Ep 6 Waiting Thread - Ep Releasing Jun 7th PC/Mac/Xbox One/360/PSN NA/iOS, Jun 8th PS4 Eu



  • oh ok fair enough. but if that was the case it would be pretty cool

    OzzyUK posted: »

    No, i was just pointing out they used the same studio. I just looked at Stampy Cat's twitter and noticed he was in the same recording studio that Alex Jordan used when recording Asher lines

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I just checked the Australian classification board and noticed that episode 6 was rated yesterday.

    enter image description here

  • Language: Very Mild Impact? So no "Crap!" or anything like that?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I just checked the Australian classification board and noticed that episode 6 was rated yesterday.

  • So what would they be saying?

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Language: Very Mild Impact? So no "Crap!" or anything like that?

  • edited May 2016

    Crop! (Get the slight minecraft pun there ;) ...? )

    So what would they be saying?

  • In episode five the episod was rated too and i think in 2 weeks at 7 June A Portal to mistery will come !

  • They're teasing us again go look at their Twitter...

  • edited May 2016

    *sigh *

    They're teasing us again go look at their Twitter...

  • I think they'll be teasing like this all week.

    Cuwwa posted: »

    *sigh *

  • Yeah same

    Cuwwa posted: »

    I think they'll be teasing like this all week.

  • It seems like this 'Host' person is inviting lost of you tubers to a party.... I really wonder who it is...

  • *lots

    AngelicTea posted: »

    It seems like this 'Host' person is inviting lost of you tubers to a party.... I really wonder who it is...

  • Episode 5 had the same rating which had a character say "crap". So who even knows at this point.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Language: Very Mild Impact? So no "Crap!" or anything like that?

  • The tweet also said with their fellow adventurers... A lot of people are going to be there

    AngelicTea posted: »


  • The Youtubers in the pictures don't look too pleased to be there... Could it be a trap? Mysteries afoot, indeed.

    AngelicTea posted: »


  • I was thinking that too...

    Cendre posted: »

    The Youtubers in the pictures don't look too pleased to be there... Could it be a trap? Mysteries afoot, indeed.

  • edited May 2016

    Please, I don't want this episode to have terrible subbtitles as well. Also, they should fix the subbtitles of episode 5 when they release episode 6.

  • Welp, they are basing the models on the original youtubers skins, now i'm really worried.

  • And the Youtubers are playing as themselves... o_o

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Welp, they are basing the models on the original youtubers skins, now i'm really worried.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Well if it does turn out to be a mansion mystery type of thing there's gonna be some weird characters.

    And the Youtubers are playing as themselves... o_o

  • How do you know that though? We didn't even get a trailer yet.

    And the Youtubers are playing as themselves... o_o

  • edited May 2016

    The way the youtubers are sitting reminds me of the portraits in Catching Fire...
    enter image description here

  • If any of you guys were around for Poker Night 2's teasers, I'm getting some similar vibes here to the teasers they used back then.

  • Slimeblocks is possibly a swear in the game world.

    Cuwwa posted: »

    Crop! (Get the slight minecraft pun there ...? )

  • Reminds me of how "barnacles" was (sometimes) a swear in Spongebob back when I watched it as a kid. :P

    MMeister123 posted: »

    Slimeblocks is possibly a swear in the game world.

  • i was being sarcastic

    He was joking around - that's the punchline

  • Are they? Hmm, that'll be interesting to see. (I don't keep up with Minecraft YouTubers so this is news to me).

    Honestly, I'm surprised they didn't have YouTubers voice characters earlier in the main Season 1 episodes. I think it will be interesting to see here, but I hope they don't overdo things too much with fourth wall breaking/references/etc.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Welp, they are basing the models on the original youtubers skins, now i'm really worried.

  • slimeblocks or maybe son of a creeper or you tool

    MMeister123 posted: »

    Slimeblocks is possibly a swear in the game world.

  • As you said they are especially inviting the youtubers to this "mansion" and using their original skins (so far)

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    How do you know that though? We didn't even get a trailer yet.

  • oh crap

    And the Youtubers are playing as themselves... o_o

  • omg

    AngelicTea posted: »

    The way the youtubers are sitting reminds me of the portraits in Catching Fire...

  • we can just hope my friend we can just hope

    OzzyUK posted: »

    They did have a more major role in episodes 1-4 but the game has now moved on to a different story arc which has shifted focus away from the

  • And the episode is charged will be that? because all five were available for download for free!

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    How do you know that though? We didn't even get a trailer yet.

  • a lot of teasers yet a little info

    Yeah same

  • yeah like total game spoiler

    AronDracula posted: »

    Please, I don't want this episode to have terrible subbtitles as well. Also, they should fix the subbtitles of episode 5 when they release episode 6.

  • its cool he can tweet and post teasers as much as he wants some may want more some may want less but its okay to just tease what you want

    denik52 posted: »

    New tweets https://twitter.com/stirpicus/status/735164300541583362 What a surprise ...

  • I'm officially worried....


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    dolphin noises

    Reminds me of how "barnacles" was (sometimes) a swear in Spongebob back when I watched it as a kid. :P

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Wasn't Stampy an ocelot or something?

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Welp, they are basing the models on the original youtubers skins, now i'm really worried.

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