Jane s New frontier Flashback rewrite.
The flashback starts with Clem ,Jane and ((Determinantly)) the Family fixing some thin… moregs in Howe s and you get a Hub to talk to everyone .
You still get the surname thing with AJ.
as you re finishing Fixing a board at Howe s you hear the gate being open and you notice the Family s not there anymore. Tavia enters with the family and ((Determinantly)) people from 400 days.
Clem and Jane get into a gun fight with Tavia and the others.
After a while things get out of hand and Jane gets shot in the arm then you have a QTE sequence where Clem ((Clem s holding AJ)) and Jane start running from Tavia and the family.
At some Point Clem and Jane decide to go in opposite ways.
Clem gets chased by Tavia.
You will get a QTE sequence like in the first episode of season 2 where you re chased by Tavia instead.
But at some point Tavia grabs you and you manage to escape her Grip grab her Gun and Kill… [view original content]
PROPS TO WHOEVER READS ALA THIS (I would prefer Kenny to not even die and be fit into the story but here it is, AND BTW we really shouldn't have to EXPECT characters like Jane and Kenny to die but telltale are what they are)
It was about two weeks after they left wellington
It zooms into Clementines face starting the sequence
[Kenny has a long beard, Longer than before, Almost down to his chest, An eyepatch, And doesn't look like he just got grinded in a meat grinder al-a season Three]
Kenny and Clementine are shown, Fishing at some docks, Kenny looks over at an old rusty boat, Seems to be for fishing but could also be a tour boat, The docks are ways away from where they left at the end of season 2, wellington .
"Shit, Clem..." "I thought we would never make it this far, let alone teach you to fish!" Clem looks up at Kenny (You have these options "Well isn't that kind of your "Thing" "I appreciate you teaching me" "I don't like fishing, The fish didn't do anything to us, We have plenty of food" ...)
"Well, isn't that kind of your "Thing"
"Ha, I guess it is." Kenny smiled
The docks they were at seemed to be in he middle of god knows where but a small town could be seen in the distance.
"You know... If Wellington doesn't get an open spot sometime soon we could always try to fix up that boat, heh heh, Not only are we a pretty far spill away from there now but I have a feeling that those bandits weren't headed in that direction for some good company"
"And maybe now that we don't have an asshole who thinks just because he had cancer makes him an angel who could do whatever-the-fuck-he wants, We could actually fix it up..." kenny paused for a moment, "It's in better shape than those ones at Savannah"
Clementine has these options "I don't know, I kind of like having options" "Lets do it" "Like back with Lee?"
"Like back with... Lee?
"Awe shit i'm sorry hon, Me and my fucking mouth..." "Yeah just like that..." "Minus the fucking up part"
"Lucky you made us these custom fishing rods too, I could have never been able to do this with my hands the way they are, Let alone my fucking eye."
"No problem" Clem responded
"Hey, Not your fault your nimble fingers make you the handy women" Kenny smiled at her
"Thanks for being there for me... Kenny" "I miss Lee..." " I wish Lee was here (Lee comes out of the water and starts to dance)"
Thanks for being there for me... Kenny"
"No problem darlin'" "I should thank YOU for being there for ME, Heh"
"I sure need it nowadays" "hey we should really start to head in in a minute, We aint getting no fish and the suns going down, Hey the camp aint great but it's safe...For now"
"Lets stay Kenny, Just for a little while" Clementine said
"Okay, But we need to talk as SOON as we get back, Ya hear?"
OPTIONS "Yeah" "Why? "You're not my fucking dad Kenny (WHOAAAAAHHH)"
"You will just have to wait and see, Don't worry, Nothin bad..."
Kenny almost begins to speak but gets a pull on his fishing rod, A bite, He quickly tries to pull up to hook the "Fish" but his rod gets pulled into the water straight from his palms, It turns out it was a walker grabbing the worm he was using as bait
"SHIT. and just when i thought my luck was starting to change too..."
"Maybe it's good we stayed out here, Can't eat any of the fish now just in case, Who knows what these fuckers are infected with, Bitin the fish, Soiling the water..." "Good call Clem" Clementine smiled "Fishing rod is gone though..." She said
"Don't worry hon, You made it so I should be the one sayin sorry's, Heh heh"
They headed back to camp
The satin a tent, Fire roaring outside...
"AJ still safe and sound in his make shift crib, Shit, We really need a new place to stay, If a walker smells him they can tear through this fuckin tent like cardboard . "
"Yeah." Clementine responded, a sense of melancholy in her voice.
"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about darlin' "
"We need to get someplace safe, listen, We can't stay out on in the water forever, i know that now, I was stupid back then and we all know it... but listen, After Jane, i aint been the same, We need to get out of here, That plain of water leads straight to a connected exit, And whether we haul this boat on land or something we need to move soon, I'm thinking Florida... It's the only thing that will keep me sane at this point, And i'm sure you n AJ will like it.. Sunrises every mornin' , Hell i'll have to get some shorts more than likely, heheh."
OPTIONS "I don't know' "I guess that's the only option "What about Wellington?"
"What about Wellington?"
"Shit I aint riskin that again, Another one of my stupid ideas, If it was safe for sure that would be one thing, But those bandits looked mean, And i've not exactly been itching to get back into the cold..."
"Okay, kenny, Agreed" (Hey at least these are small choices that don't matter okay?)
"Agreed" He smiled, they then went to bed
Clementine is shown gathering supplies nearby the boat, A hub is there, And you can itneract with both kenny and AJ, Kenny is seen holding on to AJ, You get the last of the supplies for the boat, Fuel, A battery, And some extra supplies
After all that is done everyone loads onto the boat, Kenny is seen wearing an old sailors outfit he found.
"Ready darling"
Clementine almost burst out laughing at the sight
"A true pirate... Kenny"
"Thats a yes then?" AJ was put in place in a makeshift crib under the storage area.
"Carefull hon, You never been on s bost before? It may get a bit choppy."
Kenny started the boat, Driving off in a haste
"Whoah this is the life... Reminds me of... SIGH"
Kenny looked off the side of the boat, Seeing the town.
"Shit maybe we should raid it one last time ebfore we go, Would hate to leave anything..."
"Lets just go Kenny..."
they started to drive off when they nearly ramped over something... "SHIT" Kenny screamed, then a walker came out of the water "Swimming" and then more and even more
clem screamed 'So they can swim?" "SHIT I GUESS SO, WE NEED TO GO... NOW" Kenny tried starting the boat but to no avail, That meatsack of a zombie ripped the motor right off!
Kenny looked at clementine, "SWIM" He screamed, Clem jumped into the water, Cold but WAY warmer than the frozen lake and not nearly cold enough to be such a problem where she would get chewed the fuck up
Clem made it holding AJ above her head, Him still getting spashes of water making him freak out
Clem then turned around upon getting to shore... BARELY
Kenny was nowhere to be found
His hat washed up on shore
Clementine taking it... Crying
"Lets stay Kenny, Get some extra supplies before we go..."
They drove the boat away from the herd underwater and to shore...
Kenny buckled up the boat and Clementine started heading towards the town "hey wait up!" Kenny said...
They entered a system of alleys. Seeing an opening in one of them to get into the only open building the restaurant
Clementine went first, Looking back to see Kenny looking through a dumpster "KENNY, She said "What are you DOING"
Kenny looked up, "Don't want to leave ANYTHING behind"
He sheathed a knife he found Clementine smiled
He then heard footsteps, not walkers but... Bandits? The ones on the way to Wellington!
They hid behind the dumpster, Scared for their well-being
A.J. luckily being quiet
The bandits heard walkers, Normal, But the walkers were slowly heading towards kenny clementine and A.J.!
Kenny breathed in deeply
"Go" He said
"WHAT!?" Clementine responded
"GO"! Kenny said
He pretty much forced her into the restaurant., her fighting back
The bandits were then alerted, They had mostly melee weapons, Spiked bats, Etc.
One of them spoke "Hey old man, What are you doin in the Saviors territor" He was then cut off, being punched HARD by Kenny, Knocking most of his teeth out.
Kenny spoke
They proceeded to try to hit and kill kenny, Or at least knock him out a take him back to their leader, Whoever that was.
They were kicking him and kicking him, but he wouldn't back down.
he got up and started to fight, Luring walkers in almost on purpose, Smart move Ken
Clementine looked back outside the window after lying on the ground hiding for a few seconds, All she saw was a bunch of havoc, bandits fighting walkers, Etc.
The men then looked back, Almost seeing her, but she ran
As the camera zooms out, you can see the dumpster slightly move...
I'd rewrite the flashbacks in Season 3. Everything else is fine to me so far.
Kenny's flashback was horrific. There are dozens of ways to exclude him from the current story while keeping him alive and giving him meaning.
But if he had to die, they could've used the gunshot wound he suffered in Season 1 (on the cannibal farm) instead. Make Kenny reveal to Clementine that the long-term aftermath of the gunshot affected his health all these years and that his body won't make it much longer. And then, give both, him and Clem, a few weeks to prepare for the inevitable end of Kenny.
The walking dead New frontier Wellington flashback:
The flashback starts the same way up until when Edith warns Clem that there s the group attacking them.
Clem grabs a gun and goes to help fight them off you get a QTE section were you and Edith Meet up With Wellington s Leader let s call him Leo cause why not? then a QTE sequence happens where several zombies enter while the firefights happening and you have something like the shootout scene from episode 3 of season 1 after some time they notice that they re being overwhelmed and Clem ,Edith and Leo go back to get supplies and escape. You will then get the same thing as the original flashback where you grab the supplies .
Edith walks in with Leo and Edith grabs AJ and they start running.
after they start Running away the same guy from the flashback starts shooting at them but instead of Edith getting shot in the head she gets a bullet in heer Arm causing her to Drop AJ and you get a QTE event to run thought the bullets as Clem and Grab AJ Clem then gets the Scar as she grabs AJ and Runs With Edith and Leo. ((BTW Leo would be a tall guy with Glasses, Black hair and would be usually a calm guy))
The walking dead a New frontier Ties that Bind part 1 Rewrite:
im not gonna change anything up until the meeting with Clem.
After you shoot or let the random guy go Depending on if you played Clem as a Nice person in season 2 or not she will either React badly and threaten to shoot him or just be the way she is in New frontier .
when you re going to presscott she s gonna say that she was already going there anyway since a friend of her s was there .
When you enter the Bar in Prescott before you talk to the people on poker you can also talk to Clem s ´´Friend´´ who s drinking quite alot and telling a story about how he and a friend of his did that together on a Summer but that his friend was dead. ((You known what im not gonna keep playng the pronoun game its Freaking Luke Ok? He survives because in this version he would have survived because they went around the Lake instead of just passing thought the ice)) You can talk to Luke about Clem and he will tell you what happened in Season 2 just to rehash what happened and mention how he Misses Nick, Sarah and the other members of the cabin crewn.
Both Javier and Luke hear the mess that is going on with Clem.
there s a QTE event when the guy pulls his knife out where if you re too slow Luke will intervene and take his Knife off him.
Anyway the same thing happens and both Luke , Clem and Javier get locked up.
we then have the Flashbacks.
Clem and Luke ending ((Variation of the Alone ending))
Clem and luke are hunting for supplies for supplies when AJ yells and Clem and Luke leave him in the car.
Luke asks which one of them should go Hunting and which one should stay to watch AJ
Luke goes: The walkers come and you have a brief QTE where you Kill the walkers that are the closest to Clem and Clem calls for Luke who Comes to help her. Clem tries to Grab AJ from the car but Luke Walks a little back because the zombie was too Close to him and He accidentally closes the door on Clem s finger.
Clem goes: Mostly the same but you hear Luke yelling in this version.
Clem ,Kenny and Luke: the same thing happens than in the normal flashback but after Kenny gets shot out of the vehicle Luke tells Clem to cover him while he Grabs Kenny ((If you do this ending you will see Kenny on prescott with one of his Legs still recovering and Drinking with Luke))
Clem, Luke and Jane: after Clem checks the perimeter she will see that Luke had Jane tied up because he stopped her suicide atttempt (the baby dies on birth )) ((Jane s with Clem when she gets the drop on javier if she s alive))
i dont known what to put for the wellington ending.
Luke, Clem, Javier and the others head out to save his family.
When Mariana grabs the headphones Kate sees the guy from New frontier lining up his shot and Pushes mariana out of the way and takes the shot for her. Mariana tries to grab Kate but Gets the same Wound as Kate and you get the choice to go with Javier s family or stay to fight the New frontier off With Luke and Clem.
Amid the Ruins handled Nick and Sarah terribly, but honestly I'd have to rewrite Ties That Bind Pt. 1 solely to solve the issue that is the death of Kenny. At least give him a badass death saving Clem and AJ and being a hero like I envisioned, instead of being ejected from a fucking car in a 5 minute flashback.
Neutral party, which would've put Clem in the position at the end to go with Luke (back to the house where Carver showed up at), Jane (Hardware store) or Kenny (Wellington).
Neutral party, which would've put Clem in the position at the end to go with Luke (back to the house where Carver showed up at), Jane (Hardware store) or Kenny (Wellington).
now for the season 2 Episode 2 Rewrite .
The episode opens up the same way as normal but if Ben was saved in season 1 Pete will not be bitten because Ben killed the walker that tried to bite Pete. the scenes With Nick are the same except the reason why he starts drinking is because he just doesnt have anything to do and he doesnt have enough patience to wait.
Differently from the normal game when you and the character your with ((Pete or Nick)) try to leave the spot they re hiding in they actually escape and get to the Cabin.
When you get to the Cabin the same thing happens but Pete/Nick accompany Rebecca and Carlos to find the others.
The meeting with Carver plays out the same as normal.
Now if Ben s with Nick: You find both of them the same way because they both got drunk from the whiskey ((I got this from the thing with Ben wanting to drink from Kenny s whiskey/Beer bottle from episode 4 in season 1))
If Ben s with Pete: Ben will talk about how they tried to escape together but had to go back to the car because when they tried to leave there were still several walkers and Ben almost got bit by one but was Saved by Pete.
while you re walking after picking Pete or Nick
you get a choice of who to talk to:
Ben, Sarah, Nick ,Luke or Pete.
Sarah just talks about what happened in the Cabin and how she was scared when Carver showed up and ((determinantly)) Thanks Clementine for teaching her how to shoot ((While whispering of course so Carlos doesnt hear her))
Ben talks about how he misses the Old group and wonders if Christa, Omid and Brie are safe.
Pete talks about the time before the apocalypse where he was an Officer on the Military.
Nick just tells the story about how his mother died if you did not pick him but if you picked him he talks about how he s happy that Pete s okay.
Luke: Luke tells you that he s sorry that he had to drag you and Ben with them.
Now for the bridge scene you can call for backup either:
Pete, Ben or Nick to go with Clem and Luke.
When you meet Matthew there are a couple of differences:
Pete: Starts to Line a shot but lowers it due to noticing that he s not a threat.
Ben: Tries to threaten Matthew but his finger slips and ends up shooting Matthew in the arm which earns him a couple of hatred towards him by Matthew in later parts of the episode.
Nick: Nick threatens Matthew and almost shoots but stops after realizing he s not a threat ((Since pete s still alive he s not as on edge as he is in the normal episode 2))
after you ((Determinantly)) Threat Matthew s wounds because Ben s finger slipped.
He stops at the small house to grab the Food can he has in there and he also showns a couple of books he has to Clem , Ben and Sarah .
They then climb to the mountain and Meet Kenny , ((Determinantly)) >Carley and also Lily.
After Clem gives a look to check if Carver s following them with the Binoculars everyone enters the house and after talking to Kenny you get a hub to talk with Everyone.
Ben will be helping Walter in Cooking Dinner.
Matthew will be talking to Sarah about Books.
Sarita will be decorating the tree
Carley is talking to Lily.
after putting either the Star or the angel on the Chrismas tree and talking to Bonnie the windmill malfunctions and the walkers attack.
Lily, Luke and Kenny go to check on the transformer.
Carley s the one who saves Clem when she Runs out of Bullets ((If you saved Doug instead of Carley the one who saves you is Carlos. ))
When Carver s group arrives there s an extra member from 400 days with him. The priority for the character that appears is:
Wyatt first, Then Russel then vince.
after you choose between Looking for Kenny and the others or getting captured .
Kenny and Lily fire 2 bullets one that Kills Johnny and another that Kills the 400 days member that went with Carver ((If you did not get anyone to go with Carver in 400 days Kenny misses his shot and ends up shooting Bonnie s arm))
After that Carver Kills walter which results in Matthew having the same reaction that Rebecca does if Alvin dies to Carver in episode 2.
and then Carver says that Clem s group Killed 2 of his people ((He says tried to if Bonnie gets shot in the arm.))
and that he s gonna pick one of them at random to kill. ((And yes i essentially just copied the concept of what Negan does into this scene problem?)) Carver then starts ini mini moing Clem s group and If ben s alive it lands on him and Carver shoots him resulting In Clem yelling angrily at Carver but if Ben s dead it lands on Clementine but When Carver s about to Shoot carley jumps in the middle of shot and takes the shot For clem which ends up with Carley dying.
Kenny and Lily surpprender and the episode ends with Clem Cryng while looking at Ben or Carley s corpse and she is then dragged off By someone from Carver s group ending the episode as the screen Fades to black.
That's usually how it works. You create a new thread that everyone can contribute to or at least take an interest in and eventually the traffic grinds to a halt with the occasional contribution and update here or there. I used to bump older threads every once in a while if I thought there was a chance users old and new would be interested enough to get the oil flowing again for that very reason.
That's usually how it works. You create a new thread that everyone can contribute to or at least take an interest in and eventually the traf… morefic grinds to a halt with the occasional contribution and update here or there. I used to bump older threads every once in a while if I thought there was a chance users old and new would be interested enough to get the oil flowing again for that very reason.
Ok...New project...rewrite the flashbacks so they are larger and more heartfelt....each of us pick scratch that...I will assign a flashback to each of us.
@UrbanRodrik Rewrite the Wellington flashback or detail how you would flesh it out more if you do not feel up to writing out scenes.
@DabigRG you rewrite the Jane flashback...that's right...going to take you and I out of our comfort zones. Either detail changes are write up scenes. Keep in mind your rewriting the scenes as if you wanted to provide closure for the fans of those characters.
Thank you for your contribution! Let's see now:
* The first episode starts with the cabin group leaving Howe's.
* We actually s… moreee a flash back of Nick's mom's death.
Oh, a proper prologue? Interesting.
* Ralph (aka Mike) kills Christa.
Oh damn! You're goin' all out, aren't?
* Clem has more development with the cabin group in episode 1
More development is always nice!
* Since Pete says Nick sucks at shooting, he doesn't kill Matthew and only injures him.
* When Carver shows up, Matthew is brought out and killed since they don't have the medical supplies to help him on the way back, thus still making Walter blame his death on Nick.
Making Carver more pragmatic/ruthless? Okay.
* Sometime when the cabin group are heading to the lodge, Bonnie finds Luke and tries to convince him to give himself up, this is where Luke decides to leave the group if Ca… [view original content]
Ok...New project...rewrite the flashbacks so they are larger and more heartfelt....each of us pick scratch that...I will assign a fl… moreashback to each of us.
@UrbanRodrik Rewrite the Wellington flashback or detail how you would flesh it out more if you do not feel up to writing out scenes.
@DabigRG you rewrite the Jane flashback...that's right...going to take you and I out of our comfort zones. Either detail changes are write up scenes. Keep in mind your rewriting the scenes as if you wanted to provide closure for the fans of those characters.
alright but i already made a rewrite on the Wellington ending... Oh well guess im just gonna make changes and make it overall better with what im planning on doing with all the rewrites i did already.
Ok...New project...rewrite the flashbacks so they are larger and more heartfelt....each of us pick scratch that...I will assign a fl… moreashback to each of us.
@UrbanRodrik Rewrite the Wellington flashback or detail how you would flesh it out more if you do not feel up to writing out scenes.
@DabigRG you rewrite the Jane flashback...that's right...going to take you and I out of our comfort zones. Either detail changes are write up scenes. Keep in mind your rewriting the scenes as if you wanted to provide closure for the fans of those characters.
Allright so im redoing this since im fairly sure that i wasnt supposed to take my rewrites into account so: ((Im doing 3 different flashbacks cause i dont think one would be enough to explain what happens with Clem.))
1st Flashback happens when Clem s tryng to sleep. It starts as soon as Clem enters Wellington with Edith :
Edith tells Clem that she needs to talk to the leader of Wellington and reassuring her that Leo is a good guy.
When Clem gets to Leo s office , Leo tells her about how she s gonna have to Share a room with Edith because the Place is very crowded and that was the only reason they Let Clem in.
After leaving Leo s Office Clem talks to Edith about how Cold he is and Edith says that he s always mistrusting of new people but he s gonna warm up to her eventually.
You then have a scene with Edith entering their room and asking about what happened with her before she went to Wellington and after Clem tells Edith what happened in season 2 ((Like a Clem telling Luke what happened in season 1 kind of thing)) She makes AJ sleep and goes to sleep and the flashback cuts up to Shown Clem in New frontier sleeping and the screen turns black and it comes back with Clem and Javier going with either Tripp or Eleanor.
2nd Flashback happens when Javier reunites with his family:
this one happens 7 months after the 1st one.
Kenny comes back after 4 months from the 1st Flashback because he was layng low on that time on a city that was Close to Wellington.
Clem and Edith are on watch for new people while Kenny and Leo are checking supplies because a big part of their group betrayed them and ran with several of their supplies .
Clem and Edith spot 2 people walking towards them those 2 people being Shell and Becca who escaped Howe s before the herd hit or if she did not come with Tavia the 2 of them just found their way to Wellington because they heard the rumors about Wellington.
When they arrive at the Door and ask to enter Edith Asks Clem what they should do since they re running low on Supplies but they dont have alot of people since they left stealing their supplies.
Let them in: If you let them in then Shell and Becca thank Clem and Edith and enter Wellington after this you get a hub to talk to Shell, Becca, Kenny and Leo.
If you dont let them in: Becca tries to pull out a gun but Shell stops her and they both leave.
The Flashback ends after you talk to everyone or just go back to Clem s Room.
3rd Flashback happens After Clem gets in the Car when Prescott is being destroyed by the New frontier.
The Flashback starts like the normal one with Clem talking to AJ and Edith coming to tell her to pack her stuff just in case.
A Shootout does break out between both Groups and Clem goes to help them.
You get a shootout sequence like you do in Episode 3 of Season 1.
After a certain point Clem and most of the others run out of bullets except Kenny and Shell.
Shell and Kenny say that they re gonna distract while Clem, Leo, Edith and Becca run away. ((After facing heavy disagreement by Becca who doesnt want to leave her sister.))
Clem and the others leave wellington by the front gate and you see a brief scene of Kenny getting shot down and Shell being shot in the Arm and being knocked out.
When Clem is Close to the woods one of the people from the other group starts shooting Edith and the Shot hits just like in the normal Wellington ending and Edith dies .
You then get a QTE sequence to get AJ who was in Edith s hands and Bring him with Clem.
Just as Clem is about to Grab AJ a shot hits her face making the Scar that happens during the normal Wellington Flashback.
Clem grabs AJ and runs away With Leo and Becca .
What I would really want to rewrite is S3E1 and change Kenny's death scene. I wouldn't even change it up much, I understand he was doomed eventually, I would just make it longer and give Kenny fans the proper send off they deserved for sticking with him this long. I also wouldn't have killed Mari off so early, because I actually liked her and think it's kinda shitty how sudden her death was.
If I can't pick from season 3 though, then I suppose S2E1, for a similar reason. I think Omid's death was kinda bullshit. Like Kenny, I'm not saying he needed to have survived the whole series. I would've even been fine with him still dying in episode 1. However, offing him in the first 5 minutes kinda sucked. I'm not sure what I would've done in place of it, though.
First flashback would be after Clementine asks who is at the junkyard.
Sunny early spring day, there is still some ice on the edges of a stream, we see a fishing line splash into the pans along the line, we see Clementine holding the fishing rod a smile on her face.
Kenny holding AJ, nods approval with a proud smile that lights up his face. "That was a smooth cast Clem, see I told you it is just a matter of practice." He looks down to AJ.."In a couple of years buddy,I will show you too. Successful fishing means never going to sleep on an empty stomach."
"Hope so Kenny, we almost starved to death during the winter, never want to see another squirrel again!"
"Yeah, we need to see about finding a bow or crossbow...ammo is too scarce to be wasting on squirrel, luckily you found that pig Clem, provided a few good meals. Maybe though we should head south, was nice not to worry about walkers...but this freezing nearly to death sucks."
Clementine is about to say something when the the line goes taunt. "Oh my gosh!"
Screen goes dark as first flashback ends.
Second flashback starts when they get some sleep in the cell.
Snow all over the place and driving winds...they are in a shack...a fire burning in a wood burning stove. Kenny is sick and so is AJ. Suddenly the door opens, it is Clementine, she has small deer dragging it in.
Kenny, his face looking thinner and grey cracks a smile. "Thank god, I was beginning to worry that you were lost or hurt. I hate that you have to go out alone Clem.
"I got lucky, I was on my way back from that store when he and his mom when t by....I just pulled the pistol out and shot him." A little sadness is evident, but also grim determination. "It was too good a chance to pass up, you and AJ need to eat. Also I got salt and pepper....and these." She holds up a bottle of aspirin.
"Good job, you didn't run into anyone did you?"
"No not since that guy a week back before this storm came" Clementine's voice is a little shaky.
Kenny sighs sadly, "Fuckin shitbird, I am sorry about that Clem, you have to be more careful than if you were a boy. But you killed him before he could do what he wanted. If I had been there...Clementine, if anyone threatens have to be willing to hesitation."
"I know Kenny..."
Scene fades
Third and final Kenny flashback is after the fall of Prescott after Clem says she wouldn't know how parents act. This is exactly the same.
I wouldn't even change it up much, I understand he was doomed eventually, I would just make it longer and give Kenny fans the proper send off they deserved for sticking with him this long.
Agreed. My one problem with his flashback(aside from his model ) was how they didn't really spend much time on him post-crash.
What I would really want to rewrite is S3E1 and change Kenny's death scene. I wouldn't even change it up much, I understand he was doomed ev… moreentually, I would just make it longer and give Kenny fans the proper send off they deserved for sticking with him this long. I also wouldn't have killed Mari off so early, because I actually liked her and think it's kinda shitty how sudden her death was.
If I can't pick from season 3 though, then I suppose S2E1, for a similar reason. I think Omid's death was kinda bullshit. Like Kenny, I'm not saying he needed to have survived the whole series. I would've even been fine with him still dying in episode 1. However, offing him in the first 5 minutes kinda sucked. I'm not sure what I would've done in place of it, though.
you rewrite the Jane flashback...that's right...going to take you and I out of our comfort zones. Either detail changes or(?) write up scenes. Keep in mind your rewriting the scenes as if you wanted to provide closure for the fans of those characters.
Ironically enough, that last part is probably the thing that's gonna give me the most trouble, especially considering my reaction to seeing that scene the day of. However, with the observations and ideas that I either shared or observed taken into account...
I like what you did with the 2 first flashbacks but i dont get what you mean with the last one... do you mean that the 3rd flashback s the same as the normal flashback in the game? o_o
Kenny Ending
First flashback would be after Clementine asks who is at the junkyard.
Sunny early spring day, there is still some ice on… more the edges of a stream, we see a fishing line splash into the pans along the line, we see Clementine holding the fishing rod a smile on her face.
Kenny holding AJ, nods approval with a proud smile that lights up his face. "That was a smooth cast Clem, see I told you it is just a matter of practice." He looks down to AJ.."In a couple of years buddy,I will show you too. Successful fishing means never going to sleep on an empty stomach."
"Hope so Kenny, we almost starved to death during the winter, never want to see another squirrel again!"
"Yeah, we need to see about finding a bow or crossbow...ammo is too scarce to be wasting on squirrel, luckily you found that pig Clem, provided a few good meals. Maybe though we should head south, was nice not to worry about walkers...but this f… [view original content]
Since we're talking about rewriting the flashbacks, I have a few ideas of my own to add.
These aren't exactly full rewrites-- at least not all of them-- but mainly just some changes to how they pan out.
First of all, one global difference: all of the flashbacks would all be extended for at least another 5-10 minutes, making the flashbacks go for at least 10 minutes at minimum. The second flashback in episode 2, however, would remain the same length as it currently does.
My aim here is to try to make each one unique in some way-- each would have a distinct tone and/or theme to it. And most importantly; Kenny, Jane, and even Edith don't die!
Kenny flashback: This one would stay the same, car crash included. But what would change is the outcome of the car wreck. Kenny gets injured, but not by being tossed out the windshield. He's unconscious in the passenger's seat, and at first, Clementine thinks he might be dead. Kenny eventually comes to. He suffered a broken arm and some cuts and bruises, but otherwise appears to be fine. Clementine helps Kenny out of the wreckage, and they make a break for it.
The second flashback in episode 2 would open the same as it does now: Clementine on the run, but with an injured Kenny in tow. They make it inside that trailer, and meet Ava, and the choice to go with Ava pops up again. Kenny's injuries are getting worse, with the implication he might have messed up something internally (internal bleeding, broken ribs, or something). But Kenny, being Kenny, doesn't trust Ava. Clementine decides to choose whether or not to go with her. This way around, the choice is a bit harder of a call to make-- going with her lets Kenny get medical help, but can you trust that she's not just leading you into a trap? And even if you decide to reject her offer, what if Kenny's condition worsens? It's a risky choice either way.
Wellington flashback: I'd change how this flashback opens up. Clementine would be out in the woods, hunting with another person from Wellington. She has some back and forth with this member, who is established to be a friend to Clementine. While they're hunting, Clementine talks to Edith over a walkie-talkie. She checks in to know how AJ's doing, and the obligatory dialogue about how AJ can't speak comes up. They eventually manage to catch themselves some rabbits or something, and decide to head back for the night. As they near Wellington, they hear commotion coming from inside. Clementine tries using the walkie, only to get no response. They suspect something bad's going on as they pick up speed. When they emerge from the treeline, they find out it's even worse than they thought: Wellington's gates are smashed open, cars have been rammed through the walls, and a group of bandits (implied to be the New Frontier) are in the process of attacking the place. It is pure chaos.
Clementine and her friend rush back into Wellington in order to rescue AJ. From here, it plays out the same way it does in game; you return to your home, find Edith, and grab AJ, then you have to quickly choose a handful of supplies to take with you. Then you'd make your escape, with a small change: Clementine, Edith, and her new friend all manage to escape together. Clementine's friend would be the one to die, falling on AJ and creating a similar scare/fake-out. Clementine gets grazed on the cheek, and Edith takes a bullet, but manages to escape with Clementine.
The second flashback would play out just like Kenny's does, except with an injured Edith instead.
Jane flashback - with the family: Clementine and Jane enjoy some relative peace within Howe's, just like it currently is in game. Clementine gets her tattoo, gives AJ a middle name, etc. Everything's going good, and the family is still with you at this point in time. However, the peace doesn't last-- a small timeskip occurs as the food supply gets lower. Tensions rise, which culminate in a confrontation between Clementine, Jane, and the family. At first, it's a simple argument over food and supplies, but things quickly go south and guns end up being pulled. A small shootout leaves the father dead, and the mother and son take off. Clementine and Jane are unscathed, but finally decide to abandon Howe's after the incident with the family. They grab what little is left, and leave. Jane isn't pregnant in either versions of these endings.
The second flashback would, once again, play out like Kenny's, except this time, Clementine's companion isn't injured. Jane is fine, but being the way she is, and with what happened with the family, she doesn't want to trust Ava.
Jane flashback - Without the family: Opens up the same way it does currently. Relatively peace and quiet, Clementine getting her tattoo, etc. However, it quickly becomes apparent that this peace and quiet is hollow-- with only Jane and Clementine by themselves, they start to feel the effects of isolation. Unlike the other flashbacks, this one would be unique in that it doesn't result in any kind of bloodshed or injuries; Clementine and Jane eventually decide to leave on their own volition, after the isolation starts taking a toll on them both. The ghosts of Howe's and all that start to get to Jane's head, and Jane is implied to possibly be contemplating suicide, which Clementine picks up on, and decides to leave in the hopes of lifting Jane's spirits before she tries to do anything further.
From here, the second flashback would, you guessed it, play out the same way. This Jane would still be wary of Ava, but both her and Clementine are more welcoming to the prospect of being with a group. The family from S2 doesn't reappear in this ending. I think having them come back to steal or launch an attack is a bit too predictable. I think focusing more on the effects of isolation on the sanity of Jane and Clementine is more interesting for the players who went with this ending.
Alone ending: I'd actually move a small scene from the Wellington ending into this one. The alone flashback would open with Clem and AJ on their own, in a little shack. The scene with AJ drawing a picture and Clem guessing what it is would be moved to this ending instead. Afterwards, Clementine takes AJ with her and ventures out to look for food. From there, this flashback would play out the same way it does in game. Honestly, I have no problem with this ending the way it currently is, but that moment of AJ drawing Clementine is too adorable to leave out completely. It just has to be moved into one of the other endings.
These are not the full flashbacks, and they'd continue to persist through the season, gradually revealing the story of Clementine's past, and the fates of AJ, Kenny, Jane, or Edith. Maybe I'll bookmark this and update it when the rest of the episodes come out, changing up the rest of the flashbacks to go along with the above. would be the original one from the game...I am actually one who appreciates that they did not give Kenny a cliché hero going down death. His death is tragic because it was an accident. The car lost traction due to a patch of ice...Noway Clementine was ready for that kind of thing at high speeds...and Kenny did not have his seatbelt on. It was tragic and believable, but preventable.
I like what you did with the 2 first flashbacks but i dont get what you mean with the last one... do you mean that the 3rd flashback s the same as the normal flashback in the game? o_o
I am actually one who appreciates that they did not give Kenny a cliché hero going down death.
Same. In fact, when everyone was hyping themselves up about "Look out, Javier! Kenny gonn take care of things""Can't wait to see Kenny go out in a blaze of glory!," I was quietly off to the side knowing/hoping they weren't gonna do that with him. Instead, I assumed he was gonna pass away in his sleep or something, so the actual flashback, while not what I was expecting, had a sense of creative irony to it alongside being the most engaging of the three. would be the original one from the game...I am actually one who appreciates that they did not give Kenny a cliché hero going down d… moreeath. His death is tragic because it was an accident. The car lost traction due to a patch of ice...Noway Clementine was ready for that kind of thing at high speeds...and Kenny did not have his seatbelt on. It was tragic and believable, but preventable.
I like this
I mean, I'd still feel like crap that she died and everything, but yeah. Waaaaayyyyy less depressing.
PROPS TO WHOEVER READS ALA THIS (I would prefer Kenny to not even die and be fit into the story but here it is, AND BTW we really shouldn't have to EXPECT characters like Jane and Kenny to die but telltale are what they are)
It was about two weeks after they left wellington
It zooms into Clementines face starting the sequence
[Kenny has a long beard, Longer than before, Almost down to his chest, An eyepatch, And doesn't look like he just got grinded in a meat grinder al-a season Three]
Kenny and Clementine are shown, Fishing at some docks, Kenny looks over at an old rusty boat, Seems to be for fishing but could also be a tour boat, The docks are ways away from where they left at the end of season 2, wellington .
"Shit, Clem..." "I thought we would never make it this far, let alone teach you to fish!" Clem looks up at Kenny (You have these options "Well isn't that kind of your "Thing" "I appreciate you teaching me" "I don't like fishing, The fish didn't do anything to us, We have plenty of food" ...)
"Well, isn't that kind of your "Thing"
"Ha, I guess it is." Kenny smiled
The docks they were at seemed to be in he middle of god knows where but a small town could be seen in the distance.
"You know... If Wellington doesn't get an open spot sometime soon we could always try to fix up that boat, heh heh, Not only are we a pretty far spill away from there now but I have a feeling that those bandits weren't headed in that direction for some good company"
"And maybe now that we don't have an asshole who thinks just because he had cancer makes him an angel who could do whatever-the-fuck-he wants, We could actually fix it up..." kenny paused for a moment, "It's in better shape than those ones at Savannah"
Clementine has these options "I don't know, I kind of like having options" "Lets do it" "Like back with Lee?"
"Like back with... Lee?
"Awe shit i'm sorry hon, Me and my fucking mouth..." "Yeah just like that..." "Minus the fucking up part"
"Lucky you made us these custom fishing rods too, I could have never been able to do this with my hands the way they are, Let alone my fucking eye."
"No problem" Clem responded
"Hey, Not your fault your nimble fingers make you the handy women" Kenny smiled at her
"Thanks for being there for me... Kenny" "I miss Lee..." " I wish Lee was here (Lee comes out of the water and starts to dance)"
Thanks for being there for me... Kenny"
"No problem darlin'" "I should thank YOU for being there for ME, Heh"
"I sure need it nowadays" "hey we should really start to head in in a minute, We aint getting no fish and the suns going down, Hey the camp aint great but it's safe...For now"
"Lets stay Kenny, Just for a little while" Clementine said
"Okay, But we need to talk as SOON as we get back, Ya hear?"
OPTIONS "Yeah" "Why? "You're not my fucking dad Kenny (WHOAAAAAHHH)"
"You will just have to wait and see, Don't worry, Nothin bad..."
Kenny almost begins to speak but gets a pull on his fishing rod, A bite, He quickly tries to pull up to hook the "Fish" but his rod gets pulled into the water straight from his palms, It turns out it was a walker grabbing the worm he was using as bait
"SHIT. and just when i thought my luck was starting to change too..."
"Maybe it's good we stayed out here, Can't eat any of the fish now just in case, Who knows what these fuckers are infected with, Bitin the fish, Soiling the water..." "Good call Clem" Clementine smiled "Fishing rod is gone though..." She said
"Don't worry hon, You made it so I should be the one sayin sorry's, Heh heh"
They headed back to camp
The satin a tent, Fire roaring outside...
"AJ still safe and sound in his make shift crib, Shit, We really need a new place to stay, If a walker smells him they can tear through this fuckin tent like cardboard . "
"Yeah." Clementine responded, a sense of melancholy in her voice.
"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about darlin' "
"We need to get someplace safe, listen, We can't stay out on in the water forever, i know that now, I was stupid back then and we all know it... but listen, After Jane, i aint been the same, We need to get out of here, That plain of water leads straight to a connected exit, And whether we haul this boat on land or something we need to move soon, I'm thinking Florida... It's the only thing that will keep me sane at this point, And i'm sure you n AJ will like it.. Sunrises every mornin' , Hell i'll have to get some shorts more than likely, heheh."
OPTIONS "I don't know' "I guess that's the only option "What about Wellington?"
"What about Wellington?"
"Shit I aint riskin that again, Another one of my stupid ideas, If it was safe for sure that would be one thing, But those bandits looked mean, And i've not exactly been itching to get back into the cold..."
"Okay, kenny, Agreed" (Hey at least these are small choices that don't matter okay?)
"Agreed" He smiled, they then went to bed
Clementine is shown gathering supplies nearby the boat, A hub is there, And you can itneract with both kenny and AJ, Kenny is seen holding on to AJ, You get the last of the supplies for the boat, Fuel, A battery, And some extra supplies
After all that is done everyone loads onto the boat, Kenny is seen wearing an old sailors outfit he found.
"Ready darling"
Clementine almost burst out laughing at the sight
"A true pirate... Kenny"
"Thats a yes then?" AJ was put in place in a makeshift crib under the storage area.
"Carefull hon, You never been on s bost before? It may get a bit choppy."
Kenny started the boat, Driving off in a haste
"Whoah this is the life... Reminds me of... SIGH"
Kenny looked off the side of the boat, Seeing the town.
"Shit maybe we should raid it one last time ebfore we go, Would hate to leave anything..."
"Lets just go Kenny..."
they started to drive off when they nearly ramped over something... "SHIT" Kenny screamed, then a walker came out of the water "Swimming" and then more and even more
clem screamed 'So they can swim?" "SHIT I GUESS SO, WE NEED TO GO... NOW" Kenny tried starting the boat but to no avail, That meatsack of a zombie ripped the motor right off!
Kenny looked at clementine, "SWIM" He screamed, Clem jumped into the water, Cold but WAY warmer than the frozen lake and not nearly cold enough to be such a problem where she would get chewed the fuck up
Clem made it holding AJ above her head, Him still getting spashes of water making him freak out
Clem then turned around upon getting to shore... BARELY
Kenny was nowhere to be found
His hat washed up on shore
Clementine taking it... Crying
"Lets stay Kenny, Get some extra supplies before we go..."
They drove the boat away from the herd underwater and to shore...
Kenny buckled up the boat and Clementine started heading towards the town "hey wait up!" Kenny said...
They entered a system of alleys. Seeing an opening in one of them to get into the only open building the restaurant
Clementine went first, Looking back to see Kenny looking through a dumpster "KENNY, She said "What are you DOING"
Kenny looked up, "Don't want to leave ANYTHING behind"
He sheathed a knife he found Clementine smiled
He then heard footsteps, not walkers but... Bandits? The ones on the way to Wellington!
They hid behind the dumpster, Scared for their well-being
A.J. luckily being quiet
The bandits heard walkers, Normal, But the walkers were slowly heading towards kenny clementine and A.J.!
Kenny breathed in deeply
"Go" He said
"WHAT!?" Clementine responded
"GO"! Kenny said
He pretty much forced her into the restaurant., her fighting back
The bandits were then alerted, They had mostly melee weapons, Spiked bats, Etc.
One of them spoke "Hey old man, What are you doin in the Saviors territor" He was then cut off, being punched HARD by Kenny, Knocking most of his teeth out.
Kenny spoke
They proceeded to try to hit and kill kenny, Or at least knock him out a take him back to their leader, Whoever that was.
They were kicking him and kicking him, but he wouldn't back down.
he got up and started to fight, Luring walkers in almost on purpose, Smart move Ken
Clementine looked back outside the window after lying on the ground hiding for a few seconds, All she saw was a bunch of havoc, bandits fighting walkers, Etc.
The men then looked back, Almost seeing her, but she ran
As the camera zooms out, you can see the dumpster slightly move...
I'd rewrite the flashbacks in Season 3. Everything else is fine to me so far.
Kenny's flashback was horrific. There are dozens of ways to exclude him from the current story while keeping him alive and giving him meaning.
But if he had to die, they could've used the gunshot wound he suffered in Season 1 (on the cannibal farm) instead. Make Kenny reveal to Clementine that the long-term aftermath of the gunshot affected his health all these years and that his body won't make it much longer. And then, give both, him and Clem, a few weeks to prepare for the inevitable end of Kenny.
The walking dead New frontier Wellington flashback:
The flashback starts the same way up until when Edith warns Clem that there s the group attacking them.
Clem grabs a gun and goes to help fight them off you get a QTE section were you and Edith Meet up With Wellington s Leader let s call him Leo cause why not? then a QTE sequence happens where several zombies enter while the firefights happening and you have something like the shootout scene from episode 3 of season 1 after some time they notice that they re being overwhelmed and Clem ,Edith and Leo go back to get supplies and escape. You will then get the same thing as the original flashback where you grab the supplies .
Edith walks in with Leo and Edith grabs AJ and they start running.
after they start Running away the same guy from the flashback starts shooting at them but instead of Edith getting shot in the head she gets a bullet in heer Arm causing her to Drop AJ and you get a QTE event to run thought the bullets as Clem and Grab AJ Clem then gets the Scar as she grabs AJ and Runs With Edith and Leo. ((BTW Leo would be a tall guy with Glasses, Black hair and would be usually a calm guy))
The walking dead a New frontier Ties that Bind part 1 Rewrite:
im not gonna change anything up until the meeting with Clem.
After you shoot or let the random guy go Depending on if you played Clem as a Nice person in season 2 or not she will either React badly and threaten to shoot him or just be the way she is in New frontier .
when you re going to presscott she s gonna say that she was already going there anyway since a friend of her s was there .
When you enter the Bar in Prescott before you talk to the people on poker you can also talk to Clem s ´´Friend´´ who s drinking quite alot and telling a story about how he and a friend of his did that together on a Summer but that his friend was dead. ((You known what im not gonna keep playng the pronoun game its Freaking Luke Ok? He survives because in this version he would have survived because they went around the Lake instead of just passing thought the ice)) You can talk to Luke about Clem and he will tell you what happened in Season 2 just to rehash what happened and mention how he Misses Nick, Sarah and the other members of the cabin crewn.
Both Javier and Luke hear the mess that is going on with Clem.
there s a QTE event when the guy pulls his knife out where if you re too slow Luke will intervene and take his Knife off him.
Anyway the same thing happens and both Luke , Clem and Javier get locked up.
we then have the Flashbacks.
Clem and Luke ending ((Variation of the Alone ending))
Clem and luke are hunting for supplies for supplies when AJ yells and Clem and Luke leave him in the car.
Luke asks which one of them should go Hunting and which one should stay to watch AJ
Luke goes: The walkers come and you have a brief QTE where you Kill the walkers that are the closest to Clem and Clem calls for Luke who Comes to help her. Clem tries to Grab AJ from the car but Luke Walks a little back because the zombie was too Close to him and He accidentally closes the door on Clem s finger.
Clem goes: Mostly the same but you hear Luke yelling in this version.
Clem ,Kenny and Luke: the same thing happens than in the normal flashback but after Kenny gets shot out of the vehicle Luke tells Clem to cover him while he Grabs Kenny ((If you do this ending you will see Kenny on prescott with one of his Legs still recovering and Drinking with Luke))
Clem, Luke and Jane: after Clem checks the perimeter she will see that Luke had Jane tied up because he stopped her suicide atttempt (the baby dies on birth )) ((Jane s with Clem when she gets the drop on javier if she s alive))
i dont known what to put for the wellington ending.
Luke, Clem, Javier and the others head out to save his family.
When Mariana grabs the headphones Kate sees the guy from New frontier lining up his shot and Pushes mariana out of the way and takes the shot for her. Mariana tries to grab Kate but Gets the same Wound as Kate and you get the choice to go with Javier s family or stay to fight the New frontier off With Luke and Clem.
Pretty much every post here is me at this point <_<.
Yeah, pretty much.
I appreciate the effort and dedication, though, especially since I haven't been putting in much work myself.
Amid the Ruins handled Nick and Sarah terribly, but honestly I'd have to rewrite Ties That Bind Pt. 1 solely to solve the issue that is the death of Kenny. At least give him a badass death saving Clem and AJ and being a hero like I envisioned, instead of being ejected from a fucking car in a 5 minute flashback.
Whatddya know--partial variety!
I Miss the time when this thread was more active.
Me too. I've been off for break for a week now, but I just don't have the specific drive to expand on my subplots at the moment.
Neutral party, which would've put Clem in the position at the end to go with Luke (back to the house where Carver showed up at), Jane (Hardware store) or Kenny (Wellington).
Sounds like what [whoeveritwas] linked to their blog about a page or two ago. But it is a good idea!
now for the season 2 Episode 2 Rewrite .
The episode opens up the same way as normal but if Ben was saved in season 1 Pete will not be bitten because Ben killed the walker that tried to bite Pete. the scenes With Nick are the same except the reason why he starts drinking is because he just doesnt have anything to do and he doesnt have enough patience to wait.
Differently from the normal game when you and the character your with ((Pete or Nick)) try to leave the spot they re hiding in they actually escape and get to the Cabin.
When you get to the Cabin the same thing happens but Pete/Nick accompany Rebecca and Carlos to find the others.
The meeting with Carver plays out the same as normal.
Now if Ben s with Nick: You find both of them the same way because they both got drunk from the whiskey ((I got this from the thing with Ben wanting to drink from Kenny s whiskey/Beer bottle from episode 4 in season 1))
If Ben s with Pete: Ben will talk about how they tried to escape together but had to go back to the car because when they tried to leave there were still several walkers and Ben almost got bit by one but was Saved by Pete.
while you re walking after picking Pete or Nick
you get a choice of who to talk to:
Ben, Sarah, Nick ,Luke or Pete.
Sarah just talks about what happened in the Cabin and how she was scared when Carver showed up and ((determinantly)) Thanks Clementine for teaching her how to shoot ((While whispering of course so Carlos doesnt hear her))
Ben talks about how he misses the Old group and wonders if Christa, Omid and Brie are safe.
Pete talks about the time before the apocalypse where he was an Officer on the Military.
Nick just tells the story about how his mother died if you did not pick him but if you picked him he talks about how he s happy that Pete s okay.
Luke: Luke tells you that he s sorry that he had to drag you and Ben with them.
Now for the bridge scene you can call for backup either:
Pete, Ben or Nick to go with Clem and Luke.
When you meet Matthew there are a couple of differences:
Pete: Starts to Line a shot but lowers it due to noticing that he s not a threat.
Ben: Tries to threaten Matthew but his finger slips and ends up shooting Matthew in the arm which earns him a couple of hatred towards him by Matthew in later parts of the episode.
Nick: Nick threatens Matthew and almost shoots but stops after realizing he s not a threat ((Since pete s still alive he s not as on edge as he is in the normal episode 2))
after you ((Determinantly)) Threat Matthew s wounds because Ben s finger slipped.
He stops at the small house to grab the Food can he has in there and he also showns a couple of books he has to Clem , Ben and Sarah .
They then climb to the mountain and Meet Kenny , ((Determinantly)) >Carley and also Lily.
After Clem gives a look to check if Carver s following them with the Binoculars everyone enters the house and after talking to Kenny you get a hub to talk with Everyone.
Ben will be helping Walter in Cooking Dinner.
Matthew will be talking to Sarah about Books.
Sarita will be decorating the tree
Carley is talking to Lily.
after putting either the Star or the angel on the Chrismas tree and talking to Bonnie the windmill malfunctions and the walkers attack.
Lily, Luke and Kenny go to check on the transformer.
Carley s the one who saves Clem when she Runs out of Bullets ((If you saved Doug instead of Carley the one who saves you is Carlos. ))
When Carver s group arrives there s an extra member from 400 days with him. The priority for the character that appears is:
Wyatt first, Then Russel then vince.
after you choose between Looking for Kenny and the others or getting captured .
Kenny and Lily fire 2 bullets one that Kills Johnny and another that Kills the 400 days member that went with Carver ((If you did not get anyone to go with Carver in 400 days Kenny misses his shot and ends up shooting Bonnie s arm))
After that Carver Kills walter which results in Matthew having the same reaction that Rebecca does if Alvin dies to Carver in episode 2.
and then Carver says that Clem s group Killed 2 of his people ((He says tried to if Bonnie gets shot in the arm.))
and that he s gonna pick one of them at random to kill. ((And yes i essentially just copied the concept of what Negan does into this scene problem?)) Carver then starts ini mini moing Clem s group and If ben s alive it lands on him and Carver shoots him resulting In Clem yelling angrily at Carver but if Ben s dead it lands on Clementine but When Carver s about to Shoot carley jumps in the middle of shot and takes the shot For clem which ends up with Carley dying.
Kenny and Lily surpprender and the episode ends with Clem Cryng while looking at Ben or Carley s corpse and she is then dragged off By someone from Carver s group ending the episode as the screen Fades to black.
Essentially every rewrite i make results in a wall of text lol.
this thread went from having lots of users to ocasionally having users to Me and DabidRG being the only ones that post here <_<
That's usually how it works. You create a new thread that everyone can contribute to or at least take an interest in and eventually the traffic grinds to a halt with the occasional contribution and update here or there. I used to bump older threads every once in a while if I thought there was a chance users old and new would be interested enough to get the oil flowing again for that very reason.
You nerds and your rewrite banter/ fan fiction discussion panel.
Why don't you get off your own self and join us?
Ok...New project...rewrite the flashbacks so they are larger and more heartfelt....each of us pick scratch that...I will assign a flashback to each of us.
@UrbanRodrik Rewrite the Wellington flashback or detail how you would flesh it out more if you do not feel up to writing out scenes.
@DabigRG you rewrite the Jane flashback...that's right...going to take you and I out of our comfort zones. Either detail changes are write up scenes. Keep in mind your rewriting the scenes as if you wanted to provide closure for the fans of those characters.
Didn't realise this before but thanks for the mention of my topic in your post DabigRG
alright but i already made a rewrite on the Wellington ending... Oh well guess im just gonna make changes and make it overall better with what im planning on doing with all the rewrites i did already.
Allright so im redoing this since im fairly sure that i wasnt supposed to take my rewrites into account so: ((Im doing 3 different flashbacks cause i dont think one would be enough to explain what happens with Clem.))
1st Flashback happens when Clem s tryng to sleep. It starts as soon as Clem enters Wellington with Edith :
Edith tells Clem that she needs to talk to the leader of Wellington and reassuring her that Leo is a good guy.
When Clem gets to Leo s office , Leo tells her about how she s gonna have to Share a room with Edith because the Place is very crowded and that was the only reason they Let Clem in.
After leaving Leo s Office Clem talks to Edith about how Cold he is and Edith says that he s always mistrusting of new people but he s gonna warm up to her eventually.
You then have a scene with Edith entering their room and asking about what happened with her before she went to Wellington and after Clem tells Edith what happened in season 2 ((Like a Clem telling Luke what happened in season 1 kind of thing)) She makes AJ sleep and goes to sleep and the flashback cuts up to Shown Clem in New frontier sleeping and the screen turns black and it comes back with Clem and Javier going with either Tripp or Eleanor.
2nd Flashback happens when Javier reunites with his family:
this one happens 7 months after the 1st one.
Kenny comes back after 4 months from the 1st Flashback because he was layng low on that time on a city that was Close to Wellington.
Clem and Edith are on watch for new people while Kenny and Leo are checking supplies because a big part of their group betrayed them and ran with several of their supplies .
Clem and Edith spot 2 people walking towards them those 2 people being Shell and Becca who escaped Howe s before the herd hit or if she did not come with Tavia the 2 of them just found their way to Wellington because they heard the rumors about Wellington.
When they arrive at the Door and ask to enter Edith Asks Clem what they should do since they re running low on Supplies but they dont have alot of people since they left stealing their supplies.
Let them in: If you let them in then Shell and Becca thank Clem and Edith and enter Wellington after this you get a hub to talk to Shell, Becca, Kenny and Leo.
If you dont let them in: Becca tries to pull out a gun but Shell stops her and they both leave.
The Flashback ends after you talk to everyone or just go back to Clem s Room.
3rd Flashback happens After Clem gets in the Car when Prescott is being destroyed by the New frontier.
The Flashback starts like the normal one with Clem talking to AJ and Edith coming to tell her to pack her stuff just in case.
A Shootout does break out between both Groups and Clem goes to help them.
You get a shootout sequence like you do in Episode 3 of Season 1.
After a certain point Clem and most of the others run out of bullets except Kenny and Shell.
Shell and Kenny say that they re gonna distract while Clem, Leo, Edith and Becca run away. ((After facing heavy disagreement by Becca who doesnt want to leave her sister.))
Clem and the others leave wellington by the front gate and you see a brief scene of Kenny getting shot down and Shell being shot in the Arm and being knocked out.
When Clem is Close to the woods one of the people from the other group starts shooting Edith and the Shot hits just like in the normal Wellington ending and Edith dies .
You then get a QTE sequence to get AJ who was in Edith s hands and Bring him with Clem.
Just as Clem is about to Grab AJ a shot hits her face making the Scar that happens during the normal Wellington Flashback.
Clem grabs AJ and runs away With Leo and Becca .
In Season 1: Long Road Ahead
In Season 2: In Harms Way
So how s the rewrite on the 2 other Flashbacks going you 2?
I would basically save Lee, Carley, Luke and Mariana. That's all.
Oh, and Omid. He was a cute and funny guy. I miss him. And all that situation with Carver on season 2... Man, that was really short, right?
What I would really want to rewrite is S3E1 and change Kenny's death scene. I wouldn't even change it up much, I understand he was doomed eventually, I would just make it longer and give Kenny fans the proper send off they deserved for sticking with him this long. I also wouldn't have killed Mari off so early, because I actually liked her and think it's kinda shitty how sudden her death was.
If I can't pick from season 3 though, then I suppose S2E1, for a similar reason. I think Omid's death was kinda bullshit. Like Kenny, I'm not saying he needed to have survived the whole series. I would've even been fine with him still dying in episode 1. However, offing him in the first 5 minutes kinda sucked. I'm not sure what I would've done in place of it, though.
Kenny Ending
First flashback would be after Clementine asks who is at the junkyard.
Sunny early spring day, there is still some ice on the edges of a stream, we see a fishing line splash into the pans along the line, we see Clementine holding the fishing rod a smile on her face.
Kenny holding AJ, nods approval with a proud smile that lights up his face. "That was a smooth cast Clem, see I told you it is just a matter of practice." He looks down to AJ.."In a couple of years buddy,I will show you too. Successful fishing means never going to sleep on an empty stomach."
"Hope so Kenny, we almost starved to death during the winter, never want to see another squirrel again!"
"Yeah, we need to see about finding a bow or crossbow...ammo is too scarce to be wasting on squirrel, luckily you found that pig Clem, provided a few good meals. Maybe though we should head south, was nice not to worry about walkers...but this freezing nearly to death sucks."
Clementine is about to say something when the the line goes taunt. "Oh my gosh!"
Screen goes dark as first flashback ends.
Second flashback starts when they get some sleep in the cell.
Snow all over the place and driving winds...they are in a shack...a fire burning in a wood burning stove. Kenny is sick and so is AJ. Suddenly the door opens, it is Clementine, she has small deer dragging it in.
Kenny, his face looking thinner and grey cracks a smile. "Thank god, I was beginning to worry that you were lost or hurt. I hate that you have to go out alone Clem.
"I got lucky, I was on my way back from that store when he and his mom when t by....I just pulled the pistol out and shot him." A little sadness is evident, but also grim determination. "It was too good a chance to pass up, you and AJ need to eat. Also I got salt and pepper....and these." She holds up a bottle of aspirin.
"Good job, you didn't run into anyone did you?"
"No not since that guy a week back before this storm came" Clementine's voice is a little shaky.
Kenny sighs sadly, "Fuckin shitbird, I am sorry about that Clem, you have to be more careful than if you were a boy. But you killed him before he could do what he wanted. If I had been there...Clementine, if anyone threatens have to be willing to hesitation."
"I know Kenny..."
Scene fades
Third and final Kenny flashback is after the fall of Prescott after Clem says she wouldn't know how parents act. This is exactly the same.
Agreed. My one problem with his flashback(aside from his model
) was how they didn't really spend much time on him post-crash.
I've had some ideas anyway for quite some time, but I never got around to writing it out.
Ironically enough, that last part is probably the thing that's gonna give me the most trouble, especially considering my reaction to seeing that scene the day of. However, with the observations and ideas that I either shared or observed taken into account...

I like what you did with the 2 first flashbacks but i dont get what you mean with the last one... do you mean that the 3rd flashback s the same as the normal flashback in the game? o_o
Since we're talking about rewriting the flashbacks, I have a few ideas of my own to add.
These aren't exactly full rewrites-- at least not all of them-- but mainly just some changes to how they pan out.
First of all, one global difference: all of the flashbacks would all be extended for at least another 5-10 minutes, making the flashbacks go for at least 10 minutes at minimum. The second flashback in episode 2, however, would remain the same length as it currently does.
My aim here is to try to make each one unique in some way-- each would have a distinct tone and/or theme to it. And most importantly; Kenny, Jane, and even Edith don't die!
Kenny flashback: This one would stay the same, car crash included. But what would change is the outcome of the car wreck. Kenny gets injured, but not by being tossed out the windshield. He's unconscious in the passenger's seat, and at first, Clementine thinks he might be dead. Kenny eventually comes to. He suffered a broken arm and some cuts and bruises, but otherwise appears to be fine. Clementine helps Kenny out of the wreckage, and they make a break for it.
The second flashback in episode 2 would open the same as it does now: Clementine on the run, but with an injured Kenny in tow. They make it inside that trailer, and meet Ava, and the choice to go with Ava pops up again. Kenny's injuries are getting worse, with the implication he might have messed up something internally (internal bleeding, broken ribs, or something). But Kenny, being Kenny, doesn't trust Ava. Clementine decides to choose whether or not to go with her. This way around, the choice is a bit harder of a call to make-- going with her lets Kenny get medical help, but can you trust that she's not just leading you into a trap? And even if you decide to reject her offer, what if Kenny's condition worsens? It's a risky choice either way.
Wellington flashback: I'd change how this flashback opens up. Clementine would be out in the woods, hunting with another person from Wellington. She has some back and forth with this member, who is established to be a friend to Clementine. While they're hunting, Clementine talks to Edith over a walkie-talkie. She checks in to know how AJ's doing, and the obligatory dialogue about how AJ can't speak comes up. They eventually manage to catch themselves some rabbits or something, and decide to head back for the night. As they near Wellington, they hear commotion coming from inside. Clementine tries using the walkie, only to get no response. They suspect something bad's going on as they pick up speed. When they emerge from the treeline, they find out it's even worse than they thought: Wellington's gates are smashed open, cars have been rammed through the walls, and a group of bandits (implied to be the New Frontier) are in the process of attacking the place. It is pure chaos.
Clementine and her friend rush back into Wellington in order to rescue AJ. From here, it plays out the same way it does in game; you return to your home, find Edith, and grab AJ, then you have to quickly choose a handful of supplies to take with you. Then you'd make your escape, with a small change: Clementine, Edith, and her new friend all manage to escape together. Clementine's friend would be the one to die, falling on AJ and creating a similar scare/fake-out. Clementine gets grazed on the cheek, and Edith takes a bullet, but manages to escape with Clementine.
The second flashback would play out just like Kenny's does, except with an injured Edith instead.
Jane flashback - with the family: Clementine and Jane enjoy some relative peace within Howe's, just like it currently is in game. Clementine gets her tattoo, gives AJ a middle name, etc. Everything's going good, and the family is still with you at this point in time. However, the peace doesn't last-- a small timeskip occurs as the food supply gets lower. Tensions rise, which culminate in a confrontation between Clementine, Jane, and the family. At first, it's a simple argument over food and supplies, but things quickly go south and guns end up being pulled. A small shootout leaves the father dead, and the mother and son take off. Clementine and Jane are unscathed, but finally decide to abandon Howe's after the incident with the family. They grab what little is left, and leave. Jane isn't pregnant in either versions of these endings.
The second flashback would, once again, play out like Kenny's, except this time, Clementine's companion isn't injured. Jane is fine, but being the way she is, and with what happened with the family, she doesn't want to trust Ava.
Jane flashback - Without the family: Opens up the same way it does currently. Relatively peace and quiet, Clementine getting her tattoo, etc. However, it quickly becomes apparent that this peace and quiet is hollow-- with only Jane and Clementine by themselves, they start to feel the effects of isolation. Unlike the other flashbacks, this one would be unique in that it doesn't result in any kind of bloodshed or injuries; Clementine and Jane eventually decide to leave on their own volition, after the isolation starts taking a toll on them both. The ghosts of Howe's and all that start to get to Jane's head, and Jane is implied to possibly be contemplating suicide, which Clementine picks up on, and decides to leave in the hopes of lifting Jane's spirits before she tries to do anything further.
From here, the second flashback would, you guessed it, play out the same way. This Jane would still be wary of Ava, but both her and Clementine are more welcoming to the prospect of being with a group. The family from S2 doesn't reappear in this ending. I think having them come back to steal or launch an attack is a bit too predictable. I think focusing more on the effects of isolation on the sanity of Jane and Clementine is more interesting for the players who went with this ending.
Alone ending: I'd actually move a small scene from the Wellington ending into this one. The alone flashback would open with Clem and AJ on their own, in a little shack. The scene with AJ drawing a picture and Clem guessing what it is would be moved to this ending instead. Afterwards, Clementine takes AJ with her and ventures out to look for food. From there, this flashback would play out the same way it does in game. Honestly, I have no problem with this ending the way it currently is, but that moment of AJ drawing Clementine is too adorable to leave out completely. It just has to be moved into one of the other endings.
These are not the full flashbacks, and they'd continue to persist through the season, gradually revealing the story of Clementine's past, and the fates of AJ, Kenny, Jane, or Edith. Maybe I'll bookmark this and update it when the rest of the episodes come out, changing up the rest of the flashbacks to go along with the above.
Ties that bind. So that playing is more evenly distributed and you play as clem in the present as well. would be the original one from the game...I am actually one who appreciates that they did not give Kenny a cliché hero going down death. His death is tragic because it was an accident. The car lost traction due to a patch of ice...Noway Clementine was ready for that kind of thing at high speeds...and Kenny did not have his seatbelt on. It was tragic and believable, but preventable.
Same. In fact, when everyone was hyping themselves up about "Look out, Javier! Kenny gonn take care of things""Can't wait to see Kenny go out in a blaze of glory!," I was quietly off to the side knowing/hoping they weren't gonna do that with him. Instead, I assumed he was gonna pass away in his sleep or something, so the actual flashback, while not what I was expecting, had a sense of creative irony to it alongside being the most engaging of the three.