Top 7 WORST female characters



  • Nah, I agree with your opinion. In my opinion, her character is terrible and boring and her voice acting was not very good.

    Attack me if you want, but the worst female character in my opinion is Max from Life Is Strange. They literally picked out the cringiest gir

  • Yup.

    I couldn't stand her, such a boring character.

  • She really was clueless, tbh.

  • The voice acting was awful. It sounded the same the entire time and just made me collapse in on myself.

    Crips posted: »

    No, really, she sucked. Flat and the voice acting wasn't the best, to put it lightly.

  • Agreed.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Nah, I agree with your opinion. In my opinion, her character is terrible and boring and her voice acting was not very good.

  • She made fun of her father at that Talented Show. What a careless bitch.

    God , Tracey from GTA was just so overdone. I know GTA likes to make fun of stereotypes, but Tracey's entire character was so stereotypical that I couldn't even take her seriously.

  • edited December 2015

    Here are mines

    1. Lori Grimes (TWD TV Series) Annoying and terrible mother

    2. Skyler White (Breaking Bad) Similar to Lori

    3. Miranda Lawson (Mass Effect) May seem attractive, but wouldn't shut up about her looks

    4. Citra (Far Cry 3) Manipulator

    5. Yvette (Tales From the Borderlands) Betrayer

    6. Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones) Did anyyone forgot about her? She is very cruel.

    7. Bonnie (TWD S2) Liar and Betrayer

  • edited December 2015

    Rouge (Sonic)

    Why? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Clemenem posted: »

    * Emily (Until Dawn) * Clementine and Jane (TWD S2) * Melissandre (GOT) * Sakura (Naruto) * Angelica (RugRats) * Princess Peach (Mario) * Rouge (Sonic)

  • Oh totally #3. In ME2 she had quite a few lines that were basically 'It's so hard being physically perfect, you have no idea.' Sure it is.

    Here are mines * Lori Grimes (TWD TV Series) Annoying and terrible mother * Skyler White (Breaking Bad) Similar to Lori * Miranda

  • Umm ok

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Well, I mean, I would say why, but I've already made countless comments on this forum as to why.

    1. Citra (Far Cry 3)
    2. Snow (TWAU)
    3. Lilly (TWD S1)
    4. Bonnie (TWD S2)
    5. Olivia (MCSM)
    6. Elsera (GOT)
    7. Yvette (TFTB)
  • Exactly. Sorry. I thought that was how it was spelled.

    I think he/she meant Lori and Andrea, not Laurie.

  • edited December 2015

    You don't have to apologize, everyone can make a mistake. Hell, I misspelled name of my favorite character in my username. :P

    ralo229 posted: »

    Exactly. Sorry. I thought that was how it was spelled.

  • I'll stick with just game characters and one per franchise

    Jodie - Beyond two Souls

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    The only thing remotley good about that game was the acting by ellen page however the jodie character was still terrible, clueless, a hypocrite and not really likable

    Max- Life is strange

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    Narrowly pips chloe, Shes just such a boring one note character and as the game goes on she just gets more and more stupid.

    Ashley - Until dawn

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    Ugh, This character seems to have less and less redeeming qualities each time I replay the game. Hysterical, two faced and can possibly get two other characters killed for next to no reason.

    Samara - Mass effect 2 and 3

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    I dont really like any of the asari, yes including liara who I find a real creep to be honest, but nothing tops this crazy women who basically says that she'll kill you after the mission is over and when you meet her she nearly wipes out dozens of innocent people so she can catch a criminal, then proceeds to lecture you while meditating. Not to mention her voice and outfit.

    Doctor Li - Fallout 3

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    I hate James more, but she has all the issues he had, constantly complaining while you do all her work for her. The fact shes one of the few NPC's who can never die doesn't help

    Olivia - Minecraft - Story mode

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    I find it kind of bizzare she made this list, but the recent playthrough of episode 4 I just found every scene with her unbearable. I've never heard such a negative, moany character

    Sam - Tomb raider

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    I didnt ever really like any of Lara's little group, but Sam was the worst, useless and constantly being kidnapped. She also told that lame story of hers all the time.

  • Michael's whole family was crap

    God , Tracey from GTA was just so overdone. I know GTA likes to make fun of stereotypes, but Tracey's entire character was so stereotypical that I couldn't even take her seriously.

  • Ashley - Until dawn

    Ugh, This character seems to have less and less redeeming qualities each time I replay the game. Hysterical, two faced and can possibly get two other characters killed for next to no reason.

    Exactly, but everyone hates on Emily anyway, because reasons.

    I'll stick with just game characters and one per franchise Jodie - Beyond two Souls The only thing remotley good about that game w

  • I dont exactly like Emily either, shes a pretty horrid person. Though at least she has a level head in some situations and thinks to call for help

    Ashley - Until dawn Ugh, This character seems to have less and less redeeming qualities each time I replay the game. Hysterical, two

  • The funny thing for me is that I didn't like Emily for the shit she said and how she acted. Though, I beginned to understand how and why she acts that way which made me not hate her. The same kinda applies to Ashley and a few other characters. When I put things in perspective I came to realize how good and relatable some of these characters were.

    Plus, Emily does become really bad ass which caused me to actually like her.

    Two character I did hate which isn't gaming related. Are those two stupid women that freed Kilgrave like some fucking idiots. Especially, that one girl who was suppose to be smart and was told what would happen. Probably one of the only times where I genuinely hated a character.

  • edited December 2015

    Here's mine in no particular order:

    Yukari Takeba (Persona 3):

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    How does anyone in the game even like her? She is mean, bitchy, hypocritical, constantly argues and insults her teammates, not to mention she is so freaking annoying! Altough she can be kind, friendly and caring towards her friends, it is still not excusable for her attitude in the story, especially The Answer. I hate how she treated Mitsuru, Aigis and Junpei through the game that it made me say ''STFU, bitch!''. As soon as Akihiko and Mitsuru joined the party, I left her ass behind! Honestly, if she wasn't hot and popular, nobody would talk about her ever again.

    D'vorah (Mortal Kombat X)

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    Like I said before in the old thread about most hated VG characters. She's overpowered, bitchy, annoying, disgusting, ugly and more.. Most of the cast from MKX is pretty terrible too, but D'vorah takes the top IMO. She killed Baraka, Mileena and almost Johnny Cage, not to mention she made Tanya look like an angel since she betrayed Mileena and Kotal Khan, and for who? Shinnok, ex-elder god who was shortly killed by Cassie freaking Cage. I hope she dies in the next game. Sadly, despite hating her so much, I enjoy playing as her sometimes.

    Bonnie (The Walking Dead 400 Days & The Walking Dead Season 2):

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    I didn't like her from a start, and now I despise her so much! In her story, she seemed okay, but kinda like a damsel in distress character for some reason. The most thing I hated about her is her constant betrayal! She betrayed Dee and Leland, Walter, Carver, her 400 days group (she left her friends with Tavia for some ''work release'' no matter what choice she made and didn't even asked who wanted to leave Carver's camp), and now Clementine too. Honestly, I know most characters do lots of things to survive in a zombie apocalypse, but she did all that just so she can stay alive,and what's enough is enough. I also hated how she treated Clementine after lake scene (thankfully she didn't survive that outcome in my game). So yeah, annoying, irritating, hypocrite, backstabbing fucking junkie.

    Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)

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    I liked her in the beginning, she seemed like a promising character, but I started hating her more and more through the seasons. I first pitied her because how she was first treated through first episodes from first season. But now, I hope she disappears off-screen (I doubt she will die) or something. Poor Jorah, I don't feel bad because she friendzones him and falls for some random guy Daario, but because she exiled him even after all he did for her, what a bitch! Seriously, I loathed her even more in the game. I wish she gave that army and she didn't for no reason, since she didn't do shit with it! Even Drogon can't stand her ass!

    Stacey Forsythe (Dead Rising 2):

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    Shitty love interest in canon, shitty villain in non-canon! She ruined Off the Record for me with her stupid robot.

    Ada Wong (Resident Evil):

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    Perfect example of a Mary-Sue! Seriously, high heels and dress for a mission? She doesn't deserve to be a love interest for a badass like Leon. Her ''death'' in Resident evil 2 looked pretty corny for a tragic love interest story and all that bullshit, but it ruined it when she constantly appeared and disappeared through the story acting like a sexy badass in all games she appeared. When she appeared in RE6 I wanted to rip my hair out! Good, everytime she spoke or did something in the that game, i was so annoyed and angry. Luckily there is some idiot who even made a copy of her. Brilliant! I wish she was shot and died like Carla too, but knowing Resident Evil logic, she would appear without a scratch.

    Chris Hargensen (Carrie):

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    For those who watched the movies of Carrie and/or read the book know why this disgusting whore is on the list.

    Dishonorable mention(s):

    Bella Swan (Twilight, maybe I should have put her higher)

    Season 2 Clementine (The Walking Dead Season 2)

    Sakura and Hinata (Naruto Shippuden)

    Gwyn Whitehill (Telltale Game of Thrones)

    Sera (Telltale Game of Thrones)

    Jane (The Walking Dead Season 2)

    Ashley (Resident Evil 4) (Until Dawn) (Mass Effect 3) LOL

  • edited December 2015

    I only really have one and that's Max Caulfield. Now before you kill me let me explain; I wouldn't say she's a bad character just well... boring.

    Edit: Also Jess from Until Dawn. I know I fall in love with the bitchy characters (Take Yvette from tales as an example as one of them) but you smack talk about Emily ya get a smack from the back of my hand.

  • I didn't like her, but I hated Chloe so much to the point where playing as Max was heaven.

    Attack me if you want, but the worst female character in my opinion is Max from Life Is Strange. They literally picked out the cringiest gir

  • edited December 2015

    Agree with most apart from Ada Wong, Love her to be honest.

    Also dont know whether to thank you or not for reminding how much I hate Stacey

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited December 2015

    Only those from shows/games I care about.

    1. Andrea (TWD tv series). Save her life and she'll hate you, she f.... with enemy, that dumb, annoying, useless...

    2. Talia (TTG GoT). Kid, go play somewhere else, it's not your business!

    3. Michone (TWD). Black Kill Bill ninja vs. zombies. :/

    4. Rebecca (TTG TWD s2). She's hostile, then she's friendly, then dies but nobody cares. Terrible writing.

    5. Skyler White. Stand by your man you cold, traitorous...

    6. Snow (TWAU). Bigby, dump this moody bitch and date Nerissa.

    7. Beggar ladies (Assasin's Creed). Leave me alone!

  • Why Lydia if I might ask? I didnt particularly like any of the characters in that show (as people) by the end but I thought most were good characters. Lydia was alright though I dont really remember having any particular opinion of her

    Zeruis posted: »

    Just have five for right now. * Dolores Umbridge (Harry Potter) * Lydia (Breaking Bad) * Emily (Until Dawn) * Clementine (TWD) * Andrea (TWD)

  • I didn't like her, but I hated Chloe so much to the point where playing as Max was heaven.

    True but Max practically worships chloe, in fact episode 5 every line she says is just "Chloe". "I need to save Chloe and I'm to stupid to see that I cant"

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I didn't like her, but I hated Chloe so much to the point where playing as Max was heaven.

  • bruh

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I didn't like her, but I hated Chloe so much to the point where playing as Max was heaven.

  • Exactly, but everyone hates on Emily anyway, because reasons.

    Reasons that are valid, mind you.

    Ashley - Until dawn Ugh, This character seems to have less and less redeeming qualities each time I replay the game. Hysterical, two

  • edited December 2015

    Max and Chloe

    • Life is not strange it's boring, terrible and clique :)

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    • mario She always gets kidnapped and never contributes the cornerstone damsel in distess

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    Jess Until Dawn

    • So annoying and pretends to be someone she not in desperation to get Mike's attention I like more badass girls in games but I liked when she opened up and admitted she was acting fake but then moments later (spoiler) she pepsi

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    Nora in fallout 4(SPOILERS just at the start of the game)

    she just to perfect an idea modern wife who serves and thinks her man the greatest person in the world she just to perfect for me to connect to her character I like faults in characters and conflict. I rather at the start they struggled to make a living feeding their kid and all the stress caused an argument so they feel more like real couple facing money problems which is big issues now. Then later on I get more feels to save the child plus feeling so much regret over the argument and more angry that she died. Then I want more to create the dream future she always wanted for the baby they never had when I save the baby. They seemed to much like a stereotype rich always happy couple even the holograms so cheesy I know this sounds confusing hard to explain XD

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    I just never liked her she a manipulator and let her sister die she has no soul. What she did to kenny to as a test was f**ked up she such a talented person yet chose to use it to pull Clem away from the group and care for no one but herself etc

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    Evie AC synicate

    tbh I didn't enjoy either leads or the game I could only play for couple of hours then traded it in and she just felt like a publicity stunt character for the series

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  • The only time Peach ever contributed was in 3D World... if you or a friend play as her. There's also Super Mario Bros. 2... but that game is just a dream... Mario's dream is for Peach to not get captured over and over again, and then having to rescue her...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Max and Chloe * Life is not strange it's boring, terrible and clique Peach * mario She always gets kidnapped and never co

  • Some of the reasons you guys hate these characters are hilarious.

  • The protagonist in general was one of Fallout 4's weak points, since they have little to no personality compared to the Lone Wanderer from Fallout 3. I felt like a lot of my dialogue choices didn't matter, and the fact that the Pip-Boy screens are so damn cluttered just makes me want to go back and play Fallout 3.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Max and Chloe * Life is not strange it's boring, terrible and clique Peach * mario She always gets kidnapped and never co

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited December 2015

    Man! The amount of Max-hate here. I admit she was a bit cringe-worthy, but I don't think she is "Worst-ever" material, that's my opinion. Don't know if I'll be able to think of seven, but I'll try. I know there's two Final Fantasy characters on here anyway.

    enter image description here

    Lightning - Final Fantasy XIII
    Lightning's character has gotten more milked than Cloud over the years. I don't really understand why Square like her so much, her game wasn't even good to begin with and she is NOT a character you try and hype up by making her the sole protagonist of what was XIII-3. Though Square thought she was a big enough deal that they could call it LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII instead. I laughed quite a bit at that.

    Now to what I don't like about her... She's cold to everyone and the writers even came up with an excuse as to why she's such a terrible character so they can feel better about themselves. She was more tolerable in XIII-2. But that's honestly only because she was barely in the game enough for me to hate her.

    Lightning is by a landslide my least favourite female character and one of the worst characters in gaming to me, I know a few of you like her. But nothing can be convinced for me to like her. I tolerated her in the two games she was the protagonist of and Dissidia 012. A game she really didn't deserve to be the lead in at all. And do you want to know the funny thing? She's not even my least favourite character from the Final Fantasy series.

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    Princess Peach - Mario series I'm pretty sure I don't have to elaborate this one.

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    Dahilia Hawthorne - Ace Attorney I really can't say much on her without actually going into spoiler territory of her character. But I will say she deserves all the hatred she gets from Ace Attorney fans. She's actually quite brilliantly written though and you're actually supposed to hate her. So kudos Shu Takumi! You really did succeed. There's another character who I personally think is far worse but he's a dude so he's not exactly valid to be on here.

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    Yuffie Kisaragi - Final Fantasy VII
    Yes another Final Fantasy character, why? Plenty of reasons. For one she makes you go through the most annoying side-quest of the entire game where the only strategy to beat this one boss is to literally level-grind. Secondly she's flat-out annoying. I know the series likes to have some annoying characters (Tidus, Rikku, Vaan and Zell to name a few) but she's just not tolerable with it at times. And she barely has any dialogue in the game for that matter but whenever she did show up I just cringed knowing she was gonna do that stupid punch in the air and run off somewhere. And finally, (this is a more personal note) but if you ask anyone who's the best thief of the Final Fantasy series they actually say her. When there's far greater ones whom are more likable such as Zidane and Locke.

  • To be honest, Lighting is well portrayed as a character who has gone through military training.

    In both English and Japanese versions she is either emotionally debunk or angry.

    Also, Lighting was a big deal in Japan.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Man! The amount of Max-hate here. I admit she was a bit cringe-worthy, but I don't think she is "Worst-ever" material, that's my opinion. Do

  • I have an odd opinion about Final Fantasy 13. The story and the character dialogues feel strange at times. The relationships between the characters aren't developed as well as other games. Yet I can understand what they are going for and like it for that.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Man! The amount of Max-hate here. I admit she was a bit cringe-worthy, but I don't think she is "Worst-ever" material, that's my opinion. Do

  • Oh fuck yeah, Dahlia was a total douchebag. I hate her so much. Damn her all to hell!

    ...Well, actually, she is damned to hell, isn't she?

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Man! The amount of Max-hate here. I admit she was a bit cringe-worthy, but I don't think she is "Worst-ever" material, that's my opinion. Do

  • Snow White from The Wolf Among Us?!Why?

    * Citra (Far Cry 3) * Snow (TWAU) * Lilly (TWD S1) * Bonnie (TWD S2) * Olivia (MCSM) * Elsera (GOT) * Yvette (TFTB)

  • edited December 2015

    Yuka Mochida...

    "Onii-san! I gotta pee!" or something like that.

    Considering the situation, she demands to use a bathroom and REFUSES to pee anywhere else. Top of that she goes alone to do that in a situation where it's a very bad idea.

  • Lydia constantly uses others for her own ends. She doesn't care about how many lives are lost in her endeavors just so that she can profit in the drug business. She comes up with the idea of killing eleven prisoners because they had ties to Gus, and first asks Mike to somehow do it for her. When this fails, she brings it up to Walt.

    When Lydia decides to deal with Declan, she does it before hearing his opinion of their business relationship. She latches onto Todd and his uncle to continue her international drug trade. As much as I hated him, she uses Todd's crush on her to demand cooks with better purity.

    Lydia is a polar opposite of Gus. We saw Gus being calm and reasonable in his methods of the drug trade, while Lydia manipulates and hide behind others to get what she wants.

    Why Lydia if I might ask? I didnt particularly like any of the characters in that show (as people) by the end but I thought most were good characters. Lydia was alright though I dont really remember having any particular opinion of her

  • I take it that you haven't played any of the Paper Mario games.

    Paper Peach is super competent compared to any other version of her. She acts a spy, mocks her kidnappers, and actually does stuff to combat the villains.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Max and Chloe * Life is not strange it's boring, terrible and clique Peach * mario She always gets kidnapped and never co

  • edited December 2015

    This is just seven of many.

    1. Daenerys Targaryen - asoiaf
    2. Elayne Trakand - wot
    3. Egwene al'Vere - wot
    4. Samara - me 2 and 3
    5. Jack - me 2 and 3
    6. Liara T'Soni - me series
    7. Rose - Brethren Trilogy
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