Scale of 1-10…What do you think?
Okay, so this is a topic that I’ve been wanting to start for a while now but didn’t quite know how I should go about it. There have been a variety of characters of different races, abilities, sizes, ages, shapes, genders, appearances, and personalities throughout the Walking Dead Game. From the Bottom to the Top, Who are your Most Attractive Characters?
Dang You, Internet Connection! I wanted to be first!
Anyway, any of the eight or more examples I gave above will work. Otherwise, this would get very chauvinistic, very fast.
Posted August 7
Nice to see Javier actually has some fans, I guess.
It's also worth noting that the thread title is just a fitting reference; if you want to do more than ten characters or even all of them, feel free.
Posted August 8
I noticed that many of you have males as well as females listed in a single list.
I might consider doing the same later.
Posted August 15
If there were any characters you'd wanna kiss/bang/marry, who would it be?
As in "I think he/she is cute..."? I'll wait until others comment to see how others do this.
Larry is all of my top ten most attractive people.
What a hunk.
Okay I'll stop messing around now. These are my top 10. #1 being most attractive:
10.Mark (s1)
9.Carley (s1)
8.Shel (400 days)
7. Clementine - NOW BEFORE you start angrily smashing your keyboard, I mean this in a neutral way. Clem isn't ugly. She's an attractive person, that's all. I'm going by her S3 appearance, mostly.
6.Mike (s2)
5.Lee (s1
4.Molly (s1)
3.Luke (s2)
2.Jane (s2)
1.Larry-- Kidding. Stephanie (400 days)
Javier is underrated
what do you mean you're just kidding? Larry was a 11/10. Look at that jaw and receding hairline!
Dang You, Internet Connection! I wanted to be first!
Anyway, any of the eight or more examples I gave above will work. Otherwise, this would get very chauvinistic, very fast.
Darn it, I totally forgot about him. He would be on my top 10 as well.
You guys are so full of shit.
Clearly the most attractive is Officer Clyde.
You're right
Obviously it's Danny St. John. He's numbers one through ten, he's so smexy.
Just that glint of danger in his eyes...He has that perfect level of crazy. Crazy is good in um...certain relationship rituals. He'd make the real life ladies and gents go weak at the knees.
He still is sporting that classy casual office wear, even months into the apocalypse. He looks like he's ready to golf in that snazzy polo. That shirt pocket just oozes sexy.
(Please realize I'm kidding. Or am I? Dun dun dun!)
After careful consideration, and looking at pictures of every main character, I've come to a decision.
First off, honorable mentions would have to include Lee, Sarita and yes, even Bonnie.
10: Justin (400 Days - Vince's Story)
9: Jane (Season 2)
I promise it gets better.
8: Christa (Season 2)
7: Molly (Season 1)
6: Luke (Season 2)
5: Stephanie (400 Days - Shel's story)
4: Greg (Michonne)
Yes, I do find Greg attractive.
3: Clementine (Season 3)
2: Carley (Season 1)
1: Javier (Season 3)
I would appear that the numbering messed up so I fixed it. Keep in mind I joined days ago haha.
No but in all honesty, I don't think I could make a top ten list in order, so I'll just name off ten that stand out to me
Randall (to most people, this would sound like a weird choice but hear me out; the guy ain't too shabby when he isn't sneering at people)
Bonnie (S2 Bonnie, not the still-recovering-from-addiction Bonnie)
And I don't know if they'd technically count, but Telltale's versions of Michonne and Pete are pretty nice, too.
He's got charm coming out of his ass.
He sure charmed Brenda.
Agreed on Randall.
Him and Norma have some of the most gorgeous pair of eyes I've ever seen. Must be a family thing.
Actually, new studies based in listening carfully during Vince Story confirmed that this guy is Bennet. The other one is Clyde. (No kidding)
Clyde, Bennet. A hunk is a hunk.
Yasssssss Javierrrrr
Javier (S3)
Clementine (S3)
Samantha (Michonne)
Carley (S1)
Stephanie (400 Days)
Greg (Michonne)
Luke (S2)
Bonnie (S2)
Michonne (Michonne XD)
Katjaa (S1)
Going by conventional attractiveness, #1 being the most brilliant person in the universe:
Greg Fairbanks
Pete from The Companion
Samantha Fairbanks
The clear winner

Here he is in super sexxy mode

Seriously. The dude is just... Damn!
You can't resist those moves
Larry is the bae.

What that mouth do?

The hips don't lie.
Tbh Javier and Luke.
Beauty is entirely subjective, so I will give my answers based on the generally agreed upon modern standards of attractiveness.
First, the Women
1st place: Carley or Stephanie, depending on whether you like your women strong-featured/sporty or softer/more feminine of face.
2nd place: Jane. Perfect figure. She would be a traffic-stopper with long hair and a touch of makeup.
3rd place: Beatrice (the unfortunate woman from Macon). We only get a glimpse of her (being devoured by walkers, no less), but she appears to be very pretty. A "delicate beauty".
Now the Men
1st place: Luke. Toned, tanned, long-ish hair, a bit of scruff -he's the typical "pretty boy". Being a country boy doesn't hurt either.
2nd place: Mark. He would qualify as the cute, soft-spoken, athletic guy with glasses. The military background is the cherry on top.
3rd place: Lee. Impressive physique, deep voice, and a Southern accent.
I think some of the others could fill niche standards of attractiveness. For instance, Eddie is pretty easy on the eyes if you're into tatted guys. :-) Vince is dark and handsome with that air of danger that some women are drawn to. Brie could be a BBW? lol. Bonnie is pretty but doesn't know it. I would love for someone to give her an in-game makeover. Molly could (almost) stand in Jane's stead. I think of Molly as a die-hard tomboy though.
I just can't belive you guys forgot about:

This guy. Such eyes...
This is ace. Where did you find it?
I just made it
Good job!
Okay, but you guys are forgetting the most important man. Terry St. John
Jesus, hes one ugly mofo! Yauck!
Nice to see Javier actually has some fans, I guess.
It's also worth noting that the thread title is just a fitting reference; if you want to do more than ten characters or even all of them, feel free.