The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Didn't you hear his free college speech?

    I'm not quite sure he's a liberal , either. Maybe socialist is a better word.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Bernie's a communist? I didn't know he wants the workers to seize the means of production and create a stateless, moneyless society. Good for him! Seriously though, Bernie's a liberal.

  • I googled it and it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

    Googling "Medieval Memes" was an absolutely fantastic idea.

  • Archive of our own and Wattpad are both pretty great. I post on both of them and I've never had a problem.

    So's document manager is fucking around with me. I try to use two horizontal lines to indicate a change of POV in my story, b

  • Yet another sleepless night due to anxiety and a hyperactive mind, And no friends or a girlfriend to talk to during it. I love being alone in life. Fuck it, I'll just go watch YouTube or dragon ball z or work or some shit. Anybody else up all night because of bullshit mental disorders?

  • She'd invited more random boys over for cookies and milk than hardcore pedophiles.

    I love it.

    My senior quote is "Born too late to explore the Earth. Born too early to explore the galaxy. Born just in time to browse dank memes."

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Changed my bio because I have to remember that for my senior quote.

  • School holidays are over, and I'm going back to school tomorrow. Wish me luck.

  • Bernie Sanders is a communist.

    Pray tell, what would you describe communism as?

    Trump for president! Bernie Sanders is a communist.

  • If I do not come back to these forums, I will have probably asphyxiated beneath the mounds of homework I will surely be recieving tommorow.

    School holidays are over, and I'm going back to school tomorrow. Wish me luck.

  • oops ive been pronouncing it me-cone

    OzzyUK posted: »

    "Mi-shown" is the correct pronunciation.

  • good luck :)

    School holidays are over, and I'm going back to school tomorrow. Wish me luck.

  • I'm just grateful I apparently have only three classes (if my timetable is anything to go by, but knowing my school's tendency to fuck students around, I'm not getting my hopes up). Regardless, I'm glad it's cooling down a little. We've been getting thunder and rain all night. so hopefully no 30 degree heat tomorrow.

    So, how were your holidays?

    If I do not come back to these forums, I will have probably asphyxiated beneath the mounds of homework I will surely be recieving tommorow.

  • edited January 2016

    I'm just grateful I apparently have only three classes (If my timetable is anything to go by, but knowing my schools tendency to fuck students around, I'm not getting my hopes up).

    Only three actual classes? I apparently have 6 free sessions on account of only having five (three, if you also count for the fact that three of those six will be taken up by distanced learning).

    Regardless, I'm glad it's cooling down a little. We've been getting thunder and rain all night. So hopefully no 30 degree heat tomorrow.

    It is welcome indeed, but also bizarre along with the rest of the rain we've received this summer, given that we were meant to have an unusually dry summer. Then again, this IS Victoria.


    So, how were your holidays?

    Relaxed. Rarely does anything exciting happen out here this far east. The main highlight was spending a couple of days over in Lakes Entrance and seeing Star Wars. Aside from that, little else has happened. Yourself?

    I'm just grateful I apparently have only three classes (if my timetable is anything to go by, but knowing my school's tendency to fuck stude

  • edited January 2016

    He's almost so full of shit it deserves some sort of respect. Would never vote him but a top quality shit-stirrer, 10/10 banter.

    Are you FUCKING kidding me with this guy? He's gone from funny to having to the IQ of a braindead duck with fucking down syndrome. Good fucking god.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Free education and free college isn't socialism, this is a common misconception. It's state capitalism. The postal service and some aspects of Obamacare are also forms of state capitalism. The government is running those services, but otherwise they function almost exactly like a "free-market" enterprise.

    According to Karl Marx, socialism is a state in which the workers have risen up and seized the means of production, either through elections or violence. Then they run the workplace democratically either under the supervision of the state or as an independent worker co-op.

    If you want an exact term for what Bernie is, the best one would be Social Democrat. By his own admission, Bernie wants to save capitalism from itself.

    As for me, I'm a real, card-carrying socialist. I don't want to save capitalism from itself, I want to watch it die. That said, I still happily cooperate with people like Bernie because I think that improving conditions under capitalism is still a noble goal.

    Didn't you hear his free college speech? I'm not quite sure he's a liberal , either. Maybe socialist is a better word.

  • I've heard of Karl Marx. Adolf Hitler was a fan of his.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Free education and free college isn't socialism, this is a common misconception. It's state capitalism. The postal service and some aspect

  • edited January 2016

    Whew. After days of mental exhaustion and forearm/wrist pains I can finally say I'm almost finished my original (not of me playing the game) GTA story. If you read my adventures you'd know of the GTA character Killer Kate, the one with paper bag mask. So yeah, it's an origin story, a remade version of the original one I did long ago. Much more serious this time. It takes place in the GTA world of course, but there's a twist in it. So yeah, it's mature read. If you are into Walking Dead you should be able to handle the gore. If you are into Saints Row/GTAV you'd be fine with a little nudity (PS I don't go into detail on the unnecessary bits I'll just be like "Oh hey, they're naked." and that's it. And no, there's no sex. You got those particular sites for that purpose)So yeah that's the best I can describe without going too much into detail. I'll just post a link to it when I'm done so people can choose to read it or not (I was originally uncertain of posting so I talked to a mod about it, they said I should be fine). Viewer discretion is advised regardless.

    For now, I'll just post a little preview for the story to let ya'll know what's going on slightly. Here's the rough draft of part of chapter one. It doesn't have any of the content I mentioned above btw.

    Los Santos, known for it's luxurious lifestyle by the pine trees under the warm sun, movies stars making fame through Vinewood, gangbangers still living like it's the 90's, corrupt governments playing behind the scenes and a ridiculous crime rate due to crews running havoc to gain territory and power. Most of this aware to Officer Lieutenant Katie Farston, minus the corrupt governments, but her suspiciousness doesn't take away from her thinking something's fishy with them. Katie waits in a line-up in the gas station's convenience store on Lindsey's Circus Street. The man in front is taking forever with the change to give to the cashier. Katie is wearing her navy blue police uniform, completed with her equipment and bulletproof vest, lacking the officer's cap. In her early 20's, standing 5'12'', slightly towering over the man in her front of her. Her thin yet athletic build makes her easy to notice with her height, particular with her soft face. The chin slightly chiseled but the jaw line keeps it mostly curved in a delicate way. Her lips in a fine manner, the nose slightly sloping like a curved in landslide and the tip pointed out, her cheekbones slightly high up but the cheeks makes them look slightly rounded. Her slightly pointed and firm eyebrows gives a strong look, accompanied by her chestnut ponytailed hair with several bangs hanging down on either side. Her soft gray eye shadow gives off a stern look in her fairly spread out green eyes, suggesting she's not one to piss off. Yet the slightly pink lip gloss makes the opposite of stern. She has been on the force for a year now, and her excellent performance from training and on the field made her Lieutenant 2 months ago.

    She holds her hip, one leg put out, tapping the floor with her black boots, impatient of the wait. She looks to her left, a shelf full of can goods and junk food. However all she came for was some Meteorite bars for a snack, she doesn't really care for the whole "cops and donuts" thing. She looks a the man finally getting his change back from the cashier, finally finished transacting the fees. The man leaves the store with some Pisswasser, Katie wonders how people even stand drinking something that has THAT in it's name. Ew...

    She approaches the cashier, the Hindu man with an afro asks "How may I help you?", speaking with his strong accent matched with a sensitive tone. Katie, looks down the shelf of the counter, finally finding her Meteorite, she picks it up, smiling and puts it on the counter. Katie speaks with a calm look, her voice with a strong approach with a hint of a rather proud vocals, " Yeah, like to have this." She takes out her dollar bills, handing them to the cashier delicately with a firm grasp before letting go to the man who holds it. He puts it in his register, and returns the change that's due to her. "A paying customer is a happy customer! Thank you, come again."

    Katie finally leaves the store, with her police cruiser at the door, she gets in and firmly slams the door. She opens up the wrapper of her chocolate bar, and begins to eat it little by little, meanwhile checking the radio for any criminal alerts. Nothing really big happens, just some punk skaters South Los Santos spray painting a bridge, and a chubby male streaking in Vinewood. She takes out her cell phone from her right pants pocket, flipping the screen as she finishes her Meteorite and throwing it to the side. She sees two messages and opens up the message screen. One from her landlord, Maven Gregor "Farston! When the fuck are you going to clean up your apartment! It's a fucking mess! Water everywhere! If I don't see it cleaned by the weekend, I'm kicking ya out!". "Ugh!" Katie lets out, annoyed of his mouth (or.... text), the man always complains, Katie's apartment leaks in the ceiling yet he never does anything about it. Besides, she's always out and has little time being home, when she is home, she ends up too tired and the repair shop is always closed when she's home. She replies to the text, "Oh I'm sorry, kinda hard to keep the place clean when THERE'S A FUCKING LEAK IN THE CEILING! THAT'S ON YOU! So shut your mouth and fix it, fat ass! Your apartment, deal with it."

    She smirks about him flipping to her reply, he always pushes others so she does it back to him. She goes to the next message, and it's from her friend, Alice Hustlin "Hey, Katie! What's up? Want to hang out today after your shift? I got a bunch of BBQ chicken waiting for you! ;)", Katie smirks to the message. She met Alice, back in high school. Katie was going through a hard time with the loss of her dad's passing, and Alice came to her to give comfort. Been together since. She's Katie's little sunshine in shitville. Katie texts back "Sorry, Ali I can't today! I'm working late shift today, Chief wants me to. Munch away! :33". Soon after, she gets replied back from Alice "Awww, okay. Another day then. Well, more for me! Yay! XD" Katie giggles a little, always a cheerful nut, Alice is. Katie looks at the time on her phone, 20 minutes before 7:00 pm. She'll have to go to Popular Street in East LS to start her patrol there.

    As she's about to start her cruiser, a man in a police officer uniform knocks on her window beside her. She looks in confusion, but soon sees another police officer next to him. She knows these two very well, in fact, she hates their guts. The man at the window, looking down to her while his hand is on the roof, is Officer Joseph Brausham. He has dark-toned skin, African-American, slim bodied, light brown flat top hair, a goatee with chiseled features that defines his face. His brown eyes obscured with his aviators. She beat him in the submissions for Lieutenant, he's been jealous of her quick growth since the beginning. The man beside him, is his partner, Samson. A large, burly Caucasian man with a Caesar cut, dark-brown hair, his head round as a potato. He may not look it, but he's actually a silent, tough bastard. In most cases he tends to screw up with his rash actions, causing more difficulty, Brausham keeps him checked. Something about these two, even with their bad attitudes, always put Katie off.

    Katie sighs and rolls down the window, "What is it?" she says with a stern tone. Brausham speaks with a voice that sounds almost like a politician "Having fun with your chocolate bars, Lieutenant?" he asks, seeing the Meteorite wrapper on the seat next to her. Katie, keeping her cool "Yeah. Just grabbing a bite before I head off.". Samson peers to her with an oafish look, arms crossed, Katie feels his hate towards her. Brausham, in a polite manner "That's fine and all, but you have a job, Farston. And being a Lieutenant means you represent the ones who are under your rank. Just imagine if--" "Skip to the point.", Katie interrupts with a annoyed glare. "The point is..." Brausham exclaims with his arms out, standing straight, "Your shift in East Lost Santos started just now. We're here on time; you're there late." Katie is confused, stuttering "T-the hell you on?" "Nothing. Got word from the department that they decided to changed it up. So you better get a move on.", Brausham tells her with Samson nodding with a grumpy look. Katie looks to her steering wheel, muttering "Shit." and winding up the window. She starts the engine as the two officers walks off to their cruiser by the gas pump. Katie looks back, backing up the cruiser and turning to face the right to the gun shop, driving off.

  • BRUH

    She'd invited more random boys over for cookies and milk than hardcore pedophiles. I love it. My senior quote is "Born too late to explore the Earth. Born too early to explore the galaxy. Born just in time to browse dank memes."

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Oh? What credible source do you have to back this up? Hitler was very anti-communist and his economic policies could best be described as Keynesian capitalism. If he liked Marx so much, he probably wouldn't have ordered his books burned or sent so many German communists to the death camps.

    I've heard of Karl Marx. Adolf Hitler was a fan of his.

  • Yeah, unfortunately American politics have been shifting to the right since the new deal.

    Linnet posted: »

    It's kind of sad that US way out left = I think everyone should be able to go to college and see a doctor and that banks should be regulated and US way out right = bat@#$% zenophobia

  • Yeah.

    Hoping the rest use their heads and realize this isn't worth dying over.

    I'm not holding my breath though.

    Hey the Ammon Bundy guy got arrested:

  • M e a n i n g   O f   L i f e


    Are you a complex pattern of energy?

    I hope you know that you can do anything, anything is possible!

    If you want to be something don't dream and be what you are.




    No school tomorrow and Friday! I've had no school AT ALL this week. Last time I was in school was for two exams on Wednesday last week, it's glorious.

  • Saw Star Wars three times and wrote a new fan fiction.Other than that, I just played Fallout and watch 24.

    I'm just grateful I apparently have only three classes (If my timetable is anything to go by, but knowing my schools tendency to fuck studen

  • ayyy gravity falls love that show

    ualexen92 posted: »

    M e a n i n g   O f   L i f e   Are you a complex pattern of energy? I hope you know that you can do anything, anything is possible

  • enter image description here

    My reaction to Minecraft Story Mode

  • What am I doing with my life? Just..kill me already.

  • That's kind of hard to do over the internet.

    Plus, dying is a real bummer, you shouldn't do it.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    What am I doing with my life? Just..kill me already.

  • I just feel bored as a fucking anus,nothing useful to do.

    That's kind of hard to do over the internet. Plus, dying is a real bummer, you shouldn't do it.

  • Make something useful to do.

    When I got bored last night, I started to practice drawing, despite me never doing it.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I just feel bored as a fucking anus,nothing useful to do.

  • my phone died while I was scrolling through this

  • edited January 2016

    Ashly Burch announced on twitter she voiced ms. marvel for LEGO Marvel Avengers

  • Um.. >.> Sorry about your phone... Good thing it wasn't all 19 chapters.... heh heh.. eh.. ^^;

    my phone died while I was scrolling through this

  • Went to a Bernie organizing event, now I'm committed to hosting a calling marathon. The things I get myself into.

  • Hey, did she not voice Miss Pauling in a couple of TF2 updates?

    Linnet posted: »

    Ashly Burch announced on twitter she voiced ms. marvel for LEGO Marvel Avengers

  • edited January 2016

    Best way I've found to sleep well is to make sure you room is clean and well ventilated and that you've stayed away from screens for a good hour or so before bed. Exercising and eating well during the day also helps.

    Yet another sleepless night due to anxiety and a hyperactive mind, And no friends or a girlfriend to talk to during it. I love being alone i

  • Okay I need to stop playing my 3ds for 5 hours straight. Because it is giving me headaches and I don't even have the 3d on. I'm just so addicted to Fire emblem awakening :/ The support system is too fun.

  • Well then, I've been doing almost exactly the opposite of all of that. I hardly eat, I never want to move anywhere, my room isn't well ventilated, and a lot of my work is done on the computer, so I'm always active working on something, and I work a lot. My room is clean at least.

    Best way I've found to sleep well is to make sure you room is clean and well ventilated and that you've stayed away from screens for a good hour or so before bed. Exercising and eating well during the day also helps.

  • edited January 2016

    Give it a try, honestly it helps. You'll not only feel less tired but happier too.

    Well then, I've been doing almost exactly the opposite of all of that. I hardly eat, I never want to move anywhere, my room isn't well venti

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