Maybe they should include these flashbacks as a DLC. [With also what happened to Lilly, and how damaged was Ben when being held by bandits before the Motor-inn group]
Since we're talking about rewriting the flashbacks, I have a few ideas of my own to add.
These aren't exactly full rewrites-- at least no… moret all of them-- but mainly just some changes to how they pan out.
First of all, one global difference: all of the flashbacks would all be extended for at least another 5-10 minutes, making the flashbacks go for at least 10 minutes at minimum. The second flashback in episode 2, however, would remain the same length as it currently does.
My aim here is to try to make each one unique in some way-- each would have a distinct tone and/or theme to it. And most importantly; Kenny, Jane, and even Edith don't die!
Kenny flashback: This one would stay the same, car crash included. But what would change is the outcome of the car wreck. Kenny gets injured, but not by being tossed out the windshield. He's unconscious in the passenger's seat, and at first, Clementine thinks he might be dead. Kenny eventually c… [view original content] would be the original one from the game...I am actually one who appreciates that they did not give Kenny a cliché hero going down d… moreeath. His death is tragic because it was an accident. The car lost traction due to a patch of ice...Noway Clementine was ready for that kind of thing at high speeds...and Kenny did not have his seatbelt on. It was tragic and believable, but preventable.
Not whole episodes, but few things that makes me grind my teeth are:
* no option to stay at Carver's instead of marching away into the … morehorde of walkers,
* Arvo's medicine not making a goddamn difference,
* magical missing town to which they were supposed to go at the end of S2Ep4,
* no warning shot during Kenny vs Jane fight,
* Clementine's flashbacks in S3.
I like your flashback ideas with Kenny and Jane, honestly how I would have done them.
I find it kinda funny how Telltale didnt do that. The flashbacks are so short, that it honestly wouldn't even be that hard to just have Kenny and Jane meet Ava plus the fact that we join the New Frontier anyway.
Like, was it too hard to just injure both of them? I feel like Telltale could have: kept Kenny car crash, he is injured and dying, and they join New Frontier. Kenny is in bad shape but is helped and is now in Richmond, very injured, and cant really do much basically making him a very small side character. Same with Jane, if you kept the family there could have been drama leading to Jane being hurt badly and needing help or she'll die, and if you kicked the family out, than maybe they come back or just raiders come and once again Jane is hurt, and is basically given the same treatment, dying, needs help, is now a very small side character.
Since we're talking about rewriting the flashbacks, I have a few ideas of my own to add.
These aren't exactly full rewrites-- at least no… moret all of them-- but mainly just some changes to how they pan out.
First of all, one global difference: all of the flashbacks would all be extended for at least another 5-10 minutes, making the flashbacks go for at least 10 minutes at minimum. The second flashback in episode 2, however, would remain the same length as it currently does.
My aim here is to try to make each one unique in some way-- each would have a distinct tone and/or theme to it. And most importantly; Kenny, Jane, and even Edith don't die!
Kenny flashback: This one would stay the same, car crash included. But what would change is the outcome of the car wreck. Kenny gets injured, but not by being tossed out the windshield. He's unconscious in the passenger's seat, and at first, Clementine thinks he might be dead. Kenny eventually c… [view original content]
Since we're talking about rewriting the flashbacks, I have a few ideas of my own to add.
These aren't exactly full rewrites-- at least no… moret all of them-- but mainly just some changes to how they pan out.
First of all, one global difference: all of the flashbacks would all be extended for at least another 5-10 minutes, making the flashbacks go for at least 10 minutes at minimum. The second flashback in episode 2, however, would remain the same length as it currently does.
My aim here is to try to make each one unique in some way-- each would have a distinct tone and/or theme to it. And most importantly; Kenny, Jane, and even Edith don't die!
Kenny flashback: This one would stay the same, car crash included. But what would change is the outcome of the car wreck. Kenny gets injured, but not by being tossed out the windshield. He's unconscious in the passenger's seat, and at first, Clementine thinks he might be dead. Kenny eventually c… [view original content]
Maybe they should include these flashbacks as a DLC. [With also what happened to Lilly, and how damaged was Ben when being held by bandits before the Motor-inn group]
Im sure they would be fine if they stayed calm. They had reinforcement, walls, lot of places to hide, supplies, guns and truck to ride away if it got hairy.
I just agree with Carver's ideology and wish it would be an option to explore it more.
For me it's so dumb they escaped without any stable plan, in total chaos, while people were shooting at them. Many of them could've lived if they just waited.
I would rewrite season 2 episode 4 :Amid The Ruins the part where Luke drowns to his death in a lake I think he should still stand with Clem this very day by her side, because Luke's death was inconvenient stupid and out of now where so yeah...................
I would rewrite season 2 episode 4 :Amid The Ruins the part where Luke drowns to his death in a lake I think he should still stand with Clem… more this very day by her side, because Luke's death was inconvenient stupid and out of now where so yeah...................
Im sure they would be fine if they stayed calm. They had reinforcement, walls, lot of places to hide, supplies, guns and truck to ride away … moreif it got hairy.
I just agree with Carver's ideology and wish it would be an option to explore it more.
For me it's so dumb they escaped without any stable plan, in total chaos, while people were shooting at them. Many of them could've lived if they just waited.
While I got it on my mind, one thing I would change purely from a gameplay perspective is the gameover screen if you hesitate to make a choice in the trailer.
Our very own @Deltino did his own touchups a while back that I'll link here for convenience and leave it up to him to repost/edit.
Can I just say I love what he/you did with Sarah and Arvo? I honestly don't know why they didn't just do that(or something similar in Sarah's case) in the actual game instead of "making sure" your choices matter.
wow im reading those changes and i feel like i could actually see those things happening in the game i think He should to get a job as a writer for telltale lol.
Our very own @Deltino did his own touchups a while back that I'll link here for convenience and leave it up to him to repost/edit.
Can I … morejust say I love what he/you did with Sarah and Arvo? I honestly don't know why they didn't just do that(or something similar in Sarah's case) in the actual game instead of "making sure" your choices matter.
wow im reading those changes and i feel like i could actually see those things happening in the game i think He should to get a job as a writer for telltale lol.
Here it is! It is too long to post it on here directly so I used Google Docs (second time actually doing it, first time was a failed upload months ago lol). I also dunno how to use coloured text here which was crucial for me so yeah.
It's a long one so uh... try not to be overwhelmed and take your time. xD This one is a soft rewrite of the original (I liked the official version, so yeah. Credit goes to Nick Breckon for creating the official one, obviously), where I changed some of the interactions Clem has (she does more body language when silent but not a lot) and there was some things I added I felt was missing and the episode needed. It focuses more on choice like S1 did, and the ending is slightly different. Lastly Clem has a little bit wider range of emotions.
Took me 3 months to type this years ago with like a week of prior research with multiple playthroughs of Episode 1. So yeah, hope you enjoy.
EDIT: An important note I forget to say (kinda tired right now) is that Major Choices tells the impacts it'll have in future moments so it'll be kinda spoilery too. I left it there to show that it becomes wildly different than how the official one became as I write further. Sorry for no heads up beforehand. And sorry DabigRG for the feed, I'll stop now. >.>
TWD Season 2 Ep1 All That Remains Fanfic Rewrite
Here it is! It is too long to post it on here directly so I used Google Docs (second tim… moree actually doing it, first time was a failed upload months ago lol). I also dunno how to use coloured text here which was crucial for me so yeah.
It's a long one so uh... try not to be overwhelmed and take your time. xD This one is a soft rewrite of the original (I liked the official version, so yeah. Credit goes to Nick Breckon for creating the official one, obviously), where I changed some of the interactions Clem has (she does more body language when silent but not a lot) and there was some things I added I felt was missing and the episode needed. It focuses more on choice like S1 did, and the ending is slightly different. Lastly Clem has a little bit wider range of emotions.
Took me 3 months to type this years ago with like a week of prior research with multiple playthroughs of Episode 1. So yea… [view original content]
I wouldn't rewrite any episode in its entirety, but I would add something to Episode 1 of Season 1.
After re-watching George A. Romero's zombie trilogy I noticed something that's missing from Episode 1: none of the characters try to work out what the hell is happening. Remember, none of these people know what a "zombie" is. They should want an explanation. In Night of the Living Dead, one of the first things the survivors do after securing the farmhouse is put on the radio so they can listen to emergency broadcasts. In Dawn of the Dead, even months into the apocalypse, they're still watching television so they can get a sense of what's happening in the wider world. In Night of the Living Dead, the authorities describe it as "an epidemic of mass violence" and hypothesize that it was caused by radiation from a returning satellite. They're wrong according to Romero, but it's enough of an explanation to satisfy the survivors. In Episode 1, they don't get an explanation and don't even seem to want one. I mean, sure, Lee can ask, "What's happening?" but people tend to respond "We don't know" and leave it at that. So if I was rewriting Episode 1, I would add the option to switch on the television in Clementine's house and watch a short news report about the crisis. Some experts might conclude that the outbreak was caused by a mutated strain of rabies or perhaps some hitherto unknown virus. Like the authorities in Night of the Living Dead, they would be wrong, but it would be enough to give Lee a sense of what's happening and put his curiosity to rest.
I wouldn't rewrite any episode in its entirety, but I would add something to Episode 1 of Season 1.
That's perfectly fine. Part of the purpose of this thread was to pick out scenes from an episode that you think could use some reworking or scenes that you would've added to flesh things out. Should probably consider reworking the OP actually.
After re-watching George A. Romero's zombie trilogy I noticed something that's missing from Episode 1: none of the characters try to work out what the hell is happening. Remember, none of these people know what a "zombie" is. They should want an explanation.
That's an excellent point! I never really gave it much thought. Great thinking there, Eddie!(Never thought I'd say that.)
I wouldn't rewrite any episode in its entirety, but I would add something to Episode 1 of Season 1.
After re-watching George A. Romero's … morezombie trilogy I noticed something that's missing from Episode 1: none of the characters try to work out what the hell is happening. Remember, none of these people know what a "zombie" is. They should want an explanation. In Night of the Living Dead, one of the first things the survivors do after securing the farmhouse is put on the radio so they can listen to emergency broadcasts. In Dawn of the Dead, even months into the apocalypse, they're still watching television so they can get a sense of what's happening in the wider world. In Night of the Living Dead, the authorities describe it as "an epidemic of mass violence" and hypothesize that it was caused by radiation from a returning satellite. They're wrong according to Romero, but it's enough of an explanation to satisfy the survivors. In Episode 1, the… [view original content]
Its been quite some time since i last posted anything on my episode rewrites so just following what happened in a house divided.
Episode 3 would start out with Clem flashbacking in PTSD sort of manner to Carley or Ben s death and she would come back to it with a hit from Troy s gun telling her to move as to which Clem can either talk back to him or Obey ((Talking back results in troy tryng to hit her again but being stopped by kenny who is then Knocked out by Troy , Carver will then tell them that if anyone goes out of line again there will be severe consequences and they will arrive at the truck from episode 3 and enter it. On the other hand if clementine Obeys him she can talk to either: Sarah,Kenny ,Carley ((if she s alive)) Pete or Nick since they are the ones closest to her as they re walking.))
The scenes in the truck are mostly the same except if Carley s alive she will speak up telling them that they should calm down and think of a plan only when they get there since they cant do anything from the truck ((And Kenny doesnt listen resulting in him getting his head hit just like in the episode.)) When they arrive at Howe s they get escorted to the ´´prison´´ and on their way meet Reggie who had finally been able to join the group again ((still missing an arm)) the dialogue between Reggie and the cabin group s the same as the normal episode with the difference that he tells them that he s gonna try to help them as much as he can. Kenny will tell Clem to look around just as he does in the normal game ((and also alvin is still called to Carver s office.)) If Clem looks too much instead of having reggie getting the blame like in the original episode Troy will shown up and say that he will tell bill about what happened.
The following day things start out like normal with Carlos slapping sarah because Carver s a dick.
And if you Messed around too much while searching for a way out Carver will then pick someone to get punished in her place ((The person who gets punished is either the one Clem talked to if she doesnt talk back to Troy in the beggining of the episode with the exception of Sarah or by Default it would be Nick.))
the scene with Bonnie s the same as the normal episode with Minor differences because of either Ben or Carley s deaths.
Clem will then meet with Reggie and Sarah and the scenes are mostly the same except instead of Carver killing Reggie he will tell him that this is his last chance and if he fucks up again there will be consequences.
In the night Carlos will ((determinantly)) Bring the character that Carver punished.
Kenny: Will have the same wound in his eye he gets normally.
Nick: Will be missing his arm and have several cuts on his leg.
Carley: Will have a broken arm which is fixed by Carlos and several wounds
Pete: Pete will lose his Leg which Dooms him during the herd scene in episode 3 .Kenny will be out of commission for the rest of the night as Clem goes to steal the radio for Luke and gets filled up in the morning when he wakes up ((The other characters arent passed out)).
There s a hub to talk to everyone before enacting the plan including the character that was punished by Carver or if it was Kenny a scene where Clem tells him to get Better.
then clem goes to find luke but Carver caught him because he got hungry and tried to steal food.
If kenny was wounded he s not there because he s still recovering . and Luke gets the beating instead but he s stopped after the first 3 punches by Bonnie who tells him that there s a breach in their defenses. Reggie is in on the escape with Bonnie and will help them escape. Kenny s already awake by the time Night comes up and joins in on the discussion about leaving now or Later ((favoring leaving at that exact moment of course.))
Clem goes to activate the PA sistem and it happens the same way as in the normal game.
After you leave carver s office the other members of carver s group havent arrived in the rooftop yet so Clem moves on towards the meeting point ((You also hear dialogue of Carver talking to them after catches them before entering the window)) Clem enters the window just in time to see Carver pointing a gun to them and telling Reggie that he warned him and then shoots reggie .
then time freezes and you get a QTE to jump on Carver ((Or shoot him if alvin s dead.)) Kenny Punches carver, Luke takes Carver s gun and hits him with it . Kenny then tells everyone to wait outside as he grabs the crowbar and everything happens like in the normal episode except Carley s tryng to Convince Clem to go with her and not see what kenny will do to Carver ((If Carley s dead Sarita does it like in the normal game.))
The scene with the herd s pretty similar to the original but with the difference of the ending.
If Carley s dead there will be a walker that grabs Sarita and clem rushes to kill it after she kills it Clem sees that she wasnt quick enough and sees that Sarita was bitten ending the episode.
Extra: I just realized i completely forgot Matthew asurvived episode 2 so here s the extras with matthew : Matthew would be Crying in the truck while they re going to Howe s about Walt s death and he would later shown up Trying to stop Kenny and Mike s infighting ((But the window would collapse anyway.))
Matthew would talk against having Clementine being the one to Carry the Radio because she s a kid.
During Carver s death scene Matthew will stay to watch it with Rebecca because he wants revenge for Walter.
Lily will be in Favor of Luke s plan to Steal the radios and will be the Loudest person arguing againts Kenny s plan because the two cant spend one second together without their Bickering.
Lily would volunteer to take the Radio instead of Clementine but Troy would arrive and she wouldnt get the chance to take it and after the scene with Carver being beaten to death Lily will talk to Clem about how she thinks Kenny might be going insane because while He thought her dad was dead when he killed him at the meat locker what he did to Carver was alot more brutal which makes her think Kenny s going insane.
That's a really good point that I never thought's weird though they barely question it ever. They just accept everything is fucked immediately instead of trying to find out what's up.
I wouldn't rewrite any episode in its entirety, but I would add something to Episode 1 of Season 1.
After re-watching George A. Romero's … morezombie trilogy I noticed something that's missing from Episode 1: none of the characters try to work out what the hell is happening. Remember, none of these people know what a "zombie" is. They should want an explanation. In Night of the Living Dead, one of the first things the survivors do after securing the farmhouse is put on the radio so they can listen to emergency broadcasts. In Dawn of the Dead, even months into the apocalypse, they're still watching television so they can get a sense of what's happening in the wider world. In Night of the Living Dead, the authorities describe it as "an epidemic of mass violence" and hypothesize that it was caused by radiation from a returning satellite. They're wrong according to Romero, but it's enough of an explanation to satisfy the survivors. In Episode 1, the… [view original content]
its pretty true why dont they question the fact there s a zombie apocalypse happening instead they just : ´´Ok the world s gone to shit and we dont care how it happened´´ you would think they would at least be curious as to how the outbreak happened.
I wouldn't rewrite any episode in its entirety, but I would add something to Episode 1 of Season 1.
After re-watching George A. Romero's … morezombie trilogy I noticed something that's missing from Episode 1: none of the characters try to work out what the hell is happening. Remember, none of these people know what a "zombie" is. They should want an explanation. In Night of the Living Dead, one of the first things the survivors do after securing the farmhouse is put on the radio so they can listen to emergency broadcasts. In Dawn of the Dead, even months into the apocalypse, they're still watching television so they can get a sense of what's happening in the wider world. In Night of the Living Dead, the authorities describe it as "an epidemic of mass violence" and hypothesize that it was caused by radiation from a returning satellite. They're wrong according to Romero, but it's enough of an explanation to satisfy the survivors. In Episode 1, the… [view original content]
I Would've rewrite Ties That Bind (both parts) i would've made story mainly about Clem, AJ and The New Frontier, Clem would have have been a main playable protagonist of course and i would've add Javi but only as side character that she met and then get him to the junkyard and drive away from him and rest of the game will only be about Clementine
I Would also made episodes from 2h 20mins up to 4 hours long!
I Would've rewrite Ties That Bind (both parts) i would've made story mainly about Clem, AJ and The New Frontier, Clem would have have been a… more main playable protagonist of course and i would've add Javi but only as side character that she met and then get him to the junkyard and drive away from him and rest of the game will only be about Clementine
* I Would also made episodes from 2h 20mins up to 4 hours long!
You known what instead of going on with my rewriting of the entire 2 seasons Of TWD im just gonna jump over to New frontier and just put what i would have changed so The walking dead A New frontier episode 1 Ties that Bind rewrite:
Wont change anything up to the point where you meet Clem. So here s what i would change:
So let s start with the Flashbacks shall we? The flashback would happen after you see clementine and if you went with any ending but the alone ending you will see a glimpse of another person running to where Clem is.
Wellington ending: The flashback would start like normal with Clem talking to AJ and guessing the drawing but this time when Edith comes to get you telling you about the other group attacking them she s with either Leland or Eddie from 400 days ((Leland appears if you managed to get bonnie to convince him to go with her and if you dint Eddie will shown up)) Leland/Eddie tell her to get supplies while they try to calm the people from the other group just in case things get bad .After they come back and tell her that they have to go you will get a small scene where Clem,Edith and Leland/eddie sneak out of the gates of Wellington until one of the people from the other group notices them so here are the differences:
If you have eddie: He will run with Clem and Edith to try to get away but get shot in the head and die the same way Edith dies in the normal game.
If you have Leland: He will stop and start firing at the people from the other group he tells them that he has nothing else to live for since his new group ((Wellington)) Is being destroyed and he already lost his wife so he has nothing else to live for.
Clem and Edith then start to run as they escape the gunfire and the Flashback ends with Leland getting shot.
Alone ending: Unchanged.
Jane ending: Clem and Jane are in a campfire cooking a rabbit they found in the woods they were in when Amaya appears and asks if they want to join her Group there is the same fake choice of accepting or not but with Jane sayng that she doesnt think its a good idea. ((There would also be a conversation revealing that they had been trown out of Howe s by the family who either sneaked in and overtook the place or made a rebellion and kicked Jane and Clem out depending on what you chose in the ending of season 2))
Kenny ending: Pretty much just a rehash of the Jane one althought with Kenny being positive about joining the New frontier.
after you see that Flashback its revealed that the person with Clem is either Edith, Jane or Kenny.
Jane and Kenny insist that Clem keeps Javier tied up because you never known if he might shoot them in the back while they re not looking .
While Edith will let Javier untied and yes there will be the obligatory Flirt option with Edith which will end up with him being shut down by her ((Just because Javier wouldnt be brave enough to Flirt with jane ))
so here s a difference depending on who s with Clem:
Kenny and Edith: If kenny or Edith are with Clem they will take Javier to Richmond and offer to help him get to the junkyard to help his family.
Jane: If Jane s with Clem there s the same thing as the normal episode in which they strike a deal to take Javier s van. ((Im just gonna leave this part posted and continue typing while editing because its starting to rain and my street s transformer is horrible <_< ))
EDIT: After reaching Richmond there are 2 different ways in which Tripp will interact with Clem:
Wellington or Kenny ending: Tripp will ask who Javier is and its revealed that Clem and Edith/Kenny are part of Tripp s group.
Jane or Alone ending: Tripp will ask Clem how much time she and ((Determinantly )) Jane are stayng. ((Also by the way if Clem s part Of the richmond group the reason why she stops the Truck is because she heard the New frontier were in the area and she wanted to capture them.))
After you get to Conrad s bar you get the original free roam options but you can only Talk to either Francine and conrad or Jane/Kenny/Edith.
after talking with whatever one you chose Clem s discussion with the weapons dealer gets heated up and Javier gets up with Jane/kenny/Edith.
The same thing as the normal episode happens and they end up in Richmond s prison.
And if Clem was a member of the Richmond Group she would get kicked out after murdering the weapons dealer.
To which Kenny or Edith would protest and leave with her.
You still get the choice to leave with Eleanor or tripp.
Now here are the differences on what happens in the junkyard:
If Kenny s with Clem:
the scene goes as normal until the point where Mariana grabs her music player/Ipod/Whatever the fuck it is.
Kenny will notice someone lining up a shot on Mariana and shout ´´Look out!´´ as he pushes her away and takes the shot for her .
Kenny gets hit in the same spot as kate .
Tripp/Eleanor tell them to get Kenny into the Horses/Car
As they try to get to him Kate ends up getting shot like in the normal episode and they have to Carry Kenny back to the car/the horses.
Clem starts shooting telling them she will cover them and Javier gets the option to Go with his Family or Stay with Clem.
Jane: Jane tries to shoot the guy aiming for Mariana but she misses and Mariana dies anyway.
Jane stays with Clem while covering Tripp and the others. you get a choice between going with the Family or Stayng with Clem and Jane.
Edith: Edith notices the person Lining up the shot and Tries to warn Mariana but Mariana doesnt dodge in time and ends up dead anyway.
Clem starts covering them and Edith goes with Tripp and the others and you get a choice between going with The family and stayng with Clem .
I forgot I made a thread about this a while back, so I'll repost the info here.
The Cabin Group is the 400 Days Cast
Nick/Pete- Admittedly, this is more fanservice for his fans than any real inspiration on my part. Carrying similar implications to Vince's story, we have Nick's mom around during some vague time frame. I guess for the sake of capturing his character, we can do a bit of time skipping like in Shel's scenario to show a strained but still loving relationship with Pete and how their travels put a bit of stress on him. Have some interaction between the two and his mom leading up to the appearance of the bitten woman at the Cabin. Whether you want to actually show how this goes down or not is up to personal opinion but I think having an aftermath of this entire event instead with Nick being noticeably withdrawn would act as a tease for his heart to heart in Season 2.
Reggie\Bonnie- What can I say, I ran out of characters. If we go with Reggie, we can focus on the days leading up to the Cabin group's escape from Howe's Hardware. Tonally a flip of Wyatt's story, Reggie's story would have a humorous presentation with numerous bursts of drama. The purpose of this is to demonstrate what a friendly yet selfless man he used to be so that when he gets introduced in Season 2, people would have a degraded comparison of just how much being left behind changed him. However, I'd actually kind of prefer we leave in Bonnie's story since I feel we kinda deserve to see an example of how often her relationships never seem to work out first hand. Otherwise, people would show a lot of spite due to the fact that you learn this in the same episode that has her turn on Clementine. Actually, I think having Reggie replace Taavia would work wonders, since it would basically end the dlc on a hope spot that the Cabin Group may be able to escape with his help.
Luke- Tbh, Luke is so at the forefront yet so basic that you have to give him an origin story. Like Russell's story, we have him hanging around Howe's Hardware alongside Nick and Bonnie. Have him show disapproval of how Carver is running things and perhaps attempt interfere with some of Carver's more extreme treatment towards the citizens. Have him get to know the other members of the community at sparse intervals and offscreen so that the ending in Nick and/or Reggie's stories helps to foreshadow his role as leader.
Rebecca/Alvin- A similar conflict to Bonnie's story: Rebecca has been touched by Carver after a tease of her job making speaker announcements(which could act to tie in with all the other stories with her tone changing as time goes on) and is beginning to notice the scarce signs of his villainy. Vaguely showcase why she was so vindictive about him that she would immediately try to take the gun from a pausing Nick and shoot a little girl herself. Maybe have George put in an appearance and hint that his abetting interference with Alvin's love life is making his days numbered.
Carlos- The same basic idea as Shel's story, he wants to make sure Sarah doesn't have to be exposed to how terrible the world is becoming. We could have an actual encounter with walkers to justify where these fears are coming from. Luke and/or Nick's family can make an appearance as well as maybe Reggie, since Sarah seemed to be slightly familiar with him.
Well I wouldn't change any of S1 because it set the foundations. So the first major change I would make would be in 400 days and I would make it that all the characters you play as are not determinants at the end and they all go with Tavia to her camp regardless. Now with this, I would scrap the cabin group in S2 and instead replace them with the 400 days characters who join Tavia and they basically take over their story of the cabin group by escaping Carver's camp etc and obviously there would be different plots with them, with one being Becca who is a bitch towards Clementine all the time but she ends up getting eaten by walkers which is a pleasure.
I would also make it that Eddie is at Carver's camp instead of Mike and I would have Nate as an antagonist later in S2 instead of Arvo and Kenny would not be such an irritating prick in S2.
As for the Michonne game at the end I would have it where it shows her coming back to the port and we get to see Rick Grimes looking at her ship coming in but he does not say anything, then that's where it ends. As for S3 well I would scrap the whole thing and start it again!
Okay, been a while since I've even seen this, so let's review what you have here, shall we?
Wont change anything up to the point where you meet Clem. So here s what i would change:
So let s start with the Flashbacks shall we? The flashback would happen after you see clementine and if you went with any ending but the alone ending you will see a glimpse of another person running to where Clem is.
after you see that Flashback its revealed that the person with Clem is either Edith, Jane or Kenny
Yeah, that would've been a good way to implement the flashbacks and make the choices matter in the long run
Wellington ending: The flashback would start like normal with Clem talking to AJ and guessing the drawing but this time when Edith comes to get you telling you about the other group attacking them she s with either Leland or Eddie from 400 days ((Leland appears if you managed to get bonnie to convince him to go with her and if you dint Eddie will shown up)) Leland/Eddie tell her to get supplies while they try to calm the people from the other group just in case things get bad .After they come back and tell her that they have to go you will get a small scene where Clem,Edith and Leland/eddie sneak out of the gates of Wellington until one of the people from the other group notices them so here are the differences:
If you have eddie: He will run with Clem and Edith to try to get away but get shot in the head and die the same way Edith dies in the normal game.
If you have Leland: He will stop and start firing at the people from the other group he tells them that he has nothing else to live for since his new group ((Wellington)) Is being destroyed and he already lost his wife so he has nothing else to live for.
Clem and Jane are in a campfire cooking a rabbit they found in the woods they were in when Amaya appears
I think you mean Ava.
and asks if they want to join her Group there is the same fake choice of accepting or not but with Jane sayng that she doesnt think its a good idea.
Jelly much?
((There would also be a conversation revealing that they had been trown out of Howe s by the family who either sneaked in and overtook the place or made a rebellion and kicked Jane and Clem out depending on what you chose in the ending of season 2))
And that's what probably should've happened if you let the family in
While Edith will let Javier untied and yes there will be the obligatory Flirt option with Edith which will end up with him being shut down by her ((Just because Javier wouldnt be brave enough to Flirt with jane ))
Pretty sure Edith is fairly older than Javier anyway, but whatever. Weird.
Kenny and Edith: If kenny or Edith are with Clem they will take Javier to Richmond and offer to help him get to the junkyard to help his family.
Jane: If Jane s with Clem there s the same thing as the normal episode in which they strike a deal to take Javier s van. ((Im just gonna leave this part posted and continue typing while editing because its starting to rain and my street s transformer is horrible <_< ))
EDIT: After reaching Richmond there are 2 different ways in which Tripp will interact with Clem:
Tripp was "in charge(?)" of Prescott, not Richmond.
Tripp will ask who Javier is and its revealed that Clem and Edith/Kenny are part of Tripp s group.
Jane or Alone ending: Tripp will ask Clem how much time she and ((Determinantly )) Jane are stayng. ((Also by the way if Clem s part Of the richmond group the reason why she stops the Truck is because she heard the New frontier were in the area and she wanted to capture them.
And if Clem was a member of the Richmond Group she would get kicked out after murdering the weapons dealer.
Interesting change there, especially since Tripp, Eleanor, and Conrad were already well familiar with Clementine, for better or worse.
As they try to get to him Kate ends up getting shot like in the normal episode and they have to Carry Kenny back to the car/the horses.
Seems redundant, particularly in Eleanor's case, but okay. What about in the Jane and Edith scenarios?
You known what instead of going on with my rewriting of the entire 2 seasons Of TWD im just gonna jump over to New frontier and just put wha… moret i would have changed so The walking dead A New frontier episode 1 Ties that Bind rewrite:
Wont change anything up to the point where you meet Clem. So here s what i would change:
So let s start with the Flashbacks shall we? The flashback would happen after you see clementine and if you went with any ending but the alone ending you will see a glimpse of another person running to where Clem is.
Wellington ending: The flashback would start like normal with Clem talking to AJ and guessing the drawing but this time when Edith comes to get you telling you about the other group attacking them she s with either Leland or Eddie from 400 days ((Leland appears if you managed to get bonnie to convince him to go with her and if you dint Eddie will shown up)) Leland/Eddie tell her to get supplies while they try t… [view original content]
So just to answer some things: yeah i got Richmond and Prescott confused and as for the Jane and Edith scenarios i ve already put them in there but ill just Post it here too and add some of my reasoning for it:
Jane: Jane would try to Shoot badger when he tries to shoot Mariana but she would Miss the shot and Badger ends up Killing Mariana anyway the shootout starts , Kate gets shot and Clem and Jane stay to hold them off and you get the choice between staying with the 2 of them or Going with the Family.
Edith: Edith Sees Badger lining up the shot and tries to warn Mariana but she s too late and Mariana gets shot after Kate gets shot she decides to go with Eleanor/Tripp back to prescott with them .
Now my reasoning as to why i would have Kenny get shot is because he s the only character out of the 3 That is reckless enough to do that and the difference i put with the Jane and Edith either staying with Clem or going back to prescott is because Jane s mentality is pretty much the same as New frontier clem s Mentality so i figure she would also stay to help Clem while Edith cares more about People than Jane and would go with the family and see if she can Help with Kate s wound in anyway she can.
Okay, been a while since I've even seen this, so let's review what you have here, shall we?
Wont change anything up to the point where… more you meet Clem. So here s what i would change:
So let s start with the Flashbacks shall we? The flashback would happen after you see clementine and if you went with any ending but the alone ending you will see a glimpse of another person running to where Clem is.
after you see that Flashback its revealed that the person with Clem is either Edith, Jane or Kenny
Yeah, that would've been a good way to implement the flashbacks and make the choices matter in the long run
Wellington ending: The flashback would start like normal with Clem talking to AJ and guessing the drawing but this time when Edith comes to get you telling you about the other group attacking them she s with either Leland or Eddie from 400 days ((Leland appears if you managed to get bonnie to convince him to go with her and… [view original content]
So continuing on with the episode 2 of my Rewrite on A New frontier since this thread got Revived so suddenly:
Going with The family:
If you go with the family with the Jane and the Alone ending it will be the same as the Normal Scene you get from Going with the family so im gonna put in the consequences to going with the family while having the Kenny/Wellington ending.
Wellington ending: Eleanor tries to Fix up Kate with the Help of Edith and Javier in this version you dont get the choice of Having Gabe help as Edith
tells him to not look and tells him she will be fine ((To which Gabe with a retort of ´´HOW DO YOU KNOWN YOU RE NOT A DOCTOR! and leave to outside of Prescott where he starts getting mad at himself about Mariana and Kate.
Unlike Gabe Edith does not Drop the water and the surgery goes out better ((Not alot better since Kate would still need the medicine From Richmond )))
Javier would Ask Edith about Gabe s whereabouts after that and she will tell him she saw him going towards the gate before she went back to help with Kate.
Kenny ending: At the same time as Eleanor would be helping Kate she would be telling instructions to Javier about what to do with Kenny who was not as bad as Kate because Kenny s a tough nut to crack Gabe showns up and starts helping Eleanor with Kate until Gabe drops the water battle on her and runs out regretting what he did.
Kenny would be there when Clem enters Prescott again and she would hug him .
Shortly after the new frontier arrives and Kenny grabs a gun and goes to where Tripp And Javi are talking to the new frontier while Eleanor protests that his wounds are not completely healed and he needs to rest , There would also be a difference in whether you open fire or surprender.
Open fire: The option goes as normal and Francine ends up dead.
Surprender: Javi walks out of the gate and at the same time as Clem shoots one of them and Badger points him gun at Francine Kenny shoots badger and Francine runs towards the woods ((Leaving Conrad worried but not as bad as before and in a later scene he thanks Javier for not opening fire.))
Kenny enters the same car as Clem and his injuries open.
Eleanor takes him , Kate and Mariana to richmond on the car.
During the confrontation with Conrad he will back off if you surprendered and tell Javier that he does owe him for Francine and tells him he will keep Clem s secret Clem then walks off and you then find Kenny , Mariana and Kate in the car, The same scene as normal happens except Conrad s still alive and Clem s not there.
Jane ending: Jane just arrives with her and the new frontier arrives shortly after.
Staying with Clem:
This is pretty much the same for all endings except For jane s ((Althought there would be some dialogue about Clem being worried about Kenny if the kenny ending was picked.))
If The Jane ending was picked then the scene would be mostly the same but Jane would try to convince Clem to take off with her when they find out The New frontier is there but she fails to convince clem and they go back to Prescott.
Wellington ending: The only thing that would change was that when you get back to Prescott Edith would tell them that Kate s better but she will need more Medicine and a more tecnological treatment ((Like the one in Richmond and also she knowns that because Eleanor told her)).
Now for the rest of what would happen in episode 2 with these changes:
Mariana: Mariana would Be Bitten and Javier would get the option to cut her arm off or not.
If you cut her arm off then she s knocked out and doesnt participate in the conversation with Kate about her wanting to shoot herself but she s awake in the last moments of the episode and ends up meeting her father.
If you dont Cut her arm off she participates in the conversation with Kate about her wanting to kill herself and tells her not to give up.
Her state is worse in the final moments of episode 2 and she meets her dad who looks with a sad expression at her.
Edith: Edith would be with Javier, Clem and the others and voice her opinion about not wanting to tie up Jesus also during the conflict with Conrad if you Pick to shoot him then the second Javier starts to pull the trigger Edith would stop him and volunteer to server as Bait for the plan if they Let Clem go to which Clementine would Protest but be convinced by Edith.
Jane: She would be with Javier and the others and would voice her Opinion about how they should not Trust Jesus and tie him up.
During the Conflict with Conrad when he Grabs Gabe she distracts him until she can closer and shoots him in the Foot after that She and Clem take off leaving them there Conrad would be Angry at them but would go out with them and he would also tell Tripp about Clem being part of the New frontier.
The discussion about Letting Kate in would be the same as in the version where Javier doesnt accept Conrad s plan ((AKA he shoots him.)) but with Conrad not being dead and being agressive to Max.
Huh. Still, I think having get shot regardless is a bit weird, since that means they'd have to carry not one but two gunshot victims on horses, which is as uncomfortable as it is cumbersome.
And what of Mariana in the Kenny scenario? What will her presence change?
Jane s mentality is pretty much the same as New frontier clem s Mentality
So just to answer some things: yeah i got Richmond and Prescott confused and as for the Jane and Edith scenarios i ve already put them in th… moreere but ill just Post it here too and add some of my reasoning for it:
Jane: Jane would try to Shoot badger when he tries to shoot Mariana but she would Miss the shot and Badger ends up Killing Mariana anyway the shootout starts , Kate gets shot and Clem and Jane stay to hold them off and you get the choice between staying with the 2 of them or Going with the Family.
Edith: Edith Sees Badger lining up the shot and tries to warn Mariana but she s too late and Mariana gets shot after Kate gets shot she decides to go with Eleanor/Tripp back to prescott with them .
Now my reasoning as to why i would have Kenny get shot is because he s the only character out of the 3 That is reckless enough to do that and the difference i put with the Jane and Edith either staying with Clem or going back to prescott is beca… [view original content]
Maybe they should include these flashbacks as a DLC. [With also what happened to Lilly, and how damaged was Ben when being held by bandits before the Motor-inn group]
Oh ok .
i agree they should have been both playable in the present .
Not whole episodes, but few things that makes me grind my teeth are:
no option to stay at Carver's instead of marching away into the horde of walkers,
Arvo's medicine not making a goddamn difference,
magical missing town to which they were supposed to go at the end of S2Ep4,
no warning shot during Kenny vs Jane fight,
Clementine's flashbacks in S3.
While i do agree with points 2-5 if you stayed at carver s im fairly sure that Clem would be dead since the herd is going towards Howe s .
I like your flashback ideas with Kenny and Jane, honestly how I would have done them.
I find it kinda funny how Telltale didnt do that. The flashbacks are so short, that it honestly wouldn't even be that hard to just have Kenny and Jane meet Ava plus the fact that we join the New Frontier anyway.
Like, was it too hard to just injure both of them? I feel like Telltale could have: kept Kenny car crash, he is injured and dying, and they join New Frontier. Kenny is in bad shape but is helped and is now in Richmond, very injured, and cant really do much basically making him a very small side character. Same with Jane, if you kept the family there could have been drama leading to Jane being hurt badly and needing help or she'll die, and if you kicked the family out, than maybe they come back or just raiders come and once again Jane is hurt, and is basically given the same treatment, dying, needs help, is now a very small side character.
Yeah i feel like it would have made a lot more sense then Jane just killing herself because she was pregnant.
You known this should have been what telltale did with Jane ,Kenny and Edith i can see how this would actually be in the story completely .
I wish they would make a DLC on a remade version of these flashbacks but its probably not gonna happen.
Im sure they would be fine if they stayed calm. They had reinforcement, walls, lot of places to hide, supplies, guns and truck to ride away if it got hairy.
I just agree with Carver's ideology and wish it would be an option to explore it more.
For me it's so dumb they escaped without any stable plan, in total chaos, while people were shooting at them. Many of them could've lived if they just waited.
I would rewrite season 2 episode 4 :Amid The Ruins the part where Luke drowns to his death in a lake I think he should still stand with Clem this very day by her side, because Luke's death was inconvenient stupid and out of now where so yeah...................
That happened in Episode 5: No Going Back, dude.
Well it does make Luke not drowning easier then
Pretty much. Which is funny because there is a river near the observation.
The Cabin group or Carver s group?
While I got it on my mind, one thing I would change purely from a gameplay perspective is the gameover screen if you hesitate to make a choice in the trailer.
I would rewrite S3 E1 and you already know why from my post... :P
Our very own @Deltino did his own touchups a while back that I'll link here for convenience and leave it up to him to repost/edit.
Can I just say I love what he/you did with Sarah and Arvo? I honestly don't know why they didn't just do that(or something similar in Sarah's case) in the actual game instead of "making sure" your choices matter.
wow im reading those changes and i feel like i could actually see those things happening in the game i think He should to get a job as a writer for telltale lol.
I know, right! He even took certain details about the environments into account.
TWD Season 2 Ep1 All That Remains Fanfic Rewrite
Here it is! It is too long to post it on here directly so I used Google Docs (second time actually doing it, first time was a failed upload months ago lol). I also dunno how to use coloured text here which was crucial for me so yeah.
It's a long one so uh... try not to be overwhelmed and take your time. xD This one is a soft rewrite of the original (I liked the official version, so yeah. Credit goes to Nick Breckon for creating the official one, obviously), where I changed some of the interactions Clem has (she does more body language when silent but not a lot) and there was some things I added I felt was missing and the episode needed. It focuses more on choice like S1 did, and the ending is slightly different. Lastly Clem has a little bit wider range of emotions.
Took me 3 months to type this years ago with like a week of prior research with multiple playthroughs of Episode 1. So yeah, hope you enjoy.
EDIT: An important note I forget to say (kinda tired right now) is that Major Choices tells the impacts it'll have in future moments so it'll be kinda spoilery too. I left it there to show that it becomes wildly different than how the official one became as I write further. Sorry for no heads up beforehand. And sorry DabigRG for the feed, I'll stop now. >.>
Ooh, sounds like a beefer! I'll take a look when I get the chance.
That's okay--I don't check my feed anyway.
I wouldn't rewrite any episode in its entirety, but I would add something to Episode 1 of Season 1.
After re-watching George A. Romero's zombie trilogy I noticed something that's missing from Episode 1: none of the characters try to work out what the hell is happening. Remember, none of these people know what a "zombie" is. They should want an explanation. In Night of the Living Dead, one of the first things the survivors do after securing the farmhouse is put on the radio so they can listen to emergency broadcasts. In Dawn of the Dead, even months into the apocalypse, they're still watching television so they can get a sense of what's happening in the wider world. In Night of the Living Dead, the authorities describe it as "an epidemic of mass violence" and hypothesize that it was caused by radiation from a returning satellite. They're wrong according to Romero, but it's enough of an explanation to satisfy the survivors. In Episode 1, they don't get an explanation and don't even seem to want one. I mean, sure, Lee can ask, "What's happening?" but people tend to respond "We don't know" and leave it at that. So if I was rewriting Episode 1, I would add the option to switch on the television in Clementine's house and watch a short news report about the crisis. Some experts might conclude that the outbreak was caused by a mutated strain of rabies or perhaps some hitherto unknown virus. Like the authorities in Night of the Living Dead, they would be wrong, but it would be enough to give Lee a sense of what's happening and put his curiosity to rest.
That's perfectly fine. Part of the purpose of this thread was to pick out scenes from an episode that you think could use some reworking or scenes that you would've added to flesh things out. Should probably consider reworking the OP actually.
That's an excellent point! I never really gave it much thought. Great thinking there, Eddie!
(Never thought I'd say that.)
Its been quite some time since i last posted anything on my episode rewrites so just following what happened in a house divided.
Episode 3 would start out with Clem flashbacking in PTSD sort of manner to Carley or Ben s death and she would come back to it with a hit from Troy s gun telling her to move as to which Clem can either talk back to him or Obey ((Talking back results in troy tryng to hit her again but being stopped by kenny who is then Knocked out by Troy , Carver will then tell them that if anyone goes out of line again there will be severe consequences and they will arrive at the truck from episode 3 and enter it. On the other hand if clementine Obeys him she can talk to either: Sarah,Kenny ,Carley ((if she s alive)) Pete or Nick since they are the ones closest to her as they re walking.))
The scenes in the truck are mostly the same except if Carley s alive she will speak up telling them that they should calm down and think of a plan only when they get there since they cant do anything from the truck ((And Kenny doesnt listen resulting in him getting his head hit just like in the episode.)) When they arrive at Howe s they get escorted to the ´´prison´´ and on their way meet Reggie who had finally been able to join the group again ((still missing an arm)) the dialogue between Reggie and the cabin group s the same as the normal episode with the difference that he tells them that he s gonna try to help them as much as he can. Kenny will tell Clem to look around just as he does in the normal game ((and also alvin is still called to Carver s office.)) If Clem looks too much instead of having reggie getting the blame like in the original episode Troy will shown up and say that he will tell bill about what happened.
The following day things start out like normal with Carlos slapping sarah because Carver s a dick.
And if you Messed around too much while searching for a way out Carver will then pick someone to get punished in her place ((The person who gets punished is either the one Clem talked to if she doesnt talk back to Troy in the beggining of the episode with the exception of Sarah or by Default it would be Nick.))
the scene with Bonnie s the same as the normal episode with Minor differences because of either Ben or Carley s deaths.
Clem will then meet with Reggie and Sarah and the scenes are mostly the same except instead of Carver killing Reggie he will tell him that this is his last chance and if he fucks up again there will be consequences.
In the night Carlos will ((determinantly)) Bring the character that Carver punished.
Kenny: Will have the same wound in his eye he gets normally.
Nick: Will be missing his arm and have several cuts on his leg.
Carley: Will have a broken arm which is fixed by Carlos and several wounds
Pete: Pete will lose his Leg which Dooms him during the herd scene in episode 3 .Kenny will be out of commission for the rest of the night as Clem goes to steal the radio for Luke and gets filled up in the morning when he wakes up ((The other characters arent passed out)).
There s a hub to talk to everyone before enacting the plan including the character that was punished by Carver or if it was Kenny a scene where Clem tells him to get Better.
then clem goes to find luke but Carver caught him because he got hungry and tried to steal food.
If kenny was wounded he s not there because he s still recovering . and Luke gets the beating instead but he s stopped after the first 3 punches by Bonnie who tells him that there s a breach in their defenses. Reggie is in on the escape with Bonnie and will help them escape. Kenny s already awake by the time Night comes up and joins in on the discussion about leaving now or Later ((favoring leaving at that exact moment of course.))
Clem goes to activate the PA sistem and it happens the same way as in the normal game.
After you leave carver s office the other members of carver s group havent arrived in the rooftop yet so Clem moves on towards the meeting point ((You also hear dialogue of Carver talking to them after catches them before entering the window)) Clem enters the window just in time to see Carver pointing a gun to them and telling Reggie that he warned him and then shoots reggie .
then time freezes and you get a QTE to jump on Carver ((Or shoot him if alvin s dead.)) Kenny Punches carver, Luke takes Carver s gun and hits him with it . Kenny then tells everyone to wait outside as he grabs the crowbar and everything happens like in the normal episode except Carley s tryng to Convince Clem to go with her and not see what kenny will do to Carver ((If Carley s dead Sarita does it like in the normal game.))
The scene with the herd s pretty similar to the original but with the difference of the ending.
If Carley s dead there will be a walker that grabs Sarita and clem rushes to kill it after she kills it Clem sees that she wasnt quick enough and sees that Sarita was bitten ending the episode.
Extra: I just realized i completely forgot Matthew asurvived episode 2 so here s the extras with matthew : Matthew would be Crying in the truck while they re going to Howe s about Walt s death and he would later shown up Trying to stop Kenny and Mike s infighting ((But the window would collapse anyway.))
Matthew would talk against having Clementine being the one to Carry the Radio because she s a kid.
During Carver s death scene Matthew will stay to watch it with Rebecca because he wants revenge for Walter.
Lily will be in Favor of Luke s plan to Steal the radios and will be the Loudest person arguing againts Kenny s plan because the two cant spend one second together without their Bickering.
Lily would volunteer to take the Radio instead of Clementine but Troy would arrive and she wouldnt get the chance to take it and after the scene with Carver being beaten to death Lily will talk to Clem about how she thinks Kenny might be going insane because while He thought her dad was dead when he killed him at the meat locker what he did to Carver was alot more brutal which makes her think Kenny s going insane.
its pretty true why dont they question the fact there s a zombie apocalypse happening instead they just : ´´Ok the world s gone to shit and we dont care how it happened´´ you would think they would at least be curious as to how the outbreak happened.
I Would've rewrite Ties That Bind (both parts) i would've made story mainly about Clem, AJ and The New Frontier, Clem would have have been a main playable protagonist of course and i would've add Javi but only as side character that she met and then get him to the junkyard and drive away from him and rest of the game will only be about Clementine
i think you mean next episode instead of next game.
Yeah by next game i mean rest of the game(episodes). Sorry!
Also, no this isn't late, whaddya talkin about?
Uh...don'cha mean episode 4?
You known what instead of going on with my rewriting of the entire 2 seasons Of TWD im just gonna jump over to New frontier and just put what i would have changed so The walking dead A New frontier episode 1 Ties that Bind rewrite:
Wont change anything up to the point where you meet Clem. So here s what i would change:
So let s start with the Flashbacks shall we? The flashback would happen after you see clementine and if you went with any ending but the alone ending you will see a glimpse of another person running to where Clem is.
Wellington ending: The flashback would start like normal with Clem talking to AJ and guessing the drawing but this time when Edith comes to get you telling you about the other group attacking them she s with either Leland or Eddie from 400 days ((Leland appears if you managed to get bonnie to convince him to go with her and if you dint Eddie will shown up)) Leland/Eddie tell her to get supplies while they try to calm the people from the other group just in case things get bad .After they come back and tell her that they have to go you will get a small scene where Clem,Edith and Leland/eddie sneak out of the gates of Wellington until one of the people from the other group notices them so here are the differences:
If you have eddie: He will run with Clem and Edith to try to get away but get shot in the head and die the same way Edith dies in the normal game.
If you have Leland: He will stop and start firing at the people from the other group he tells them that he has nothing else to live for since his new group ((Wellington)) Is being destroyed and he already lost his wife so he has nothing else to live for.
Clem and Edith then start to run as they escape the gunfire and the Flashback ends with Leland getting shot.
Alone ending: Unchanged.
Jane ending: Clem and Jane are in a campfire cooking a rabbit they found in the woods they were in when Amaya appears and asks if they want to join her Group there is the same fake choice of accepting or not but with Jane sayng that she doesnt think its a good idea. ((There would also be a conversation revealing that they had been trown out of Howe s by the family who either sneaked in and overtook the place or made a rebellion and kicked Jane and Clem out depending on what you chose in the ending of season 2))
Kenny ending: Pretty much just a rehash of the Jane one althought with Kenny being positive about joining the New frontier.
after you see that Flashback its revealed that the person with Clem is either Edith, Jane or Kenny.
Jane and Kenny insist that Clem keeps Javier tied up because you never known if he might shoot them in the back while they re not looking .
While Edith will let Javier untied and yes there will be the obligatory Flirt option with Edith which will end up with him being shut down by her ((Just because Javier wouldnt be brave enough to Flirt with jane ))
so here s a difference depending on who s with Clem:
Kenny and Edith: If kenny or Edith are with Clem they will take Javier to Richmond and offer to help him get to the junkyard to help his family.
Jane: If Jane s with Clem there s the same thing as the normal episode in which they strike a deal to take Javier s van. ((Im just gonna leave this part posted and continue typing while editing because its starting to rain and my street s transformer is horrible <_< ))
EDIT: After reaching Richmond there are 2 different ways in which Tripp will interact with Clem:
Wellington or Kenny ending: Tripp will ask who Javier is and its revealed that Clem and Edith/Kenny are part of Tripp s group.
Jane or Alone ending: Tripp will ask Clem how much time she and ((Determinantly )) Jane are stayng. ((Also by the way if Clem s part Of the richmond group the reason why she stops the Truck is because she heard the New frontier were in the area and she wanted to capture them.))
After you get to Conrad s bar you get the original free roam options but you can only Talk to either Francine and conrad or Jane/Kenny/Edith.
after talking with whatever one you chose Clem s discussion with the weapons dealer gets heated up and Javier gets up with Jane/kenny/Edith.
The same thing as the normal episode happens and they end up in Richmond s prison.
And if Clem was a member of the Richmond Group she would get kicked out after murdering the weapons dealer.
To which Kenny or Edith would protest and leave with her.
You still get the choice to leave with Eleanor or tripp.
Now here are the differences on what happens in the junkyard:
If Kenny s with Clem:
the scene goes as normal until the point where Mariana grabs her music player/Ipod/Whatever the fuck it is.
Kenny will notice someone lining up a shot on Mariana and shout ´´Look out!´´ as he pushes her away and takes the shot for her .
Kenny gets hit in the same spot as kate .
Tripp/Eleanor tell them to get Kenny into the Horses/Car
As they try to get to him Kate ends up getting shot like in the normal episode and they have to Carry Kenny back to the car/the horses.
Clem starts shooting telling them she will cover them and Javier gets the option to Go with his Family or Stay with Clem.
Jane: Jane tries to shoot the guy aiming for Mariana but she misses and Mariana dies anyway.
Jane stays with Clem while covering Tripp and the others. you get a choice between going with the Family or Stayng with Clem and Jane.
Edith: Edith notices the person Lining up the shot and Tries to warn Mariana but Mariana doesnt dodge in time and ends up dead anyway.
Clem starts covering them and Edith goes with Tripp and the others and you get a choice between going with The family and stayng with Clem .
I forgot I made a thread about this a while back, so I'll repost the info here.
Well I wouldn't change any of S1 because it set the foundations. So the first major change I would make would be in 400 days and I would make it that all the characters you play as are not determinants at the end and they all go with Tavia to her camp regardless. Now with this, I would scrap the cabin group in S2 and instead replace them with the 400 days characters who join Tavia and they basically take over their story of the cabin group by escaping Carver's camp etc and obviously there would be different plots with them, with one being Becca who is a bitch towards Clementine all the time but she ends up getting eaten by walkers which is a pleasure.
I would also make it that Eddie is at Carver's camp instead of Mike and I would have Nate as an antagonist later in S2 instead of Arvo and Kenny would not be such an irritating prick in S2.
As for the Michonne game at the end I would have it where it shows her coming back to the port and we get to see Rick Grimes looking at her ship coming in but he does not say anything, then that's where it ends. As for S3 well I would scrap the whole thing and start it again!
I'm not going to judge S3 yet. I want to see where they go with it first. As for the rest:
Season 1: Long Road Ahead
Season 2: In Harms Way
Dem third episodes....
Okay, been a while since I've even seen this, so let's review what you have here, shall we?
Yeah, that would've been a good way to implement the flashbacks and make the choices matter in the long run
I think you mean Ava.
Jelly much?
And that's what probably should've happened if you let the family in
Pretty sure Edith is fairly older than Javier anyway, but whatever. Weird.
Tripp was "in charge(?)" of Prescott, not Richmond.
Interesting change there, especially since Tripp, Eleanor, and Conrad were already well familiar with Clementine, for better or worse.
Seems redundant, particularly in Eleanor's case, but okay. What about in the Jane and Edith scenarios?
So just to answer some things: yeah i got Richmond and Prescott confused and as for the Jane and Edith scenarios i ve already put them in there but ill just Post it here too and add some of my reasoning for it:
Jane: Jane would try to Shoot badger when he tries to shoot Mariana but she would Miss the shot and Badger ends up Killing Mariana anyway the shootout starts , Kate gets shot and Clem and Jane stay to hold them off and you get the choice between staying with the 2 of them or Going with the Family.
Edith: Edith Sees Badger lining up the shot and tries to warn Mariana but she s too late and Mariana gets shot after Kate gets shot she decides to go with Eleanor/Tripp back to prescott with them .
Now my reasoning as to why i would have Kenny get shot is because he s the only character out of the 3 That is reckless enough to do that and the difference i put with the Jane and Edith either staying with Clem or going back to prescott is because Jane s mentality is pretty much the same as New frontier clem s Mentality so i figure she would also stay to help Clem while Edith cares more about People than Jane and would go with the family and see if she can Help with Kate s wound in anyway she can.
So continuing on with the episode 2 of my Rewrite on A New frontier since this thread got Revived so suddenly:
Going with The family:
If you go with the family with the Jane and the Alone ending it will be the same as the Normal Scene you get from Going with the family so im gonna put in the consequences to going with the family while having the Kenny/Wellington ending.
Wellington ending: Eleanor tries to Fix up Kate with the Help of Edith and Javier in this version you dont get the choice of Having Gabe help as Edith
tells him to not look and tells him she will be fine ((To which Gabe with a retort of ´´HOW DO YOU KNOWN YOU RE NOT A DOCTOR! and leave to outside of Prescott where he starts getting mad at himself about Mariana and Kate.
Unlike Gabe Edith does not Drop the water and the surgery goes out better ((Not alot better since Kate would still need the medicine From Richmond )))
Javier would Ask Edith about Gabe s whereabouts after that and she will tell him she saw him going towards the gate before she went back to help with Kate.
Kenny ending: At the same time as Eleanor would be helping Kate she would be telling instructions to Javier about what to do with Kenny who was not as bad as Kate because Kenny s a tough nut to crack Gabe showns up and starts helping Eleanor with Kate until Gabe drops the water battle on her and runs out regretting what he did.
Kenny would be there when Clem enters Prescott again and she would hug him .
Shortly after the new frontier arrives and Kenny grabs a gun and goes to where Tripp And Javi are talking to the new frontier while Eleanor protests that his wounds are not completely healed and he needs to rest , There would also be a difference in whether you open fire or surprender.
Open fire: The option goes as normal and Francine ends up dead.
Surprender: Javi walks out of the gate and at the same time as Clem shoots one of them and Badger points him gun at Francine Kenny shoots badger and Francine runs towards the woods ((Leaving Conrad worried but not as bad as before and in a later scene he thanks Javier for not opening fire.))
Kenny enters the same car as Clem and his injuries open.
Eleanor takes him , Kate and Mariana to richmond on the car.
During the confrontation with Conrad he will back off if you surprendered and tell Javier that he does owe him for Francine and tells him he will keep Clem s secret Clem then walks off and you then find Kenny , Mariana and Kate in the car, The same scene as normal happens except Conrad s still alive and Clem s not there.
Jane ending: Jane just arrives with her and the new frontier arrives shortly after.
Staying with Clem:
This is pretty much the same for all endings except For jane s ((Althought there would be some dialogue about Clem being worried about Kenny if the kenny ending was picked.))
If The Jane ending was picked then the scene would be mostly the same but Jane would try to convince Clem to take off with her when they find out The New frontier is there but she fails to convince clem and they go back to Prescott.
Wellington ending: The only thing that would change was that when you get back to Prescott Edith would tell them that Kate s better but she will need more Medicine and a more tecnological treatment ((Like the one in Richmond and also she knowns that because Eleanor told her)).
Now for the rest of what would happen in episode 2 with these changes:
Mariana: Mariana would Be Bitten and Javier would get the option to cut her arm off or not.
If you cut her arm off then she s knocked out and doesnt participate in the conversation with Kate about her wanting to shoot herself but she s awake in the last moments of the episode and ends up meeting her father.
If you dont Cut her arm off she participates in the conversation with Kate about her wanting to kill herself and tells her not to give up.
Her state is worse in the final moments of episode 2 and she meets her dad who looks with a sad expression at her.
Edith: Edith would be with Javier, Clem and the others and voice her opinion about not wanting to tie up Jesus also during the conflict with Conrad if you Pick to shoot him then the second Javier starts to pull the trigger Edith would stop him and volunteer to server as Bait for the plan if they Let Clem go to which Clementine would Protest but be convinced by Edith.
Jane: She would be with Javier and the others and would voice her Opinion about how they should not Trust Jesus and tie him up.
During the Conflict with Conrad when he Grabs Gabe she distracts him until she can closer and shoots him in the Foot after that She and Clem take off leaving them there Conrad would be Angry at them but would go out with them and he would also tell Tripp about Clem being part of the New frontier.
The discussion about Letting Kate in would be the same as in the version where Javier doesnt accept Conrad s plan ((AKA he shoots him.)) but with Conrad not being dead and being agressive to Max.
Huh. Still, I think having get shot regardless is a bit weird, since that means they'd have to carry not one but two gunshot victims on horses, which is as uncomfortable as it is cumbersome.
And what of Mariana in the Kenny scenario? What will her presence change?
And that's the problem!