designs and on the roof was a big chandelier with more lights that it would take a whole day to count. I looked at the table in front of me. There were about 28 seats all prepared in case we needed them. All had wine glasses cleaned ready to be used, but to be honest only mom drank. Actually we barely used this table at all, dad liked to eat while working and mom while reading in the library. I was the one who most used it and that was barely 2 times a week. I normally ate in one of my rooms while i did something else. But recently we started using it more often. After sat down I stared out into the empty room till Wilbert suddenly spoke up.
"Oh, before i forget. Your father took the private plane of to Chicago for a conference and sadly couldn't join us"
And that makes four days since i saw him. So much for his big talk about being there to support me today.
"Which one did he take?" i asked with small sadness.
"The black one" he said calmly
That's funny, i didn't remember him owning one in that color. He must have bought it recently. Wilbert looked at me again with some sadness.
"And your mother......" He began.
"Is up in her lab in Washington, isn't she?" i finished with resentment
Wilbert looked surprised but saddened at the same time. He frowned as he replied.
"I'm sorry Miss" he said solemn tone. But i stopped him.
"You don't need to apologize. It's who they are. Nothing will ever change that." i answered finally accepting something i never wanted to.
He looked at me for a second and went to the kitchen. Then for a while, everything was quiet. It started to get boring. Shouldn't one of the maids show up to greet me by now? So i started to think about the trip. Mr. Piercesen had told us in class to make sure to bring a bag with all that we needed. I made sure mine had a few good batteries, film and even a few other cameras since i was always prepared. It also had couple of spring water bottles, an extra pair of shoes in case mine broke and a few different bracelets if i got bored and wanted to try them on. I also kept that map of the facility for safe keeping. It was a group thing so everyone in the class was going, Daisy, Valentine, Shane, Zack, Samson, that artist girl Rachel. I seemed like today was going to be fantastic. There was only one thing i was dreading, the buss. I don't think i ever used one before but for this trip it was mandatory. Sitting in something so small with so many made me uncomfortable. And i hated feeling uncomfortable. Also i heard from people that they only wash the seats once a week. I shuddered at the thought.
I waited for what seemed like hours till i finally stood up. For the first time in weeks i stepped into the kitchen. It looked just like i remembered it. It was bigger than most kitchens, it looked more like it belonged in a restaurant. But i guess it made sense it was made to make sure they could cook for about 75 people for those galas my mother liked to throw. Usually there was only one or two chefs daily ready to cook. But to my shock Wilbert was the only one there. Apparently he was already starting my usual breakfast, some pancakes and a small cake for dessert. I stood there in silence as i wondered why the head butler was cooking my meal. But then i saw the floor. It had familiar crimson liquid splashed on it. It was blood 'Oh god...... what.... Where did that.....'
As i he turned around to look at me the worst thing i could imagine came to my head. I wanted to run but i was paralyzed by fear. But then i saw his bandaged hand. A sudden calm came over me. As the fear began to fade out of me Wilbert spoke.
"I'm sorry Miss Smith, i was preparing your food when i accidentally cut my hand. I had to bandage it so it took me awhile to start up again" he said with sadness in his voice. "I deeply hope i haven't troubled you..."
"No, no it's fine." i said. I was happy i was wrong but i was also sad about his injury.
"The cook, Defonto" he continued "He had an issue with his wife, he said it gave him a headache and he couldn’t focus. He had to leave as soon as possible. The other chef was just dumped by his girlfriend. He told us he would need the day off to get over his heartbreak. And that only left me to prepare this. Sadly i'm not so skilled. But i’ll try to get it ready in a few minutes."
"It's alright thank you. I'm really sorry to bother you. Take all the time you need" i answered. I felt really bad over the fact i couldn't help him. If just knew how to cook i would have been able to take over and give the poor man a rest. But i would probably make things worse. Burn the kitchen or something. I wanted to stop him but i knew he would keep cooking anyway. So i went back to my chair and sat down, the sound of the chair echoing in the empty halls. I once again looked at the empty chairs in front of me. 'I hope the rest of today will be less lonely'.
Lylain Herntz
No, this was wrong.
"I'm sorry Matthew. I can't do this. There's just to big a risk something could happen and even then were blatantly sabotaging someone. This goes against everything i've believed in my life. I really sorry but i can't" i said turning around as i left. To my surprise Dr. Stevens immediately call out to me.
"You'd just abandon us in our time of need?" he said clearly affected by my words. Turned back and answered.
"I'm not abandoning anything. There's another way to do this."
"If he's telling the truth there is no other way"
"IF he's telling the truth"
"Lylain i've know Kevan for 8 years. I knew his father even before that. He might be what he is but he's not an idiot. You seriously think that he would insult me in such a way if he wasn't convinced?"
"Yes i do think so. The man is a self absorbed loon. Hell his project might be a mirror. 'Manages to capture his beauty' or some stupid thing like that" i said with anger in my tone i continued to walk away.
"DON'T YOU DARE WALK OUT THAT DOOR HERNTZ! You're not leaving till you promise me you'll do this!" he screamed in a tone i never hear him use before.
"So that's how this is then? What the hell happened to not holding it against me?" i asked
"I thought you would make the right choice. That you wouldn't think twice about this...."
"Think twice about risking my bloody life over nothing. No, i sure as hell wouldn't do that"
"This is me and Emma's life. The work we put in for years. We barely talk to our families anymore. This is what makes us happy. And you would be willing to risk us losing that over the possibility of harm. Do we not matter for you? All those times Emma defended you. I never thought you were such a selfish, rotten man." he said full of rage.
I had enough of this. I kept walking out ignoring his voice. This was a man i had admired, now cursing my name. I couldn't handle it.
"LISTEN TO ME!!" he screamed as i opened the door "DAMN YOU HERNTZ!!!!" he yelled with all his anger as i walked out.
Guess i wasn't going to be in mind when it came to finding a successor now. I just hoped he got whatever the hell came over him. I never tried to hurt Emma or him. This I would be risking my life blindly for something i didn't even believe in. Being a paranoid idiot because some insane egomaniac SAID his project was pure gold. I sighed as i walked out of the room, hoping Dr. Stevens wouldn't chase after me. That was just insane. I mean he had explosives with him. How the hell did he get those? And a key card that could go into any room. Had he used it before? Had he used it to spy on us? From now on i wouldn't be able to sleep he could enter the room at any time. I needed to secure the door with boxes or something.
As i walked down the hallway i saw a familiar black haired friend reclining with his back against the wall.
"Seems the old man really has it out for you Lylain." said Lucios with a smile "I hope whatever you did was worth it."
"It was" i answered trying to avoid the topic.
Lucios shrugged. "If you say so" He scratched small beard. He'd been keeping it longer than he used to this time. "Anyway. I wanted to thank you for earlier.... with Emma"
What? Oh the movie thing.
"Yeah you know i just thought you two could talk about that. You know..... friend stuff........" I said trying to sound inconspicuous.
He looked at me with a grin on his face "My god, You are probably the worst liar i have ever met in my life" he said as i starred at him in shock. "I mean even if i didn't know Emma had a crush on me i would....."
"YOU KNOW?" I screamed in surprise.
"Herntz, nothing gets past me. You should know that by now. I'm an expert in human psychology okay, i know how to read people. Me and her have been working for years. You really think a guy like me wouldn't have noticed the shyness, the silence, the looks. Honestly after a while i just started playing with her, telling the worst jokes knowing she would laugh no matter what, saying i needed help with something knowing she would immediately sign was sort of funny sometimes. I kept waiting for her to make her move but it seems the poor girl was too shy"
"Yo-you were waiting for her to..." He put his hands over my shoulders.
"You see man. That's why i gotta thank you for giving her the courage to. Even if you tried to pull a fast one on me. Old horror movies, it was a good one but you know like i said man. Nothing get's passed me. Anyway if this 'date' ends up well for both of us ill be sure to name you best man at the wedding"
Best man? ME. "But wouldn't your family......."
"I don't have any. I'm the last Welsick alive. And most of my friends are assholes or just not into that sort of thing. Consider it a thank you gift. For making our lives complete."
"I-I don't know what to say..." i said dumbfounded by how well this was going.
"Then don't say anything. Anyway i have to go finish working on my project. Have a good one Herntz." he said walking away.
"Yeah." i said looking back at him "I will"
I stood there watching as Lucios walked down the hall till i lost him to a corner. Then walked of to my room. Then i stop as a sudden thought hit me.
'...........What the hell just happened?'
Yeah, first of Merry Christmas guys hope that it was good and you got to spent happy moments with your families and whatnot.
The recent part was written in a 3 day period and supposed to be posted yesterday (Christmas) but i sadly got greedy and wanted to add 1 or 2 more POV's. The reason for why those aren't in the part is the fact that i realized that the stuff in those other POV's would distract from what happened in these two. And i am really looking forwar to your reactions to this part, especially Zoey's part since i think its the longest Pov i've written for a single character so far.
Now i know most of you won't read this for a while but i just wanted to give you all a holiday gift, hope you enjoy
Anyway since i already have one other Pov half written a new part should come soon.
Thank you all for reading and happy holidays
[Follow Sadie's Advice]
3 comments on the part?
Nice to see you back sup.
Okay... I got a very, very bad feeling about Lucios. I don't know why, but his friendliness is slightly off-putting. Paired with his comment about being an expert on human psychology and I got the bad feeling that he might be some sociopathic evil genius who is just playing some cruel mind game on Emma. I hope I am wrong here, but I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be a lot less nice than he seems to be.
Zoey's part was nice as well! I don't know yet what to think about her, but it was a nice way to introduce her.
Interesting.... so for the first time you think Marlone is right? He is the one who says Lucios is evil and crazy all the time (That and insulting Emma every single time he possibly can)
As for Zoey glad you liked the part, you'll see her again soon.
I actually don't think Marlone is wrong with everything he ever said. Obviously, I hate him with a passion for what he says about Emma and I always will hate him for that, but at the same time, I believe everything he says about Lucios and believed him from the very beginning. Even before Marlone mentioned Lucios to be evil and crazy, I was already convinced that he is up to no good with Emma. I also believe Marlone when he claims that everyone else treats him like crap, but then again, they have a pretty good reason to do so. Anyway, I think Lucios is probably even more evil and crazy than Marlone.
Man you paint a very dark picture for Emma. I mean this is the guy she's loved in secret for years. Something like this would scar her for the rest of her life. Not to mention the reasons Lucios would have to torture her like this...............
Lets just hope for Emma's sake that you're wrong.
Anyway i'm glad you're thinking like this. Let's just say that there's some stuff going on behind the scenes in some parts and i like to hint at it a lot.
Oh and btw more references to other stories will come soon
So look out for those.
Good chapter! I like Zoey's part and her introduction, and the butler. And I honestly agree with Liquid, I have a bad feeling about Lucios. He's off-putting, knows a whole lot about Human psychology, and is toying with Emma because he knows her secret. I hope I'm wrong, but anyway, Great chapter!
Btw: Next part will have Zach
As previous fellow commenters I have a bad feeling about Lucious, especially that it looked like he was playing with Emma's feelings A LOT, which is not cool and fair at all.
As for Zoey part, good introduction and beginning, curious about the moment she will join the rest in the bus she is so unhappy to trip with.
Lucios seems to make everyone worried lately. Well learn more about him in the future to see if you have reason to.
Well don't worry Zoey will come back soon (maybe even after the next part) so you won't have to wait too long
Voting Closed
Despite it's closeness the vote wins by Supers latest. Valentino will follow Sadie's advice and stay away from Zach......................I won't say much about what this will lead to but i will say that it will yield it's full results in a later episode. But it will permanently affect the development of some characters and if certain things happen could lead to something very dark.
Anyway i just finished a POV for the next part which will probably be posted tomorrow. It will be the last part of prime for the year. Hope you enjoy it. Though one of the POV's will contain some dark stuff. Not saying which though just get ready. Anyway goodnight (Or day) and see you tomorrow
Eden McCoy
I just finished baking the pancakes when Alex woke up. She had Summer with her, who instantly ran up to me. I was always surprised dog's could run so fast. Just looking at her today made me wish i could take her on the trip, but it said so right in the pamphlet. No pets allowed. I rubbed the back of her ear as Alex came into the kitchen.
She yawned "Sorry i'm late sis. I that pancakes? Wow i wasn't expecting this. I thought i would have to cook for you today"
I smiled "Consider it a thank you gift"
"Then i accept it. I love it when you make them." she said as she grabbed a plate.
I stopped petting Summer and started to finish my own batch of pancakes.
"Anyway" she said in between eating "Be careful out there. I heard there's some pretty messed up news about what's happening in the streets lately. I would walk you out if i could but i have to go to work early"
Then i remembered what i wanted to talk to her about. I almost did it yesterday but i was so tired i forgot.
"Alex" i said turning my head towards her "You know dad's release is next week...."
She stopped her meal and stared at me. The room was filled with silence. Even Summer stopped making noise, as if she knew the conversation carried weight. When i was little our father, Greg, bought a gun and robbed a couple of small markets. He was desperate. When mom left when i was 5 she took most of our money, then he got fired. I was just eight when they arrested him and i haven't seen him again. Me and Alex took care of each other since. He just sent us letters once in a while asking how we were. But then Alex started hearing these stories.......she told me prison had changed him, for the worse.
"What about it Eden?"
"Well.................. what do we do?"
She looked back at her pancakes and answered "I don't know.....well figure something out"
"Well we can't just ignore him. He's our dad and he's not like mom. He cares about us"
Her expression changed and she looked at me with sad eyes. "I know, it's just........ Some of the cops say he got mixed in with the wrong crowd and..."
"And we should judge him because of that?"
"No, ofcourse not i just meant." she closed her eyes and sighed "Look Eden it's been 9 years since we saw him sure he writes, but we haven't seen him in person. I'm just afraid he won't be the same anymore....." she said solemnly
I went back to cooking my pancakes. This just didn't feel right he was our dad. We should at least give him a chance before judging him. I knew i could convince sis to give him a chance. But then what if i was wrong? What if he was different? This was big risk, i wasn't sure if i should take it.
[Convince Alex]
[Agree with Alex]
Sadie Robbins
Okay bag was done. Next i went to the bathroom and brushed my hair. I was naturally a blond but i liked to dye it black. My eyes were a milky chocolate brown I never was too concerned about my looks but the beanie looked great , especially with the flannel i was wearing, tank top underneath of course. I also had my jeans on but i never payed much attention to those. As i looked at myself and smiled a bit with my mouth closed. 'Not that bad' i thought. Then i heard an argument downstairs. Not again.
It was my siblings, again. Tomas and Stephanie. They could be a couple of brats sometimes but they were good kids, sorry 'teenagers'. It felt so weird to have a problem saying that after all Steph was only 2 year younger than me. Maybe it was because she kept acting like she was nine. I went downstairs i heard what they were arguing about.
"I told you 5 times Steph. Notley's first death is way better than the one he get later. There's no point in saving him." Notley? Oh, COTC 5. I gave it to them a few days ago so they could spend more time together.
"How can you say that? So you think we should just leave him to be killed in a battle with Craylon?"
"Better than suffocating to death in space. That's just lame"
"Really? Sacrificing yourself for your friends is lame?"
"It is after you miss out on an awesome death battle. Seriously he doesn't even scream. They just look at him and cry. It's boring"
"It's emotional."
"No it's not, it stupid"
Then she got mad. She shoved him the he pushed her. I intervened. I tried to sound as calm as possible.
"OK, that's far enough you two. Stop this, now"
"Not until he apologizes" Stephanie said clearly mad.
"I won't. It's an awesome death. I'm right aren't i Sadie?"
Suddenly they both stopped to look at me. Time to solve the argument again i guess. Lucky for me i was good at breaking these.
"Well, to be honest Tom i don't think it's cool leaving anyone to die like that....." That made Steph smile
"....Even if it is awesome death" i finished as i grinned. And that made Tom smile.
"You see. I told you." he said to Steph
"And i told you" she replied with a smile.
"Yes you both 'told' each other. No can you stop arguing and please get back to being the adorable little nightmares i grew up with"
They both nodded. I smiled at them.
"Anyway i gotta go. Bus will come around any minute now. Sorry i couldn't spend the day with you guys"
"Don't worry sis" Tom said "It's okay, we'll just see you later"
"Good luck on that school trip thing" Steph said
"Thanks" i answered "Now come here, i need a family bear hug" I said as i wrapped my arms around them. I loved those hug's. They always felt so warm. After a minute i let them go and smiled.
"Make sure you two don't burn the house down while i'm gone"
"Don't worry we won't" Tom said with a grin "We'll save that up for when you comeback"
I smiled at them both and left the room.
"But just to be clear were choosing my version right?" Steph said as i walked out.
"Only if i get to fight the robot T-rex when we reach planet Zeta." Tom answered
"Deal" she answered.
As i went and grabbed my bag i noticed my guitar on the floor. 'Not now my love. Maybe later' i thought as i walked by. I put on my headphones and started hearing music. I never heard it before. But it was super catchy. It was one of those sweet songs. Seemed like only one person was singing it but couldn't tell if it was a woman or a man but it just sounded beautiful. It was called 'Midnight Serene' or 'Midnight Serenade' i couldn't focus that well, it was just so amazing.
'Come with me, come with me
Never be alone,
Come with me, come with me
To the Midnight Zone.
To the love, to the love
Away from the hate
Come with me, come with me
It's your one true fate
Bring your things, bring your friends, bring your family
It's the only place where you'll truly be free
Come with me, come with me
And then you'll see
Then it stopped. Dang it my reception is off, and i was enjoying it too. Oh well maybe i would hear the full thing one day. That song made me think of mom. She worked so hard these days. We barely got to see her lately. But those few moments were the best, the songs i played for them, the games we played, the shows we watched. They just made me.....happy. I smiled as i played one of my favorite playlists.
I loved my family.
Valentino Drake
Sadie was a good friend and i trusted her. If she said Zach was bad news, i was willing to take her word for it. Even if i had my doubts.
Anyway i grabbed my bag and walked out of the house. I was glad i made it yesterday. To my surprise the buss arrived just in time. Mr.Pierce was seated in the front.
"Morning Mr. Pierce." i said
"Morning Valentino" he answered
As i walked into the buss i noticed there were only two other guys. It was only Charles and that other guy...Wayne i think was his name.
"Hi guys" i said as i walked in.
"Hi Valentino" Wayne said. That got a reaction from Charles...was he angry?
"Hi, Val" he said glaring at Wayne who clearly didn't care.
I sat down and started to play with my phone. Long trip ahead. Next stop was was Sam then Riley. 'I wonder if she has any cool pictures to show me...'
Zach Sheen
No............No. I wasn't doing that. No way. I wasn't going to let this get the better of me. Not now. Not when i needed to fix things. I grabbed my bag and prepared to leave the room. I looked at the costume one last time before i left. I stared at it. Then i grabbed the mask and the cloak. Not now..........but...........maybe later. Didn't bring the chainsaw though. I was going to try. But if this failed for me........there was nothing to lose.
I walked out. I heard my parents downstairs in the kitchen talking about something. I didn't hear Scott though. He must have still been asleep, that or he went out with his gang. Either way i was glad he was gone. Like i said he was an asshole. I had been trying to avoid him all week. But anyway they were arguing about something. I took the opportunity to spy on them a bit.
"I just don't know Sean, i keep hearing complaints from Mrs. Robbins. She says he has been bullying her daughter Sadie and a bunch of other students in the class"
"Well, i trust that one of the teachers would have told us by now if it was like that. Maybe they just have it out for him....."
" 'Have it out for him'. Listen to yourself, you sound just like he does"
She sighed. "I just don't want another of our children to be kicked out of school...."
"Don't worry. Zach's a good kid at heart. He won't end up like...."
One of the floorboards under me made a loud sound and alerted them that i was there.
"Zach?" asked mom "Honey are you awake?"
I stepped down the stairs. "Good morning mom and dad"
"Good morning son" dad answered as he drank his morning coffee. "How was the night?"
"Okay i guess. How about you guys?"
"It was fine. Though your mother keeps telling me i snore at night"
"While you were asleep the neighbors called the police because they thought a shotgun was going off" mom answered with laughter.
"If you say so" he said turning back to his oatmeal.
Mom was cooking her own food. Cooked for us first like always. The fact that she didn't cook for Scott answered my question. I put my bag on the floor and sat down.
"So how's school going champ?" my dad asked when i sat down. I hope they thought i missed their conversation.
"It's great. I'm still keeping my grades up...."
"You're wrong about that..." I was suddenly very scared " You actually raised them. You know have straight A's in every class except..."
"Biology..." i said with relief.
"I never was good at biology either son" He said with a smile "So congratulations. Me and your mom were talking and we've decided were taking you to that video place to buy you that....Parasite series you like so much"
The rest of the series so far? This was amazing. "Thanks dad" i said with a smile.
"No, problem son. You earned it" He said clearly proud.
We stood there eating for a while till mom interrupted.
"So is there anything else you want to tell us Zach?"
Looked at her and tried to be as convincing as possible.
"No mom everything's fine"
For a moment i was afraid she would catch me but then her expression changed.
"Sorry it's just...well were worried about this trip, you know. Signing that 3 page permission slip. It made us worried. We just wan't to make sure you still want to go."
"It's ok mom i can take care of myself"
She smiled "I know you can."
Then she turned back to cooking. Rest of the meal went ok. We talked about sports and the news and just things. Then i said goodbye. Mom hugged me before i left and told me to be careful. I told her it was fine and the i left. I went down to the street for about 10 minutes till i reached the buss stop. I had to use it for the first time since in my street area it was prohibited to bring a buss. Which is why dad always drove me to school. But now this was the only way to do it. It was just a big bench with glass walls to the sides. As i sat down i noticed the glass had graffiti all over it. There was also a crack in the left glass. It looked kinda like someone punched it....oh no.
It was behind the mirror when i saw them. 4 guys, 2 girls. All clad in black leather jackets. I'd recognize them anywhere. Mostly from my worse nightmares. Most of the guys were really muscular. One of them, "Big Tank Tom' i think they called him, he was 8 feet tall. I always thought he could kill me with one punch. The blond guy to his left was called 'Killer Kevin' i never dared to ask him how he got that nickname. He had a tatto of a chinese dragon on his neck. Then there was 'Laughing Lenny' he was mute i think but he somehow found way to laugh anyway. Serial killer laugh. The one with the purple highlights was 'Drop Dead Dina', she always carried around a knife hidden in her jacket. She warned me if i ever told the cops i was next on list, left it up to my imagination to know what that meant. The girl with the short brown hair, she was the worst. She had black lipstick, brown eyes and a spiked collar around her neck and a piercing in her nose. Her name was 'Swearing Sara' and she was known for having meltdowns and just being unlikable. But for some reason Scott was really into her.
In the center of them was a guy many people said looked just like me. And i could see why. We both had the same hazel eyes, the same black hair (even though his was shorter), the same last name. That was my brother, their leader. 'Scycho Scott', i still hear stories about what happened to guys who told him that wasn't how that word was spelled. He came up with that nickname back in California before we moved.
They called themselves a 'gang'. But really they were just a bunch of high-school drop outs who were kicked out for bad behavior. How bad? Well i still suspected that they were the guys killing people around town. I wanted to run but i knew they would chase me. Took them a minute to notice me. I could already see Sara pissed. Once they were close enough she spoke up.
"Hey look what we have here guys, its Scott's pussy brother" she said mocking me. "I heard you were going to that institution shit, so what the fuck are you doing in our spot?"
"Your what?" i asked.
She pushed me against a wall. "Are you fucking deaf. OUR SPOT. The fuck are you doing in it!"
"This is a bus stop. It's not yours"
"And who the hell are you to tell me that?" she asked with rage in her eyes.
"You tell him S' " Kevin said while he watched.
"Hey babe be careful there" said a familiar voice "After all, he is my brother"
"The fucking hell should i?"
"Because you don't have to lower yourself to him" he said trying to calm her down.
"If I just break a couple of teeth its worth it." Oh dear god, she looked like she wanted to kill me.
"Look this is starting to piss me off. I when i tell you to stop, YOU FUCKING STOP!" he screamed at her. With that she reluctantly let me go, obviously unhappy.
Scott got closer to me.
"Hi there buddy. How's the day going for you?" he asked
"It's fine" i said trying not to look him in the eye.
"Fine, huh? Well let me tell you it's been great for me too. So great in-fact it was peachy. But then some sadist slut tried to beat my brother" he looked at Sara who looked away from him with resent.
"So i think it's time for her to learn" he grabbed my throat with his hand and looked me in the eye. "Only i get to do that" he finished as he began to choke me. I tried screaming but couldn't. The others were laughing except for Sara. She was quietly enjoying the whole thing. After i started to black out he stopped. I pulled my shirt collar trying to breathe better.
"There we go, i hope we all got that. We did didn't we guys?" they all nodded some even gave a thumbs up.
After i stood up Sara walked right in front of me.
"Fuck" she said with surprise "Hes so much of a pussy hes not even fighting back."
She looked back at Scott. "Can i break your rule just this once?" she said with a voice full of bored contempt and giving a her awful attempt pleading look. He looked back tentatively. She rolled her eyes "I 'promise' ill make it up to you later" she said clearly uninterested and lying.
But Scott failed to notice this and looked like he just scored a million "Hell yes" he said with a smile "Just make sure hes fine enough that people don't start asking questions"
She turned and looked at with delight in her eyes. "No promises." she smiled as she cracked her fingers.
Then she punched me in the gut. Then the face. I fell to the ground. She looked at me to get up. The others started to laugh, then she did too.
I couldn't let this happen. Scott was right she was a sadist, she liked this kind of thing. On the other hand there were 6 of them. If i started something i was probably going to regret it. But i had to........
She starred at me with an cruel grin on her face. If i was doing anything, now was the time.
[Fight Back]
[Let her beat you]
Emma Archer
I walked down the hall feeling nervous and sick. And in the extra time i had to prepare, perfect. I just couldn't help it. All those stories of people dying so horribly, they were just so disgusting. What sick person would like something like that. I looked at the walls. 'Calming blue' my butt. The color wasn't helping at all. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I just needed to get to my room. Relax a bit, maybe read some books. Just anything to get the images out.
I walked so i almost missed the dark figure in the corner looking at me. I ignored it anyway and kept walking. As i did i got enveloped by its shadow.
..........................All those deaths.....................All those deaths................All those beautifully gory deaths. I felt tingly just imagining them. The screams, the blood, the absolutely pleasurable agony. I smiled as these amazing images went before me. I just wish i'd been there. Just to hurt more people. I shivered wishfully at the thought. It just made me................
Then i screamed. My head, it hurt like it never had before. What............. was........... happening? I felt like it was going to explode. I screamed with all my strength.
Then it stopped................... What just happened?.........I feel so dirty. Like i just said something disgusting. But i haven't in years unless it's a really dirty joke. Why did i..........Oh my god those thoughts. Those awful, horrible thoughts. Why did i ever think them? I wanted to vomit just thinking about it. I never had thoughts like that. Never. 'I felt tingly' ok, now i WAS going to vomit. I ran as fast as i could to my room.
But as i ran i failed to notice the figure had vanished.
[Agree with Alex] Why not to meet him first before judging?
[Fight Back] Well, he should not let her beat him down, showing his brother he is not just a punching bag he have him for...
Good written
Thank you
Anything else you want to comment on?
[Fight Back] Now or never champ. Let's show 'em what you got. Go down hard, come up swinging.
[Agree with Alex] Times change and so do people, it's pretty dumb to be judging someone you haven't seen in a long time.
And what just happened to Emma? What?
[Convince Alex]
I assume I have understood that choice correctly, yes? This way, she would convince Alex to give him a chance, right? Because I think she should give him at least a chance.
[Fight Back]
The worst thing that can happen is that he is going to get beaten, so he should definitely try to fight back. I really don't like Sheen, but that is the only logical option in my opinion.
Also, what the hell just happened with Emma? That was scary! Perhaps, considering how strange and outlandish some of the experiments in the institute are, I wouldn't be too surprised if Emma just encountered an experiment that went out of control, or even scarier, an experiment that went according to plan, where she was used as some sort of guinea pig. Hopefully she's going to be alright
Yep , you're reading it correctly. That is what that choice means.
As for Emma.....nah not running it yet. You'll see eventually.
It will be explained eventually. Don't worry you'll get an answer......even if it terrifies you....
You know... On second thought, I don't want to know...
[Fight Back]
[Convince Alex]
Great part!
Convince Alex We should give their father a chance, though I do have the lingering doubt he's changed.
Fight back I want an fight, and plus, I'd fight back if I was being beaten. Great part!
Convince Alex- Be nice
Fight Back- Don't be a pussy like Jeb Bush or Bernie Sanders, fight back and even if the others beat you up, at least DROP THE BITCH-what's the worst that can happen?
Good part, sorry for not commenting much.