The Vent/Help Thread



  • edited December 2020


  • Rhack shippers are just... no.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Before I rant about this, let me know if you want me to spoiler tag this. Okay, so I know I usually don't rant about certain people and I

  • Starts talking to pretty girl

    Pretty girl is rumored to have girlfriend

    Investigates to figure out solution

    Solution is pretty girl be in relationship for over a year

    Knows he should back the fuck off and not get involved in this shit again, but pretty girl is.. just... so.. damn... pretty...

    PS: No real motives to date pretty girl or fuck with her relationship

  • edited March 2016

    @RockMySocks be my footsie friend I lost my old one two years ago

  • edited March 2016


    @RockMySocks be my footsie friend I lost my old one two years ago

  • Damn I thought swingpoynt replied to my comment

    Brodester08 posted: »


  • He did. I am swingpoynt.

    Damn I thought swingpoynt replied to my comment


    Brodester08 posted: »

    He did. I am swingpoynt.

  • The left looks too inflamed, would the right one be okay?


  • of course! ;)

    Brodester08 posted: »

    The left looks too inflamed, would the right one be okay?

  • I just stumbled upon a video called "Obey The Walrus" on the "good web-series" thread, and started having tons of flashbacks. I can't handle watching it, or barely looking at the thumbnail; three years ago, a classmate of mine pursued me at school playing it on his phone, on full volume, and I literally couldn't walk around at home for an entire week because of it. I'm now having an anxiety attack.

    Please don't be an asshole and don't post pictures of it.

  • That moment when one of your tenants granddaughters is cute as fuck and you don't have the balls to talk to her. AND WHEN SHE'S A COUPLE INCHES TALLER THAN YOU!

  • Obey

    I just stumbled upon a video called "Obey The Walrus" on the "good web-series" thread, and started having tons of flashbacks. I can't handle

  • Recently, I've been very stressed out thinking about my friendships.

    For the past... Eh, maybe four to five years, I didn't care about being serious. I used sarcasm, humor, anything that got the other people to laugh. I didn't really care about it until now. I never talked to anybody about my problems, unless it was a serious one (Like for example, health.) I've been tempted to delete the ways I contact them (Mainly through facebook.) so I can try to get myself to be more serious. I'm just really fucking tired of faking who I am so a person can laugh. Very few people actually know things about me, (My parents, a few friends over the internet.)

    I'm trying to decide if I should just keep using humor only and never be serious, or try to fix it. Thinking about it makes my chest filled with pressure, so uh, any suggestions?

  • I think you should tell the friends you trust. The ones that seem the most understanding. Don't try to hide your true self from them. Friendships are balanced. Sometimes, you have to express how you feel to your true friends and they'll try to help you. Maybe they'll go to you if they are having problems. Friendship is about understanding. If they don't want to here your problems, they are not your real friends. Real friends are supposed to care about you. Like I said in the beginning, talk to your real friends that you trust. Your friendship will probably become stronger if you do. Hope this helps. :)

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Recently, I've been very stressed out thinking about my friendships. For the past... Eh, maybe four to five years, I didn't care about be

  • edited March 2016

    Well i am sick with a cold and a fever right now, i feel like crap... :/

  • Freaking mice pooping everywhere and coming back faster than Arnold Schwarzenegger. -_-

  • Pretty girl is rumored to have a girlfriend

    ask to see if they let you watch it :)

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Starts talking to pretty girl Pretty girl is rumored to have girlfriend Investigates to figure out solution Solution is pretty girl

  • Hypnotoad.


  • The class clown has feelings, too? Who would have thought?

    As @happylovelyperson2016 commented, you should be able to trust your friends, but then, who are your friends? Do they really care about you, or do they only hang around because you make them laugh?

    There's also a cultural factor involved. In some places, when someone has not-so-happy feelings to express, friends encourage him/her to communicate and get it all out. In other places, the appropriate thing to do is leave him/her alone to come to terms with it, but that doesn't mean they don't care. What would your reaction be if a friend started telling you about his/her problems?

    Anyway, on to suggestions. When it comes to online postings, it's easy to mix things in. If you normally only post funny things, start your message with, "Hey, everyone! What follows is an uncharacteristically serious post. If you only read my feed because you like to laugh, go watch this funny YouTube video instead. Otherwise, read on. You have been warned."

    Real-life interactions are trickier. (Aren't they always?) For that, don't put the other person in shock by going all the way serious immediately. You might notice stand-up comedians often tell stories about really awful things that have happened to them, but they also then throw in a funny comment to make the crowd laugh about it. I'm not saying that's the perfect solution, and it doesn't work with everything anyway, just offering it as an example that you can still be a little bit funny even when you're dying inside. Once the topic has been broached, you won't have to disguise it as much. Though you should still be funny sometimes, too.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Recently, I've been very stressed out thinking about my friendships. For the past... Eh, maybe four to five years, I didn't care about be

  • Okay, I'm alright with shipping (usually) but that's taking it way too far.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Before I rant about this, let me know if you want me to spoiler tag this. Okay, so I know I usually don't rant about certain people and I

  • Sorry.

    I just stumbled upon a video called "Obey The Walrus" on the "good web-series" thread, and started having tons of flashbacks. I can't handle

  • And that's seriously uncalled for dude. What the fuck?

    What's wrong

    By take care of herself I mean Lara bathes everyday and fixes her hair and makeup every single day. She can still be beautiful even if she's

  • Damn Flowey from Undertale to the deepest pit of hell where his stupid flower face belongs. Stupid homicidal video game character.

  • Oh god. That video is goddamn creepy.

    I just stumbled upon a video called "Obey The Walrus" on the "good web-series" thread, and started having tons of flashbacks. I can't handle

  • My grandfather's wife died today after only a week since she was diagnosed with cancer.

  • ErykaEryka Banned


  • Damn, that must be hard, my thoughts go out for him and the rest of you.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    My grandfather's wife died today after only a week since she was diagnosed with cancer.

  • I am sorry for your lost. I pray for you and your family.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    My grandfather's wife died today after only a week since she was diagnosed with cancer.

  • I really really really despise my chemistry class. I cannot take it anymore. My chemistry teacher is the worst. On Tuesday, I was gone for most of my class because I was going to donate blood for the blood drive at my school. Well it was a little too busy so I was sent back to class. We had like 20 minutes left. I got in class and saw that my class was playing Jeopardy: Chemistry Edition that the teacher made. My name was on the board to show what group I was assigned to. My group was losing and there was only like five or six questions left. Anyways, my group had one of the lowest scores. The scores were 1600, two 1500, 1400, and two 1200. My group had 1200. So here's the part I was angry about. I didn't care that I lost. However, my teacher decides to grade us based on our scores. The group with the 1600 had a 100. The groups with the 1500 had a 95. The group with the 1400 had a 90. The groups with the 1200 had an 84. An 84! That's a C according to our grading scale. And she didn't put it as a participation grade. She put it as a test grade! I'm just sitting at my desk enraged and my blood was boiling. I was thinking "are you serious?!" She doesn't realize that she is literally toying with our grades. I have an 87 in her glass which is a B- (thank god). I just don't know what to do. I feel like I'm going to explode.

  • I should be sleeping. I should be sleeping like a normal fucking 17 year old who has finished all of his work for the week. I should be listening to tasty ass jams, and sleeping. But what am I doing? I'm worrying... about politics, and eviction, and shitfucks attacking my family. So I don't sleep at night. I should be playing video games. I should be driving cars with my friends. I shouldn't be doing anything I am doing now, My life should be fucking different, and anyone my age who is going through shit like this, their life should be too. Why the fuck does it have to be this way? My mother keeps telling me "God has a plan", and I love her, and I don't mean to be rude to her, but what fucking god? What loving god would exist knowing shit like this happens, huh? What "loving" god would let some fucking asshole attack my family for 3 years straight and not let karma catch up to him? None. Because I don't see any fucking god. I tried to commit suicide a week ago, but I guess shit just doesn't work. I'm so fucking sick of everything.

    Thank god this thread exists because if I have to bottle up this shit for much longer I'm gonna fucking explode.

  • I know that anxiety and frustration. Paranoia still keeps me up all night on edge. I'm still not one to say "Just live with it" but there are some things in life we can't control no matter how much we want to. As far as karma and god goes, I don't really believe in anything such as that. Partially due to have given up faith completely at a relatively young age. Good people do good things and suffer for it, Bad people do horrid things and get away with it. It's unfair, unjust but it's just part of this glorious fucked up world. It troubles me that you've attempted suicide as one of my family members has about a year ago. I don't say this to be presumptuous or insulting but maybe speaking to someone is best. Best of luck to ya

    I should be sleeping. I should be sleeping like a normal fucking 17 year old who has finished all of his work for the week. I should be list

  • Thanks. I've spoken to a lot of people, but none of them can help, not one of them. As for professional help, I can't get any. It costs so much fucking money, and we don't have insurance anymore thanks to my dumbshit father. And with suicide, I'm really sorry for your loss. Last year I lost someone important to me to suicide too, and it was a horrible feeling. That being said, I don't know why I tried to do it when he had already succeeded and it screwed me up. Maybe because I saw it as the only way out, and thought it would work this time. I don't know. Shit's just so fucking bad man.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I know that anxiety and frustration. Paranoia still keeps me up all night on edge. I'm still not one to say "Just live with it" but there ar

  • ever thought they may be right? gaming is great in moderation we all do it but when it takes over your life then YOU have a problem! if it aint enjoyable don't do it getting a job will allow you to do the bigger things you want to do. life costs get used to it

    so why do my parents complain at me so much they say my love for japanese music and anime is stupid and that im almost 20 and shoukd be gett

  • I'm incredibly sorry to hear this. I have no idea if I can be any help at all or if I can answer you right away always, but you can send me a private message if you ever need to talk. And while you may not be able to get professional help at this time, I recommend you call a suicide hotline if you haven't already. I don't want you to commit suicide. Here's a number to a hotline; it's toll-free, confidential, and 24-hour: 1 (800) 273-8255.

    I should be sleeping. I should be sleeping like a normal fucking 17 year old who has finished all of his work for the week. I should be list

  • i wouldnt say its taking over my life but this is an old comment

    nettime posted: »

    ever thought they may be right? gaming is great in moderation we all do it but when it takes over your life then YOU have a problem! if it

  • Don't you just hate suck ups? They piss me off, seriously. Such feeble attempts to stroke a large ego and they seem innumerable wherever you go the internet, work, school etc

  • Thank you, I appreciate that. But I'm not sure some person over the phone who has literally no grasp on my situation and has no understanding of how I'm feeling mentally will help at all

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I'm incredibly sorry to hear this. I have no idea if I can be any help at all or if I can answer you right away always, but you can send me

  • Yeah, shit is pretty bad these days. I totally know the feel of politics and people attacking family/friends. Thing is, fear is what defeats us. Makes us vulnerable. Which is why, easier said than done, we make a stand and attempt to conquer that fear. Don't take your life, when you still have something that belongs. Things you can still gain. For all we know this might be our only shot in being alive, so let's make it count and say: "The world can bite my ass."

    I should be sleeping. I should be sleeping like a normal fucking 17 year old who has finished all of his work for the week. I should be list

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