Hold it right here, everyone, do you know what I just realized? I have totally forgotten to mention it earlier, but five days ago marked the 2-year anniversary of this wonderful story! One year ago, I congratulated you for the first anniversary. Allow me to congratulate you for the 2-year anniversary as well, @Domingez! And thank you for still writing this wonderful story. This is by far the most epic work I have read here on the forums. Dozens of characters, all with their own distinct personality, three large storylines, amazign twists and genuine feels. It takes a lot of talent to keep the readers interested for such a long time, but me, @Pipas and @Violet_Ant have been here from the very beginning and @janitor has been here for a year now as well. I have so many fond memories to this story, so many emotional moments and I don't think there is another story where there are so many characters I genuinely feel for. There's Bradley, Rachel, Blake, Ellis and so many others who all mean quite a lot to me, there are characters whom I dearly miss and some whom I genuinely hate (Die screaming, Samantha!), but despite the huge cast, there are very few characters to whom I don't have any kind of connection at all. And that is baffling and a testimony to your skills. In general, other stories came and went by, but this is always the story that meant the most to me and the one I have the longest and fondest history with. Here's to two amazing years of this story. Hopefully, there will be more years, as I can't get enough of it!
2 years already? Man, it seems like yesterday when we were celebrating 1 year anniversary.
Well, congratulations are in order @Domingez, because I believe this must be the longest running interactive story on the forums! Gotta say that it has been privilage to read it. Captivating from start to finish featuring memorable characters, each with distinctive personalities... That's not what you see everyday (especially on this forum, heh).
Anyway, I think @LiquidChicagoTed already covered everything your faithful readers (such as me :P) would say, so yeah, here's to another year of this amazing fanfic!
Hold it right here, everyone, do you know what I just realized? I have totally forgotten to mention it earlier, but five days ago marked the… more 2-year anniversary of this wonderful story! One year ago, I congratulated you for the first anniversary. Allow me to congratulate you for the 2-year anniversary as well, @Domingez! And thank you for still writing this wonderful story. This is by far the most epic work I have read here on the forums. Dozens of characters, all with their own distinct personality, three large storylines, amazign twists and genuine feels. It takes a lot of talent to keep the readers interested for such a long time, but me, @Pipas and @Violet_Ant have been here from the very beginning and @janitor has been here for a year now as well. I have so many fond memories to this story, so many emotional moments and I don't think there is another story where there are so many characters I genuinely feel for. There's Bradley, Rachel, B… [view original content]
This is incredible! The time flies by so quickly.
I think that Liquid summed everything up just perfectly and I couldn't agree more.
Your fanfiction keeps me entertained when I´m waiting for a bus, it got me through some pretty boring lectures, I read it when I procrastinate and I´m always excited when I see a new part. Your story never disappoints me.
So the equation is simple:
As long as you enjoy writing this fanfic = I´ll read it )
Hold it right here, everyone, do you know what I just realized? I have totally forgotten to mention it earlier, but five days ago marked the… more 2-year anniversary of this wonderful story! One year ago, I congratulated you for the first anniversary. Allow me to congratulate you for the 2-year anniversary as well, @Domingez! And thank you for still writing this wonderful story. This is by far the most epic work I have read here on the forums. Dozens of characters, all with their own distinct personality, three large storylines, amazign twists and genuine feels. It takes a lot of talent to keep the readers interested for such a long time, but me, @Pipas and @Violet_Ant have been here from the very beginning and @janitor has been here for a year now as well. I have so many fond memories to this story, so many emotional moments and I don't think there is another story where there are so many characters I genuinely feel for. There's Bradley, Rachel, B… [view original content]
Wow I didn't realise it has been another year already......thank you to everyone for keeping this story going. I also wanted to make a small announcement due to my hard drive dying out on me a few weeks back, I had to delay the next part because of this. But luckily today everything is back online and the upcoming piece should be up in a couple of days. Cheers everyone you are all awesome!!
Ah, that's unfortunate with your hard drive, but I am glad it's fixed again. I can't wait for the next part. Thank you for writing this story for two years already. It feels like last week that I congratulated you for the first anniversary, it feels so odd that it is the second anniversary now. Anyways, I'm very excited for what future parts hold
Wow I didn't realise it has been another year already......thank you to everyone for keeping this story going. I also wanted to make a small… more announcement due to my hard drive dying out on me a few weeks back, I had to delay the next part because of this. But luckily today everything is back online and the upcoming piece should be up in a couple of days. Cheers everyone you are all awesome!!
Marcin took one last glance at a broken Ethan and sighed “I’m sorry” before following Stan upstairs. “What you’re doing here is very dumb Stan, you expecting to make it far holding me like this?” Konni muttered calmly.
“No, you will stop following us, we did nothing to your people we just want to go, call your people to give us Sergio” Stan gasped.
“I can’t do that” Konni object heavily.
“Why not?!” Stan shouted.
“We need him……you and your friend can go, but my people need Sergio at this moment” Konni said firmly.
“Where’s Sergio?!” Stan growled.
“A young girl probably needs medical attention, maybe even surgery, that’s why—“ Konni reasoned with him.
“Not after the way you treated us-” Stan gasped.
“Damage is done Stan, I don’t think that after all this we could stay and be friends, Sergio made an oath he won’t go with us, lets just get out of here” Marcin interrupted in a defeated voice.
“If you hurt him, then the next attack will be by us” Stan warned Konni before knocking her off her feet.
“Killing a doctor during a zombie apocalypse would be a very smart idea” Konni laughed ironically while on the ground.
“Oh shit” Marcin muttered in shock. Stan expressed the horror in his native language and gazed over the wall at the horde of walkers heading straight for the settlement.
“C’mon we gotta run, now!” Marcin urged and hopped over the wall and beelined towards the trees.
“Konni are you alright?” Ethan said softly as he struggled on his crutches.
“I’m fine, they didn’t hurt you did they?” Konni asked compassionately.
“No……but they could’ve if they wanted to, I don’t think it was them that burned—“ Ethan sobbed.
“Hey…..hey it’s over for now, I think Yolanda might get the help she needed, by some miracle we found an actual doctor” Konni said hopefully and in slight disbelief.
“Maybe things are looking up for a change—“ Ethan smiled.
Bryan breathed heavily and with his last strength he got climbed over the wall and alerted eagerly that a herd was going straight at them. Konni quickly got to her feet and had to see it for herself before informing the others of the imminent threat. Her group dealt with walkers before but not at this scale, the walls might not be sturdy enough to hold until the walkers lose interest. Konni considered to quickly move everyone to one basement and barricade themselves until everything blows over, however she had no clue if Sergio had already started operating on Yolanda. She rushed to quickly tell the others, Gareth and Bryan helped to move Ethan back to the cabin. Jacob a fourteen year old kid bursted out of the house where Yolanda was resting to find out what the commotion was about. Konni ignored him and went straight inside. “What ever is going on with her Sergio you have to do it now!” Konni urged roughly.
“What’s going on out there? and where’s Bryan?” Polly asked agitatedly.
“Walkers” Konni panted.
“It’s always walkers get Gareth to kill them, where’s Bryan he’s been gone for too long” Polly persisted.
“He’s helping Ethan…he’s fine…..I haven’t seen so many of them, it’s an infestation we have to act fast!” Konni said promptly.
“I believe Yolanda has an….inflammation in the lower abdomen area….possibly her vermiform appendix needs removing” Sergio said after a brief moment.
“She’s in extreme pain Konni” Polly said worriedly and softly.
Konni froze for a short second, the voices of Sergio and Polly became muffled as she watched the poor seven year old squirm and ache in pain on the bed. Sergio needed medical and surgical supplies to help Yolanda.
“Konni, please we need the strong and fearless you, right now” Polly grabbed her by the shoulders to snap her out of the trance.
[Move everyone to one place and wait it out]
[Send someone to divert the herd]
[Evacuate the settlement]
“Yeah and I’m coming with you, keep an eye out Mickie” Wesley nodded and climbed down.
“I always do” Mickie smirked.
“Did you it was the third time you saw something there?” Emmet winced while cocking rifle.
“Those bushes over there at first I thought it was nothing but later I saw someone moving there” Wesley pointed.
“I don’t have to say this but be on alert” Emmet sounded worried for a second and aimed his rifle.
They find out that behind the bush was a walker tangled and reaching out towards them “Why isn’t it giving out any noise?” Wesley muttered cautiously.
After Emmet bashed the skull with the stock of his rifle he carefully examined and noticed that the corpse was missing its tongue “I’m getting a weird feeling this wasn’t a coincidence that we found him” Emmet remarked bafflingly.
“Why would anyone go through the trouble of planting a walker? sorry boy-o I just don’t buy it” Wesley smirked.
“Where’s Mickie?” Emmet looked back and noticed she was missing from her post.
“She wouldn’t leave now” Wesley frowned
“C’mon lets head back” Emmet urged right before a series of gunshots went off.
Mickie was struggling to breathe as an attacker almost strangled her before Emmet killed him. Timothy was troubling another aggressor by sinking his teeth, a thug appeared charging with a machete towards Wesley without hesitation he fired at him, later he rushed to the house and found Skylar sobbing and repeatedly bashing a mans head in. “Sky? Sky! shsh it’s okay it’s me” Wesley tried to comfort her.
“Dad?! they came out of nowhere” She sobbed deeply.
Florence hid inside a closet holding her knees and shaking immensely before Richard found her. Nathaniel returned carrying wood upon discovering that they have been attacked he rushed to help. Emmet grabbed the last surviving attacker which Timothy kept busy and demanded answers “Are there more?” he punched him once.
“Yes” the man coughed.
“How many? where are they? why did you attack us?!” Emmet persisted mildly.
“The world ain’t big enough anymore, others will come and burn this place down, why? because they can, now do what you have to do, because there is no going back—” The man sneered.
Wesley couldn’t bottle his anger anymore and went out of his way by slamming the machete into the attacker’s skull. “Jesus Wesley he was going to talk!”
“He said....and did enough” Wesley muttered angrily and went back to the house.
This was actually a surprisingly hard choice for me, considering that it's this psycho Konni who is making it. She came across as surprisingly reasonable in this part, a complete 180 from how she acted in the last part. I start to wonder if she suffers from some sort of disorder that causes severe mood swings, as it certainly seems this way. Perhaps she is bipolar, that would explain a lot about her actions. Anyways, for this choice I had a hard time deciding, as all three options hold the potential for disaster. No matter how much I dislike Konni and her goons, I'm sure there are decent people as well in this settlement, Sergio for example, so I'm actually not trying to get all of them killed. Sending someone to divert the herd would be a death sentence for this someone and there is no guarantee it would work. Evacuating the settlement sounds far too risky, as they would loose everything they've built. So, moving everyone to one place is the way to go for me. Fortifying one place as much as possible sounds like one way to survive a walker herd.
Marcin took one last glance at a broken Ethan and sighed “I’m sorry” before following Stan upstairs. “What you’re doing here is very dumb St… morean, you expecting to make it far holding me like this?” Konni muttered calmly.
“No, you will stop following us, we did nothing to your people we just want to go, call your people to give us Sergio” Stan gasped.
“I can’t do that” Konni object heavily.
“Why not?!” Stan shouted.
“We need him……you and your friend can go, but my people need Sergio at this moment” Konni said firmly.
“Where’s Sergio?!” Stan growled.
“A young girl probably needs medical attention, maybe even surgery, that’s why—“ Konni reasoned with him.
“Not after the way you treated us-” Stan gasped.
“Damage is done Stan, I don’t think that after all this we could stay and be friends, Sergio made an oath he won’t go with us, lets just get out of here” Marcin interrupted in a defeated voice.
“If you hurt him, then the ne… [view original content]
I think that evacuating of the settlement would take a lot of time and there probably is no other safe place for them to go or at least they
didn´t mention anything. Also, since there is an injured person in the group it may slow them down and that would make outrunning of the herd harder.
That leaves me two options to choose from. Both of them can end up in disaster.
Safer option is to wait it out. But what if the herd tear down the wall. Then they will be trapped in there with walkers roaming all around for god knows how long and they might run out of food or worse, walkers can get in.
Second option can also go wrong but I´ve decided to risk it. They can send some people to try to divert the herd, fortify the place and the rest of the group can wait it out in the basement. Walkers are quite slow so as long as they stay ahead of them it can work. Of course it can prove to be fatal for them, but the majority of the group can be saved.
As I said, tough choice, both of them can go wrong.
Marcin took one last glance at a broken Ethan and sighed “I’m sorry” before following Stan upstairs. “What you’re doing here is very dumb St… morean, you expecting to make it far holding me like this?” Konni muttered calmly.
“No, you will stop following us, we did nothing to your people we just want to go, call your people to give us Sergio” Stan gasped.
“I can’t do that” Konni object heavily.
“Why not?!” Stan shouted.
“We need him……you and your friend can go, but my people need Sergio at this moment” Konni said firmly.
“Where’s Sergio?!” Stan growled.
“A young girl probably needs medical attention, maybe even surgery, that’s why—“ Konni reasoned with him.
“Not after the way you treated us-” Stan gasped.
“Damage is done Stan, I don’t think that after all this we could stay and be friends, Sergio made an oath he won’t go with us, lets just get out of here” Marcin interrupted in a defeated voice.
“If you hurt him, then the ne… [view original content]
Like the others said, this is a very tough choice. In the end I think waiting it out could save everyone but it could also kill everyone, while diverting the herd is definitely going to kill somene but could save everyone else. I see the needs of the many as more important than the needs of the few this time. Sacrificing one or two people sounds like the best way to save the others.
Marcin took one last glance at a broken Ethan and sighed “I’m sorry” before following Stan upstairs. “What you’re doing here is very dumb St… morean, you expecting to make it far holding me like this?” Konni muttered calmly.
“No, you will stop following us, we did nothing to your people we just want to go, call your people to give us Sergio” Stan gasped.
“I can’t do that” Konni object heavily.
“Why not?!” Stan shouted.
“We need him……you and your friend can go, but my people need Sergio at this moment” Konni said firmly.
“Where’s Sergio?!” Stan growled.
“A young girl probably needs medical attention, maybe even surgery, that’s why—“ Konni reasoned with him.
“Not after the way you treated us-” Stan gasped.
“Damage is done Stan, I don’t think that after all this we could stay and be friends, Sergio made an oath he won’t go with us, lets just get out of here” Marcin interrupted in a defeated voice.
“If you hurt him, then the ne… [view original content]
Now this is a tough choice. Sending someone to divert the horde seems too risky for the person. Plus I don't think it'll even work, considering that person has to divert the entire horde. Evacuating everyone while there's someone injured is not a good idea. Which leaves me with waiting it out. Not sure if it's the safest option, but I'll go with that. Let's hope I won't regret it. :P
Marcin took one last glance at a broken Ethan and sighed “I’m sorry” before following Stan upstairs. “What you’re doing here is very dumb St… morean, you expecting to make it far holding me like this?” Konni muttered calmly.
“No, you will stop following us, we did nothing to your people we just want to go, call your people to give us Sergio” Stan gasped.
“I can’t do that” Konni object heavily.
“Why not?!” Stan shouted.
“We need him……you and your friend can go, but my people need Sergio at this moment” Konni said firmly.
“Where’s Sergio?!” Stan growled.
“A young girl probably needs medical attention, maybe even surgery, that’s why—“ Konni reasoned with him.
“Not after the way you treated us-” Stan gasped.
“Damage is done Stan, I don’t think that after all this we could stay and be friends, Sergio made an oath he won’t go with us, lets just get out of here” Marcin interrupted in a defeated voice.
“If you hurt him, then the ne… [view original content]
In this case I will change my vote to [Move everyone to one place and wait it out] I am not so convinced of this option but I want the next part more than I want my first choice to win
Oh boy. Shit's about to hit the fan really soon.
Now this is a tough choice. Sending someone to divert the horde seems too risky for the … moreperson. Plus I don't think it'll even work, considering that person has to divert the entire horde. Evacuating everyone while there's someone injured is not a good idea. Which leaves me with waiting it out. Not sure if it's the safest option, but I'll go with that. Let's hope I won't regret it. :P
[Move everyone to one place and wait it out]
PS: Sorry for creating a tie, everyone!
“This was way too organised, they must’ve been watching us for days maybe weeks” Emmet pondered pensively while inspecting the bodies.
“Whoever they were this proves that their leader is ruthless and will stop at nothing to get control, neither this place or Glen Arbor isn’t safe and if there’s more people like him out there….sorry, but we have to leave” Wesley glanced towards Nathaniel and points at the invaders.
“I’m afraid he’s right Nath….believe me I wanted……I hoped we could create something here….but this is reality” Emmet said regretfully.
Nathaniel felt unsure on how to reply, while looking around he realised that there is a safety in numbers and unfortunately Elberta hadn’t become the place he hoped of “Where are going? more might still be out there!” Emmet called out as Nathaniel walked away without a word.
“I’ll go after him” Mickie muttered softly.
“Are you okay? How’s Florence?” Wesley comforted his daughter.
“Better for now……Florence….she’s still shaken up, Richard is keeping her company” Skylar choked.
“We have to leave today, there’s no knowing when more will come back” Wesley said decisively.
“What about them?” Skylar asked amiably and gazed at Emmet.
“I think they’ll want to leave too, we barely survived this attack, the next one might be our end” Wesley replied firmly.
“He came out of nowhere and all I thought is to hide, Skylar would’ve died because of me I don’t think she’ll ever forgive me…..I’m such a coward” Florence choked and sunk her face in defeat.
“You don’t know that, it would’ve been worse….he could’ve had enough time to kill you, I’m not saying you did the right thing….eh sometimes there are no good or bad reactions” Richard tried to support her.
“I hate myself for not being strong or helpful or brave, I never do the right thing while under pressure I always panic, if get someone killed because of my choices I won’t be able to live with myself” Florence sobbed softly.
“Don’t even say that” Richard sighed and hugged her gently.
“I’m just not cut out for this world” She sobbed.
“Florence, you have to hold on for the people you care about….WE all care about you, we all make mistakes, killing yourself would be the worst thing you’d do, don’t let that happen” Richard reassured her.
“Nathaniel!?……hey Nath!…..wait up!” Mickie called out chasing him.
“I don’t want to talk right now” Nathaniel said evasively.
“Well you don’t have much choice now….hmm….listen I know you had big plans for this place, I did too…..but…..I nearly died today……most of us almost did…we need to go back home” Mickie explained calmly.
“You think I don’t know that!……its just……I’m just disappointed with how things turned out…..I feel like I failed……how am I going to look others in the eye, they already think I’m useless in pretty much everything……I left to prove that we can build on Glen Arbor expand…..be stronger” Nathaniel sighed deeply.
“We still can be stronger just some place else….but first we need to settle this threat and we can’t do that alone” Mickie advised.
“Yeah……check if the car still works, I’ll gather our stuff” Nathaniel sighed.
“Hey Nathaniel……you were never useless” Mickie smirked.
Meanwhile not far from the coast a storm was coming, James and his crew were facing another threat “Just get it running Duke and get us out of here” he muttered. The sailing boat was closing in James, Austin and Anselm were aiming at it just in case. Once the engine kicked in Duke cruised away from the rowing boat and closer to shore. The strangers blindly opened fire from a machine gun, everyone ducked for cover after a moment James peeked out to see if they lost them and realised a pool of blood behind him. Austin was holding his stomach Anselm tried to apply pressure, but the blood was black there was no chance for him to survive. “What’s going on back there?” Duke called out urgently. Anselm nodded sideways while glancing at James “Austin got shot” he said regretfully.
“Goddammit! someone take the wheel!” Duke rushed hectically.
“C’mon Austin hold on don’t give up kid!” Duke started sobbing softly.
“Told you....never call me…kid” Austin said weakly and smirked.
“Yeah I forget stuff you know that, you’re gonna be fine” Duke chuckled hopefully while crying and held him.
“Austin?” James watched as he slowly passed away.
“No dammit! don’t you leave me!…no….no” Duke sighed and cried.
“He's with his family now” James nodded his face sideways in sorrow.
"After all he went through! he didn't deserve this" Duke sobbed and sighed.
“He’s gonna turn” Willy sighed bleakly.
“They’re gaining on us, can’t this go any faster?!” Anselm yells while holding the wheel.
“They what a piece of us?! I’ll give them something to think about!” Duke growled in rage and grabbed the rifle.
“We can’t waste to many bullets!” James called out before Austin reanimated and tried to grab a chew on his neck.
Willy fired just in time to save James “Thanks” he nodded in shock. “We’re not far from shore!” Anselm gave the heads up as bullets started hitting the boat. “Everyone get down! Willy! Brent hide down below!” James ordered. The boat rocked harder and Brent falls over board “Brent!” Willy yelped
“Anselm stop!” Duke called out urgently.
“What to get shot down! no way we’re not far from shore!” Anselm yelled back.
“Brent fell in the water stop this damn boat!” James went over to him.
Duke was ready to save the kid, but the other boat was almost on to them, he needed to act immediately.
Oh, Austin These fuckers on the large boat have just signed their death sentence. Though, I wonder if any other outcome would have been better. They basically opened fire without real warning, so I guess our group never really had a chance to make it out there unharmed. As for the choice, of course I am not going to let Brent die like this. It's dark and foggy, so it is very likely that he will drown if no one helps him, which is by far one of the most shitty deaths I can imagine. On a positive note, a strong guy like Duke should manage to keep swimming to the shore, together with Brent as well, while there is the chance that the guys on the large boat won't see them either. I mean, they have the same problems as our group, regarding their sight, I hope.
“This was way too organised, they must’ve been watching us for days maybe weeks” Emmet pondered pensively while inspecting the bodies.
“W… morehoever they were this proves that their leader is ruthless and will stop at nothing to get control, neither this place or Glen Arbor isn’t safe and if there’s more people like him out there….sorry, but we have to leave” Wesley glanced towards Nathaniel and points at the invaders.
“I’m afraid he’s right Nath….believe me I wanted……I hoped we could create something here….but this is reality” Emmet said regretfully.
Nathaniel felt unsure on how to reply, while looking around he realised that there is a safety in numbers and unfortunately Elberta hadn’t become the place he hoped of “Where are going? more might still be out there!” Emmet called out as Nathaniel walked away without a word.
“I’ll go after him” Mickie muttered softly.
“Are you okay? How’s Florence?” Wesley comforted his daughter.
“B… [view original content]
“This was way too organised, they must’ve been watching us for days maybe weeks” Emmet pondered pensively while inspecting the bodies.
“W… morehoever they were this proves that their leader is ruthless and will stop at nothing to get control, neither this place or Glen Arbor isn’t safe and if there’s more people like him out there….sorry, but we have to leave” Wesley glanced towards Nathaniel and points at the invaders.
“I’m afraid he’s right Nath….believe me I wanted……I hoped we could create something here….but this is reality” Emmet said regretfully.
Nathaniel felt unsure on how to reply, while looking around he realised that there is a safety in numbers and unfortunately Elberta hadn’t become the place he hoped of “Where are going? more might still be out there!” Emmet called out as Nathaniel walked away without a word.
“I’ll go after him” Mickie muttered softly.
“Are you okay? How’s Florence?” Wesley comforted his daughter.
“B… [view original content]
“This was way too organised, they must’ve been watching us for days maybe weeks” Emmet pondered pensively while inspecting the bodies.
“W… morehoever they were this proves that their leader is ruthless and will stop at nothing to get control, neither this place or Glen Arbor isn’t safe and if there’s more people like him out there….sorry, but we have to leave” Wesley glanced towards Nathaniel and points at the invaders.
“I’m afraid he’s right Nath….believe me I wanted……I hoped we could create something here….but this is reality” Emmet said regretfully.
Nathaniel felt unsure on how to reply, while looking around he realised that there is a safety in numbers and unfortunately Elberta hadn’t become the place he hoped of “Where are going? more might still be out there!” Emmet called out as Nathaniel walked away without a word.
“I’ll go after him” Mickie muttered softly.
“Are you okay? How’s Florence?” Wesley comforted his daughter.
“B… [view original content]
Konni made a difficult decision and chose to move everyone to the basement. Sergio promptly carried little Yolanda, Polly went over to the other room and carried a small three year old boy named Wilson. Gareth insisted on diverting the herd, but Konni persuaded him that it was too dangerous. The dead started piling up over the wall, however before Konni barricaded the front door she took a glance and pondered about the uncertainty of what was ahead, nothing was certain these days. Feeling safe puts your guard down and makes you an easier target, she hoped the walls were sturdy enough to keep the dead out. Gareth and Brian helped her move furniture to block the doors and later head down to the basement.
“How is she?” Konni asked Sergio.
“Better I gave her some painkillers for now, but if the pain comes back I’m going to need to operate” Sergio replied anxiously.
“We’ll head in to town once everything cools down” Konni muttered.
“Are you okay?” Sergio winced.
“What do you mean? of course I’m fine” Konni sounded defensive.
“Just keep an eye on her” Konni said through her teeth and walked towards the corner of the room.
Sergio noticed that Polly was overhearing them “I couldn’t help over hearing, she’s fine believe me” she said awkwardly.
“Is there something I should know?” Sergio inquired.
“I think it’s better you hear it from her” Polly said evasively.
“Whatever it is she won’t tell me” Sergio said neutrally.
“She’s got a good side and a bad side to her” Polly whispered.
“You mean she may have a type of split personality disorder?” Sergio shrugged.
“Yeah but isn’t that like having two different people in one mind?” Polly sounded unsure.
“Not necessarily-” Sergio said pensively as he gazed back at Konni in the corner.
A sudden loud crack brought in a moment of silence in the basement. Gareth had a fierce look on his face while holding an automatic rifle, Brian was also armed, but he always had a face filled with fear. “I think the walkers broke through” Ethan muttered anxiously.
The little boys Jacob and Wilson sat anxiously by the peaceful Yolanda. “This wasn’t the best call Konni” Gareth shook his head softly.
“What now? we’re trapped? oh…this is bad..this is bad” Brian started racing.
“Calm down Brian, you’re scaring the kids” Polly insisted.
“We’re safe as long as we keep it quiet none of those things will get in here, once most of them pass through will clear out what’s left of these fuckers” Konni said abruptly.
“She’s right we stay calm, we survive….there’s enough food for a couple of days if it comes to that, we’re gonna be fine” Polly talked to the kids.
Sergio couldn’t help but think about Marcin and Stan, did they make it somehow? were they coming back? he felt strangely alone with this new group which turned out not so hostile as they first appeared, however he still didn’t know to what extent was Konni’s disorder serious.
“I think we lost them” Stan breathed heavily.
“I feel bad leaving Sergio” Marcin gasped for air.
“There was no choice, you know that” Stan murmured.
“Sooner or later we’re going to have to go back for him” Marcin insisted.
“Not with me, I’m not going back to that herd” Stan muttered.
“So that’s it? you seriously want to leave Sergio behind? and you blamed me for Una’s death, you are not tough you only look out for yourself now isn’t that right?!” Marcin said in slight anger.
Stan swung a punch at him “That was different! you should’ve protected her and never mention her name to me again” he said coldly.
“If I could do redo something I would’ve died for Una, but I can’t bring her back, yet you still blame me….I think about her everyday just like you do…..you wanna go go, but I’m resting right here and later I’m going back for Sergio I owe him this much” Marcin crawled softly towards the nearest tree and sat upright examining his nose.
Stan glared at him for a moment and without reply he walked away into the woods. Marcin wiped his nose and looked around, everything was peaceful for the first time in a long while, the birds chirped softly the branches swirled soothingly. He was too tired to care about walkers crawling up on him or more angry strangers, so he just allowed himself to doze off for a seemingly short moment. After walking aimlessly Stan stopped to catch a breath and considered a new plan, but before he could do that a figure snuck up and struck him, knocking Stan out cold. Marcin slowly opened his eyes and saw a blurry figure “Fancy seeing you here” the woman sniggered and hit him unconscious. He regained consciousness a few hours later and noticed he was now in a junkyard with his hands and feet zip tied Stan was a few feet away from him necklaced in rubber tyres. “Stan you alright? wake the fuck up” Marcin urged. “Welcome back to the living for now, don’t bother waking him up he’s gonna be out for quite some time” Zara smirked holding a crowbar in front of him.
“What are you doing?” Marcin asked with his eyes wide open.
“Staying alive, something that I can’t say about you two after everything that’s going to happen” Zara replied stoically.
“Why? what do you want from us?” Marcin grunted.
“We never really got to know each other before Konni and her stupid people captured us did we? Let me tell you a story and maybe you’ll understand why and what I’m about to do, it won’t start with ‘once upon a time’ because it’s not that kind of story, my mother abandoned me when I was four and my…..father was a firefighter he was the greatest the only person I looked up to in this world and guess what happened? one night he was found in a lake apparently he drowned……for most of his life he fought with fire yet it was water that killed him too much irony makes you sick……this next part is important so listen carefully when the dead decided to take over I was captured and raped in my own apartment by a bunch of thugs they kept me there for days doing the same thing over and over again, but one day when they had their guard down and with little strength that I had left, I took a cigarette from one of their pockets and caused a fire…..you know I burned the whole building to the ground including them and with strange luck I survived, you see what this means? fire is my guardian angel and it always has been……I managed to burn three other groups before I met some of Konni’s people” Zara said in an insanely yet calculating manner.
“You’re one crazy bitch” Marcin muttered in shock and couldn’t believe the kind of situation he found himself in.
“It’s hard not to be after things I went through” She mocks.
“You use fire to kill both good and bad people, but why?” Marcin questions.
“My guardian needs the best of both worlds, fire is what keeps it alive and….it keeps me alive” Zara sniggers.
“You’re insane! why explain everything if you can just simply kill us?” Marcin said anxiously squirming his hands trying to free himself.
“Because I’m going to give you a choice just like you decided not to help me when Konni held us—“ She said calmly.
“What? how was I suppose to help?!” Marcin objected.
“Shut the hell up! you said enough and nearly got me killed” Zara shouted furiously. “One of you is going to die a very slow and heated death, you get choose who dies and don’t try to stay silent because then I’ll decide for myself” Zara warns him roughly.
No, I missed the last voting But I would have choosed to save Brent of course. Also, RIP Austin.
[Stay silent]
Zara is totally insane and Im already starting to hate her. And I will not play her game. She is going to choose anyway, there is no need to give her fun by following her wishes.
Konni made a difficult decision and chose to move everyone to the basement. Sergio promptly carried little Yolanda, Polly went over to the o… morether room and carried a small three year old boy named Wilson. Gareth insisted on diverting the herd, but Konni persuaded him that it was too dangerous. The dead started piling up over the wall, however before Konni barricaded the front door she took a glance and pondered about the uncertainty of what was ahead, nothing was certain these days. Feeling safe puts your guard down and makes you an easier target, she hoped the walls were sturdy enough to keep the dead out. Gareth and Brian helped her move furniture to block the doors and later head down to the basement.
“How is she?” Konni asked Sergio.
“Better I gave her some painkillers for now, but if the pain comes back I’m going to need to operate” Sergio replied anxiously.
“We’ll head in to town once everything cools down” Konni muttered.
“Ar… [view original content]
God damn it, that was scary! I never liked Zara and now I know why I had this antipathy against her. She's fucking nuts! Like, Konni looks sane compared to her, and Konni is definitely anything but sane. I currently have the problem that, while I obviously hate Zara for being a psychopath with a psychopath reason, I still don't like Konni any better. She's crazy as well. Not completely nuts, but crazy as well and that makes her unfit to lead. I'm liking neither and I only root for our guys to get out of there. For this choice, I agree with janitor, playing her game is something I refuse to do. Also, there is the thing that if we stay silent, Marcin and Stanislaw will both have an additional few moments until she made her decision. Anything can happen in these moments. Might be a long shot, but it is worth a try in this situation.
Konni made a difficult decision and chose to move everyone to the basement. Sergio promptly carried little Yolanda, Polly went over to the o… morether room and carried a small three year old boy named Wilson. Gareth insisted on diverting the herd, but Konni persuaded him that it was too dangerous. The dead started piling up over the wall, however before Konni barricaded the front door she took a glance and pondered about the uncertainty of what was ahead, nothing was certain these days. Feeling safe puts your guard down and makes you an easier target, she hoped the walls were sturdy enough to keep the dead out. Gareth and Brian helped her move furniture to block the doors and later head down to the basement.
“How is she?” Konni asked Sergio.
“Better I gave her some painkillers for now, but if the pain comes back I’m going to need to operate” Sergio replied anxiously.
“We’ll head in to town once everything cools down” Konni muttered.
“Ar… [view original content]
Konni made a difficult decision and chose to move everyone to the basement. Sergio promptly carried little Yolanda, Polly went over to the o… morether room and carried a small three year old boy named Wilson. Gareth insisted on diverting the herd, but Konni persuaded him that it was too dangerous. The dead started piling up over the wall, however before Konni barricaded the front door she took a glance and pondered about the uncertainty of what was ahead, nothing was certain these days. Feeling safe puts your guard down and makes you an easier target, she hoped the walls were sturdy enough to keep the dead out. Gareth and Brian helped her move furniture to block the doors and later head down to the basement.
“How is she?” Konni asked Sergio.
“Better I gave her some painkillers for now, but if the pain comes back I’m going to need to operate” Sergio replied anxiously.
“We’ll head in to town once everything cools down” Konni muttered.
“Ar… [view original content]
Konni made a difficult decision and chose to move everyone to the basement. Sergio promptly carried little Yolanda, Polly went over to the o… morether room and carried a small three year old boy named Wilson. Gareth insisted on diverting the herd, but Konni persuaded him that it was too dangerous. The dead started piling up over the wall, however before Konni barricaded the front door she took a glance and pondered about the uncertainty of what was ahead, nothing was certain these days. Feeling safe puts your guard down and makes you an easier target, she hoped the walls were sturdy enough to keep the dead out. Gareth and Brian helped her move furniture to block the doors and later head down to the basement.
“How is she?” Konni asked Sergio.
“Better I gave her some painkillers for now, but if the pain comes back I’m going to need to operate” Sergio replied anxiously.
“We’ll head in to town once everything cools down” Konni muttered.
“Ar… [view original content]
Duke wasn’t going to allow to let another member die, losing Austin awakened the painful memory of his son getting devoured by walkers in the early days of the outbreak. He dived into the water with no hesitation, while James handled the cover fire. Willy wanted to help, but Anselm told him to hide below deck, the enemy boat was fast approaching and there was no sign of Duke or Brent “We have to go James!” Anselm called out while turning the engine back on.
“We’re not leaving them!” James shouted out and kept firing. In the mist he noticed that he had shot one of the attackers this encouraged him to keep on shooting, while calling out for Duke and Brent.
“They’re gone” Anselm said in a matter of fact tone and jetted out of there. In anger James tried to take over the wheel and turn the boat around, the coastline was now visible and once they realised they crashed the boat over the beach.
A few moments earlier the Elberta group were ready to abandon their little outpost and set out for Glen Arbor. Emmet and Wesley tried to get the only truck working, while the rest started gathering all the supplies. “You feeling better?” Skylar nodded at Florence.
“As better as it can get, yeah” She replied unsurely.
“I just want you to know it wasn’t your fault okay?” She smiled at her.
“Thanks Sky” Florence sighed.
“Lets get ready to head out” Skylar smirked thinly.
“Are you sure this truck worked earlier on?” Wesley winced.
“Of course it did, why’d you ask?” Emmet frowned.
“It just seems a bit silly only relying on one vehicle, I figured you guys arrived with at least two seeing how much supplies you stocked” Wesley remarked casually.
“It took us a while to get all this stuff here….you can’t seem to imagine how hard it is to find cars with working batteries and that have some gas left in them these days, with all the cold closing in…..it’s only gonna get tougher” Emmet said worriedly.
“Yeah guess you could say that, we’ve been travelling on foot for quite some time I almost forgot how sitting in a car feels like, it was always something when we tried to get one running, fortunately for us we never really had to deal with ‘people’ attacking us now it’s been twice in what? four days, I’m just trying not to think what’s on the horizon, I’m not afraid for myself but for them they’re all too young for such hardship, it’s going to be a miracle to survive the winter” Wesley muttered in a defeated tone.
“It will be better once we get to Glen Arbor and you know what for an Australian you really are pessimistic on this one” Emmet chuckled.
“Heh….hmm….I wasn’t all this way I guess this….new way of life is changing me” Wesley smiled thinly.
“We’re all going through change, in doing such….horrible things to stay alive, to protect ourselves we gotta keep our heads if you know what I mean…..okay try it out” Emmet murmured while fixing something under the hood.
The engine kicked in “I don’t know what you did, but it seems to be working” Wesley smiled.
“For an old fool I still got some tricks” Emmet said cheeringly.
Miles away back in Glen Arbor Rory felt unease about his brother sneaking out of the settlement. He decided to tell his mother, but the sudden commotion outside caused her to check it out before he got a chance to tell her. Most of the community gathered to watch the black smoke coming from the coastline “That doesn’t look good” Fred muttered worriedly.
“It looks to be near the beach, it could be James and the others” Orla pointed out.
“Mom I need to tell you something” Rory persisted.
“What is it? honey you’ve been acting really strange, tell me what’s wrong?” Laura centred her attention on Rory.
“Ryan…..he….he snuck out” Rory stuttered.
“What are you saying?” Laura narrowed her eyes.
“There’s this loose plank in the wall behind the food storage and…..he—“ Rory explained.
“Oh my God no!” Her eyes opened widely and urgently approached Amita telling her about Ryan’s disappearance. She cried and pleaded to send out a search party, yet some other members also considered on checking out the smoke too. Ryan couldn’t have gone far so looking for him was priority, but Amita deep down felt that James might be needing help if that smoke was something to do with their boat.
“Look it’s too risky sending out a large party just to check the smoke out, I can go do that, but right now finding Ryan is important” Orla interjected seeing that Amita was unsure on what to decide.
“She’s right, we can’t just sit here and wonder what’s going on, Fabiana will manage the search party for Ryan while I’ll travel with Orla to see what’s up by the coastline” Fred suggested strongly.
[Agree to sending them out to inspect the smoke]
[Disagree and send a larger search party for Ryan]
In the junkyard Marcin was facing a difficult decision regarding his own life and Stan’s “You’re gonna kill us anyway so you can go fuck yourself” he muttered under his nose and squirmed.
“Seeing that Stan is already prepared it’s a shame to see all that effort go to waste, wakey wakey” She teased.
“Wha-What’s…..fuck….fuck is this! Marcin!” He regained consciousness and squirmed in the trap he was held.
“Marcin has decided that you should die instead of him” She taunted.
“That’s not fucking true Stan! it ain’t true! don’t—“ Marcin gasped desperately.
“Let us go!” Stan frowned at the smell of gasoline.
“It’s getting a little loud with you two, Marcin say goodbye to your pal” Zara stopped wasting time and lit him up. Stan cried out agonisingly as he went up in fire, Marcin sobbed and couldn’t watch the slow and gruesome death. Zara watched the flames run with awe and felt embraced by her belief in the power of fire. The short minutes felt like hours of unstoppable screaming, once it was over Zara turned around and approached Marcin who was lying with his face buried down in tears “He had some strong energy, now he’s in a better place” She said while taking a deep breath.
“Fuck you! fuck you!” Marcin yelled in despair.
“Don’t worry I’ll have the privilege to watch you transform….you and Stan will be one” Zara said solemnly and grabbed a canister from behind a wrecked vehicle.
If I have understood this choice correctly, and correct me if I'm wrong here, then that way they can check out the smoke and still search for Ryan with a smaller party, which I think is the best option. A larger search party has not necessarily better chances to find Ryan in my opinion, not as long as they don't split up. Meanwhile, the smoke most likely comes from the crashed boat, which means they need help, probably quickly. Something is burning there and if they are wounded or unconscious or both, the fire could easily kill them.
Great chapter! So much stuff happened in the final part, that was crazy! I don't think Brent and Duke are both dead, but it's quite possible one of them won't make it. If I had to guess, I'd say Duke is going to sacrifice his life to save Brent. And well, then there's Stan. Poor guy, I liked him. And fuck Zara! She probably should be my least favourite character right now, but alas, she's not even among the top three of my least favourites as long as Zack, Herman and especially a certain bitch are still alive. I'd say she's currently at the same low level as Liam and Emma, perhaps with even smaller chances for redemption. Or, considering her mental state, none at all. I'm worried for Marcin, maybe Ryan or the search party manage to stumble upon him, but it looks really grim for him. Never thought Sergio would actually turn out to be the safest of the three XD
And now I'm super excited for the next chapter! After all, it features the group that was formerly my favourite. Despite what happened, it still includes the characters I care for the most. And most importantly, the bitch whose name I refuse to write down is finally going to leave the list of introduced characters. She should have never been part of that list or the story in the first place and I hope her end will be way more painful than it sounded at the end of the last chapter. The same applies for Herman and the bastard that crawled out of her at the end of the chapter. Katie must be avenged at last. Then there's Liam, whom I'm keeping at least the slightest bit of an open mind towards, as the preview hinted at him trying to become less obnoxious again. I doubt he's going to succeed, but maybe there's still hope for him and that makes him one of the things I look forward for. Of course there's also Brad and Rachel (still super pumped for their scene from the teaser) as well as Devyn. These three are the group members that still matter, so I'm really looking forward to see them again. It has been a far too long time without them and the next chapter can't start soon enough
By the way, now that the chapter is over, I have two questions.
First, what would have happened if Marcin and Stan would have remained at Crazy-Konni's camp?
And second, what would have happened if they would have supported Zara during their meeting with Konni?
Duke wasn’t going to allow to let another member die, losing Austin awakened the painful memory of his son getting devoured by walkers in th… moree early days of the outbreak. He dived into the water with no hesitation, while James handled the cover fire. Willy wanted to help, but Anselm told him to hide below deck, the enemy boat was fast approaching and there was no sign of Duke or Brent “We have to go James!” Anselm called out while turning the engine back on.
“We’re not leaving them!” James shouted out and kept firing. In the mist he noticed that he had shot one of the attackers this encouraged him to keep on shooting, while calling out for Duke and Brent.
“They’re gone” Anselm said in a matter of fact tone and jetted out of there. In anger James tried to take over the wheel and turn the boat around, the coastline was now visible and once they realised they crashed the boat over the beach.
A few moments earlier the Elberta group were… [view original content]
I think they should send a bigger group to inspect the fire, which seems more important to me now and also send a smaller group to search for Ryan, who is getting on my nerves by being so reckless all the time. :P
Amazing chapter, I´m looking forward to new parts. )
Duke wasn’t going to allow to let another member die, losing Austin awakened the painful memory of his son getting devoured by walkers in th… moree early days of the outbreak. He dived into the water with no hesitation, while James handled the cover fire. Willy wanted to help, but Anselm told him to hide below deck, the enemy boat was fast approaching and there was no sign of Duke or Brent “We have to go James!” Anselm called out while turning the engine back on.
“We’re not leaving them!” James shouted out and kept firing. In the mist he noticed that he had shot one of the attackers this encouraged him to keep on shooting, while calling out for Duke and Brent.
“They’re gone” Anselm said in a matter of fact tone and jetted out of there. In anger James tried to take over the wheel and turn the boat around, the coastline was now visible and once they realised they crashed the boat over the beach.
A few moments earlier the Elberta group were… [view original content]
Duke wasn’t going to allow to let another member die, losing Austin awakened the painful memory of his son getting devoured by walkers in th… moree early days of the outbreak. He dived into the water with no hesitation, while James handled the cover fire. Willy wanted to help, but Anselm told him to hide below deck, the enemy boat was fast approaching and there was no sign of Duke or Brent “We have to go James!” Anselm called out while turning the engine back on.
“We’re not leaving them!” James shouted out and kept firing. In the mist he noticed that he had shot one of the attackers this encouraged him to keep on shooting, while calling out for Duke and Brent.
“They’re gone” Anselm said in a matter of fact tone and jetted out of there. In anger James tried to take over the wheel and turn the boat around, the coastline was now visible and once they realised they crashed the boat over the beach.
A few moments earlier the Elberta group were… [view original content]
By choosing to inspect the smoke the two search parties are balanced out instead of just simply ignoring and sending out a double team to search for Ryan. I can't or shouldn't answer the first question because of spoilers xD however staying at the camp would've kept Marcin and Stan alive for longer. As for the second question it involved a major choice, choosing to support loony Zara would've been more beneficial for both Marcin and Stan later on in the storyline.
[Agree to sending them out to inspect the smoke]
If I have understood this choice correctly, and correct me if I'm wrong here, then that … moreway they can check out the smoke and still search for Ryan with a smaller party, which I think is the best option. A larger search party has not necessarily better chances to find Ryan in my opinion, not as long as they don't split up. Meanwhile, the smoke most likely comes from the crashed boat, which means they need help, probably quickly. Something is burning there and if they are wounded or unconscious or both, the fire could easily kill them.
Great chapter! So much stuff happened in the final part, that was crazy! I don't think Brent and Duke are both dead, but it's quite possible one of them won't make it. If I had to guess, I'd say Duke is going to sacrifice his life to save Brent. And well, then there's Stan. Poor guy, I liked him. And fuck Zara! She probably should be my least favourite charac… [view original content]
Awesome first Chapter for Season 2! I am so excited for the future chapters, this story keeps getting better and better! The wait is the only thing that is not so cool but the result is always worth it
[Agree to sending them out to inspect the smoke]
Ryan needs help but the people on the boat need the help too and I like them a lot more than Ryan, who annoys me with his behavior. Wouldnt be so sad for him but I dont want James and Willy to die.
Duke wasn’t going to allow to let another member die, losing Austin awakened the painful memory of his son getting devoured by walkers in th… moree early days of the outbreak. He dived into the water with no hesitation, while James handled the cover fire. Willy wanted to help, but Anselm told him to hide below deck, the enemy boat was fast approaching and there was no sign of Duke or Brent “We have to go James!” Anselm called out while turning the engine back on.
“We’re not leaving them!” James shouted out and kept firing. In the mist he noticed that he had shot one of the attackers this encouraged him to keep on shooting, while calling out for Duke and Brent.
“They’re gone” Anselm said in a matter of fact tone and jetted out of there. In anger James tried to take over the wheel and turn the boat around, the coastline was now visible and once they realised they crashed the boat over the beach.
A few moments earlier the Elberta group were… [view original content]
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6: All That’s Left Chapter 2: Strength That Binds
Watching Samantha die left a bad taste for Bradley. In the end she passed away peacefully something that she didn’t deserve everybody in the other room heard her last words finally revealing her true colours. The feeling of guilt and shame swept Liam, after all he argued and placed Samantha before everybody else made him sick and forced him to step out. Rachel wanted to comfort Brad, but before that Samantha managed to reanimate. Bradley took the liberty to end her once and for all the first blow fractured her skull and an eye popped out. Everyone in the other room flinched at the squelching sound including Rachel. Brad had a horrified and angry expression he couldn’t believe what was happening or that he was capable of acting out like this. Now he managed to finally release his anger allowing to repeatedly and brutally smash Samantha’s head to a mangle. All that was left was a mass of broken bones, smashed brains, and a pool of blood. Rachel was afraid of how this affected Brad, but she knew that it had to be done. She approached him slowly and gently touched his shoulder, he turns around spattered in Sam’s blood everyone looked at him with fear. He lowered his face, dropped the blooded weapon and sat in the corner of the room in a somewhat catatonic state. Rachel joined him “I’m glad you did what you did” she said reassuringly.
“Really? everyone seemed stared at me like I was some sort of freak or a monster, can’t blame them though” Bradley murmured softly.
“It was something you had let out, get it out of your system and to be honest I think I would’ve done the same” Rachel replied in comfort.
“Even in front of Nicholas?” Bradley raised his eyebrows worriedly.
“I hope I won’t ever have to” Rachel replied in a defeated voice.
“Where to we go for him for here?” Bradley muttered indifferently.
“We look for the others and once again find a safe place for all of us, there’s no other way we have to keep going” Rachel said toughly yet optimistically as she grabbed him by the shoulders. He nods gently and sinks his head into her arms as she softly hugs him.
“Are you okay?” Boniek remarked urgently as he noticed Liam throwing up outside the dilapidated house.
“Yeah…..I’m fine now” Liam mumbled as he wiped his mouth.
Devyn rushed into the house, but the smell of a rotting corpse forced her to cover her nose. “Fuck, what the hell happened here?” Boniek winced and shrugged. “Isn’t it obvious” Rachel replied harshly and rhetorically. Emma tried to calm the newborn as it was crying immensely “We can’t stay here now” Viola interjected seeing that Boniek was carrying some wood to build a fire. “I need some air” Bradley grunted indifferently as he headed for the door. Outside he rested on the porch and sighed deeply before noticing Liam sitting beside. He glanced at Liam coldly “Go on say what you have to say”.
“I can’t believe what I just heard......being so wrong...so blind....hell I can’t stand myself right now, believing that she was someone good that needed our help....my help.....I feel like shit for not taking your side, you lost someone close to you and I wasn’t helping by giving you shit” Liam sighed painfully.
“We can keep on dwelling on what just happened today or we can move and start looking out for each other again, ever since we first met the thing that kept us together was trust and a common goal to keep us all safe, I don’t blame you for taking her side, you had your reasons, seeing that you lost your mother…..but if circumstances were different and Sam manage to kill anyone else, then I…don’t think I would be so forgiving towards you” Bradley said toughly.
“I thought that she was going to become a mom, so she wouldn’t be capable into doing so much evil” Liam stuttered and sank his head.
“Sometimes it’s hard to read people, maybe you’ll learn that someday” Bradley sighed.
“Are we gonna stay here?……and what’s going to happen to the baby?” Liam asked morosely.
“No, we keep moving maybe there’s a chance in finding the others, as for the baby I don’t think it’s going to make it and to be honest…..I don’t really care” Bradley replied firmly.
Once Boniek entered to find Mi-Cha everyone in the room were distorted about what happened to Samantha or what is going to happen now “You okay?” he gestured.
“I’m fine, when are we going to move out?” She gestured with a worried face.
“I don’t know, where would we even go?” He gestured hopelessly.
“Wait I show—“ She gestured urgently and quickly started looking for something in her backpack. “Where did you get this?” Boniek frowned and smiled as he grabbed a map.
“It was in the motel” She gestured happily.
“You did good Mi-Cha, I’m proud of you” Boniek gestured slowly before she hugged him briefly.
“Are we clear back there?!” Zack yelled anxiously.
“Yeah we lost’em just keep going” Howard called out.
“I think I saw Winston and Katie back there….Christ, thinking that we’re all gonna end up like them makes everything seem bleaker” Cody sighed.
“She almost took a bite out of my arm, if only there was more time….God” Zack muttered sullenly.
“It wasn’t them anymore, they’re gone, no pointing beating yourself over it Zack” Howard tried to reassure him.
“Still I feel bad for leaving them the way we did” Zack muttered painfully.
“Can’t we just stop here for a moment?” Emily sounded edgy.
“Why? for what?” Zack frowned.
“I’m feeling sick” Emily winced.
Zack instantly stopped the car as Emily leaped out “What a fucking day” Howard muttered tiresomely.
“Where do we even start looking for the others did anyone see where they’d split?” Zack gasped.
“I think I saw Emma run in that direction” Cody mumbled after looking around.
“We need to find them anyway they could be in trouble—” Howard clenched his teeth trying to endure the pain from his leg.
“Feeling better?” Cody nodded at Emily.
“Not one bit” Emily gasped while catching her breath and getting back in the car.
Zack was focused on something ahead “Why aren’t we going? we can’t stay here!” Emily persisted.
“Look at that over there….it looks like a big house” Zack pointed.
“Finally things are looking up for a change” Howard stood up lethargically and remarked while gazing at a wide spread mansion.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, it could be overrun or worse, dangerous people might live there” Zack remarked thoughtfully.
“It still could be a good place to relax for a bit” Cody insisted.
“Let it be safe” Zack mumbled to himself as he accelerated towards the property.
“So how are we gonna approach this? I mean Zack’s right it could be overrun” Cody looked at Howard.
“We’ll obviously go through the front door no point playing being stealth and all, if the dead are in control they’ll show up anyway—” Emily said in babbling voice.
[“First we should check the grounds outside”]
[“Emily’s right, we start from the front and work our way up”]
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6: All That’s Left Chapter 2: Strength That Binds
Watching Samantha die left a bad taste for Bradley. I… moren the end she passed away peacefully something that she didn’t deserve everybody in the other room heard her last words finally revealing her true colours. The feeling of guilt and shame swept Liam, after all he argued and placed Samantha before everybody else made him sick and forced him to step out. Rachel wanted to comfort Brad, but before that Samantha managed to reanimate. Bradley took the liberty to end her once and for all the first blow fractured her skull and an eye popped out. Everyone in the other room flinched at the squelching sound including Rachel. Brad had a horrified and angry expression he couldn’t believe what was happening or that he was capable of acting out like this. Now he managed to finally release his anger allowing to repeatedly and brutally smash Samantha’s head to a mangle. Al… [view original content]
[“Emily’s right, we start from the front and work our way up”]
This sounds like the most dangerous choice by far. Any choice that is dangerous for Zack is a choice that is good for... well, every other character. Seriously, can't he just die? It's his fault my dear Katie is probably never going to be put to rest and for that, I'm done with him and I hope he's going to die soon and in agony. Literally every other group member that died would have deserved it more than him to live that far.
Anyways, it's a shame that the bitch got a peaceful death. She deserved so much worse. Actually, the last thing she should have seen in life should have been her worthless whelp being killed in front of her. Speaking of that thing, it is the last thing related to the bitch and for that, it must die, period. Every trace of her existence, every family member, every friend, everyone she ever exchanged a friendly word with must die. It'll be as if she never lived, which is good. Just like that little bastard Herman, the whelp is responsible for Katie's death and therefore I will try whatever I can to get see them both dead. I won't be satisfied until someone gets the painful death the bitch and her brother never got to feel. There is also that other bitch, the last remaining of the cannibals, who should just be erased from the story. I won't bother with her name from now on, but I think it was Hannah? Yeah, another bad character that should have never been submitted in the first place, like her entire group of one-dimensionally cartoonish ghouls and Herman. They were atrocious and if they wouldn't have done such a terrible thing, I would just pretend they never existed.
Other than this frustratingly painless death, I actually enjoyed this part! Looks like the storyline finally moves on from the unnecessary mess that was Episode 5 Chapter 4. Loved the Brad/Rachel interaction here, if there is anyone that can pull him out of his current state, it's going to be her. She's one of the few characters in the group I haven't despised by the end of their last chapter, so it's nice to see that she's still on Brad's side. I also surprisingly liked the talk with Liam, even though I am still unwilling to forgive him that quickly. I think he got away far too easily, considering that he was one of the main antagonists in the last chapter with all his callous supporting of the bitch that murdered Katie. At least he realized what a piece of shit he is. Not sure if he even can redeem himself, but there are worse ways of trying it. I'm still very much against Emma and perhaps against Cecelia as well, but Liam at least tries to make up for being the worst human being alive in the last chapter.
By the way, completely unrelated to the chapter, I'm sure you have realized that with the new forum update you are currently unable to update the main post of the story. Until it is fixed, you can use this link here: https://telltale.com/community/post/editdiscussion/73292/ This link will only work for you, as the creator of this thread and it will directly take you to the site where you can edit the main post. You can thank me by completely deleting the name Samantha Harper from the character list Don't even put her in the deceased list. Just erase her. I know, I know, that probably won't happen, but a man can dream, right?
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6: All That’s Left Chapter 2: Strength That Binds
Watching Samantha die left a bad taste for Bradley. I… moren the end she passed away peacefully something that she didn’t deserve everybody in the other room heard her last words finally revealing her true colours. The feeling of guilt and shame swept Liam, after all he argued and placed Samantha before everybody else made him sick and forced him to step out. Rachel wanted to comfort Brad, but before that Samantha managed to reanimate. Bradley took the liberty to end her once and for all the first blow fractured her skull and an eye popped out. Everyone in the other room flinched at the squelching sound including Rachel. Brad had a horrified and angry expression he couldn’t believe what was happening or that he was capable of acting out like this. Now he managed to finally release his anger allowing to repeatedly and brutally smash Samantha’s head to a mangle. Al… [view original content]
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6: All That’s Left Chapter 2: Strength That Binds
Watching Samantha die left a bad taste for Bradley. I… moren the end she passed away peacefully something that she didn’t deserve everybody in the other room heard her last words finally revealing her true colours. The feeling of guilt and shame swept Liam, after all he argued and placed Samantha before everybody else made him sick and forced him to step out. Rachel wanted to comfort Brad, but before that Samantha managed to reanimate. Bradley took the liberty to end her once and for all the first blow fractured her skull and an eye popped out. Everyone in the other room flinched at the squelching sound including Rachel. Brad had a horrified and angry expression he couldn’t believe what was happening or that he was capable of acting out like this. Now he managed to finally release his anger allowing to repeatedly and brutally smash Samantha’s head to a mangle. Al… [view original content]
I noticed the editing bug and got in touch with telltale support and got a reply about them fixing the issue, big thanks for the link btw now everything's updated to the current chapter.
[“Emily’s right, we start from the front and work our way up”]
This sounds like the most dangerous choice by far. Any choice that is dang… moreerous for Zack is a choice that is good for... well, every other character. Seriously, can't he just die? It's his fault my dear Katie is probably never going to be put to rest and for that, I'm done with him and I hope he's going to die soon and in agony. Literally every other group member that died would have deserved it more than him to live that far.
Anyways, it's a shame that the bitch got a peaceful death. She deserved so much worse. Actually, the last thing she should have seen in life should have been her worthless whelp being killed in front of her. Speaking of that thing, it is the last thing related to the bitch and for that, it must die, period. Every trace of her existence, every family member, every friend, everyone she ever exchanged a friendly word with must die. It'll be as if she neve… [view original content]
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6: All That’s Left Chapter 2: Strength That Binds
Watching Samantha die left a bad taste for Bradley. I… moren the end she passed away peacefully something that she didn’t deserve everybody in the other room heard her last words finally revealing her true colours. The feeling of guilt and shame swept Liam, after all he argued and placed Samantha before everybody else made him sick and forced him to step out. Rachel wanted to comfort Brad, but before that Samantha managed to reanimate. Bradley took the liberty to end her once and for all the first blow fractured her skull and an eye popped out. Everyone in the other room flinched at the squelching sound including Rachel. Brad had a horrified and angry expression he couldn’t believe what was happening or that he was capable of acting out like this. Now he managed to finally release his anger allowing to repeatedly and brutally smash Samantha’s head to a mangle. Al… [view original content]
“You think the others are okay?” Sarah asked while leaning against a tree.
“I try to be an optimist and think that most of them made it somehow” Jean muttered.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I got a weird feeling like someone’s watching us” Blake changed the subject and sounded unease.
“I got the same feeling ever since we left that house, though I never liked being out in the open especially at night” Amanda remarked worriedly.
“Nowadays anything can make you paranoid” Jean muttered sullenly while trying to keep his hands warm.
“For a whole day? if someone were following us, they’d showed themselves by now….right?” Sarah choked.
“Lets just try and relax for a bit it’s been a long day” Blake replied positively.
“I hate how things turned out, us losing everything including ourselves” Sarah sighed.
“What do you mean ‘including ourselves’?” Blake frowned.
“Losing our group felt like losing a part ourselves, because we all worked well together and now it’s all….broken” Sarah replied remorsefully.
“It turned out the way it did Sarah we can’t keep dwelling on it” Amanda cuddled her after a brief moment of silence.
“Tomorrow I’ve got a feeling we’ll find someone” Jean said optimistically.
“How are you holding up? how’s the head?” Blake glanced at Jean as they all rested by the campfire.
“A bit soar, but apart from that I’m just happy to be alive” Jean smirked.
“That’s the spirit” Blake chuckled softly.
“Who’s taking first watch?” Amanda interjected seriously and firmly.
“Er..the person that doesn’t feel like sleeping which obviously is…Blake” Jean joked.
“I’m up for it” Blake said confidently and then chuckled.
“I can keep you company but with these painkillers I dunno for how long” Jean laughed.
“Good to see getting you sense of humour back” Amanda remarked with a sneer as she turned over and tried to get some shut eye.
Moments later out of boredom Blake started fiddling with his automatic pistol and practiced his aim even though he run out of bullets this caught Jean’s attention who he thought had dozed off “You can knock that ‘dead-eye’ moves of yours now” Jean chuckled softly.
“Thought you were asleep” Blake muttered and hid the pistol in the back of his pants.
“I was…I think, anyway the usual pacing in my head doesn’t let me sleep for too long” Jean grunted.
“That sucks man” Blake nodded.
“What a way to get shot hey? straight in the head—“ Jean said ironically.
“And survived, some serious luck was on your side that day” Blake sniggered.
“My theory is that I was suppose to survive for a reason” Jean said solemnly and in a jokingly manner.
“Heh yeah and reason is that?” Blake chuckled softly.
“To do what I can to keep you guys safe” Jean smiled.
“Pff please man don’t embarrass yourself” Blake laughed softly.
“It’s working ain’t it? we’re alive, we’ve got some food left don’t we?” Jean sniggered.
“Heh, I guess it is” Blake sniggered softly.
“Now I’m gonna try and get some more sleep stay frosty Blake….Oh….and what did you think about when Sarah said that our group is kinda broken?” Jean yawned.
“In many ways she was right and besides its not like I lived my life any other way” Blake muttered.
“Say what? what do you mean?” Jean frowned.
“All I’m saying is my whole life was broken even before the outbreak its not like things are different now” Blake shrugged.
“What happened?” Jean asked hesitantly.
“Nothing good, I don’t wanna talk about it” Blake said firmly and evasively.
“It’s cool I get it….hmmph…if you want to know what I think about everything….no matter how much shit we take….and expect to lose every now and then the thing that’ll keep us going is sticking together, going at it alone might be safer at times of course, but what’s the point then?…..I mean I would go crazy for not having someone to talk to…..g’night man” Jean said thoughtfully as his head stopped throbbing.
Blake laid the pistol at arms reach pretending that it was still loaded and stared into the flames with only his thoughts to company him. There was something soothing and at the same time sorrowing while watching the fire burn. He still thought about Carmen, the only person that made sense in his life, she was the single reason why life wasn’t broken. It’s been a rough couple of days, the flames also allowed him to relax a bit and with the peaceful silence around made him slowly drift to sleep. After a cracking sound Blake instantly woke up and quickly jumped to scan the area, it must’ve been a branch he thought for a moment. However the rustling by a nearby bush forced him to jump to his feet and pulled out his knife in one hand and aimed the gun in the other while he approached. “I can see you, get out here slowly” Blake ordered after noticing a head hiding behind the bush.
“I’m coming out” a rough female voice came out. The first thing struck him was her wavy honey-brown hair at shoulder length, although her grey eyes did look quite intimidating. Her face was oval with full lips and she wasn’t tall. All she had on herself was many shiny bracelets on her right arm and wore a dirty white tank top with ragged ranch blue jeans.
“Hands where I can see’em, were you following us?” Blake asked loudly and promptly for the others to hear him.
“Yes I did follow you but only—“ The woman explained stoically.
“Shut up!” Blake gasped in a controlled voice before Amanda appeared.
“Who the hell are you?” Amanda pointed her weapon.
“I’m Gina, all those food supplies belonged to me before you decided to just simply take them from my house” She said calmly but with an aiming expression.
“That was your house?” Amanda muttered and sounded confused.
“So you came here to kill us and claim what’s yours back right?” Blake chuckled softly.
“No, if I wanted to kill you, you’d already be dead” Gina said firmly.
“Oh really? so why all the hiding, what is it do you want?” Blake persisted roughly.
“Just wanted to see what kinda of people you were, how you interacted with each other, I’ve been in that house since the start and believe me it ain’t fun being all by yourself especially for this long, I let a group of people in and they nearly killed me so I took a different approach with you….I’m willing to share my supplies but we have to go back to the house and I know you’re searching for your friends which I obviously overheard, you guys have been walking in circles through this countryside the whole day, you clearly have no idea where you’re going—” Gina continued.
“No way lady! we saw what you kept in that basement” Amanda objected.
“What Richard? please that was my abusive boyfriend I actually stabbed him in self-defence right on the day shit hit the fan—“ Gina laughed softly.
“Bullshit, you tortured him in a fucking cage” Blake replied coldly.
“The bastard reanimated I almost died putting him there, listen it’s a fucking cold tonight do you mind if I sit by the fire if you don’t wanna come with me fine I don’t give a shit, but looking and those other two I kinda felt sorry for them” Gina lowered her hands and made a step forward.
“Not one step!” Blake warned her.
“You do know I heard you talk about your empty gun” She smiled cheekily.
“But my one is still loaded” Amanda cocked her uzi.
“Keep pointing your gun at me but I’m going to sit by the fire” Gina shrugged and moved passed them.
“What are we gonna do?!” Blake whispered eagerly to Amanda.
“I don’t know but I don’t trust her” Amanda hissed.
“Oh man finally warm” Gina sat close to the flames.
“You must be Jean and Sarah, nice to meet you, name’s Gina” She nodded casually.
“What’s going on Mandi?” Sarah glanced at her aunt.
“Nothing to worry about Sweetie try to go back to sleep” Amanda tried to reassure her. “Not very smart coming here on your own” Amanda added.
“I have nothing to lose or hide, you don’t want my help fine I’ll leave in the morning and let you move on with whatever you got planned” Gina hugged her knees.
[Trust Gina and go back to her house at dawn]
[Refuse and keep searching for the others without Gina]
Now... I don't know if I am willing to trust another potentially crazy person, after the Zara situation. On the one hand, I do not trust Gina at all. I like Blake and Mandi, they are among the few group members where I can't even find a tiny reason to hate them, so I guess I still like them a lot. Therefore, unlike the choice for Zack's group, whom I'm trying to kill, I actually try to choose what is best for Blake's group. I want them to reunite with what is left of Brad's group and I think Gina might be an asset. I certainly won't go back to her house, though I won't outright leave her behind, considering that she might be very helpful. A part of me believes that a really dangerous person would have approached them differently. Zara tried to manipulate them, which Gina doesn't seem to do. Still, going back to her house sounds reckless and won't bring them further in their goal to find the rest of the group.
By the way, I just noticed something horrible in the character list. A certain character, whose name I refuse to say, but who is basically a mixture between a pregnant Charles Manson and a pregnant Hitler, who is as obnoxious as Justin Bieber and who has the personality of a flat tire and even less use is now in the character list twice I'm pretty sure you're able to figure out whom I am talking about. She is in the deceased list, where I am already barely able to tolerate her, but she is also still in the list of living characters, between Grace and some unnecessary cannibal person. Would be much obliged if you could at least delete her out of the list of living characters. Her presence is already cancer enough once, but she's even worse when she's in the list twice.
Also, as soon as private messages are fixed again, I gotta send you one regarding my third character, whom I had submitted a while ago. There's a question I have about her, though that has to wait until the PM stuff is fixed again.
“You think the others are okay?” Sarah asked while leaning against a tree.
“I try to be an optimist and think that most of them made it s… moreomehow” Jean muttered.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I got a weird feeling like someone’s watching us” Blake changed the subject and sounded unease.
“I got the same feeling ever since we left that house, though I never liked being out in the open especially at night” Amanda remarked worriedly.
“Nowadays anything can make you paranoid” Jean muttered sullenly while trying to keep his hands warm.
“For a whole day? if someone were following us, they’d showed themselves by now….right?” Sarah choked.
“Lets just try and relax for a bit it’s been a long day” Blake replied positively.
“I hate how things turned out, us losing everything including ourselves” Sarah sighed.
“What do you mean ‘including ourselves’?” Blake frowned.
“Losing our group felt like losing a part ourselves, because … [view original content]
[Ask for Gina’s help to find the rest]
Now... I don't know if I am willing to trust another potentially crazy person, after the Zara situ… moreation. On the one hand, I do not trust Gina at all. I like Blake and Mandi, they are among the few group members where I can't even find a tiny reason to hate them, so I guess I still like them a lot. Therefore, unlike the choice for Zack's group, whom I'm trying to kill, I actually try to choose what is best for Blake's group. I want them to reunite with what is left of Brad's group and I think Gina might be an asset. I certainly won't go back to her house, though I won't outright leave her behind, considering that she might be very helpful. A part of me believes that a really dangerous person would have approached them differently. Zara tried to manipulate them, which Gina doesn't seem to do. Still, going back to her house sounds reckless and won't bring them further in their goal to find the rest of th… [view original content]
Hehe, I could have just mentioned her name, but that would have meant a missed opportunity to insult her XD Thanks for fixing the list though, that really irked me And this is a good idea with the e-mail. I'm going to sleep now, since it is super late here, but I'll be sending you an e-mail tomorrow! It's nothing big I have to discuss though, more like a small request and probably not even a spoiler, but I guess it still can't hurt to speak about it in private.
“You think the others are okay?” Sarah asked while leaning against a tree.
“I try to be an optimist and think that most of them made it s… moreomehow” Jean muttered.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I got a weird feeling like someone’s watching us” Blake changed the subject and sounded unease.
“I got the same feeling ever since we left that house, though I never liked being out in the open especially at night” Amanda remarked worriedly.
“Nowadays anything can make you paranoid” Jean muttered sullenly while trying to keep his hands warm.
“For a whole day? if someone were following us, they’d showed themselves by now….right?” Sarah choked.
“Lets just try and relax for a bit it’s been a long day” Blake replied positively.
“I hate how things turned out, us losing everything including ourselves” Sarah sighed.
“What do you mean ‘including ourselves’?” Blake frowned.
“Losing our group felt like losing a part ourselves, because … [view original content]
“You think the others are okay?” Sarah asked while leaning against a tree.
“I try to be an optimist and think that most of them made it s… moreomehow” Jean muttered.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I got a weird feeling like someone’s watching us” Blake changed the subject and sounded unease.
“I got the same feeling ever since we left that house, though I never liked being out in the open especially at night” Amanda remarked worriedly.
“Nowadays anything can make you paranoid” Jean muttered sullenly while trying to keep his hands warm.
“For a whole day? if someone were following us, they’d showed themselves by now….right?” Sarah choked.
“Lets just try and relax for a bit it’s been a long day” Blake replied positively.
“I hate how things turned out, us losing everything including ourselves” Sarah sighed.
“What do you mean ‘including ourselves’?” Blake frowned.
“Losing our group felt like losing a part ourselves, because … [view original content]
“No, we always stay cautious, the best way is to find a discreet way in look for a window or backdoor so we sneak in, if there’s someone inside…..eh lets hope we’ll meet someone friendly for a change” Howard gasped tiresomely.
“I’m with Howard on this one” Cody nodded.
“Fine, let you boys have it your way, but I’m not going in there first no effing-way” Emily said promptly.
“I’d go if my leg wasn’t this busted” Howard grunted.
“Looks like it’s down to you and me Cody” Zack muttered.
“Yeah but first lets get a look at the place then we can worry on watching each others backs, right” Cody replied indifferently.
The team stopped not far from the front gate, the mansion was guarded by a tall brick wall on the other side of the gate there was a non-functioning water fountain. “That’s a big ass mansion some very rich people must’ve lived here” Cody remarked in awe.
“Maybe they still are, check if the gate’s locked I can’t see any chain around it, looks like the best way is to jump over the wall” Howard mentioned worriedly.
The mansion looked to have two-and-a-half stories, vast and symmetrical in feature giving it a dignified appearance, the roof was side-gabled and the porch was supported by classical columns. There were also elaborate pediments over the doors and windows as well as dentil molding and balustrades along the roof lines. Cody pushed and pulled the gate, but it was locked he slid aside and told Zack to boost him up over the wall. There appeared to be quite a lot of land around the mansion giving the impression of isolation but at the same time it felt safe having a wall blocking the rest of the world. The windows were situated too high to reach, one of them would have to grab onto a kerb to get there.
“No offence Zack, but I think I might be stronger to reach those windows” Cody chuckled softly.
“You won’t see me complaining, c’mon I’ll boost you” Zack grinned thinly. Cody managed to grab onto the kerb and slid towards the tall window “It won’t budge!” he clenched his teeth while using force to get it open.
“Can you see what’s inside?!” Zack called out. The window was placed mid-way on a staircase leading to the upper floor Cody could also catch a glance of the front door.
“Looks deserted man” Cody mumbled.
“Try breaking the window then” Zack suggested.
“I guess here goes nothing” Cody grumbled to himself and used the grip of his empty pistol to break the window, he waited a short moment just incase a walker would appear. “I’m going in” He nodded down to Zack. “I’ll be by the front” Zack called out.
The stairs were elegant and gracious, Cody pulled out his pocketknife and with caution scanned the area while stealthily approaching the front doors, the space by the entrance was baronial sending out a solemn atmosphere and a feeling of comfort. He unlocked the doors and let Zack in.
“Take this it’s empty though, but at least you’ll have a weapon” Cody sniggered softly.
“Yeah like bringing an empty gun to a gun fight, right?” Zack remarked sarcastically.
“Pray for that not happen” Cody hissed and moved forward to the living room which was situated at the back and the dining room was to the right with the kitchen in front.
“Cody, come check this out” Zack called out softly.
“Someone is definitely staying here” Cody remarked as he noticed dirty dishes in the sink and supplies stocked around the kitchen.
“Don’t turn around guys there’s a shotgun pointed at ya, not very nice coming in unannounced” A man revealed himself.
“We’re not here to cause trouble, we only wanted a safe place to stay” Cody said calmly with his hands up.
“That’s what everybody says these days, on your knees and toss your weapons” He replied indifferently.
Cody threw his pocketknife aside and Zack his pistol “My, my you came in here with a piss knife and an empty gun oh you must be desperate” he chuckled softly.
“Because we kinda are, we were attacked by bandits not long ago” Cody responded toughly.
“Bandits you say?…..did they mention anyone?” The man asked firmly.
“Like who?” Cody asked.
“Stop!” A woman’s voice called out as the man was ready to hit Cody.
“Does the name Brick Williams meaning anything to you?” She revealed herself looking to be in her early twenties and not too tall but slender. Her skin was very pale and her bone structure was very defined. Black long twin tails looked out of place on her oblong face, however her thin pink lips connected nicely with her chocolate brown eyes.
Cody and Zack glanced at each other “No, who is it?” Cody asked coldly.
“Someone who you don’t want to cross paths with, he likes to think he owns this territory and will stop at nothing in getting what he demands” The woman replied seriously.
“We have no idea who that is, you gotta believe us” Zack said softly.
“What do you think? is it a good idea to let them in?” The man grunted casually while holding the pump-action shotgun.
“Are you alone?” She approached them.
“Our whole group got separated after the attack but outside there are two more people waiting for us” Zack said nervously after a moment of pause.
“Zack what the fuck?! they’re gonna kill us anyway and you sold us out!” Cody gasped infuriated.
“What’s you name?” She focused on Cody.
“Does it matter?” He glared.
“I knew right from the start that you weren’t with Brick’s gang, my name is Celestia Van Der Linden and welcome to what used to be my home which is now called the Pantheon” She said firmly.
“Then all this was some sort of test?” Cody said coldly.
“Desmond here saw you guys coming, at first we weren’t sure if you were who you claimed you were, but once you showed up practically unarmed it was all to clear, you don’t have to worry about your friends outside Bobby will show them in, I wasn’t a good person before the outbreak but now I’m willing to help out any way I can, however don’t think I already trust you….you’ll be staying in that room across the hall under supervision—“ Celestia responded solemnly.
“So now we’re prisoners?!” Cody objected.
“No, you can move around on the ground floor but with one of us watching you for the time being or you can always leave the choice is yours, but since you’re here we all have a mutual enemy which is of course Brick Williams and his so called group of survivors ‘The Myriad’” Celestia said seriously.
“Our friends might need our help, we got separated close to some motel” Zack mentioned urgently.
“The closest motel is a couple of miles east from here, your people could be anywhere by now or dead for all we know” Desmond grunted softly.
Desmond Taylor looked to be a lot older and significantly taller than Celestia perhaps in his late twenties or early thirties and peaking at six feet height, he had warm hazel eyes and short wavy brown hair under his black beanie. Apart from his reserved demeanour he also had a unkempt bushy beard and a strange scar on his cheek.
“In a short while I’m going back out there to find them whether you help us or not” Cody sounded on edge.
“Hey found the other two!” Bobby entered the place leading Emily and Howard with a stubby shotgun.
Bobby Baxter appeared to be close to Celestia’s age, but was clearly a redneck and quite muscular. His dark hair was tied up into a small bun at the back of his head and also wore a beige military hat.
“C’mon move over there!” Bobby gasped coldly towards Howard and Emily.
“Don’t you’re a smartass because you’re the one holding the gun asshole” Emily had to give him a piece of her mind.
“Yeah yeah whatever pretty face” Bobby shrugged.
They were all placed by a long wooden table while Celestia, Bobby and Desmond gathered to consult. “Who are these people?” Emily hissed to Cody.
“Beats me, the girl is the leader because this is her house, she thought were part of a group called ‘The Myriad’ or something” Cody mumbled.
“Sounds like bullshit, they can say anything and claim it’s the truth” Emily disagreed.
“Well they haven’t killed us which they could’ve done already, I’m pretty sure we’d be defensive too if we were in there shoes, so lets just relax for now” Howard reassured.
“Once I rest up a bit I’m going to look for the others” Cody assured.
“Are you nuts!” Emily hissed angrily.
“I owe them this much and besides I really want to do this” Cody said decisively.
“You can count on me too buddy, we seem to be quite a team early on” Zack chuckled softly.
“Yeah we were hardly expandable” Cody joked.
“They don’t look like much” Bobby whispered to Celestia.
“Yeah so do we, I believe them but going out there might be too risky not too mention we got no clue where to search apart from the motel” Celestia considered the options.
“I said it once already before, every time we risk our lives the people we try to save always end up dead either from walkers or by that fucker Brick like last time” Desmond said negatively.
“You already know where I stand with strangers, but if you decide that one of us should help, then I’ll do what I can” Bobby said hesitantly.
“No, we always stay cautious, the best way is to find a discreet way in look for a window or backdoor so we sneak in, if there’s someone ins… moreide…..eh lets hope we’ll meet someone friendly for a change” Howard gasped tiresomely.
“I’m with Howard on this one” Cody nodded.
“Fine, let you boys have it your way, but I’m not going in there first no effing-way” Emily said promptly.
“I’d go if my leg wasn’t this busted” Howard grunted.
“Looks like it’s down to you and me Cody” Zack muttered.
“Yeah but first lets get a look at the place then we can worry on watching each others backs, right” Cody replied indifferently.
The team stopped not far from the front gate, the mansion was guarded by a tall brick wall on the other side of the gate there was a non-functioning water fountain. “That’s a big ass mansion some very rich people must’ve lived here” Cody remarked in awe.
“Maybe they still are, check if the gate’s locked I can’t see a… [view original content]
Hold it right here, everyone, do you know what I just realized? I have totally forgotten to mention it earlier, but five days ago marked the 2-year anniversary of this wonderful story! One year ago, I congratulated you for the first anniversary. Allow me to congratulate you for the 2-year anniversary as well, @Domingez! And thank you for still writing this wonderful story. This is by far the most epic work I have read here on the forums. Dozens of characters, all with their own distinct personality, three large storylines, amazign twists and genuine feels. It takes a lot of talent to keep the readers interested for such a long time, but me, @Pipas and @Violet_Ant have been here from the very beginning and @janitor has been here for a year now as well. I have so many fond memories to this story, so many emotional moments and I don't think there is another story where there are so many characters I genuinely feel for. There's Bradley, Rachel, Blake, Ellis and so many others who all mean quite a lot to me, there are characters whom I dearly miss and some whom I genuinely hate (Die screaming, Samantha!), but despite the huge cast, there are very few characters to whom I don't have any kind of connection at all. And that is baffling and a testimony to your skills. In general, other stories came and went by, but this is always the story that meant the most to me and the one I have the longest and fondest history with. Here's to two amazing years of this story. Hopefully, there will be more years, as I can't get enough of it!
2 years already? Man, it seems like yesterday when we were celebrating 1 year anniversary.
Well, congratulations are in order @Domingez, because I believe this must be the longest running interactive story on the forums!
Gotta say that it has been privilage to read it. Captivating from start to finish featuring memorable characters, each with distinctive personalities... That's not what you see everyday (especially on this forum, heh).
Anyway, I think @LiquidChicagoTed already covered everything your faithful readers (such as me :P) would say, so yeah, here's to another year of this amazing fanfic!
This is incredible! The time flies by so quickly.
I think that Liquid summed everything up just perfectly and I couldn't agree more.
Your fanfiction keeps me entertained when I´m waiting for a bus, it got me through some pretty boring lectures, I read it when I procrastinate
and I´m always excited when I see a new part. Your story never disappoints me.
So the equation is simple:
As long as you enjoy writing this fanfic = I´ll read it
You are awesome.
Wow I didn't realise it has been another year already......thank you to everyone for keeping this story going. I also wanted to make a small announcement due to my hard drive dying out on me a few weeks back, I had to delay the next part because of this. But luckily today everything is back online and the upcoming piece should be up in a couple of days. Cheers everyone you are all awesome!!
Ah, that's unfortunate with your hard drive, but I am glad it's fixed again. I can't wait for the next part. Thank you for writing this story for two years already. It feels like last week that I congratulated you for the first anniversary, it feels so odd that it is the second anniversary now. Anyways, I'm very excited for what future parts hold
Marcin took one last glance at a broken Ethan and sighed “I’m sorry” before following Stan upstairs. “What you’re doing here is very dumb Stan, you expecting to make it far holding me like this?” Konni muttered calmly.
“No, you will stop following us, we did nothing to your people we just want to go, call your people to give us Sergio” Stan gasped.
“I can’t do that” Konni object heavily.
“Why not?!” Stan shouted.
“We need him……you and your friend can go, but my people need Sergio at this moment” Konni said firmly.
“Where’s Sergio?!” Stan growled.
“A young girl probably needs medical attention, maybe even surgery, that’s why—“ Konni reasoned with him.
“Not after the way you treated us-” Stan gasped.
“Damage is done Stan, I don’t think that after all this we could stay and be friends, Sergio made an oath he won’t go with us, lets just get out of here” Marcin interrupted in a defeated voice.
“If you hurt him, then the next attack will be by us” Stan warned Konni before knocking her off her feet.
“Killing a doctor during a zombie apocalypse would be a very smart idea” Konni laughed ironically while on the ground.
“Oh shit” Marcin muttered in shock. Stan expressed the horror in his native language and gazed over the wall at the horde of walkers heading straight for the settlement.
“C’mon we gotta run, now!” Marcin urged and hopped over the wall and beelined towards the trees.
“Konni are you alright?” Ethan said softly as he struggled on his crutches.
“I’m fine, they didn’t hurt you did they?” Konni asked compassionately.
“No……but they could’ve if they wanted to, I don’t think it was them that burned—“ Ethan sobbed.
“Hey…..hey it’s over for now, I think Yolanda might get the help she needed, by some miracle we found an actual doctor” Konni said hopefully and in slight disbelief.
“Maybe things are looking up for a change—“ Ethan smiled.
Bryan breathed heavily and with his last strength he got climbed over the wall and alerted eagerly that a herd was going straight at them. Konni quickly got to her feet and had to see it for herself before informing the others of the imminent threat. Her group dealt with walkers before but not at this scale, the walls might not be sturdy enough to hold until the walkers lose interest. Konni considered to quickly move everyone to one basement and barricade themselves until everything blows over, however she had no clue if Sergio had already started operating on Yolanda. She rushed to quickly tell the others, Gareth and Bryan helped to move Ethan back to the cabin. Jacob a fourteen year old kid bursted out of the house where Yolanda was resting to find out what the commotion was about. Konni ignored him and went straight inside. “What ever is going on with her Sergio you have to do it now!” Konni urged roughly.
“What’s going on out there? and where’s Bryan?” Polly asked agitatedly.
“Walkers” Konni panted.
“It’s always walkers get Gareth to kill them, where’s Bryan he’s been gone for too long” Polly persisted.
“He’s helping Ethan…he’s fine…..I haven’t seen so many of them, it’s an infestation we have to act fast!” Konni said promptly.
“I believe Yolanda has an….inflammation in the lower abdomen area….possibly her vermiform appendix needs removing” Sergio said after a brief moment.
“She’s in extreme pain Konni” Polly said worriedly and softly.
Konni froze for a short second, the voices of Sergio and Polly became muffled as she watched the poor seven year old squirm and ache in pain on the bed. Sergio needed medical and surgical supplies to help Yolanda.
“Konni, please we need the strong and fearless you, right now” Polly grabbed her by the shoulders to snap her out of the trance.
[Move everyone to one place and wait it out]
[Send someone to divert the herd]
[Evacuate the settlement]
“Yeah and I’m coming with you, keep an eye out Mickie” Wesley nodded and climbed down.
“I always do” Mickie smirked.
“Did you it was the third time you saw something there?” Emmet winced while cocking rifle.
“Those bushes over there at first I thought it was nothing but later I saw someone moving there” Wesley pointed.
“I don’t have to say this but be on alert” Emmet sounded worried for a second and aimed his rifle.
They find out that behind the bush was a walker tangled and reaching out towards them “Why isn’t it giving out any noise?” Wesley muttered cautiously.
After Emmet bashed the skull with the stock of his rifle he carefully examined and noticed that the corpse was missing its tongue “I’m getting a weird feeling this wasn’t a coincidence that we found him” Emmet remarked bafflingly.
“Why would anyone go through the trouble of planting a walker? sorry boy-o I just don’t buy it” Wesley smirked.
“Where’s Mickie?” Emmet looked back and noticed she was missing from her post.
“She wouldn’t leave now” Wesley frowned
“C’mon lets head back” Emmet urged right before a series of gunshots went off.
Mickie was struggling to breathe as an attacker almost strangled her before Emmet killed him. Timothy was troubling another aggressor by sinking his teeth, a thug appeared charging with a machete towards Wesley without hesitation he fired at him, later he rushed to the house and found Skylar sobbing and repeatedly bashing a mans head in. “Sky? Sky! shsh it’s okay it’s me” Wesley tried to comfort her.
“Dad?! they came out of nowhere” She sobbed deeply.
Florence hid inside a closet holding her knees and shaking immensely before Richard found her. Nathaniel returned carrying wood upon discovering that they have been attacked he rushed to help. Emmet grabbed the last surviving attacker which Timothy kept busy and demanded answers “Are there more?” he punched him once.
“Yes” the man coughed.
“How many? where are they? why did you attack us?!” Emmet persisted mildly.
“The world ain’t big enough anymore, others will come and burn this place down, why? because they can, now do what you have to do, because there is no going back—” The man sneered.
Wesley couldn’t bottle his anger anymore and went out of his way by slamming the machete into the attacker’s skull. “Jesus Wesley he was going to talk!”
“He said....and did enough” Wesley muttered angrily and went back to the house.
[Move everyone to one place and wait it out]
This was actually a surprisingly hard choice for me, considering that it's this psycho Konni who is making it. She came across as surprisingly reasonable in this part, a complete 180 from how she acted in the last part. I start to wonder if she suffers from some sort of disorder that causes severe mood swings, as it certainly seems this way. Perhaps she is bipolar, that would explain a lot about her actions. Anyways, for this choice I had a hard time deciding, as all three options hold the potential for disaster. No matter how much I dislike Konni and her goons, I'm sure there are decent people as well in this settlement, Sergio for example, so I'm actually not trying to get all of them killed. Sending someone to divert the herd would be a death sentence for this someone and there is no guarantee it would work. Evacuating the settlement sounds far too risky, as they would loose everything they've built. So, moving everyone to one place is the way to go for me. Fortifying one place as much as possible sounds like one way to survive a walker herd.
I think that evacuating of the settlement would take a lot of time and there probably is no other safe place for them to go or at least they
didn´t mention anything. Also, since there is an injured person in the group it may slow them down and that would make outrunning of the herd harder.
That leaves me two options to choose from. Both of them can end up in disaster.
Safer option is to wait it out. But what if the herd tear down the wall. Then they will be trapped in there with walkers roaming all around for god knows how long and they might run out of food or worse, walkers can get in.
Second option can also go wrong but I´ve decided to risk it. They can send some people to try to divert the herd, fortify the place and the rest of the group can wait it out in the basement. Walkers are quite slow so as long as they stay ahead of them it can work. Of course it can prove to be fatal for them, but the majority of the group can be saved.
As I said, tough choice, both of them can go wrong.
[Send someone to divert the herd]
[Send someone to divert the herd]
Like the others said, this is a very tough choice. In the end I think waiting it out could save everyone but it could also kill everyone, while diverting the herd is definitely going to kill somene but could save everyone else. I see the needs of the many as more important than the needs of the few this time. Sacrificing one or two people sounds like the best way to save the others.
Oh boy. Shit's about to hit the fan really soon.
Now this is a tough choice. Sending someone to divert the horde seems too risky for the person. Plus I don't think it'll even work, considering that person has to divert the entire horde. Evacuating everyone while there's someone injured is not a good idea. Which leaves me with waiting it out. Not sure if it's the safest option, but I'll go with that. Let's hope I won't regret it. :P
[Move everyone to one place and wait it out]
PS: Sorry for creating a tie, everyone!
In this case I will change my vote to [Move everyone to one place and wait it out] I am not so convinced of this option but I want the next part more than I want my first choice to win
“This was way too organised, they must’ve been watching us for days maybe weeks” Emmet pondered pensively while inspecting the bodies.
“Whoever they were this proves that their leader is ruthless and will stop at nothing to get control, neither this place or Glen Arbor isn’t safe and if there’s more people like him out there….sorry, but we have to leave” Wesley glanced towards Nathaniel and points at the invaders.
“I’m afraid he’s right Nath….believe me I wanted……I hoped we could create something here….but this is reality” Emmet said regretfully.
Nathaniel felt unsure on how to reply, while looking around he realised that there is a safety in numbers and unfortunately Elberta hadn’t become the place he hoped of “Where are going? more might still be out there!” Emmet called out as Nathaniel walked away without a word.
“I’ll go after him” Mickie muttered softly.
“Are you okay? How’s Florence?” Wesley comforted his daughter.
“Better for now……Florence….she’s still shaken up, Richard is keeping her company” Skylar choked.
“We have to leave today, there’s no knowing when more will come back” Wesley said decisively.
“What about them?” Skylar asked amiably and gazed at Emmet.
“I think they’ll want to leave too, we barely survived this attack, the next one might be our end” Wesley replied firmly.
“He came out of nowhere and all I thought is to hide, Skylar would’ve died because of me I don’t think she’ll ever forgive me…..I’m such a coward” Florence choked and sunk her face in defeat.
“You don’t know that, it would’ve been worse….he could’ve had enough time to kill you, I’m not saying you did the right thing….eh sometimes there are no good or bad reactions” Richard tried to support her.
“I hate myself for not being strong or helpful or brave, I never do the right thing while under pressure I always panic, if get someone killed because of my choices I won’t be able to live with myself” Florence sobbed softly.
“Don’t even say that” Richard sighed and hugged her gently.
“I’m just not cut out for this world” She sobbed.
“Florence, you have to hold on for the people you care about….WE all care about you, we all make mistakes, killing yourself would be the worst thing you’d do, don’t let that happen” Richard reassured her.
“Nathaniel!?……hey Nath!…..wait up!” Mickie called out chasing him.
“I don’t want to talk right now” Nathaniel said evasively.
“Well you don’t have much choice now….hmm….listen I know you had big plans for this place, I did too…..but…..I nearly died today……most of us almost did…we need to go back home” Mickie explained calmly.
“You think I don’t know that!……its just……I’m just disappointed with how things turned out…..I feel like I failed……how am I going to look others in the eye, they already think I’m useless in pretty much everything……I left to prove that we can build on Glen Arbor expand…..be stronger” Nathaniel sighed deeply.
“We still can be stronger just some place else….but first we need to settle this threat and we can’t do that alone” Mickie advised.
“Yeah……check if the car still works, I’ll gather our stuff” Nathaniel sighed.
“Hey Nathaniel……you were never useless” Mickie smirked.
Meanwhile not far from the coast a storm was coming, James and his crew were facing another threat “Just get it running Duke and get us out of here” he muttered. The sailing boat was closing in James, Austin and Anselm were aiming at it just in case. Once the engine kicked in Duke cruised away from the rowing boat and closer to shore. The strangers blindly opened fire from a machine gun, everyone ducked for cover after a moment James peeked out to see if they lost them and realised a pool of blood behind him. Austin was holding his stomach Anselm tried to apply pressure, but the blood was black there was no chance for him to survive. “What’s going on back there?” Duke called out urgently. Anselm nodded sideways while glancing at James “Austin got shot” he said regretfully.
“Goddammit! someone take the wheel!” Duke rushed hectically.
“C’mon Austin hold on don’t give up kid!” Duke started sobbing softly.
“Told you....never call me…kid” Austin said weakly and smirked.
“Yeah I forget stuff you know that, you’re gonna be fine” Duke chuckled hopefully while crying and held him.
“Austin?” James watched as he slowly passed away.
“No dammit! don’t you leave me!…no….no” Duke sighed and cried.
“He's with his family now” James nodded his face sideways in sorrow.
"After all he went through! he didn't deserve this" Duke sobbed and sighed.
“He’s gonna turn” Willy sighed bleakly.
“They’re gaining on us, can’t this go any faster?!” Anselm yells while holding the wheel.
“They what a piece of us?! I’ll give them something to think about!” Duke growled in rage and grabbed the rifle.
“We can’t waste to many bullets!” James called out before Austin reanimated and tried to grab a chew on his neck.
Willy fired just in time to save James “Thanks” he nodded in shock. “We’re not far from shore!” Anselm gave the heads up as bullets started hitting the boat. “Everyone get down! Willy! Brent hide down below!” James ordered. The boat rocked harder and Brent falls over board “Brent!” Willy yelped
“Anselm stop!” Duke called out urgently.
“What to get shot down! no way we’re not far from shore!” Anselm yelled back.
“Brent fell in the water stop this damn boat!” James went over to him.
Duke was ready to save the kid, but the other boat was almost on to them, he needed to act immediately.
[Jump into the water and save Brent]
[Keep shooting]
[Jump into the water and save Brent]
Oh, Austin
These fuckers on the large boat have just signed their death sentence. Though, I wonder if any other outcome would have been better. They basically opened fire without real warning, so I guess our group never really had a chance to make it out there unharmed. As for the choice, of course I am not going to let Brent die like this. It's dark and foggy, so it is very likely that he will drown if no one helps him, which is by far one of the most shitty deaths I can imagine. On a positive note, a strong guy like Duke should manage to keep swimming to the shore, together with Brent as well, while there is the chance that the guys on the large boat won't see them either. I mean, they have the same problems as our group, regarding their sight, I hope.
[Jump into the water and save Brent]
[Jump into the water and save Brent]
Nuu, Austin! :-(
Konni made a difficult decision and chose to move everyone to the basement. Sergio promptly carried little Yolanda, Polly went over to the other room and carried a small three year old boy named Wilson. Gareth insisted on diverting the herd, but Konni persuaded him that it was too dangerous. The dead started piling up over the wall, however before Konni barricaded the front door she took a glance and pondered about the uncertainty of what was ahead, nothing was certain these days. Feeling safe puts your guard down and makes you an easier target, she hoped the walls were sturdy enough to keep the dead out. Gareth and Brian helped her move furniture to block the doors and later head down to the basement.
“How is she?” Konni asked Sergio.
“Better I gave her some painkillers for now, but if the pain comes back I’m going to need to operate” Sergio replied anxiously.
“We’ll head in to town once everything cools down” Konni muttered.
“Are you okay?” Sergio winced.
“What do you mean? of course I’m fine” Konni sounded defensive.
“You seem…..different that’s all” Sergio stuttered.
“Just keep an eye on her” Konni said through her teeth and walked towards the corner of the room.
Sergio noticed that Polly was overhearing them “I couldn’t help over hearing, she’s fine believe me” she said awkwardly.
“Is there something I should know?” Sergio inquired.
“I think it’s better you hear it from her” Polly said evasively.
“Whatever it is she won’t tell me” Sergio said neutrally.
“She’s got a good side and a bad side to her” Polly whispered.
“You mean she may have a type of split personality disorder?” Sergio shrugged.
“Yeah but isn’t that like having two different people in one mind?” Polly sounded unsure.
“Not necessarily-” Sergio said pensively as he gazed back at Konni in the corner.
A sudden loud crack brought in a moment of silence in the basement. Gareth had a fierce look on his face while holding an automatic rifle, Brian was also armed, but he always had a face filled with fear. “I think the walkers broke through” Ethan muttered anxiously.
The little boys Jacob and Wilson sat anxiously by the peaceful Yolanda. “This wasn’t the best call Konni” Gareth shook his head softly.
“What now? we’re trapped? oh…this is bad..this is bad” Brian started racing.
“Calm down Brian, you’re scaring the kids” Polly insisted.
“We’re safe as long as we keep it quiet none of those things will get in here, once most of them pass through will clear out what’s left of these fuckers” Konni said abruptly.
“She’s right we stay calm, we survive….there’s enough food for a couple of days if it comes to that, we’re gonna be fine” Polly talked to the kids.
Sergio couldn’t help but think about Marcin and Stan, did they make it somehow? were they coming back? he felt strangely alone with this new group which turned out not so hostile as they first appeared, however he still didn’t know to what extent was Konni’s disorder serious.
“I think we lost them” Stan breathed heavily.
“I feel bad leaving Sergio” Marcin gasped for air.
“There was no choice, you know that” Stan murmured.
“Sooner or later we’re going to have to go back for him” Marcin insisted.
“Not with me, I’m not going back to that herd” Stan muttered.
“So that’s it? you seriously want to leave Sergio behind? and you blamed me for Una’s death, you are not tough you only look out for yourself now isn’t that right?!” Marcin said in slight anger.
Stan swung a punch at him “That was different! you should’ve protected her and never mention her name to me again” he said coldly.
“If I could do redo something I would’ve died for Una, but I can’t bring her back, yet you still blame me….I think about her everyday just like you do…..you wanna go go, but I’m resting right here and later I’m going back for Sergio I owe him this much” Marcin crawled softly towards the nearest tree and sat upright examining his nose.
Stan glared at him for a moment and without reply he walked away into the woods. Marcin wiped his nose and looked around, everything was peaceful for the first time in a long while, the birds chirped softly the branches swirled soothingly. He was too tired to care about walkers crawling up on him or more angry strangers, so he just allowed himself to doze off for a seemingly short moment. After walking aimlessly Stan stopped to catch a breath and considered a new plan, but before he could do that a figure snuck up and struck him, knocking Stan out cold. Marcin slowly opened his eyes and saw a blurry figure “Fancy seeing you here” the woman sniggered and hit him unconscious. He regained consciousness a few hours later and noticed he was now in a junkyard with his hands and feet zip tied Stan was a few feet away from him necklaced in rubber tyres. “Stan you alright? wake the fuck up” Marcin urged. “Welcome back to the living for now, don’t bother waking him up he’s gonna be out for quite some time” Zara smirked holding a crowbar in front of him.
“What are you doing?” Marcin asked with his eyes wide open.
“Staying alive, something that I can’t say about you two after everything that’s going to happen” Zara replied stoically.
“Why? what do you want from us?” Marcin grunted.
“We never really got to know each other before Konni and her stupid people captured us did we? Let me tell you a story and maybe you’ll understand why and what I’m about to do, it won’t start with ‘once upon a time’ because it’s not that kind of story, my mother abandoned me when I was four and my…..father was a firefighter he was the greatest the only person I looked up to in this world and guess what happened? one night he was found in a lake apparently he drowned……for most of his life he fought with fire yet it was water that killed him too much irony makes you sick……this next part is important so listen carefully when the dead decided to take over I was captured and raped in my own apartment by a bunch of thugs they kept me there for days doing the same thing over and over again, but one day when they had their guard down and with little strength that I had left, I took a cigarette from one of their pockets and caused a fire…..you know I burned the whole building to the ground including them and with strange luck I survived, you see what this means? fire is my guardian angel and it always has been……I managed to burn three other groups before I met some of Konni’s people” Zara said in an insanely yet calculating manner.
“You’re one crazy bitch” Marcin muttered in shock and couldn’t believe the kind of situation he found himself in.
“It’s hard not to be after things I went through” She mocks.
“You use fire to kill both good and bad people, but why?” Marcin questions.
“My guardian needs the best of both worlds, fire is what keeps it alive and….it keeps me alive” Zara sniggers.
“You’re insane! why explain everything if you can just simply kill us?” Marcin said anxiously squirming his hands trying to free himself.
“Because I’m going to give you a choice just like you decided not to help me when Konni held us—“ She said calmly.
“What? how was I suppose to help?!” Marcin objected.
“Shut the hell up! you said enough and nearly got me killed” Zara shouted furiously. “One of you is going to die a very slow and heated death, you get choose who dies and don’t try to stay silent because then I’ll decide for myself” Zara warns him roughly.
[Kill Stanislaw]
[Kill Marcin]
[Stay silent]
No, I missed the last voting
But I would have choosed to save Brent of course. Also, RIP Austin.
[Stay silent]
Zara is totally insane and Im already starting to hate her. And I will not play her game. She is going to choose anyway, there is no need to give her fun by following her wishes.
[Stay silent]
God damn it, that was scary! I never liked Zara and now I know why I had this antipathy against her. She's fucking nuts! Like, Konni looks sane compared to her, and Konni is definitely anything but sane. I currently have the problem that, while I obviously hate Zara for being a psychopath with a psychopath reason, I still don't like Konni any better. She's crazy as well. Not completely nuts, but crazy as well and that makes her unfit to lead. I'm liking neither and I only root for our guys to get out of there. For this choice, I agree with janitor, playing her game is something I refuse to do. Also, there is the thing that if we stay silent, Marcin and Stanislaw will both have an additional few moments until she made her decision. Anything can happen in these moments. Might be a long shot, but it is worth a try in this situation.
Foqin hell...
[Stay silent]
Shit. I knew why I didn´t like her!
[Stay silent]
Duke wasn’t going to allow to let another member die, losing Austin awakened the painful memory of his son getting devoured by walkers in the early days of the outbreak. He dived into the water with no hesitation, while James handled the cover fire. Willy wanted to help, but Anselm told him to hide below deck, the enemy boat was fast approaching and there was no sign of Duke or Brent “We have to go James!” Anselm called out while turning the engine back on.
“We’re not leaving them!” James shouted out and kept firing. In the mist he noticed that he had shot one of the attackers this encouraged him to keep on shooting, while calling out for Duke and Brent.
“They’re gone” Anselm said in a matter of fact tone and jetted out of there. In anger James tried to take over the wheel and turn the boat around, the coastline was now visible and once they realised they crashed the boat over the beach.
A few moments earlier the Elberta group were ready to abandon their little outpost and set out for Glen Arbor. Emmet and Wesley tried to get the only truck working, while the rest started gathering all the supplies. “You feeling better?” Skylar nodded at Florence.
“As better as it can get, yeah” She replied unsurely.
“I just want you to know it wasn’t your fault okay?” She smiled at her.
“Thanks Sky” Florence sighed.
“Lets get ready to head out” Skylar smirked thinly.
“Are you sure this truck worked earlier on?” Wesley winced.
“Of course it did, why’d you ask?” Emmet frowned.
“It just seems a bit silly only relying on one vehicle, I figured you guys arrived with at least two seeing how much supplies you stocked” Wesley remarked casually.
“It took us a while to get all this stuff here….you can’t seem to imagine how hard it is to find cars with working batteries and that have some gas left in them these days, with all the cold closing in…..it’s only gonna get tougher” Emmet said worriedly.
“Yeah guess you could say that, we’ve been travelling on foot for quite some time I almost forgot how sitting in a car feels like, it was always something when we tried to get one running, fortunately for us we never really had to deal with ‘people’ attacking us now it’s been twice in what? four days, I’m just trying not to think what’s on the horizon, I’m not afraid for myself but for them they’re all too young for such hardship, it’s going to be a miracle to survive the winter” Wesley muttered in a defeated tone.
“It will be better once we get to Glen Arbor and you know what for an Australian you really are pessimistic on this one” Emmet chuckled.
“Heh….hmm….I wasn’t all this way I guess this….new way of life is changing me” Wesley smiled thinly.
“We’re all going through change, in doing such….horrible things to stay alive, to protect ourselves we gotta keep our heads if you know what I mean…..okay try it out” Emmet murmured while fixing something under the hood.
The engine kicked in “I don’t know what you did, but it seems to be working” Wesley smiled.
“For an old fool I still got some tricks” Emmet said cheeringly.
Miles away back in Glen Arbor Rory felt unease about his brother sneaking out of the settlement. He decided to tell his mother, but the sudden commotion outside caused her to check it out before he got a chance to tell her. Most of the community gathered to watch the black smoke coming from the coastline “That doesn’t look good” Fred muttered worriedly.
“It looks to be near the beach, it could be James and the others” Orla pointed out.
“Mom I need to tell you something” Rory persisted.
“What is it? honey you’ve been acting really strange, tell me what’s wrong?” Laura centred her attention on Rory.
“Ryan…..he….he snuck out” Rory stuttered.
“What are you saying?” Laura narrowed her eyes.
“There’s this loose plank in the wall behind the food storage and…..he—“ Rory explained.
“Oh my God no!” Her eyes opened widely and urgently approached Amita telling her about Ryan’s disappearance. She cried and pleaded to send out a search party, yet some other members also considered on checking out the smoke too. Ryan couldn’t have gone far so looking for him was priority, but Amita deep down felt that James might be needing help if that smoke was something to do with their boat.
“Look it’s too risky sending out a large party just to check the smoke out, I can go do that, but right now finding Ryan is important” Orla interjected seeing that Amita was unsure on what to decide.
“She’s right, we can’t just sit here and wonder what’s going on, Fabiana will manage the search party for Ryan while I’ll travel with Orla to see what’s up by the coastline” Fred suggested strongly.
[Agree to sending them out to inspect the smoke]
[Disagree and send a larger search party for Ryan]
In the junkyard Marcin was facing a difficult decision regarding his own life and Stan’s “You’re gonna kill us anyway so you can go fuck yourself” he muttered under his nose and squirmed.
“Seeing that Stan is already prepared it’s a shame to see all that effort go to waste, wakey wakey” She teased.
“Wha-What’s…..fuck….fuck is this! Marcin!” He regained consciousness and squirmed in the trap he was held.
“Marcin has decided that you should die instead of him” She taunted.
“That’s not fucking true Stan! it ain’t true! don’t—“ Marcin gasped desperately.
“Let us go!” Stan frowned at the smell of gasoline.
“It’s getting a little loud with you two, Marcin say goodbye to your pal” Zara stopped wasting time and lit him up. Stan cried out agonisingly as he went up in fire, Marcin sobbed and couldn’t watch the slow and gruesome death. Zara watched the flames run with awe and felt embraced by her belief in the power of fire. The short minutes felt like hours of unstoppable screaming, once it was over Zara turned around and approached Marcin who was lying with his face buried down in tears “He had some strong energy, now he’s in a better place” She said while taking a deep breath.
“Fuck you! fuck you!” Marcin yelled in despair.
“Don’t worry I’ll have the privilege to watch you transform….you and Stan will be one” Zara said solemnly and grabbed a canister from behind a wrecked vehicle.
End of Chapter 1
[Agree to sending them out to inspect the smoke]
If I have understood this choice correctly, and correct me if I'm wrong here, then that way they can check out the smoke and still search for Ryan with a smaller party, which I think is the best option. A larger search party has not necessarily better chances to find Ryan in my opinion, not as long as they don't split up. Meanwhile, the smoke most likely comes from the crashed boat, which means they need help, probably quickly. Something is burning there and if they are wounded or unconscious or both, the fire could easily kill them.
Great chapter! So much stuff happened in the final part, that was crazy! I don't think Brent and Duke are both dead, but it's quite possible one of them won't make it. If I had to guess, I'd say Duke is going to sacrifice his life to save Brent. And well, then there's Stan. Poor guy, I liked him. And fuck Zara! She probably should be my least favourite character right now, but alas, she's not even among the top three of my least favourites as long as Zack, Herman and especially a certain bitch are still alive. I'd say she's currently at the same low level as Liam and Emma, perhaps with even smaller chances for redemption. Or, considering her mental state, none at all. I'm worried for Marcin, maybe Ryan or the search party manage to stumble upon him, but it looks really grim for him. Never thought Sergio would actually turn out to be the safest of the three XD
And now I'm super excited for the next chapter! After all, it features the group that was formerly my favourite. Despite what happened, it still includes the characters I care for the most. And most importantly, the bitch whose name I refuse to write down is finally going to leave the list of introduced characters. She should have never been part of that list or the story in the first place and I hope her end will be way more painful than it sounded at the end of the last chapter. The same applies for Herman and the bastard that crawled out of her at the end of the chapter. Katie must be avenged at last. Then there's Liam, whom I'm keeping at least the slightest bit of an open mind towards, as the preview hinted at him trying to become less obnoxious again. I doubt he's going to succeed, but maybe there's still hope for him and that makes him one of the things I look forward for. Of course there's also Brad and Rachel (still super pumped for their scene from the teaser) as well as Devyn. These three are the group members that still matter, so I'm really looking forward to see them again. It has been a far too long time without them and the next chapter can't start soon enough
By the way, now that the chapter is over, I have two questions.
First, what would have happened if Marcin and Stan would have remained at Crazy-Konni's camp?
And second, what would have happened if they would have supported Zara during their meeting with Konni?
[Agree to sending them out to inspect the smoke]
I think they should send a bigger group to inspect the fire, which seems more important to me now and also send a smaller group to search for Ryan, who is getting on my nerves by being so reckless all the time. :P
Amazing chapter, I´m looking forward to new parts.
[Agree to sending them out to inspect the smoke]
By choosing to inspect the smoke the two search parties are balanced out instead of just simply ignoring and sending out a double team to search for Ryan. I can't or shouldn't answer the first question because of spoilers xD however staying at the camp would've kept Marcin and Stan alive for longer. As for the second question it involved a major choice, choosing to support loony Zara would've been more beneficial for both Marcin and Stan later on in the storyline.
Awesome first Chapter for Season 2! I am so excited for the future chapters, this story keeps getting better and better! The wait is the only thing that is not so cool but the result is always worth it
[Agree to sending them out to inspect the smoke]
Ryan needs help but the people on the boat need the help too and I like them a lot more than Ryan, who annoys me with his behavior. Wouldnt be so sad for him but I dont want James and Willy to die.
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6: All That’s Left Chapter 2: Strength That Binds
Watching Samantha die left a bad taste for Bradley. In the end she passed away peacefully something that she didn’t deserve everybody in the other room heard her last words finally revealing her true colours. The feeling of guilt and shame swept Liam, after all he argued and placed Samantha before everybody else made him sick and forced him to step out. Rachel wanted to comfort Brad, but before that Samantha managed to reanimate. Bradley took the liberty to end her once and for all the first blow fractured her skull and an eye popped out. Everyone in the other room flinched at the squelching sound including Rachel. Brad had a horrified and angry expression he couldn’t believe what was happening or that he was capable of acting out like this. Now he managed to finally release his anger allowing to repeatedly and brutally smash Samantha’s head to a mangle. All that was left was a mass of broken bones, smashed brains, and a pool of blood. Rachel was afraid of how this affected Brad, but she knew that it had to be done. She approached him slowly and gently touched his shoulder, he turns around spattered in Sam’s blood everyone looked at him with fear. He lowered his face, dropped the blooded weapon and sat in the corner of the room in a somewhat catatonic state. Rachel joined him “I’m glad you did what you did” she said reassuringly.
“Really? everyone seemed stared at me like I was some sort of freak or a monster, can’t blame them though” Bradley murmured softly.
“It was something you had let out, get it out of your system and to be honest I think I would’ve done the same” Rachel replied in comfort.
“Even in front of Nicholas?” Bradley raised his eyebrows worriedly.
“I hope I won’t ever have to” Rachel replied in a defeated voice.
“Where to we go for him for here?” Bradley muttered indifferently.
“We look for the others and once again find a safe place for all of us, there’s no other way we have to keep going” Rachel said toughly yet optimistically as she grabbed him by the shoulders. He nods gently and sinks his head into her arms as she softly hugs him.
“Are you okay?” Boniek remarked urgently as he noticed Liam throwing up outside the dilapidated house.
“Yeah…..I’m fine now” Liam mumbled as he wiped his mouth.
Devyn rushed into the house, but the smell of a rotting corpse forced her to cover her nose. “Fuck, what the hell happened here?” Boniek winced and shrugged. “Isn’t it obvious” Rachel replied harshly and rhetorically. Emma tried to calm the newborn as it was crying immensely “We can’t stay here now” Viola interjected seeing that Boniek was carrying some wood to build a fire. “I need some air” Bradley grunted indifferently as he headed for the door. Outside he rested on the porch and sighed deeply before noticing Liam sitting beside. He glanced at Liam coldly “Go on say what you have to say”.
“I can’t believe what I just heard......being so wrong...so blind....hell I can’t stand myself right now, believing that she was someone good that needed our help....my help.....I feel like shit for not taking your side, you lost someone close to you and I wasn’t helping by giving you shit” Liam sighed painfully.
“We can keep on dwelling on what just happened today or we can move and start looking out for each other again, ever since we first met the thing that kept us together was trust and a common goal to keep us all safe, I don’t blame you for taking her side, you had your reasons, seeing that you lost your mother…..but if circumstances were different and Sam manage to kill anyone else, then I…don’t think I would be so forgiving towards you” Bradley said toughly.
“I thought that she was going to become a mom, so she wouldn’t be capable into doing so much evil” Liam stuttered and sank his head.
“Sometimes it’s hard to read people, maybe you’ll learn that someday” Bradley sighed.
“Are we gonna stay here?……and what’s going to happen to the baby?” Liam asked morosely.
“No, we keep moving maybe there’s a chance in finding the others, as for the baby I don’t think it’s going to make it and to be honest…..I don’t really care” Bradley replied firmly.
Once Boniek entered to find Mi-Cha everyone in the room were distorted about what happened to Samantha or what is going to happen now “You okay?” he gestured.
“I’m fine, when are we going to move out?” She gestured with a worried face.
“I don’t know, where would we even go?” He gestured hopelessly.
“Wait I show—“ She gestured urgently and quickly started looking for something in her backpack. “Where did you get this?” Boniek frowned and smiled as he grabbed a map.
“It was in the motel” She gestured happily.
“You did good Mi-Cha, I’m proud of you” Boniek gestured slowly before she hugged him briefly.
“Are we clear back there?!” Zack yelled anxiously.
“Yeah we lost’em just keep going” Howard called out.
“I think I saw Winston and Katie back there….Christ, thinking that we’re all gonna end up like them makes everything seem bleaker” Cody sighed.
“She almost took a bite out of my arm, if only there was more time….God” Zack muttered sullenly.
“It wasn’t them anymore, they’re gone, no pointing beating yourself over it Zack” Howard tried to reassure him.
“Still I feel bad for leaving them the way we did” Zack muttered painfully.
“Can’t we just stop here for a moment?” Emily sounded edgy.
“Why? for what?” Zack frowned.
“I’m feeling sick” Emily winced.
Zack instantly stopped the car as Emily leaped out “What a fucking day” Howard muttered tiresomely.
“Where do we even start looking for the others did anyone see where they’d split?” Zack gasped.
“I think I saw Emma run in that direction” Cody mumbled after looking around.
“We need to find them anyway they could be in trouble—” Howard clenched his teeth trying to endure the pain from his leg.
“Feeling better?” Cody nodded at Emily.
“Not one bit” Emily gasped while catching her breath and getting back in the car.
Zack was focused on something ahead “Why aren’t we going? we can’t stay here!” Emily persisted.
“Look at that over there….it looks like a big house” Zack pointed.
“Finally things are looking up for a change” Howard stood up lethargically and remarked while gazing at a wide spread mansion.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, it could be overrun or worse, dangerous people might live there” Zack remarked thoughtfully.
“It still could be a good place to relax for a bit” Cody insisted.
“Let it be safe” Zack mumbled to himself as he accelerated towards the property.
“So how are we gonna approach this? I mean Zack’s right it could be overrun” Cody looked at Howard.
“We’ll obviously go through the front door no point playing being stealth and all, if the dead are in control they’ll show up anyway—” Emily said in babbling voice.
[“First we should check the grounds outside”]
[“Emily’s right, we start from the front and work our way up”]
[“We should find a discreet way in”]
Oh boy. Is that the mansion where the two crazy sisters live in who took Ian prisoner? I hope that asshole is still alive.
Anyways, I'd probably not attract unnecessary attention to myself, especially if it's the mansion I think it is.
So let's just say [“We should find a discreet way in”]
[“Emily’s right, we start from the front and work our way up”]
This sounds like the most dangerous choice by far. Any choice that is dangerous for Zack is a choice that is good for... well, every other character. Seriously, can't he just die? It's his fault my dear Katie is probably never going to be put to rest and for that, I'm done with him and I hope he's going to die soon and in agony. Literally every other group member that died would have deserved it more than him to live that far.
Anyways, it's a shame that the bitch got a peaceful death. She deserved so much worse. Actually, the last thing she should have seen in life should have been her worthless whelp being killed in front of her. Speaking of that thing, it is the last thing related to the bitch and for that, it must die, period. Every trace of her existence, every family member, every friend, everyone she ever exchanged a friendly word with must die. It'll be as if she never lived, which is good. Just like that little bastard Herman, the whelp is responsible for Katie's death and therefore I will try whatever I can to get see them both dead. I won't be satisfied until someone gets the painful death the bitch and her brother never got to feel. There is also that other bitch, the last remaining of the cannibals, who should just be erased from the story. I won't bother with her name from now on, but I think it was Hannah? Yeah, another bad character that should have never been submitted in the first place, like her entire group of one-dimensionally cartoonish ghouls and Herman. They were atrocious and if they wouldn't have done such a terrible thing, I would just pretend they never existed.
Other than this frustratingly painless death, I actually enjoyed this part! Looks like the storyline finally moves on from the unnecessary mess that was Episode 5 Chapter 4. Loved the Brad/Rachel interaction here, if there is anyone that can pull him out of his current state, it's going to be her. She's one of the few characters in the group I haven't despised by the end of their last chapter, so it's nice to see that she's still on Brad's side. I also surprisingly liked the talk with Liam, even though I am still unwilling to forgive him that quickly. I think he got away far too easily, considering that he was one of the main antagonists in the last chapter with all his callous supporting of the bitch that murdered Katie. At least he realized what a piece of shit he is. Not sure if he even can redeem himself, but there are worse ways of trying it. I'm still very much against Emma and perhaps against Cecelia as well, but Liam at least tries to make up for being the worst human being alive in the last chapter.
By the way, completely unrelated to the chapter, I'm sure you have realized that with the new forum update you are currently unable to update the main post of the story. Until it is fixed, you can use this link here: https://telltale.com/community/post/editdiscussion/73292/ This link will only work for you, as the creator of this thread and it will directly take you to the site where you can edit the main post. You can thank me by completely deleting the name Samantha Harper from the character list
Don't even put her in the deceased list. Just erase her. I know, I know, that probably won't happen, but a man can dream, right?
[“We should find a discreet way in”] That seems like an safe enough option.
I noticed the editing bug and got in touch with telltale support and got a reply about them fixing the issue, big thanks for the link btw
now everything's updated to the current chapter.
[“First we should check the grounds outside”] This sounds like the smartest option. First check if the outside is safe, then go inside.
Great start for the new chapter!
“You think the others are okay?” Sarah asked while leaning against a tree.
“I try to be an optimist and think that most of them made it somehow” Jean muttered.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I got a weird feeling like someone’s watching us” Blake changed the subject and sounded unease.
“I got the same feeling ever since we left that house, though I never liked being out in the open especially at night” Amanda remarked worriedly.
“Nowadays anything can make you paranoid” Jean muttered sullenly while trying to keep his hands warm.
“For a whole day? if someone were following us, they’d showed themselves by now….right?” Sarah choked.
“Lets just try and relax for a bit it’s been a long day” Blake replied positively.
“I hate how things turned out, us losing everything including ourselves” Sarah sighed.
“What do you mean ‘including ourselves’?” Blake frowned.
“Losing our group felt like losing a part ourselves, because we all worked well together and now it’s all….broken” Sarah replied remorsefully.
“It turned out the way it did Sarah we can’t keep dwelling on it” Amanda cuddled her after a brief moment of silence.
“Tomorrow I’ve got a feeling we’ll find someone” Jean said optimistically.
“How are you holding up? how’s the head?” Blake glanced at Jean as they all rested by the campfire.
“A bit soar, but apart from that I’m just happy to be alive” Jean smirked.
“That’s the spirit” Blake chuckled softly.
“Who’s taking first watch?” Amanda interjected seriously and firmly.
“Er..the person that doesn’t feel like sleeping which obviously is…Blake” Jean joked.
“I’m up for it” Blake said confidently and then chuckled.
“I can keep you company but with these painkillers I dunno for how long” Jean laughed.
“Good to see getting you sense of humour back” Amanda remarked with a sneer as she turned over and tried to get some shut eye.
Moments later out of boredom Blake started fiddling with his automatic pistol and practiced his aim even though he run out of bullets this caught Jean’s attention who he thought had dozed off “You can knock that ‘dead-eye’ moves of yours now” Jean chuckled softly.
“Thought you were asleep” Blake muttered and hid the pistol in the back of his pants.
“I was…I think, anyway the usual pacing in my head doesn’t let me sleep for too long” Jean grunted.
“That sucks man” Blake nodded.
“What a way to get shot hey? straight in the head—“ Jean said ironically.
“And survived, some serious luck was on your side that day” Blake sniggered.
“My theory is that I was suppose to survive for a reason” Jean said solemnly and in a jokingly manner.
“Heh yeah and reason is that?” Blake chuckled softly.
“To do what I can to keep you guys safe” Jean smiled.
“Pff please man don’t embarrass yourself” Blake laughed softly.
“It’s working ain’t it? we’re alive, we’ve got some food left don’t we?” Jean sniggered.
“Heh, I guess it is” Blake sniggered softly.
“Now I’m gonna try and get some more sleep stay frosty Blake….Oh….and what did you think about when Sarah said that our group is kinda broken?” Jean yawned.
“In many ways she was right and besides its not like I lived my life any other way” Blake muttered.
“Say what? what do you mean?” Jean frowned.
“All I’m saying is my whole life was broken even before the outbreak its not like things are different now” Blake shrugged.
“What happened?” Jean asked hesitantly.
“Nothing good, I don’t wanna talk about it” Blake said firmly and evasively.
“It’s cool I get it….hmmph…if you want to know what I think about everything….no matter how much shit we take….and expect to lose every now and then the thing that’ll keep us going is sticking together, going at it alone might be safer at times of course, but what’s the point then?…..I mean I would go crazy for not having someone to talk to…..g’night man” Jean said thoughtfully as his head stopped throbbing.
Blake laid the pistol at arms reach pretending that it was still loaded and stared into the flames with only his thoughts to company him. There was something soothing and at the same time sorrowing while watching the fire burn. He still thought about Carmen, the only person that made sense in his life, she was the single reason why life wasn’t broken. It’s been a rough couple of days, the flames also allowed him to relax a bit and with the peaceful silence around made him slowly drift to sleep. After a cracking sound Blake instantly woke up and quickly jumped to scan the area, it must’ve been a branch he thought for a moment. However the rustling by a nearby bush forced him to jump to his feet and pulled out his knife in one hand and aimed the gun in the other while he approached. “I can see you, get out here slowly” Blake ordered after noticing a head hiding behind the bush.
“I’m coming out” a rough female voice came out. The first thing struck him was her wavy honey-brown hair at shoulder length, although her grey eyes did look quite intimidating. Her face was oval with full lips and she wasn’t tall. All she had on herself was many shiny bracelets on her right arm and wore a dirty white tank top with ragged ranch blue jeans.
“Hands where I can see’em, were you following us?” Blake asked loudly and promptly for the others to hear him.
“Yes I did follow you but only—“ The woman explained stoically.
“Shut up!” Blake gasped in a controlled voice before Amanda appeared.
“Who the hell are you?” Amanda pointed her weapon.
“I’m Gina, all those food supplies belonged to me before you decided to just simply take them from my house” She said calmly but with an aiming expression.
“That was your house?” Amanda muttered and sounded confused.
“So you came here to kill us and claim what’s yours back right?” Blake chuckled softly.
“No, if I wanted to kill you, you’d already be dead” Gina said firmly.
“Oh really? so why all the hiding, what is it do you want?” Blake persisted roughly.
“Just wanted to see what kinda of people you were, how you interacted with each other, I’ve been in that house since the start and believe me it ain’t fun being all by yourself especially for this long, I let a group of people in and they nearly killed me so I took a different approach with you….I’m willing to share my supplies but we have to go back to the house and I know you’re searching for your friends which I obviously overheard, you guys have been walking in circles through this countryside the whole day, you clearly have no idea where you’re going—” Gina continued.
“No way lady! we saw what you kept in that basement” Amanda objected.
“What Richard? please that was my abusive boyfriend I actually stabbed him in self-defence right on the day shit hit the fan—“ Gina laughed softly.
“Bullshit, you tortured him in a fucking cage” Blake replied coldly.
“The bastard reanimated I almost died putting him there, listen it’s a fucking cold tonight do you mind if I sit by the fire if you don’t wanna come with me fine I don’t give a shit, but looking and those other two I kinda felt sorry for them” Gina lowered her hands and made a step forward.
“Not one step!” Blake warned her.
“You do know I heard you talk about your empty gun” She smiled cheekily.
“But my one is still loaded” Amanda cocked her uzi.
“Keep pointing your gun at me but I’m going to sit by the fire” Gina shrugged and moved passed them.
“What are we gonna do?!” Blake whispered eagerly to Amanda.
“I don’t know but I don’t trust her” Amanda hissed.
“Oh man finally warm” Gina sat close to the flames.
“You must be Jean and Sarah, nice to meet you, name’s Gina” She nodded casually.
“What’s going on Mandi?” Sarah glanced at her aunt.
“Nothing to worry about Sweetie try to go back to sleep” Amanda tried to reassure her. “Not very smart coming here on your own” Amanda added.
“I have nothing to lose or hide, you don’t want my help fine I’ll leave in the morning and let you move on with whatever you got planned” Gina hugged her knees.
[Trust Gina and go back to her house at dawn]
[Refuse and keep searching for the others without Gina]
[Ask for Gina’s help to find the rest]
[Ask for Gina’s help to find the rest]
Now... I don't know if I am willing to trust another potentially crazy person, after the Zara situation. On the one hand, I do not trust Gina at all. I like Blake and Mandi, they are among the few group members where I can't even find a tiny reason to hate them, so I guess I still like them a lot. Therefore, unlike the choice for Zack's group, whom I'm trying to kill, I actually try to choose what is best for Blake's group. I want them to reunite with what is left of Brad's group and I think Gina might be an asset. I certainly won't go back to her house, though I won't outright leave her behind, considering that she might be very helpful. A part of me believes that a really dangerous person would have approached them differently. Zara tried to manipulate them, which Gina doesn't seem to do. Still, going back to her house sounds reckless and won't bring them further in their goal to find the rest of the group.
By the way, I just noticed something horrible in the character list. A certain character, whose name I refuse to say, but who is basically a mixture between a pregnant Charles Manson and a pregnant Hitler, who is as obnoxious as Justin Bieber and who has the personality of a flat tire and even less use is now in the character list twice
I'm pretty sure you're able to figure out whom I am talking about. She is in the deceased list, where I am already barely able to tolerate her, but she is also still in the list of living characters, between Grace and some unnecessary cannibal person. Would be much obliged if you could at least delete her out of the list of living characters. Her presence is already cancer enough once, but she's even worse when she's in the list twice.
Also, as soon as private messages are fixed again, I gotta send you one regarding my third character, whom I had submitted a while ago. There's a question I have about her, though that has to wait until the PM stuff is fixed again.
Your comment made my day lol the list has been fixed
feel free to drop an email regarding your character at tjdomingez@gmail.com
Hehe, I could have just mentioned her name, but that would have meant a missed opportunity to insult her XD Thanks for fixing the list though, that really irked me
And this is a good idea with the e-mail. I'm going to sleep now, since it is super late here, but I'll be sending you an e-mail tomorrow! It's nothing big I have to discuss though, more like a small request and probably not even a spoiler, but I guess it still can't hurt to speak about it in private.
I don't trust anyone anymore. I was deciding between the second option (stranger danger) and the third one.
I´ll go for this one [Ask for Gina’s help to find the rest]
I would probably keep her around, just in case she turns out to be helpful and keep an eye on her. But no way I´m going back to her house.
I don't trust her at all. She seems too suspicious, I wouldn't want her to be around much longer.
[Refuse and keep searching for the others without Gina]
“No, we always stay cautious, the best way is to find a discreet way in look for a window or backdoor so we sneak in, if there’s someone inside…..eh lets hope we’ll meet someone friendly for a change” Howard gasped tiresomely.
“I’m with Howard on this one” Cody nodded.
“Fine, let you boys have it your way, but I’m not going in there first no effing-way” Emily said promptly.
“I’d go if my leg wasn’t this busted” Howard grunted.
“Looks like it’s down to you and me Cody” Zack muttered.
“Yeah but first lets get a look at the place then we can worry on watching each others backs, right” Cody replied indifferently.
The team stopped not far from the front gate, the mansion was guarded by a tall brick wall on the other side of the gate there was a non-functioning water fountain. “That’s a big ass mansion some very rich people must’ve lived here” Cody remarked in awe.
“Maybe they still are, check if the gate’s locked I can’t see any chain around it, looks like the best way is to jump over the wall” Howard mentioned worriedly.
The mansion looked to have two-and-a-half stories, vast and symmetrical in feature giving it a dignified appearance, the roof was side-gabled and the porch was supported by classical columns. There were also elaborate pediments over the doors and windows as well as dentil molding and balustrades along the roof lines. Cody pushed and pulled the gate, but it was locked he slid aside and told Zack to boost him up over the wall. There appeared to be quite a lot of land around the mansion giving the impression of isolation but at the same time it felt safe having a wall blocking the rest of the world. The windows were situated too high to reach, one of them would have to grab onto a kerb to get there.
“No offence Zack, but I think I might be stronger to reach those windows” Cody chuckled softly.
“You won’t see me complaining, c’mon I’ll boost you” Zack grinned thinly. Cody managed to grab onto the kerb and slid towards the tall window “It won’t budge!” he clenched his teeth while using force to get it open.
“Can you see what’s inside?!” Zack called out. The window was placed mid-way on a staircase leading to the upper floor Cody could also catch a glance of the front door.
“Looks deserted man” Cody mumbled.
“Try breaking the window then” Zack suggested.
“I guess here goes nothing” Cody grumbled to himself and used the grip of his empty pistol to break the window, he waited a short moment just incase a walker would appear. “I’m going in” He nodded down to Zack. “I’ll be by the front” Zack called out.
The stairs were elegant and gracious, Cody pulled out his pocketknife and with caution scanned the area while stealthily approaching the front doors, the space by the entrance was baronial sending out a solemn atmosphere and a feeling of comfort. He unlocked the doors and let Zack in.
“Take this it’s empty though, but at least you’ll have a weapon” Cody sniggered softly.
“Yeah like bringing an empty gun to a gun fight, right?” Zack remarked sarcastically.
“Pray for that not happen” Cody hissed and moved forward to the living room which was situated at the back and the dining room was to the right with the kitchen in front.
“Cody, come check this out” Zack called out softly.
“Someone is definitely staying here” Cody remarked as he noticed dirty dishes in the sink and supplies stocked around the kitchen.
“Don’t turn around guys there’s a shotgun pointed at ya, not very nice coming in unannounced” A man revealed himself.
“We’re not here to cause trouble, we only wanted a safe place to stay” Cody said calmly with his hands up.
“That’s what everybody says these days, on your knees and toss your weapons” He replied indifferently.
Cody threw his pocketknife aside and Zack his pistol “My, my you came in here with a piss knife and an empty gun oh you must be desperate” he chuckled softly.
“Because we kinda are, we were attacked by bandits not long ago” Cody responded toughly.
“Bandits you say?…..did they mention anyone?” The man asked firmly.
“Like who?” Cody asked.
“Stop!” A woman’s voice called out as the man was ready to hit Cody.
“Does the name Brick Williams meaning anything to you?” She revealed herself looking to be in her early twenties and not too tall but slender. Her skin was very pale and her bone structure was very defined. Black long twin tails looked out of place on her oblong face, however her thin pink lips connected nicely with her chocolate brown eyes.
Cody and Zack glanced at each other “No, who is it?” Cody asked coldly.
“Someone who you don’t want to cross paths with, he likes to think he owns this territory and will stop at nothing in getting what he demands” The woman replied seriously.
“We have no idea who that is, you gotta believe us” Zack said softly.
“What do you think? is it a good idea to let them in?” The man grunted casually while holding the pump-action shotgun.
“Are you alone?” She approached them.
“Our whole group got separated after the attack but outside there are two more people waiting for us” Zack said nervously after a moment of pause.
“Zack what the fuck?! they’re gonna kill us anyway and you sold us out!” Cody gasped infuriated.
“What’s you name?” She focused on Cody.
“Does it matter?” He glared.
“I knew right from the start that you weren’t with Brick’s gang, my name is Celestia Van Der Linden and welcome to what used to be my home which is now called the Pantheon” She said firmly.
“Then all this was some sort of test?” Cody said coldly.
“Desmond here saw you guys coming, at first we weren’t sure if you were who you claimed you were, but once you showed up practically unarmed it was all to clear, you don’t have to worry about your friends outside Bobby will show them in, I wasn’t a good person before the outbreak but now I’m willing to help out any way I can, however don’t think I already trust you….you’ll be staying in that room across the hall under supervision—“ Celestia responded solemnly.
“So now we’re prisoners?!” Cody objected.
“No, you can move around on the ground floor but with one of us watching you for the time being or you can always leave the choice is yours, but since you’re here we all have a mutual enemy which is of course Brick Williams and his so called group of survivors ‘The Myriad’” Celestia said seriously.
“Our friends might need our help, we got separated close to some motel” Zack mentioned urgently.
“The closest motel is a couple of miles east from here, your people could be anywhere by now or dead for all we know” Desmond grunted softly.
Desmond Taylor looked to be a lot older and significantly taller than Celestia perhaps in his late twenties or early thirties and peaking at six feet height, he had warm hazel eyes and short wavy brown hair under his black beanie. Apart from his reserved demeanour he also had a unkempt bushy beard and a strange scar on his cheek.
“In a short while I’m going back out there to find them whether you help us or not” Cody sounded on edge.
“Hey found the other two!” Bobby entered the place leading Emily and Howard with a stubby shotgun.
Bobby Baxter appeared to be close to Celestia’s age, but was clearly a redneck and quite muscular. His dark hair was tied up into a small bun at the back of his head and also wore a beige military hat.
“C’mon move over there!” Bobby gasped coldly towards Howard and Emily.
“Don’t you’re a smartass because you’re the one holding the gun asshole” Emily had to give him a piece of her mind.
“Yeah yeah whatever pretty face” Bobby shrugged.
They were all placed by a long wooden table while Celestia, Bobby and Desmond gathered to consult. “Who are these people?” Emily hissed to Cody.
“Beats me, the girl is the leader because this is her house, she thought were part of a group called ‘The Myriad’ or something” Cody mumbled.
“Sounds like bullshit, they can say anything and claim it’s the truth” Emily disagreed.
“Well they haven’t killed us which they could’ve done already, I’m pretty sure we’d be defensive too if we were in there shoes, so lets just relax for now” Howard reassured.
“Once I rest up a bit I’m going to look for the others” Cody assured.
“Are you nuts!” Emily hissed angrily.
“I owe them this much and besides I really want to do this” Cody said decisively.
“You can count on me too buddy, we seem to be quite a team early on” Zack chuckled softly.
“Yeah we were hardly expandable” Cody joked.
“They don’t look like much” Bobby whispered to Celestia.
“Yeah so do we, I believe them but going out there might be too risky not too mention we got no clue where to search apart from the motel” Celestia considered the options.
“I said it once already before, every time we risk our lives the people we try to save always end up dead either from walkers or by that fucker Brick like last time” Desmond said negatively.
“You already know where I stand with strangers, but if you decide that one of us should help, then I’ll do what I can” Bobby said hesitantly.
Major Choice: Search
[Send Desmond to assist Cody and Zack]
[Send Bobby to assist Cody and Zack]
[Let Cody and Zack out on their own]
[Send Bobby to assist Cody and Zack]