Well to the utter relief of Liquid the vote has gone in his favor. Emma will stand firm in not abandoning her life even for… more a better one and will simultaneously avoid being more entranced by Lucios. The next part, posted later today (my today), should FINALLY finish the character introductions. HALELUYA!!!
Also I would like to apologize for it coming so late, I have been in many discussions with people around the forum, and even then it's been mostly about the story. Next week should have at least 3 Parts if my schedule is up to date, or at the very least 2. Anyway have a good day guys, and look forward to the part .
I am so sorry guys. I have to deal with a bunch of character issues with another of the submitters. Lets just say that its been hard on me. Sadly till this is sorted I cannot continue. However I plan to make it up to you as soon as its done. Even if i have to do them daily.
The next part, posted later today (my today), should FINALLY finish the character introductions. HALELUYA!!!
Your today is very long xD Jk, I am patient But do you know when the new part will be finished?
I am so sorry guys. I have to deal with a bunch of character issues with another of the submitters. Lets just say that its been hard on me. … moreSadly till this is sorted I cannot continue. However I plan to make it up to you as soon as its done. Even if i have to do them daily.
I am so sorry guys. I have to deal with a bunch of character issues with another of the submitters. Lets just say that its been hard on me. … moreSadly till this is sorted I cannot continue. However I plan to make it up to you as soon as its done. Even if i have to do them daily.
It's terrible. I'm starting to feel imprisoned by the argument. I can't keep writing the story till it's done and it looks like it will never end. I hope that the argument that's currently stopping me will end soon at least. I plan to try making daily parts to catch up for lost time.
It's terrible. I'm starting to feel imprisoned by the argument. I can't keep writing the story till it's done and it looks like it will neve… morer end. I hope that the argument that's currently stopping me will end soon at least. I plan to try making daily parts to catch up for lost time.
Now i am finishing some final details with the mediator and after I'm done ill begin work with the next few parts. As you heard i will try to do them daily this week to make up for the loss. However if one day is missed then the part will arrive on the next. Anyway, thank you for waiting and peace.
I was asleep for a few hours. Then woke up exactly at the time dad had asked me too. I always found it a bit weird how often I tended to do that. I looked through my window and saw how amazing the sky looked this morning. As I looked a the sun for a while, a bird banged against the window still. I wish dad had let me keep them open, but he and Jones liked to use the A.C so much. Jones was our butler, which was weird since we didn't have that much money. But dad had some friends in the government. Today we were even meeting the man who had backed my father up in all his projects and supported him all his life. Commander James Arnold Rickwell. I had only seen him a few times but already respected him like I was the most loyal soldier under his command. I always loved that phrase. Anyway we never really spoke , mostly he would talk with dad about somethings that I always found too confusing to ever really think about or remember. Anyway, what was I thinking about? Oh yeah, the window thing.
I remember one time me and dad argued about it and some other things I couldn't really put my finger on and I was.......angry for some reason. But then.......I wasn't. I very quickly realized how irrational and disrespectful I was acting and I apologized to father for everything. I remember....saying somethings......somethings I should NEVER say again......but that was it. I didn't even remember WHY I said them....maybe I......It was really confusing. Too confusing. And I always got bored with things that were too confusing. Infact I was so bored about it I couldn't even remember what I had been thinking was really weird. It got me really worried that I couldn't remember the last few thoughts I had had.....why couldn't I..........
The bird!!!! Now I remember I was thinking about opening the window and letting the bird in. But dad did say I shouldn't.........and a voice in my head said that it was very, very....dangerous and that I should stop considering it in the first place.........
[Open the window and let the bird in]
[Leave the window closed and forget about it]
Adam Pierce
"Fine." I told Lucius as he turned his head to me. "Do what you need, ill tell Gus we can start up again."
In response he only smirked in approval and the went back to work on the Sam. I went to the front again and told Gus to keep moving next up was Donnie, then the college kids and then Gina. Then we could finally go to this damn facility.
I was nervous. More nervous that when I was taking a test. I didn't to reveal it like this. I wanted to talk to one of the officers. Maybe tell one of the doctors by requesting a check.....they did those right? But this...where would I start.
"Tell me what happened Samuel" said Professor Sherwinlock .
I stood quiet.
"Don't you dare do this now young man." He said, slightly angry now. I have dealt with al kinds of wounds." he continued as he applied pressure to my arm.
"Ahhh!" I screamed. Which made the already focused crowd of other pay even closer attention to what was happening.
"This." He said punting at my shoulder. "This was a melee weapon"
"A WHAT?!!!" Riley yelled in shock. "He got attacked!" she said as pure horror drifted from her voice.
"Yes. That is a correct assertion." Lucius replied. "At the very worse these wounds could have been from a large metallic object."
Riley openly gasped. "Professor, please tell me there's something you can do! Please, he's my friend." I noticed tears started flowing down her down from her beautiful amber eyes.
"Well, dear child I can't do much while he continues to stare at me blankly."
Just seeing how emotional Riley was being was heartbreaking. Especially since just moments earlier she had had no emotion at all. It was killing me to look at her.
"Sam please. Just tell him what happened. Please." She said as more tears flew down her eyes.
I was fighting my emotions over this. What the hell should I do?
[Tell them the truth.]
[Tell them al lie]
[Say nothing]
Donald Griffin
I woke up to the sound of an airhorn . I jumped out of my bed and hit my head on the ceiling. Ran towards the window and saw it was the buss tired of waiting outside. I looked at my clock and saw I was 30 MINUTES LATE!!!!. WHY DID NO ONE WAKE ME?!!!!!!!
I ran putting my bag on and basically limp-running to the buss due to my tiredness. It was hard, since I had forgotten to clean after last nights party and now had to skip though all the obstacles. When I finally got on the buss, I saw the commotion that was going on Sam was being treated by Professor Sherwinlock. I wanted to leap in and help but Professor Pierce, who was sitting in the front seat, stopped me.
"Good morning Donnie. I'm sorry, but you can't interfere. Just get to your seat and Sherwinlock will take care of it."
I didn't really want too, but I was really not looking forward to getting another pep talk. So I reluctantly went along with it.
I walked down the buss I could see that girl Zoey was really sad about something . It looked like she just cried a bit. Then a few steps further was Riley, who was actually crying over Sam's wounds, which looked really bad. It looked like a car just hit him. Valentino was just staring at the whole thing, while the Prof was trying to talk to him. Then I saw Wayne looking pissed for some reason, Charles looking over his seat to try and see what was happening to Sam and Sadie was with her headphones on oblivious to the rest of the world. She looked really dazed for a moment, but the snapped out of it and changed her song to something she started rocking her head to. Mike and Zack were near the back and Mike looked really mad for some reason. I saw Mad Max was almost at the back so I sat a bit more to the front. Next to Eden. Who I barely talked to. But to be honest I didn't care. I was too busy wondering what the hell was wrong with everyone else.
Gina De Vries
I was asleep for a few hours. Then woke up exactly at the time dad had asked me too. I always found it a bit weird how ofte… moren I tended to do that. I looked through my window and saw how amazing the sky looked this morning. As I looked a the sun for a while, a bird banged against the window still. I wish dad had let me keep them open, but he and Jones liked to use the A.C so much. Jones was our butler, which was weird since we didn't have that much money. But dad had some friends in the government. Today we were even meeting the man who had backed my father up in all his projects and supported him all his life. Commander James Arnold Rickwell. I had only seen him a few times but already respected him like I was the most loyal soldier under his command. I always loved that phrase. Anyway we never really spoke , mostly he would talk with dad about somethings that I always found too confusing to ever really think about or remembe… [view original content]
A part? I must be dreaming
[Tell them the truth] I don't even understand why he was keeping it to himself in the first place.
[Leave the window closed and forget about it]
Ah, finally, a new part and a seriously amazing one on top! Let us hope this will finally put an end to the recent struggles you have been facing with your writing
[Open the window and let the bird in]
I don't really see a reason not to. I mean, maybe something bad happens, but it's all kinda shady right now. Gina wants this and well, I just hope I won't create a horrible cosmic catastrophe by giving in to her wish. You know, butterfly effect
[Tell them the truth.]
Freaking finally, I was waiting for such an option to occur. Just Samuel has been an utter moron long enough. Now he can finally do the right thing for once.
Gina De Vries
I was asleep for a few hours. Then woke up exactly at the time dad had asked me too. I always found it a bit weird how ofte… moren I tended to do that. I looked through my window and saw how amazing the sky looked this morning. As I looked a the sun for a while, a bird banged against the window still. I wish dad had let me keep them open, but he and Jones liked to use the A.C so much. Jones was our butler, which was weird since we didn't have that much money. But dad had some friends in the government. Today we were even meeting the man who had backed my father up in all his projects and supported him all his life. Commander James Arnold Rickwell. I had only seen him a few times but already respected him like I was the most loyal soldier under his command. I always loved that phrase. Anyway we never really spoke , mostly he would talk with dad about somethings that I always found too confusing to ever really think about or remembe… [view original content]
Gina De Vries
I was asleep for a few hours. Then woke up exactly at the time dad had asked me too. I always found it a bit weird how ofte… moren I tended to do that. I looked through my window and saw how amazing the sky looked this morning. As I looked a the sun for a while, a bird banged against the window still. I wish dad had let me keep them open, but he and Jones liked to use the A.C so much. Jones was our butler, which was weird since we didn't have that much money. But dad had some friends in the government. Today we were even meeting the man who had backed my father up in all his projects and supported him all his life. Commander James Arnold Rickwell. I had only seen him a few times but already respected him like I was the most loyal soldier under his command. I always loved that phrase. Anyway we never really spoke , mostly he would talk with dad about somethings that I always found too confusing to ever really think about or remembe… [view original content]
At least for the Gina part. Sorry for anyone too late, but I could not wait any longer. Hopefully you guys can join up I the next one. The next part will have 3 P.O.V's and disturbing revelations about a new character.
And the next part will be posted.................NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
I......had...... to.......I....... wanted......... to.
I took every once of will power I had, but I finally opened the window as fast as I could. Afterwards a huge relief came over me. Maybe I subconsciously hated opening windows. As I looked down I my eyes quickly went to the tiny creature I had been trying to let in. I was a really cute baby bird who had blue feathers on top but his belly was fully white. I wanted to hug him but was afraid I might hurt him so I just let him towards my hand. Once he was there, i carefully started to slowly rub the precious thing. It was so pretty. And the way he kept looking for something to eat was just adorable. Maybe he could have some breadcrumbs from the.....
But then al of the sudden he tried to peck my hand. I thought it must have been small since I didn't feel it.....but then I noticed it broke his beak. I gasped in horror as the bird tried to chirp but could barely move his now broken mouth. WHAT THE ACTUAL FENCING SHOELACE?!!! .....what was...why did the bird. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to............It was just so confusing. TOO confusing. I found things that were too confusing to be boring. Infact it was so confusing that I forgot about it and stopped thinking about it............What was I doing a second ago? I looked and I was suddenly standing up with my hands over my eyes. Had I been playing hide and seek with the bird? It seemed a bit silly but it was the only thing I could think of. Now that I think about it it did sound really fun. A smile appeared on my face as I realized how ridiculous I was acting, but still decided to play along.
"I'm here" I said as I took my hands off. But he was gone.
A frown quickly showed in my face. He left without really spending any time with me. I guess birds just didn't like playing games. or maybe I just bored him. I didn't really know, and that actually made it worse. I stood there for a moment lamenting what could have been, then I closed the window and walked out of the room.
As I walked downstairs I briefly thought about waking dad, but went against it. Dad needed his sleep too after all. So i just went downstairs and saw Jones in one of the rooms. I decided to go talk to him. He was in a chair reading a newspaper, clearly more focused on it than anything. But he instantly turned to me when I walked in.
"Oh, its you." he said getting up. "What do you want you fucking worthless shitbot." he finished with the usually charming tone he used when we were alone.
I giggled a bit. A flupping dorthless sighlot? I swear he was one of the most serious men in the world, but when we were alone he just called me the silliest things.
"Good morning sir" I said with a bright smile.
"It was till you fucking ruined it. You really are a waste of thought"
So beautiful I couldn't be bought? The man had so many sweet compliments to say I nearly blushed.
He sighed. "You know." He said getting up. "I know you can 'process' what I'm telling you right now. That program shit they put into your head twists my words they don't affect your behavior. Guess the Prof let his tongue slip too many times. And after the last....he couldn't take it. So for the first time in my life I will tell you how I honestly fucking feel about you." he said getting close to my face as eagerly awaited the end of his sentence.
"You are the biggest mistake that any man has ever made. The only living weapon ever designed, turned into a girl so a deranged fool could play father to the most pathetic dream daughter ever created. You are both a fucking joke and a personal insult to me and any man with dignity. Infact with all this personality bullshit, there is only one thing you are good at....."
That was the kindest thing I had ever heard. I wanted to hug him but I just couldn't until he finished. "What? What am I best at?!" I asked excitedly.
"CHROME!" he yelled into my ear. Then everything went black.
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Activating central control protocol. Eagerly awaiting command.
"Not so 'perfect' now are ya girly?" Spoke Chief protector and personal bodyguard Jones Prescott. "Activate personality program 2. Password: No Other Choice"
Aria Chrome
As I looked onto my front I saw Jones Prescott. He had obviously contacted me somehow. Of course, who else? I was the worlds most powerful weapon. The first living infiltration or frontline combat killbot. I tried to think of how I got there..... but then realized it was too irrelevant. And I hated things that were too irrelevant. So much so that instantly forgot whatever stupid thing I was wondering about.
"There we go. Feeling better now right? Being the soulless weapon that you were always meant to be."
I raised an eyebrow. "I was being different?" I asked respectfully.
"Oh shit... what I meant was that you have been.... undercover...for the week."
"Assassination? Was the target eliminated?"
" were successful. You haven't killed yet, but that's beside the point. Get closer...."
I obeyed and he leaned in and kissed me. He wished to be pleased. Per my command I aided him in is emotions. My calculations determined this to be the beginning of a greater interaction so i prepared to............
"Gina?!!!!" Gina?!!! where are you?" screamed my creator as he went down what sounded like stairs. Why was he here? I had assumed this to have been Jones house. Where was irrelevant i told myself. Too irreleva......
"Fucking Dammit!!!!" Jones yelled pushing me back. I was completely shocked. His interaction suggested....
"Chrome!!!" He yelled. What did that........Then everything went black.
..................................................................................................................................................."We got no time for that Dammit!!. Personality one. Password: Daddy's Beautiful Girl"............."GO, DAMMIT! YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS SH........
Gina De Vries
I blinked. What just? I suddenly noticed that Jones was holding my shoulders. Was he going to hug me? He was such a kind man. I was so happy to know i could call him my friend. Especially since i didn't have many. But i forgot what he told me my best quality was. Well, I'm sure it was sweet anyway.
Right before he could however dad came in the room.
"Oh there you are" He said as he jumped and actually hugged me. Oh dad always an over reactor. He was acting like he had been looking for me.
"Looked out for her sir." Jones told dad "Made sure no harm came to your flower here."
He looked up towards him. "Thank you. I appreciate what you've done more than i could describe. Cmon sweetie. Breakfast is waiting for us."
"Come and join us Jones." I said with a smile.
"Yes...thank you darling. Ill join you in a bit." he answered picking up his paper and sitting down. 'Oh, Jones you really never changed. Good thing you have a kind heart' i thought as dad took me to the kitchen. My lips tasted weird for some reason. Oh well it was probably too confusing anyway. Man, i really used that term a lot.
I wonder why i like it so much?
Emma Archer
"No i wouldn't" i answered confidently.
He seemed surprised by my answer.
"Not even for something better?"
I shook my head. "Better is definitely the wrong word, because it 100% wouldn't be. I could never see a world where i would abandon everyone i love forever and yet somehow be happy. It's a contradiction to me right of the bat."
"Well i guess i didn't expect you to be so assertive in your answer. You really seem more confident in yourself today."
I smiled at the compliment and decided to play along. "Mr. Welsick. I will have you know that i am the most confident woman on this or any world you will encounter. Only a blind man would say otherwise." I said taking a page from Marlone's book for once. Wow, that would be a really bad read.
"Well i am colorblind. So i guess that counts." he answered.
Just as soon as he said that i felt terrible about my word choice. I felt so ashamed to have forgotten that. I i just mocked him. I needed to apologize.
"Lucios, it's...."
"It's fine Em. I was planning on leaving anyway. I have to prepare for my project. Goodluck." He said as he walked past me.
I was so heartbroken. Why on earth did i say that? In the moment felt there was nothing i could do. So i just turned as he closed the door.
"Goodluck Lucios...." I said just as it closed.
Why did i always make everything worse. There he was, and we were talking and...... and then i basically made fun of his disability. I sighed. No i wouldn't spend the hour being hurt about it. I already had to deal with my depression from earlier. I would have to apologize later. I knew that if i really expressed how horrible i felt about hurting him, he would understand. For now i......
[Looked at the Prime device]
[Went back to work on my project]
[Went to read Raylandsfair to cheer up]
[Couldn't resist. i HAD to apologize to Lucios. Even if it inconvenienced me]
Gina De Vries
I......had...... to.......I....... wanted......... to.
I took every once of will power I had, but I finally opened the w… moreindow as fast as I could. Afterwards a huge relief came over me. Maybe I subconsciously hated opening windows. As I looked down I my eyes quickly went to the tiny creature I had been trying to let in. I was a really cute baby bird who had blue feathers on top but his belly was fully white. I wanted to hug him but was afraid I might hurt him so I just let him towards my hand. Once he was there, i carefully started to slowly rub the precious thing. It was so pretty. And the way he kept looking for something to eat was just adorable. Maybe he could have some breadcrumbs from the.....
But then al of the sudden he tried to peck my hand. I thought it must have been small since I didn't feel it.....but then I noticed it broke his beak. I gasped in horror as the bird tried to chirp but could barely move his n… [view original content]
Ho-ly shit Gina I was expecting many things, but well, not that. Not like that at least. Gah, I'm speechless, I can't even comment on it, even though it was great. Let's just directly skip to Emma's part, which was awesome.
[Went to read Raylandsfair to cheer up]
Well, if she feels bad for hurting the feelings of a sociopath, then there is nothing that can be more helpful for her mood than reading about sociopaths, violence, child killers and sadists. Maybe she'll recognize Lucios in one of them.
Also, this here was literally my reaction when I read the last choice, about apologizing to Lucifer:
Gina De Vries
I......had...... to.......I....... wanted......... to.
I took every once of will power I had, but I finally opened the w… moreindow as fast as I could. Afterwards a huge relief came over me. Maybe I subconsciously hated opening windows. As I looked down I my eyes quickly went to the tiny creature I had been trying to let in. I was a really cute baby bird who had blue feathers on top but his belly was fully white. I wanted to hug him but was afraid I might hurt him so I just let him towards my hand. Once he was there, i carefully started to slowly rub the precious thing. It was so pretty. And the way he kept looking for something to eat was just adorable. Maybe he could have some breadcrumbs from the.....
But then al of the sudden he tried to peck my hand. I thought it must have been small since I didn't feel it.....but then I noticed it broke his beak. I gasped in horror as the bird tried to chirp but could barely move his n… [view original content]
Ho-ly shit Gina I was expecting many things, but well, not that. Not like that at least. Gah, I'm speechless, I can't even comment on it, e… moreven though it was great. Let's just directly skip to Emma's part, which was awesome.
[Went to read Raylandsfair to cheer up]
Well, if she feels bad for hurting the feelings of a sociopath, then there is nothing that can be more helpful for her mood than reading about sociopaths, violence, child killers and sadists. Maybe she'll recognize Lucios in one of them.
Also, this here was literally my reaction when I read the last choice, about apologizing to Lucifer:
Hah, you wish XD
Gina De Vries
I......had...... to.......I....... wanted......... to.
I took every once of will power I had, but I finally opened the w… moreindow as fast as I could. Afterwards a huge relief came over me. Maybe I subconsciously hated opening windows. As I looked down I my eyes quickly went to the tiny creature I had been trying to let in. I was a really cute baby bird who had blue feathers on top but his belly was fully white. I wanted to hug him but was afraid I might hurt him so I just let him towards my hand. Once he was there, i carefully started to slowly rub the precious thing. It was so pretty. And the way he kept looking for something to eat was just adorable. Maybe he could have some breadcrumbs from the.....
But then al of the sudden he tried to peck my hand. I thought it must have been small since I didn't feel it.....but then I noticed it broke his beak. I gasped in horror as the bird tried to chirp but could barely move his n… [view original content]
And yeah, the Gina revelation was big and unexpected. Just like i plan for twist to be in this story. Also i hope the part where Jones got freaky wasn't too dark.
Yeah i think the healer is an amazing person .
And yeah, the Gina revelation was big and unexpected. Just like i plan for twist to be in this story. Also i hope the part where Jones got freaky wasn't too dark.
Aww, thanks :-) Hope you feel better with your ear though.
It wasnt that dark at all for me, however a bit creepy and unexpected in general, which made quite a wow at the end.
Gina De Vries
I......had...... to.......I....... wanted......... to.
I took every once of will power I had, but I finally opened the w… moreindow as fast as I could. Afterwards a huge relief came over me. Maybe I subconsciously hated opening windows. As I looked down I my eyes quickly went to the tiny creature I had been trying to let in. I was a really cute baby bird who had blue feathers on top but his belly was fully white. I wanted to hug him but was afraid I might hurt him so I just let him towards my hand. Once he was there, i carefully started to slowly rub the precious thing. It was so pretty. And the way he kept looking for something to eat was just adorable. Maybe he could have some breadcrumbs from the.....
But then al of the sudden he tried to peck my hand. I thought it must have been small since I didn't feel it.....but then I noticed it broke his beak. I gasped in horror as the bird tried to chirp but could barely move his n… [view original content]
Well the rest of the day went sort of like that. Mary said or did something crazy, I tried to stop her and failed horribly. Rinse and repeat. Josh was almost non existent, just nodding occasionally or staring at the whole thing. Whenever he talked he always grabbed my attention because he did it so rarely. But after a while of hearing about Mary's 'super terrific' time raiding an ice cream truck a few years back I was really begging for someone else to say or do anything. She even did her southern accent. I just wanted it to stop. Sadly he would have to be my savior.
".........then the truck driver said. 'How the hell did you manage to take the key little girl. Why I dare say that what you've done was damn near impossi............."
"So Josh." I interrupted quickly. "I heard you wanted a job on Silicon County up north? Something about the Sheriff station?"
He seemed taken aback by how suddenly he was the center of attention. "Umm.... well, I heard a rumor that one of the officers got attacked by a wolf. Now he was in a comma and they needed a replacement. Especially now since apparently they were searching for a murderer, and a girl mysteriously died at the hospital and just the whole town was out of whack. So I went up there and well......."
Then Mary interrupted. "OOOOOO, Let me guess!" She said excitedly. Then she closed her eyes for a few seconds, clearly thinking hard. Josh and I just starred at each other. Then suddenly her eyes popped open. "The whole town was irradiated. And there were, like, mutants and ghosts. And the government was trying to keep you trapped and you and bunch of other guys were trying to escape. And this guy brought people back to life. And you spent every waking moment thinking, no, dreaming of one day coming back to your one true love." Her eyes were now flooded with tears. "I LOVE YOU JOSH!!!" She said hugging him.
Again.....we jut stared.
He finally decide to speak up. "Uh thanks, Mary. But it didn't really go like that." She immediately let him go.
"Sorry, I'm really bad at guessing" She said with a nervous laugh. Then sat down. On the chair this time.
"Well" He continued. "I went there and it turns out nothing the guy had told me happened. Everyone was fine. In fact all the people he talked about were just guys he knew at school. The guy was just really high. You know one of those 'out of body' experiences. So I couldn't get the job."
"Fascinating" I said bored 'out of my mind' myself. "So anything else you would like to...." As I was finishing Mary's phone rang.
To my utter shame the caller was named 'Mr. A Piercing'. I knew I had to take over. Grabbed her phone.
"Hello? This is Casey Miller speaking."
"Casey Miller?" Said a man on the other side, who I guess was Mr. Pierce. "I thought this was Mary Williams, did they get the phones wrong again?"
"No, no, not at all. Mary is just....busy at the moment."
"Well uh, you know us college girls. Were always.....doing things."
He said quiet for a moment. I decided to clarify.
"She's cooking pancakes."
"Okay, well I hope she's quick because were just 2 blocks to your apartment. So you better get ready."
"Don't worry we will. Goodbye." I said ending the call. And putting the phone on the table. Both of them were looking at me.
"What? I was curious." I lied with a smile. One that was clearly unconvincing since they kept staring.
I decided to kill it. "The buss is almost here. We should go....."
"Oh my god!" Mary yelled. "I haven't even packed my cereal yet, or the chocolate bars or the..."
"And you were the one telling me to eat healthy?" I answered with my eyebrow raised.
" allowed few brakes once in a while."
"Or till your teeth fall off" Josh answered.
"Hey" she responded. "I'll have you know, I only had 13 bars in the last 3 days and they were not even the new brand Mushberry ones. I only had 5 of those..........."
While the two were busy killing each other, I chuckled a bit at how easy it had been to distract them. Then I took a sip of my Koobla Cola, getting ready to face the morning sun.
Logan Miles
So he was going to be an asshole about it? Well I wasn't going to fall into a dich because of the guy. So I decided to keep quiet.
"Yeah that's right. You keep being nothing but a big pussy. Just like your mom." he said crudely. I once again took it. Asshole wasn't getting it from me. No matter how much I wanted to punch him.
"Yeah, and I fucking mean that too. You mama would have made tons more money selling herself than robbing it. To fucking stupid for that I guess." He said doing his best to sound like an absolute slime. Not that he didn't seem like one now. "Then again she only did it for the 'thrill' right boy? Maybe she did get some visitors when your dumbass father was away. Who knows maybe your real daddy was one of the......"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I said no longer taking his shit.
"Or what boy? You gonna woop me? You won't even get a word before I get you fired. Threaten me with your gun and you won't even get a fucking inch. Ill have you gunned down like your dear thief mother. Little whore thinking so high of herself. Drawing a gun and telling the men to 'fuck off'. She DESERVED it!"
I was going to yell at him again when a horrible question came to my mind. How was he so sure that's what happened? The newsreports were always conflicting about it, how could he.......holy fuck.... no.
"Yeah, I saw the tape too. They said you haven't yet. Too much of a coward to watch. Well, let me give you the pleasure of knowing just one thing. They didn't make it clean." He said with a smile. "Infact I want you to BEG me not to describe it. Beg to your superior, like the worthless shit you are. Thinking you can be a cop with blood like that. Do it now or I won't hold back on the details."
I couldn't believe this was happening. I was hard to process what was going on. How the fuck did I never see Phil like this? Why the hell did he even consider me if he felt like this? But in that moment only one thing mattered. I couldn't hear it. Even if he was lying....I could never tell. I never wanted to watch that tape. I couldn't even look at her body. I needed to....
He stared straight into my eyes. "So what's it going to be, BOY?"
Casey Miller
Well the rest of the day went sort of like that. Mary said or did something crazy, I tried to stop her and failed horribly. … moreRinse and repeat. Josh was almost non existent, just nodding occasionally or staring at the whole thing. Whenever he talked he always grabbed my attention because he did it so rarely. But after a while of hearing about Mary's 'super terrific' time raiding an ice cream truck a few years back I was really begging for someone else to say or do anything. She even did her southern accent. I just wanted it to stop. Sadly he would have to be my savior.
".........then the truck driver said. 'How the hell did you manage to take the key little girl. Why I dare say that what you've done was damn near impossi............."
"So Josh." I interrupted quickly. "I heard you wanted a job on Silicon County up north? Something about the Sheriff station?"
He seemed taken aback by how suddenly he was the center of att… [view original content]
What a scumbag! I can't believe Logan has to put up with this crap. If Aaron was here there'd be hell to pay.
[Remain quiet] But Aaron's not here and I don't want Logan to beg.
Casey Miller
Well the rest of the day went sort of like that. Mary said or did something crazy, I tried to stop her and failed horribly. … moreRinse and repeat. Josh was almost non existent, just nodding occasionally or staring at the whole thing. Whenever he talked he always grabbed my attention because he did it so rarely. But after a while of hearing about Mary's 'super terrific' time raiding an ice cream truck a few years back I was really begging for someone else to say or do anything. She even did her southern accent. I just wanted it to stop. Sadly he would have to be my savior.
".........then the truck driver said. 'How the hell did you manage to take the key little girl. Why I dare say that what you've done was damn near impossi............."
"So Josh." I interrupted quickly. "I heard you wanted a job on Silicon County up north? Something about the Sheriff station?"
He seemed taken aback by how suddenly he was the center of att… [view original content]
That guy is a complete asshole and that's putting it mildly. I believe the best way here is for Logan not to react to his massive douchebaggery. Anything else can only either get him into trouble (attacking him or trying to trick him), or would make him look like a complete weakling (beg him) and I want neither of this for him. So yeah, remaining quiet sounds like the mature option.
Casey Miller
Well the rest of the day went sort of like that. Mary said or did something crazy, I tried to stop her and failed horribly. … moreRinse and repeat. Josh was almost non existent, just nodding occasionally or staring at the whole thing. Whenever he talked he always grabbed my attention because he did it so rarely. But after a while of hearing about Mary's 'super terrific' time raiding an ice cream truck a few years back I was really begging for someone else to say or do anything. She even did her southern accent. I just wanted it to stop. Sadly he would have to be my savior.
".........then the truck driver said. 'How the hell did you manage to take the key little girl. Why I dare say that what you've done was damn near impossi............."
"So Josh." I interrupted quickly. "I heard you wanted a job on Silicon County up north? Something about the Sheriff station?"
He seemed taken aback by how suddenly he was the center of att… [view original content]
[Remain quiet]
That guy is a complete asshole and that's putting it mildly. I believe the best way here is for Logan not to react to his … moremassive douchebaggery. Anything else can only either get him into trouble (attacking him or trying to trick him), or would make him look like a complete weakling (beg him) and I want neither of this for him. So yeah, remaining quiet sounds like the mature option.
Your today is very long xD Jk, I am patient
But do you know when the new part will be finished?
I am so sorry guys. I have to deal with a bunch of character issues with another of the submitters. Lets just say that its been hard on me. Sadly till this is sorted I cannot continue. However I plan to make it up to you as soon as its done. Even if i have to do them daily.
I am sorry to hear this and I hope this issue is going to sort out soon. If it does not then dont take it too hard, because you are awesome
Edit: The double post bug strikes again XD
It's terrible. I'm starting to feel imprisoned by the argument. I can't keep writing the story till it's done and it looks like it will never end. I hope that the argument that's currently stopping me will end soon at least. I plan to try making daily parts to catch up for lost time.
Whoever is doing it, he/she should feel ashamed with blocking your creativity and making people wait for the parts.
Now i am finishing some final details with the mediator and after I'm done ill begin work with the next few parts. As you heard i will try to do them daily this week to make up for the loss. However if one day is missed then the part will arrive on the next. Anyway, thank you for waiting and peace.
Gina De Vries
I was asleep for a few hours. Then woke up exactly at the time dad had asked me too. I always found it a bit weird how often I tended to do that. I looked through my window and saw how amazing the sky looked this morning. As I looked a the sun for a while, a bird banged against the window still. I wish dad had let me keep them open, but he and Jones liked to use the A.C so much. Jones was our butler, which was weird since we didn't have that much money. But dad had some friends in the government. Today we were even meeting the man who had backed my father up in all his projects and supported him all his life. Commander James Arnold Rickwell. I had only seen him a few times but already respected him like I was the most loyal soldier under his command. I always loved that phrase. Anyway we never really spoke , mostly he would talk with dad about somethings that I always found too confusing to ever really think about or remember. Anyway, what was I thinking about? Oh yeah, the window thing.
I remember one time me and dad argued about it and some other things I couldn't really put my finger on and I was.......angry for some reason. But then.......I wasn't. I very quickly realized how irrational and disrespectful I was acting and I apologized to father for everything. I remember....saying somethings......somethings I should NEVER say again......but that was it. I didn't even remember WHY I said them....maybe I......It was really confusing. Too confusing. And I always got bored with things that were too confusing. Infact I was so bored about it I couldn't even remember what I had been thinking was really weird. It got me really worried that I couldn't remember the last few thoughts I had had.....why couldn't I..........
The bird!!!! Now I remember I was thinking about opening the window and letting the bird in. But dad did say I shouldn't.........and a voice in my head said that it was very, very....dangerous and that I should stop considering it in the first place.........
[Open the window and let the bird in]
[Leave the window closed and forget about it]
Adam Pierce
"Fine." I told Lucius as he turned his head to me. "Do what you need, ill tell Gus we can start up again."
In response he only smirked in approval and the went back to work on the Sam. I went to the front again and told Gus to keep moving next up was Donnie, then the college kids and then Gina. Then we could finally go to this damn facility.
Samuel........Just Samuel........being interrogated
I was nervous. More nervous that when I was taking a test. I didn't to reveal it like this. I wanted to talk to one of the officers. Maybe tell one of the doctors by requesting a check.....they did those right? But this...where would I start.
"Tell me what happened Samuel" said Professor Sherwinlock .
I stood quiet.
"Don't you dare do this now young man." He said, slightly angry now. I have dealt with al kinds of wounds." he continued as he applied pressure to my arm.
"Ahhh!" I screamed. Which made the already focused crowd of other pay even closer attention to what was happening.
"This." He said punting at my shoulder. "This was a melee weapon"
"A WHAT?!!!" Riley yelled in shock. "He got attacked!" she said as pure horror drifted from her voice.
"Yes. That is a correct assertion." Lucius replied. "At the very worse these wounds could have been from a large metallic object."
Riley openly gasped. "Professor, please tell me there's something you can do! Please, he's my friend." I noticed tears started flowing down her down from her beautiful amber eyes.
"Well, dear child I can't do much while he continues to stare at me blankly."
Just seeing how emotional Riley was being was heartbreaking. Especially since just moments earlier she had had no emotion at all. It was killing me to look at her.
"Sam please. Just tell him what happened. Please." She said as more tears flew down her eyes.
I was fighting my emotions over this. What the hell should I do?
[Tell them the truth.]
[Tell them al lie]
[Say nothing]
Donald Griffin
I woke up to the sound of an airhorn . I jumped out of my bed and hit my head on the ceiling. Ran towards the window and saw it was the buss tired of waiting outside. I looked at my clock and saw I was 30 MINUTES LATE!!!!. WHY DID NO ONE WAKE ME?!!!!!!!
I ran putting my bag on and basically limp-running to the buss due to my tiredness. It was hard, since I had forgotten to clean after last nights party and now had to skip though all the obstacles. When I finally got on the buss, I saw the commotion that was going on Sam was being treated by Professor Sherwinlock. I wanted to leap in and help but Professor Pierce, who was sitting in the front seat, stopped me.
"Good morning Donnie. I'm sorry, but you can't interfere. Just get to your seat and Sherwinlock will take care of it."
I didn't really want too, but I was really not looking forward to getting another pep talk. So I reluctantly went along with it.
I walked down the buss I could see that girl Zoey was really sad about something . It looked like she just cried a bit. Then a few steps further was Riley, who was actually crying over Sam's wounds, which looked really bad. It looked like a car just hit him. Valentino was just staring at the whole thing, while the Prof was trying to talk to him. Then I saw Wayne looking pissed for some reason, Charles looking over his seat to try and see what was happening to Sam and Sadie was with her headphones on oblivious to the rest of the world. She looked really dazed for a moment, but the snapped out of it and changed her song to something she started rocking her head to. Mike and Zack were near the back and Mike looked really mad for some reason. I saw Mad Max was almost at the back so I sat a bit more to the front. Next to Eden. Who I barely talked to. But to be honest I didn't care. I was too busy wondering what the hell was wrong with everyone else.
A part? I must be dreaming
[Tell them the truth] I don't even understand why he was keeping it to himself in the first place.
[Leave the window closed and forget about it]
Then this is dream week. I already started tommorow's part.
There's another choice btw.
Edited it.
Ah, finally, a new part and a seriously amazing one on top! Let us hope this will finally put an end to the recent struggles you have been facing with your writing
[Open the window and let the bird in]
I don't really see a reason not to. I mean, maybe something bad happens, but it's all kinda shady right now. Gina wants this and well, I just hope I won't create a horrible cosmic catastrophe by giving in to her wish. You know, butterfly effect
[Tell them the truth.]
Freaking finally, I was waiting for such an option to occur. Just Samuel has been an utter moron long enough. Now he can finally do the right thing for once.
[Open the window and let the bird in]
[Tell them the truth.]
Finally you are back to writing. Kep going!
Votings Closed
At least for the Gina part. Sorry for anyone too late, but I could not wait any longer. Hopefully you guys can join up I the next one. The next part will have 3 P.O.V's and disturbing revelations about a new character.
And the next part will be posted.................NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gina De Vries
I......had...... to.......I....... wanted......... to.
I took every once of will power I had, but I finally opened the window as fast as I could. Afterwards a huge relief came over me. Maybe I subconsciously hated opening windows. As I looked down I my eyes quickly went to the tiny creature I had been trying to let in. I was a really cute baby bird who had blue feathers on top but his belly was fully white. I wanted to hug him but was afraid I might hurt him so I just let him towards my hand. Once he was there, i carefully started to slowly rub the precious thing. It was so pretty. And the way he kept looking for something to eat was just adorable. Maybe he could have some breadcrumbs from the.....
But then al of the sudden he tried to peck my hand. I thought it must have been small since I didn't feel it.....but then I noticed it broke his beak. I gasped in horror as the bird tried to chirp but could barely move his now broken mouth. WHAT THE ACTUAL FENCING SHOELACE?!!! .....what was...why did the bird. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to............It was just so confusing. TOO confusing. I found things that were too confusing to be boring. Infact it was so confusing that I forgot about it and stopped thinking about it............What was I doing a second ago? I looked and I was suddenly standing up with my hands over my eyes. Had I been playing hide and seek with the bird? It seemed a bit silly but it was the only thing I could think of. Now that I think about it it did sound really fun. A smile appeared on my face as I realized how ridiculous I was acting, but still decided to play along.
"I'm here" I said as I took my hands off. But he was gone.
A frown quickly showed in my face. He left without really spending any time with me. I guess birds just didn't like playing games. or maybe I just bored him. I didn't really know, and that actually made it worse. I stood there for a moment lamenting what could have been, then I closed the window and walked out of the room.
As I walked downstairs I briefly thought about waking dad, but went against it. Dad needed his sleep too after all. So i just went downstairs and saw Jones in one of the rooms. I decided to go talk to him. He was in a chair reading a newspaper, clearly more focused on it than anything. But he instantly turned to me when I walked in.
"Oh, its you." he said getting up. "What do you want you fucking worthless shitbot." he finished with the usually charming tone he used when we were alone.
I giggled a bit. A flupping dorthless sighlot? I swear he was one of the most serious men in the world, but when we were alone he just called me the silliest things.
"Good morning sir" I said with a bright smile.
"It was till you fucking ruined it. You really are a waste of thought"
So beautiful I couldn't be bought? The man had so many sweet compliments to say I nearly blushed.
He sighed. "You know." He said getting up. "I know you can 'process' what I'm telling you right now. That program shit they put into your head twists my words they don't affect your behavior. Guess the Prof let his tongue slip too many times. And after the last....he couldn't take it. So for the first time in my life I will tell you how I honestly fucking feel about you." he said getting close to my face as eagerly awaited the end of his sentence.
"You are the biggest mistake that any man has ever made. The only living weapon ever designed, turned into a girl so a deranged fool could play father to the most pathetic dream daughter ever created. You are both a fucking joke and a personal insult to me and any man with dignity. Infact with all this personality bullshit, there is only one thing you are good at....."
That was the kindest thing I had ever heard. I wanted to hug him but I just couldn't until he finished. "What? What am I best at?!" I asked excitedly.
"CHROME!" he yelled into my ear. Then everything went black.
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Activating central control protocol. Eagerly awaiting command.
"Not so 'perfect' now are ya girly?" Spoke Chief protector and personal bodyguard Jones Prescott. "Activate personality program 2. Password: No Other Choice"
Aria Chrome
As I looked onto my front I saw Jones Prescott. He had obviously contacted me somehow. Of course, who else? I was the worlds most powerful weapon. The first living infiltration or frontline combat killbot. I tried to think of how I got there..... but then realized it was too irrelevant. And I hated things that were too irrelevant. So much so that instantly forgot whatever stupid thing I was wondering about.
"There we go. Feeling better now right? Being the soulless weapon that you were always meant to be."
I raised an eyebrow. "I was being different?" I asked respectfully.
"Oh shit... what I meant was that you have been.... undercover...for the week."
"Assassination? Was the target eliminated?"
" were successful. You haven't killed yet, but that's beside the point. Get closer...."
I obeyed and he leaned in and kissed me. He wished to be pleased. Per my command I aided him in is emotions. My calculations determined this to be the beginning of a greater interaction so i prepared to............
"Gina?!!!!" Gina?!!! where are you?" screamed my creator as he went down what sounded like stairs. Why was he here? I had assumed this to have been Jones house. Where was irrelevant i told myself. Too irreleva......
"Fucking Dammit!!!!" Jones yelled pushing me back. I was completely shocked. His interaction suggested....
"Chrome!!!" He yelled. What did that........Then everything went black.
..................................................................................................................................................."We got no time for that Dammit!!. Personality one. Password: Daddy's Beautiful Girl"............."GO, DAMMIT! YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS SH........
Gina De Vries
I blinked. What just? I suddenly noticed that Jones was holding my shoulders. Was he going to hug me? He was such a kind man. I was so happy to know i could call him my friend. Especially since i didn't have many. But i forgot what he told me my best quality was. Well, I'm sure it was sweet anyway.
Right before he could however dad came in the room.
"Oh there you are" He said as he jumped and actually hugged me. Oh dad always an over reactor. He was acting like he had been looking for me.
"Looked out for her sir." Jones told dad "Made sure no harm came to your flower here."
He looked up towards him. "Thank you. I appreciate what you've done more than i could describe. Cmon sweetie. Breakfast is waiting for us."
"Come and join us Jones." I said with a smile.
"Yes...thank you darling. Ill join you in a bit." he answered picking up his paper and sitting down. 'Oh, Jones you really never changed. Good thing you have a kind heart' i thought as dad took me to the kitchen. My lips tasted weird for some reason. Oh well it was probably too confusing anyway. Man, i really used that term a lot.
I wonder why i like it so much?
Emma Archer
"No i wouldn't" i answered confidently.
He seemed surprised by my answer.
"Not even for something better?"
I shook my head. "Better is definitely the wrong word, because it 100% wouldn't be. I could never see a world where i would abandon everyone i love forever and yet somehow be happy. It's a contradiction to me right of the bat."
"Well i guess i didn't expect you to be so assertive in your answer. You really seem more confident in yourself today."
I smiled at the compliment and decided to play along. "Mr. Welsick. I will have you know that i am the most confident woman on this or any world you will encounter. Only a blind man would say otherwise." I said taking a page from Marlone's book for once. Wow, that would be a really bad read.
"Well i am colorblind. So i guess that counts." he answered.
Just as soon as he said that i felt terrible about my word choice. I felt so ashamed to have forgotten that. I i just mocked him. I needed to apologize.
"Lucios, it's...."
"It's fine Em. I was planning on leaving anyway. I have to prepare for my project. Goodluck." He said as he walked past me.
I was so heartbroken. Why on earth did i say that? In the moment felt there was nothing i could do. So i just turned as he closed the door.
"Goodluck Lucios...." I said just as it closed.
Why did i always make everything worse. There he was, and we were talking and...... and then i basically made fun of his disability. I sighed. No i wouldn't spend the hour being hurt about it. I already had to deal with my depression from earlier. I would have to apologize later. I knew that if i really expressed how horrible i felt about hurting him, he would understand. For now i......
[Looked at the Prime device]
[Went back to work on my project]
[Went to read Raylandsfair to cheer up]
[Couldn't resist. i HAD to apologize to Lucios. Even if it inconvenienced me]
The fuck? Not cool Jones, not cool at all.
[Went back to work on my project] Work, work, work. Shit's gotta get done.
I guess Jones is just not a cool guy.
Ho-ly shit Gina
I was expecting many things, but well, not that. Not like that at least. Gah, I'm speechless, I can't even comment on it, even though it was great. Let's just directly skip to Emma's part, which was awesome.
[Went to read Raylandsfair to cheer up]
Well, if she feels bad for hurting the feelings of a sociopath, then there is nothing that can be more helpful for her mood than reading about sociopaths, violence, child killers and sadists. Maybe she'll recognize Lucios in one of them.
Also, this here was literally my reaction when I read the last choice, about apologizing to Lucifer:
Hah, you wish XD
Well she did say she will apologize anyway. But this is to see if she finds it as a priority.
[Went to read Raylandsfair to cheer up]
XD Raylansfair is always good place to cheer up.
Gina...? Well, I did not expect that at all.
Yeah i think the healer is an amazing person
And yeah, the Gina revelation was big and unexpected. Just like i plan for twist to be in this story. Also i hope the part where Jones got freaky wasn't too dark.
Aww, thanks :-) Hope you feel better with your ear though.
It wasnt that dark at all for me, however a bit creepy and unexpected in general, which made quite a wow at the end.
Yeah i think you and that healer happen to have a lot in common. And the ear got cured on Saturday but thanks for remembering.
Yeah creepy disturbing vibe was what i was going for so I'm glad you didn't get too freaked out by it.
[Looked at the Prime device]
Maybe Lucios did something with the Prime device when Emma caught him. Only way to know is to look at it.
Also Gina, I think there is something really wrong there. Awesome part!
Voting Closed
Emma will go to read Raylandsfair to cheer up. Next Part will bee up later tonight. Hope you guys enjoy.
Casey Miller
Well the rest of the day went sort of like that. Mary said or did something crazy, I tried to stop her and failed horribly. Rinse and repeat. Josh was almost non existent, just nodding occasionally or staring at the whole thing. Whenever he talked he always grabbed my attention because he did it so rarely. But after a while of hearing about Mary's 'super terrific' time raiding an ice cream truck a few years back I was really begging for someone else to say or do anything. She even did her southern accent. I just wanted it to stop. Sadly he would have to be my savior.
".........then the truck driver said. 'How the hell did you manage to take the key little girl. Why I dare say that what you've done was damn near impossi............."
"So Josh." I interrupted quickly. "I heard you wanted a job on Silicon County up north? Something about the Sheriff station?"
He seemed taken aback by how suddenly he was the center of attention. "Umm.... well, I heard a rumor that one of the officers got attacked by a wolf. Now he was in a comma and they needed a replacement. Especially now since apparently they were searching for a murderer, and a girl mysteriously died at the hospital and just the whole town was out of whack. So I went up there and well......."
Then Mary interrupted. "OOOOOO, Let me guess!" She said excitedly. Then she closed her eyes for a few seconds, clearly thinking hard. Josh and I just starred at each other. Then suddenly her eyes popped open. "The whole town was irradiated. And there were, like, mutants and ghosts. And the government was trying to keep you trapped and you and bunch of other guys were trying to escape. And this guy brought people back to life. And you spent every waking moment thinking, no, dreaming of one day coming back to your one true love." Her eyes were now flooded with tears. "I LOVE YOU JOSH!!!" She said hugging him.
Again.....we jut stared.
He finally decide to speak up. "Uh thanks, Mary. But it didn't really go like that." She immediately let him go.
"Sorry, I'm really bad at guessing" She said with a nervous laugh. Then sat down. On the chair this time.
"Well" He continued. "I went there and it turns out nothing the guy had told me happened. Everyone was fine. In fact all the people he talked about were just guys he knew at school. The guy was just really high. You know one of those 'out of body' experiences. So I couldn't get the job."
"Fascinating" I said bored 'out of my mind' myself. "So anything else you would like to...." As I was finishing Mary's phone rang.
To my utter shame the caller was named 'Mr. A Piercing'. I knew I had to take over. Grabbed her phone.
"Hello? This is Casey Miller speaking."
"Casey Miller?" Said a man on the other side, who I guess was Mr. Pierce. "I thought this was Mary Williams, did they get the phones wrong again?"
"No, no, not at all. Mary is just....busy at the moment."
"Well uh, you know us college girls. Were always.....doing things."
He said quiet for a moment. I decided to clarify.
"She's cooking pancakes."
"Okay, well I hope she's quick because were just 2 blocks to your apartment. So you better get ready."
"Don't worry we will. Goodbye." I said ending the call. And putting the phone on the table. Both of them were looking at me.
"What? I was curious." I lied with a smile. One that was clearly unconvincing since they kept staring.
I decided to kill it. "The buss is almost here. We should go....."
"Oh my god!" Mary yelled. "I haven't even packed my cereal yet, or the chocolate bars or the..."
"And you were the one telling me to eat healthy?" I answered with my eyebrow raised.
" allowed few brakes once in a while."
"Or till your teeth fall off" Josh answered.
"Hey" she responded. "I'll have you know, I only had 13 bars in the last 3 days and they were not even the new brand Mushberry ones. I only had 5 of those..........."
While the two were busy killing each other, I chuckled a bit at how easy it had been to distract them. Then I took a sip of my Koobla Cola, getting ready to face the morning sun.
Logan Miles
So he was going to be an asshole about it? Well I wasn't going to fall into a dich because of the guy. So I decided to keep quiet.
"Yeah that's right. You keep being nothing but a big pussy. Just like your mom." he said crudely. I once again took it. Asshole wasn't getting it from me. No matter how much I wanted to punch him.
"Yeah, and I fucking mean that too. You mama would have made tons more money selling herself than robbing it. To fucking stupid for that I guess." He said doing his best to sound like an absolute slime. Not that he didn't seem like one now. "Then again she only did it for the 'thrill' right boy? Maybe she did get some visitors when your dumbass father was away. Who knows maybe your real daddy was one of the......"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I said no longer taking his shit.
"Or what boy? You gonna woop me? You won't even get a word before I get you fired. Threaten me with your gun and you won't even get a fucking inch. Ill have you gunned down like your dear thief mother. Little whore thinking so high of herself. Drawing a gun and telling the men to 'fuck off'. She DESERVED it!"
I was going to yell at him again when a horrible question came to my mind. How was he so sure that's what happened? The newsreports were always conflicting about it, how could he.......holy fuck.... no.
"Yeah, I saw the tape too. They said you haven't yet. Too much of a coward to watch. Well, let me give you the pleasure of knowing just one thing. They didn't make it clean." He said with a smile. "Infact I want you to BEG me not to describe it. Beg to your superior, like the worthless shit you are. Thinking you can be a cop with blood like that. Do it now or I won't hold back on the details."
I couldn't believe this was happening. I was hard to process what was going on. How the fuck did I never see Phil like this? Why the hell did he even consider me if he felt like this? But in that moment only one thing mattered. I couldn't hear it. Even if he was lying....I could never tell. I never wanted to watch that tape. I couldn't even look at her body. I needed to....
He stared straight into my eyes. "So what's it going to be, BOY?"
[Beg him]
[Remain quiet]
[Attack him]
[Try to trick him]
What a scumbag! I can't believe Logan has to put up with this crap. If Aaron was here there'd be hell to pay.
[Remain quiet] But Aaron's not here and I don't want Logan to beg.
You would be willing he listen to how his mom died? Maybe even an exaggerated version that could really hurt him?
No but I don't see tricking him, working and I don't want Logan to attack him.
[Remain quiet]
Ok that's fair. Also did you notice all the Silicon refrences? I went all out this time.
No comment on the part, Mathea?
[Remain quiet]
That guy is a complete asshole and that's putting it mildly. I believe the best way here is for Logan not to react to his massive douchebaggery. Anything else can only either get him into trouble (attacking him or trying to trick him), or would make him look like a complete weakling (beg him) and I want neither of this for him. So yeah, remaining quiet sounds like the mature option.
What about his threat?
Fuck his threat!
I did.
I guess that's a good way to put it. But i still want to hear Liquids stance from him.
I decided to remain quiet.
Good one ;^).
I know, right?