The Vent/Help Thread



  • I forgot to mention: we also learnt from what other have said from what was seen that it was her daughter that did the actual break in, Mother of the year, indeed.

    We have also now heard of many unpleasant stories about this woman from others regarding property theft. Not the sort that one would wish to befriend.

    I doubt that she would harm the dog intentionally. But the more and more that people keep telling me about this woman, the more I find myself reevaluating that.

    I would not bet on swift proceedings unfortunately, though. As much as the police are competent, they are grossly understaffed. Even the two forensic officers that showed up had to come here all the way from Melbourne out to the east.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Good, here's hoping for fair, speedy proceedings. Clearly this women is in need of professional help.

  • I would not bet on swift proceedings unfortunately, though. As much as the police are competent, they are grossly understaffed. Even the two forensic officers that showed up had to come here all the way from Melbourne out to the east.

    Wow, that's hard to imagine as an American. Even when I lived in Amish country, we had a SWAT team and forensic specialists that could reach a scene in short order.

    I forgot to mention: we also learnt from what other have said from what was seen that it was her daughter that did the actual break in, Moth

  • Whoa, police state much.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I would not bet on swift proceedings unfortunately, though. As much as the police are competent, they are grossly understaffed. Even the two

  • Definitely. It's very comforting when there's a crisis, and completely fucking terrifying, otherwise.

    Whoa, police state much.

  • Dang that life advice a like 4 u

    Markd4547 posted: »

    There always be this type of selfish people they see you struggling so will mock you to feel sense of superiority over you to help with thei

  • Depression and anxiety is a very...interesting and terrible combination of mental illnesses to have. I try to look on the bright side of it all, how these make me who I am and how they somewhat help me. I don't know, I guess it's just hard having to deal with stress all day from the anxiety, get home and fall into an immediate depression every night. Not fun but it's kind of like an abusive relationship.

    Abusive relationships are a great way to describe mental illnesses. In abusive relationships, the abusive partner usually starts be easing their partner into the abuse and eventually makes it to where the abuse seems like a normal part of relationships and you can't really think of life without it. To me, the depression is similar, it has affected me so much to where I can't imagine living without it and I just get used to it. Unlike abusive relationships, I can't escape this partner, my partner is my brain and I'm stuck with little to no way out. It sucks but I push through it, some people would recommend medicine but I have my reasons for not taking it or seeking professional help, I'm slowly learning to control it or cope.

    Still...Sucks where I'm at.

  • Very eloquently put, I feel your pain

    Depression and anxiety is a very...interesting and terrible combination of mental illnesses to have. I try to look on the bright side of it

  • edited April 2016

    It's my mates 21st on saturday 23rd and hes got loads of mates going, and im going too. I dont know many people and i'm getting very nervous and anxious about the whole thing as most things with me having to interact with people do. I'm not much of a going out and drinking person and not knowing people makes me nervous. I always think the worst - and that i'll get the piss taken out of me or something idk. Feel stupid typing this but meh.

    Does anyone else get that feeling that you're, I dont know, exposed?

    The main thing is not knowing whats gunna happen, how people will react to me - if I feel like an outcast as per usual

  • The whole system of my ISP was down for about 2 -3 days.

    Didn't notice that I can survive without Internet.

  • The #1 rule about casual parties with a lot of people you don't know is not to worry much about what they think of you, because they're usually too worried about what you're thinking about them to think anything about you.

    You're going to have the perfect built-in topic, though, because you'll have a brand new tattoo you can show off! As long as you didn't get something like a big flaming skull and the words, "If you can read this, you will die before sunrise."

    This party is all about your friend, though, so think of some interesting stories (that aren't too embarrassing) to tell about him, and you'll do fine.

    It's my mates 21st on saturday 23rd and hes got loads of mates going, and im going too. I dont know many people and i'm getting very nervous

  • Personally I never go to parties and never will. It's usually people getting drunk and doing stupid shit, and since I don't drink I'd just get to listen to them spout nonsense.

    It's my mates 21st on saturday 23rd and hes got loads of mates going, and im going too. I dont know many people and i'm getting very nervous

  • edited April 2016

    Fuck. The. Police.

    My previous statements be damned: the police here are a bunch of bloody morons, nothing like those in Melbourne. All have fingers up their arses all the way up to the palm!

    There was a fresh set of prints taken, the footwear retrieved for DNA testing and a flyscreen window broken. All very damning evidence. However, the detectives in charge only showed up to the family, only to be told that the dog was taken from the backyard and not from inside the house. And guess what? THEY FUCKING ACCEPTED THAT! IN SPITE OF ALL OF THE EVIDENCE POINTING TO THE CONTRARY, THEIR CONCLUSION WAS THAT THE MATTER IS A CIVIL DISPUTE OVER PROPERTY, REGARDLESS OF THEIR BREAKING AND ENTERING!

    I do not know why this is. Were they paid off? Are they simply too lazy? I do not know, but I do know now that the police here are outragously incompetent, corrupted megacunts!

  • edited April 2016

    I was working on my short film and I ran into a shit ton of scheduling conflicts with my actors. I wrote the script in fucking January, sent out the casting call and got the entire film cast in fucking February, got all my locations scouted by fucking March, and made pretty fucking clear in my casting call that I would be filming during a certain couple of weeks in fucking April. I even shot a couple of scenes the other day. But again, scheduling is such a fucking bitch that I have to recast a huge majority of my actors and reshoot the scenes I already fucking shot. So I had everything perfectly planned out before that, but because God forbid I ever catch a fucking break, my entire production is beginning to turn into a fucking shit show. I am so fucking frustrated!!!

    (Sorry. I tend to swear a lot more than usual when I'm pissed off.)

    UPDATE: Another actor backed out because they had a huge allergic reaction because I apparently couldn't take the fucking time to ask if she had an animal allergies and that means I have to recast my entire fucking short film!!! GOD DAMN IT!!! I keep running into more and more problems. I swear to God this script is either cursed or just doesn't want to get made.

  • edited April 2016

    Jesus fuck those guys, corrupt pieces of shit. Those cops had better been paid well by them if it's enough to keep them from doing their job. It seems like she knew what she was doing when she stole your dog back, she probably already had it planned out.

  • edited April 2016

    Now that I've calmed down, it seems rather extreme to brand all police here as like this. After all, I am only speaking in regards to the detectives in charge of the case. I think now that these two detectives were simply too lazy to bother.

    As for what this woman has done, it seems more and more likely that that is so, unfortunately.

    EDIT: Alright, here is some context with our situation.

    As far as charges are concerned, we have no desire to press them, but only get the dog back. Now, with this in mind, the ownership of the dog is a property dispute and not a criminal matter. Ultimately, the breaking and entering, is a seperate matter entirely.

    Furthermore, from what we have gathered, the police here generally do not press a case unless it looks like they shall win. Given that the dog was with this family for 5 months and that we had gone over to hand over the registration paperwork, we technically acknowledged the dog as theirs. The deal we had before (that the dog was trialled in their care to ensure there were no issues), made between my mum and this family, was verbal only with no independent witnesses. As such, the legitimacy and actuality of the agreement is impossible to prove either way. Because the dog is still in our name though, we also have a claim to the dog as well.

    With this in mind, the police can do nothing regarding the dog herself. Nor do the detectives want to continue the case of the breaking and entering (they say there is no evidence, even though the forensic guys had been their, had lifted fresh prints and had retrieved footwear for DNA testing literally two days prior. What the actual fuck!).

    The breaking and entering and the theft of the dog are two seperate cases legally. While I am not happy about it, I and my family shall forgo the breaking and entering matter and focus on securing our claim to the animal. They can get away with breaking into our home, but may
    we be damned if we allow those animal-starvers to continue to hold onto our dog.

    Jesus fuck those guys, corrupt pieces of shit. Those cops had better been paid well by them if it's enough to keep them from doing their job

  • Oh yeah nothing new to me, sadly.

    Now onto some advice! No one's gonna know you there so that a great chance to make a good first impression, of course that's mostly the reason you are so nervous but be who you want to be, at least that night. No one there can judge you by your past because they don't know anything about you. Remember, you are new to them too and they are humans like you with their own personalities, problems, insecurities and past.

    You're celebrating 21st birthday of your buddy, that's great! Partying =/= drinking, you don't have to do anythign you don't want to and you do want to have good time and be relaxed. If everyone's gonna get drunk, let them, they aren't harming you in any way by doing so and that's alright. Not drinking is also alright. The mood is supposed to be all cheerful and positive so don't let bad things get you. If you can thing about all abd scenarios and "oh no what if I embarass myself" etc etc then you can as well think "what if I make new friends?". Why bad, negative stuff? The whole situation is neutral, the party, new people, birthdays. Everything. It's up to YOU and YOUR thoughts to determine the whole situation, YOUR feelings. So be careful what you choose.

    The very start's always pretty rought but that too shall pass (lol). A day, week, month, from this you'll probably be thinking "I shouldn't have just stood in the corner" "I shouldn't have kept silent" "I shouldn't have worried about the party it was fun" so make best of it. Enjoy it while you can.

    You are afraid of unknown, that's a pretty normal reaction. Sorry for my big rant about this oops.

    It's my mates 21st on saturday 23rd and hes got loads of mates going, and im going too. I dont know many people and i'm getting very nervous

  • Yeah thanks :) i just get way too nervous haha!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Oh yeah nothing new to me, sadly. Now onto some advice! No one's gonna know you there so that a great chance to make a good first impress

  • Yeah man! check the 'whatevers on your mind' thread, im posting my tattoo on there

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    The #1 rule about casual parties with a lot of people you don't know is not to worry much about what they think of you, because they're usua

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    Fuck. The. Police.

    Woah, nelly! You're getting into my territory. ;)

    That's stunningly awful of them. How can they be so willfully blind to the evidence? Is there any recourse for this?

    I'm really sorry to here this happened man, of all the shitty things... I can't imagine if someone took my dog. You and your family have my sympathies. Fuck those incompetent, uncaring bastards.

  • The dog is what matters at the end of the day. Just hoping they aren't persistent.

    Now that I've calmed down, it seems rather extreme to brand all police here as like this. After all, I am only speaking in regards to the de

  • edited April 2016

    There are other courses of action. For instance, we could give it a month or so and contact the RSPCA and request that they check the property, if the dog is anything like before (starved and practically emaciated), they would be obliged to rehouse her - namely to us, since she is microchipped and registered in our name.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Fuck. The. Police. Woah, nelly! You're getting into my territory. That's stunningly awful of them. How can they be so willfull

  • So , there is a YouTuber named Jon Cozart.

    He makes songs about a bunch of different things , like Harry Potter and Star Wars and his high school principal's retirement ; he's really good at it , too. But he has recently uploaded a video called 'YouTube Culture.'

    This song proceeds to judge A LOT of groups on YouTube. He even made the veiled statement that people with a lot of subs think they're gods. He made fun of twelve year olds , people who have YouTubers as their idols , etc., etc.

    I'm not sure why it got to me so much , except that by the end of it , I felt like I used to over on the Sims forums when arguing with especially volatile members ; that they were trying to whittle my opinion into nothing so it didn't matter. One thing that was used against me a lot over there was that I hadn't been Simming as long as some other people had ; I started about six or seven years ago . Many of them had been Simming since fifteen years ago ,or at least since 2004 when TS2 came out. It does not feel good when someone claims superiority over you because they've been playing longer.

    That video had the same feel to it. It feels like if I say something , it's inviting attacks because I only joined YouTube officially last year. I don't know if I can look at Jon Cozart's channel again without feeling lousy. And THIS is what scares me about some parts of the internet ; the feeling that you WILL be judged , and anything and everything will be used against you. That people will laugh and write off your opinions and harass you based on whether you like or don't like Undertale or The Last of Us or Twilight. And it's one thing to get that from the comment section , but it's quite another to get that feeling from the video itself.

    This is part of why I love Jacksepticeye and Markiplier so much. (Yes , I just mentioned them again. but it's pertinent , I swear.) It never feels like Jack or Mark is judging me through the computer. It always feels like i'm hanging out with really nice , funny people. I think that's the most important thing about doing YouTube ; making your viewers feel BETTER ,not worse.

  • Really the only thing you can do is grow thicker skin and stop giving a crap about what names losers with too much time on their hands call you over the internet. There'll always be elitists and assholes, especially in the youtube comment section.

    I remember my favorite youtuber was uploading very long videos, I did not know they had filmed it all in one session so I commented telling them that I'm sure her fans would be okay with shorter videos and that she shouldn't overwork herself. I was called selfish and lots of other things by ignorant idiots. I'm such a horrible selfish person for telling someone to not overwork themselves.

    So , there is a YouTuber named Jon Cozart. He makes songs about a bunch of different things , like Harry Potter and Star Wars and his hig

  • I went on a date yesterday.

    Shit, I think I was blushing and just doing awkward giggling throughout the entire thing. This might've been the most romantic date ever.

  • I went on a date yesterday. Shit, I think I was blushing and just doing awkward giggling throughout the entire thing. This might've been the most romantic date ever.

  • That sounds very nice. <3

    I went on a date yesterday. Shit, I think I was blushing and just doing awkward giggling throughout the entire thing. This might've been the most romantic date ever.

  • Aw, that sounds sweet :)

    I went on a date yesterday. Shit, I think I was blushing and just doing awkward giggling throughout the entire thing. This might've been the most romantic date ever.

  • Sounds kind of like Pewdiepie's fan base.

    Really the only thing you can do is grow thicker skin and stop giving a crap about what names losers with too much time on their hands call

  • This is bullshit the.cops are a joke

  • enter image description here

    I've logged in on this forum everyday for over 2 years. I met many amazing people and had some wonderful experiences

    This forum was very important to me a place with like minded people to escape to when im stressed. Coming here was one of highlights of my day

    I made many friends here and many users knew me it felt like second family in weird way

    Now when logged on past few months just feels different.

    Most my friends are now gone and few others rarely post.

    Most users don-t know me anymore and I feel like stranger here just shitposting tbh

    I honestly enjoyed this forum and the users here more then any telltale game. I stuck around more for awesome fanbase then games.

    Now when log in now, I remember the old times here many friends I miss and the amazing experiences now gone I feel bit depressed

    I log in less and less now to the point im not sure if the next time will be last team I log in here

    I know most of you wont recognize me but this been troubling for a bit now me so need to vent

  • I know what you mean... I think I'm slowly phasing out- I don't do much here, when I show up I just look around, and I have a lot of stuff going on.

    You're not alone though and I'm here if you wanna talk

    enter image description here

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I've logged in on this forum everyday for over 2 years. I met many amazing people and had some wonderful experiences This forum was very

  • What else are dates for?

    Wait, don't answer that....

    I went on a date yesterday. Shit, I think I was blushing and just doing awkward giggling throughout the entire thing. This might've been the most romantic date ever.

  • See, now that's what I keep thinking. Telltale doesn't make the kinds of games anymore that drew me here in the first place, and most of the people I used to know in the old forums are long gone. Why am I still here?

    But when I posted that in this very thread some number of pages back, you told me you liked seeing my posts, and I should stick around.

    I like seeing your posts, and you should stick around. :P

    If you do feel like this isn't the place for you anymore, though, just remember that you can always take a break from it and come back whenever Telltale does something else that intrigues you. That usually encourages other like-minded individuals to show up as well.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I've logged in on this forum everyday for over 2 years. I met many amazing people and had some wonderful experiences This forum was very

  • The times they are a-changin' that's for sure. A wider audience appeal is bound to usher that in. I left maybe a year's time ago because I felt that I was being phased out, but then I come back and slowly get to know what's going on! Maybe you just need a break, I certainly did. But I hope no-one ever permanently leaves! Because it's fun to see old faces just as much as it is to see new ones!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I've logged in on this forum everyday for over 2 years. I met many amazing people and had some wonderful experiences This forum was very

  • At least where I am, they are. Where we were previously, they actually had integrity.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    This is bullshit the.cops are a joke

  • I know what you mean, last few months I had been posting like one post per week or something and it just seemed like no one even cared. Now I've caught up and I post here every day, still don't think a lot of people here know me but oh well. There's a lot of fresh faces and it's nice meeting new people.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I've logged in on this forum everyday for over 2 years. I met many amazing people and had some wonderful experiences This forum was very

  • edited April 2016

    Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it once it's broken, but you can still see the cracks in that motherfucker's reflection.

    edit: fixed my horrible grammar

  • Yes, I feel giggly and shit that it just makes me smile every time I think about it. <3

    That sounds very nice.

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    What else are dates for? Wait, don't answer that....

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