Episode 8 Waiting Thread -Out Now on PC/Mac, Xbox One/360, Mobile, PS3/4 NA&EU



  • I gotta agree. I'll admit I ship it, but I just want it because of the episode in general aswell :D

    The shipping is just getting creepy. That's not the games intent at all and you guys need to respect that and not get upset its not a feature within the series.

  • You do realise that no one is forcing you to read this cringe and you can just wait until episode 8 releases and the go back on the forums?

    I can't deal with all this cringe minecraft shipping... I can't wait for episode 8 and then I wont have to read this cringe anymore. i mean

  • It's definitely not as bad as My little pony or Rule 34. Shipping in My little pony and Rule 34 in general is just super creepy...

    The shipping is just getting creepy. That's not the games intent at all and you guys need to respect that and not get upset its not a feature within the series.

  • the cringe.

    Thats what I said in one of the comments, the friendship and love of the new Order of the Stone that they can overcome challenging obstacles

  • Oh, thats right.

    Super1710 posted: »

    It was probably the original idea, but when they properly started to write some things changed. Similar to how in epiode 5 you were meant to

  • I ship Squid x Lukas.

  • And, off course, it's the classic minecraft

    Saiyan_Wolf posted: »

    PC is fine though. Easier than tablet and console. Minecraft on console is ridiculous! MCPE is easier than console. I prefer PC though. So much simpler.

  • It's true.

    When I was crafting the F-Bomb sometimes when I pressed X ( I have a PS3) it bugged and it didn't put the gunpowder on the crafting table.

    And I was in the air

    Super1710 posted: »

    Here's something he made with the model.

  • I'm expecting august 30 or 31 Australia rates news plus trailer the 1st or 2nd and release the sixth.

  • That is a good idea your probably right

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    I'm expecting august 30 or 31 Australia rates news plus trailer the 1st or 2nd and release the sixth.

  • edited August 2016

    I heard Videogamesblogger said that the release date is estimated to arrive between August 30th to September 13th. That means we will have 15 days, ONE of these days should be the OFFICIAL date.

    Release posted: »

    That is a good idea your probably right

  • I know minecraft story mode is made within minecraft but all these creations seems like it needs more than one world to make (unless it's infinite world) so I wonder if Jessie's world,Cassie's world and PAMA's world was all made in the same seed (seed means minecraft world for people who don't know).

  • edited August 2016

    Videogamesblogger are not Telltale. They know as much as we do

    I heard Videogamesblogger said that the release date is estimated to arrive between August 30th to September 13th. That means we will have 15 days, ONE of these days should be the OFFICIAL date.

  • That much is true, but sometimes the past release dates of other TTG series that got posted were true, even if it was 40% or 50% correct.

    Videogamesblogger are not Telltale. They know as much as we do

  • What about Cassie's world? It had two moons, I dunno if Jesse's, Isa's or PAMA's world have those.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    I know minecraft story mode is made within minecraft but all these creations seems like it needs more than one world to make (unless it's in

  • Yeah killing off a main character or multiple playable characters would be TTG's The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, I'd be bummed if Jesse died saving his/her friends. Not a good ending for me. :(

    Super1710 posted: »

    Killing off a main character once is all well and good, but killing off another one after that would feel forced.

  • There was a theory about this earlier on. So I'll repeat what was said.
    Many people believe that Earth started with 2 moons and then at some point crashed and formed one.
    So using this White Pumpkin Mansion would be first, and then Sky City? I don't really know the order.

    What about Cassie's world? It had two moons, I dunno if Jesse's, Isa's or PAMA's world have those.

  • They just looked at the calendar, just like every person on this forum.

    That much is true, but sometimes the past release dates of other TTG series that got posted were true, even if it was 40% or 50% correct.

  • I think it would make more sense in those universes as I've heard that in the original show of games of thrones people die a lot (which also makes it more interesting as you never know who will be next) and the circumstances of The Walking Dead. Humanity would barely stand a chance if a zombie virus came about, unless they manage to contain it and make a cure for the virus somehow.

    Yeah killing off a main character or multiple playable characters would be TTG's The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, I'd be bummed if Jesse died saving his/her friends. Not a good ending for me.

  • I heard this theory, but it still makes absolutely no sense that the two moons would start smashing into each other one day for no apparent reason, it isn't even a component of the original game! Not to mention "fire world" (which is like an extra hot Nether going of off the blocks in the portal) did the world suddenly transform from the equivalent to help to grassy plains? This would be an interesting theory although there are to many inconsistencies with what we're shown, it conflicts with logic itself!

    There was a theory about this earlier on. So I'll repeat what was said. Many people believe that Earth started with 2 moons and then at som

  • If we were to get news next Tuesday (which I think is what will happen) we could possibly get some teasers from Telltales Twitter this week! :D

  • Exactly! I'm just curious how they are going to do the teasers to match up with the theme of the episode. Episode six teasers were invitations (which was easy to guess what would happen). Episode 7 with PAMA messages (which was easy to tell with minecraft with the block) and now episode 8? If the theme is survival games then Idk how the will do the teasers.

    AngelicTea posted: »

    If we were to get news next Tuesday (which I think is what will happen) we could possibly get some teasers from Telltales Twitter this week!

  • Yeah, using the mouse is a little too irritating to craft. But, it goes from irritating to FRUSTRATING when you're trying to make the FormidiBomb while you're being sucked into the Wither Storm in Episode 3.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    But when we're talking about Story Mode, it's actually hard to use the mouse. I'm not even kidding, if you click in a zone out of the slots

  • Maybe its the Olympics haha :)

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Exactly! I'm just curious how they are going to do the teasers to match up with the theme of the episode. Episode six teasers were invitatio

  • edited August 2016

    ok fine

    the cringe.

  • edited August 2016

    hey hey hey ..... no need to get all mad .... LISTEN MATE ... I KNOW ROMANCE WILL NEVER HAPPEN BUT LET US WISH WHAT WE WANT......of COURSE they are not gonna happen and "heart might mean a main character's death or what you said or anything else......JUST LEAVE US TO DO WHAT WE WANT .........

    Lazy_DC posted: »

    Can we not TWIST EVERY BLOODY WORD to satisfy our own wishes? Thank you very much. I swear, you people are taking shipping way too serious w

  • I hope telltale do a surprise realse for tommrow and well get news saying the episode is out to download and play

  • I hope we get news tommrow or a surprise realse tommrow because i have waited like a million yeras for the episode 8 to come out and i look on telltale twitter like every 5 seconds

    AngelicTea posted: »

    If we were to get news next Tuesday (which I think is what will happen) we could possibly get some teasers from Telltales Twitter this week!

  • That won't happen. The episode isn't even rated by Australia.

    vickytonner posted: »

    I hope telltale do a surprise realse for tommrow and well get news saying the episode is out to download and play

  • I definitely think we're getting news tomorrow. I'm calling it.

  • i think we will get the release tomorrow and some screen shots

  • Surprise release? Any examples in any games?

    vickytonner posted: »

    I hope telltale do a surprise realse for tommrow and well get news saying the episode is out to download and play

  • Looks like we might not be getting any teasers today...

  • edited August 2016

    omg look at this minecraft story mode naked replay press minecraft story mode naked replay to watch the video!!!!

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Episode 8 has been rated by Australia.

    enter image description here

    Link to rating

  • Finally! The 6th isn't dead just yet, but I think we're going to have another dual release with Episode 2 of Batman and Story Mode releasing together on the 13th.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Episode 8 has been rated by Australia. Link to rating

  • edited August 2016

    I'm expecting teasers tomorrow or the 31st.

    Finally! The 6th isn't dead just yet, but I think we're going to have another dual release with Episode 2 of Batman and Story Mode releasing together on the 13th.

  • YEE HA


    OzzyUK posted: »

    Episode 8 has been rated by Australia. Link to rating

  • The gameplay, voice acting, and story have just been excellent, but I just don't want it to end :(

    This game just gives me a feeling that no other has offered. I think I have become emotionally attached to the characters xD

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