The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • fuck spelled @officialsheriffmaybe wrong.

    @2614118 @Rockmysocks @Officialbabemaybe enter link description here

  • Have fun while I slog through school here in Australia. (NO FAIR!!! THREE MONTHS! DREI!!!! MONAT!!!!! WE HAVE ONLY SIX WEEKS AROUND SUMMER TIME!!!!!!)

    Only a few more weeks till school ends - then three months of YouTube , bike riding , and no more math homework.

  • edited April 2016

    I'm feeling so tired today, have no idea why. Guess I'll hit the sleeper early.

    Edit: I failed, seems like I'm staying sleepless.

  • edited April 2016


    enter link description here

    I'm gonna take a break after this video I'm only gonna post stuff that I have made a long time ago untill I'm ready again

  • XD sorry


  • Preach.

    Fuck math.

  • edited April 2016

    So someone has already extracted models from Quantum Break.

    Guess I better work on my rigging skills to port them.

  • edited April 2016

    The final render will be on the Creative Work thread, for now. I'm getting good at setting up lighting to make models look realistic.

    enter image description here

  • What the fuck? Three months?!

    Only a few more weeks till school ends - then three months of YouTube , bike riding , and no more math homework.

  • I hope you get some sleep soon!

    I'm feeling so tired today, have no idea why. Guess I'll hit the sleeper early. Edit: I failed, seems like I'm staying sleepless.

  • Yeah - June , July , and the beginning of August.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    What the fuck? Three months?!

  • Can anybody explain why he looks like Marky Mark?

    The final render will be on the Creative Work thread, for now. I'm getting good at setting up lighting to make models look realistic.

  • Yeah, but it was a long time ago. More than a year, probably.

    Has anyone on this forum had any encounters with @isaac1207zeede?

  • Well, he's my cousin.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yeah, but it was a long time ago. More than a year, probably.

  • Hey yall I was bored so I decided to hop on here again :)

  • edited April 2016

    I got my drivers permit today! Fuck yeah, first try!

  • Congrats man! B]

    I got my drivers permit today! Fuck yeah, first try!

  • Am I the only person here who's okay with math?

    Fuck math.

  • Good job mate! Hope it'll go as breezy for me when I try for mine.

    I got my drivers permit today! Fuck yeah, first try!

  • I want my college semester to be over already. Getting back to work and making money is what I truly need.

  • Boom, nailed it. Gj.

    I got my drivers permit today! Fuck yeah, first try!

  • Unpopular opinion:
    I didn't hate The Thing prequel.

    I hated that they altered the special effects and I hated that they violently disrupted what could have been a cohesive film by trying to match it up to the original. The movie still wasn't bad in my opinion. It didn't undermine the original. It did nothing to touch the original in fact. There were no additions to the lore, nor any retconning. It was okay.

  • Nice!

    I got my drivers permit today! Fuck yeah, first try!

  • How can rigging, look so simple yet be so damn hard.

    Fixing one bone will lead to another bone malfunctioning :(

  • Rumored PS4K/4.5 specs, now codenamed "NEO", and a comparison with the og PS4 specs:

    Original PS4

    • CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores at 1.6 GHz
    • GPU: AMD GCN, 18 CUs at 800 MHz
    • Memory: 8 GB GDDR5, 176 GB/s


    • CPU: 8 Jaguar Cores at 2.1 GHz
    • GPU: Improved AMD GCN, 36 CUs at 911 MHz
    • Memory: 8 GB GDDR5, 218 GB/s

    Also, PSVR - Morpheus, PS4K - Neo.

  • I want to play to this game again!

    ..Nah, just kidding.

    joshua007 posted: »

    @Markd4547 @Euron enter link description here I'm gonna take a break after this video I'm only gonna post stuff that I have made a long time ago untill I'm ready again

  • shit I'd a cricket for Leafy too

    She also ate a cricket for Leafy. Talk about dedication.

  • what a dickhead lmao

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I always try to encourage girls to do fitness and get a bit of muscle so talking to my bro gf Me: Do you play sport? Girl: I'm a defen

  • Same. Don't know where it went though...

    Johro posted: »

    I now own a plaster replica of my teeth. (was done for a mouth guard and I guess the dentist felt I would like them)

  • Only 8 months until school ends :)

    enter image description here

    Only a few more weeks till school ends - then three months of YouTube , bike riding , and no more math homework.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The new Mafia 3 trailer got released today and i think it looks great, i am looking forward to this as i really enjoyed Mafia 1&2.

    enter link description here

  • Looking forward to it. I just hope that if there are driving restrictions this time, I hope they are optional. Two was great and I replayed it once, but the driving is what is keeping me from touching it again. I don't mind things being restrictive in games, but they can get tedious when you just want to fire through the game multiple times.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    The new Mafia 3 trailer got released today and i think it looks great, i am looking forward to this as i really enjoyed Mafia 1&2. enter link description here

  • Poor Hayden Christensen. Boy did his career just implode after Star Wars. I mean he sucks, but wow did that just go down fast. Like really really fast. Like Mel Gibson phone call fast.

  • I so did not expect to see a comment from @MetallicaRules in a Selena Gomez video, lmao.

  • edited April 2016

    Well, when I Youtube Hit the Lights, the first thing I want to see is Metallica, not some shitty, pop song made by the girl from that stupid wizard show on Disney.

    I so did not expect to see a comment from @MetallicaRules in a Selena Gomez video, lmao.

  • I need to move to America or something as I only get 6 weeks starting halfway through July.

    Yeah - June , July , and the beginning of August.

  • edited April 2016


    I'm sorry Metallica, don't throw bricks at my face

    I so did not expect to see a comment from @MetallicaRules in a Selena Gomez video, lmao.

  • Two Questions:

    1. Is that a model you made by yourself? (If so great work)
    2. What program is that?

    The final render will be on the Creative Work thread, for now. I'm getting good at setting up lighting to make models look realistic.

  • Too late

    enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    SelenaGomezRules I'm sorry Metallica, don't throw bricks at my face

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