The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • WHA WHA! Yeah, good time to be the Batman.

    Bat-ified avatars represent!

  • Threw my hat in. Had a little time to kill.

    Bat-ified avatars represent!

  • I gave Clem a Bathat :p

    Bat-ified avatars represent!

  • Posted a new Walking Dead fic the other day after seeing the Season 3 teaser. Any reviews are appreciated.

  • once upon a time there was a boy born in the desert and he had nothing in the winter he would freeze in the summers he would boil he knew the sting of nearly every insect at night he would look into the houses and want their light their food hunger like knives in his belly and then the wolves came from the shadows whispering and he ate and ate

  • When I was 4, I first saw "Finding Nemo" and the part when the Scuba Divers show up and Catched Nemo I got scared, because of how they looked, I called them "The Man" and I was scared that they would take pictures of me and take me away from my family.

  • You don't need to tell me the plot of The Lion King, I already know how it goes!

    SweetDee posted: »

    once upon a time there was a boy born in the desert and he had nothing in the winter he would freeze in the summers he would boil he knew th

  • And I also find Naomi Kyle off of Him pretty damn hot!

  • Hey guys, I just wanted to get feedback over an idea we're looking to eventually introduce on the Forums soon, especially with Batman launching around August. For Walking Dead: Season 3 and BATMAN, we want to try a new "Community Hub" idea where we have a collective thread for organizing fan groups, sharing fan fiction, and just general introductions. The idea is that, instead of having large general chat threads for things like Character Shipping or Character Appreciation on the forums, we would instead have people use the "Community Hub" thread on the forums to organize and/or promote things like Steam groups or Online Multiplayer Meetups so that people could self moderate discussions for things like character shipping, and still use the forums to meet/recruit new people through the Community Hub thread on top of sharing fan fiction or just introducing yourself to other fans of the game.

    Read below for an example of what the thread will look like:

    BATMAN Community Hub

    Hey guys! Welcome to the Batman Community Hub!

    We're trying something new and creating this thread as a hub for a few different things:

    Introduce Yourself

    If you are new to the forums, you can use this thread to introduce yourself to other fans of the game.

    Organize Steam Groups/Online Multiplayer Meetups/etc

    For parts of the fan base who want to discuss things like Character Shipping/Character Appreciation/etc, we're now asking you guys to make Steam Groups that you can self moderate instead of having general chat threads on the forums. This will allow you guys to put moderation in your own hands.

    Please note that fan groups or multiplayer events that are organized by fans will not be moderated by the forum's volunteer Moderators or Telltale Staff members. Please exercise caution with what information you share with other users, whether you are on or off the forums.

    Note we don't recommend sharing personal contact information such as:

    • Facebook profiles
    • email addresses
    • any other information which could let users find personal information about yourself outside the forum.

    Please be respectful to other forum users off site on Steam groups/multiplayer meet ups.

    Share Fan Fiction here

    If you write a fan fiction about this game/franchise, you can use this thread to link to your fan fiction.

    If you want to write fan fiction here on the forums, you can post fan fiction over at the Forum Games section. You can also use this thread to link to fan fiction you wrote on other websites.

    Looking for a place for off topic general chat on the forums? Check out Telltale Talk!

  • Sure. I don't really understand character shipping and I'm a bit scared to find out. I'm all for keeping it in one place though.

    Hey guys, I just wanted to get feedback over an idea we're looking to eventually introduce on the Forums soon, especially with Batman launch

  • It was pretty rampant during Tales from the Borderlands. You can go check out the Rhsyha/Rhyiona threads over at that board to see how massive it got.

    Johro posted: »

    Sure. I don't really understand character shipping and I'm a bit scared to find out. I'm all for keeping it in one place though.

  • I have just finished watching ZackScottGames' Michonne playthrough and now I can't help but think of Oak as "Professor Oak".

  • It was pretty rampant during Tales from the Borderlands. You can go check out the Rhsyha/Rhyiona threads over at that board to see how massive it got.

    remembers the shipping wars and shudders...

    It was pretty rampant during Tales from the Borderlands. You can go check out the Rhsyha/Rhyiona threads over at that board to see how massive it got.

  • Yes. Batman.

    Bat-ified avatars represent!

  • I just bought a game called siren on the ps4, I completly forgot I played it when it first came out on the ps2.

    I think the translation and controls have been improved since then because the game isn't IM-FUCKING-POSSIBLE! any more (I remember rage quits)

  • edited June 2016

    I dont mean to spam but this is a different thing :D

    I found a stack of about 20 copies of a game called hnefatafl (ive triple checked the spelling) in a recycling bin. Its a viking board game, I haven't played it yet. I love finding random shit :) a favorite find was a pair of fishermans "manginas" for the rod to go in, that was fun with lightsabers ;)

  • Eeruuuuuuuuugghhhhhh! The telltale region is in crisis and I'm half drunk and sleepy. Good night!!!

  • Sure, good idea. I just hope shippers won't kill each other. :-D

    Hey guys, I just wanted to get feedback over an idea we're looking to eventually introduce on the Forums soon, especially with Batman launch


    I'd advise that everyone who sees this take a minute to read this girl's story and sign this petition. Schools are responsible for giving students a learning environment that actually prepares them for life and doesn't make their teenage years a living hell. Telling students to 'just ignore it' absolves the school of any responsibility and should never EVER apply to situations like sexual harassment.

  • I don't really understand this, but uh sure.

    Hey guys, I just wanted to get feedback over an idea we're looking to eventually introduce on the Forums soon, especially with Batman launch

  • Nah, the translation and controls is exactly the same.

    You just got better as you got older.

    I just bought a game called siren on the ps4, I completly forgot I played it when it first came out on the ps2. I think the translation

  • Hope Meat Loaf is okay. He collapsed on stage here earlier tonight. I was going to go, but the cheap tickets sold out fast(eventually the whole concert did).

  • Good idea. We never really had a place for newcomers to untroduce themselves.

    The rest is good too so I agree as well.

    Hey guys, I just wanted to get feedback over an idea we're looking to eventually introduce on the Forums soon, especially with Batman launch

  • So, my oral surgery was almost 24 hours ago, and I still have no feeling in the lower left side of my face. The numbness usually tends to go away after a few hours, but since it's been almost a full day, I'm starting to think they injured a nerve while administering it.

  • I haven't slept in 12 hours, I'm trying to stay awake until 9 tonight so I can actually get my sleep schedule back on track, and I spent 10 of those hours with my 2 best friends playing 2 different MMOs, World of Warcraft and Second Life, and I saw some fucking mentally scarring shit in Second Life that is legitimately going to haunt me for the rest of my life and I probably need serious therapy. You probably think this is a joke, all like "Haha Noah's playing jokes again he's just making inappropriate humor", no. No not at all. I'm fucking serious. The things I saw in that game are going the haunt me for the rest of my natural life and I'm never going to be okay again, I'd be surprised if I fucking did sleep at 9. It's scarier than Silent Hill 3, Outlast and Spiders combined. It was fucking terrifying and the people who play that game religiously terrify me. Seriously, it was, just what the fuck.

  • Mentally scarred by second life? Isn't that one of those social games that want to steal all your cash?

    I haven't slept in 12 hours, I'm trying to stay awake until 9 tonight so I can actually get my sleep schedule back on track, and I spent 10

  • No. It's basically what would happen if the MLP, Undertale, Sonic and FNAF fandoms all fused together, added possible child molestors and porn, and then throw in the deep web.

    Mentally scarred by second life? Isn't that one of those social games that want to steal all your cash?

  • Sounds like a pretty good horror game to try out. So scary you'll be mentally scarred by the time you're done.

    No. It's basically what would happen if the MLP, Undertale, Sonic and FNAF fandoms all fused together, added possible child molestors and porn, and then throw in the deep web.

  • I think you underestimate the sheer power of how terrifying it is. It's not even cringey bad, it's fucking cringe-tastic sure, but this is like, intimidating. Like it'll crawl out of my screen as an entity from the depths of hell and eat my face. There was an ENTIRE SERVER dedicated to child/gore porn. I don't think you fucking get how terrifying that is.

    Sounds like a pretty good horror game to try out. So scary you'll be mentally scarred by the time you're done.

  • Ah, it's amazing how a 2 hour sleep in the noon can make you feel less shite. c:

  • Just had the most crazy thunderstorm, wow never heard it that loud. Blew the power out at work

  • i am so glad the only second life i ever played was a schools safe one in an afterschoolclub

    I think you underestimate the sheer power of how terrifying it is. It's not even cringey bad, it's fucking cringe-tastic sure, but this is l

  • iwish the power wouldgo out at where i work it wouldmakethings less boring

    Just had the most crazy thunderstorm, wow never heard it that loud. Blew the power out at work

  • Call the dentist/surgeon. It shouldn't be numb that long.

    So, my oral surgery was almost 24 hours ago, and I still have no feeling in the lower left side of my face. The numbness usually tends to go

  • Do you know where the circuit breaker box is?

    Just kidding!

    iwish the power wouldgo out at where i work it wouldmakethings less boring

  • Well, hello there! Here's my next post of GTA Online Adventures, starring @TheFurryOne! (great time playing, dude)

    Note that this is from my perspective and memory so this post may not be entirely accurate and/or miss some details.

    Ah, another day in Los Santos. Here I am, trying out some clothes while down from my apartment people shoot the shit out of each other. It would've been another day playing solo, but not today! Arriving in session is TheFurryOne! I put on my Killer Kate outfit, went to the garage and got my character's husband Barney, The BF Injection (shoot I forgot to share the wedding photo). I drove out and arrived was FurryOne. It's our first time actually hanging out so we kinda ran around a bit on the street thinking, deciding what to do. When suddenly another player came by in a white car, honking. Me and FurryOne were about to get on his bike when the player suddenly blew us all up with him and FurryOne's bike! So when I spawned, I gunned down the player in retaliation and we immediately went back to the apartment to get, luckily, my spared BF Injection and drove off. I asked where he'd like to go, and upon his command we headed to the closest gun shop and got some stuff and thangs.

    Upon coming out of the store, it came to my attention a purple skull blimp for the Kill List activity, I suggested trying that and zoom we went to the harbor area. As we rode my BF injection I didn't realize it at first but my tires were lit on fire and KABOOM we died and had to get a new car. xD I tried to go as fast as I could but soon another player was heading to the blimp. Trying to smash through a fence and squeeze through the barricades, I stupidly got stuck and the guy made it before us. The Kill List blimp vanished and we finally got unstuck. I attempted to drive away but decided to check once more as I saw jet flew from that area, but no such luck so I drove away. I did notice tons of jets though, like holy shit. I stopped on the train tracks messaging to FurryOne on what to do next, but in the middle of it a train just passed us by a hair! o.o (I put that face in the message instead by reaction haha).

    Unable to message back since I using the phone texting in-game, I thought that maybe we can do a little robbery. Driving to the nearest convenience store, we robbed it and I left while aiming at the clerk but BAM FurryOne killed him when I got to the car. lol We drove fast, I was taking every turn I could to avoid the cops while he fired at them, driving by the storm drain to what was an alley. Being stupid, I saw a pile of trash I though I could drive over but I got us stuck while the cops were searching. I tried to break free, spinning around in circles with it. lol Conveniently, we lost the cops so we were left to think what to do next. But then I saw not far from us the Lamar missions I heard about and thought we could do some together. So I went in to give us some coop (Lamar yaps too much), and when the mission load out started I tried to invite FurryOne and then others came. For a second I could've sworn I've seen his name but when I started he was not there, FurryOne told me he could get in so I had to quit and piss off a few players. haha whoops

    When I returned to our session I ran drove to his blip, where it was Benny's. But as I arrived, I looked around wondering where the heck he is as I didn't see him. But soon enough my question was answered. Falling from the rooftops, SPLAT! He came down! xD I picked him up and we rode for a bit before I took us to a gang attack in a construction site. Together, we took down the crooks and took what loot we could get (I tried to share some of it but wouldn't let me). I thought that we could do some regular contact missions, and so I contacted Ron and received a mission (tried Martin but he gave a shitty one). And so we hopped onto Daemon Run!

    We did pretty good together in that mission but during the gun fight at the front while we gunned down several Lost I was close to death and hadda use snacks. As we pushed further in the middle, the harder it became but FurryOne had my back when I was near death. We finally got to the middle and got our bikes, speeding out of the place and riding along the highway with Lost chasing us. It was crazy, I hadda aim with my shotgun (I went Terminator mode) knocking off the bikers that was on me while FurryOne was up ahead of me. Together we finally made it to the shed and completed the mission.

    For our next mission, we started out the Titan mission. In the loadout, people instantly joined and then about half instantly left. xD We started up the mission with 4 of us. Me, FurryOne and another player got in the kuruma the player owned and drove off. The other player (Crwg or something?) got left behind tho. We made it to the field of the airport, all of us sniping in the distance. When I started to strafe snipe, out of nowhere my BF Injection ran me over from behind me as it rushed into the hangar! It was the guy that got left behind. Getting killed by your own car, the fucking irony. haha We eventually pushed through into the hangar, I became the pilot and waited for the truck to be moved. However as I waited, Crwg who was the last to get in, hijacked me and pulled me out, ditching me. The titan, luckily, made it passed the truck and flew off (me and FurryOne agreed that was rude of him). However, as I watched I quickly defended myself against the remaining mercs and took the truck to leave. On way... Crwg crashed the plan and I said "I KNEW IT". And so we had to restart the mission.

    On our second take, me and FurryOne sped on our own. I wanted to beat Crwg this time. I attempted to take a faster route but unfortunately, my car lost balanced and we got stuck, so we got picked up by the other two. I let FurryOne know I wanted to beat Crwg to the titan. When we got to the field, as the others sniped, I recklessly charged in with my machine gun strafing and attacking the mercs. But as I was reaching for cover, I died. cx I respawned and FurryOne and the other two in kuruma sped inside the hangar. I joined them in the combat and then immediately I head to the truck to move it but then I saw Crwg was pilot and half-assed parked the truck to get to it as one of us died. I don't remember accurately but either FurryOne or Crwg died and then I saw the plane's left propellers smash into the truck's trailer and then the other died. It was just me now! O_O So I cleared any mercs I could, moved the truck and collected the titan. However... the left propellers were gone and I stubbornly spent driving the field attempting to fly. I soon gave up knowing we were fucked. I got out and shot the mercs near me before blowing the titan up. And so we lost. lol

    I later joined FurryOne's session. He was at the airport and I was at the turbines. I got my Mallard and flew towards his area, but then I noticed the Beast event began and saw him near me, so I dived to attacked. However as I dived, my sister's phone rang and she was nowhere to be found. I didn't get the call in time and died in the process. >.> I quickly rejoined FurryOne, suggesting to hunt the Beast. And so we took a chopper (GET TO THE CHOPPAH) and searched the city for the beast. We traced him to several construction sites to finally one by Simeon where we encountered a jet momentarily attacking us. I dunno how, but with FurryOne's amazing pilot skills we survived the attack and I retaliated with an RPG, I didn't hit him but we scared him off. We then traced the beast to a highway by Beverley Hills (I think that's what it's called) and followed him with me raining down rockets on him. Unfortunately I saw Crwg near the beast, unable to aim I tried to jump off but I splatted, and so the beast died by Crwg's hands. DAMN YOU CRWG! >.<

    I forgot how, but later on we were chased by cops once again. I was the passenger this time (sorry for not letting drive so much yesterday xD) and I threw sticky bombs at both the cars and choppers until we crashed at our apartment (we live in the same conveniently haha). We made a final stand, gunning at the relentless law force when suddenly a bus stopped by us and a cat helped us out. We tried to escape via the boss but I think I crashed into the tree and we all died by the time I respawned and RPG'd the shit out of them. So I died and hanged out with FurryOne in his apartment. I decided to get my character drunk to take a drunk photo of us but then neither of us could interact with anything and I couldn't bring my phone out. Soon enough, FurryOne got lagged out. It seemed like we were having connection problems so we called it a day.

    And that's everything that happened if I remembered correctly!

  • Just heard back from him like 10 minutes ago. Apparently, what he gave me is a much longer lasting anesthetic than usual and that he wasn't surprised I'm still feeling it after 24 hours. He also said it should start going down at some point today.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Call the dentist/surgeon. It shouldn't be numb that long.

  • Sorry to say, but from past experience, it might hurt like a bitch as the anesthesia wears off. If he prescribed you pain meds you might wanna take em' when you first start feeling the pain, rather than waiting until it gets bad.

    Hope your recovery is speedy!

    Just heard back from him like 10 minutes ago. Apparently, what he gave me is a much longer lasting anesthetic than usual and that he wasn't surprised I'm still feeling it after 24 hours. He also said it should start going down at some point today.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Well my final high school exams are finished, time for the depressing reality of the adult world.

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