Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Gee whiz! It's almost as if Vanaman was a writer of decent calibre with a plan and a vision who could properly comprehend the reactions of the audience and adjust his writing and the direction of the plot accordingly!

    enter image description here

    Seriously, I try not to join in the Vanaman circlejerk when possible but it wounds me when I'm reminded of stuff like this.

    In TWD S1 we were originally going to play as Clementine's brother. They later scraped this because Vanaman (former Telltale staff) believe

  • Seriously, I try not to join in the Vanaman circlejerk when possible but it wounds me when I'm reminded of stuff like this.

    Oh, me too, trust me. Every time I'm reminded of him I have to force myself not to write a lengthy paragraph on how much better S2 and 3 would have played out had he stayed with the company.

    Davissons posted: »

    Gee whiz! It's almost as if Vanaman was a writer of decent calibre with a plan and a vision who could properly comprehend the reactions of t

  • edited January 2017

    1:47:30, 2:09:00, 2:15:15, 2:21:00, 2:22:33 (the rough draft of S2!)

    He had more ideas about Clementine's story, apparently branching choices costs money (???), and he "chickened out" when S2 was started

    :[ :[ :[

    I miss him and his pretty face.

  • Oh, for sure! It is an interesting parallel!

    My comment was its own thing, and not rebuttal to something you said.

    It is simply an interesting parallel that I wanted to point out. The circumstances and individuals leading up to these events are so incredibly different that it is hard to truly say that it was Kenny who changed.

  • And apparently branching choices costs money (???)

    Of course it does and telltale had to of known this before they told fans their games would be tailored by how they play. If they don't own up to this then it's false advertising. It's literally what they're known and unique for, so if they keep up these pathetic excuses for "choices mattering" then... are Telltale's games going to keep being unique?

    TheMPerson posted: »

    1:47:30, 2:09:00, 2:15:15, 2:21:00, 2:22:33 (the rough draft of S2!) He had more ideas about Clementine's story, apparently branching choices costs money (???), and he "chickened out" when S2 was started :[ :[ :[

  • For a moment I misread that as my username.

    Davissons posted: »

    Gee whiz! It's almost as if Vanaman was a writer of decent calibre with a plan and a vision who could properly comprehend the reactions of t

  • edited January 2017

    I thought that choice branch was crappy because the program is so outdated.

    If they need money then why don't they make those other genres they did like; Poker Night or Puzzle Master?

    And apparently branching choices costs money (???) Of course it does and telltale had to of known this before they told fans their g

  • It's crappy because they got incredibly lazy.

    And those games won't make Telltale the money they want.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    I thought that choice branch was crappy because the program is so outdated. If they need money then why don't they make those other genres they did like; Poker Night or Puzzle Master?

  • edited January 2017

    And those games won't make Telltale the money they want.

    With this game they are losing more money instead of gaining...

    EDIT: I didn't know that choice branching costs extra money... I thought that programmers create and organize game files to make those choices even possible... but branching... it's like paying the artist extra to color your concept art... sheesh

    It's crappy because they got incredibly lazy. And those games won't make Telltale the money they want.

  • You will answer to justice soon enough.

    No one's Above The Law.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Fine... See ya in 400 days.

  • edited January 2017

    ... I got nuthin' no, I don't want to reuse these.

    You will answer to justice soon enough. No one's Above The Law.

  • Well, to be fair, who doesn't love pudding.

  • Eddie from 400 days is on the chapter title card for Season 2 Episode 4 "Amid the Ruins"

  • Ha! That was already used.

    I banish thee!

    The other one that I had used—Better To Sleep—had been used as well, both times by @Dont_Look_Back.

    fuk u 2

    TheMPerson posted: »

    ... I got nuthin' no, I don't want to reuse these.

  • edited January 2017

    Yeah I edit that part out because my internet didn't update this page...

    fuk u 2


    Ha! That was already used. I banish thee! The other one that I had used—Better To Sleep—had been used as well, both times by @Dont_Look_Back. fuk u 2

  • Kidding! You are great.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Yeah I edit that part out because my internet didn't update this page... fuk u 2 T.T

  • Why care about a character of a 5 minute flashback?

    In case ya'll want to see Kenny's details up close. I have never seen something put together so poorly in my life. They literally colored his lip/jaw grey then pasted feathers on it. Jesus.

  • edited January 2017


    yea I was joking a lil.

    Kidding! You are great.

  • The flashback shouldn't have been 5 minutes in the first place.

    Why care about a character of a 5 minute flashback?

  • This will be the next "if u do'wt brake d ais bony dai."

    Eddie from 400 days is on the chapter title card for Season 2 Episode 4 "Amid the Ruins"

  • Kenny didn't know how to wear his eyepatch.

    damn it, Kenny

    Eyepatches are worn over the ear.

  • edited January 2017

    He didn't know how to look decent either. I'm surprised they didn't put his patch on the wrong eye.

    Kenny didn't know how to wear his eyepatch. Eyepatches are worn over the ear.

  • They spent 5 seconds making his character model, what can you expect, plus where did he find an authentic eye patch anyways?

    Kenny didn't know how to wear his eyepatch. Eyepatches are worn over the ear.

  • His toilet paper thing looked cooler anyway.

    Spodes posted: »

    They spent 5 seconds making his character model, what can you expect, plus where did he find an authentic eye patch anyways?

  • I'm surprised they didn't put his patch on the wrong eye.

    I am dead! :joy:

    He didn't know how to look decent either. I'm surprised they didn't put his patch on the wrong eye.

  • They probably did but people at Crowdplay pointed it out so they just mirrored his character model.

    I'm surprised they didn't put his patch on the wrong eye. I am dead!

  • Yeah it did, DIY eye patch > stupid leather one.

    His toilet paper thing looked cooler anyway.

  • edited January 2017

    Meanwhile at tumblr, a long-gone user Badgershite decides to fix it

    enter image description here

    "i fixed it for you telltale."

    Kenny didn't know how to wear his eyepatch. Eyepatches are worn over the ear.

  • edited January 2017

    Can someone tell me what kind of weapon Clem has- I mean had?

    enter image description here

    Edit: Different pic for better angle

  • If Telltale ruins this series we will Give No Shelter to them. They will have to listen to our angry rants.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    ;3 yea I was joking a lil.

  • Isn't that a shotgun?

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Can someone tell me what kind of weapon Clem has- I mean had? Edit: Different pic for better angle

  • It's called a boom stick.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Can someone tell me what kind of weapon Clem has- I mean had? Edit: Different pic for better angle

  • The soundtrack that plays when Javier meets Clementine. Just uploaded a minute ago. It sure as hell doesn't sound hopeful.

  • It's a handgun. She just has really tiny hands so it looks like a shotgun.

    Gameserer posted: »

    Isn't that a shotgun?

  • edited January 2017

    Isn't that a shotgun?

    Well by the shells on top of it, I guess it is. But what kind? It looks like a combo of tf2 weapons. ( 1, 2, 3 )

    Edit: Also what the heck is that thing that just holds the shells on top of it?

    Gameserer posted: »

    Isn't that a shotgun?

  • Alright, I'm out to Catch A Ride.
    See ya B)

    “Get. Out.”

  • edited January 2017

    I also just want to point out that cover art Kate looks nothing like in-game Kate.

    enter image description here enter image description here

    The soundtrack that plays when Javier meets Clementine. Just uploaded a minute ago. It sure as hell doesn't sound hopeful.

  • Kinda silly that they put it on the cover then

    I also just want to point out that cover art Kate looks nothing like in-game Kate.

  • Kate looks worse in-game in my opinion, she should've kept her hair short like Clem does.

    I also just want to point out that cover art Kate looks nothing like in-game Kate.

  • Her hair isn't technically short in the cover, it's just in a bun. I'm assuming you meant the hair's actual length, if not then sorry.

    Spodes posted: »

    Kate looks worse in-game in my opinion, she should've kept her hair short like Clem does.

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