Rhack or Rhyscest - Which one is worst



  • ErykaEryka Banned

    No, I'm not :3

    Ace24_ posted: »

    Are you done with that gif?

  • @Zapthroat make me a video about the Tales From The Borderlands Forums.

  • edited March 2016

    I'd like to see that

    @Zapthroat do it

    @Zapthroat make me a video about the Tales From The Borderlands Forums.

  • edited March 2016

    enter link description here

    jk, keep doing it. I love how people are reacting to it.

    Eryka posted: »

    I agree

  • enter image description here


  • ErykaEryka Banned

    It'll be cool

    @Zapthroat make me a video about the Tales From The Borderlands Forums.

  • Me: Oh, I have to make a choice?

    Poll: Both are bad!

    Me: Is this... Is this a question?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Yes, it is. And I hope you choose the "both are hot" option :3

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Me: Oh, I have to make a choice? Poll: Both are bad! Me: Is this... Is this a question?

  • who on the whole small blue planet Earth asks such a question???

    Eryka plsplsplspls IGNORANCE IS A BLISS

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I don't know

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    who on the whole small blue planet Earth asks such a question??? Eryka plsplsplspls IGNORANCE IS A BLISS

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited March 2016

    Double post

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    who on the whole small blue planet Earth asks such a question??? Eryka plsplsplspls IGNORANCE IS A BLISS

  • God. This was a great game, but my experience on the forum here throughout the wait for every episode has been a mess. A good discussion here, a nice laugh here, and oh, there's a terrifying shipping thread there. Uh, okay.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I hope you voted for the "both are hot" option

    Piggs posted: »

    God. This was a great game, but my experience on the forum here throughout the wait for every episode has been a mess. A good discussion here, a nice laugh here, and oh, there's a terrifying shipping thread there. Uh, okay.


  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited March 2016

    You just revived it mom

    papai46 posted: »



    Eryka posted: »

    You just revived it mom

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Where? Please save me from this place!

    papai46 posted: »


  • What! This is an outrage, there's no "both are terrible and you are too" option!

  • Oh, the roast.

    What! This is an outrage, there's no "both are terrible and you are too" option!

  • I do think they both ''made sense''. It depends if you are looking for an healthy and cute relationship to ship or another based on admiration and subordination ? I do like Rhack and Athena/Fiona, they used to make more sense than Rhyonna ( in my opinion ) before the end of the last episode, depending on your choices. Yes, even when I know Athena really is in love with Janey and probably wouldn't leave her for Fiona or any other woman really.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I only support a ship if it logically makes sense for the characters, and that it moves the plot in good direction. That's why Rhysha and Rhyiona were well supported, not Rhack or Athena/Fiona.

  • enter image description here

    Ouah, Rhycest shippers are really good at... whatever they are doing. Jack probably enjoys it deep down... coughsamecough

    Eryka posted: »

    You can't escape

  • Why isn't there any option saying ''both are pretty fine by me, because what people ship is none of my business '' ? I desperately need this one. I wouldn't say any of them are bothering me at all. Still Rhack is the most interesting ship with Rhys in it for me, so I have to say I definitely don't and won't like Rhycest as much. It's interesting because you do evolve with time. I am curious about this, they could include that kind of ''narcissism'' in a movie exploring human psychology I'd watch it. It has potential. I didn't really looked for it though... But you guys encourage me to. I don't think that you are really seeing past the ''masturbation'' part, it may be so much more, and involve struggles when it comes to the acceptance of that attraction for himself. I don't know, when I look at a ship I am not just labeling it like ''abuse'' = nope, ''masturbation'' = nope... I am trying to look for more and I love the pain and complexity I can find in those. It's fine if you all don't see it the same way though, everyone has his own thing.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I know you meant it seriously, it wasn't necessary

    What! This is an outrage, there's no "both are terrible and you are too" option!

  • "both are terrible and you are too"

    That isn't necessary. Let's try to avoid personal insults. Thanks.

    What! This is an outrage, there's no "both are terrible and you are too" option!

  • Apply cold water to that burn!

    But seriously... that insult wasn't really necessary, as Blind Sniper said. I know you are probably joking, but still... :v

    What! This is an outrage, there's no "both are terrible and you are too" option!

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    She isn't and I know it

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Apply cold water to that burn! But seriously... that insult wasn't really necessary, as Blind Sniper said. I know you are probably joking, but still... :v

  • Eryka posted: »

    She isn't and I know it

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Stop Milo the golden retriever

  • Basically me when I go to Tumblr's Tales section nowadays...

    enter image description here

  • Both are just so freaking disgusting man, bleeding my eyes so hard, bleach washing it

  • That would be new ship, kind sir.

    prink34320 posted: »

    For a moment there I thought you were shipping Rhys with a Rakk Hive... omg x.x

  • Whose name ends with "cest"?

    ..Incest? Sister ?!!?!!

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