Answer the question above you



  • When I was little, my family assumed I like cars for some reason and I would get toy cars for christmas a lot. One year, I asked for a craft because I didn't want a car for Christmas.

    I got a paint your own car craft.

    Biggest regret you made as a child?

  • losing touch with my ex gf. if you had to choose 1weapon from the marvel multiverse which 1would it be

  • The Infinity Gautlet. I'm just kidding, I pretend that was a what if story lol. In all honesty I'd say Magneto's helmet so I could say "Hess what I'm thinking of, Professor Xavier."

    Your favorite game from the best 5 years and why ?

    • 2015: Dying Light
    • 2013: The Last of Us
    • 2011: InFamous 2
    • 2009: Uncharted 2
    • 2004: GTA San Andreas

    I don't think you need an explanation

    Resident Evil or Silent Hill?

  • edited January 2017

    Hit reply by mistake. Oops

    AronDracula posted: »

    * 2015: Dying Light * 2013: The Last of Us * 2011: InFamous 2 * 2009: Uncharted 2 * 2004: GTA San Andreas I don't think you need an explanation Resident Evil or Silent Hill?

  • Resident Evil. I love everything about the franchise.

    Dragon Age or Fallout?

  • Fallout.

    Metro or Wolfenstein?

  • Wolfenstein

    Which game is bloodier? Doom or God of War?

  • Doom.

    Troy Baker or Nolan North?

  • Troy Baker.

    Do you have any New Years resolutions?

  • To spend more time with my family this year.

    Stealth or Combat? Which do you prefer to play as?

  • Combat, going in guns blazing.

    Manual, semi-automatic or automatic transmissions?

  • I've always found automatic transitions the easiest to handle

    Which is a better idea in theory a full Capitalistic society where you are entitled by what you earn, no taxes or assistance for the poor or those incapable of working or a full fledged Communist Society where no one is allowed to make more than another and everyone is entitled to equal salary?

  • Sorry but I can't answer something like this.

    Your favourite CinemaSins video?

  • Everything Wrong With Return of the Jedi

    What's your biggest fear?

  • edited January 2017


  • Not being able to save the people i care about

    Could you fall in love with a True AI (robot that entirely resembles biological humans in every aspect)?

  • "On my honor as a Tully, on my honor as a Stark, LET HIM GO, or I will cut your wife's throat!" - Catelyn (Her entire plea for Robb was heartbreaking)

    What is one thing you can't live without that's not food, water, or oxygen?

  • Left eye dominant.

    What's the biggest mystery of life, in your opinion, that doesn't and most likely will never have an answer?

  • People complain about everything.

    How would you get rid of a body?

  • edited January 2017

    Idk, if it's free of dairy and eggs I'm cool with it.

    Maze Runner or Hunger Games?

  • Hunger Games. Jennifer Lawrence looks delicious.

    Rick Grimes or Jon Snow?

  • Jon Snow

    Lobster Hands or Snake for Tongue

  • Lol, wrong post, sorry

    Adamiks posted: »

    Jon Snow Lobster Hands or Snake for Tongue

  • Lobster hands.

    Killzone 3 or Killzone Shadow Fall?

  • Killzone 3 (Did you really have to ask?)

    On the scale of 0 to 10 how much of an asshole are you?

  • edited January 2017

    It depends, so i will answer as if you asked how much of an asshole can i get. Hmm... 7. I feel like anything above that would be 'i killed your friend' level of an asshole.

    Hot-dogs or cold-dogs?

  • Trump Donald's

    Vampires or werewolves?

  • Werewolves.

    Favourite Game of Thrones season?

  • TV show or Telltale? From Telltale it's gonna be Season 1, but i'm not sure about the TV show.

    Favorite fast food (not restaurants, the food itself, like fries etc)?

  • Kebab

    Which is better at making horror experiences? Movies or video games?

  • Definitely movies. In a game, people can stand in the corner and fuck around if they want, and genuinely have more room to make the game less scary. Scariest games all take tricks from film, at the expense of the player's agency. Movies can be paced, and cinematography can choose what information to emphasize, or what to withhold from the consumer. In a game, a player can look wherever they want, so the horror has to be more up front.

    Pizza or Ice cream?

  • Ain't nothing like a Meatlover's pizza, eh mate? So yes, pizza!

    Heat or Cold?

  • Cold all the way

    Saint Row or GTA?

  • Saints Row 1 was good, Saints Row 2 was AMAZING fun, 3 was meh, 4 was trash. GTA takes it

    What do you think of Bioshock character Andrew Ryan?

  • Is TellTale pronounced tell-tell or tell-tail?

  • Taletell.

    What's the point of asking this question ?

  • edited January 2017

    There is no point, how can a person think TellTale is potentially said TellTell ...

    What is your current avatar and why?

  • Kenny in a flower wreath. Because I love Kenny and I love flower wreaths <3

    What's the most important thing in a bf/gf for you?

  • Actually I think horror games scarred me more than horror movies. I never got nightmares from any horror movies.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Definitely movies. In a game, people can stand in the corner and fuck around if they want, and genuinely have more room to make the game les

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