Vivienne went back to her room to get ready, she casually grabbed her blue backpack, wooden staff and a 9mm pistol before heading back down. Downstairs Hugo grabbed his Remington 870 shotgun fully loaded with his last seven shells “This’ll have to do” he groaned. Later he took his black backpack and a combat knife which he inherited of a dead walker a few weeks back. “I hate it when you have to go” Eve remarked worriedly while she sat and played with Cleo.
“We all have a role to play, nothing gets done by sitting around Dear” Hugo grunted while finishing gearing up.
“You could’ve volunteered to go with Noelle and Pheobe” Eve muttered.
“And bring back groceries? I want to be more useful than that” Hugo scoffed.
“Don’t do anything try being a hero or getting yourself killed....please be careful out there, how’s your arm?” Eve said agitatedly.
“Will you stop worrying so much? I’ll try my best not to get killed....and my arm is doing quite well honey thanks to you” Hugo joked.
“I’m serious......I don’t know how I would cope without you in a time like this” She choked.
“If someone told me five years ago that my wife would ever say that she couldn’t cope without me, I would’ve ordered a double scotch” Hugo chuckled softly.
“Very funny” Eve sounded embarrassed.
“But we got through our problems, didn’t we? I always said that I would take care of you.......I love you and I’ll do everything to come back” Hugo kissed her on the cheek.
“We barely got through” Eve remarked mildly.
“Ain’t that true.....keep an eye on that ‘patient’ of yours I still don’t trust them” Hugo muttered and kissed his son goodbye on the way out.
“Are you sure you two will handle on your own, maybe you’d want Marina to come with ya?” Zafir asked Vivienne.
“If that tower is really busted, we’ll probably be back sooner than you think” Vivienne assured him.
“Alright good luck out there, see you both later” Zafir grumbled and nodded.
Noelle, Pheobe and Nizhoni met up with Hugo and Vivienne by the metal sliding doors before heading out “Noelle, you all can manage on foot? we’re gonna need that car” Vivienne remarked.
“Fine go ahead, we only have to do about three miles on foot....good luck out there” Noelle nodded.
“Same to you all” Vivienne replied mildly.
Shortly after their departure Zafir, Marina and Jerry got ready for their expedition. Kyle was fed up with laying down and decided to get to know the people in the crew. He groaned while standing up due to his injury. Eve was reading and watched Cleo play a board game with Amos. “You should rest” She said softly.
“I will....after I have a little walk” Kyle chuckled softly. He went of on a short stroll around the antique mall but before that, he stopped to see the family staying in the store beside him. August was on his way out, he kissed Marie on the forehand and bumped into Kyle “Hey there, you feeling better?” he asked kindly.
“Much better thanks” Kyle replied mildly.
“I guess we’ll talk more later on, I gotta see if Priscilla needs any help” Auggie said warmly.
As Kyle entered Judy was focused on drawing an antique vase in front of her. Becky swiftly got up from the table and hid behind Marie as he appeared.
“I didn’t mean to frighten the girl” Kyle felt bad.
“It’s okay sweetie there’s nothing to be afraid of” Marie comforted Becky and held her warmly.
“She’s....very shy, don’t take it too personal” She said strictly looking at Kyle.
“Oh I’m sorry anyway” Kyle scratched his head.
“So what’s your story how did you end here with us?” She asked bluntly.
“Too long to tell....hmmph...I got separated from Nizhoni and got caught by some bandits, they thought I knew something about one of their men that decided to stray from’em” Kyle groaned and coughed.
“And did you know them?” Marie persisted.
“Yeah.....but I didn’t tell’em that” Kyle grumbled.
“ what happened later?” Marie continued.
“Hmm....Nizhoni came looking for me and she got caught too, right before they decided that I was no longer of any use to them, but that these bandits threatened to kill me if she didn’t talk......she told them everything and went to find their 'old pals'......they beat me up before Zafir saved me” Kyle grunted.
“I’m assuming that Zafir killed these bandits? nor Marina or Jerry said anything about what actually happened, but I’m pretty sure that he did” Marie asked firmly.
[Truth - “He did kill them all, but also tortured one of them”]
[Neutral - “He killed them all there’s nothing else to it”]
[Lie - “I was pretty banged up and don’t remember much”]
[Evade answering and change the subject]
“We could always try and start up one of those vehicles by the mall?” Pheobe remarked optimistically once noticing Noelle’s unhappy expression.
“If it’s safe yeah why not” Noelle shrugged.
“Are you angry that Viv took the car?” Pheobe asked softly.
“Of course not, they needed it more” Noelle objected.
“Then why do you look so mad?” Pheobe asked worriedly.
“I’m fine, just trying to stay focused” Noelle grunted
“How did you both end up here?” Nizhoni tried to change the subject while they jogged.
“Can we not talk about that? shit happened in Atlanta and we eventually ended up here nothing to dwell about” Noelle replied evasively in a reserved manner.
“Sorry” Nizhoni muttered.
After a while of jogging through the streets they reached the outskirts of the Plaza, Noelle and Pheobe had a short cut into the huge building. Not many walkers were wandering the streets making it easier for them to move. Nizhoni noticed a giant hole at the side of the roof and chopper sticking out further out “What happened here?” she gasped.
“It’s a military chopper, once it all started happening the quarantine zone in Atlanta had a lot of these flying around” Pheobe replied mildly.
“Everything got out of control so fast, despite the chaos and panic, people thought that this was just another crisis, that it will just blow through somehow......everyone had hope of a vaccine being developed soon.......none of that happened” Noelle sighed.
“Maybe one day things will get better, there’s no knowing what’s going on elsewhere in world......lets leave hope for tomorrow and worry about today” Nizhoni said remorsefully.
“By the way we have something important in the car that we want to give” Josh said bluntly.
“What is it?” Tommy sounded suspicious.
“It’s important I think the man in charge will want to see it” Josh replied confidently.
After Tommy’s radio screeched and he grabbed a ladder from the other side and released it in front of the brothers. “We’ll send a soldier to pick whatever you have in the car, in the meantime you two can hop over” Tommy said firmly. They climbed over and gazed at numerous set up tents, triages and open containers with people living in them. Some people were still awake sitting around a fire further away from them. In the distance there were three ships docked by the port and a tall yellow crane. A six foot tall man with short black hair was walking towards them, dressed in a warm navy jacket with a visible golden oak leaf insignia pinned on his left chest.
“Hello Aaron and Josh, I’m Major Robert Till and welcome to Blount Island Marine Terminal, well now it’s more of a military refuge camp....anyway I apologize for the whole introductions...I’m sure you both have many questions about this place, since it’s very late most people are already sleeping, we’ll talk in more detail tomorrow if that’s okay?” The man said firmly.
“I guess that won’t hurt anyone” Aaron muttered and Josh nodded.
“I understand you’re both skeptical about this place, but there’s nothing to fear really, the government may have fallen but not in it’s entirety, there’s still some hope left, people are working on this pandemic virus all over the globe, follow me you two will be staying two days on that ship” The Major said sincerely.
“Which places in the world exactly? what’s the situation in--” Aaron gasped curiously.
“I’ll explain everything tomorrow, look forgive me it’s been a long day” Robert replied warmly.
“That’s the ship?” Josh winced.
“The one closest to us on the left is our Marine Ship that’s where I’m taking you, the one beside is a cargo ship and the last one was or still is a cruise ship” Robert smirked.
“Holy cow” Aaron mumbled in amazement.
They boarded the ship and Robert took them below deck entering through the operations room and lead them to a couple of cabin rooms “This is it, a doctor will come to take a blood sample in a couple of hours, you have enough food and water for these two days prepared in your cabins and to pass the time you’ll also find books and playing cards, I’ll meet you both first thing in the morning to discuss the rest I promise you that, goodnight” Robert smiled and left them to two marines.
“Wait a second, we’d prefer to stay together” Josh said roughly.
“And why exactly do we have to be in quarantine when we’re not exactly isolated from everyone?” Aaron said doubtfully.
“Not a problem, both cabins have two beds, so it’s your choice if you want stay together and the whole point of our quarantine procedure is to determine whether you’re sick or not and most importantly you both could be immune to the virus without knowing it, see you tomorrow” Robert smirked.
Josh and Aaron felt overwhelmed about everything around them. They glanced at each other and at the marines that guarded their cabins before entering.
“Looks good so far” Aaron mumbled as he had a look around.
“Yeah seems like it, we’ll see what’s exactly going on in the morning” Josh muttered and looked out the circular window overlooking the dark port with only a glimpse source of light which was the campfire.
Four hours later it was almost dawn, a doctor woke them up and took their blood for testing. Three hours after that, Josh got up to his feet and once again looked out and saw many people strolling the port it looked like one of those big markets or ironically a prison yard he thought to himself.
“You think we can just step out or are we imprisoned here for another day” Josh mumbled.
“Maybe, but I’m sure we can’t get off this ship once our ‘time‘ is up” Aaron replied dubiously.
Robert knocked on the door and the brothers let him in, he had a stern look on his face as he greeted them. “Where and how did you get all these documents?” he asked firmly.
“That’s the reason we’re here....we managed to salvage those documents from a military chopper that crashed, otherwise we wouldn’t ended up here” Josh replied confidently.
“Christ, more good men went to waste” Robert sighed.
“What’s exactly going on elsewhere? I mean...we have read the letters and documents, they mentioned DC and Fort Campbell” Aaron stuttered after a second of silence.
Robert lifted his head “Alright I promised to tell you what I know and the truth is, Fort Campbell was the only known to us at least to be the biggest safe zone since the outbreak, all cities have fallen....that’s no secret.....we barely escaped and managed to establish this place and today we have close to fifty people living some small cities the army managed to turn them into military zones completely cleansed from the undead...keeping all survivors living there under strict inspection.....we have trouble communicating with other bases since we had been forced to preserve electricity....recently we haven’t heard from Fort Campbell or DC so we have no idea what’s going on there, maybe that’s why they sent that chopper” he said thoughtfully.
“Which other cities? What about other countries?” Aaron asked hopefully.
“Cities like Billings Montana, Valemount in Canada, Alamosa Colorado many more.... but we haven’t heard anything from them in a the first weeks we had some news from Europe and South wasn’t great that wasn’t a surprise, we were all struggling....scientists from every european country were.....or still are working hard on a cure, eastern europe was doing quite well according to the first reports, but the longer it took the lesser information we got from anywhere else” Robert sighed.
“So from all these tests? you expecting to find something in our bloods to cure this thing?” Josh muttered.
“This virus is nothing what we’ve ever seen before, it’s even hard to establish how it got out in first place...radiation,pollution maybe a bio-chemical bomb went off somewhere we don’t who how it spread.....this whole occurrence sounds like an act of God I know it sounds silly, but that’s how it looks like......anyway all we know it activates in the brain once the person dies, that’s the hard part because there’s no way to remove it whilst the person is still alive, because there’s absolutely nothing appearing on the brain scans when the body is alive.....once it dies and reanimates then the scan showed that the brain starts functioning but only a small part of it.....we’re hoping to find something in the blood of an alive human that might prevent the turn in the brain once the subject dies” Robert replied doubtfully.
“So your theory is that immunity might be in the blood?” Josh winced.
“Maybe not exactly total immunity, because the virus most likely will always be airborne from now on, so no matter what every person born and living from now will be infected no matter what....I’m talking about a vaccine stopping the body from reanimation....and if by any miracle we find the trigger to stop this shit from awakening itself again, the next step would be to distribute it and clear out every remaining walker that’s walking on this planet” Robert said firmly.
“Sounds to me that it is as good as a cure can be at this stage...pff...good luck with that, I’m more interested in the setup here, it was a good idea using containers as a wall, no horde will get through that, how are you all doing with supplies and such?” Josh remarked pessimistically.
“We have to try there’s no point giving up.....and yeah this place feels untouchable but we still need medical supplies, fuel and meat if you get fed up of fish.....we got plenty of those....we also send out regular search patrols trying to find any survivors willing to join us and for any longer expeditions” Robert smirked.
“We’re willing to help out” Aaron nodded.
“Happy to hear that, we need every survivor if we want to prevail against the dead, I got go run some errands I’ll be back later, we can talk more then” Robert said sincerely.
Robert exited their cabin and made his way to the doctor “You have the blood test results yet?” he asked urgently.
“Almost done still waiting on.....Josh’s sample to come through” The doctor grumbled.
“So.....any ‘good‘ news about you know what?” Robert asked discreetly.
“Aaron might be a possible match you both have the same blood type but I’m gonna need to run more tests on him” The doctor said nervously.
“Fine we need to do whatever it takes......I might not have much time to live” Robert replied rigidly.
[Truth - “He did kill them all, but also tortured one of them”]
Aside from the fact that honesty is always appreciated, the truth is nothing to be ashamed of in this case. The way I see it, Austin's group have been bandits, therefore every single bandit group in this story deserves to be torture-killed without exception and down to the last man, woman or child, including the people Zafir torture-killed. This means, I am fully sympathizing with Zafir. Considering how viciously I hated the very same character in another story, I am deeply surprised by this. Though, I guess that most of my unexpected sympathy comes from the utter hatred I feel for every single bandit group that ever existed or will exist, as a result of what Austin and his subhumans did to Katie.
By the way, even though I don't have much proof for this theory, I'm calling it now: This Robert guy is full of shit and quite possibly, some terminal disease. At the beginning of his little act, I seriously believed that he is searching for a cure, even though that would have been guaranteed to fail spectacularly. But I guess this final exchange between him and the doctor gave us a hint of what he is truly after, which is most likely blood, bone marrow or stem cells to treat some sort of disease he is suffering from. I'm telling you, staying at the military camp has been a serious mistake and it is likely getting either Josh or Aaron killed.
Vivienne went back to her room to get ready, she casually grabbed her blue backpack, wooden staff and a 9mm pistol before heading back down.… more Downstairs Hugo grabbed his Remington 870 shotgun fully loaded with his last seven shells “This’ll have to do” he groaned. Later he took his black backpack and a combat knife which he inherited of a dead walker a few weeks back. “I hate it when you have to go” Eve remarked worriedly while she sat and played with Cleo.
“We all have a role to play, nothing gets done by sitting around Dear” Hugo grunted while finishing gearing up.
“You could’ve volunteered to go with Noelle and Pheobe” Eve muttered.
“And bring back groceries? I want to be more useful than that” Hugo scoffed.
“Don’t do anything try being a hero or getting yourself killed....please be careful out there, how’s your arm?” Eve said agitatedly.
“Will you stop worrying so much? I’ll try my best not to get… [view original content]
Vivienne went back to her room to get ready, she casually grabbed her blue backpack, wooden staff and a 9mm pistol before heading back down.… more Downstairs Hugo grabbed his Remington 870 shotgun fully loaded with his last seven shells “This’ll have to do” he groaned. Later he took his black backpack and a combat knife which he inherited of a dead walker a few weeks back. “I hate it when you have to go” Eve remarked worriedly while she sat and played with Cleo.
“We all have a role to play, nothing gets done by sitting around Dear” Hugo grunted while finishing gearing up.
“You could’ve volunteered to go with Noelle and Pheobe” Eve muttered.
“And bring back groceries? I want to be more useful than that” Hugo scoffed.
“Don’t do anything try being a hero or getting yourself killed....please be careful out there, how’s your arm?” Eve said agitatedly.
“Will you stop worrying so much? I’ll try my best not to get… [view original content]
Vivienne went back to her room to get ready, she casually grabbed her blue backpack, wooden staff and a 9mm pistol before heading back down.… more Downstairs Hugo grabbed his Remington 870 shotgun fully loaded with his last seven shells “This’ll have to do” he groaned. Later he took his black backpack and a combat knife which he inherited of a dead walker a few weeks back. “I hate it when you have to go” Eve remarked worriedly while she sat and played with Cleo.
“We all have a role to play, nothing gets done by sitting around Dear” Hugo grunted while finishing gearing up.
“You could’ve volunteered to go with Noelle and Pheobe” Eve muttered.
“And bring back groceries? I want to be more useful than that” Hugo scoffed.
“Don’t do anything try being a hero or getting yourself killed....please be careful out there, how’s your arm?” Eve said agitatedly.
“Will you stop worrying so much? I’ll try my best not to get… [view original content]
Vivienne went back to her room to get ready, she casually grabbed her blue backpack, wooden staff and a 9mm pistol before heading back down.… more Downstairs Hugo grabbed his Remington 870 shotgun fully loaded with his last seven shells “This’ll have to do” he groaned. Later he took his black backpack and a combat knife which he inherited of a dead walker a few weeks back. “I hate it when you have to go” Eve remarked worriedly while she sat and played with Cleo.
“We all have a role to play, nothing gets done by sitting around Dear” Hugo grunted while finishing gearing up.
“You could’ve volunteered to go with Noelle and Pheobe” Eve muttered.
“And bring back groceries? I want to be more useful than that” Hugo scoffed.
“Don’t do anything try being a hero or getting yourself killed....please be careful out there, how’s your arm?” Eve said agitatedly.
“Will you stop worrying so much? I’ll try my best not to get… [view original content]
[Truth - “He did kill them all, but also tortured one of them”]
I am not going to lie for Zafir. Marie should know the truth. If she has a problem with Zafir because of his actions, then this is something between her and him but not of Kyles concern.
Vivienne went back to her room to get ready, she casually grabbed her blue backpack, wooden staff and a 9mm pistol before heading back down.… more Downstairs Hugo grabbed his Remington 870 shotgun fully loaded with his last seven shells “This’ll have to do” he groaned. Later he took his black backpack and a combat knife which he inherited of a dead walker a few weeks back. “I hate it when you have to go” Eve remarked worriedly while she sat and played with Cleo.
“We all have a role to play, nothing gets done by sitting around Dear” Hugo grunted while finishing gearing up.
“You could’ve volunteered to go with Noelle and Pheobe” Eve muttered.
“And bring back groceries? I want to be more useful than that” Hugo scoffed.
“Don’t do anything try being a hero or getting yourself killed....please be careful out there, how’s your arm?” Eve said agitatedly.
“Will you stop worrying so much? I’ll try my best not to get… [view original content]
Grace wasn’t the type to give up easily especially for someone she cares about like Akemi. She sprinted to the rope gunning and sickling down any walker that crossed her path. The gunshots woke everyone in the courthouse. Akemi, Elias and Charlie were on alert, Jeffrey sluggishly got up to his feet holding his cane and handgun “The fuck is going out there?” he groaned. Grace climbed the rope and barely got in through the cracked window, she landed on her back and panted for air. Charlie peeked out and stood in shook seeing Grace on the opposite side filing cabinets and furniture blocked her path to her.
“Grace?” Charlie muttered.
Grace swiftly turned over, got up and tried to get over to them. She reunited with Akemi and hugged her tightly “I’m glad I found you girl I almost gave up--!”
“Looks like you could not leave me behind” Akemi chuckled softly.
“Clearly I’m getting too soft” Grace grinned.
“Where are the rest?” Charlie asked firmly.
“They left once they saw the horde, they wanted me to run off with them” Grace sighed.
“Shit” Charlie murmured angrily.
“Good riddance didn’t like them anyway” Ellis mumbled weakly.
“What the hell happened to him?” Grace cocked an eyebrow at the sight of Ellis.
“He got bit, we had to cut the rest of the arm off” Charlie muttered.
“Again, damn he looks like the terminator now” Grace chuckled softly.
“You know I’m awake right? I can still hear you” Ellis remarked weakly.
“Sorry.....bad joke, how are you doing?” Grace grimaced.
“I’m alive that’s what counts” Ellis coughed.
“So who’s this guy?” Grace asked as she noticed Jeffrey looking at her suspiciously and in a half drunken state.
“Jeffrey, he took us in and helped Ellis” Charlie said softly.
“And who might you be?” Jeffrey grumbled.
“I’m Grace.....look guys we got get outta here” She nodded urgently.
“It’s getting quite crammed up in here” Jeffrey grunted and sat back down.
“So are we getting the hell out of this town or what?” Grace said roughly.
“How are you expecting us to get through that herd outside?” Ellis remarked weakly.
“And Ellis lost a lot of blood he needs some more time to rest” Charlie said softly.
“We’ll figure it out, time to stay away from big and small cities, the countryside is our only hope” Grace said thoughtfully.
“Yeah staying in the woods almost got us killed, we’re not safe anywhere, lets just focus on getting out of here first” Charlie suggested.
Jeffrey opened a cupboard that he told Elias not to open and grabbed a bed sheet all covered in dry blood he tossed to it in front of Grace and Charlie “What the hell is this?” Charlie frowned.
“That’s how you’re gonna get out of here” the old man grunted.
“With a blooded sheet what kinda bullshit you’re trying to pull?” Grace remarked sarcastically.
“That’s how I got all these supplies, that’s how I navigated through the town when it got overrun, you smear yourself in zombie guts and that way they won’t detect you, allowing you to just waltz right past them” He grunted.
“Holy shit....too bad I don’t believe that, you expect us to just go out into the open covered in blood, this’s insane one wrong move and we’re dead” Grace smirked sarcastically.
“Well it’s the truth......and if you all want to go then that’s the only way” Jeffrey replied sullenly and indifferently.
“We can us that rope I just climbed” Grace suggested.
“And then what? those monster will be on you faster then you can say ‘run’” Jeffrey groaned.
“Wait a minute but you’re coming with us? right?” Charlie asked.
“I dunno if it’s worth it.....I’ll just slow you all down and I don’t see how I can be of any use to you” Jeffrey groaned.
“It’s better than dying here....all alone......thanks to you Ellis survived that bite, you’re more than welcome to come with us” Charlie replied sullenly.
“Yeah you can come with us, it’ll be nice to have more good people around us” Elias smirked.
Jeffrey felt better emotionally for the first time since Louisville went to hell. Hearing that someone actually wanted him to stick around and didn’t view him as just some old drunken man with no purpose to live. Charlie and Elias gave him a warm feeling he couldn’t explain why his eyes started to tear up a bit. He hardly knew them, but he was a soldier once and was willing to risk his life for his country. Dying alone without taking action wasn’t his style, he’d do everything to keep the people he cares about safe. However losing someone that’s what Jeffrey is afraid of. He lost his whole family once that was painful enough but maybe this was his purpose, to keep moving forward and finding good people to fight for. “Oh....hmmph....alright....alright.....I’ll do my best....we should start packing.....someone has to go downstairs and lure in a walker or two to y’know” Jeffrey stuttered.
“I can do that” Grace nodded.
“You’re gonna need to get rid of them chains there’s a pair of pilers downstairs and be careful not to get overpowered by them walkers because when you open those doors all hell will go loose, so we act fast, first we pack all our stuff and then we all head downstairs and put on our ‘disguises‘“ Jeffrey muttered.
“Yeah I got it grandpa” Grace mumbled sarcastically.
“But what about Ellis?” Charlie remarked worriedly.
“I’m can make it to the car” Ellis coughed and ached.
“Are you sure? Maybe we should--” Charlie persisted.
“Jesus Charlie I said I can make it!” Ellis snapped.
“Fine....I was just worried about you” Charlie frowned.
“Sorry....for snapping.....I’m fine okay, trust me I can do this” Ellis mumbled after a brief moment.
“Before we go I think you should hear this Ellis” Elias said morosely.
“Maybe Brad made it out somehow....shit, things could’ve turned out so differently....was there anything else?” Ellis sighed after listening to Katie’s recording.
“That was it” Elias sighed.
“No time to dwell on the past, lets get going” Grace interjected.
The group packed as much as they could carry. Jeffrey grabbed his auto mag pistol and filled up a big green camper backpack full of cans and medicine. Elias and Akemi didn’t carry much due to their small racksacks. Charlie and Grace held some of the food and mostly painkillers. Ellis had his pistol with only a few bullets left, same went for Elias and finally Akemi had her crossbow. The group gathered downstairs, Jeffrey noticed Charlie had no weapon in her hands “Take this, might come in handy” he mumbled and handed a knife to her “Thanks I lost mine earlier” She smirked. Grace lured in two walkers and ripped them open, after they all smeared themselves in guts it was time to go.
“We have to spread out that way it will be harder for them to detect” Jeffrey muttered before they headed out into the open.
Grace and Akemi went in front followed by Charlie and Elias with Ellis and Jeffrey not far behind them. They moved slowly and tried to keep calm once toddling past the town square, Charlie had a false sense that one the walkers detected her she reacted and struck it in the head with the knife, behind her one of the many zombie’s among them truly detected her this time. “Charlie!” Elias hissed discreetly to warn her. She turned around and tried to retaliate but the rotten teeth had sunk into her elbow causing her to drop the knife. Charlie knew that she’d be putting everyone else in danger if she’d hadn’t move now, she looked at Elias one last time before storming through the herd and enter one of the nearby buildings. “No” Elias sighed with his eyes wide open and kept slowly moving.
“Charlie?.....I can’t just leave her” the words echoed in Ellis’s head as he barely could see the whole situation through the mass of the undead.
[Run after Charlie]
[Keep moving]
“Renda you’re a good runner, we’ll try to follow him but if he tries to lose us you know what to do” Donovan grunted.
“Got it D I can do this” Renda smirked.
“I know you can kid, just stay focused” Donovan replied sternly.
Once the kid finished with his business in the small mart he jumped on his bicycle and rode towards the university. Donovan, Nina and Renda followed him as discreetly as they could. Renda continued to notice the markings on the walls as they followed the young stranger. The kid stopped and moved a dumpster to reach a window, after twenty minutes just when Donovan decided to move in the kid reappeared and got back on the bike and travelled to an art museum. There was a giant hole in the side of the building to which the kid was aiming for, he jumped on a military vehicle and later climbed over a transportation truck to finally grab onto a ledge leading towards the dilapidated part of the museum. The kid was gone for much longer which forced Donovan, Nina and Renda to move in. Inside the place looked pretty wrecked, most of the paintings were torn from the walls, the broken cabinet glass clinked under their feet and exhibitions were demolished beyond recognition.
“Keep quiet, stay behind me” Donovan murmured as he stayed on alert with his pistol wielded. Chatting voices were heard from downstairs as Donovan pointed.
“It’s pretty quite out there couldn’t find anyone--” a young male voice was heard from the cafeteria.
“Are you sure you didn’t see any of those thugs? Oh my god what are we gonna do?” A young female voice gasped nervously.
“Will you calm the fuck down Vicky? we’re safe here for now” another young male voice replied
“Evelyn will be here soon, we’ll figure out something guys, just like we always do” a third young female voice was heard out.
“Please we have to stay calm arguing won’t help anyone” another female voice said softly.
“How are you--” a boy asked.
Nina stepped on something to cause a cracking noise which alerted the crew of youngsters “I told you stay back” Donovan hissed.
“Oh my God someones there do something?!” Vicky stuttered whisperingly.
“Hide! I’ll see what’s up” one the young male voices hissed.
“Show yourself whoever you are I know you’re not a zombie!” he called out from the other side of the door.
“We’re not here to cause trouble--” Donovan said bluntly pointing his gun at the closed door.
“What do you want?” The boy gasped.
“Nothing.....we’re just trying to survive, can I please come in?” Donovan asked warmly.
Nina jerked his arm “What are you doing? you can get killed?” she whispered nervously.
“Who are you with?” the boy asked in a composed manner now.
“I’m with my niece and.....a friend” Donovan replied sullenly.
“Okay....but only you can come in and toss your weapon when I open the door” the boy ordered after a brief pause.
Donovan lowered his gun and stepped forward, half of the double doors opened without revealing anyone. Donovan slid his weapon across the floorboards and then entered with his hands up mid-air. A caucasian teenager about five foot seven greeted him with a two-tone glock pistol aimed at his forehead. Despite the boy’s besmeared cheeks, hard stare and scowled expression on his face, his demeanor somewhat gave out a harmless and positive vibe. He had short brown buzz cut hair and was wearing a gray sweat-jacket, with a blue t-shirt underneath and navy blue sweatpants with white sneakers. Donovan noticed the boy they were following hiding at the back of the kitchen behind a stove with two girls beside him.
“What’s your name son?” Donovan grunted.
“Michael....friend’s call me Lemons” the teenager replied
“Alright hand over the backpack dude” a jock-looking teenager showed himself also pointing a gun at Donovan.
“Wade, we’re not robbing this man....fuck we don’t need trouble right” the teenager objected.
“You’re only gonna get us killed Lemons” Wade muttered.
“Back the fuck away!” Nina bursted in with her crossbow wielded.
“Shit, don’t kill us, fuck I knew this would happen!” Wade flinched.
“Jesus Christ Nina! please put your guns down we only want to talk” Donovan gasped and went in between Nina and Lemons.
Lemons didn’t flinch but kept his pistol aimed for a brief moment before lowering and Nina did the same after Donovan nodded. Renda later entered and remarked sarcastically “Have we all calmed down? jeez”
“So if you’re not here to kill us then why are you here?” Wade asked them roughly.
“I used to live in this town a long time ago, we thought maybe it wasn’t so bad here” Donovan replied firmly.
“Well you’re shit out of luck, this place is fucked” Wade remarked.
“Shut up Wade can’t you just fucking chill for a second” Lemons objected.
“Whatever” Wade mumbled and folded his arms.
Wade was a whole year older than Lemons, Vicky and Brian, meaning that he was sixteen and was also caucasian. He had long streaky blonde hair and wore a basketball jersey with a number 12 printed on it matching with his blue basketball shorts. Brian was the boy they were following earlier, he revealed himself shortly after accompanied by Vicky and Violet. Brian had a small round soft stern face and a crooked nose. Vicky was painfully thin, she had an angular face with a few red pimples, her skin was quite tanned with long brunette hair tied in a ponytail. She was wearing a dark blue cap, a red short sleeve shirt and gray leggings with black ballerinas. Violet was the eldest and the tallest of this little crew making her only twenty-one and measuring at nearly six foot tall. She had dark red short curly hair, a round lily-white face with blushes on her cheeks and jade green eyes. She was wearing a grey shirt, blue chino pants and soft black suede boots. Violet was also holding her tummy as if she was trying to hide something.
“I think we got of on the wrong foot here, my name’s Donovan this is my niece Nina and that’s Chris” Donovan said calmly.
“Michael, but my friends call me Lemons, that’s Wade and at the back there’s Brian, Vicky and Violet, so what are you doing here, passing through?” Lemons replied flatly.
“Yeah looks like guys been staying here for long?” Donovan said shortly.
“Uncle D, she’s pregnant” Nina remarked blankly and worriedly gazed at Violet.
“That’s true....I am.....I’m in my third month...already” Violet smiled and stuttered in her thin voice.
“We’ve been staying here for a while since the military left for Colorado” Lemons changed the subject and replied firmly.
“Why did they left? and why Colorado” Renda asked.
“Why do you think they left? Once the walkers kept coming in bigger waves all those roadblocks didn’t do shit for anyone” Wade remarked rigidly.
“There’s no running away from the dead” Renda mumbled sullenly.
“Why Colorado....we aren’t exactly sure, I overheard a conversation about some place with supplies that would last for many years, we figured it must have been some sort of fallout shelter” Lemons replied calmly.
“Of course a fallout shelter, why didn’t I think of that sooner......shit this could answer all our problems......I remember hearing long time ago about a fallout shelter in Cheyenne Mountain” Donovan scratched his chin in slight shock.
“Why didn’t you guys go there straightaway?” Nina gasped.
“It’s not exactly easy is it? we don’t even know if it exists and if it does do you think they’ll let us in if we arrive? I doubt it....I saw this happen in a movie once and it wasn't pretty” Lemons said evasively.
“But we have to try for all our sake” Nina remarked.
“And you’ve all been surviving by yourselves through this? here in this building?” Donovan asked softly with slight disbelief in his voice.
“What do you mean by that huh? you think we’re just a bunch of worthless kids and that we can’t take care of ourselves? we’ve seen stuff you can’t imagine--”
“I think we’ve all been through similar ‘stuff’ Wade, just relax man.....they’re not here to harm us, right?” Lemons interrupted shortly.
“We have no intentions to harm you.......we just.....I thought I could find some answers coming here......I guess there is some hope after least my nephew didn’t die completely in vain” Donovan sighed blankly and Nina comforted him.
“I’m sorry about your nephew Sir” Lemons murmured.
“Why don’t we just rest here for the rest of the day? consider our options and move out in the morning” Nine suggested softly.
“Yeah it’s nice to see someone non-threatening for a change” Lemons smirked.
“We’re going to Colorado it’s our best chance Nina” Donovan said toughly.
“I dunno about the rest of you guys but we gotta get the hell out of this city today” Wade muttered.
“Just drop it Wade we’ll talk when Evelyn gets back, I really hope she found some food” Vicky said doubtfully.
Wade took off and before leaving he gave Renda a resentful look.
“What’s his problem?” Renda winced.
“He’s not really good around new people, we....we also lost a friend last night it pretty got to him, he blames himself” Lemons sighed.
“Oh yeah I know what it feels like......I noticed weird markings all around the city do they mean anything?” Renda swiftly changed the subject and asked curiously after a brief moment.
“When people started splitting up and building their own....clans, groups y’know..... they wrote these coded messages on the wall for those who wanted to find shelter” Lemons replied.
“That’s kinda smart” Renda smirked.
“Not when they come raiding your place for any supplies you have, sometimes they let you live, but other times it’s just a ‘bullet to the head and grab the loot’ ” Brian responded sternly.
“When we drove into town we were attacked that’s how Donovan’s nephew....Alastair died” Renda said flatly.
“Fuck......we had a big group before.....but people just started dying, it was either by walkers or thugs.....after a while you just take it into stride, like this is who we are’s a miracle we made it this far” Lemons chuckled softly.
“You all knew each other before?” Renda asked softly.
“Apart from Violet, the rest of us were at the school cafeteria when it all started, we hardly knew each other then funny how fate changes things.....the principal was telling everyone to evacuate immediately, and as soon as he wanted to explain everything, a machine gun was fired at him‚ later everyone began screaming and panicking and all the kids stormed outside the school. I got separated from most of my friends because the entire school was running out of the school. There were kids all around, it was hard to move at some points because of how packed the school yard was. I just kept running like I usually did in my football sessions gosh I miss those days--” Lemons chuckled.
“Football hey? looks like we got something in common pal” Renda smirked.
“You two are gonna be thick as thieves” Vicky shook her head smirking.
“Anyway I slowed down a bit turned around and looked for my friends, when all of a sudden more military appeared outside the school. They started firing their guns at the dead, tons of kids were caught in the crossfire, some of those were my good friends. I panicked but I continued to keep running, and kids in front of me kept dropping dead every second. I ended up in a random neighborhood with tons of others including Vicky, Wade and Brian....that’s how we bonded and stayed together to this day......anyway after a while we met up with other survivors, most of them are likely dead except for Violet and Evelyn....and now as supplies are running low and the dead keep finding a way to surprise us.....I dunno what are we going to do next” Lemons sighed.
“Like I said to you guys the town’s picked clean, we should’ve left ages I didn’t find much to eat.....looks like some of us is gonna go hungry for another day” Brian interjected.
“We’ll have to cope somehow there’s always a way” Vicky murmured sullenly.
Charlie! Oh shit, shit, shit, they gotta try and save her! Sure, this is risky as hell, but damn it, its Charlie! Just leaving her to die without trying is not an option for me.
[Offer them some food]
It is important to make a good first impression on a group of people that seems to be alright. And this group indeed seems to be alright, so getting friendly with them can't be a bad thing.
Grace wasn’t the type to give up easily especially for someone she cares about like Akemi. She sprinted to the rope gunning and sickling dow… moren any walker that crossed her path. The gunshots woke everyone in the courthouse. Akemi, Elias and Charlie were on alert, Jeffrey sluggishly got up to his feet holding his cane and handgun “The fuck is going out there?” he groaned. Grace climbed the rope and barely got in through the cracked window, she landed on her back and panted for air. Charlie peeked out and stood in shook seeing Grace on the opposite side filing cabinets and furniture blocked her path to her.
“Grace?” Charlie muttered.
Grace swiftly turned over, got up and tried to get over to them. She reunited with Akemi and hugged her tightly “I’m glad I found you girl I almost gave up--!”
“Looks like you could not leave me behind” Akemi chuckled softly.
“Clearly I’m getting too soft” Grace grinned.
“Where are the rest?” Charlie a… [view original content]
Grace wasn’t the type to give up easily especially for someone she cares about like Akemi. She sprinted to the rope gunning and sickling dow… moren any walker that crossed her path. The gunshots woke everyone in the courthouse. Akemi, Elias and Charlie were on alert, Jeffrey sluggishly got up to his feet holding his cane and handgun “The fuck is going out there?” he groaned. Grace climbed the rope and barely got in through the cracked window, she landed on her back and panted for air. Charlie peeked out and stood in shook seeing Grace on the opposite side filing cabinets and furniture blocked her path to her.
“Grace?” Charlie muttered.
Grace swiftly turned over, got up and tried to get over to them. She reunited with Akemi and hugged her tightly “I’m glad I found you girl I almost gave up--!”
“Looks like you could not leave me behind” Akemi chuckled softly.
“Clearly I’m getting too soft” Grace grinned.
“Where are the rest?” Charlie a… [view original content]
Grace wasn’t the type to give up easily especially for someone she cares about like Akemi. She sprinted to the rope gunning and sickling dow… moren any walker that crossed her path. The gunshots woke everyone in the courthouse. Akemi, Elias and Charlie were on alert, Jeffrey sluggishly got up to his feet holding his cane and handgun “The fuck is going out there?” he groaned. Grace climbed the rope and barely got in through the cracked window, she landed on her back and panted for air. Charlie peeked out and stood in shook seeing Grace on the opposite side filing cabinets and furniture blocked her path to her.
“Grace?” Charlie muttered.
Grace swiftly turned over, got up and tried to get over to them. She reunited with Akemi and hugged her tightly “I’m glad I found you girl I almost gave up--!”
“Looks like you could not leave me behind” Akemi chuckled softly.
“Clearly I’m getting too soft” Grace grinned.
“Where are the rest?” Charlie a… [view original content]
Grace wasn’t the type to give up easily especially for someone she cares about like Akemi. She sprinted to the rope gunning and sickling dow… moren any walker that crossed her path. The gunshots woke everyone in the courthouse. Akemi, Elias and Charlie were on alert, Jeffrey sluggishly got up to his feet holding his cane and handgun “The fuck is going out there?” he groaned. Grace climbed the rope and barely got in through the cracked window, she landed on her back and panted for air. Charlie peeked out and stood in shook seeing Grace on the opposite side filing cabinets and furniture blocked her path to her.
“Grace?” Charlie muttered.
Grace swiftly turned over, got up and tried to get over to them. She reunited with Akemi and hugged her tightly “I’m glad I found you girl I almost gave up--!”
“Looks like you could not leave me behind” Akemi chuckled softly.
“Clearly I’m getting too soft” Grace grinned.
“Where are the rest?” Charlie a… [view original content]
“Zafir killed all of them at the camp.....and tortured this one guy for something that he did to him” Kyle coughed.
“To be honest with you, I think I would’ve done the same thing if someone murdered my family.....Zafir was all over the place when it happened and then later Keith ran away that was the final nail for him” Marie responded toughly.
“How long ago did this happen?” Kyle muttered.
“Two maybe three weeks I’m not counting the days anymore, everyday seems the same to me” Marie replied bluntly and placed Becky down even though the little girl didn’t want to.
“Do you think he’s.....dangerous?” Kyle asked suspiciously.
“Now I don’t know, he’s always sad or angry.....I’m worried what will happen when he finally accepts that he has no-one left to live for” Marie frowned and replied rigorously.
“She’s cute” Kyle grinned at the small girl.
“It’s okay Becky mommy’s here.....this man isn’t here to harm us.....mommy loves you” Marie comforted and kissed her on the cheek.
Becky stopped squirming and sat down with a worried and innocent look on her face.
“It looks nice doesn’t it” Judy seemed to be whispering over her shoulder. Marie urgently grabbed something out of her bag what looked to be a box of tablets and went up to Judy “Take this honey and drink”
“What’s wrong with her?” Kyle asked with concern.
“She’s got this condition......Eve recognized it as being signs of schizophrenia, we were lucky to find medicine that helps prevent her from....having strange voices in her head...I guess it’s okay for you to know that I’m not their biological mother......we found Judy a few days after discovering that the dead people started her real parents were in a car crash with Judy, because one of them turned.....and Judy had to kill her own for Becky, she was adopted by me and August five years ago from India, because I couldn’t have children of my own” Marie replied strictly.
“Christ.....can’t imagine the trauma Judy’s going through” Kyle sighed overwhelmingly and gazed worriedly at Judy.
“She.....blocked that whole accident out completely” Marie sighed anxiously.
“Hello what’s your name?” Judy said in a friendly voice while unexpectedly walking up behind Marie and gazed warmly at Kyle.
“Hi there, I’m Kyle” he smiled after Marie startled.
“I’m Judy, do you want see a drawing that I did?” she asked him kindly.
Kyle smirked but before answering he glanced at Marie who gave him a positive nod.
“Sure what did you draw?” Kyle said optimistically.
“That vase of there, I know it’s not great but I’m getting better at it my dad tells me” Judy chuckled softly.
“Actually he’s right this, is pretty good” Kyle nodded.
“You’re a good person my friend tells me” Judy smirked.
“Which friend Judy?” Kyle asked seriously and inquisitively.
“She’s always moving around I never get to see her, but I hear her sometimes” Judy replied softly.
“And what does she tell you?’ Kyle asked curiously.
“She tells what to do..... stuff about people....who they are....things like that” Judy smiled.
“Do what for example?” Kyle persisted.
“Like looking out for Becky and mum” Judy had a very optimistic look on her face.
“Oh then that’s good....I guess, I’ll talk to you later okay....I gotta go rest some more” Kyle wheezed.
“Why? did something happen to you?” She asked gently.
“Yeah I was pretty hurt and now I have to rest a lot” Kyle smirked.
“Oh ok...get better then Kyle” Judy smiled.
“Can I ask you something Marie?” Kyle asked with concern.
“What is it?” Marie frowned.
“Don’t get upset I just want to ask if....isn’t it better if you told Judy what happened to her parents?” Kyle asked softly and cautiously.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, we already had an....incident once with someone saying that to her....but she didn’t believe it and it’s best if it stays that way for her sake....but I appreciate your concern” Marie replied strictly and toughly.
“Okay if you need anything...argh...ugh..I’ll see you later Marie I’m gonna get a lay’s nice to have met you” Kyle coughed mildly before leaving the store.
“Take care Kyle” Marie replied sternly.
“I hate it when there’s no music playing in the car, do you?” Hugo remarked as he drove and fiddled with the radio.
“Better watch the road” Vivienne replied indifferently.
“So what do you think about the newbie’s?” Hugo frowned.
“They look genuine too early to judge don’t you think?” Vivienne replied flatly.
“You’re probably right, but they can’t stay and you know that, we have enough people as it is” Hugo responded firmly.
“We’ll just have to wait and see how this all folds out with them, the situation with Zafir, finding supplies and making sure we’ll last through the winter” Vivienne said thoughtfully.
“Zafir is losing it, I don’t think he’s gonna be able y’know.....and I don’t blame him I would’ve lost it too if someone killed my family....hell I think we should choose....someone else to be in charge” Hugo suggested.
“You could’ve said something this morning and who’d you think would take up on the role as leader?” Vivienne winced.
“I think you’re more than capable of that.......or Jerry” Hugo said hesitantly.
“Jerry? we barely know him and to be honest I don’t trust him he’s been hiding something since the they he came by” Vivienne objected.
“So then, you can lead us right? after all Priscilla, Noelle and Phoebe look up to you, thanks to you they made it this far” Hugo smirked.
“No it wasn’t! they survived because they wanted to and still have someone to live for” Vivienne replied roughly.
“Oh gosh, I’m sorry Viv I wasn’t thinking, Jack--” Hugo stuttered.
“ think we’ll be able to do something at that water tower?” Hugo asked calmly.
“I dunno....maybe, it’d be nice to have running water for at least a short while” Vivienne remarked.
“We’ll see what we’re up against, but I got a good feeling” Hugo nodded.
“How far are we stretching today?” Jerry asked reluctantly.
“I’m thinking of searching here first in Covington and the nearby woods, later we’ll go further south and check the next two towns--” Zafir replied thoughtfully looking at a map.
“You think Keith would’ve gone that far?” Marina frowned.
“He’s alive I know he is......I just need to find him” Zafir clenched his teeth.
Marina couldn’t help thinking that it was near to impossible for a twelve year old to survive on his own for nearly two weeks, however she understood Zafir’s denial, because she most likely would’ve done the same thing if it were her sister that was missing. Jerry briefly glanced contemptuously at Marina “Eh maybe we’ll get lucky today, maybe we’ll find Keith and plenty of gas, that will be a helluva celebration” he grunted indifferently in his southern alabama accent.
“The new people seem cool, what do you guys think of them?” Marina changed the subject swiftly.
“Oh yeah.....what’s her name?....Nizhoni...she’s got a fine ass” Jerry chuckled softly.
Marina frowned at him “That’s all you think about” she mumbled scornfully.
“It’s sweet you’re jealous Marina, but I want you to know that you’re still number one” Jerry laughed softly.
“You really sound like a pig sometimes” She muttered and folded her arms.
“Oh Marina I was just kidding around......I’m sorry alright? I-I thought it was funny that’s all I didn’t mean--” Jerry stuttered.
“I think you said enough Jerry, just keep your mouth shut” Zafir interjected harshly.
Zafir took the next exit and stopped the car close to the town and nearby countryside, after leaving the car they killed a few walkers wandering close by before planning out “We should split up”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Zaf, you never know what’s lurking in these parts” Jerry remarked casually.
“Everything seems to be a bad idea for you lately” Zafir muttered sarcastically.
“Man you make it sometimes very hard to like you” Jerry tutted.
“I’m gonna check these’s where Keith might’ve gone” Zafir sighed blankly.
“Keith would rather sit all day reading them stupid comics in some store Zaf, are you sure you don’t wanna check the town first?” Jerry remarked.
“My son is smarter than that, he’d know better that a town might be overrun with walkers” Zafir said roughly.
“Your call pal, I’m just sayin what I think that’s all.....I’ll go and find a place to fill these up then” Jerry nodded uninterested and grabbed two canisters from the trunk.
“Zafir killed all of them at the camp.....and tortured this one guy for something that he did to him” Kyle coughed.
“To be honest with yo… moreu, I think I would’ve done the same thing if someone murdered my family.....Zafir was all over the place when it happened and then later Keith ran away that was the final nail for him” Marie responded toughly.
“How long ago did this happen?” Kyle muttered.
“Two maybe three weeks I’m not counting the days anymore, everyday seems the same to me” Marie replied bluntly and placed Becky down even though the little girl didn’t want to.
“Do you think he’s.....dangerous?” Kyle asked suspiciously.
“Now I don’t know, he’s always sad or angry.....I’m worried what will happen when he finally accepts that he has no-one left to live for” Marie frowned and replied rigorously.
“She’s cute” Kyle grinned at the small girl.
“It’s okay Becky mommy’s here.....this man isn’t here to harm us.....mommy loves yo… [view original content]
“Zafir killed all of them at the camp.....and tortured this one guy for something that he did to him” Kyle coughed.
“To be honest with yo… moreu, I think I would’ve done the same thing if someone murdered my family.....Zafir was all over the place when it happened and then later Keith ran away that was the final nail for him” Marie responded toughly.
“How long ago did this happen?” Kyle muttered.
“Two maybe three weeks I’m not counting the days anymore, everyday seems the same to me” Marie replied bluntly and placed Becky down even though the little girl didn’t want to.
“Do you think he’s.....dangerous?” Kyle asked suspiciously.
“Now I don’t know, he’s always sad or angry.....I’m worried what will happen when he finally accepts that he has no-one left to live for” Marie frowned and replied rigorously.
“She’s cute” Kyle grinned at the small girl.
“It’s okay Becky mommy’s here.....this man isn’t here to harm us.....mommy loves yo… [view original content]
“Zafir killed all of them at the camp.....and tortured this one guy for something that he did to him” Kyle coughed.
“To be honest with yo… moreu, I think I would’ve done the same thing if someone murdered my family.....Zafir was all over the place when it happened and then later Keith ran away that was the final nail for him” Marie responded toughly.
“How long ago did this happen?” Kyle muttered.
“Two maybe three weeks I’m not counting the days anymore, everyday seems the same to me” Marie replied bluntly and placed Becky down even though the little girl didn’t want to.
“Do you think he’s.....dangerous?” Kyle asked suspiciously.
“Now I don’t know, he’s always sad or angry.....I’m worried what will happen when he finally accepts that he has no-one left to live for” Marie frowned and replied rigorously.
“She’s cute” Kyle grinned at the small girl.
“It’s okay Becky mommy’s here.....this man isn’t here to harm us.....mommy loves yo… [view original content]
I think gas is more important but if Zafir does not find his son or is too late to save his life, he could snap and harm his group if she doesnt help him.
“Zafir killed all of them at the camp.....and tortured this one guy for something that he did to him” Kyle coughed.
“To be honest with yo… moreu, I think I would’ve done the same thing if someone murdered my family.....Zafir was all over the place when it happened and then later Keith ran away that was the final nail for him” Marie responded toughly.
“How long ago did this happen?” Kyle muttered.
“Two maybe three weeks I’m not counting the days anymore, everyday seems the same to me” Marie replied bluntly and placed Becky down even though the little girl didn’t want to.
“Do you think he’s.....dangerous?” Kyle asked suspiciously.
“Now I don’t know, he’s always sad or angry.....I’m worried what will happen when he finally accepts that he has no-one left to live for” Marie frowned and replied rigorously.
“She’s cute” Kyle grinned at the small girl.
“It’s okay Becky mommy’s here.....this man isn’t here to harm us.....mommy loves yo… [view original content]
“We’ve got some food, we can share right guys?” Renda suggested looking at Donovan and Nina.
“Of course forgive me for not offering I just....needed a minute” Donovan wiped his face and took of his backpack.
“Thank you so much” Vicky smiled gracefully as she grabbed a can of peaches in syrup.
“Blimey we’re not gonna be starving today after all” Lemons remarked optimistically.
“It’s not enough though is it? we’ll still be hungry tomorrow and the day after” Brian mumbled angrily.
“Will you just chill and look at bright side for once, if it weren’t for these people we wouldn’t be eating now” Vicky gasped.
“She’s right, we’re grateful really” Violet nodded while holding her tummy.
“We have to help each other out, it’s just a human thing to do” Donovan sighed.
“Not everyone is like that, thanks” Lemons muttered.
“So this friend of yours how long has she been gone?” Nina asked furrowing.
“Er-she left a little before sunrise I dunno around five-ish” Lemons replied unsurely.
“She could be dead by now” Nina remarked.
“We’re not leaving without her, so that you know” Vicky interjected roughly.
“I didn’t say that--” Nina objected.
“Nobody’s asking to leave anyone, we’ll be good to catch a breather anyway after.....everything” Donovan sighed calmly.
“Where’s Wade?” Violet asked softly.
“He went to cool down probably smoking off on them cigarettes he found” Lemons chuckled.
Three hours later it was almost midday, the groups bonded, ate a bit and rested awaiting Evelyn’s return. Donovan already made up his mind on embarking for the fallout bunker in Colorado despite it being over a thousand miles away and having no knowledge if it hasn’t been already taken or if they would be welcomed in. Nina suggested on thinking this through again as it was a far-fetched journey, but Donovan was already too determined to let this slide after losing so much. Renda got to chat with people his own age again. He got to know Lemons and Vicky a bit more since they were friendly enough to him. For the first time it felt as if they weren’t living in a zombie apocalypse, even talking with them about random stuff made it feel like being in school again. Brian struck to be a little more reserved and slightly strange preferring to read a book instead of talking with them openly. Wade kept being in and out of the kitchen tired of just sitting around. He went downstairs for another smoke until Evelyn came rushing in through the window with a cut on her cheek, she looked nervous but not panicking. “I think I’ve been followed” she panted desperately trying to catch some air. Wade barricaded the doors just in case with one of the exhibition shelves and told her about the newcomers of their small clan. Evelyn was a thirty-four year old african-american six feet tall woman. She had a slender somewhat athletic figure wearing black woolen gloves with a dark leather vest and rugged navy jeans. Evelyn had short black heddle hair covering her high forehead yet underlining her honest small brown eyes, but still she had a slight crooked nose with high cheekbones and flat lips. “What happened to your face?” Wade frowned while they headed upstairs
“Some thugs tried to jump me” She replied flatly.
“And did they?” Wade persisted.
“Oh they got more than they bargained for” She smirked.
“Sweet” Wade chuckled.
They entered the kitchen casually, she took off her backpack and pulled a rag applying it later on her cut. “We can’t stay here, I’m quite sure someone followed me here, it’s only a matter of time when they find us” She said bluntly.
“You must be Evelyn” Donovan remarked indifferently.
“Yeah.....and you must Donovan” She glanced at him from top to toe.
“Wade told me about you all.....we’ll have time for introductions later, but now we have to move” Evelyn said urgently.
“Move where Ev?” Lemons gasped.
“We’re all going to Colorado right?” Renda asked mildly.
“Lets focus on getting out of this city first” Evelyn replied flatly after a brief moment of glancing at Lemons.
Blount Island Marine Terminal
After all the chaos in the woods and the journey to a protected community, Josh and Aaron’s quarantine trial has ended and unsurprisingly to them none possessed the cure for mankind. Robert was tensed and eagerly awaiting news from the doctor about Aaron’s ‘compatibility’. The brothers noticed him acting differently, but decided to wait and ask him after they were finally given the full tour around the refuge camp as he promised them. Apart from the cargo ships the complete layout of the terminal consisted of two Marine Corps quarters, a large yellow crane now used as a lookout tower, a vast number of tents and triages inhabited by other survivors and the place was protected by a carefully lined up two-storey containers. The people were somewhat content, the brother’s noticed a group chatting, men playing cards, kids playing small ball games and people lining up for fried fish. The Major set out a rota for every able-bodied survivor, claiming that everyone has a role to play in this small society just like before the outbreak and things must continue that way. Tommy at the moment was on top of the wall looking beyond the wall with a semi-automatic rifle.
“As I mentioned earlier, everyone needs to fulfill a role, we got to start living again and stop running, this ain’t the paradise we all dreamed of, however it is a fresh start and it is safe that's what I want to ask you two, what were your occupations before the outbreak?” Robert asked solemnly.
“I majored in philosophy and started writing my own book when it all started” Aaron replied calmly somewhat shyly.
“Interesting.....there aren’t many teachers within these walls and we got many kids that need guidance, you may still be young but I can see you’re a smart lad, have you ever considered becoming a teacher?” Robert chuckled softly.
“For a long while at least, but things changed obviously” Aaron said shortly.
“How about you Josh, what were you up to before the world went to shit?” Robert asked strictly.
“I was a mechanic” Josh replied mildly.
“Hmm not bad...not gonna be very easy to scavenge car parts..... you can only become useful to an extent with that profession nowadays, but I’m sure we’ll find something for you to do” Robert reassured him.
“Without fuel everything will be useless one day” Josh remarked firmly.
“Can’t argue with that, but we got to die trying right?” Robert smirked.
“That’s what we’re suppose to do, never give up easily.....are you okay? you seem distracted” Josh frowned.
“I’m fine but thanks for asking....listen why don’t you both get to know the rest I got something that I need to attend” Robert patted Josh on the back and walked away.
Josh and Aaron glanced at each other “Looks like we’re gonna make it after all” Aaron remarked optimistically.
“One day at a time day at a time” Josh muttered with a suspicious look on his face and lined up in the queue for some fish.
Later that day Robert made his way to the doctors lab. There was a walker strapped to a an examination bed. “Hi Robert, I’ll be with you in a minute, just need to finish this” the doctor said calmly as he applied an injection into the undead patient. “Sure, what are you up to? any progress?” Robert asked shortly and sat on a chair. “As usual experimenting, there has to be a method in preventing the turn” he replied thoughtfully. “It looks like we’re gonna be infected forever if you ask me” Robert grunted. “Nothing seems to work, maybe we should start looking for holy water” the doctor chuckled softly.
“So about Aaron” Robert persisted mildly.
“Oh yes, er-he.....he’s as good as a match can be Robert.....we should get you prep for surgery in a few days if you want to go through with this, but I need to know how are you going to deal with his brother? if this gets out it could cause chaos and I don’t want to die” the doctor answered agitatedly.
“Believe me I don’t like this situation either, but how else I’m suppose to get a liver transplant?” Robert remarked doubtfully.
“If I die everything we created here may fall and I don’t want this place to fall” Robert continued worriedly.
“It doesn't have to fall apart have you thought about appointing someone else to be the leader? I mean how could you live after this? the guilt of taking away a young mans life” The doctor stuttered.
“Like you said the damage is irreversible” Robert sighed and sank his face into his own hands.
“That’s true and without proper medication it will only get worse and as you know stocks are limited like everything these days” The doctor nodded.
“So you’re advising me to.....accept my fate?” Robert asked blankly.
“We’ve went through this before you won’t be able to live with yourself” The doctor said calmly.
“But.....this could be my last chance” Robert sighed.
“Whatever you decide.....I’ll just....back you up.....I owe you this much” The doctor replied hesitantly.
Hah! Terminal disease, I called it! At the same time though, I have to admit I was partially wrong about Robert. He indeed seems to look for a cure, even though that effort is doomed to fail. And he positively surprised me in the fact that we get to choose on wether or not he is going to harvest other people for their livers. There might be a tiny bit of hope for him. Anyway, I think it is obvious that he shouldn't harvest other people for their body parts. Do you know who else did this? That's right, Austin did. Don't be like Austin, Robert!
“We’ve got some food, we can share right guys?” Renda suggested looking at Donovan and Nina.
“Of course forgive me for not offering I jus… moret....needed a minute” Donovan wiped his face and took of his backpack.
“Thank you so much” Vicky smiled gracefully as she grabbed a can of peaches in syrup.
“Blimey we’re not gonna be starving today after all” Lemons remarked optimistically.
“It’s not enough though is it? we’ll still be hungry tomorrow and the day after” Brian mumbled angrily.
“Will you just chill and look at bright side for once, if it weren’t for these people we wouldn’t be eating now” Vicky gasped.
“She’s right, we’re grateful really” Violet nodded while holding her tummy.
“We have to help each other out, it’s just a human thing to do” Donovan sighed.
“Not everyone is like that, thanks” Lemons muttered.
“So this friend of yours how long has she been gone?” Nina asked furrowing.
“Er-she left a little before su… [view original content]
“We’ve got some food, we can share right guys?” Renda suggested looking at Donovan and Nina.
“Of course forgive me for not offering I jus… moret....needed a minute” Donovan wiped his face and took of his backpack.
“Thank you so much” Vicky smiled gracefully as she grabbed a can of peaches in syrup.
“Blimey we’re not gonna be starving today after all” Lemons remarked optimistically.
“It’s not enough though is it? we’ll still be hungry tomorrow and the day after” Brian mumbled angrily.
“Will you just chill and look at bright side for once, if it weren’t for these people we wouldn’t be eating now” Vicky gasped.
“She’s right, we’re grateful really” Violet nodded while holding her tummy.
“We have to help each other out, it’s just a human thing to do” Donovan sighed.
“Not everyone is like that, thanks” Lemons muttered.
“So this friend of yours how long has she been gone?” Nina asked furrowing.
“Er-she left a little before su… [view original content]
“We’ve got some food, we can share right guys?” Renda suggested looking at Donovan and Nina.
“Of course forgive me for not offering I jus… moret....needed a minute” Donovan wiped his face and took of his backpack.
“Thank you so much” Vicky smiled gracefully as she grabbed a can of peaches in syrup.
“Blimey we’re not gonna be starving today after all” Lemons remarked optimistically.
“It’s not enough though is it? we’ll still be hungry tomorrow and the day after” Brian mumbled angrily.
“Will you just chill and look at bright side for once, if it weren’t for these people we wouldn’t be eating now” Vicky gasped.
“She’s right, we’re grateful really” Violet nodded while holding her tummy.
“We have to help each other out, it’s just a human thing to do” Donovan sighed.
“Not everyone is like that, thanks” Lemons muttered.
“So this friend of yours how long has she been gone?” Nina asked furrowing.
“Er-she left a little before su… [view original content]
“Zafir killed all of them at the camp.....and tortured this one guy for something that he did to him” Kyle coughed.
“To be honest with yo… moreu, I think I would’ve done the same thing if someone murdered my family.....Zafir was all over the place when it happened and then later Keith ran away that was the final nail for him” Marie responded toughly.
“How long ago did this happen?” Kyle muttered.
“Two maybe three weeks I’m not counting the days anymore, everyday seems the same to me” Marie replied bluntly and placed Becky down even though the little girl didn’t want to.
“Do you think he’s.....dangerous?” Kyle asked suspiciously.
“Now I don’t know, he’s always sad or angry.....I’m worried what will happen when he finally accepts that he has no-one left to live for” Marie frowned and replied rigorously.
“She’s cute” Kyle grinned at the small girl.
“It’s okay Becky mommy’s here.....this man isn’t here to harm us.....mommy loves yo… [view original content]
“We’ve got some food, we can share right guys?” Renda suggested looking at Donovan and Nina.
“Of course forgive me for not offering I jus… moret....needed a minute” Donovan wiped his face and took of his backpack.
“Thank you so much” Vicky smiled gracefully as she grabbed a can of peaches in syrup.
“Blimey we’re not gonna be starving today after all” Lemons remarked optimistically.
“It’s not enough though is it? we’ll still be hungry tomorrow and the day after” Brian mumbled angrily.
“Will you just chill and look at bright side for once, if it weren’t for these people we wouldn’t be eating now” Vicky gasped.
“She’s right, we’re grateful really” Violet nodded while holding her tummy.
“We have to help each other out, it’s just a human thing to do” Donovan sighed.
“Not everyone is like that, thanks” Lemons muttered.
“So this friend of yours how long has she been gone?” Nina asked furrowing.
“Er-she left a little before su… [view original content]
“We’ve got some food, we can share right guys?” Renda suggested looking at Donovan and Nina.
“Of course forgive me for not offering I jus… moret....needed a minute” Donovan wiped his face and took of his backpack.
“Thank you so much” Vicky smiled gracefully as she grabbed a can of peaches in syrup.
“Blimey we’re not gonna be starving today after all” Lemons remarked optimistically.
“It’s not enough though is it? we’ll still be hungry tomorrow and the day after” Brian mumbled angrily.
“Will you just chill and look at bright side for once, if it weren’t for these people we wouldn’t be eating now” Vicky gasped.
“She’s right, we’re grateful really” Violet nodded while holding her tummy.
“We have to help each other out, it’s just a human thing to do” Donovan sighed.
“Not everyone is like that, thanks” Lemons muttered.
“So this friend of yours how long has she been gone?” Nina asked furrowing.
“Er-she left a little before su… [view original content]
“You’re right....I shouldn’t do this, still every time we discuss this, I always think of the ‘what if?‘ damn fucking cirrhosis.....this disease is gonna get me after all“ Robert shouted blankly.
“Robert, you’re not dying for are leaving these people a legacy, you were the man that took them in and kept them safe, that’s a good way to go, despite all the suffering” The doctor said thoughtfully.
“Yeah I guess you can put it that way Doc” Robert said flatly.
“Have you given any thought of who you’re going to appoint?” The doctor asked.
“Tommy Welf he’s got the courage for it” Robert scratched his chin.
“Don’t you think he’s too young?” The doctor frowned.
“Twenty-seven is hardly young especially now, everyone needs to step up, doesn’t matter if you’re a kid or an adult what matters is.....surviving” Robert answered bluntly.
“Maybe you should let the people speak out, see what they have to say” The doctor suggested.
“It’s not gonna be easy is it?” Robert sighed.
“Nothing is and you know that, don’t have to make a decision today, just...... consider all the options and determine who’s suited for your position” the doctor said sincerely.
“Okay.....I’ll leave you to it” Robert muttered and stepped out.
“Take it easy Robert” The doctor replied worriedly.
Robert slowly walked towards the deck and looked over the camp he managed to establish. He leaned on the railing and contemplated on his approach.
“No Zafir, I prefer to go with Jerry” Marina said firmly.
“Suit yourself, keep your radio on Jerry” Zafir said coldly and took off with a rifle in his hand.
“ know we could always just kill him” Jerry smirked while looking at Marina’s worried face.
“That’s not funny Jerry” Marina shrugged off.
“Yeah...that was a bad joke, lets head into town” Jerry grimaced.
“I’ll handle them” Marina gasped as they noticed a few walkers scattered ahead.
“You’re pretty sexy with that shotgun I gotta tell ya that” Jerry grinned as he watched Marina smash the lurkers with the wooden stock.
“Oh shut up” Marina chuckled softly.
“We didn’t finish our conversation on the roof” Jerry smirked and said suggestively.
“Lets just focus on getting the gas first” Marina replied casually.
“Eh have it your way, looks like there’s a gas station up ahead I’m gonna check it out first ....and if there’s no fuel there then it looks like I’m gonna be siphoning again” Jerry shrugged cheerfully.
“I’ll check the shops see if there’s anything worth taking holla if you need me” Marina smiled.
“Oh I will” Jerry muttered.
The part of town they entered was relatively quiet and they were determined to keep it that way. Jerry pointed ahead towards a gas station which was beside a wide street with a vast restaurant with plenty of parked tanker trucks out front. A while later Jerry managed to fill up the two canisters and then went to search the service station. He found two more canisters and started filling them up, while doing that he looked out for Marina and spotted her in a convenience store. He smiled to himself and decided to leave everything and see what she was up to. Marina was browsing through the remains of the derelict store, Jerry startled her as he gently snuck up behind her “What are you--” she gasped as he unexpectedly hugged her softly “I just had’re the only person that doesn’t see me as a complete dickhead” he whispered to her ear. “Jerry I don’t think now is a good time for this--” she hissed. He swiftly turned her around now facing each other “Marina I’m not blind, I know you have feelings for me” Jerry smiled warmly. Marina blushed as he started kissing her. She didn’t resist even though she knew that now wasn’t the time for expressing her true feelings. Jerry took charge, he kissed her roughly before pressing her head against the counter.
Forty minutes later Zafir limped back to the car he had a gunshot wound in his shoulder and thigh. Aching and gasping in pain he sat in the passenger’s seat with the doors wide open and ignited a cigarette. Two canisters were already in the trunk brought back by Jerry. Zafir cursed under his nose every minute waiting for them to come back. Eventually he saw them returning with four more canisters Jerry had the same smug look on his face while Marina looked distracted just like always to Zafir’s perception. “Oh my God what happened ? you’re shot?!” Marina rushed to him.
“You catch on quickly” he grunted coldly.
“What the fuck happened Zaf?” Jerry asked seriously.
“What do you think? I slaughtered another group of murderers, fuckers shot me in the process” Zafir said firmly while clenching his teeth.
“Jesus Zafir you got to stop this” Marina urged.
“Next time you might not get that lucky pal” Jerry remarked.
“Give me your fucking radio” Zafir ordered.
“Why? don’t you--” Jerry replied.
“Just give me the fucking radio goddammit!” Zafir shouted.
“You gotta relax man, here take the stupid radio we haven’t been using it anyway” Jerry tossed the radio.
“We have to get back, he’s gonna bleed out” Marina urged worriedly.
“Good maybe that’ll teach him a lesson” Jerry muttered while packing the rest of the canisters and started the car.
As they drove urgently back home, Zafir took a glance in the side window and saw a five foot four figure emerge onto the street wearing a smiling clown mask. He clenched his teeth in anger and took a long drag of the cigarette while his eyes teared up. The boy in the street pulled the mask off revealing, it was his son Keith.
Charlie dashed off into a nearby building with walkers following her trail. Ellis couldn’t leave her not like this he slowly moved away from Jeffrey, the old man clenched his teeth and wanted to say something but if he did the undead would be all over him. Elias froze until Ellis caught up to him “Wait by the car” Ellis discreetly hissed and moved further to find her. The walkers started bashing and scratching their hands against a door leading to a backroom inside, Ellis decided to go around and check the alley. There was a door and it was luckily unlocked, he entered and Charlie tried to attack him in sobbing rage, however he revealed himself and calmed her down. She sank into his arms crying hysterically “I’m bit Ellis....get the hell out of here please” Charlie sobbed. The backroom doors were barricaded by a shelf she managed to trip over buying them some time. Ellis noticed the bite on her shoulder “I’m not leaving you Charlie, I don’t care if you’re bit we’re getting out of this together” Ellis gasped.
“But this is it for doesn’t matter anymore don’t you understand!” She cried.
“Yes it does matter! matters to me......and it sure as hell matters to Elias” Ellis reassured her.
“Why would it?” She sobbed.
“Because can say goodbye to us properly, not ending like this” Ellis argued.
“How are we going to get out?” She stuttered softly.
“Through the alleyway, c’mon stay close to me we’ll get through, I promise” Ellis replied calmly.
The two slowly made their way to the south barricade where the rest were still waiting for them. Rain started to drizzle as Grace drove south along the highway. They sat in silence bearing scars from their journey up to this moment contemplating on what’s waiting ahead. Charlie was getting weaker in the backseat, after nearly two hours commuting she felt her life was ticking away “Grace pull over somewhere” she sighed weakly. Grace nodded firmly and took the nearest exit and pulled over. There was nothing but fields all around them, it was almost dawn and it stopped raining, yet the sky was still covered with dark clouds. Charlie exited the vehicle and directed herself towards a small tree close by. “Where’s she going?” Grace winced. Ellis and Elias followed her, she sat under the tree with a flat smile on her face. “Why are you smiling?” Elias asked softly.
“I love the smell of grass after rain” She coughed.
It was a deja vu moment for Ellis, he knew this moment was coming, yet he couldn’t help reminiscing Katherine, it was hard enough to pull the trigger back then. “Leave me here, I don’t want either you to go through killing me” She choked.
“But you’ll be one of them” Elias sobbed.
“It won’t be me anymore, Elias” She replied weakly.
“We can’t leave her to turn! We can’t!” Elias cried urgently to Ellis.
“It’s’s okay.....I’ll do it” Ellis choked.
Elias hugged Charlie “I will never forget you” he sighed. “You’re a good kid Elias and I’ll miss you” she teared up before letting him go. Jeffrey was slowly limping towards them while Ellis kneeled down to her “Look out for yourself and Elias.....he’s gonna need you, everyone needs someone” She sighed. “I will, I promise” Ellis said firmly while tears shed his cheeks. “Damn, you sure have a big nose” She coughed and chuckled. “Heh yeah not even a nose job would help it” Ellis chuckled softly. After a brief moment of silence “You should go” She sighed. He hugged her one last time before standing up and aiming at her.
Ellis teared up while watching her slowly drift away and yet he still couldn’t shot her. Jeffrey approached him and pulled out his firearm “You shouldn’t have to do this” the old man said firmly. Ellis holstered his gun after a short moment and Jeffrey prevented Charlie from turning.
“I couldn’t save her” Ellis sighed while they gazed at Charlie.
“No-one could, it ain’t nobodies fault” Jeffrey grunted.
“She died in my dream” Elias said blankly.
“What are you talking about?” Jeffrey winced.
“Back in your place I had a bad the dream, everyone died but not me” he replied worriedly.
“It was only a bad dream Elias, just try to forget it” Jeffrey muttered as they gazed at Charlie’s lifeless corpse before heading back to the car.
End of Episode 5 and Season 1
Episode 5 choices
Cody decided to shoot Michael
Ellis didn’t leave Elias behind
The group chose to follow Alexander
Blake and Amanda chose to trust Marco
Charlie decided to kill Father Monroe herself
Dean refused to take revenge against Leo
Rory revealed Ryan’s plan of sneaking out
Devin agreed to Samantha’s terms
Sergio chose to stay back.
Willy decided to help Brent fight the walkers off.
Wow we finally made it to the end of season 1 guys!
I would like to thank everyone for reading my story with special thanks to @Pipas, @LiquidChicagoTed and @Violet_Ant for participating from as long as I can remember and I hope most of you will stick around for season 2.
Also I would like you guys to say what you most liked and disliked about this season and please leave some feedback for good and for worse of course.
Finally I'd like to officially announce the upcoming episode titles:
“You’re right....I shouldn’t do this, still every time we discuss this, I always think of the ‘what if?‘ damn fucking cirrhosis.....this dis… moreease is gonna get me after all“ Robert shouted blankly.
“Robert, you’re not dying for are leaving these people a legacy, you were the man that took them in and kept them safe, that’s a good way to go, despite all the suffering” The doctor said thoughtfully.
“Yeah I guess you can put it that way Doc” Robert said flatly.
“Have you given any thought of who you’re going to appoint?” The doctor asked.
“Tommy Welf he’s got the courage for it” Robert scratched his chin.
“Don’t you think he’s too young?” The doctor frowned.
“Twenty-seven is hardly young especially now, everyone needs to step up, doesn’t matter if you’re a kid or an adult what matters is.....surviving” Robert answered bluntly.
“Maybe you should let the people speak out, see what they have to say” The doctor sugg… [view original content]
And we thank You for writing such a great story. )
I have nothing negative to say and truly enjoy your fanfic (for almost two years now, wow).
You are a great storyteller! Each part of your story is gripping and always imaginative.
For me this is the best fanfic on this forum.
Wow we finally made it to the end of season 1 guys!
I would like to thank everyone for reading my story with special thanks to @Pipas, @… moreLiquidChicagoTed and @Violet_Ant for participating from as long as I can remember and I hope most of you will stick around for season 2.
Also I would like you guys to say what you most liked and disliked about this season and please leave some feedback for good and for worse of course.
Finally I'd like to officially announce the upcoming episode titles:
Season 1 DLC - Days To Remember
Episode 6 - All That’s Left
Episode 7 - Nest of Spiders
Episode 8 - Caught in Crossfire
Episode 9 - Among The Shadows
Episode 10 - No Turning Back
Indeed, it has been a wonderful ride. Can't believe it's been over 1,5 years since you started this. And I gotta say, I enjoyed every second of it!
Of course I'm gonna stick around for Season 2! (unless I accidentally unfollow the thread again, lel)
Now, I think I've mentioned it earlier somewhere, but I really like how are you giving each character space to grow. Honestly, I don't feel that any of the characters are just there in the background doing nothing, which has been a problem of many fics I read before.
Keep up the good work Domingez. Really looking forward to the next episode!
Wow we finally made it to the end of season 1 guys!
I would like to thank everyone for reading my story with special thanks to @Pipas, @… moreLiquidChicagoTed and @Violet_Ant for participating from as long as I can remember and I hope most of you will stick around for season 2.
Also I would like you guys to say what you most liked and disliked about this season and please leave some feedback for good and for worse of course.
Finally I'd like to officially announce the upcoming episode titles:
Season 1 DLC - Days To Remember
Episode 6 - All That’s Left
Episode 7 - Nest of Spiders
Episode 8 - Caught in Crossfire
Episode 9 - Among The Shadows
Episode 10 - No Turning Back
Thanks for the feedback guys it definitely keeps me motivated and now here is the first part of the S1 DLC
The Walking Dead Season 1 DLC: Days To Remember
“What the hell was I thinking? could all this go wrong?......shit what am I gonna do now?” Ian thought to himself as he panted while driving the bus. Kaden was sitting and leaning against the window in the third row “The fuck are you doing? we have to go back for Michael!” he coughed. Ian ignored him and kept speeding “Hey I’m talking to you? turn the damn bus around, we’re not leaving my friend behind! Kaden growled. Ian tutted and shook his head “Are you fucking blind and deaf too? they opened fire at him, he’s screwed” Kaden’s face faded “We never should’ve left, it was a dumb plan and now Mike’s dead” he muttered angrily.
“He suggested it, I knew it was risky but he didn’t want to listen--” Ian remarked thoughtfully.
“Oh yeah now it’s his fault?” Kaden replied ironically.
“As matter of fact, it was!” Ian said firmly.
“Fucking hypocrite” Kaden mumbled under his nose.
“Now I’m the hypocrite? you really are a funny kid” Ian chuckled softly.
“I’m not a kid! piece of shit!” Kaden wanted to get up and give Ian a piece of his mind.
“Listen jackass, we don’t have to stick together, in fact I don’t give two shits what happens to you, so you either shut up and let me drive or I’m stopping this bus and gonna leave you on the side of the road, it’s you choice!” Ian snapped.
Kaden refused to reply and folded his arms in a rather comical fashion. “That’s better, we gotta start thinking where do we go from here? any suggestions?” Ian grunted as he drove past a sign informing that they passed Moxley. “A place to lay low, far away from the walkers, but also close to places where we can regularly get supplies” Kaden muttered indifferently.
“So, basically disneyland” Ian joked.
“Alright if you’re so damn smart then you come up with something!” Kaden snarled.
“I dunno, wherever we seem to look the dead always find us, we gotta.....shit what the hell?......goddammit we’re out of gas” Ian gasped as the bus slowly came to a halt.
“How can we be out of gas? we just left the fucking gas station” Kaden frowned.
Ian stepped out from the bus and noticed that the bullet holes must’ve caused the leak of fuel. “Looks like we’re walking” Ian grunted while returning and grabbed the duffel bag filled with a few days worth of food supplies. As much as Kaden wanted to ask Ian to help him walk his personal pride prevented it. On one side of the road there was a trailer park with a few derelict houses and on the other side a wide cornfield was situated with three big silos in the distance. Ian returned to the front of the bus only to get soccer punched by Kaden “That was for leaving Michael” he mumbled.
“Alright! I’m gonna let that one slide, but if you do it again you’ll have something more to worry about than that damn leg of yours” Ian chuckled softly while examining his jaw.
“Oh I’m pissing myself with fear, get up and carry this damn bag we gotta find a place to crash I’m fucking tired” Kaden remarked sarcastically.
Ian shook his head and felt fed up of putting up with Kaden, but he played along for now. The two decided to head for the trailer park. The place was mostly deserted apart from the numerous dead corpses laying around. The moon took its place as only darkness surrounded them. Kaden liked the star sparkling night, he liked the idea of how it hid his flaws, the scars he already had from his childhood and now he was going to obtain more them. It was a nice change of not seeing any walkers or people in particular as Ian searched the trailers. There wasn’t much he could scavenge apart from a flashlight, he directed himself to the derelict house in hope of finding some weapons. Kaden sat on the front porch while Ian barged in, the eerie presence outside was calming making Kaden’s eyes slowly close, after all the wounds inflicted his body quietly started switching off. The windows inside were all boarded up and made the place pitch black, Ian used the flashlight to navigate around. He flinched at the sight of a dead corpse sitting in an armchair in front of a fireplace holding a photo. Ian cautiously grabbed the revolver from the dead man’s hand, but it was empty “Shame you didn’t leave any bullets left for me pal” he muttered with a flat yet sympathetic smile. He continued by going upstairs, the windows weren’t boarded allowing more light to come through. A hunting rifle with a brown sling hanging against the wall drew his attention, he recalled when his father first took him hunting. Even though he didn’t share his father’s passion like shooting or God forbid killing any living creature, however it was a moment he cherished spending with him. Ian grabbed the rifle and blew the dust of it “Now we’re getting somewhere” he thought while searching the drawers after which he managed to find a box containing a handful of bullets. After opening a wardrobe in one of the bedrooms, among the many clothes hanging inside a neatly tailored black suit caught his eye which was under a plastic sheet “This is what I’m talking about” he looked at it in amazement for a short moment. Ian quickly pulled of his tedious sweater and generic brown pants to try the suit on. His leather wallet fell out from his pants and while picking it up he was surprised of still having it after all this time, funny how certain things get forgotten he thought. The suit wasn’t perfect, but he felt strangely as if he recovered a part of his identity or such “Too bad the shoes don’t match” he chuckled softly before finishing his sweep of the house. Later he found himself downstairs and decided that this was a good place to rest for a bit. Kaden already dozed off on front porch “Hey wake up” Ian nudged him mildly.
“What do you want?” Kaden mumbled lethargically.
“It’s much more comfortable inside” Ian replied calmly.
“Argh...urgh...dammit why does it have to hurt so much” Kaden clenched his teeth while rising to his feet.
“Stop sounding like an old person and get inside” Ian sneered.
Ian lit up the fireplace shortly after and Kaden limped over to the couch which was facing the fireplace “This is nice ain’t it?” Ian smirked while crouching close to the fire.
“Different I guess” Kaden muttered with a cold scowl.
“It’s unbelievable that we spent so much time in a small closed community and we never really got to actually talk to each other” Ian said in a rather friendly manner.
“No offence, but I didn’t like you then and I don’t like you now” Kaden shrugged.
“I think this is a good time to lay out all this shit on the table” Ian smirked and showed him a small bottled of whiskey he found in one of the cabinets.
“What shit? and I ain’t in the mood for drinking” Kaden muttered.
“All the stuff you hate about me, even by fact you don’t really know me for starters....and come on when or if you ever had a drink like this?” Ian smiled and gestured by gently shaking the almost empty bottle.
“For starters you look ridiculous, what are you even wearing? you look like a damn banker” Kaden frowned.
“I believe it’s called a suit” Ian chuckled sarcastically and poured one finger of whiskey.
“Man do I really have to drink this?” Kaden winced after Ian handed him the glass.
“No, I’m drinking the rest anyway” Ian chuckled.
“You really are a damn weird guy” Kaden said sourly after taking a sip.
“I can say the same about you, back in Louisville all you did was stick to Jarvis like glue and that guy turned out to be a fucking wacko” Ian laughed while drinking.
“He was my friend you didn’t know him well as I did” Kaden said coldly.
“Fine sorry tell me why are you so stuck up all the time” Ian chuckled softly.
“Because I lost everyone that I cared for! please I want to get some sleep” Kaden snarled.
“Okay I’ll leave you alone......and by the way everybody has lost someone at this point” Ian replied mildly and sat on the ground by the fire.
Moments later Kaden was fast asleep again. Ian pulled out his leather wallet and examined what he still had left in it. For a guy who inherited before the outbreak a large sum of cash only had fifty dollars in his pocket “How sad and ironic” he shook his head.
“If only walkers were bribable I’d throw some cash at’em” Ian chuckled to himself. In a secret compartment he found a photo of his mother. The optimism from his face faded suddenly as he gazed at the image before throwing it all in the fire. Ian staggered upstairs he couldn’t help thinking that this little group of theirs wasn’t going to work. He slowly approached one of the beds, the duffel bag and rifle were rested beside on the ground, Ian felt slightly peckish and grabbed a jar of pickled cucumbers to lessen his appetite. During consumption he pondered about leaving Kaden, he could leave him now and not have second thoughts, after all if Kaden weren’t injured the roles might’ve been reversed.
Thanks for the feedback guys it definitely keeps me motivated and now here is the first part of the S1 DLC
The Walking Dead Season 1 DLC… more: Days To Remember
“What the hell was I thinking? could all this go wrong?......shit what am I gonna do now?” Ian thought to himself as he panted while driving the bus. Kaden was sitting and leaning against the window in the third row “The fuck are you doing? we have to go back for Michael!” he coughed. Ian ignored him and kept speeding “Hey I’m talking to you? turn the damn bus around, we’re not leaving my friend behind! Kaden growled. Ian tutted and shook his head “Are you fucking blind and deaf too? they opened fire at him, he’s screwed” Kaden’s face faded “We never should’ve left, it was a dumb plan and now Mike’s dead” he muttered angrily.
“He suggested it, I knew it was risky but he didn’t want to listen--” Ian remarked thoughtfully.
“Oh yeah now it’s his fault?” Kaden replied ironic… [view original content]
Thanks for the feedback guys it definitely keeps me motivated and now here is the first part of the S1 DLC
The Walking Dead Season 1 DLC… more: Days To Remember
“What the hell was I thinking? could all this go wrong?......shit what am I gonna do now?” Ian thought to himself as he panted while driving the bus. Kaden was sitting and leaning against the window in the third row “The fuck are you doing? we have to go back for Michael!” he coughed. Ian ignored him and kept speeding “Hey I’m talking to you? turn the damn bus around, we’re not leaving my friend behind! Kaden growled. Ian tutted and shook his head “Are you fucking blind and deaf too? they opened fire at him, he’s screwed” Kaden’s face faded “We never should’ve left, it was a dumb plan and now Mike’s dead” he muttered angrily.
“He suggested it, I knew it was risky but he didn’t want to listen--” Ian remarked thoughtfully.
“Oh yeah now it’s his fault?” Kaden replied ironic… [view original content]
Thanks for the feedback guys it definitely keeps me motivated and now here is the first part of the S1 DLC
The Walking Dead Season 1 DLC… more: Days To Remember
“What the hell was I thinking? could all this go wrong?......shit what am I gonna do now?” Ian thought to himself as he panted while driving the bus. Kaden was sitting and leaning against the window in the third row “The fuck are you doing? we have to go back for Michael!” he coughed. Ian ignored him and kept speeding “Hey I’m talking to you? turn the damn bus around, we’re not leaving my friend behind! Kaden growled. Ian tutted and shook his head “Are you fucking blind and deaf too? they opened fire at him, he’s screwed” Kaden’s face faded “We never should’ve left, it was a dumb plan and now Mike’s dead” he muttered angrily.
“He suggested it, I knew it was risky but he didn’t want to listen--” Ian remarked thoughtfully.
“Oh yeah now it’s his fault?” Kaden replied ironic… [view original content]
It was a relatively normal day for nineteen year old Skylar waking up to a quite sunny day and noticing that she overslept on a college day. In no rush, she found herself downstairs in the kitchen preparing breakfast whilst watching television. News broadcasts were on almost every channel alerting the audience about evacuating to the nearest quarantine zone, because of an unidentified virus spreading rapidly across the US causing people to feel sick and start biting others. Skylar felt worried and rushed towards the window to see if something was going on outside. Murray street was deserted and quiet as usual, it was almost one in the afternoon. Skylar tried to phone her dad Wesley who was a geometry teacher, but the network was down. She hurried back upstairs and got quickly dressed into her black and silver leather jacket with a brown tank top underneath, later slipping on a pair of black leggings and brown suede boots. Skylar always wore a gold cross necklace and a thin black bracelet that Zack Lockwood gave her. Upon looking into the mirror before heading downstairs, her attractive tanned round face was rather pale this morning making her dark brown eyes and thin pink lips standout, she tied her long brown hair with blond highlights into a ponytail. Additionally she was six feet tall and had a slim figure. Taking the situation seriously however without panic she started packing her camper backpack with essentials just incase this nightmare happened to be true. Everything felt so surreal, Skylar decided to check on her neighbours. No one answered to her knocking on the door, but she could her faint moans coming from inside. Shortly later Wesley arrived and parked their car erratically in the street. He barged into his home and called out “Sky! are you here!? where the hell are you!” in a thick australian accent, upon hearing her dad from across the street and she quickly rushed back.
“What’s going on dad? I’m starting to freak out” Skylar asked worriedly while watching her father load a 9mm pistol pulled out from the drawer.
“Sky, thank God you’re okay, I just saw this lad at school attack and eat another student, people in the city are turning crazy.....on the streets they’re all biting and eating each other, we have to get out of here fast, I need you to stay strong and pack your things right away” Wesley said in a composed voice.
Wesley was exactly fifty years old, despite the age he was still in great shape. The tall man was skinny and was wearing a buttoned-up light brown almost beige shirt and gray pants. He had a very sculpted face complimented by rough course gray hair with a flip in the front.
“I already packed my stuff dad, I tried to call you--” Skylar stuttered softly.
“Good, good dear er-I’ll quickly get on packing us some food and we’ll hit the road” Wesley gasped.
“Where are we even gonna go? I need to find Zack first, what’s exactly goin’ on? I heard about some virus on the news” Skylar gasped nervously.
“That’s what it is, people are getting sick somehow, that is why we have to go” Wesley urged while packing food from the refrigerator and cupboards.
A few minutes later they heard banging noise by the front door. Skylar assumed it was one of the neighbours and went to open it, before Wesley managed to warn her to not open a walker already overpowered her to the ground. She looked into the white eyes of the freshly turned person while trying to keep it’s stuttering teeth away from her neck. Wesley grabbed a kitchen knife and dragged the walker of off his daughter before repeatedly stabbing it in the abdomen. The dead corpse kept growling and Wesley delivered the final blow splattering the zombie’s skull. Skylar noticed her shattered cellphone on the floor. Wesley helped his shaking daughter up “Are you okay? it didn’t bite you?” his voice panted and rang in her head. She faintly nodded affirmatively and they both shortly after rushed to the car.
Once they drove past the next neighbourhood the horror continued to turn more real, as they both witnessed people running for their lives and getting devoured. One girl caught their attention as she flagged them down for help, almost throwing herself in front of the car to stop. The girl was covered in blood and looked slightly younger than Skylar, but shared the same tanned complexion and thin figure. She had dark brown to dark reddish hair and wore a light blue plaid shirt which barely fitted her with blue jeans and beige boots. “Please help me, I’m not bit, this’s not my blood” She stuttered in horror. “Get in quick” Wesley said softly and flatly. Skylar tried to comfort her even though she was likewise scared to hell, the girl introduced herself as Florence.
“Wha-what’s happening.....I just saw my whole fa-family go crazy” Florence stuttered hysterically.
“Oh my God what in the flaming hell is happening to these people” Wesley muttered in horror.
“Dad we need to find Zack” Skylar persisted toughly.
“Does he matter that much to you? this lady on this radio is urging everyone to make there way to a quarantine zone, because of this detour we might not make it Sky!” Wesley suggested firmly.
“I love him Dad, please.....we have to try” Skylar insisted with tears shedding her eyes.
“Alright.....alright pumpkin....I hope it’ll be worth it” Wesley muttered with a hopeful smile.
Day 2
Hillsboro, 76 miles from Atlanta
“Richard you gotta take a breather here man, if those things were really zombies then Atlanta will sure be full of’em” his friend gasped after they barely managed to escape a few walkers.
“I’m not just gonna sit around here and wait for help! I’m going back home with or without you man” Richard snarled while slamming the car doors and ignited the engine.
“Fuck bro this is suicide!” his friend panicked.
“My mind is made up, you’re coming or not?!” Richard gasped.
“Dammit fine, but you owe me one after this” Alan remarked.
This time yesterday everything felt normal far out from Atlanta, Richard and a few of his friends decided to take some time off from their daily jobs as bakers and head of camping for the weekend. While the city fought off the dead rising, Richard Reid was chilling out under the open sky on the outskirts of Hillsboro. During the night, the walkers had reached them killing everyone except for him and Alan. Richard still lived with his parents and younger sister Mia which he was hoping to find safe and sound. At the time he was wearing a black t-shirt with a red and black flannel shirt over it and faded ragged jeans. The twenty-two year old was very pale, however not very tall. Additionally he had a quite likeable, freckled and heart-shaped face. He had dark bleak eyes, a slightly upturned nose and longish bushy blonde hair. An hour and a half later he reached his home located not far from Gresham Park. “This so fucked up, look at how many zombies are out there” Alan whispered and panicked as Richard put the car to a stop.
“My house is right over there keep it together” Richard hissed.
“How am I suppose to keep it together?! how do you plan getting past them?” Alan murmured nervously.
“I’ll figure it out, you stay in the car and be ready to blast outta here, alright? can I trust you to do that?” Richard suggested calmly.
“Ye-yeah just go and hurry” Alan hissed.
Richard slipped out and dashed up the street attracting walkers while running ahead. He forced open the front door and after a second his Bernese Mountain Dog called Timothy greeted him happily “Good to see you boy” Richard gave him a brief hug before calling out “Mom?! Dad! Mia! anyone?!” but the place was already abandoned and possibly looted after looking at the state of the place. He sighed and sat down and took a moment “Where did they go” he choked. The walkers banging on his front door made him flinch and rush quickly to barricade it, later he urgently grabbed some food and stuffed it into his backpack. “Come on boy” he remarked to Timothy and pulled out his pocket knife as the walkers started coming through the windows. By the back door he tripped over a pile of books, however before getting up and escaping he grabbed a book of poems by A.Rimbaud. Outside Richard and his four-legged companion stormed back to where Alan was waiting, only to find that he was gone and a wave of walkers was passing through.
Day 147
December 4
Somewhere in Michigan by the Manistee National Forest, Skylar flinched upon awaking from the continuous nightmare. She had fallen asleep on the hammock with her diary open, through the window above her the winter air swirled around the dense trees. Skylar hated the cold, but most significantly the problem was the blackness of the night. It felt as if the worries and thoughts silently burned into her mind preventing her from sleeping in serenity. Florence was on the other side of the room sleeping calmly for a change. Through the ajar doors she noticed the fireplace still lit up and decide to slip into her coat and sit by the flames. Wesley was in a rusty armchair drinking a can of beer “Dad?” She said softly with her arms wrapped around.
“Oh hey Sky, what are you doing up and about?” He smirked flatly and scratched his ashy beard.
“Bad dreams.....again” She nodded.
“Sorry to hear that sweetie, come sit with me, want a coolie?” He offered.
“No thanks dad, how much food have we got left?” Skylar asked warily.
“Not enough, there’s still some of that elk meat from earlier” he grunted.
“Where’s Richard?” Skylar frowned.
“He popped out with Timothy” He laughed softly.
“So, is Florence asleep and how’s she?” Wesley asked compassionately after a short pause.
“She’s sleeping, to be honest I think she’s getting better, this was her best day in a long while” Skylar sighed.
“I truly hope so this will finally be water under the bridge.......her self-harm already escalated once to a point where she almost died if you hadn’t found her flaming hell.....the worst thing is, I don’t know how to help her” Wesley muttered with concern and took a long sip.
“It’s the phases that worries me” Skylar shook her head.
“She’s lucky to have you as a friend......The fire is fading, I’m gonna fetch us some wood” Wesley smirked and sluggishly stood up.
“She’s lucky to have all of us” Skylar nodded.
Wesley staggered out the door, while Skylar pulled out a photo of her and Zack pondering about the possibilities, of what could’ve happened to him, what if they were together now. It has been long overdue and she should’ve let him go ages ago, although the blind hope still consumed her. Now it wasn’t just about Zack, the addiction of being hopelessly in love with a memory holds her back to a time of normality, a time not too far gone, but now it’s becoming a sheer echo of something that never existed.
Day 1
South Atlanta
It was a relatively normal day for nineteen year old Skylar waking up to a quite sunny day and noticing that she o… moreverslept on a college day. In no rush, she found herself downstairs in the kitchen preparing breakfast whilst watching television. News broadcasts were on almost every channel alerting the audience about evacuating to the nearest quarantine zone, because of an unidentified virus spreading rapidly across the US causing people to feel sick and start biting others. Skylar felt worried and rushed towards the window to see if something was going on outside. Murray street was deserted and quiet as usual, it was almost one in the afternoon. Skylar tried to phone her dad Wesley who was a geometry teacher, but the network was down. She hurried back upstairs and got quickly dressed into her black and silver leather jacket with a brown tank top underneath, later slipping on a pair of black leggings and brown suede b… [view original content]
Day 1
South Atlanta
It was a relatively normal day for nineteen year old Skylar waking up to a quite sunny day and noticing that she o… moreverslept on a college day. In no rush, she found herself downstairs in the kitchen preparing breakfast whilst watching television. News broadcasts were on almost every channel alerting the audience about evacuating to the nearest quarantine zone, because of an unidentified virus spreading rapidly across the US causing people to feel sick and start biting others. Skylar felt worried and rushed towards the window to see if something was going on outside. Murray street was deserted and quiet as usual, it was almost one in the afternoon. Skylar tried to phone her dad Wesley who was a geometry teacher, but the network was down. She hurried back upstairs and got quickly dressed into her black and silver leather jacket with a brown tank top underneath, later slipping on a pair of black leggings and brown suede b… [view original content]
Whoa... I can't believe it happened to me as well, but I actually got unfollowed without noticing it Thankfully I only missed the last part and the Season finale, but I guess I would have missed this one as well if it wouldn't have been for you tagging me. Thanks Now I got some catching up to do...
Man, I still can't believe I actually failed to comment on the chapter finale in time. Damn forums make it damn easy to unfollow a story. Thanks to Pipas, I'm back now and I feel like I should say some stuff for Season 1, considering that you asked for feedback. Oh, I got a feeling this is going to take a while to write down, considering that there are so many things I like to mention. Well, who needs sleep anyway, right? First, it feels amazing that this story is still going strong. I think it is even the oldest ongoing story on the whole forum at the moment, so many congratulations, Domingez
Without a doubt this is and always has been one of my favourite stories and I will definitely never stop reading it, for as long as you want to write it. Please never stop First of all, your writing is awesome. It already started strong, but rereading the early parts, your writing has clearly develop a lot and is now better than ever. That makes me enjoy the story even more. Pipas already mentioned it, another huge strength of the story are the characters. Unlike many other stories, you actually develop every character and you give all of them their moments to shine. This is the only story that managed to make me care for most of its characters, with very few exceptions (coughLiamcoughZackcoughEmmacoughCeceliacoughHermancoughSamanthathebitchcoughherbabycough). Other stories just keep some characters in the background but you somehow manage to give each of them a lot of room to grow and that makes me get attached to most of them, especially once they stick around for a while. Another strength of yours is the general storytelling. It is unpredictable, in a good way, it is breathtakingly awesome and it actually managed to make me quite emotional many times. Season 1 has been a huge rollercoaster of emotions for me and I don't think I will ever forget the amazing moments you wrote about. Still my favourite has to be the Louisville shootout. I was literally sitting at the egde of my seat the whole time while I read this. The whole Louisville arc has been amazing and I wouldn't have mind if it would have went on for another chapter or two. Katherine's death truly shocked me, as did Joe's and that should be a testimony for how great you are as a storyteller. For the record, I managed to go through most of Game of Thrones without being shocked by the stuff that happened. I can't wait for what Season 2 is going to bring in terms of amazing moments. I'm only sure of one thing: It is going to be awesome, maybe even more awesome than Season 1. It's hard to top, but I'm positive that you can make it even better
Now... I am afraid I am the only one who actually has to bring up some criticism. Like, negative criticism. Don't you worry, it is nothing too bad in terms of the general story, but it is something I feel very strongly about. Maybe I am nitpicking, but I feel like I should mention it regardless. This story is so amazing that I feel I should mention the one time I actually disliked something. There has actually been stuff I did not like and I'm not talking about Katie's death here, even though I don't think I'll ever get over that one. No, the thing I just have to criticize goes by the unassuming name of Samantha, or as I like to call her, Satan. I previously mentioned that the characters are one of the big strengths of your story and one of the most amazing aspects of your writing, which is why I have to bring up the only negative example. It's nothing new that I hate Samantha (and her fanclub) with a burning passion. You can tell how much I hate her by the fact that I can't stop bringing her up, but I actually have thought about an objective reason for why I hate her: She is a terrible, awful, downright atrocious Mary Sue villain, who, despite the fact that she was so obviously an evil, rotten monster from the very moment she first appeared, somehow managed to make Liam, Emma and Cecelia basically worship her in a way that I saw even as contradicting with their previous characterization. Her presence in this story and the way the other characters acted about her was enough to thoroughly ruin the entirety of E5Ch4 for me. She was a truly unnecessary character, awful beyond words, and the worst part for me is that she never got even the slightest comeuppance, which is simply frustrating as hell. And no, I don't count her peaceful death as comeuppance. I hope something is going to happen at the beginning of E6Ch2 that makes her death a lot more painful, because she seriously deserves it. I don't know, maybe she can die with some horrible seizures or under torture, or something like that. Think about it, that would make her a lot more tolerable as a character, wouldn't it? Yeah, I know, I know, I'm ranting again, so I'm going to cut it short. Just know that 99% of the your characters are amazingly written. Even the ones I hate, with the possible exception of Herman, have a lot of depth, its just that their hateable qualities are stronger than their likeable ones. But Samantha was the direct opposite of a well-written character. So please, never go full Samantha again. Also, kill her painfully, you know it needs to be done.
Now... I almost feel bad for ranting about Samantha for so long again, but I just can't help to think that you deserve to know how I feel about her. Just like she needs to die in agony, I need to rant about her and I seriously feel nothing but genuine hatred for this character. Anyways, despite the huge paragraph I wrote about the bitch, let me just say that Season 1 is still absolutely amazing. One small drawback is not enough to tarnish the awesomeness that is this story. And there is a lot of awesomeness. Few other stories manage to outright stun me as often as this story did over the past 20 months. Every single chapter has at least one moment where I just can't believe what happened. Never change that, please!
Finally... I know you already have a huge cast of characters, but if you're okay with it, I would like to submit at least one or two more. Considering that it has been ages since I submitted Brad and Katie, I'd love to submit one of my newer ideas. Are you okay with it? If you already have too many characters, do not worry, you can always kill Liam and Emma without anyone missing them
Wow we finally made it to the end of season 1 guys!
I would like to thank everyone for reading my story with special thanks to @Pipas, @… moreLiquidChicagoTed and @Violet_Ant for participating from as long as I can remember and I hope most of you will stick around for season 2.
Also I would like you guys to say what you most liked and disliked about this season and please leave some feedback for good and for worse of course.
Finally I'd like to officially announce the upcoming episode titles:
Season 1 DLC - Days To Remember
Episode 6 - All That’s Left
Episode 7 - Nest of Spiders
Episode 8 - Caught in Crossfire
Episode 9 - Among The Shadows
Episode 10 - No Turning Back
Yeah... I couldn't resist. Of course I mean [Burn the photo], though I seriously wouldn't mind burning Zack as well. For now, the photo has to suffice.
Now, it is a photo of Zack, so it was probably obvious that I would choose this option. I don't know who would actually like to keep a photo of that damn asshole. Skylar is better off without him for sure. If it would be anyone else, her parents, one of her friends, a random photo of a random guy she doesn't even know, I'd probably keep it, but Zack? Hell naw! I'm probably the only one who feels that way, but I hope they never reunite. I totally admit that I choose this one out of spite, since Zack is still extremely high on my hate list and I doubt he's ever going to get out of that one again. Though after a lot of thinking, I've decided to put him at least behind Samantha the bitch, Liam the bitch fanclub president, Samantha's antichrist baby, Herman, Emma and Cecelia, but before Gia, who is only on that list because she cares for Herman the hellspawn. It would be unfair of me to hate Zack more than Samantha and her bitch fanclub, wouldn't it? However, I am unsure if I should put Skylar on my hate list as well, considering that she is close to Zack and apparently still cares for him. Unlike her sort-of boyfriend, she seems to be pretty nice, but dating that jackass certainly made me like her a lot less than I otherwise would have, so I'm going to keep an eye on her. I hope I don't have to put her on my hate list, because it's probably going to be hard enough already to kill all of the assholes that are currently on it.
Day 1
South Atlanta
It was a relatively normal day for nineteen year old Skylar waking up to a quite sunny day and noticing that she o… moreverslept on a college day. In no rush, she found herself downstairs in the kitchen preparing breakfast whilst watching television. News broadcasts were on almost every channel alerting the audience about evacuating to the nearest quarantine zone, because of an unidentified virus spreading rapidly across the US causing people to feel sick and start biting others. Skylar felt worried and rushed towards the window to see if something was going on outside. Murray street was deserted and quiet as usual, it was almost one in the afternoon. Skylar tried to phone her dad Wesley who was a geometry teacher, but the network was down. She hurried back upstairs and got quickly dressed into her black and silver leather jacket with a brown tank top underneath, later slipping on a pair of black leggings and brown suede b… [view original content]
Man, I still can't believe I actually failed to comment on the chapter finale in time. Damn forums make it damn easy to unfollow a story. Th… moreanks to Pipas, I'm back now and I feel like I should say some stuff for Season 1, considering that you asked for feedback. Oh, I got a feeling this is going to take a while to write down, considering that there are so many things I like to mention. Well, who needs sleep anyway, right? First, it feels amazing that this story is still going strong. I think it is even the oldest ongoing story on the whole forum at the moment, so many congratulations, Domingez
Without a doubt this is and always has been one of my favourite stories and I will definitely never stop reading it, for as long as you want to write it. Please never stop First of all, your writing is awesome. It already started strong, but rereading the early parts, your writing has clearly develop a lot and is now better than ever. That makes me… [view original content]
Day 1
South Atlanta
It was a relatively normal day for nineteen year old Skylar waking up to a quite sunny day and noticing that she o… moreverslept on a college day. In no rush, she found herself downstairs in the kitchen preparing breakfast whilst watching television. News broadcasts were on almost every channel alerting the audience about evacuating to the nearest quarantine zone, because of an unidentified virus spreading rapidly across the US causing people to feel sick and start biting others. Skylar felt worried and rushed towards the window to see if something was going on outside. Murray street was deserted and quiet as usual, it was almost one in the afternoon. Skylar tried to phone her dad Wesley who was a geometry teacher, but the network was down. She hurried back upstairs and got quickly dressed into her black and silver leather jacket with a brown tank top underneath, later slipping on a pair of black leggings and brown suede b… [view original content]
Whoa... I can't believe it happened to me as well, but I actually got unfollowed without noticing it Thankfully I only missed the last part… more and the Season finale, but I guess I would have missed this one as well if it wouldn't have been for you tagging me. Thanks Now I got some catching up to do...
Vivienne went back to her room to get ready, she casually grabbed her blue backpack, wooden staff and a 9mm pistol before heading back down. Downstairs Hugo grabbed his Remington 870 shotgun fully loaded with his last seven shells “This’ll have to do” he groaned. Later he took his black backpack and a combat knife which he inherited of a dead walker a few weeks back. “I hate it when you have to go” Eve remarked worriedly while she sat and played with Cleo.
“We all have a role to play, nothing gets done by sitting around Dear” Hugo grunted while finishing gearing up.
“You could’ve volunteered to go with Noelle and Pheobe” Eve muttered.
“And bring back groceries? I want to be more useful than that” Hugo scoffed.
“Don’t do anything try being a hero or getting yourself killed....please be careful out there, how’s your arm?” Eve said agitatedly.
“Will you stop worrying so much? I’ll try my best not to get killed....and my arm is doing quite well honey thanks to you” Hugo joked.
“I’m serious......I don’t know how I would cope without you in a time like this” She choked.
“If someone told me five years ago that my wife would ever say that she couldn’t cope without me, I would’ve ordered a double scotch” Hugo chuckled softly.
“Very funny” Eve sounded embarrassed.
“But we got through our problems, didn’t we? I always said that I would take care of you.......I love you and I’ll do everything to come back” Hugo kissed her on the cheek.
“We barely got through” Eve remarked mildly.
“Ain’t that true.....keep an eye on that ‘patient’ of yours I still don’t trust them” Hugo muttered and kissed his son goodbye on the way out.
“Are you sure you two will handle on your own, maybe you’d want Marina to come with ya?” Zafir asked Vivienne.
“If that tower is really busted, we’ll probably be back sooner than you think” Vivienne assured him.
“Alright good luck out there, see you both later” Zafir grumbled and nodded.
Noelle, Pheobe and Nizhoni met up with Hugo and Vivienne by the metal sliding doors before heading out “Noelle, you all can manage on foot? we’re gonna need that car” Vivienne remarked.
“Fine go ahead, we only have to do about three miles on foot....good luck out there” Noelle nodded.
“Same to you all” Vivienne replied mildly.
Shortly after their departure Zafir, Marina and Jerry got ready for their expedition. Kyle was fed up with laying down and decided to get to know the people in the crew. He groaned while standing up due to his injury. Eve was reading and watched Cleo play a board game with Amos. “You should rest” She said softly.
“I will....after I have a little walk” Kyle chuckled softly. He went of on a short stroll around the antique mall but before that, he stopped to see the family staying in the store beside him. August was on his way out, he kissed Marie on the forehand and bumped into Kyle “Hey there, you feeling better?” he asked kindly.
“Much better thanks” Kyle replied mildly.
“I guess we’ll talk more later on, I gotta see if Priscilla needs any help” Auggie said warmly.
As Kyle entered Judy was focused on drawing an antique vase in front of her. Becky swiftly got up from the table and hid behind Marie as he appeared.
“I didn’t mean to frighten the girl” Kyle felt bad.
“It’s okay sweetie there’s nothing to be afraid of” Marie comforted Becky and held her warmly.
“She’s....very shy, don’t take it too personal” She said strictly looking at Kyle.
“Oh I’m sorry anyway” Kyle scratched his head.
“So what’s your story how did you end here with us?” She asked bluntly.
“Too long to tell....hmmph...I got separated from Nizhoni and got caught by some bandits, they thought I knew something about one of their men that decided to stray from’em” Kyle groaned and coughed.
“And did you know them?” Marie persisted.
“Yeah.....but I didn’t tell’em that” Kyle grumbled.
“ what happened later?” Marie continued.
“Hmm....Nizhoni came looking for me and she got caught too, right before they decided that I was no longer of any use to them, but that these bandits threatened to kill me if she didn’t talk......she told them everything and went to find their 'old pals'......they beat me up before Zafir saved me” Kyle grunted.
“I’m assuming that Zafir killed these bandits? nor Marina or Jerry said anything about what actually happened, but I’m pretty sure that he did” Marie asked firmly.
[Truth - “He did kill them all, but also tortured one of them”]
[Neutral - “He killed them all there’s nothing else to it”]
[Lie - “I was pretty banged up and don’t remember much”]
[Evade answering and change the subject]
“We could always try and start up one of those vehicles by the mall?” Pheobe remarked optimistically once noticing Noelle’s unhappy expression.
“If it’s safe yeah why not” Noelle shrugged.
“Are you angry that Viv took the car?” Pheobe asked softly.
“Of course not, they needed it more” Noelle objected.
“Then why do you look so mad?” Pheobe asked worriedly.
“I’m fine, just trying to stay focused” Noelle grunted
“How did you both end up here?” Nizhoni tried to change the subject while they jogged.
“Can we not talk about that? shit happened in Atlanta and we eventually ended up here nothing to dwell about” Noelle replied evasively in a reserved manner.
“Sorry” Nizhoni muttered.
After a while of jogging through the streets they reached the outskirts of the Plaza, Noelle and Pheobe had a short cut into the huge building. Not many walkers were wandering the streets making it easier for them to move. Nizhoni noticed a giant hole at the side of the roof and chopper sticking out further out “What happened here?” she gasped.
“It’s a military chopper, once it all started happening the quarantine zone in Atlanta had a lot of these flying around” Pheobe replied mildly.
“Everything got out of control so fast, despite the chaos and panic, people thought that this was just another crisis, that it will just blow through somehow......everyone had hope of a vaccine being developed soon.......none of that happened” Noelle sighed.
“Maybe one day things will get better, there’s no knowing what’s going on elsewhere in world......lets leave hope for tomorrow and worry about today” Nizhoni said remorsefully.
“Okay.....we’re in” Josh sighed slightly agitated.
“Good I’ll radio the Major” Tommy smirked.
“By the way we have something important in the car that we want to give” Josh said bluntly.
“What is it?” Tommy sounded suspicious.
“It’s important I think the man in charge will want to see it” Josh replied confidently.
After Tommy’s radio screeched and he grabbed a ladder from the other side and released it in front of the brothers. “We’ll send a soldier to pick whatever you have in the car, in the meantime you two can hop over” Tommy said firmly. They climbed over and gazed at numerous set up tents, triages and open containers with people living in them. Some people were still awake sitting around a fire further away from them. In the distance there were three ships docked by the port and a tall yellow crane. A six foot tall man with short black hair was walking towards them, dressed in a warm navy jacket with a visible golden oak leaf insignia pinned on his left chest.
“Hello Aaron and Josh, I’m Major Robert Till and welcome to Blount Island Marine Terminal, well now it’s more of a military refuge camp....anyway I apologize for the whole introductions...I’m sure you both have many questions about this place, since it’s very late most people are already sleeping, we’ll talk in more detail tomorrow if that’s okay?” The man said firmly.
“I guess that won’t hurt anyone” Aaron muttered and Josh nodded.
“I understand you’re both skeptical about this place, but there’s nothing to fear really, the government may have fallen but not in it’s entirety, there’s still some hope left, people are working on this pandemic virus all over the globe, follow me you two will be staying two days on that ship” The Major said sincerely.
“Which places in the world exactly? what’s the situation in--” Aaron gasped curiously.
“I’ll explain everything tomorrow, look forgive me it’s been a long day” Robert replied warmly.
“That’s the ship?” Josh winced.
“The one closest to us on the left is our Marine Ship that’s where I’m taking you, the one beside is a cargo ship and the last one was or still is a cruise ship” Robert smirked.
“Holy cow” Aaron mumbled in amazement.
They boarded the ship and Robert took them below deck entering through the operations room and lead them to a couple of cabin rooms “This is it, a doctor will come to take a blood sample in a couple of hours, you have enough food and water for these two days prepared in your cabins and to pass the time you’ll also find books and playing cards, I’ll meet you both first thing in the morning to discuss the rest I promise you that, goodnight” Robert smiled and left them to two marines.
“Wait a second, we’d prefer to stay together” Josh said roughly.
“And why exactly do we have to be in quarantine when we’re not exactly isolated from everyone?” Aaron said doubtfully.
“Not a problem, both cabins have two beds, so it’s your choice if you want stay together and the whole point of our quarantine procedure is to determine whether you’re sick or not and most importantly you both could be immune to the virus without knowing it, see you tomorrow” Robert smirked.
Josh and Aaron felt overwhelmed about everything around them. They glanced at each other and at the marines that guarded their cabins before entering.
“Looks good so far” Aaron mumbled as he had a look around.
“Yeah seems like it, we’ll see what’s exactly going on in the morning” Josh muttered and looked out the circular window overlooking the dark port with only a glimpse source of light which was the campfire.
Four hours later it was almost dawn, a doctor woke them up and took their blood for testing. Three hours after that, Josh got up to his feet and once again looked out and saw many people strolling the port it looked like one of those big markets or ironically a prison yard he thought to himself.
“You think we can just step out or are we imprisoned here for another day” Josh mumbled.
“Maybe, but I’m sure we can’t get off this ship once our ‘time‘ is up” Aaron replied dubiously.
Robert knocked on the door and the brothers let him in, he had a stern look on his face as he greeted them. “Where and how did you get all these documents?” he asked firmly.
“That’s the reason we’re here....we managed to salvage those documents from a military chopper that crashed, otherwise we wouldn’t ended up here” Josh replied confidently.
“Christ, more good men went to waste” Robert sighed.
“What’s exactly going on elsewhere? I mean...we have read the letters and documents, they mentioned DC and Fort Campbell” Aaron stuttered after a second of silence.
Robert lifted his head “Alright I promised to tell you what I know and the truth is, Fort Campbell was the only known to us at least to be the biggest safe zone since the outbreak, all cities have fallen....that’s no secret.....we barely escaped and managed to establish this place and today we have close to fifty people living some small cities the army managed to turn them into military zones completely cleansed from the undead...keeping all survivors living there under strict inspection.....we have trouble communicating with other bases since we had been forced to preserve electricity....recently we haven’t heard from Fort Campbell or DC so we have no idea what’s going on there, maybe that’s why they sent that chopper” he said thoughtfully.
“Which other cities? What about other countries?” Aaron asked hopefully.
“Cities like Billings Montana, Valemount in Canada, Alamosa Colorado many more.... but we haven’t heard anything from them in a the first weeks we had some news from Europe and South wasn’t great that wasn’t a surprise, we were all struggling....scientists from every european country were.....or still are working hard on a cure, eastern europe was doing quite well according to the first reports, but the longer it took the lesser information we got from anywhere else” Robert sighed.
“So from all these tests? you expecting to find something in our bloods to cure this thing?” Josh muttered.
“This virus is nothing what we’ve ever seen before, it’s even hard to establish how it got out in first place...radiation,pollution maybe a bio-chemical bomb went off somewhere we don’t who how it spread.....this whole occurrence sounds like an act of God I know it sounds silly, but that’s how it looks like......anyway all we know it activates in the brain once the person dies, that’s the hard part because there’s no way to remove it whilst the person is still alive, because there’s absolutely nothing appearing on the brain scans when the body is alive.....once it dies and reanimates then the scan showed that the brain starts functioning but only a small part of it.....we’re hoping to find something in the blood of an alive human that might prevent the turn in the brain once the subject dies” Robert replied doubtfully.
“So your theory is that immunity might be in the blood?” Josh winced.
“Maybe not exactly total immunity, because the virus most likely will always be airborne from now on, so no matter what every person born and living from now will be infected no matter what....I’m talking about a vaccine stopping the body from reanimation....and if by any miracle we find the trigger to stop this shit from awakening itself again, the next step would be to distribute it and clear out every remaining walker that’s walking on this planet” Robert said firmly.
“Sounds to me that it is as good as a cure can be at this stage...pff...good luck with that, I’m more interested in the setup here, it was a good idea using containers as a wall, no horde will get through that, how are you all doing with supplies and such?” Josh remarked pessimistically.
“We have to try there’s no point giving up.....and yeah this place feels untouchable but we still need medical supplies, fuel and meat if you get fed up of fish.....we got plenty of those....we also send out regular search patrols trying to find any survivors willing to join us and for any longer expeditions” Robert smirked.
“We’re willing to help out” Aaron nodded.
“Happy to hear that, we need every survivor if we want to prevail against the dead, I got go run some errands I’ll be back later, we can talk more then” Robert said sincerely.
Robert exited their cabin and made his way to the doctor “You have the blood test results yet?” he asked urgently.
“Almost done still waiting on.....Josh’s sample to come through” The doctor grumbled.
“So.....any ‘good‘ news about you know what?” Robert asked discreetly.
“Aaron might be a possible match you both have the same blood type but I’m gonna need to run more tests on him” The doctor said nervously.
“Fine we need to do whatever it takes......I might not have much time to live” Robert replied rigidly.
[Truth - “He did kill them all, but also tortured one of them”]
Aside from the fact that honesty is always appreciated, the truth is nothing to be ashamed of in this case. The way I see it, Austin's group have been bandits, therefore every single bandit group in this story deserves to be torture-killed without exception and down to the last man, woman or child, including the people Zafir torture-killed. This means, I am fully sympathizing with Zafir. Considering how viciously I hated the very same character in another story, I am deeply surprised by this. Though, I guess that most of my unexpected sympathy comes from the utter hatred I feel for every single bandit group that ever existed or will exist, as a result of what Austin and his subhumans did to Katie.
By the way, even though I don't have much proof for this theory, I'm calling it now: This Robert guy is full of shit and quite possibly, some terminal disease. At the beginning of his little act, I seriously believed that he is searching for a cure, even though that would have been guaranteed to fail spectacularly. But I guess this final exchange between him and the doctor gave us a hint of what he is truly after, which is most likely blood, bone marrow or stem cells to treat some sort of disease he is suffering from. I'm telling you, staying at the military camp has been a serious mistake and it is likely getting either Josh or Aaron killed.
[Neutral - “He killed them all there’s nothing else to it”]
[Truth - “He did kill them all, but also tortured one of them”]
[Truth - “He did kill them all, but also tortured one of them”]
[Truth - “He did kill them all, but also tortured one of them”]
I am not going to lie for Zafir. Marie should know the truth. If she has a problem with Zafir because of his actions, then this is something between her and him but not of Kyles concern.
Grace wasn’t the type to give up easily especially for someone she cares about like Akemi. She sprinted to the rope gunning and sickling down any walker that crossed her path. The gunshots woke everyone in the courthouse. Akemi, Elias and Charlie were on alert, Jeffrey sluggishly got up to his feet holding his cane and handgun “The fuck is going out there?” he groaned. Grace climbed the rope and barely got in through the cracked window, she landed on her back and panted for air. Charlie peeked out and stood in shook seeing Grace on the opposite side filing cabinets and furniture blocked her path to her.
“Grace?” Charlie muttered.
Grace swiftly turned over, got up and tried to get over to them. She reunited with Akemi and hugged her tightly “I’m glad I found you girl I almost gave up--!”
“Looks like you could not leave me behind” Akemi chuckled softly.
“Clearly I’m getting too soft” Grace grinned.
“Where are the rest?” Charlie asked firmly.
“They left once they saw the horde, they wanted me to run off with them” Grace sighed.
“Shit” Charlie murmured angrily.
“Good riddance didn’t like them anyway” Ellis mumbled weakly.
“What the hell happened to him?” Grace cocked an eyebrow at the sight of Ellis.
“He got bit, we had to cut the rest of the arm off” Charlie muttered.
“Again, damn he looks like the terminator now” Grace chuckled softly.
“You know I’m awake right? I can still hear you” Ellis remarked weakly.
“Sorry.....bad joke, how are you doing?” Grace grimaced.
“I’m alive that’s what counts” Ellis coughed.
“So who’s this guy?” Grace asked as she noticed Jeffrey looking at her suspiciously and in a half drunken state.
“Jeffrey, he took us in and helped Ellis” Charlie said softly.
“And who might you be?” Jeffrey grumbled.
“I’m Grace.....look guys we got get outta here” She nodded urgently.
“It’s getting quite crammed up in here” Jeffrey grunted and sat back down.
“So are we getting the hell out of this town or what?” Grace said roughly.
“How are you expecting us to get through that herd outside?” Ellis remarked weakly.
“And Ellis lost a lot of blood he needs some more time to rest” Charlie said softly.
“We’ll figure it out, time to stay away from big and small cities, the countryside is our only hope” Grace said thoughtfully.
“Yeah staying in the woods almost got us killed, we’re not safe anywhere, lets just focus on getting out of here first” Charlie suggested.
Jeffrey opened a cupboard that he told Elias not to open and grabbed a bed sheet all covered in dry blood he tossed to it in front of Grace and Charlie “What the hell is this?” Charlie frowned.
“That’s how you’re gonna get out of here” the old man grunted.
“With a blooded sheet what kinda bullshit you’re trying to pull?” Grace remarked sarcastically.
“That’s how I got all these supplies, that’s how I navigated through the town when it got overrun, you smear yourself in zombie guts and that way they won’t detect you, allowing you to just waltz right past them” He grunted.
“Holy shit....too bad I don’t believe that, you expect us to just go out into the open covered in blood, this’s insane one wrong move and we’re dead” Grace smirked sarcastically.
“Well it’s the truth......and if you all want to go then that’s the only way” Jeffrey replied sullenly and indifferently.
“We can us that rope I just climbed” Grace suggested.
“And then what? those monster will be on you faster then you can say ‘run’” Jeffrey groaned.
“Wait a minute but you’re coming with us? right?” Charlie asked.
“I dunno if it’s worth it.....I’ll just slow you all down and I don’t see how I can be of any use to you” Jeffrey groaned.
“It’s better than dying here....all alone......thanks to you Ellis survived that bite, you’re more than welcome to come with us” Charlie replied sullenly.
“Yeah you can come with us, it’ll be nice to have more good people around us” Elias smirked.
Jeffrey felt better emotionally for the first time since Louisville went to hell. Hearing that someone actually wanted him to stick around and didn’t view him as just some old drunken man with no purpose to live. Charlie and Elias gave him a warm feeling he couldn’t explain why his eyes started to tear up a bit. He hardly knew them, but he was a soldier once and was willing to risk his life for his country. Dying alone without taking action wasn’t his style, he’d do everything to keep the people he cares about safe. However losing someone that’s what Jeffrey is afraid of. He lost his whole family once that was painful enough but maybe this was his purpose, to keep moving forward and finding good people to fight for. “Oh....hmmph....alright....alright.....I’ll do my best....we should start packing.....someone has to go downstairs and lure in a walker or two to y’know” Jeffrey stuttered.
“I can do that” Grace nodded.
“You’re gonna need to get rid of them chains there’s a pair of pilers downstairs and be careful not to get overpowered by them walkers because when you open those doors all hell will go loose, so we act fast, first we pack all our stuff and then we all head downstairs and put on our ‘disguises‘“ Jeffrey muttered.
“Yeah I got it grandpa” Grace mumbled sarcastically.
“But what about Ellis?” Charlie remarked worriedly.
“I’m can make it to the car” Ellis coughed and ached.
“Are you sure? Maybe we should--” Charlie persisted.
“Jesus Charlie I said I can make it!” Ellis snapped.
“Fine....I was just worried about you” Charlie frowned.
“Sorry....for snapping.....I’m fine okay, trust me I can do this” Ellis mumbled after a brief moment.
“Before we go I think you should hear this Ellis” Elias said morosely.
“Maybe Brad made it out somehow....shit, things could’ve turned out so differently....was there anything else?” Ellis sighed after listening to Katie’s recording.
“That was it” Elias sighed.
“No time to dwell on the past, lets get going” Grace interjected.
The group packed as much as they could carry. Jeffrey grabbed his auto mag pistol and filled up a big green camper backpack full of cans and medicine. Elias and Akemi didn’t carry much due to their small racksacks. Charlie and Grace held some of the food and mostly painkillers. Ellis had his pistol with only a few bullets left, same went for Elias and finally Akemi had her crossbow. The group gathered downstairs, Jeffrey noticed Charlie had no weapon in her hands “Take this, might come in handy” he mumbled and handed a knife to her “Thanks I lost mine earlier” She smirked. Grace lured in two walkers and ripped them open, after they all smeared themselves in guts it was time to go.
“We have to spread out that way it will be harder for them to detect” Jeffrey muttered before they headed out into the open.
Grace and Akemi went in front followed by Charlie and Elias with Ellis and Jeffrey not far behind them. They moved slowly and tried to keep calm once toddling past the town square, Charlie had a false sense that one the walkers detected her she reacted and struck it in the head with the knife, behind her one of the many zombie’s among them truly detected her this time. “Charlie!” Elias hissed discreetly to warn her. She turned around and tried to retaliate but the rotten teeth had sunk into her elbow causing her to drop the knife. Charlie knew that she’d be putting everyone else in danger if she’d hadn’t move now, she looked at Elias one last time before storming through the herd and enter one of the nearby buildings. “No” Elias sighed with his eyes wide open and kept slowly moving.
“Charlie?.....I can’t just leave her” the words echoed in Ellis’s head as he barely could see the whole situation through the mass of the undead.
[Run after Charlie]
[Keep moving]
“Renda you’re a good runner, we’ll try to follow him but if he tries to lose us you know what to do” Donovan grunted.
“Got it D I can do this” Renda smirked.
“I know you can kid, just stay focused” Donovan replied sternly.
Once the kid finished with his business in the small mart he jumped on his bicycle and rode towards the university. Donovan, Nina and Renda followed him as discreetly as they could. Renda continued to notice the markings on the walls as they followed the young stranger. The kid stopped and moved a dumpster to reach a window, after twenty minutes just when Donovan decided to move in the kid reappeared and got back on the bike and travelled to an art museum. There was a giant hole in the side of the building to which the kid was aiming for, he jumped on a military vehicle and later climbed over a transportation truck to finally grab onto a ledge leading towards the dilapidated part of the museum. The kid was gone for much longer which forced Donovan, Nina and Renda to move in. Inside the place looked pretty wrecked, most of the paintings were torn from the walls, the broken cabinet glass clinked under their feet and exhibitions were demolished beyond recognition.
“Keep quiet, stay behind me” Donovan murmured as he stayed on alert with his pistol wielded. Chatting voices were heard from downstairs as Donovan pointed.
“It’s pretty quite out there couldn’t find anyone--” a young male voice was heard from the cafeteria.
“Are you sure you didn’t see any of those thugs? Oh my god what are we gonna do?” A young female voice gasped nervously.
“Will you calm the fuck down Vicky? we’re safe here for now” another young male voice replied
“Evelyn will be here soon, we’ll figure out something guys, just like we always do” a third young female voice was heard out.
“Please we have to stay calm arguing won’t help anyone” another female voice said softly.
“How are you--” a boy asked.
Nina stepped on something to cause a cracking noise which alerted the crew of youngsters “I told you stay back” Donovan hissed.
“Oh my God someones there do something?!” Vicky stuttered whisperingly.
“Hide! I’ll see what’s up” one the young male voices hissed.
“Show yourself whoever you are I know you’re not a zombie!” he called out from the other side of the door.
“We’re not here to cause trouble--” Donovan said bluntly pointing his gun at the closed door.
“What do you want?” The boy gasped.
“Nothing.....we’re just trying to survive, can I please come in?” Donovan asked warmly.
Nina jerked his arm “What are you doing? you can get killed?” she whispered nervously.
“Who are you with?” the boy asked in a composed manner now.
“I’m with my niece and.....a friend” Donovan replied sullenly.
“Okay....but only you can come in and toss your weapon when I open the door” the boy ordered after a brief pause.
Donovan lowered his gun and stepped forward, half of the double doors opened without revealing anyone. Donovan slid his weapon across the floorboards and then entered with his hands up mid-air. A caucasian teenager about five foot seven greeted him with a two-tone glock pistol aimed at his forehead. Despite the boy’s besmeared cheeks, hard stare and scowled expression on his face, his demeanor somewhat gave out a harmless and positive vibe. He had short brown buzz cut hair and was wearing a gray sweat-jacket, with a blue t-shirt underneath and navy blue sweatpants with white sneakers. Donovan noticed the boy they were following hiding at the back of the kitchen behind a stove with two girls beside him.
“What’s your name son?” Donovan grunted.
“Michael....friend’s call me Lemons” the teenager replied
“Alright hand over the backpack dude” a jock-looking teenager showed himself also pointing a gun at Donovan.
“Wade, we’re not robbing this man....fuck we don’t need trouble right” the teenager objected.
“You’re only gonna get us killed Lemons” Wade muttered.
“Back the fuck away!” Nina bursted in with her crossbow wielded.
“Shit, don’t kill us, fuck I knew this would happen!” Wade flinched.
“Jesus Christ Nina! please put your guns down we only want to talk” Donovan gasped and went in between Nina and Lemons.
Lemons didn’t flinch but kept his pistol aimed for a brief moment before lowering and Nina did the same after Donovan nodded. Renda later entered and remarked sarcastically “Have we all calmed down? jeez”
“So if you’re not here to kill us then why are you here?” Wade asked them roughly.
“I used to live in this town a long time ago, we thought maybe it wasn’t so bad here” Donovan replied firmly.
“Well you’re shit out of luck, this place is fucked” Wade remarked.
“Shut up Wade can’t you just fucking chill for a second” Lemons objected.
“Whatever” Wade mumbled and folded his arms.
Wade was a whole year older than Lemons, Vicky and Brian, meaning that he was sixteen and was also caucasian. He had long streaky blonde hair and wore a basketball jersey with a number 12 printed on it matching with his blue basketball shorts. Brian was the boy they were following earlier, he revealed himself shortly after accompanied by Vicky and Violet. Brian had a small round soft stern face and a crooked nose. Vicky was painfully thin, she had an angular face with a few red pimples, her skin was quite tanned with long brunette hair tied in a ponytail. She was wearing a dark blue cap, a red short sleeve shirt and gray leggings with black ballerinas. Violet was the eldest and the tallest of this little crew making her only twenty-one and measuring at nearly six foot tall. She had dark red short curly hair, a round lily-white face with blushes on her cheeks and jade green eyes. She was wearing a grey shirt, blue chino pants and soft black suede boots. Violet was also holding her tummy as if she was trying to hide something.
“I think we got of on the wrong foot here, my name’s Donovan this is my niece Nina and that’s Chris” Donovan said calmly.
“Michael, but my friends call me Lemons, that’s Wade and at the back there’s Brian, Vicky and Violet, so what are you doing here, passing through?” Lemons replied flatly.
“Yeah looks like guys been staying here for long?” Donovan said shortly.
“Uncle D, she’s pregnant” Nina remarked blankly and worriedly gazed at Violet.
“That’s true....I am.....I’m in my third month...already” Violet smiled and stuttered in her thin voice.
“We’ve been staying here for a while since the military left for Colorado” Lemons changed the subject and replied firmly.
“Why did they left? and why Colorado” Renda asked.
“Why do you think they left? Once the walkers kept coming in bigger waves all those roadblocks didn’t do shit for anyone” Wade remarked rigidly.
“There’s no running away from the dead” Renda mumbled sullenly.
“Why Colorado....we aren’t exactly sure, I overheard a conversation about some place with supplies that would last for many years, we figured it must have been some sort of fallout shelter” Lemons replied calmly.
“Of course a fallout shelter, why didn’t I think of that sooner......shit this could answer all our problems......I remember hearing long time ago about a fallout shelter in Cheyenne Mountain” Donovan scratched his chin in slight shock.
“Why didn’t you guys go there straightaway?” Nina gasped.
“It’s not exactly easy is it? we don’t even know if it exists and if it does do you think they’ll let us in if we arrive? I doubt it....I saw this happen in a movie once and it wasn't pretty” Lemons said evasively.
“But we have to try for all our sake” Nina remarked.
“And you’ve all been surviving by yourselves through this? here in this building?” Donovan asked softly with slight disbelief in his voice.
“What do you mean by that huh? you think we’re just a bunch of worthless kids and that we can’t take care of ourselves? we’ve seen stuff you can’t imagine--”
“I think we’ve all been through similar ‘stuff’ Wade, just relax man.....they’re not here to harm us, right?” Lemons interrupted shortly.
“We have no intentions to harm you.......we just.....I thought I could find some answers coming here......I guess there is some hope after least my nephew didn’t die completely in vain” Donovan sighed blankly and Nina comforted him.
“I’m sorry about your nephew Sir” Lemons murmured.
“Why don’t we just rest here for the rest of the day? consider our options and move out in the morning” Nine suggested softly.
“Yeah it’s nice to see someone non-threatening for a change” Lemons smirked.
“We’re going to Colorado it’s our best chance Nina” Donovan said toughly.
“I dunno about the rest of you guys but we gotta get the hell out of this city today” Wade muttered.
“Just drop it Wade we’ll talk when Evelyn gets back, I really hope she found some food” Vicky said doubtfully.
Wade took off and before leaving he gave Renda a resentful look.
“What’s his problem?” Renda winced.
“He’s not really good around new people, we....we also lost a friend last night it pretty got to him, he blames himself” Lemons sighed.
“Oh yeah I know what it feels like......I noticed weird markings all around the city do they mean anything?” Renda swiftly changed the subject and asked curiously after a brief moment.
“When people started splitting up and building their own....clans, groups y’know..... they wrote these coded messages on the wall for those who wanted to find shelter” Lemons replied.
“That’s kinda smart” Renda smirked.
“Not when they come raiding your place for any supplies you have, sometimes they let you live, but other times it’s just a ‘bullet to the head and grab the loot’ ” Brian responded sternly.
“When we drove into town we were attacked that’s how Donovan’s nephew....Alastair died” Renda said flatly.
“Fuck......we had a big group before.....but people just started dying, it was either by walkers or thugs.....after a while you just take it into stride, like this is who we are’s a miracle we made it this far” Lemons chuckled softly.
“You all knew each other before?” Renda asked softly.
“Apart from Violet, the rest of us were at the school cafeteria when it all started, we hardly knew each other then funny how fate changes things.....the principal was telling everyone to evacuate immediately, and as soon as he wanted to explain everything, a machine gun was fired at him‚ later everyone began screaming and panicking and all the kids stormed outside the school. I got separated from most of my friends because the entire school was running out of the school. There were kids all around, it was hard to move at some points because of how packed the school yard was. I just kept running like I usually did in my football sessions gosh I miss those days--” Lemons chuckled.
“Football hey? looks like we got something in common pal” Renda smirked.
“You two are gonna be thick as thieves” Vicky shook her head smirking.
“Anyway I slowed down a bit turned around and looked for my friends, when all of a sudden more military appeared outside the school. They started firing their guns at the dead, tons of kids were caught in the crossfire, some of those were my good friends. I panicked but I continued to keep running, and kids in front of me kept dropping dead every second. I ended up in a random neighborhood with tons of others including Vicky, Wade and Brian....that’s how we bonded and stayed together to this day......anyway after a while we met up with other survivors, most of them are likely dead except for Violet and Evelyn....and now as supplies are running low and the dead keep finding a way to surprise us.....I dunno what are we going to do next” Lemons sighed.
“Like I said to you guys the town’s picked clean, we should’ve left ages I didn’t find much to eat.....looks like some of us is gonna go hungry for another day” Brian interjected.
“We’ll have to cope somehow there’s always a way” Vicky murmured sullenly.
[Offer them some food]
[Stay silent and leave food for later]
[Run after Charlie]
Charlie! Oh shit, shit, shit, they gotta try and save her! Sure, this is risky as hell, but damn it, its Charlie! Just leaving her to die without trying is not an option for me.
[Offer them some food]
It is important to make a good first impression on a group of people that seems to be alright. And this group indeed seems to be alright, so getting friendly with them can't be a bad thing.
[Run after Charlie]
[Offer them some food]
[Run after Charlie]
[Offer them some food]
[Run after Charlie]
[Offer them some food]
“Zafir killed all of them at the camp.....and tortured this one guy for something that he did to him” Kyle coughed.
“To be honest with you, I think I would’ve done the same thing if someone murdered my family.....Zafir was all over the place when it happened and then later Keith ran away that was the final nail for him” Marie responded toughly.
“How long ago did this happen?” Kyle muttered.
“Two maybe three weeks I’m not counting the days anymore, everyday seems the same to me” Marie replied bluntly and placed Becky down even though the little girl didn’t want to.
“Do you think he’s.....dangerous?” Kyle asked suspiciously.
“Now I don’t know, he’s always sad or angry.....I’m worried what will happen when he finally accepts that he has no-one left to live for” Marie frowned and replied rigorously.
“She’s cute” Kyle grinned at the small girl.
“It’s okay Becky mommy’s here.....this man isn’t here to harm us.....mommy loves you” Marie comforted and kissed her on the cheek.
Becky stopped squirming and sat down with a worried and innocent look on her face.
“It looks nice doesn’t it” Judy seemed to be whispering over her shoulder. Marie urgently grabbed something out of her bag what looked to be a box of tablets and went up to Judy “Take this honey and drink”
“What’s wrong with her?” Kyle asked with concern.
“She’s got this condition......Eve recognized it as being signs of schizophrenia, we were lucky to find medicine that helps prevent her from....having strange voices in her head...I guess it’s okay for you to know that I’m not their biological mother......we found Judy a few days after discovering that the dead people started her real parents were in a car crash with Judy, because one of them turned.....and Judy had to kill her own for Becky, she was adopted by me and August five years ago from India, because I couldn’t have children of my own” Marie replied strictly.
“Christ.....can’t imagine the trauma Judy’s going through” Kyle sighed overwhelmingly and gazed worriedly at Judy.
“She.....blocked that whole accident out completely” Marie sighed anxiously.
“Hello what’s your name?” Judy said in a friendly voice while unexpectedly walking up behind Marie and gazed warmly at Kyle.
“Hi there, I’m Kyle” he smiled after Marie startled.
“I’m Judy, do you want see a drawing that I did?” she asked him kindly.
Kyle smirked but before answering he glanced at Marie who gave him a positive nod.
“Sure what did you draw?” Kyle said optimistically.
“That vase of there, I know it’s not great but I’m getting better at it my dad tells me” Judy chuckled softly.
“Actually he’s right this, is pretty good” Kyle nodded.
“You’re a good person my friend tells me” Judy smirked.
“Which friend Judy?” Kyle asked seriously and inquisitively.
“She’s always moving around I never get to see her, but I hear her sometimes” Judy replied softly.
“And what does she tell you?’ Kyle asked curiously.
“She tells what to do..... stuff about people....who they are....things like that” Judy smiled.
“Do what for example?” Kyle persisted.
“Like looking out for Becky and mum” Judy had a very optimistic look on her face.
“Oh then that’s good....I guess, I’ll talk to you later okay....I gotta go rest some more” Kyle wheezed.
“Why? did something happen to you?” She asked gently.
“Yeah I was pretty hurt and now I have to rest a lot” Kyle smirked.
“Oh ok...get better then Kyle” Judy smiled.
“Can I ask you something Marie?” Kyle asked with concern.
“What is it?” Marie frowned.
“Don’t get upset I just want to ask if....isn’t it better if you told Judy what happened to her parents?” Kyle asked softly and cautiously.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, we already had an....incident once with someone saying that to her....but she didn’t believe it and it’s best if it stays that way for her sake....but I appreciate your concern” Marie replied strictly and toughly.
“Okay if you need anything...argh...ugh..I’ll see you later Marie I’m gonna get a lay’s nice to have met you” Kyle coughed mildly before leaving the store.
“Take care Kyle” Marie replied sternly.
“I hate it when there’s no music playing in the car, do you?” Hugo remarked as he drove and fiddled with the radio.
“Better watch the road” Vivienne replied indifferently.
“So what do you think about the newbie’s?” Hugo frowned.
“They look genuine too early to judge don’t you think?” Vivienne replied flatly.
“You’re probably right, but they can’t stay and you know that, we have enough people as it is” Hugo responded firmly.
“We’ll just have to wait and see how this all folds out with them, the situation with Zafir, finding supplies and making sure we’ll last through the winter” Vivienne said thoughtfully.
“Zafir is losing it, I don’t think he’s gonna be able y’know.....and I don’t blame him I would’ve lost it too if someone killed my family....hell I think we should choose....someone else to be in charge” Hugo suggested.
“You could’ve said something this morning and who’d you think would take up on the role as leader?” Vivienne winced.
“I think you’re more than capable of that.......or Jerry” Hugo said hesitantly.
“Jerry? we barely know him and to be honest I don’t trust him he’s been hiding something since the they he came by” Vivienne objected.
“So then, you can lead us right? after all Priscilla, Noelle and Phoebe look up to you, thanks to you they made it this far” Hugo smirked.
“No it wasn’t! they survived because they wanted to and still have someone to live for” Vivienne replied roughly.
“Oh gosh, I’m sorry Viv I wasn’t thinking, Jack--” Hugo stuttered.
“Jack’s dead!.......just forget it.....lets talk about something else” Vivienne sighed painfully.
“ think we’ll be able to do something at that water tower?” Hugo asked calmly.
“I dunno....maybe, it’d be nice to have running water for at least a short while” Vivienne remarked.
“We’ll see what we’re up against, but I got a good feeling” Hugo nodded.
“How far are we stretching today?” Jerry asked reluctantly.
“I’m thinking of searching here first in Covington and the nearby woods, later we’ll go further south and check the next two towns--” Zafir replied thoughtfully looking at a map.
“You think Keith would’ve gone that far?” Marina frowned.
“He’s alive I know he is......I just need to find him” Zafir clenched his teeth.
Marina couldn’t help thinking that it was near to impossible for a twelve year old to survive on his own for nearly two weeks, however she understood Zafir’s denial, because she most likely would’ve done the same thing if it were her sister that was missing. Jerry briefly glanced contemptuously at Marina “Eh maybe we’ll get lucky today, maybe we’ll find Keith and plenty of gas, that will be a helluva celebration” he grunted indifferently in his southern alabama accent.
“The new people seem cool, what do you guys think of them?” Marina changed the subject swiftly.
“Oh yeah.....what’s her name?....Nizhoni...she’s got a fine ass” Jerry chuckled softly.
Marina frowned at him “That’s all you think about” she mumbled scornfully.
“It’s sweet you’re jealous Marina, but I want you to know that you’re still number one” Jerry laughed softly.
“You really sound like a pig sometimes” She muttered and folded her arms.
“Oh Marina I was just kidding around......I’m sorry alright? I-I thought it was funny that’s all I didn’t mean--” Jerry stuttered.
“I think you said enough Jerry, just keep your mouth shut” Zafir interjected harshly.
Zafir took the next exit and stopped the car close to the town and nearby countryside, after leaving the car they killed a few walkers wandering close by before planning out “We should split up”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea Zaf, you never know what’s lurking in these parts” Jerry remarked casually.
“Everything seems to be a bad idea for you lately” Zafir muttered sarcastically.
“Man you make it sometimes very hard to like you” Jerry tutted.
“I’m gonna check these’s where Keith might’ve gone” Zafir sighed blankly.
“Keith would rather sit all day reading them stupid comics in some store Zaf, are you sure you don’t wanna check the town first?” Jerry remarked.
“My son is smarter than that, he’d know better that a town might be overrun with walkers” Zafir said roughly.
“Your call pal, I’m just sayin what I think that’s all.....I’ll go and find a place to fill these up then” Jerry nodded uninterested and grabbed two canisters from the trunk.
“Are you coming Marina?” Zafir waved.
[Search the woods with Zafir]
[Help Jerry find gas]
[Help Jerry find gas]
[Help Jerry find gas]
[Help Jerry find gas]
I still have a strange sympathy for Zafir, but gas is more important than the slight possibility that they manage to find his son by a lucky chance.
[Search the woods with Zafir]
I think gas is more important but if Zafir does not find his son or is too late to save his life, he could snap and harm his group if she doesnt help him.
“We’ve got some food, we can share right guys?” Renda suggested looking at Donovan and Nina.
“Of course forgive me for not offering I just....needed a minute” Donovan wiped his face and took of his backpack.
“Thank you so much” Vicky smiled gracefully as she grabbed a can of peaches in syrup.
“Blimey we’re not gonna be starving today after all” Lemons remarked optimistically.
“It’s not enough though is it? we’ll still be hungry tomorrow and the day after” Brian mumbled angrily.
“Will you just chill and look at bright side for once, if it weren’t for these people we wouldn’t be eating now” Vicky gasped.
“She’s right, we’re grateful really” Violet nodded while holding her tummy.
“We have to help each other out, it’s just a human thing to do” Donovan sighed.
“Not everyone is like that, thanks” Lemons muttered.
“So this friend of yours how long has she been gone?” Nina asked furrowing.
“Er-she left a little before sunrise I dunno around five-ish” Lemons replied unsurely.
“She could be dead by now” Nina remarked.
“We’re not leaving without her, so that you know” Vicky interjected roughly.
“I didn’t say that--” Nina objected.
“Nobody’s asking to leave anyone, we’ll be good to catch a breather anyway after.....everything” Donovan sighed calmly.
“Where’s Wade?” Violet asked softly.
“He went to cool down probably smoking off on them cigarettes he found” Lemons chuckled.
Three hours later it was almost midday, the groups bonded, ate a bit and rested awaiting Evelyn’s return. Donovan already made up his mind on embarking for the fallout bunker in Colorado despite it being over a thousand miles away and having no knowledge if it hasn’t been already taken or if they would be welcomed in. Nina suggested on thinking this through again as it was a far-fetched journey, but Donovan was already too determined to let this slide after losing so much. Renda got to chat with people his own age again. He got to know Lemons and Vicky a bit more since they were friendly enough to him. For the first time it felt as if they weren’t living in a zombie apocalypse, even talking with them about random stuff made it feel like being in school again. Brian struck to be a little more reserved and slightly strange preferring to read a book instead of talking with them openly. Wade kept being in and out of the kitchen tired of just sitting around. He went downstairs for another smoke until Evelyn came rushing in through the window with a cut on her cheek, she looked nervous but not panicking. “I think I’ve been followed” she panted desperately trying to catch some air. Wade barricaded the doors just in case with one of the exhibition shelves and told her about the newcomers of their small clan. Evelyn was a thirty-four year old african-american six feet tall woman. She had a slender somewhat athletic figure wearing black woolen gloves with a dark leather vest and rugged navy jeans. Evelyn had short black heddle hair covering her high forehead yet underlining her honest small brown eyes, but still she had a slight crooked nose with high cheekbones and flat lips. “What happened to your face?” Wade frowned while they headed upstairs
“Some thugs tried to jump me” She replied flatly.
“And did they?” Wade persisted.
“Oh they got more than they bargained for” She smirked.
“Sweet” Wade chuckled.
They entered the kitchen casually, she took off her backpack and pulled a rag applying it later on her cut. “We can’t stay here, I’m quite sure someone followed me here, it’s only a matter of time when they find us” She said bluntly.
“You must be Evelyn” Donovan remarked indifferently.
“Yeah.....and you must Donovan” She glanced at him from top to toe.
“Wade told me about you all.....we’ll have time for introductions later, but now we have to move” Evelyn said urgently.
“Move where Ev?” Lemons gasped.
“We’re all going to Colorado right?” Renda asked mildly.
“Lets focus on getting out of this city first” Evelyn replied flatly after a brief moment of glancing at Lemons.
Blount Island Marine Terminal
After all the chaos in the woods and the journey to a protected community, Josh and Aaron’s quarantine trial has ended and unsurprisingly to them none possessed the cure for mankind. Robert was tensed and eagerly awaiting news from the doctor about Aaron’s ‘compatibility’. The brothers noticed him acting differently, but decided to wait and ask him after they were finally given the full tour around the refuge camp as he promised them. Apart from the cargo ships the complete layout of the terminal consisted of two Marine Corps quarters, a large yellow crane now used as a lookout tower, a vast number of tents and triages inhabited by other survivors and the place was protected by a carefully lined up two-storey containers. The people were somewhat content, the brother’s noticed a group chatting, men playing cards, kids playing small ball games and people lining up for fried fish. The Major set out a rota for every able-bodied survivor, claiming that everyone has a role to play in this small society just like before the outbreak and things must continue that way. Tommy at the moment was on top of the wall looking beyond the wall with a semi-automatic rifle.
“As I mentioned earlier, everyone needs to fulfill a role, we got to start living again and stop running, this ain’t the paradise we all dreamed of, however it is a fresh start and it is safe that's what I want to ask you two, what were your occupations before the outbreak?” Robert asked solemnly.
“I majored in philosophy and started writing my own book when it all started” Aaron replied calmly somewhat shyly.
“Interesting.....there aren’t many teachers within these walls and we got many kids that need guidance, you may still be young but I can see you’re a smart lad, have you ever considered becoming a teacher?” Robert chuckled softly.
“For a long while at least, but things changed obviously” Aaron said shortly.
“How about you Josh, what were you up to before the world went to shit?” Robert asked strictly.
“I was a mechanic” Josh replied mildly.
“Hmm not bad...not gonna be very easy to scavenge car parts..... you can only become useful to an extent with that profession nowadays, but I’m sure we’ll find something for you to do” Robert reassured him.
“Without fuel everything will be useless one day” Josh remarked firmly.
“Can’t argue with that, but we got to die trying right?” Robert smirked.
“That’s what we’re suppose to do, never give up easily.....are you okay? you seem distracted” Josh frowned.
“I’m fine but thanks for asking....listen why don’t you both get to know the rest I got something that I need to attend” Robert patted Josh on the back and walked away.
Josh and Aaron glanced at each other “Looks like we’re gonna make it after all” Aaron remarked optimistically.
“One day at a time day at a time” Josh muttered with a suspicious look on his face and lined up in the queue for some fish.
Later that day Robert made his way to the doctors lab. There was a walker strapped to a an examination bed. “Hi Robert, I’ll be with you in a minute, just need to finish this” the doctor said calmly as he applied an injection into the undead patient. “Sure, what are you up to? any progress?” Robert asked shortly and sat on a chair. “As usual experimenting, there has to be a method in preventing the turn” he replied thoughtfully. “It looks like we’re gonna be infected forever if you ask me” Robert grunted. “Nothing seems to work, maybe we should start looking for holy water” the doctor chuckled softly.
“So about Aaron” Robert persisted mildly.
“Oh yes, er-he.....he’s as good as a match can be Robert.....we should get you prep for surgery in a few days if you want to go through with this, but I need to know how are you going to deal with his brother? if this gets out it could cause chaos and I don’t want to die” the doctor answered agitatedly.
“Believe me I don’t like this situation either, but how else I’m suppose to get a liver transplant?” Robert remarked doubtfully.
“If I die everything we created here may fall and I don’t want this place to fall” Robert continued worriedly.
“It doesn't have to fall apart have you thought about appointing someone else to be the leader? I mean how could you live after this? the guilt of taking away a young mans life” The doctor stuttered.
“Like you said the damage is irreversible” Robert sighed and sank his face into his own hands.
“That’s true and without proper medication it will only get worse and as you know stocks are limited like everything these days” The doctor nodded.
“So you’re advising me to.....accept my fate?” Robert asked blankly.
“We’ve went through this before you won’t be able to live with yourself” The doctor said calmly.
“But.....this could be my last chance” Robert sighed.
“Whatever you decide.....I’ll just....back you up.....I owe you this much” The doctor replied hesitantly.
[Agree to go ahead with the surgery]
[Refuse and elect another person to lead]
[Refuse and elect another person to lead]
Hah! Terminal disease, I called it! At the same time though, I have to admit I was partially wrong about Robert. He indeed seems to look for a cure, even though that effort is doomed to fail. And he positively surprised me in the fact that we get to choose on wether or not he is going to harvest other people for their livers. There might be a tiny bit of hope for him. Anyway, I think it is obvious that he shouldn't harvest other people for their body parts. Do you know who else did this? That's right, Austin did. Don't be like Austin, Robert!
Kinda strange you're giving us a choice here, of course I'm going to refuse.
[Refuse and elect another person to lead]
[Refuse and elect another person to lead]
[Search the woods with Zafir]
[Refuse and elect another person to lead]
[Refuse and elect another person to lead]
“You’re right....I shouldn’t do this, still every time we discuss this, I always think of the ‘what if?‘ damn fucking cirrhosis.....this disease is gonna get me after all“ Robert shouted blankly.
“Robert, you’re not dying for are leaving these people a legacy, you were the man that took them in and kept them safe, that’s a good way to go, despite all the suffering” The doctor said thoughtfully.
“Yeah I guess you can put it that way Doc” Robert said flatly.
“Have you given any thought of who you’re going to appoint?” The doctor asked.
“Tommy Welf he’s got the courage for it” Robert scratched his chin.
“Don’t you think he’s too young?” The doctor frowned.
“Twenty-seven is hardly young especially now, everyone needs to step up, doesn’t matter if you’re a kid or an adult what matters is.....surviving” Robert answered bluntly.
“Maybe you should let the people speak out, see what they have to say” The doctor suggested.
“It’s not gonna be easy is it?” Robert sighed.
“Nothing is and you know that, don’t have to make a decision today, just...... consider all the options and determine who’s suited for your position” the doctor said sincerely.
“Okay.....I’ll leave you to it” Robert muttered and stepped out.
“Take it easy Robert” The doctor replied worriedly.
Robert slowly walked towards the deck and looked over the camp he managed to establish. He leaned on the railing and contemplated on his approach.
“No Zafir, I prefer to go with Jerry” Marina said firmly.
“Suit yourself, keep your radio on Jerry” Zafir said coldly and took off with a rifle in his hand.
“ know we could always just kill him” Jerry smirked while looking at Marina’s worried face.
“That’s not funny Jerry” Marina shrugged off.
“Yeah...that was a bad joke, lets head into town” Jerry grimaced.
“I’ll handle them” Marina gasped as they noticed a few walkers scattered ahead.
“You’re pretty sexy with that shotgun I gotta tell ya that” Jerry grinned as he watched Marina smash the lurkers with the wooden stock.
“Oh shut up” Marina chuckled softly.
“We didn’t finish our conversation on the roof” Jerry smirked and said suggestively.
“Lets just focus on getting the gas first” Marina replied casually.
“Eh have it your way, looks like there’s a gas station up ahead I’m gonna check it out first ....and if there’s no fuel there then it looks like I’m gonna be siphoning again” Jerry shrugged cheerfully.
“I’ll check the shops see if there’s anything worth taking holla if you need me” Marina smiled.
“Oh I will” Jerry muttered.
The part of town they entered was relatively quiet and they were determined to keep it that way. Jerry pointed ahead towards a gas station which was beside a wide street with a vast restaurant with plenty of parked tanker trucks out front. A while later Jerry managed to fill up the two canisters and then went to search the service station. He found two more canisters and started filling them up, while doing that he looked out for Marina and spotted her in a convenience store. He smiled to himself and decided to leave everything and see what she was up to. Marina was browsing through the remains of the derelict store, Jerry startled her as he gently snuck up behind her “What are you--” she gasped as he unexpectedly hugged her softly “I just had’re the only person that doesn’t see me as a complete dickhead” he whispered to her ear. “Jerry I don’t think now is a good time for this--” she hissed. He swiftly turned her around now facing each other “Marina I’m not blind, I know you have feelings for me” Jerry smiled warmly. Marina blushed as he started kissing her. She didn’t resist even though she knew that now wasn’t the time for expressing her true feelings. Jerry took charge, he kissed her roughly before pressing her head against the counter.
Forty minutes later Zafir limped back to the car he had a gunshot wound in his shoulder and thigh. Aching and gasping in pain he sat in the passenger’s seat with the doors wide open and ignited a cigarette. Two canisters were already in the trunk brought back by Jerry. Zafir cursed under his nose every minute waiting for them to come back. Eventually he saw them returning with four more canisters Jerry had the same smug look on his face while Marina looked distracted just like always to Zafir’s perception. “Oh my God what happened ? you’re shot?!” Marina rushed to him.
“You catch on quickly” he grunted coldly.
“What the fuck happened Zaf?” Jerry asked seriously.
“What do you think? I slaughtered another group of murderers, fuckers shot me in the process” Zafir said firmly while clenching his teeth.
“Jesus Zafir you got to stop this” Marina urged.
“Next time you might not get that lucky pal” Jerry remarked.
“Give me your fucking radio” Zafir ordered.
“Why? don’t you--” Jerry replied.
“Just give me the fucking radio goddammit!” Zafir shouted.
“You gotta relax man, here take the stupid radio we haven’t been using it anyway” Jerry tossed the radio.
“We have to get back, he’s gonna bleed out” Marina urged worriedly.
“Good maybe that’ll teach him a lesson” Jerry muttered while packing the rest of the canisters and started the car.
As they drove urgently back home, Zafir took a glance in the side window and saw a five foot four figure emerge onto the street wearing a smiling clown mask. He clenched his teeth in anger and took a long drag of the cigarette while his eyes teared up. The boy in the street pulled the mask off revealing, it was his son Keith.
Charlie dashed off into a nearby building with walkers following her trail. Ellis couldn’t leave her not like this he slowly moved away from Jeffrey, the old man clenched his teeth and wanted to say something but if he did the undead would be all over him. Elias froze until Ellis caught up to him “Wait by the car” Ellis discreetly hissed and moved further to find her. The walkers started bashing and scratching their hands against a door leading to a backroom inside, Ellis decided to go around and check the alley. There was a door and it was luckily unlocked, he entered and Charlie tried to attack him in sobbing rage, however he revealed himself and calmed her down. She sank into his arms crying hysterically “I’m bit Ellis....get the hell out of here please” Charlie sobbed. The backroom doors were barricaded by a shelf she managed to trip over buying them some time. Ellis noticed the bite on her shoulder “I’m not leaving you Charlie, I don’t care if you’re bit we’re getting out of this together” Ellis gasped.
“But this is it for doesn’t matter anymore don’t you understand!” She cried.
“Yes it does matter! matters to me......and it sure as hell matters to Elias” Ellis reassured her.
“Why would it?” She sobbed.
“Because can say goodbye to us properly, not ending like this” Ellis argued.
“How are we going to get out?” She stuttered softly.
“Through the alleyway, c’mon stay close to me we’ll get through, I promise” Ellis replied calmly.
The two slowly made their way to the south barricade where the rest were still waiting for them. Rain started to drizzle as Grace drove south along the highway. They sat in silence bearing scars from their journey up to this moment contemplating on what’s waiting ahead. Charlie was getting weaker in the backseat, after nearly two hours commuting she felt her life was ticking away “Grace pull over somewhere” she sighed weakly. Grace nodded firmly and took the nearest exit and pulled over. There was nothing but fields all around them, it was almost dawn and it stopped raining, yet the sky was still covered with dark clouds. Charlie exited the vehicle and directed herself towards a small tree close by. “Where’s she going?” Grace winced. Ellis and Elias followed her, she sat under the tree with a flat smile on her face. “Why are you smiling?” Elias asked softly.
“I love the smell of grass after rain” She coughed.
It was a deja vu moment for Ellis, he knew this moment was coming, yet he couldn’t help reminiscing Katherine, it was hard enough to pull the trigger back then. “Leave me here, I don’t want either you to go through killing me” She choked.
“But you’ll be one of them” Elias sobbed.
“It won’t be me anymore, Elias” She replied weakly.
“We can’t leave her to turn! We can’t!” Elias cried urgently to Ellis.
“It’s’s okay.....I’ll do it” Ellis choked.
Elias hugged Charlie “I will never forget you” he sighed. “You’re a good kid Elias and I’ll miss you” she teared up before letting him go. Jeffrey was slowly limping towards them while Ellis kneeled down to her “Look out for yourself and Elias.....he’s gonna need you, everyone needs someone” She sighed. “I will, I promise” Ellis said firmly while tears shed his cheeks. “Damn, you sure have a big nose” She coughed and chuckled. “Heh yeah not even a nose job would help it” Ellis chuckled softly. After a brief moment of silence “You should go” She sighed. He hugged her one last time before standing up and aiming at her.
Ellis teared up while watching her slowly drift away and yet he still couldn’t shot her. Jeffrey approached him and pulled out his firearm “You shouldn’t have to do this” the old man said firmly. Ellis holstered his gun after a short moment and Jeffrey prevented Charlie from turning.
“I couldn’t save her” Ellis sighed while they gazed at Charlie.
“No-one could, it ain’t nobodies fault” Jeffrey grunted.
“She died in my dream” Elias said blankly.
“What are you talking about?” Jeffrey winced.
“Back in your place I had a bad the dream, everyone died but not me” he replied worriedly.
“It was only a bad dream Elias, just try to forget it” Jeffrey muttered as they gazed at Charlie’s lifeless corpse before heading back to the car.
End of Episode 5 and Season 1
Episode 5 choices
Cody decided to shoot Michael
Ellis didn’t leave Elias behind
The group chose to follow Alexander
Blake and Amanda chose to trust Marco
Charlie decided to kill Father Monroe herself
Dean refused to take revenge against Leo
Rory revealed Ryan’s plan of sneaking out
Devin agreed to Samantha’s terms
Sergio chose to stay back.
Willy decided to help Brent fight the walkers off.
enter link description here
Wow we finally made it to the end of season 1 guys!
with special thanks to @Pipas, @LiquidChicagoTed and @Violet_Ant for participating from as long as I can remember
and I hope most of you will stick around for season 2.
I would like to thank everyone for reading my story
Also I would like you guys to say what you most liked and disliked about this season and please leave some feedback for good and for worse of course.
Finally I'd like to officially announce the upcoming episode titles:
Season 1 DLC - Days To Remember
Episode 6 - All That’s Left
Episode 7 - Nest of Spiders
Episode 8 - Caught in Crossfire
Episode 9 - Among The Shadows
Episode 10 - No Turning Back
And we thank You for writing such a great story.
I have nothing negative to say and truly enjoy your fanfic (for almost two years now, wow).
You are a great storyteller! Each part of your story is gripping and always imaginative.
For me this is the best fanfic on this forum.
I´m already looking forward to new parts!
Indeed, it has been a wonderful ride. Can't believe it's been over 1,5 years since you started this. And I gotta say, I enjoyed every second of it!
Of course I'm gonna stick around for Season 2! (unless I accidentally unfollow the thread again, lel)
Now, I think I've mentioned it earlier somewhere, but I really like how are you giving each character space to grow. Honestly, I don't feel that any of the characters are just there in the background doing nothing, which has been a problem of many fics I read before.
Keep up the good work Domingez. Really looking forward to the next episode!
Thanks for the feedback guys it definitely keeps me motivated
and now here is the first part of the S1 DLC
The Walking Dead Season 1 DLC: Days To Remember
“What the hell was I thinking? could all this go wrong?......shit what am I gonna do now?” Ian thought to himself as he panted while driving the bus. Kaden was sitting and leaning against the window in the third row “The fuck are you doing? we have to go back for Michael!” he coughed. Ian ignored him and kept speeding “Hey I’m talking to you? turn the damn bus around, we’re not leaving my friend behind! Kaden growled. Ian tutted and shook his head “Are you fucking blind and deaf too? they opened fire at him, he’s screwed” Kaden’s face faded “We never should’ve left, it was a dumb plan and now Mike’s dead” he muttered angrily.
“He suggested it, I knew it was risky but he didn’t want to listen--” Ian remarked thoughtfully.
“Oh yeah now it’s his fault?” Kaden replied ironically.
“As matter of fact, it was!” Ian said firmly.
“Fucking hypocrite” Kaden mumbled under his nose.
“Now I’m the hypocrite? you really are a funny kid” Ian chuckled softly.
“I’m not a kid! piece of shit!” Kaden wanted to get up and give Ian a piece of his mind.
“Listen jackass, we don’t have to stick together, in fact I don’t give two shits what happens to you, so you either shut up and let me drive or I’m stopping this bus and gonna leave you on the side of the road, it’s you choice!” Ian snapped.
Kaden refused to reply and folded his arms in a rather comical fashion. “That’s better, we gotta start thinking where do we go from here? any suggestions?” Ian grunted as he drove past a sign informing that they passed Moxley. “A place to lay low, far away from the walkers, but also close to places where we can regularly get supplies” Kaden muttered indifferently.
“So, basically disneyland” Ian joked.
“Alright if you’re so damn smart then you come up with something!” Kaden snarled.
“I dunno, wherever we seem to look the dead always find us, we gotta.....shit what the hell?......goddammit we’re out of gas” Ian gasped as the bus slowly came to a halt.
“How can we be out of gas? we just left the fucking gas station” Kaden frowned.
Ian stepped out from the bus and noticed that the bullet holes must’ve caused the leak of fuel. “Looks like we’re walking” Ian grunted while returning and grabbed the duffel bag filled with a few days worth of food supplies. As much as Kaden wanted to ask Ian to help him walk his personal pride prevented it. On one side of the road there was a trailer park with a few derelict houses and on the other side a wide cornfield was situated with three big silos in the distance. Ian returned to the front of the bus only to get soccer punched by Kaden “That was for leaving Michael” he mumbled.
“Alright! I’m gonna let that one slide, but if you do it again you’ll have something more to worry about than that damn leg of yours” Ian chuckled softly while examining his jaw.
“Oh I’m pissing myself with fear, get up and carry this damn bag we gotta find a place to crash I’m fucking tired” Kaden remarked sarcastically.
Ian shook his head and felt fed up of putting up with Kaden, but he played along for now. The two decided to head for the trailer park. The place was mostly deserted apart from the numerous dead corpses laying around. The moon took its place as only darkness surrounded them. Kaden liked the star sparkling night, he liked the idea of how it hid his flaws, the scars he already had from his childhood and now he was going to obtain more them. It was a nice change of not seeing any walkers or people in particular as Ian searched the trailers. There wasn’t much he could scavenge apart from a flashlight, he directed himself to the derelict house in hope of finding some weapons. Kaden sat on the front porch while Ian barged in, the eerie presence outside was calming making Kaden’s eyes slowly close, after all the wounds inflicted his body quietly started switching off. The windows inside were all boarded up and made the place pitch black, Ian used the flashlight to navigate around. He flinched at the sight of a dead corpse sitting in an armchair in front of a fireplace holding a photo. Ian cautiously grabbed the revolver from the dead man’s hand, but it was empty “Shame you didn’t leave any bullets left for me pal” he muttered with a flat yet sympathetic smile. He continued by going upstairs, the windows weren’t boarded allowing more light to come through. A hunting rifle with a brown sling hanging against the wall drew his attention, he recalled when his father first took him hunting. Even though he didn’t share his father’s passion like shooting or God forbid killing any living creature, however it was a moment he cherished spending with him. Ian grabbed the rifle and blew the dust of it “Now we’re getting somewhere” he thought while searching the drawers after which he managed to find a box containing a handful of bullets. After opening a wardrobe in one of the bedrooms, among the many clothes hanging inside a neatly tailored black suit caught his eye which was under a plastic sheet “This is what I’m talking about” he looked at it in amazement for a short moment. Ian quickly pulled of his tedious sweater and generic brown pants to try the suit on. His leather wallet fell out from his pants and while picking it up he was surprised of still having it after all this time, funny how certain things get forgotten he thought. The suit wasn’t perfect, but he felt strangely as if he recovered a part of his identity or such “Too bad the shoes don’t match” he chuckled softly before finishing his sweep of the house. Later he found himself downstairs and decided that this was a good place to rest for a bit. Kaden already dozed off on front porch “Hey wake up” Ian nudged him mildly.
“What do you want?” Kaden mumbled lethargically.
“It’s much more comfortable inside” Ian replied calmly.
“Argh...urgh...dammit why does it have to hurt so much” Kaden clenched his teeth while rising to his feet.
“Stop sounding like an old person and get inside” Ian sneered.
Ian lit up the fireplace shortly after and Kaden limped over to the couch which was facing the fireplace “This is nice ain’t it?” Ian smirked while crouching close to the fire.
“Different I guess” Kaden muttered with a cold scowl.
“It’s unbelievable that we spent so much time in a small closed community and we never really got to actually talk to each other” Ian said in a rather friendly manner.
“No offence, but I didn’t like you then and I don’t like you now” Kaden shrugged.
“I think this is a good time to lay out all this shit on the table” Ian smirked and showed him a small bottled of whiskey he found in one of the cabinets.
“What shit? and I ain’t in the mood for drinking” Kaden muttered.
“All the stuff you hate about me, even by fact you don’t really know me for starters....and come on when or if you ever had a drink like this?” Ian smiled and gestured by gently shaking the almost empty bottle.
“For starters you look ridiculous, what are you even wearing? you look like a damn banker” Kaden frowned.
“I believe it’s called a suit” Ian chuckled sarcastically and poured one finger of whiskey.
“Man do I really have to drink this?” Kaden winced after Ian handed him the glass.
“No, I’m drinking the rest anyway” Ian chuckled.
“You really are a damn weird guy” Kaden said sourly after taking a sip.
“I can say the same about you, back in Louisville all you did was stick to Jarvis like glue and that guy turned out to be a fucking wacko” Ian laughed while drinking.
“He was my friend you didn’t know him well as I did” Kaden said coldly.
“Fine sorry tell me why are you so stuck up all the time” Ian chuckled softly.
“Because I lost everyone that I cared for! please I want to get some sleep” Kaden snarled.
“Okay I’ll leave you alone......and by the way everybody has lost someone at this point” Ian replied mildly and sat on the ground by the fire.
Moments later Kaden was fast asleep again. Ian pulled out his leather wallet and examined what he still had left in it. For a guy who inherited before the outbreak a large sum of cash only had fifty dollars in his pocket “How sad and ironic” he shook his head.
“If only walkers were bribable I’d throw some cash at’em” Ian chuckled to himself. In a secret compartment he found a photo of his mother. The optimism from his face faded suddenly as he gazed at the image before throwing it all in the fire. Ian staggered upstairs he couldn’t help thinking that this little group of theirs wasn’t going to work. He slowly approached one of the beds, the duffel bag and rifle were rested beside on the ground, Ian felt slightly peckish and grabbed a jar of pickled cucumbers to lessen his appetite. During consumption he pondered about leaving Kaden, he could leave him now and not have second thoughts, after all if Kaden weren’t injured the roles might’ve been reversed.
Major Choice: Burden
[Sneak out and leave Kaden]
[Go to sleep]
I love this duo.
[Go to sleep]
[Go to sleep]
[Sneak out and leave Kaden]
Day 1
South Atlanta
It was a relatively normal day for nineteen year old Skylar waking up to a quite sunny day and noticing that she overslept on a college day. In no rush, she found herself downstairs in the kitchen preparing breakfast whilst watching television. News broadcasts were on almost every channel alerting the audience about evacuating to the nearest quarantine zone, because of an unidentified virus spreading rapidly across the US causing people to feel sick and start biting others. Skylar felt worried and rushed towards the window to see if something was going on outside. Murray street was deserted and quiet as usual, it was almost one in the afternoon. Skylar tried to phone her dad Wesley who was a geometry teacher, but the network was down. She hurried back upstairs and got quickly dressed into her black and silver leather jacket with a brown tank top underneath, later slipping on a pair of black leggings and brown suede boots. Skylar always wore a gold cross necklace and a thin black bracelet that Zack Lockwood gave her. Upon looking into the mirror before heading downstairs, her attractive tanned round face was rather pale this morning making her dark brown eyes and thin pink lips standout, she tied her long brown hair with blond highlights into a ponytail. Additionally she was six feet tall and had a slim figure. Taking the situation seriously however without panic she started packing her camper backpack with essentials just incase this nightmare happened to be true. Everything felt so surreal, Skylar decided to check on her neighbours. No one answered to her knocking on the door, but she could her faint moans coming from inside. Shortly later Wesley arrived and parked their car erratically in the street. He barged into his home and called out “Sky! are you here!? where the hell are you!” in a thick australian accent, upon hearing her dad from across the street and she quickly rushed back.
“What’s going on dad? I’m starting to freak out” Skylar asked worriedly while watching her father load a 9mm pistol pulled out from the drawer.
“Sky, thank God you’re okay, I just saw this lad at school attack and eat another student, people in the city are turning crazy.....on the streets they’re all biting and eating each other, we have to get out of here fast, I need you to stay strong and pack your things right away” Wesley said in a composed voice.
Wesley was exactly fifty years old, despite the age he was still in great shape. The tall man was skinny and was wearing a buttoned-up light brown almost beige shirt and gray pants. He had a very sculpted face complimented by rough course gray hair with a flip in the front.
“I already packed my stuff dad, I tried to call you--” Skylar stuttered softly.
“Good, good dear er-I’ll quickly get on packing us some food and we’ll hit the road” Wesley gasped.
“Where are we even gonna go? I need to find Zack first, what’s exactly goin’ on? I heard about some virus on the news” Skylar gasped nervously.
“That’s what it is, people are getting sick somehow, that is why we have to go” Wesley urged while packing food from the refrigerator and cupboards.
A few minutes later they heard banging noise by the front door. Skylar assumed it was one of the neighbours and went to open it, before Wesley managed to warn her to not open a walker already overpowered her to the ground. She looked into the white eyes of the freshly turned person while trying to keep it’s stuttering teeth away from her neck. Wesley grabbed a kitchen knife and dragged the walker of off his daughter before repeatedly stabbing it in the abdomen. The dead corpse kept growling and Wesley delivered the final blow splattering the zombie’s skull. Skylar noticed her shattered cellphone on the floor. Wesley helped his shaking daughter up “Are you okay? it didn’t bite you?” his voice panted and rang in her head. She faintly nodded affirmatively and they both shortly after rushed to the car.
Once they drove past the next neighbourhood the horror continued to turn more real, as they both witnessed people running for their lives and getting devoured. One girl caught their attention as she flagged them down for help, almost throwing herself in front of the car to stop. The girl was covered in blood and looked slightly younger than Skylar, but shared the same tanned complexion and thin figure. She had dark brown to dark reddish hair and wore a light blue plaid shirt which barely fitted her with blue jeans and beige boots. “Please help me, I’m not bit, this’s not my blood” She stuttered in horror. “Get in quick” Wesley said softly and flatly. Skylar tried to comfort her even though she was likewise scared to hell, the girl introduced herself as Florence.
“Wha-what’s happening.....I just saw my whole fa-family go crazy” Florence stuttered hysterically.
“Oh my God what in the flaming hell is happening to these people” Wesley muttered in horror.
“Dad we need to find Zack” Skylar persisted toughly.
“Does he matter that much to you? this lady on this radio is urging everyone to make there way to a quarantine zone, because of this detour we might not make it Sky!” Wesley suggested firmly.
“I love him Dad, please.....we have to try” Skylar insisted with tears shedding her eyes.
“Alright.....alright pumpkin....I hope it’ll be worth it” Wesley muttered with a hopeful smile.
Day 2
Hillsboro, 76 miles from Atlanta
“Richard you gotta take a breather here man, if those things were really zombies then Atlanta will sure be full of’em” his friend gasped after they barely managed to escape a few walkers.
“I’m not just gonna sit around here and wait for help! I’m going back home with or without you man” Richard snarled while slamming the car doors and ignited the engine.
“Fuck bro this is suicide!” his friend panicked.
“My mind is made up, you’re coming or not?!” Richard gasped.
“Dammit fine, but you owe me one after this” Alan remarked.
This time yesterday everything felt normal far out from Atlanta, Richard and a few of his friends decided to take some time off from their daily jobs as bakers and head of camping for the weekend. While the city fought off the dead rising, Richard Reid was chilling out under the open sky on the outskirts of Hillsboro. During the night, the walkers had reached them killing everyone except for him and Alan. Richard still lived with his parents and younger sister Mia which he was hoping to find safe and sound. At the time he was wearing a black t-shirt with a red and black flannel shirt over it and faded ragged jeans. The twenty-two year old was very pale, however not very tall. Additionally he had a quite likeable, freckled and heart-shaped face. He had dark bleak eyes, a slightly upturned nose and longish bushy blonde hair. An hour and a half later he reached his home located not far from Gresham Park. “This so fucked up, look at how many zombies are out there” Alan whispered and panicked as Richard put the car to a stop.
“My house is right over there keep it together” Richard hissed.
“How am I suppose to keep it together?! how do you plan getting past them?” Alan murmured nervously.
“I’ll figure it out, you stay in the car and be ready to blast outta here, alright? can I trust you to do that?” Richard suggested calmly.
“Ye-yeah just go and hurry” Alan hissed.
Richard slipped out and dashed up the street attracting walkers while running ahead. He forced open the front door and after a second his Bernese Mountain Dog called Timothy greeted him happily “Good to see you boy” Richard gave him a brief hug before calling out “Mom?! Dad! Mia! anyone?!” but the place was already abandoned and possibly looted after looking at the state of the place. He sighed and sat down and took a moment “Where did they go” he choked. The walkers banging on his front door made him flinch and rush quickly to barricade it, later he urgently grabbed some food and stuffed it into his backpack. “Come on boy” he remarked to Timothy and pulled out his pocket knife as the walkers started coming through the windows. By the back door he tripped over a pile of books, however before getting up and escaping he grabbed a book of poems by A.Rimbaud. Outside Richard and his four-legged companion stormed back to where Alan was waiting, only to find that he was gone and a wave of walkers was passing through.
Day 147
December 4
Somewhere in Michigan by the Manistee National Forest, Skylar flinched upon awaking from the continuous nightmare. She had fallen asleep on the hammock with her diary open, through the window above her the winter air swirled around the dense trees. Skylar hated the cold, but most significantly the problem was the blackness of the night. It felt as if the worries and thoughts silently burned into her mind preventing her from sleeping in serenity. Florence was on the other side of the room sleeping calmly for a change. Through the ajar doors she noticed the fireplace still lit up and decide to slip into her coat and sit by the flames. Wesley was in a rusty armchair drinking a can of beer “Dad?” She said softly with her arms wrapped around.
“Oh hey Sky, what are you doing up and about?” He smirked flatly and scratched his ashy beard.
“Bad dreams.....again” She nodded.
“Sorry to hear that sweetie, come sit with me, want a coolie?” He offered.
“No thanks dad, how much food have we got left?” Skylar asked warily.
“Not enough, there’s still some of that elk meat from earlier” he grunted.
“Where’s Richard?” Skylar frowned.
“He popped out with Timothy” He laughed softly.
“So, is Florence asleep and how’s she?” Wesley asked compassionately after a short pause.
“She’s sleeping, to be honest I think she’s getting better, this was her best day in a long while” Skylar sighed.
“I truly hope so this will finally be water under the bridge.......her self-harm already escalated once to a point where she almost died if you hadn’t found her flaming hell.....the worst thing is, I don’t know how to help her” Wesley muttered with concern and took a long sip.
“It’s the phases that worries me” Skylar shook her head.
“She’s lucky to have you as a friend......The fire is fading, I’m gonna fetch us some wood” Wesley smirked and sluggishly stood up.
“She’s lucky to have all of us” Skylar nodded.
Wesley staggered out the door, while Skylar pulled out a photo of her and Zack pondering about the possibilities, of what could’ve happened to him, what if they were together now. It has been long overdue and she should’ve let him go ages ago, although the blind hope still consumed her. Now it wasn’t just about Zack, the addiction of being hopelessly in love with a memory holds her back to a time of normality, a time not too far gone, but now it’s becoming a sheer echo of something that never existed.
Major Choice: Memory
[Burn the photo]
[Keep the photo]
I would probably keep it, so let´s [Keep the photo]
Ohh, I like these short stories.
[Keep the photo]
(Where's @LiquidChicagoTed? I don't think he ever missed voting before.
Whoa... I can't believe it happened to me as well, but I actually got unfollowed without noticing it
Thankfully I only missed the last part and the Season finale, but I guess I would have missed this one as well if it wouldn't have been for you tagging me. Thanks
Now I got some catching up to do...
Man, I still can't believe I actually failed to comment on the chapter finale in time. Damn forums make it damn easy to unfollow a story. Thanks to Pipas, I'm back now and I feel like I should say some stuff for Season 1, considering that you asked for feedback. Oh, I got a feeling this is going to take a while to write down, considering that there are so many things I like to mention. Well, who needs sleep anyway, right? First, it feels amazing that this story is still going strong. I think it is even the oldest ongoing story on the whole forum at the moment, so many congratulations, Domingez
Without a doubt this is and always has been one of my favourite stories and I will definitely never stop reading it, for as long as you want to write it. Please never stop
First of all, your writing is awesome. It already started strong, but rereading the early parts, your writing has clearly develop a lot and is now better than ever. That makes me enjoy the story even more. Pipas already mentioned it, another huge strength of the story are the characters. Unlike many other stories, you actually develop every character and you give all of them their moments to shine. This is the only story that managed to make me care for most of its characters, with very few exceptions (coughLiamcoughZackcoughEmmacoughCeceliacoughHermancoughSamanthathebitchcoughherbabycough). Other stories just keep some characters in the background but you somehow manage to give each of them a lot of room to grow and that makes me get attached to most of them, especially once they stick around for a while. Another strength of yours is the general storytelling. It is unpredictable, in a good way, it is breathtakingly awesome and it actually managed to make me quite emotional many times. Season 1 has been a huge rollercoaster of emotions for me and I don't think I will ever forget the amazing moments you wrote about. Still my favourite has to be the Louisville shootout. I was literally sitting at the egde of my seat the whole time while I read this. The whole Louisville arc has been amazing and I wouldn't have mind if it would have went on for another chapter or two. Katherine's death truly shocked me, as did Joe's and that should be a testimony for how great you are as a storyteller. For the record, I managed to go through most of Game of Thrones without being shocked by the stuff that happened. I can't wait for what Season 2 is going to bring in terms of amazing moments. I'm only sure of one thing: It is going to be awesome, maybe even more awesome than Season 1. It's hard to top, but I'm positive that you can make it even better 
Now... I am afraid I am the only one who actually has to bring up some criticism. Like, negative criticism. Don't you worry, it is nothing too bad in terms of the general story, but it is something I feel very strongly about. Maybe I am nitpicking, but I feel like I should mention it regardless. This story is so amazing that I feel I should mention the one time I actually disliked something. There has actually been stuff I did not like and I'm not talking about Katie's death here, even though I don't think I'll ever get over that one. No, the thing I just have to criticize goes by the unassuming name of Samantha, or as I like to call her, Satan. I previously mentioned that the characters are one of the big strengths of your story and one of the most amazing aspects of your writing, which is why I have to bring up the only negative example. It's nothing new that I hate Samantha (and her fanclub) with a burning passion. You can tell how much I hate her by the fact that I can't stop bringing her up, but I actually have thought about an objective reason for why I hate her: She is a terrible, awful, downright atrocious Mary Sue villain, who, despite the fact that she was so obviously an evil, rotten monster from the very moment she first appeared, somehow managed to make Liam, Emma and Cecelia basically worship her in a way that I saw even as contradicting with their previous characterization. Her presence in this story and the way the other characters acted about her was enough to thoroughly ruin the entirety of E5Ch4 for me. She was a truly unnecessary character, awful beyond words, and the worst part for me is that she never got even the slightest comeuppance, which is simply frustrating as hell. And no, I don't count her peaceful death as comeuppance. I hope something is going to happen at the beginning of E6Ch2 that makes her death a lot more painful, because she seriously deserves it. I don't know, maybe she can die with some horrible seizures or under torture, or something like that. Think about it, that would make her a lot more tolerable as a character, wouldn't it? Yeah, I know, I know, I'm ranting again, so I'm going to cut it short. Just know that 99% of the your characters are amazingly written. Even the ones I hate, with the possible exception of Herman, have a lot of depth, its just that their hateable qualities are stronger than their likeable ones. But Samantha was the direct opposite of a well-written character. So please, never go full Samantha again. Also, kill her painfully, you know it needs to be done.
Now... I almost feel bad for ranting about Samantha for so long again, but I just can't help to think that you deserve to know how I feel about her. Just like she needs to die in agony, I need to rant about her and I seriously feel nothing but genuine hatred for this character. Anyways, despite the huge paragraph I wrote about the bitch, let me just say that Season 1 is still absolutely amazing. One small drawback is not enough to tarnish the awesomeness that is this story. And there is a lot of awesomeness. Few other stories manage to outright stun me as often as this story did over the past 20 months. Every single chapter has at least one moment where I just can't believe what happened. Never change that, please!
Finally... I know you already have a huge cast of characters, but if you're okay with it, I would like to submit at least one or two more. Considering that it has been ages since I submitted Brad and Katie, I'd love to submit one of my newer ideas. Are you okay with it? If you already have too many characters, do not worry, you can always kill Liam and Emma without anyone missing them
[Burn Zack]
Yeah... I couldn't resist. Of course I mean [Burn the photo], though I seriously wouldn't mind burning Zack as well. For now, the photo has to suffice.
Now, it is a photo of Zack, so it was probably obvious that I would choose this option. I don't know who would actually like to keep a photo of that damn asshole. Skylar is better off without him for sure. If it would be anyone else, her parents, one of her friends, a random photo of a random guy she doesn't even know, I'd probably keep it, but Zack? Hell naw! I'm probably the only one who feels that way, but I hope they never reunite. I totally admit that I choose this one out of spite, since Zack is still extremely high on my hate list and I doubt he's ever going to get out of that one again. Though after a lot of thinking, I've decided to put him at least behind Samantha the bitch, Liam the bitch fanclub president, Samantha's antichrist baby, Herman, Emma and Cecelia, but before Gia, who is only on that list because she cares for Herman the hellspawn. It would be unfair of me to hate Zack more than Samantha and her bitch fanclub, wouldn't it? However, I am unsure if I should put Skylar on my hate list as well, considering that she is close to Zack and apparently still cares for him. Unlike her sort-of boyfriend, she seems to be pretty nice, but dating that jackass certainly made me like her a lot less than I otherwise would have, so I'm going to keep an eye on her. I hope I don't have to put her on my hate list, because it's probably going to be hard enough already to kill all of the assholes that are currently on it.
Thanks for the constructive criticism and I'll surely try to act upon it!
and yes, feel free to submit two characters if you wish 
[Keep the photo] Maybe burning it helps her with moving on, but she should have something to remember her past.
Sorry for missing the last voting. I havent checked the forum for a few days. I would have chosen the go to sleep option as well for Ian.
Yeah, I thought something was up since I saw you posting in other threads and not this one.