Just started playing the game. Damn. I knew what would happen right off the bat, but seeing it happen right in front of me was horrible and I almost cried. ;A;
I've never played a Fallout game before, so, please peeps, I'm open to advice and tips!
In Skyrim's defense, the Elder Scroll has always been relatively combat-oriented. So the streamlining and the downgrade made it much more ac… morecessible for a wider group of players and didn't hurt the game that much, except for the hardcore fans who has played the older games.
In Fallout's case, this game has never been just combat-oriented. In past games, you could have played a protagonist who preferred to solve his problems with his wits and minds. There were a lot more solution to a quest besides shooting your way out. So this time, streamlining and downgrade actually hurt the game for players who are fans of the Fallout series. Especially since this game came out after Fallout New Vegas, who has a stronger and better balance with combat and dialogues.
Just started playing the game. Damn. I knew what would happen right off the bat, but seeing it happen right in front of me was horrible and I almost cried. ;A;
I've never played a Fallout game before, so, please peeps, I'm open to advice and tips!
Yeah i'm the same. I'll have 20 quests ready to go but I end up just walking around The Commonwealth finding more that pop up. I'm too lazy to complete them lol. It's fun though, pretty cool world to play in.
What do you guys and gals prefer? Fallout 4 or Skyrim?
Also, what do you prefer as a 'franchise' (i guess), the Fallout universe or The Elder Scrolls universe?
I'm just sitting here waiting for Skyrim to become backwards compatible on the Xbox One...I really feel like getting back into it for some reason.
You should not have bought this game. Now your mental health is at Preston's mercy.
Joking aside, good choice. Just be prepared to grind if you side with the Minutemen.
Level 30 Fallout 3 (max level) All Achievements on my old account before it got hacked
88% on Current Xbox Account.
Max Level on Oblivion and 98% Achievements on my old account.
Oblivion/Skyrim (All story and dlc completed)
Fallout 3/Fallout NV/Fallout 4 (All story and dlc completed)
BUT if I had to choose it'd be fallout. I played alot during school and through shitty moments in my life and it helped distract me. I got attached to the world i was playing in.
What do you guys and gals prefer? Fallout 4 or Skyrim?
Also, what do you prefer as a 'franchise' (i guess), the Fallout universe or The Eld… moreer Scrolls universe?
I'm just sitting here waiting for Skyrim to become backwards compatible on the Xbox One...I really feel like getting back into it for some reason.
Can't choose. Love both equally.
* Level 81 in Skyrim, All Achievements.
* Max Level in Fallout NV 82% Achievements
* Level 81 Fallou… moret 4, All Achievements.
* Level 30 Fallout 3 (max level) All Achievements on my old account before it got hacked
88% on Current Xbox Account.
* Max Level on Oblivion and 98% Achievements on my old account.
Oblivion/Skyrim (All story and dlc completed)
Fallout 3/Fallout NV/Fallout 4 (All story and dlc completed)
BUT if I had to choose it'd be fallout. I played alot during school and through shitty moments in my life and it helped distract me. I got attached to the world i was playing in.
I work 5 Days a week 8-5. And usually play when I get home, and i'm not a college anymore I have no homework etc. So outside of work is fallout time XD
Currently on 9 Days 7 Hours (223 Hours) on Fallout 4. And YES I love Bethesda Games.
Just started playing the game. Damn. I knew what would happen right off the bat, but seeing it happen right in front of me was horrible and I almost cried. ;A;
I've never played a Fallout game before, so, please peeps, I'm open to advice and tips!
I think I am gonna side with the Minutemen. But I already joined the Brotherhood by accident when I happened upon Danse. Who is a fucking tank by the way.
I am at level 7 after about 6 hours of play, I'm rebuilding Sanctuary and trying to make it to Diamond city but have died after being attacked by the mutant dogs, Feral Ghouls, and super mutants. IDK how to grind in this game! Like, in Skyrim I could exploit grinding by running around and killing Giants and Mammoths everywhere. But this game, everything is killing me!
You should not have bought this game. Now your mental health is at Preston's mercy.
Joking aside, good choice. Just be prepared to grind if you side with the Minutemen.
HNGHH I still listen to the message from Nate, and almost cried twice because of it. Fuck every other romance option, I want Nate back.... ;A; My heart still hurts.
I have been using the pipe weapons mostly. I'm not sure where to find better weapons, as I die to everything I fight. And what skill tree do I level up to get that perk? I'm crafting a lot, making my Sanctuary nicer and cleaning it up. But weapon mods and armor mods, I'm not sure how to get it started.
I think I am gonna side with the Minutemen. But I already joined the Brotherhood by accident when I happened upon Danse. Who is a fucking ta… morenk by the way.
I am at level 7 after about 6 hours of play, I'm rebuilding Sanctuary and trying to make it to Diamond city but have died after being attacked by the mutant dogs, Feral Ghouls, and super mutants. IDK how to grind in this game! Like, in Skyrim I could exploit grinding by running around and killing Giants and Mammoths everywhere. But this game, everything is killing me!
That's what you think until you meet the companions. Soon you'll be like: "Who's Nate? I was to busy screwing my ghoul buddy." I know I did when I met Piper.
HNGHH I still listen to the message from Nate, and almost cried twice because of it. Fuck every other romance option, I want Nate back.... ;A; My heart still hurts.
Some raiders will eventually carry weapons like Combat Shotguns or Rifles. There are also unique weapons you can find set in specific locations. Just search Youtube for "Unique Fallout 4 weapons" and you'll find a bunch. I suggest getting The Gainer and Reba II because they're pretty strong. But you'll need .44 ammo and .308 rounds for those guns respectively first.
The perk is called "Gun Nut" and it requires an Intelligence of 4. You can upgrade level 1 mods, etc, etc as you upgrade that perk. You can modify guns at weapons workbenches, and there's one in Sanctuary so don't worry. BUT... you'll need specific components first in order to finally upgrade. Things like screws, adhesive, and aluminum are some of the many that you'll need to find. I suggest hoarding these items for them:
Screws: Desk Fans
Adhesive: Duct Tape & Wonderglue
Aluminum: Aluminum Cans or Trays
For the rest, I'm not entirely sure. You can look up the components certain items have in your Pip-boy.
It's pretty confusing, but you'll get the hang of it.
I have been using the pipe weapons mostly. I'm not sure where to find better weapons, as I die to everything I fight. And what skill tree do… more I level up to get that perk? I'm crafting a lot, making my Sanctuary nicer and cleaning it up. But weapon mods and armor mods, I'm not sure how to get it started.
You can take mods you want from guns you don't want to use by replacing the mod with a default one. Then you can take the good mod and put it on yur good gun. Mods only work for a specific weapon type though, you can't take a supressor from a hunting rifle and put it on a pipe gun or anything like that.
I have been using the pipe weapons mostly. I'm not sure where to find better weapons, as I die to everything I fight. And what skill tree do… more I level up to get that perk? I'm crafting a lot, making my Sanctuary nicer and cleaning it up. But weapon mods and armor mods, I'm not sure how to get it started.
Don't you dare disrespect Preston unless you want to be called babe and help that settlement that's marked on your map. Got it? But hey at least it's not raining.
I made a character who has mostly strength, endurance, and agility. I have the good pistol you get in the vault, and pipe weapons. So, tell me, what do I do?! I don't want to die! ;A;
I hope so. It doesn't help I made the couple based off of my favorite original character pairing. And their resemblances, especially Nate's to the male character of mine was ridiculously similar, even the voice was perfect. And the female character is deathly loyal, so it seems to me like it's gonna take a really, really great person or a lot of time to get ready to jump into another relationship...
Though I'm kinda liking MacCready, and Hancock seems like a awesome ghoul. Danse looks awesome, and is really handsome, but he is kinda like the Fenris of Synths and Ghouls... But this game is so focused on the characters approving and disapproving your actions, it's gonna be hard to keep on everyone's good side...
That's what you think until you meet the companions. Soon you'll be like: "Who's Nate? I was to busy screwing my ghoul buddy." I know I did when I met Piper.
It's actually pretty easy, you can max Danse out by simply putting your power armor on, saving, reload to that save and do it again and again until you reach max approval. But he has a quest that needs to be done to max him out. I maxed Hancock pretty easy since I'm a good character, he also likes you running around naked and taking chems. Macready was a pain though, he's more neutral. I want to tell you something about Macready but I can't tell if it's a spoiler or not.
I hope so. It doesn't help I made the couple based off of my favorite original character pairing. And their resemblances, especially … moreNate's to the male character of mine was ridiculously similar, even the voice was perfect. And the female character is deathly loyal, so it seems to me like it's gonna take a really, really great person or a lot of time to get ready to jump into another relationship...
Though I'm kinda liking MacCready, and Hancock seems like a awesome ghoul. Danse looks awesome, and is really handsome, but he is kinda like the Fenris of Synths and Ghouls... But this game is so focused on the characters approving and disapproving your actions, it's gonna be hard to keep on everyone's good side...
Seems like you should put on the most badass armor you can find and destroy everything with... With like a big stick. Just find something that looks like it would suck to get hit with and beat everything to death with it. Load up on stimpacks and food, put points into toughness and just try to think like a big dumb barbarian. Just a big, hulking, rampaging monster with a really nasty stick.
Or if you insist on sticking with guns, then only leave cover if you absolutely have to. Like if you're flanked or there's a grenade at your feet. And pick one weapon type to use primarily if you haven't already. I went with non-automatic rifles and snuck around popping everyone's heads. That's something to do if you have high agility. Start sneaking if you even have a paranoid suspicion there might be danger near.
I made a character who has mostly strength, endurance, and agility. I have the good pistol you get in the vault, and pipe weapons. So, tell me, what do I do?! I don't want to die! ;A;
I run a fuckin' militia: the most dominant force in the Commonwealth, no less, that managed to bring down the mighty Institute and Brotherhood of Steel and as a result is now in possession of new toys salvaged from the Brotherhood. Surely we cannot be THAT short in recruits or manpower so as to merit my running about like a headless chicken if we pulled that off?
enter link description here
Don't you dare disrespect Preston unless you want to be called babe and help that settlement that's marked on your map. Got it? But hey at least it's not raining.
What did they look like?
It's actually pretty easy, you can max Danse out by simply putting your power armor on, saving, reload to that s… moreave and do it again and again until you reach max approval. But he has a quest that needs to be done to max him out. I maxed Hancock pretty easy since I'm a good character, he also likes you running around naked and taking chems. Macready was a pain though, he's more neutral. I want to tell you something about Macready but I can't tell if it's a spoiler or not.
What did they look like?
It's actually pretty easy, you can max Danse out by simply putting your power armor on, saving, reload to that s… moreave and do it again and again until you reach max approval. But he has a quest that needs to be done to max him out. I maxed Hancock pretty easy since I'm a good character, he also likes you running around naked and taking chems. Macready was a pain though, he's more neutral. I want to tell you something about Macready but I can't tell if it's a spoiler or not.
That's what you think until you meet the companions. Soon you'll be like: "Who's Nate? I was to busy screwing my ghoul buddy." I know I did when I met Piper.
50 levels on and the start still saddens me. To some it might sound dumb, but I don't want my character to get in a relationship, even though Piper is a legend. It's just weird how attached you can get attached to a character you only saw for 15 minutes or so, even less.
HNGHH I still listen to the message from Nate, and almost cried twice because of it. Fuck every other romance option, I want Nate back.... ;A; My heart still hurts.
I'll upload a picture soon, it's late right now so I don't want to mess with uploading and sharing etc right now.
Oh snap! Thanks for tha… moret! XD Good glitch. And and Hancock is quickly becoming my fav. That's awesome.
And MacCready seems to be pretty difficult. And post it in a comment with a spoiler tag, I already know about his tragic backstory... lol
I absolutely love listening to the Diamond City Station. All the music is so great, it really sets the tone. Plus some of the songs are so sappy and cute...
Ha! Your right! Sorry, I was thinking Chinese Communist and I mistakingly used Mao in place of Zao.
You should not have bought this game. Now your mental health is at Preston's mercy.
Joking aside, good choice. Just be prepared to grind if you side with the Minutemen.
Are you sure about that? I've out of combat in Fallout 4 just as many times as I did in New Vegas.
Maybe I am just blind to it, the game is rather large. Can you name any specifics?
Yeah I was surprised how sad the start was.
Yeah i'm the same. I'll have 20 quests ready to go but I end up just walking around The Commonwealth finding more that pop up. I'm too lazy to complete them lol. It's fun though, pretty cool world to play in.
What do you guys and gals prefer? Fallout 4 or Skyrim?
Also, what do you prefer as a 'franchise' (i guess), the Fallout universe or The Elder Scrolls universe?
I'm just sitting here waiting for Skyrim to become backwards compatible on the Xbox One...I really feel like getting back into it for some reason.
She made a big mistake... just like the raiders attacking this settlement, here i'll mark it on your map.
The tape Codsworth gives you though... So sad.
Can't choose. Love both equally.
Level 30 Fallout 3 (max level) All Achievements on my old account before it got hacked
88% on Current Xbox Account.
Max Level on Oblivion and 98% Achievements on my old account.
Oblivion/Skyrim (All story and dlc completed)
Fallout 3/Fallout NV/Fallout 4 (All story and dlc completed)
BUT if I had to choose it'd be fallout. I played alot during school and through shitty moments in my life and it helped distract me. I got attached to the world i was playing in.
Recently bought Rise of the Tomb Raider. So I made gifs of a moment. link
I may be wrong, but... Diamond City Blues?
I have a better idea, Preston. How about you do something aside from hiding away in the Castle?
Fair enough.
But woah, you definitely love Bethesda's games haha, or you have more time on your hands than me.
New Miracle of Sound song
enter link description here
I work 5 Days a week 8-5. And usually play when I get home, and i'm not a college anymore I have no homework etc. So outside of work is fallout time XD
Currently on 9 Days 7 Hours (223 Hours) on Fallout 4. And YES I love Bethesda Games.
Once you start getting better weapons, sell any .38 ammo or Pipe weapons you find because they're rubbish.
Get the perk that allows you to mod guns.
Was bored, browsing random things when I came across this image:
I bought this game also. Had it since it was released, still haven't beaten it. It's meh at best.
The 2013 Reboot is still fantastic though.
I think I am gonna side with the Minutemen. But I already joined the Brotherhood by accident when I happened upon Danse. Who is a fucking tank by the way.
I am at level 7 after about 6 hours of play, I'm rebuilding Sanctuary and trying to make it to Diamond city but have died after being attacked by the mutant dogs, Feral Ghouls, and super mutants. IDK how to grind in this game! Like, in Skyrim I could exploit grinding by running around and killing Giants and Mammoths everywhere. But this game, everything is killing me!
HNGHH I still listen to the message from Nate, and almost cried twice because of it. Fuck every other romance option, I want Nate back.... ;A; My heart still hurts.
It's fucking heartbreaking.
I have been using the pipe weapons mostly. I'm not sure where to find better weapons, as I die to everything I fight. And what skill tree do I level up to get that perk? I'm crafting a lot, making my Sanctuary nicer and cleaning it up. But weapon mods and armor mods, I'm not sure how to get it started.
What kind of character did you make? If you have like 2 endurance and youre trying to kill everything with a lead pipe you're doing it wrong.
That's what you think until you meet the companions. Soon you'll be like: "Who's Nate? I was to busy screwing my ghoul buddy." I know I did when I met Piper.
Some raiders will eventually carry weapons like Combat Shotguns or Rifles. There are also unique weapons you can find set in specific locations. Just search Youtube for "Unique Fallout 4 weapons" and you'll find a bunch. I suggest getting The Gainer and Reba II because they're pretty strong. But you'll need .44 ammo and .308 rounds for those guns respectively first.
The perk is called "Gun Nut" and it requires an Intelligence of 4. You can upgrade level 1 mods, etc, etc as you upgrade that perk. You can modify guns at weapons workbenches, and there's one in Sanctuary so don't worry. BUT... you'll need specific components first in order to finally upgrade. Things like screws, adhesive, and aluminum are some of the many that you'll need to find. I suggest hoarding these items for them:
For the rest, I'm not entirely sure. You can look up the components certain items have in your Pip-boy.
It's pretty confusing, but you'll get the hang of it.
You can take mods you want from guns you don't want to use by replacing the mod with a default one. Then you can take the good mod and put it on yur good gun. Mods only work for a specific weapon type though, you can't take a supressor from a hunting rifle and put it on a pipe gun or anything like that.
enter link description here
Don't you dare disrespect Preston unless you want to be called babe and help that settlement that's marked on your map. Got it? But hey at least it's not raining.
I made a character who has mostly strength, endurance, and agility. I have the good pistol you get in the vault, and pipe weapons. So, tell me, what do I do?! I don't want to die! ;A;
I hope so. It doesn't help I made the couple based off of my favorite original character pairing. And their resemblances, especially Nate's to the male character of mine was ridiculously similar, even the voice was perfect. And the female character is deathly loyal, so it seems to me like it's gonna take a really, really great person or a lot of time to get ready to jump into another relationship...
Though I'm kinda liking MacCready, and Hancock seems like a awesome ghoul. Danse looks awesome, and is really handsome, but he is kinda like the Fenris of Synths and Ghouls... But this game is so focused on the characters approving and disapproving your actions, it's gonna be hard to keep on everyone's good side...
What did they look like?
It's actually pretty easy, you can max Danse out by simply putting your power armor on, saving, reload to that save and do it again and again until you reach max approval. But he has a quest that needs to be done to max him out. I maxed Hancock pretty easy since I'm a good character, he also likes you running around naked and taking chems. Macready was a pain though, he's more neutral. I want to tell you something about Macready but I can't tell if it's a spoiler or not.
Seems like you should put on the most badass armor you can find and destroy everything with... With like a big stick. Just find something that looks like it would suck to get hit with and beat everything to death with it. Load up on stimpacks and food, put points into toughness and just try to think like a big dumb barbarian. Just a big, hulking, rampaging monster with a really nasty stick.
Or if you insist on sticking with guns, then only leave cover if you absolutely have to. Like if you're flanked or there's a grenade at your feet. And pick one weapon type to use primarily if you haven't already. I went with non-automatic rifles and snuck around popping everyone's heads. That's something to do if you have high agility. Start sneaking if you even have a paranoid suspicion there might be danger near.
I run a fuckin' militia: the most dominant force in the Commonwealth, no less, that managed to bring down the mighty Institute and Brotherhood of Steel and as a result is now in possession of new toys salvaged from the Brotherhood. Surely we cannot be THAT short in recruits or manpower so as to merit my running about like a headless chicken if we pulled that off?
I'll upload a picture soon, it's late right now so I don't want to mess with uploading and sharing etc right now.
Oh snap! Thanks for that! XD Good glitch. And and Hancock is quickly becoming my fav. That's awesome.
And MacCready seems to be pretty difficult. And post it in a comment with a spoiler tag, I already know about his tragic backstory... lol
MacCready was insanely tough. I just acted like an asshole on the sidequests that warranted asshole behavior. Like Diamond City Blues.
Hahaaa same here. Piper is bae.
50 levels on and the start still saddens me. To some it might sound dumb, but I don't want my character to get in a relationship, even though Piper is a legend. It's just weird how attached you can get attached to a character you only saw for 15 minutes or so, even less.
Piper is the reason i went through the first quests.
Between Hancock and Nick are my favorite companions.
I met Macready was in Fallout 3 as a 12 year old little shit that I hated.
enter link description here
I absolutely love listening to the Diamond City Station. All the music is so great, it really sets the tone. Plus some of the songs are so sappy and cute...