Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • The faces are killing me I just - explodes

  • I honestly felt that TWAU's cliffhanger was referencing to the beginning of the first comic issue. I didn't feel like it was hanging you up for suspense ... I just thought it was a prequel to the actual comic and was over. :/

    Bit rude to crush my hope just because TWAU hasn't had a recent installment, and let's be honest: TFBL has a pretty huge following being a Borderlands game as well, I can hope they'll continue it, if not, I'll get over it.

  • Don't explode! We need you well enough to write more!

    The faces are killing me I just - explodes

  • I think I remember seeing this a long time ago, and if I remember right, the OP shipped rhysha and the artwork was making fun of the shipping situation. In not 100% sure though

  • New one is up. Another short one, but I do love a cliffhanger every now and then. ;D

    Don't explode! We need you well enough to write more!

  • edited December 2015

    In the same vein as Reggie, while I'm not leaving, I won't be as active as a participant as I had planned to be. I still plan to update my fic (most likely in January now), which will probably be my primary source of communication with the rhysha base outside tumblr. I'm in a tough place with my own relationship, and fictional ones are not really my priority right now, nor does it bring me as much joy as it used to because of this. In time I hope this will change, but right now I just need time for myself. However, I will still be lurking from time to time, so I can still participate, just like I said, not as much as I had hoped.

  • Dat cliffhanger tho O_o how will I survive till the next chapter? I love that Vaughn's here tho!

    New one is up. Another short one, but I do love a cliffhanger every now and then. ;D

  • Do what you think is best, and I pray that both you and Reggie get everything you need to sorted out.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    In the same vein as Reggie, while I'm not leaving, I won't be as active as a participant as I had planned to be. I still plan to update my f

  • Fret not, real life should ALWAYS come before fictional life. The last thing anyone would want is for your life to suffer.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    In the same vein as Reggie, while I'm not leaving, I won't be as active as a participant as I had planned to be. I still plan to update my f

  • Maybe

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I think I remember seeing this a long time ago, and if I remember right, the OP shipped rhysha and the artwork was making fun of the shipping situation. In not 100% sure though


    New one is up. Another short one, but I do love a cliffhanger every now and then. ;D

  • I wouldn't know it, but if Windra knows her stuff (and I'm assuming she does), that sounds more accurate, I knew there was a comic; I just never got into TWAU. Seeing as how TFBL has no real comic, I can only assume it would prelude to BL3, and I'd be pretty pissed for multiple reasons for that...

    I honestly felt that TWAU's cliffhanger was referencing to the beginning of the first comic issue. I didn't feel like it was hanging you up for suspense ... I just thought it was a prequel to the actual comic and was over.

  • enter image description here

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    enter link description here

  • edited December 2015

    I agree. And the worst part is that a lot of things I have seen in the past suggest it is a prelude. I can't exactly place where I saw them, but I know I did.

    I wouldn't know it, but if Windra knows her stuff (and I'm assuming she does), that sounds more accurate, I knew there was a comic; I just n

  • He's back.

    Btw, I may or may not be working on speech. Who knows...

  • Can I get a New Years hat Pipas?

    Pipas posted: »

    He's back. Btw, I may or may not be working on speech. Who knows...

  • I know exactly how you feel, Poultry. I just don't think that they could pull off this tying into BL3. Then what? How do we make choices for the characters? No matter how you put it, they really have to do a Season 2. I trust TellTales, I doubt they'd let it get stuck in development hell.

    I agree. And the worst part is that a lot of things I have seen in the past suggest it is a prelude. I can't exactly place where I saw them, but I know I did.

  • I'm getting my Sparta gifs ready.

    Cuz u know, a certain number of pages is approaching...

    Pipas posted: »

    He's back. Btw, I may or may not be working on speech. Who knows...

  • Glad you're still staying; Maybe you'll still hopefully grace us with your art? :3 I know it isn't that simple... but- what can I say?- it'd be a shame if you didn't!

    Well I'll be here as long as there is anyone left. I don't do forums, but I'm so into this one I don't really think I could just leave. You guys are all great

  • santa hat and party hat seems like a broken combo in my opinion

    Can I get a New Years hat Pipas?

  • Good luck!

    Ok, so i dont know why i'm doing this another ''speach'', it might look like i'm just looking for attention but thats really not my intent r

  • So the chapter I'm hammering out right now might be the last one I complete before I have to go back to work on the 4th, which means updates will be slowing down to about one per week.

    But this one's gonna be a long one, so sit down and relax, kiddos.

  • Welcome to the last day of this year!

    enter image description here

    With the year closing in, I bet many of you wondered if our dear Pipas has some sick speech prepared. The more perceptive ones probably noticed, that I haven’t posted any speech on this thread‘s 9 month anniversary. Truth be told, I haven’t forgotten about it. I was just too lazy to come up with one. But worry not, my friends, because I’m going to compensate this insufficiency with the closing speech of 2015. (which is this one. Yeah, I know. Duh.) Originally I wanted to talk about the TftB series as a whole, but the speech was getting too long and was going nowhere, so hopefully just talking about the thread will suffice.

    I’d talk about how and why this thread came out to be, but I believe I’ve already mentioned it in my previous speeches (at least 3 times, you can check it in my 3th month anniversary speech for example if you’re interested) and I bet you guys are getting tired of it, so I’ll just skip it. :D Just gotta mention this: I couldn’t be more proud to see this thread to become the crossroads of so many Rhysha artworks/fanfics/etc. I know I’ve mentioned it earlier many times, but you guys are so incredibly talented! I’ve seen a lot of amazing art thorough the year that if I had to pick my favourite ones, I honestly wouldn’t be able to decide. Without you I don’t know what this thread would be. I guess pretty boring. :D Thank you for that.

    And obviously none of us would be here if it weren't for Telltale, so thank you for creating this amazing game.

    enter image description here

    What I also consider one of the highlights of this year was the Chatzy. Kinda impressive to see what became from the innocent chat about Rhysha wiki. From Chatzy detectives through Chatzy Ball Z to my rant about episode 5 of GoT, I had so much fun talking with you and it was nice to know more about the people behind the avatars on the forums. If you for some reason still don’t have access to the chat, feel free to send me a PM (or better just comment in the thread, that I’m more likely to read).

    I’ve seen quite a few people leaving lately. That’s okay, nothing lasts forever and real life should always come first. Just know this: you’ll always be welcome here. :)

    Speaking of, I haven’t been around lately myself. That’s because my exams are approaching with a rapid speed, so I said to myself that I should probably prepare and stuff and stop playing Bioshock. So yeah, I might not be really active till the end of January (maybe longer, idk). But don’t worry guys, I’ll still check this thread from time to time. ;)

    Now with everything what I wanted to say out of my way, is everyone ready for the achievements of 2015? Of course you are! Here they are:

    • The thread has been opened over 495.000 times.
    • The main post has been liked 169 times.
    • We’re getting close to 300 pages, so as the Poultry advices, prepare your 300 gifs.
    • We survived the Spongebob spam.
    • Right at this moment we have… way too many proud Rhyshans among our ranks. Yeah, that many that I’m lazy to count.
    • @Reggiesleftarm created WIKI shortly after Episode 3. Even though it’s a ghost town now, you can still access it and read some stuff. Handsome Jack’s impressions by @armis37 are especially hilarious.
    • I already talked about CHATZY, but yeah, just know that it’s there and you can still join at any time. ;)
    • Thorough the year we played over 30 GAME EVENTS. I know I’ve been really quiet about it lately, it was just my inability to think of any new games we could play combined with my laziness. But if you’d like to organize any event., just let me know when and I’ll puti t up on the board. :P
    • The thread hasn’t been closed down nor it was merged yet.

    And if you thought I wouldn’t post celebrating Leo gif (especially on the last day of this year), then you’d be dead wrong.

    enter image description here

    To 2016. Hopefully it’ll be a great year for all of us.

  • Do you have the original picture? I tossed it somewhere and can't find it. :D

    Can I get a New Years hat Pipas?

  • Nice to see the thread still going strong after all that time ;)

    enter image description here

    And also I wanted to say something, we should definitely arrange a huge gaming event after our tests finish to celebrate the midyear holidays.It could include L4D2,BL1&2,TF2...etc.And maybe even get Erin Yvette to join us again if she's not busy with any new games :D

    Think about it and tell me ;)

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the last day of this year! With the year closing in, I bet many of you wondered if our dear Pipas has some sick speech pre

  • Hehe, great speech Pipas, you lazy bastard. Thanks for the mention :)

    Don't have much to say, except Happy New Year, Rhysha, and may it continue to prosper!

    enter image description here

    Also, yass, Leo gif

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the last day of this year! With the year closing in, I bet many of you wondered if our dear Pipas has some sick speech pre

  • enter image description here

    Happy new years to you too Pip! Ive had an amazing time on the forum so far and hopefully there are more good times to come (I might be planning a little new years rhysha fan art shhhhhh)

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the last day of this year! With the year closing in, I bet many of you wondered if our dear Pipas has some sick speech pre

  • Not if ur hardcore

    Green613 posted: »

    santa hat and party hat seems like a broken combo in my opinion

  • Ima post this Leo gif...

    enter image description here

    Before I post a DIFFERENT Leo gif... ;)

    Anyways, 2015 ruled! Bring on 2016!

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the last day of this year! With the year closing in, I bet many of you wondered if our dear Pipas has some sick speech pre

  • Happy new year! :)

    I feel like 2016 will be a big one...

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the last day of this year! With the year closing in, I bet many of you wondered if our dear Pipas has some sick speech pre

  • Aye grand year it has been to us my dear comrades!

    enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the last day of this year! With the year closing in, I bet many of you wondered if our dear Pipas has some sick speech pre

  • -rushes off to read-

    Chapter up

  • Oh, I forgot to give shootout to @Irunts and the hilarious Rhysha videos he made thorough the year. Go check out HIS CHANNEL if you haven't seen them. :D

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the last day of this year! With the year closing in, I bet many of you wondered if our dear Pipas has some sick speech pre

  • edited December 2015


    enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the last day of this year! With the year closing in, I bet many of you wondered if our dear Pipas has some sick speech pre

  • Got to post a classic, out of habit.

    enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Welcome to the last day of this year! With the year closing in, I bet many of you wondered if our dear Pipas has some sick speech pre

  • enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Do you have the original picture? I tossed it somewhere and can't find it.


    It's k I'm over it. Liking the confessive cliffhanger MacCready introduced.

    Chapter up

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