The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • Something I haven't seen anyone ask is how the fuck Molly did her ninja shit on Lee. She's in front of us as Lee creeps towards her, she ducks down, Lee looks over and BAM Molly pops up from behind. I guess we overlook it in the moment, but looking back I'm just left in awe. Like how is that even possible?

    I guess she just creeped around him when he looked over the stand.

    This also raises another question. When Molly, Lee and Clem were all talking, why was Kenny just crouching by himself around the corner and was mute?

    He was probably waiting for an opening since he was kinda in an aggressive mood at the time.

    And another (sarcastic) question. Why does the car hit the tree to the left, but Kenny flies out the windshield to the right? Makes no sense.

    Cause he was on the right side?

  • Dude, watch the scene again. Molly didn't move to the right, cos we can still see the right side of Lee when he creeps over the edge. And there was a wall on the left of Molly. It was physically impossible for her to do what she did in the time she did it.


    No, I mean after Molly and Lee 'made up'. Kenny wasn't waiting for an opening.

    Remember that Kenny was in a really touchy mood at the time and was gonna attack Molly regardless of what Lee says before or after they encounter her. So he was just being a dick--so was Molly--but he was being dick.

    So? The vehicle was speeding to the left, and Kenny flung way too much to the right. Like at a physically impossible angle.

    I probably should've included an emoji to show that I was being sarcastic.

  • edited January 2017

    I had some ideas about him. I never really liked his character tbh, he died for me in the second episode, but he did have potential and his second death was a complete waste.

    I don't have many ideas for what he could've done more than what they made him do in episode 3. I mean, almost every character lacks any progression in that episode anyways.

    I think he could've played a major role on the trailer park scene in episode 4. Specifically in Sarah's fate. The deal is this; you cannot save Sarah if Nick is dead. One of the things I despised about the save Sarah scenario is how unrealistic it was. The walkers bust in, start moving in slow motion and wooorray! Everyone's alive and happy! That, in my opinion, was really petty. There should be a punishment for doing something as stupid as staying any longer in a room soon to be swarmed by walkers. And I think the perfect punishment should've been Nick death.

    So the scene would play like this:
    If Nick is alive and Clem chooses to leave Sarah: Sarah dies, Clem does not see Sarah die and Nick stays alive.
    If Nick is alive and Clem chooses to save Sarah: Nick dies, Clem and Sarah see Nick die, Sarah lives.
    If Nick is dead and Clem chooses to leave Sarah: Sarah dies, Clem does not see Sarah die.
    If Nick is dead and Clem chooses to save Sarah: Clem is unable to save Sarah, Sarah dies and Clem sees Sarah dying.

    I """""wrote""""" a scene a while back where Sarah would also die a painless death should you choose to leave her in any case.

    Should Nick survive the scene; he would in a later conversation confide in Clem that he feels like a fucking piece of shit for all the shit that had been happening later that was his fault: leaving Pete, killing Mattew/destroying Walter's sex life and not being able to save Sarah. Through dialogue option during that conversation, we would be able to try to make him feel better, tell him that it wasn't his fault and that there was nothing he could've done or confirmed that all of that was indeed his stupid-ness fault. Depending on the dialogue path you chose:

    If you told Nick that he was indeed to blame: Nick would become "hardened". Nick would still carry the responsibility of what had happened to Pete/Mattew/Walter/Sarah. Since his past mistake would always be fresh on his mind from then on he would become more cautious, less explosive and reckless, but his emotional state would be left pretty damaged. His mood would become darker, he would be sad, sad to the level of depression.
    If you told Nick he was not to blame: Nick would become "softened". Nick would end up freeing himself from blame, he would keep his reckless and explosive attitude, but he would be happier.

    In No Going Back, he would survive the shootout. During the campfire scene, a "hardened" Nick would be, much like Jane, by himself in the cold, lost in though, while a "softened" Nick would be with the others, laughing nearby the fire.

    Nick has two possible fates in No Going Back:

    In the ice lake scene, he would join Bonnie and urge Clem to save him. Just like Bonnie, if Clem doesn't, he gets pissed, if she does, he doesn't. Should Clem decide to cover for Luke and not break the ice, he will do it instead, ensuring Bonnie's safety.
    He later leaves with Mike and Bonnie. He doesn't show to feel bad for betraying us.

    In the ice lake scene, Nick would join Mike and Kenny and tell Clem to get herself to safety. Regardless of what happens, Nick doesn't blame Clem at all for Luke's death, he is, however, visibly devastated.
    After Kenny beats Arvo, he goes outside. Immediately after Jane lights the fire, a gunshot is heard from outside. Nick kills himself, he was pregnant with Luke's baby eheh.

    I know, how depressing/dramatic/whatever... but I got suicidal vibes from Nick in episode 2 where he just accepts the fact that their fate is determined. He just... accepts death.

    Now, I just wanted to show the overview of the hardening/softening Nick "choice" (it would be a camouflaged choice after all). It's basically the choice to have him become a happy fool who later betrays you, or have him become a cautious sad person who later kills himself. While the former may seem better than the latter, here's a spoiler, due to his stupidity, a softened Nick later gets himself killed. Obviously, he would stay "unknown" for us/Clem.

    pls do tell me what you think

    DabigRG posted: »

    Probably should save this for dan's old thread, but what exactly could've been done with Nick past Episode 2 in your opinion? I know that's a common trend that most thought about, but I tend to blank in and out on big ideas for it.

  • Buricko, David, Javi, Sam, Lee, Nate, Lilly, Christa

    Clemenem posted: »

    Who would win these fights Tripp vs Buricko David vs Randall Javier vs Luke Sam Fairbanks vs Becca Lee vs Javier Nate vs Badger Kate vs Lily Christa vs Eleanor

  • Hypothetically speaking... which of the 400 Days survivors had the best chance of surviving if they stayed at camp?

    And if we assume for a moment that those who stayed behind did NOT die, what do you think they went through and where did they end up?

  • edited March 2017

    One of the things I despised about the save Sarah scenario is how unrealistic it was. The walkers bust in, start moving in slow motion and wooorray! Everyone's alive and happy! That, in my opinion, was really petty.

    How so? Also, what the heck kinda word is "wooorray?"

    There should be a punishment for doing something as stupid as staying any longer in a room soon to be swarmed by walkers. And I think the perfect punishment should've been Nick death.
    I """""wrote""""" a scene a while back where Sarah would also die a painless death should you choose to leave her in any case.

    Aw yeah, I do remember you doing something like that.

    If Nick is alive and Clem chooses to leave Sarah: Sarah dies, Clem does not see Sarah die and Nick stays alive.
    If Nick is alive and Clem chooses to try to save Sarah: Nick dies, Clem and Sarah see Nick die, Sarah lives.
    If Nick is dead and Clem chooses to leave Sarah: Sarah dies, Clem does not see Sarah die.
    If Nick is dead and Clem chooses to save Sarah: Clem is unable to save Sarah, Sarah dies and Clem sees Sarah dying.

    Can't say I'm a fan of Sarah dying unless you vouched for Nick, but I see your point.

    destroying Walter's sex life

    And Mood Whiplash! :joy:


    I'm really not sure about this. While I like the idea of there being some variation in how he acts, him just being an off accomplice along for the ride is going too out there. Him friggin killing himself cause Kenny beat up Arvo after Luke died is similarly melodramatic.

    I know, how depressing/dramatic/whatever... but I got suicidal vibes from Nick in episode 2 where he just accepts the fact that their fate is determined. He just... accepts death.

    I'm pretty sure that was the intention. Luke even says he's seen him like that before.

    I had some ideas about him. I never really liked his character tbh, he died for me in the second episode, but he did have potential and his

  • Vince. Not only did he have that Kenny/Jane tendency to do messed up things in a second, but he also cared enough about others to ensure that he'd always have backup in the form of his group. Not sure where he would've ended up, though.

    Everyone else, not so much. I'd like to say Shel would be the closest afterwards, cause Russell isn't much of a killer, Becca is all talk in a bad way, and I don't know what to say about Wyatt.

    Hypothetically speaking... which of the 400 Days survivors had the best chance of surviving if they stayed at camp? And if we assume for

  • Good thing Vince and Shel were the ones to stay behind in my game. I always figured that they were both killers, but they still had Beccas presence to reel them in morally. I'm In my head Canon they are alive and doing okay.

    I think Russell and Wyatt going to Howes makes more sense because not only are they the somewhat weaker members, but they're both looking for a loved ones

    DabigRG posted: »

    Vince. Not only did he have that Kenny/Jane tendency to do messed up things in a second, but he also cared enough about others to ensure tha

  • That is strange, indeed!

    I could've sworn Sarita was the chairwoman of an air conditioning company, but the clues presented in the game do suggest otherwise.

    Actually Sarah and Sarita were, but Nick was previously a brain surgeon and Rebecca was a drug dealer.

  • Actually Sarah and Sarita were

    Carver: Lol, stay in the kitchen!

    Nick was previously a brain surgeon

    Emphasis on "previously." :lol:

    Rebecca was a drug dealer.

    enter image description here

    Actually Sarah and Sarita were, but Nick was previously a brain surgeon and Rebecca was a drug dealer.

  • Hey now, all of the drug dealers I've ever known have been white dudes ;)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Actually Sarah and Sarita were Carver: Lol, stay in the kitchen! Nick was previously a brain surgeon Emphasis on "previously." Rebecca was a drug dealer.

  • Aw yes, a filthy Kur, that one!


  • Why is Jane's theme mostly Violins?

  • Who is taller: Sarah, Becca, or Michelle?

  • How long did it take for Tavia and Bonnie to drive from the campsite to Howes?

  • Probably a number of hours since the Campsite was most likely in Georgia, while Howe's is in Tennessee.

    How long did it take for Tavia and Bonnie to drive from the campsite to Howes?

  • Did anyone ever pinpoint where the pitstop was?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Probably a number of hours since the Campsite was most likely in Georgia, while Howe's is in Tennessee.

  • I believe its in Georgia as well. After all, its a distance down the road that Carley/Doug was headshot on.

    Did anyone ever pinpoint where the pitstop was?

  • Is there a chance of finding a working jet or plane in any medium of TWD?

  • Aye, definitely Georgia. Just wondering if anyone had actually pinpointed a location based on the roads and whatnot

    DabigRG posted: »

    I believe its in Georgia as well. After all, its a distance down the road that Carley/Doug was headshot on.

  • There was a working helicopter that appeared a few months in during the comics. It had escaped from a news station but the other survivors there had sabotaged the helicopter so it crashes.

    There was a commercial plane that crashes in the middle of nowhere in FTWD. It had a webseries showing what happened to make it crash.

    Afaik, there aren't any other known instances of somebody actually getting a plane or jet to work. Either they can't find parts or they don't have the experience or both. There is still a chance though, I'm sure there are plenty of untouched aircraft laying around.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Is there a chance of finding a working jet or plane in any medium of TWD?

  • Regardless, I just want to point out that nearly all of the decisions that Luke makes on his own end up being awful ideas.

    Carver says as miuch

    I believe that Luke was the de facto leader that people wanted to follow because of his charisma, but Carlos was really the one calling the

  • What does ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) mean?

  • What basic RPG class(Fighter, Mage, Thief) would fit which character?

  • That face is quite old, also it depends on the context in which it's utilized.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What does ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) mean?

  • When exactly was Nick's Mom shot? Was it in the same Cabin or was this a different location? Was this before or after they escaped?

  • What exactly was Kenny's arc in In Harm's Way.

  • Because I wasn't sure whether it actually was or not.

    Interesting? Why is this a question?

  • It doesn't really make it clear. All that's known was Nick had to put her down

    DabigRG posted: »

    When exactly was Nick's Mom shot? Was it in the same Cabin or was this a different location? Was this before or after they escaped?

  • If you were able to rid the walkers from Crawford would you re establish it or leave it by itself?

  • That's an interesting question. I think there's certainly supplies worth harvesting within those walls, but the civilization itself depends on the person. A little bit testy about leading a settlement with the walkers of "liabilities" hanging on spikes.

    You know what, burn it. Burn it to the fuckin ground. Get the supplies first--then BURN it!

    Clemenem posted: »

    If you were able to rid the walkers from Crawford would you re establish it or leave it by itself?

  • edited February 2017

    Okay, kinda reaching back on this one, but what's the joke here, @Firewallcano?
    enter image description here

  • talk shit, get hit

    with a radio

    DabigRG posted: »

    What exactly was Kenny's arc in In Harm's Way.

  • You know what, I think I'll take a crack at my own question:

    Lee Fighter

    Clementine Thief

    Shawn •
    Hershel Mage?*

    Kenny • Fighter
    Duck. • Thief?
    Katjaa Mage

    Carley • Mage

    Lilly • Mage?
    Larry • Fighter

    Glenn • Thief?*
    Doug • Mage

    Mark • Mage?

    Ben • Thief
    Travis • Fighter?

    Andy • Fighter
    Danny • Thief
    Brenda Mage

    Save-Lots Bandits(Gary • Drew • Linda) Mage
    Jolene • Thief

    Chuck Fighter?
    Christa • Thief
    Omid Mage?

    Stranger • Thief with hints of Fighter

    Molly • Fighter with hints of Thief

    Vernon • Mage
    Clive • Fighter?
    Joyce • Fighter?
    Boyd • Fighter?
    Brie Fighter

    Vince • Mage
    Justin • Thief?
    Danny • Fighter

    Wyatt • Mage
    Eddie • Mage

    Nate • Thief with hints of Fighter

    Russell Mage

    Shel • Mage?
    Becca • Thief?
    Roman • Thief?
    Stephanie • Thief?

    Michelle Thief?

    Bonnie • Mage
    Leland •
    Dee Thief

    Winston • Thief
    Victor • Mage
    Ralph I think its safe to assume Fighter

    Luke • Fighter with hints of Thief
    Peter • Mage
    Nick • Mage
    Carlos • Mage
    Sarah Mage with hints of Thief
    Rebecca • Mage?
    Alvin Fighter

    Matthew • Mage
    Walter • Mage
    Sarita Thief with hints of Fighter

    Carver • Fighter
    Troy • Mage
    Tavia • Mage?
    Hank Mage

    Reggie •
    Mike • Fighter
    Jane • Thief with hints of Fighter

    Arvo • Mage with hints of Thief
    Buricko • Fighter
    Natasha • Mage?
    Vitali Mage

    Edith Mage

    Randy •
    Patricia •

    Michonne • Fighter with hints of Thief
    Pete • Thief?
    Siddiq •
    Oak • Fighter?

    Samantha • Thief
    Greg • Mage?
    Paige • Mage

    Norma • Thief with hints of Fighter?
    Randall • Fighter
    Zachary • Mage
    Jonas • Mage
    Gabby • Mage

    Javier • Fighter
    Kate •
    Gabriel • Mage with hints of Thief
    Mariana • Thief?

    Tripp • Fighter
    Paul • Thief with hints of Fighter
    Eleanor • Mage
    Conrad • Mage
    Francine •

    David • Fighter?
    Max •
    Ava • Thief
    Eli • Thief
    Badger • Mage
    Rufus Fighter?
    Lonnie Fighter?

    DabigRG posted: »

    What basic RPG class(Fighter, Mage, Thief) would fit which character?

  • Okay, I'm just gonna ask: aside from that guy and his daughter, has there ever been a case of someone deciding that they, um, "love the dead"?

  • I'd say Michelle.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Who is taller: Sarah, Becca, or Michelle?

  • "that guy and his daughter"

    The Stranger from season 1?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, I'm just gonna ask: aside from that guy and his daughter, has there ever been a case of someone deciding that they, um, "love the dead"?

  • Sarcastic and cynical? I don't know she's helped Javier quite a few times already, she's still there, but keep in mind we're not playing her so you don't get that season 2 feel of controlling her completely. Not to mention she's been raising a baby for 2 years, secluded from any communication to humans that can carry any conversation. If it were a different person I probably wouldn't like her as much as I do knowing she's Clem (you know the entirety of seasons 1 & 2 revolved around her), but would keep most of my choices the same as a moral guideline. They mostly used Clem for marketing though, I still don't know why they rebooted with Javier though, when they could have continued Clementine's story like most of us want.

  • Why the hell won't Telltale let us play as a villain. Every character they've given us to play as the past two years have been good guys. I want to play as someone with the emotionless lack of empathy of Lee but the ruthlessness and rage of night but of course with much more foul and selfish intentions in mind

  • No, I'm merely stating that after knowing Clem's character since season 1 as an 8-year-old, that builds her character compared to someone we would haven't known for a long time in season 3 (two episodes if it wasn't Clem), nice strawman though, keep avoiding the rest of the paragraph. I don't get why you're so passive-aggressive though, it's like you're angered about something from a previous thread, I wonder it is ;^). If you're making it personal, don't, especially since you specifically pointed out someone else bringing "personal" bias from a thread previously. In case I'm wrong about this, I'm sorry in advance. I'm merely responding to your question, if you people to reply back, actually analyse what they've wrote.

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