Episode 5 Waiting Thread -Releasing March 29th across all platforms, Key art and screenshots on Blog



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    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Thx but im not saying in the game. On the TellTale website!

  • I really want jesse to die a hero. I just feel like he'd do that .Especially for his friends.

  • If that happens i will burn my device, including Laptop, PC, and Phone Device

    ASaltLick posted: »

    I really want jesse to die a hero. I just feel like he'd do that .Especially for his friends.

  • I expect that SOMEONE might die,but Jesse is the last that could,in my opinion.

    ASaltLick posted: »

    I really want jesse to die a hero. I just feel like he'd do that .Especially for his friends.

  • On the SteamDB,I saw a lot of update notes in the history,and most of them contain braches/endermen etc.I wonder what the ''endermen'' thing means.

  • edited March 2016

    Sorry this might not make sense but I'm panicking a bit but you know the picture of Jesse and ivor on skyblock ? Well on the left to Ivor there is a mountain... Which wasn't there before ._.
    EDIT: by the way I saw this when I finished episode 4 (my Xbox couldn't run the game for a while)

  • Oh now I get what u said. Sorry I got confused but now I know we will get the date it releases

    No they said there will be news concerning the release date on Tuesday (the 22nd).

  • Hmmm.... I don't believe it will come out on a Tuesday.

  • Something different is going on...

    PigBolt posted: »

    Hmmm.... I don't believe it will come out on a Tuesday.

  • Maybe they want the episode to be bug free unlike he other episodes

    It's not that simple; they have to coordinate releases across different stores, and the episode is still not rated everywhere (for example,

  • edited March 2016

    Mine won't load too

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Is it just me or are the Choices for the game not loading for everybody else?

  • Plot twist, it's gonna come out on Tuesday. Cmon, we all know TT like this.

    PigBolt posted: »

    Something different is going on...

  • I can pretty much guarantee that it'll come out on a Tuesday. Every single episode Telltale has released since the beginning of TWD S1 has released on a Tuesday, except for The Wolf Among Us Episode 1, which came on a Friday. IIRC TWAU was put on a Friday due to some release schedule thing with the Fables comics. It's also a special case, as it was a premiere, which are the episodes Telltale wants the most people to know about, as that's when I'm pretty sure most sales come in. By the time the finale comes along, the only sales they'll really get are people who didn't know about it/didn't want it/couldn't afford it at release, as well as the people who wait til all episodes are out to purchase. I'm sure a non-Tuesday release could happen again, but it's very unlikely (only 1 out of 31 episodes since TWD S1)

    PigBolt posted: »

    Hmmm.... I don't believe it will come out on a Tuesday.

  • theory since they canhange the name of the last chapeter its called to blody go.. I think that jessies Is going to die and they will be a season 2 were you play as petra just think about it like twd he died then It was a different charter so that's my theory

  • I don't think so. #HopeForThe29th

    So the ep is gonna be released on 22nd?

  • Yeah, true.

    Sean6150 posted: »

    Maybe they want the episode to be bug free unlike he other episodes

  • GUYS! I don't know if this is real, but SmoothMarky posted a video that says he found encyclopedia that stated in Episode 5, Soren has a plan and he is bribing you into a machine and is going to teleport you to a castle in the sky. (The SkyBlock) And Sorens plan is to take over the world. And Jesse and the gang needs to find their only hope. IVOR!

    I don't know if this is real though, I just saw a video on it.

  • Why? It would be great!

    AronDracula posted: »

    It's a good game but I don't want a Season 2.

  • This is off topic but Blind Sniper has 2 more comments to go to reach his 10,000 comment posted!

    It's not that simple; they have to coordinate releases across different stores, and the episode is still not rated everywhere (for example,

  • Hmm that could be true I might as well see it! :)

  • Yeah, maybe, you can check SmoothMarkys vidon it, but still, Idk if it is legit.

    Hmm that could be true I might as well see it!

  • It's actually called 'To Boldly Go...'

    collboy600 posted: »

    theory since they canhange the name of the last chapeter its called to blody go.. I think that jessies Is going to die and they will be a se

  • Then we gotta hope for 29th. #HopeForThe29th

    PigBolt posted: »

    Hmmm.... I don't believe it will come out on a Tuesday.

  • I never played Walking Dead and I don't want to...

    Just hope episode 5 will not end like twd s1 episode 5, you know...

  • If TTG does that...
    Rage quit

    Hodgeinator posted: »

    Pays $50 for game TTG: thank you for your purchase, you have every episode except the last of the season which you can wait up to a year fo

  • Gary seems scary, but hes a swell guy...
    Sally dilly dallies, give credit, she tries.

  • The Soren Song

    Gary seems scary, but hes a swell guy... Sally dilly dallies, give credit, she tries.

  • If that happens i will burn my device, including Laptop, PC, and Phone Device

  • Honestly, I wouldn't trust it. It's not an official source and it's something that anyone could just edit with false information. It's also saying the release date is the 22nd, which is when we're supposed to be getting the release date.

  • Okay This is gonna come soon after the tuesday that they annoucnce the release date. CAUSE I HAVE THE ACHIVEMENTS

  • Tough shit then B

    PCSomething posted: »

    It's NOT cool

  • Just keep waiting.
    Just keep waiting.
    Waiting waiting waiting.

    And... I can't wait any more!

  • Soren Duet

    Gary may seem scary but he's a swell guy!

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Just keep waiting. Just keep waiting. Waiting waiting waiting. And... I can't wait any more!

  • I didn't think he meant it like that. I believe he meant that it will come out next Tuesday.

    derrickd95 posted: »

    I can pretty much guarantee that it'll come out on a Tuesday. Every single episode Telltale has released since the beginning of TWD S1 has r

  • I'm afraid that Telltale would get hate for keeping on a game most people hate and not TWAU or TFTBL.

    Why? It would be great!

  • edited March 2016

    The whole song Thing is in ep3 credits

    PigBolt posted: »

    The Soren Song

  • I assumed he did as he said "I don't believe it will come out on a Tuesday.", emphasis on the a, but that could've been a typo. Eh, doesn't really matter either way.

    I didn't think he meant it like that. I believe he meant that it will come out next Tuesday.


  • edited March 2016


  • edited March 2016

    TTG Realease Dates
    1. October 15th 2015
    2. October 28th 2015
    3. November 25th 2015 (when I played it)
    4. December 22nd 2015
    5. March 29th 2016 (hopefully)

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