Best / favourite scene in the game?
Was bored and decided to make this thread, didn't really find any thread like it around. Anyway, what's the best scene in the game for you guys?
For me it's definitely Jack's final scene in EP5, and I'll explain why:
The writing was INCREDIBLY good in this scene, with GREAT voice acting from both Troy Baker and Dameon Clarke. When Jack was giving his speech about how everyone betrayed him etc, I GENUINELY felt sad for him and I thought to myself; "Wow, he did go through a lot of shit but why am I feeling bad for him.. damn" and then it turns out he was just manipulating Rhys AND the player (me) so he can put himself inside Rhys again. Then Rhys goes full badass and removes all of his cybernetics so Jack can finally die, and Jack actually BEGGING Rhys to not do it. It was really such an amazing scene and it hit me hard. It also captured Jack's character PERFECTLY. The voice acting from Troy Baker and Dameon Clarke especially made this scene the best scene in the game for me.
"There's nothing.. There's absolutely nothing there, don't do this..."
What's yours?
Need I even say it.
enter link description here
That's a great one too. Literally made me die from laughter irl. I was going to mention it but I ended up using Jack's final scene because it was such a great scene in writing and voice acting
Expected the episode 3 scene, happy you didn't do that one lol.
Handsome Jack scene, the emotions are over the top.
Please, nothing beats a nerd shootout.
Yes, this. 11/10
God it's too hard to choose, I'll just do one from every episode.
come on that scene's nothing compared to the one where vaughn's making it rain xP
Damn, you beat me to it.
"I guess, Felix really did care enough to-"
I did love this scene - they perfectly captured the incredible feeling of power those drones would give you - I was rooting with Jack to take down everyone... it was scarily intoxicating... especially once I finally got my revenge on Vasquez. It's kind of easy to see how power corrupts....
But August wasn't a winner in that scene
Considering that I feel that there are so many great moments for me, it's a little hard to choose but one I feel is a little underrated is this scene:
Gortys: "I just wanna say thanks for bringing me back and killing that scary thing and taking me on that adventure we went on for a while a while ago and thanks for being cool about stuff like driving the caravan that time when you weren't looking and thanks for bringing everyone together and thanks for being my friend. You're the only friends I have and I appreciate you and I hope we're friends for a really long time."
Fiona: "That's what friends do...they help each's all part of the deal."
Gortys: "Well, that's a pretty good deal."
Oh, I love these people..
Aside from the finger gun fight, Rhys removing his cybernetics and Sasha's death which were mentioned above, Rhys' ex-boss floating in space and overly-dramatic moment where Sasha was slipping and Rhys was all "I'll never let go" and she just lands on her feet. Also the battle with the Traveler was amazing with August, Athena and Janey.
My favorite.
Unquestionably, it was Jack tweaking Rhys's nipples
The shoot-out in the Atlas facility is great, especially if you trusted Jack. I love how absolutely ridiculous and nonsensical it all is. Like, all the random stuff going on in the background; people randomly getting flung across the room and into the walls, drones flying around like a swarm of angry bees, Loader Bot smacking everything around the room, all the random gunfire and death screams, Jack just laughing maniacally at everything... it's one big, beautiful clusterfuck.
Tea scene with Rhys and Fiona,I exploded when i first watched it.
Either the "Hail to the King, baby!" scene or the scene where Rhys prys his cybernetics off his body and Jack powerlessly tries to stop him.
Without a doubt
The finger gun scene
This one:
enter link description here
My favorite scene was probably the one with Rhys and Fiona outside the vault. I Really liked the mechanic of literally making the conversation, and even though it only last 45 seconds max it was a really good method of reminding the player that they are not only realistic people that have realistic conversations but that they are equally the protagonists.
The conversation between Rhys and Fiona inside the Vault, and episode 5's intro. When I first watched episode 5, it was 2 AM and I was tired, so I... Started crying. And I still cry when I watch it. The song, dude...
This is so tough for me to decide just one, but there are a few moments I love the most:
enter link description here
I have many favourite scenes.
This one for the reference and just how hilarious LB is
Also same as OP @CarL_J The moment where Jack was begging not to die. "There's absolutely nothing there" The emotion around that scene was crazy! Also Jack remember all the bad things that happened were sad
Poor Angel dying, all the people that betrayed him leaving him with nothing.
I loved Jack instantly in Borderlands 2 way back when, Seeing him in TPS was great! Then all of a sudden he pops up in TFTB to my surprise. Jack was a character you love to hate as a villain. But imagine Jack being an AI dormant in your head, waiting for the moment to kill you... Jack had to finally die. (Whether you crushed him or not)
Hats off to Dameon Clarke for bringing Jack to life again for the 3rd and final time, and Troy Baker for his emotional Rhys performance all round especially in Ep5 due to the intensity of his actions.
'Hats off' - much like the way Fiona throws hers @Wintryon, haha. xD
Also that final moment outside the Vault, where for the first time you chose the reply for both Fiona and Rhys. Basically chose the way YOU want them to reply. I thought that was great too.
(This worked well in favour of what characters you shipped which was nice for players)
I couldn't agree more. Nicely put, and thanks for the shout out! LB's reference was a perfect touch. That's what I love about this game: the cheesy (in a good way) moments aren't over the top. They're perfectly placed, and adds more charm to the characters and game. I wanted to sympathize with Jack, because I felt bad for him, but like you said: Jack had to finally die. This is one of the most satisfying games I've played.
What i've always loved about all the borderlands games is that I put myself into that world and get invested in it.
Plus feeling that much emotion towards a villain just shows the amazing writing ability of everyone at Telltale / Gearbox / 2K and the voice actors as i said to bring them to life.
Those are the games I love to play. I like to place myself in the game's universe and get invested emotionally. Otherwise, I find my mind wandering elsewhere at times, and the feelings aren't quite there. Having only played maybe 30 minutes of the first Borderlands game, it was surprisingly easy for me to jump into the universe by playing TFTB (kudos to everyone involved).
Everything about LB is perfect
During Jack's final scene, I didn't felt like I was killing my enemy. I felt like I was killing my friend.
I knew I have to kill him, but that still doesn't mean I enjoy it.
has to be either the tea scene with rhys or fiona or the scene you get with vaughn of you dont mention jack to him in episode 2
Lol I had no idea this could happen. This just made my morning!
thats the funniest scene ever
I liked the final confrontation between Jack and Rhys too. Shows a lot of depth for a Borderlands game.
But my absolute favorite about this game are the title openings. Holy shit they're great. Especially the second and last episode's.
What episode is that from? :S
Yeah I want to ask about that. To the people who have played the Borderland series dose a fake finger gun ever showed up or did tell-tale add that themselves?