Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Aw, tomato sauce. Friggin drawing tomatos at the walkers.

    Clementine you're adorable!

    Graysonn posted: »

    Don't know if this has been posted yet, this is from the Wellington flashback but is hard to notice: Tic-tac-toe games, Clem lost a game

  • Do you have a screenshot

    Found where their house was from the files.

  • That would require a lot of time to dig just to screenshot it. Trust me though, its Miami Florida.

    Do you have a screenshot

  • Her handwriting and drawing skills have clearly improved.

    Graysonn posted: »

    Don't know if this has been posted yet, this is from the Wellington flashback but is hard to notice: Tic-tac-toe games, Clem lost a game

  • And who was only a small child to begin with

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Clem's handwriting is exceptionally neat for somebody that probably hasn't written that much in 5 years.

  • Okay, I knew this was a thing for a while now, but I just wanna point out that love how Luke completely overlooks strapping up Sarah here. Especially since I remembered him having his back to her.

  • That training picture is so damn cute. Just tomato sauce!

    Graysonn posted: »

    Don't know if this has been posted yet, this is from the Wellington flashback but is hard to notice: Tic-tac-toe games, Clem lost a game

  • her little drawings are so damn adorable

    Graysonn posted: »

    Don't know if this has been posted yet, this is from the Wellington flashback but is hard to notice: Tic-tac-toe games, Clem lost a game

  • what happened to her eyes

    Davissons posted: »

    Remember how in S3E1 Clementine gives Javier the [Sad Eyes] to try and convince him to side with her? If you take her hostage in S3E2, sh

  • edited February 2017

    Clem teaching AJ how to survive the ZA in a kid friendly way, super cute.

    enter image description here

    I kinda find it fucked up how Clem just lies in that drawing there, "just tomato sauce on that bat, totally not blood, it's fine."

    Graysonn posted: »

    Don't know if this has been posted yet, this is from the Wellington flashback but is hard to notice: Tic-tac-toe games, Clem lost a game

  • 'Tis just tomato sauce, AJ. Just ask Glenn! :^D

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Clem teaching AJ how to survive the ZA in a kid friendly way, super cute. I kinda find it fucked up how Clem just lies in that drawing there, "just tomato sauce on that bat, totally not blood, it's fine."

  • Flash forward to AJ accidentally killing Clementine because he's thirsty for some tomato sauce

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Clem teaching AJ how to survive the ZA in a kid friendly way, super cute. I kinda find it fucked up how Clem just lies in that drawing there, "just tomato sauce on that bat, totally not blood, it's fine."

  • That's a fucked up image. Wanna go full Faerie Queene while you're at it?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Flash forward to AJ accidentally killing Clementine because he's thirsty for some tomato sauce

  • Because lying to a small child for the sake of his innocence is apparently more fucked up that teaching them about murder and brutality.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Clem teaching AJ how to survive the ZA in a kid friendly way, super cute. I kinda find it fucked up how Clem just lies in that drawing there, "just tomato sauce on that bat, totally not blood, it's fine."

  • edited February 2017


    now that's a joke

    points at S2 Clem's "innocence ".
    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Because lying to a small child for the sake of his innocence is apparently more fucked up that teaching them about murder and brutality.

  • All he wanted was a salad dressing.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That's a fucked up image. Wanna go full Faerie Queene while you're at it?

  • Clem was 11 and has been through hell since she was 8. She was far too young to experience what she did at that age, yet still had most of her innocence intact.

    AJ is 3. He can't even talk yet, you can't get much more innocent than that, especially if you went to Wellington in which case he's never experienced life outside until now.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    innocence now that's a joke points at S2 Clem's "innocence ".

  • It got me thinking...

    I'd like to see how AJ's personalities differ depending on your ending's surroundings. It's a great opportunity to make our choices matter, even though this slogan sounds more like a joke than anything else.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Clem was 11 and has been through hell since she was 8. She was far too young to experience what she did at that age, yet still had most of h

  • edited February 2017

    I'd rather be upfront about how the world is. Sugar coating life isn't exactly the best thing to do when living in a world like that. When that happens you become like Sarah, someone who didn't know the severity of the world because it was sugar coated and it ultimately lead to her demise. Clementine's goal is to keep AJ alive and if being upfront about things leads to him staying alive it sure is better than the alternative.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Because lying to a small child for the sake of his innocence is apparently more fucked up that teaching them about murder and brutality.

  • edited February 2017

    She wasn't sugar coating it persay, I believe she was attempting to make it more comical/childish just so AJ would pay attention and understand more easily. He is only 3, he doesn't exactly have much of an attention span or curiosity about life outside of Wellington.

    I'd rather be upfront about how the world is. Sugar coating life isn't exactly the best thing to do when living in a world like that. When

  • I guess so. We don't even know if he can understand speech. But, for his sake, in the future I would make sure not to sugar coat things.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    She wasn't sugar coating it persay, I believe she was attempting to make it more comical/childish just so AJ would pay attention and underst

  • When that happens you become like Sarah, someone who didn't know the severity of the world because it was sugar coated and it ultimately lead to her demise.

    At least that's what was likely supposed to happen instead of a series of contrivances that even catches Jane unawares--twice!

    I'd rather be upfront about how the world is. Sugar coating life isn't exactly the best thing to do when living in a world like that. When

  • Yeah ofcourse, in the future, but I just doubt a 3 year old will really respond well to how to kill a walker, not because he might not understand but just because if it isn't taught to him in a way he finds most appealing or easy to understand he might just not care or remember adequately.

    I guess so. We don't even know if he can understand speech. But, for his sake, in the future I would make sure not to sugar coat things.

  • edited February 2017

    These are Garcia family photos, they can be be seen in the beginning of episode 1 but are hard to see so here they are.

    Young Javi

    enter image description here

    David and Javier

    enter image description here

    Mr & Mrs Garcia with David and Javier

    enter image description here

    Updated family photo (I assume the white woman is David's ex wife)

    enter image description here

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited February 2017

    David and Javier
    enter image description here

    David looks like the school bully whose face was rearranged at the end of the movie by the kid he picked on throughout while Javier looks like he's cosplaying as a witch that lives deep in the swamp.

    Graysonn posted: »

    These are Garcia family photos, they can be be seen in the beginning of episode 1 but are hard to see so here they are. Young Javi

  • Cheese and Rice, what is up with the painting here? Clean out your friggin paintbrushes!
    Lol at House Party David and Emo Javi.
    Also, Hi Bonnie!

    Graysonn posted: »

    These are Garcia family photos, they can be be seen in the beginning of episode 1 but are hard to see so here they are. Young Javi

  • Javi as a mini Tarzan.

    David Bart Simpson.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    David and Javier David looks like the school bully whose face was rearranged at the end of the movie by the kid he picked on throughout while Javier looks like he's cosplaying as a witch that lives deep in the swamp.

  • Jesus, why is David always pissed off?

    "yo, i went back from war and have wife and kids but my bro javi can hit a ball with a bat so i guess i hate him now"

    Graysonn posted: »

    These are Garcia family photos, they can be be seen in the beginning of episode 1 but are hard to see so here they are. Young Javi

  • This isn't the first time David's VA, Alex Hernandez, has voiced a gang-leader with military ties. He's also the voice and modeled as the main character in Mafia 3, Lincoln Clay. Funny enough, Javier's VA, Jeff Schine, is also in the game and voices Danny Burke, an ally to Lincoln Clay and the son of Thomas Burke, who later works for you. In the beginning of the game, you go on a heist with him.

    So, yeah... the Garcia brothers robbed a federal bank together. It makes New Frontier absolutely hilarious when you realize this.

  • edited February 2017

    yet still had most of her innocence intact.

    Judges Javi on killing the truck driver. Shoots a guy over some bullets.

    She's going towards Jane "character development" aka the writers have no idea in what direction Clem's character is going so they are going to keep jumping back and forth; she's compassionate, oh no now she's angry.

    AJ is 3. He can't even talk yet, you can't get much more innocent than that, especially if you went to Wellington in which case he's never experienced life outside until now.

    He's born during ZA. And honestly I'm not that invested in AJ, so I don't care what's going to happen to him.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    Clem was 11 and has been through hell since she was 8. She was far too young to experience what she did at that age, yet still had most of h

  • edited February 2017

    When I said she still had most of her innocence intact, I was referring to Clementine immediately after the events of season 1, not season 2 nor season 3

    But it's always fun to see your opinions stripped apart and critisised by somebody else with different views.

    Let me try that...

    Judges Javi on killing the truck driver.

    Who wouldn't? He shot an unarmed, surrendering man.

    Shoots a guy over some bullets.

    That was a complete accident, it's not like she did it on purpose.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    yet still had most of her innocence intact. Judges Javi on killing the truck driver. Shoots a guy over some bullets. She's going

  • But it's always fun to see your opinions stripped apart and critisised by somebody else with different views.

    Mr. Saw is that you?

    That was a complete accident, it's not like she did it on purpose.

    Did the gun shoot itself at that mans head?

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    When I said she still had most of her innocence intact, I was referring to Clementine immediately after the events of season 1, not season 2

  • Why does Javi look like a girl in the second picture?

    Graysonn posted: »

    These are Garcia family photos, they can be be seen in the beginning of episode 1 but are hard to see so here they are. Young Javi

  • You honestly think Clem killed that guy on purpose?

    So she knew that the third or fourth bullet in her clip was real and that shocked "Crap!" she yelled after shooting him was just a ruse to get Javi to back her up?

    I doubt you think that pal.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    But it's always fun to see your opinions stripped apart and critisised by somebody else with different views. Mr. Saw is that you?

  • You just triggered all guys with long hair.

    Why does Javi look like a girl in the second picture?

  • The point is she meant to pull the trigger as an intimidation tactic and it just so happened that the bullets, whether they were good or not, could launch from the barrel that time and killed Eli. The particular video I'm confirming this with has Javier tell her to back off and Eli state he'll try to fix things beforehand; Javier then tells Tripp the truth when he shows up despite her urging him to cover for her. All in all, she was being reckless, aggressive, thuggish, shady, and in this scenario, hardheaded and relentless, so it doesn't really help her case.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    You honestly think Clem killed that guy on purpose? So she knew that the third or fourth bullet in her clip was real and that shocked "Crap!" she yelled after shooting him was just a ruse to get Javi to back her up? I doubt you think that pal.

  • So she knew that the third or fourth bullet in her clip was real and that shocked "Crap!" she yelled after shooting him was just a ruse to get Javi to back her up?

    I doubt you think that pal.

    I'm saying that the script is terrible, and the pacing, it's all over the place...

    ... and is the sass necessary?

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    You honestly think Clem killed that guy on purpose? So she knew that the third or fourth bullet in her clip was real and that shocked "Crap!" she yelled after shooting him was just a ruse to get Javi to back her up? I doubt you think that pal.

  • Okay, so like you said she was using an intimidation tactic with the intention on scoring good bullets from him rather than getting her batteries back. So what use would that do if she intended on killing him before she received the 'good' bullets?

    Yes she was being reckless, aggressive, thuggish and all those other terms you used unnecessarily. But why does that mean that killing him all of a sudden becomes purposeful?
    It doesn't.

    People can threaten to kill someone but not actually intend on doing so but then y'know, actually end up doing so. Doesn't make it any less of an accident, perhaps not in the eyes of the law or maybe to witnesses but to the individual who pulled the trigger, they know themselves that it was an accident so therefore it was.

    DabigRG posted: »

    The point is she meant to pull the trigger as an intimidation tactic and it just so happened that the bullets, whether they were good or not

  • It's not sass, I merely didn't think you were stupid enough to actually believe such a thing.

    I'd take it as a compliment, that's how it was intended to be.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    So she knew that the third or fourth bullet in her clip was real and that shocked "Crap!" she yelled after shooting him was just a ruse to g

  • It's not sass, I merely didn't think you were stupid enough to actually believe such a thing.

    Wow... simply amazing. Proving a point like this, bravo.

    I'd take it as a compliment, that's how it was intended to be.

    No... it wasn't, not at all. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

    It bugs me that Clem didn't toke responsibility for what she did like @DabigRG typed above "All in all, she was being reckless, aggressive, thuggish, shady, and in this scenario, hardheaded and relentless, so it doesn't really help her case." That was my dilemma. I don't see how her shooting someone was an accident. I don't like this Clementine/mini-Jane and that's that.

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    It's not sass, I merely didn't think you were stupid enough to actually believe such a thing. I'd take it as a compliment, that's how it was intended to be.

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