Charles Sparks
"I'll do it" i said staring him right in the face. "You just lost that fancy necklace"
"Are you serious?!" Sadie said b… moreewidered. "How could you ever do this? Do you have any...."
"Wait" Valentino interrupted. "Did i really just see you betting on a girl? Without her consent?"
"Hey guys relax, ok" i whispered with a smile on my face. "There is no way that she'll take that necklace as a gift. And it's crazy to think that she'll suddenly become Waynes personal brainwashed chearleader because her 'inner greed' will tell her to. I got this one in this one in the bag."
But Valentino was unconvinced. "And what if you don't? Two million dollars........"
"You really think i'm going to pay. Only Wayne is stupid enough to think i'll actually give him the money."
"Oh, i see. So either way you keep your money and can still try to get it on with Zoey." He answered. That took me a bit aback so i answered a bit madder than… [view original content]
Charles Sparks
"I'll do it" i said staring him right in the face. "You just lost that fancy necklace"
"Are you serious?!" Sadie said b… moreewidered. "How could you ever do this? Do you have any...."
"Wait" Valentino interrupted. "Did i really just see you betting on a girl? Without her consent?"
"Hey guys relax, ok" i whispered with a smile on my face. "There is no way that she'll take that necklace as a gift. And it's crazy to think that she'll suddenly become Waynes personal brainwashed chearleader because her 'inner greed' will tell her to. I got this one in this one in the bag."
But Valentino was unconvinced. "And what if you don't? Two million dollars........"
"You really think i'm going to pay. Only Wayne is stupid enough to think i'll actually give him the money."
"Oh, i see. So either way you keep your money and can still try to get it on with Zoey." He answered. That took me a bit aback so i answered a bit madder than… [view original content]'re serious.........You binge watched ALL of Multiverse 6 hours...................Wow... what did you think?
I like it. I found it kinda average at the first couple parts but then I really started liking the characters. Oh and this story has the best humor! It's so funny.'re serious.........You binge watched ALL of Multiverse 6 hours...................Wow... what did you think?
It is, sadly. With one of those pages litterally being me telling everyone 6 or 7 times how the next part is coming very, very, soon and then apologizing 3 weeks later for failing to deliver. I'm actually really ashamed of how little has been published in an entire year. Its the reason i didn't celebrate it's aniversary (that and i forgot...)
I'm glad you like it though and i get what you mean about the first parts. They were basically all character build up and forshadowing for future eps, and some even for this one (which i'm surprised no one has noticed or commented on yet). Basically it's "Multiverse: Prime. An amazing parallel universe adventure story filled with teenagers prank calling, geting on busses and the most intense board meetings of your life." I think most people will be mind boggled comparing this first episode with the rest of the story, hence why i did my best to give as many 'Wtf moments' as i could' such as Riley finding a corpse and the psycho bat guys. Also Owlman.
That being said im really glad you liked the characters. It's going to be important for the many, many times they could die. And as i hope i showed, i don't plan on holding back on the gore. I'm sure many of the readers would feel it if a choice suddenly caused someone to beat Emma to death or have Zoey be hanged by a certain necklace..... Anyway thanks.
Also you are the first person who has told my they found it funny. Thanks, i was pretty sure that all my jokes were terrible. I'm glad thats not true.
Hopefully the story keeps improving. I'm glad i have your support .
It's only 11 pages...
I like it. I found it kinda average at the first couple parts but then I really started liking the characters. Oh and this story has the best humor! It's so funny.
I think Wayne will end up angry no matter what we choose but accepting the necklace would ruin Charles friendship with Sadie. Two million dollars are tempting but its not worth losing a good friend.
Charles Sparks
"I'll do it" i said staring him right in the face. "You just lost that fancy necklace"
"Are you serious?!" Sadie said b… moreewidered. "How could you ever do this? Do you have any...."
"Wait" Valentino interrupted. "Did i really just see you betting on a girl? Without her consent?"
"Hey guys relax, ok" i whispered with a smile on my face. "There is no way that she'll take that necklace as a gift. And it's crazy to think that she'll suddenly become Waynes personal brainwashed chearleader because her 'inner greed' will tell her to. I got this one in this one in the bag."
But Valentino was unconvinced. "And what if you don't? Two million dollars........"
"You really think i'm going to pay. Only Wayne is stupid enough to think i'll actually give him the money."
"Oh, i see. So either way you keep your money and can still try to get it on with Zoey." He answered. That took me a bit aback so i answered a bit madder than… [view original content]
Charles will not take the necklace. Sorry for the delay this week was more filled than i thought.The new Part should be posted tonight. The Only P.O.V i will confirm is our old pal Nick.
Voting Closed.
Charles will not take the necklace. Sorry for the delay this week was more filled than i thought.The new Part should be posted tonight. The Only P.O.V i will confirm is our old pal Nick.
What i am is very sorry. Ironically the reason why i'm having trouble with the Part is due to a certain P.O.V................ Hopefully the solution i finally came up with makes sense.
What i am is very sorry. Ironically the reason why i'm having trouble with the Part is due to a certain P.O.V................ Hopefully the solution i finally came up with makes sense.
After the breifing i decided it was best if didn't seat in the front of either of the vans. Instead i chose to be as far away as possible from Ellie or Howard. It would take a while before this blew off, especially considering how i was now in a sort of unspoken probation for it. I sat down as quickly as i could so i would'nt have to pick who sat next to me. Surprisingly, Curtis was the one who sat next to me. The only other person with us was Jason who decided to review the mission data on his phone. The back of the van was specially designed to hold 4 fully armed prisoners and contain at least one explosion. It also had very uncomfortable seats. I briefly checked if the camera connected to the front was on, it wasn't. Atleast Ellie didn't want to survey my every move like a few other times i screwed up.
In the silence we had i began to really think about how fucked things were for me. Let's see here, i pissed off all of my unit, came of as a recklace dumbass to my superiors, oh and i got beaten up for it.....twice. And to top it all off i did it on the worst possible time. Now my greatest chance at seeing my sister, this project evaluation thing. I could've made sure to approve anything she worked on, this would have been a godsend to her. But i can't even think of that now can i? There are just so many ways that fucked me!
I put my hand to my forehead. Then without realising it i punched my fist against a wall. This made Curtis and Jason turn their heads to me. Jason eventually went back to his phone but Curtis kept looking. After a while i heard him say something to me.
"It just hit you, didn't it?" He asked eventhough he knew the answer.
I nodded my hand still covering my face.
"Well, for what its worth, it WAS really damn stupid." He said, smilling.
I took my hand away from my face and looked at him straight in the eyes.
He raised a eyebrow. "You gonna deny it?"
I wanted to argue with him, but it wasn't worth it. He was right anyway, not that i would admit it. So i just put my hand on my forehead again.
"Oh, cmon Archer don't be like that" He answered with surprising consern. "Is it because of that Emma chick?"
I raised my head faster than i should've. How the hell did he.....
"I knew it!!!!!" He almost yelled. "And you thought you fooled me with that 'letting your guard down' bullshit. I could tell from the second i mentioned she was blond you wanted to beat the hell out of me. It's ok man, i'm not the type to just march in on your 'territory' like that."
This was one of those moments where i just had nothing to say. They were nearly impossible to find, but they existed. And this was one of them.
"And now thanks to your own personal stupidity you missed your chance to make her your fangirl. But don't worry there buddy. Uncle Curtis has just the solution for that." He said turning towards me. "You see my dear friend, what if i told you that i could make sure that you had your seat in this party?"
My eyes widened at how confident he sounded saying that. Could he actually do it?
"Yeah, i'm serious. And i'm going to tell you how." He said in what was almost a whisper. "You see, i already now how this is going to end. By the time this is over it's going to be me and Ellie, but i can already tell you that the Commander has his doubts about her. So, i'm the only one in the unit that's guaranteed. When he chooses me, he will ask me wheter i think anyone else deserves to join us. So, basically this entire thing is going to be up to me in the end."
I wasn't sure wether to ignore him or laugh out loud. It had been a long time since i saw Curtis so full of himself. Was he able to see the future too? Maybe that's why he was so smug about it.
"Don't look at me like that! I'm serious." He said with anger. "The only way you're getting in that place is if i let you."
I finally couldn't hold back my voice. "And what, oh exalted one, would you want in return?"
"That is the best part." He answered. "I just want you to owe me a favor, for later. Its nothing big, i just need your help with something."
I couldn't belive how non-challant he was about all this. Was it possible he could actually pull this off?
"So what do you say?" He said exetending his hand towards me. "Deal?"
[No Deal]
Logan Miles
"And i'm telling you, it HAS to be a crowbar!" I answered. "Well a crowbar or a bat. Or some really big bowling pins. I am 100% it's one of the three."
"Or maybe the killer wasn't human at all" Phil said with very dry sarcasm. "You know, like that other guy you keep saying is a vampire."
"Hey, there were two bite marks in all the victims necks." I said pointing at the spot in my own neck to prove my point.
"Those were needle marks" He answered obviously desinterested. "The victims were dead long before they were taken."
"Yeah, BUT the forensics team still failed to tell why the killer took them at all. Maybe he didn't have fangs."
He yawned."I guess its better than no explination at all. Anyway, i don't think that case will ever be solved. The crime scenes are too spread out. That and the fact that theres no new clues in any of them."
"I'll get past that. Give me a few months and i'll bring him in with a confession."
"Sure you will. Then you'll stop being a rookie and get one of the top ranks." He said before chuckling. "But first you have to finish solving the mystery of why someone is going around beating people to death with a bowling pin."
"That was a joke, thank you."
"A joke. I'll tell you something boy. I don't know what they showed on tv, but i saw the body being dragged into forensics and that was no fucking joke. Someone needs to have some serious metal problems to do that to another human being. I'll tell you right now why they can't tell what was used.......the man has no face. Its just a pile of mush now. That is what these kind of people do. If i was you, i would be thankful that this transport is the only time you'll be near one of those freaks."
"Yeah, thanks again for letting me be a part of this by the way. If must have been hard convincing the higher ups with me being so new and all. To be honest i didn't think i would be the near the action this soon."
"Well this is the best way i can show you why you should avoid it. Thought knowing you, you probably wanted to be in the back with our guest."
"Do you think they're okay in there? We haven't heard from them in a while."
"They're fine" He said taking a sip of watter from his bottle. "They were breifed on every possible scenario. That loon isn't getting out of there unless he somehow got their guns." He chuckled again.
"And thats just impossible?"
"Well now that i think about it, it does make more sense than anything you've said in the past weeks. Then again thats not really saying much..."
"You really think that i'm wrong about the murder weapon?"
"Well its kinda hard when you don't make up your damn mind." He answered, clearly angry about this whole thing. "If you're really that confident in your detective skills, then tell me straight. What do you honestly think it was?"
[It was a Crowbar.]
[It was a Bat.]
[It was a Giant Bowling Pin.]
[Fine, you win. I don't know.]
Valentino Drake
I watched as Charles looked at the necklace being handed to him. After a few seconds of looking at it he turned to Wayne.
"Nah. Its cool, keep it." WAIT WHAT?????!!!!
Wayne looked unfased. After looking at Charlie for a minute, he spoke. "You really are an idiot." And with that he took back the necklace and turned back to what he was doing.
As Charles turned to me i looked him straight in the face. "Are you insane? Why would you ever do that."
"He did the right thing" Sadie said turning back towards her phone. "It not his fault that Dellard is an ungrateful twat."
"You know, when people do the right thing they usually feel this wave of good vibes at what they just did. Yeah, i'm not feeling that now"
She turned to me again. "It's not alway like that. Sometimes doing the right thing can hurt you or someone you care about. It's like in COCT 6. The good choices screw you throught the entire game but in the end its the only thing that keeps half the universe from being ruled from an ancient demon. Life just works like that sometimes. Doing the right thing no matter what will always be the best choice, even if it doesn't look that way at first."
She instantly looked extreamly annoyed. "It was his choice, just drop it."
Before i could say anymore she put one her headphones again. I turned to Charlie but he instantly tried to ignore me. Damn it. Now i did'nt have anyone left to talk to. I looked at the other seats in the buss. Riley was too busy drawing, Mike was talking to Zack about something, Eden was also victim toher phone, Zoey was too busy crying and i sure as hell wasn't gonna start a conversation with Whine after that fiasco. So who was left after all that?
I kept looking at the other seats till i noticed the one behind Riley. It was Samuel. He'd been weirdly quiet since he came up. Maybe he was bummed about something? In that case i could probably cheer him up. But then again, maybe he just needs some alone time.
Nick Archer
After the breifing i decided it was best if didn't seat in the front of either of the vans. Instead i chose to be as far away… more as possible from Ellie or Howard. It would take a while before this blew off, especially considering how i was now in a sort of unspoken probation for it. I sat down as quickly as i could so i would'nt have to pick who sat next to me. Surprisingly, Curtis was the one who sat next to me. The only other person with us was Jason who decided to review the mission data on his phone. The back of the van was specially designed to hold 4 fully armed prisoners and contain at least one explosion. It also had very uncomfortable seats. I briefly checked if the camera connected to the front was on, it wasn't. Atleast Ellie didn't want to survey my every move like a few other times i screwed up.
In the silence we had i began to really think about how fucked things were for me. Let's see here, i pissed off all of my… [view original content]
I don't like this. I don't like this one bit, but it seems Nick is out of options, to my neverending frustration. That said, I do not trust Curtis even in the slightest and I'm sure this will come to bite someone in the back. Frankly though, Nick got screwed by an infuriatingly retarded choice earlier and if it minimalizes the consequences of this earlier fucking stupidity, then I couldn't care less what kind of favour Curtis wants, he got himself a deal. I just hope this won't bite Nick in the ass, as that is honestly the last thing I want in this damn situation.
[Fine, you win. I don't know.]
Well, instead of jumping to any conclusions that might turn out to be wrong later on, we should keep things professional here. Though, give me an update, have we seen these people before or are they new characters?
[Go Talk to Samuel]
Well, Samuel has knowledge about these two utter psychopaths who have the genius idea of attacking a top secret facility. While there shouldn't even be the slightest bit of a chance that they actually do more than superficial damage, they are still a bit of a danger. Because of that, I am a bit baffled that Samuel hasn't revealed anything about this to anyone. I mean, is he the biggest moron that ever lived? Hopefully Valentino can get something of value out of him, enough to maybe, I don't know, actually alert the institue or the police, or anyone really. The way it looks right now, if there is any death during the inevitable psychopath attack, then this death will be on Samuel just as much as it will be on them.
Nick Archer
After the breifing i decided it was best if didn't seat in the front of either of the vans. Instead i chose to be as far away… more as possible from Ellie or Howard. It would take a while before this blew off, especially considering how i was now in a sort of unspoken probation for it. I sat down as quickly as i could so i would'nt have to pick who sat next to me. Surprisingly, Curtis was the one who sat next to me. The only other person with us was Jason who decided to review the mission data on his phone. The back of the van was specially designed to hold 4 fully armed prisoners and contain at least one explosion. It also had very uncomfortable seats. I briefly checked if the camera connected to the front was on, it wasn't. Atleast Ellie didn't want to survey my every move like a few other times i screwed up.
In the silence we had i began to really think about how fucked things were for me. Let's see here, i pissed off all of my… [view original content]
Nick Archer
After the breifing i decided it was best if didn't seat in the front of either of the vans. Instead i chose to be as far away… more as possible from Ellie or Howard. It would take a while before this blew off, especially considering how i was now in a sort of unspoken probation for it. I sat down as quickly as i could so i would'nt have to pick who sat next to me. Surprisingly, Curtis was the one who sat next to me. The only other person with us was Jason who decided to review the mission data on his phone. The back of the van was specially designed to hold 4 fully armed prisoners and contain at least one explosion. It also had very uncomfortable seats. I briefly checked if the camera connected to the front was on, it wasn't. Atleast Ellie didn't want to survey my every move like a few other times i screwed up.
In the silence we had i began to really think about how fucked things were for me. Let's see here, i pissed off all of my… [view original content]
I don't like this. I don't like this one bit, but it seems Nick is out of options, to my neverending frustration. That said, I do … morenot trust Curtis even in the slightest and I'm sure this will come to bite someone in the back. Frankly though, Nick got screwed by an infuriatingly retarded choice earlier and if it minimalizes the consequences of this earlier fucking stupidity, then I couldn't care less what kind of favour Curtis wants, he got himself a deal. I just hope this won't bite Nick in the ass, as that is honestly the last thing I want in this damn situation.
[Fine, you win. I don't know.]
Well, instead of jumping to any conclusions that might turn out to be wrong later on, we should keep things professional here. Though, give me an update, have we seen these people before or are they new characters?
[Go Talk to Samuel]
Well, Samuel has knowledge about these two utter psychopaths who have the genius idea of attackin… [view original content]
Nick Archer
After the breifing i decided it was best if didn't seat in the front of either of the vans. Instead i chose to be as far away… more as possible from Ellie or Howard. It would take a while before this blew off, especially considering how i was now in a sort of unspoken probation for it. I sat down as quickly as i could so i would'nt have to pick who sat next to me. Surprisingly, Curtis was the one who sat next to me. The only other person with us was Jason who decided to review the mission data on his phone. The back of the van was specially designed to hold 4 fully armed prisoners and contain at least one explosion. It also had very uncomfortable seats. I briefly checked if the camera connected to the front was on, it wasn't. Atleast Ellie didn't want to survey my every move like a few other times i screwed up.
In the silence we had i began to really think about how fucked things were for me. Let's see here, i pissed off all of my… [view original content]
Thanks. I hope Aaron gets the same welcome. Also, and this is just because its his first vote, but you should...... Think about the crime they're talking about. Doesn't the MO sound....familiar?
[Deal] What could possibly go wrong?
[It was a bat.]
[Go talk to Samuel]Better than being ignored.
I love the way Logan just rambled on. XD Great start for his character.
Thanks. I hope Aaron gets the same welcome. Also, and this is just because its his first vote, but you should...... Think about the crime they're talking about. Doesn't the MO sound....familiar?
[Deal.] There's absolutely no possible way that this could backfire. Okay, there's a bunch of ways. Putting those ways behind us, no ways it could backfire.
[It was a Bat.]
[Go Talk to Samuel] Because why not? Not gonna be that guy.
Nick Archer
After the breifing i decided it was best if didn't seat in the front of either of the vans. Instead i chose to be as far away… more as possible from Ellie or Howard. It would take a while before this blew off, especially considering how i was now in a sort of unspoken probation for it. I sat down as quickly as i could so i would'nt have to pick who sat next to me. Surprisingly, Curtis was the one who sat next to me. The only other person with us was Jason who decided to review the mission data on his phone. The back of the van was specially designed to hold 4 fully armed prisoners and contain at least one explosion. It also had very uncomfortable seats. I briefly checked if the camera connected to the front was on, it wasn't. Atleast Ellie didn't want to survey my every move like a few other times i screwed up.
In the silence we had i began to really think about how fucked things were for me. Let's see here, i pissed off all of my… [view original content]
[Deal.] There's absolutely no possible way that this could backfire. Okay, there's a bunch of ways. Putting those ways behind us, no ways it could backfire.
[It was a Bat.]
[Go Talk to Samuel] Because why not? Not gonna be that guy.
Wonderful part, as usual. My week was uneventful, for the most part. The biggest thing that's happened was I helped out in the nursery at my church. How was your week?:)
Mostly Internet stuff. Being with familly. Complaining about BVS and seeing Killer Keemstar 'exposed' by everyone. And finnaly losing my mind daily about a story issue that won't matter for about 4 parts.
Wonderful part, as usual. My week was uneventful, for the most part. The biggest thing that's happened was I helped out in the nursery at my church. How was your week?:)
But if you hate to say it why are you voting for it?
Because I do kind of feel sorry for Wayne, but a bet's a bet.
Fair point.
[Refuse the necklace]
He already just had his heart crushed, let's not take the family heirloom.
Glad to see you
Glad to be here
I enjoyed the part and I am definitely intrigued to see where it goes from here
I just binged the whole damn story! XD
[Refuse the necklace] I think it's important to show that Charlie's got some decency in him.'re serious.........You binge watched ALL of Multiverse 6 hours...................Wow... what did you think?
It's only 11 pages...
I like it. I found it kinda average at the first couple parts but then I really started liking the characters. Oh and this story has the best humor! It's so funny.
It is, sadly. With one of those pages litterally being me telling everyone 6 or 7 times how the next part is coming very, very, soon and then apologizing 3 weeks later for failing to deliver. I'm actually really ashamed of how little has been published in an entire year. Its the reason i didn't celebrate it's aniversary (that and i forgot...)
I'm glad you like it though
and i get what you mean about the first parts. They were basically all character build up and forshadowing for future eps, and some even for this one (which i'm surprised no one has noticed or commented on yet). Basically it's "Multiverse: Prime. An amazing parallel universe adventure story filled with teenagers prank calling, geting on busses and the most intense board meetings of your life." I think most people will be mind boggled comparing this first episode with the rest of the story, hence why i did my best to give as many 'Wtf moments' as i could' such as Riley finding a corpse and the psycho bat guys. Also Owlman.
That being said im really glad you liked the characters. It's going to be important for the many, many times they could die. And as i hope i showed, i don't plan on holding back on the gore. I'm sure many of the readers would feel it if a choice suddenly caused someone to beat Emma to death or have Zoey be hanged by a certain necklace..... Anyway thanks.
Also you are the first person who has told my they found it funny. Thanks, i was pretty sure that all my jokes were terrible. I'm glad thats not true.
Hopefully the story keeps improving. I'm glad i have your support
[Refuse the necklace]
I think Wayne will end up angry no matter what we choose but accepting the necklace would ruin Charles friendship with Sadie. Two million dollars are tempting but its not worth losing a good friend.
How's it going?
Oh, sorry. I was busy with prom and minecraft storymode. A Part should arrive either tonight or tommorow.
Voting Closed.
Charles will not take the necklace. Sorry for the delay this week was more filled than i thought.The new Part should be posted tonight. The Only P.O.V i will confirm is our old pal Nick.
I'm beginning to suspect that you're a liar
What i am is very sorry. Ironically the reason why i'm having trouble with the Part is due to a certain P.O.V................ Hopefully the solution i finally came up with makes sense.
Take your time. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait.
Nick Archer
After the breifing i decided it was best if didn't seat in the front of either of the vans. Instead i chose to be as far away as possible from Ellie or Howard. It would take a while before this blew off, especially considering how i was now in a sort of unspoken probation for it. I sat down as quickly as i could so i would'nt have to pick who sat next to me. Surprisingly, Curtis was the one who sat next to me. The only other person with us was Jason who decided to review the mission data on his phone. The back of the van was specially designed to hold 4 fully armed prisoners and contain at least one explosion. It also had very uncomfortable seats. I briefly checked if the camera connected to the front was on, it wasn't. Atleast Ellie didn't want to survey my every move like a few other times i screwed up.
In the silence we had i began to really think about how fucked things were for me. Let's see here, i pissed off all of my unit, came of as a recklace dumbass to my superiors, oh and i got beaten up for it.....twice. And to top it all off i did it on the worst possible time. Now my greatest chance at seeing my sister, this project evaluation thing. I could've made sure to approve anything she worked on, this would have been a godsend to her. But i can't even think of that now can i? There are just so many ways that fucked me!
I put my hand to my forehead. Then without realising it i punched my fist against a wall. This made Curtis and Jason turn their heads to me. Jason eventually went back to his phone but Curtis kept looking. After a while i heard him say something to me.
"It just hit you, didn't it?" He asked eventhough he knew the answer.
I nodded my hand still covering my face.
"Well, for what its worth, it WAS really damn stupid." He said, smilling.
I took my hand away from my face and looked at him straight in the eyes.
He raised a eyebrow. "You gonna deny it?"
I wanted to argue with him, but it wasn't worth it. He was right anyway, not that i would admit it. So i just put my hand on my forehead again.
"Oh, cmon Archer don't be like that" He answered with surprising consern. "Is it because of that Emma chick?"
I raised my head faster than i should've. How the hell did he.....
"I knew it!!!!!" He almost yelled. "And you thought you fooled me with that 'letting your guard down' bullshit. I could tell from the second i mentioned she was blond you wanted to beat the hell out of me. It's ok man, i'm not the type to just march in on your 'territory' like that."
This was one of those moments where i just had nothing to say. They were nearly impossible to find, but they existed. And this was one of them.
"And now thanks to your own personal stupidity you missed your chance to make her your fangirl. But don't worry there buddy. Uncle Curtis has just the solution for that." He said turning towards me. "You see my dear friend, what if i told you that i could make sure that you had your seat in this party?"
My eyes widened at how confident he sounded saying that. Could he actually do it?
"Yeah, i'm serious. And i'm going to tell you how." He said in what was almost a whisper. "You see, i already now how this is going to end. By the time this is over it's going to be me and Ellie, but i can already tell you that the Commander has his doubts about her. So, i'm the only one in the unit that's guaranteed. When he chooses me, he will ask me wheter i think anyone else deserves to join us. So, basically this entire thing is going to be up to me in the end."
I wasn't sure wether to ignore him or laugh out loud. It had been a long time since i saw Curtis so full of himself. Was he able to see the future too? Maybe that's why he was so smug about it.
"Don't look at me like that! I'm serious." He said with anger. "The only way you're getting in that place is if i let you."
I finally couldn't hold back my voice. "And what, oh exalted one, would you want in return?"
"That is the best part." He answered. "I just want you to owe me a favor, for later. Its nothing big, i just need your help with something."
I couldn't belive how non-challant he was about all this. Was it possible he could actually pull this off?
"So what do you say?" He said exetending his hand towards me. "Deal?"
[No Deal]
Logan Miles
"And i'm telling you, it HAS to be a crowbar!" I answered. "Well a crowbar or a bat. Or some really big bowling pins. I am 100% it's one of the three."
"Or maybe the killer wasn't human at all" Phil said with very dry sarcasm. "You know, like that other guy you keep saying is a vampire."
"Hey, there were two bite marks in all the victims necks." I said pointing at the spot in my own neck to prove my point.
"Those were needle marks" He answered obviously desinterested. "The victims were dead long before they were taken."
"Yeah, BUT the forensics team still failed to tell why the killer took them at all. Maybe he didn't have fangs."
He yawned."I guess its better than no explination at all. Anyway, i don't think that case will ever be solved. The crime scenes are too spread out. That and the fact that theres no new clues in any of them."
"I'll get past that. Give me a few months and i'll bring him in with a confession."
"Sure you will. Then you'll stop being a rookie and get one of the top ranks." He said before chuckling. "But first you have to finish solving the mystery of why someone is going around beating people to death with a bowling pin."
"That was a joke, thank you."
"A joke. I'll tell you something boy. I don't know what they showed on tv, but i saw the body being dragged into forensics and that was no fucking joke. Someone needs to have some serious metal problems to do that to another human being. I'll tell you right now why they can't tell what was used.......the man has no face. Its just a pile of mush now. That is what these kind of people do. If i was you, i would be thankful that this transport is the only time you'll be near one of those freaks."
"Yeah, thanks again for letting me be a part of this by the way. If must have been hard convincing the higher ups with me being so new and all. To be honest i didn't think i would be the near the action this soon."
"Well this is the best way i can show you why you should avoid it. Thought knowing you, you probably wanted to be in the back with our guest."
"Do you think they're okay in there? We haven't heard from them in a while."
"They're fine" He said taking a sip of watter from his bottle. "They were breifed on every possible scenario. That loon isn't getting out of there unless he somehow got their guns." He chuckled again.
"And thats just impossible?"
"Well now that i think about it, it does make more sense than anything you've said in the past weeks. Then again thats not really saying much..."
"You really think that i'm wrong about the murder weapon?"
"Well its kinda hard when you don't make up your damn mind." He answered, clearly angry about this whole thing. "If you're really that confident in your detective skills, then tell me straight. What do you honestly think it was?"
[It was a Crowbar.]
[It was a Bat.]
[It was a Giant Bowling Pin.]
[Fine, you win. I don't know.]
Valentino Drake
I watched as Charles looked at the necklace being handed to him. After a few seconds of looking at it he turned to Wayne.
"Nah. Its cool, keep it." WAIT WHAT?????!!!!
Wayne looked unfased. After looking at Charlie for a minute, he spoke. "You really are an idiot." And with that he took back the necklace and turned back to what he was doing.
As Charles turned to me i looked him straight in the face. "Are you insane? Why would you ever do that."
"He did the right thing" Sadie said turning back towards her phone. "It not his fault that Dellard is an ungrateful twat."
"You know, when people do the right thing they usually feel this wave of good vibes at what they just did. Yeah, i'm not feeling that now"
She turned to me again. "It's not alway like that. Sometimes doing the right thing can hurt you or someone you care about. It's like in COCT 6. The good choices screw you throught the entire game but in the end its the only thing that keeps half the universe from being ruled from an ancient demon. Life just works like that sometimes. Doing the right thing no matter what will always be the best choice, even if it doesn't look that way at first."
She instantly looked extreamly annoyed. "It was his choice, just drop it."
Before i could say anymore she put one her headphones again. I turned to Charlie but he instantly tried to ignore me. Damn it. Now i did'nt have anyone left to talk to. I looked at the other seats in the buss. Riley was too busy drawing, Mike was talking to Zack about something, Eden was also victim toher phone, Zoey was too busy crying and i sure as hell wasn't gonna start a conversation with Whine after that fiasco. So who was left after all that?
I kept looking at the other seats till i noticed the one behind Riley. It was Samuel. He'd been weirdly quiet since he came up. Maybe he was bummed about something? In that case i could probably cheer him up. But then again, maybe he just needs some alone time.
[Leave Samuel Alone]
[Go Talk to Samuel]
[It was a Bat.]
[Go Talk to Samuel]
Sorry this took its time. I hope you enjoyed it.
No need to apologize.
I still feel bad about the delays though. Hopefully once these votes are done ill make the next one sooner.
I don't like this. I don't like this one bit, but it seems Nick is out of options, to my neverending frustration. That said, I do not trust Curtis even in the slightest and I'm sure this will come to bite someone in the back. Frankly though, Nick got screwed by an infuriatingly retarded choice earlier and if it minimalizes the consequences of this earlier fucking stupidity, then I couldn't care less what kind of favour Curtis wants, he got himself a deal. I just hope this won't bite Nick in the ass, as that is honestly the last thing I want in this damn situation.
[Fine, you win. I don't know.]
Well, instead of jumping to any conclusions that might turn out to be wrong later on, we should keep things professional here. Though, give me an update, have we seen these people before or are they new characters?
[Go Talk to Samuel]
Well, Samuel has knowledge about these two utter psychopaths who have the genius idea of attacking a top secret facility. While there shouldn't even be the slightest bit of a chance that they actually do more than superficial damage, they are still a bit of a danger. Because of that, I am a bit baffled that Samuel hasn't revealed anything about this to anyone. I mean, is he the biggest moron that ever lived? Hopefully Valentino can get something of value out of him, enough to maybe, I don't know, actually alert the institue or the police, or anyone really. The way it looks right now, if there is any death during the inevitable psychopath attack, then this death will be on Samuel just as much as it will be on them.
Great chapter!
[It Was a Crowbar]
[Talk to Samuel]
No we havent and Logan is Agents character. If you're refering to the Killer that was mentioned, yes you might have.
[Deal] What could possibly go wrong?
[It was a bat.]
[Go talk to Samuel]Better than being ignored.
I love the way Logan just rambled on. XD Great start for his character.
Yeah sorry. I was thinking of something else when i wrote that.
Thanks. I hope Aaron gets the same welcome. Also, and this is just because its his first vote, but you should...... Think about the crime they're talking about. Doesn't the MO sound....familiar?
It reminds of a certain scene in the Walking Dead S2.
[Deal.] There's absolutely no possible way that this could backfire. Okay, there's a bunch of ways. Putting those ways behind us, no ways it could backfire.
[It was a Bat.]
[Go Talk to Samuel] Because why not? Not gonna be that guy.
Any scenes in THIS story?
Glad to see you again. How was your week?
This is your final hint.............Homeless guy.
That corpse Riley's obsessed with?
Samuel. Homeless guy. Attack. Giving away too much for your sake.
Wonderful part, as usual. My week was uneventful, for the most part. The biggest thing that's happened was I helped out in the nursery at my church. How was your week?:)
Mostly Internet stuff. Being with familly. Complaining about BVS and seeing Killer Keemstar 'exposed' by everyone. And finnaly losing my mind daily about a story issue that won't matter for about 4 parts.
Oh and playing Kings Quest.