So I reread the first section of Lydia's part and I realized I don't know what Kieran was doing. Am I overthinking it or did Kieran have a reason to be out in the woods?
So you said that Aramoor and A'lelin are in the northern part of the Eastern Continent. What Kingdoms are in the others? Also you mentioned Zodane, is it one of the continents?
So currently governs the kingdoms? Is there a king or any other form of government?
Is there currently any mistrust or hatred between the various races? You said Dark Elves used to see others as lower and youthfully ignorant do some of them still view them as such? What about Orcs? Are they still mistrusted for their actions or at least treated with more caution?
How long has it been between wars? Decades? Centuries?
So you said that Aramoor and A'lelin are in the northern part of the Eastern Continent. What Kingdoms are in the others? Also you mentioned Zodane, is it one of the continents?
There are plenty of kingdoms around Osleron unfortunately most of them are destroyed, Zodane is the western continent and by far most corrupted when it comes to demons, in fact only one real safe place is known Chorrod, the kingdom of the orcs.
So currently governs the kingdoms? Is there a king or any other form of government?
Every kingdom has their own king, except for the High Elves, for them, the twelve magisters have ruled after their king fell.
Is there currently any mistrust or hatred between the various races? You said Dark Elves used to see others as lower and youthfully ignorant do some of them still view them as such? What about Orcs? Are they still mistrusted for their actions or at least treated with more caution?
Very much so most races don't even like each other. The only ones confirmed to properly like each other would be The Humans, The Dwarves and The Halflings.
How long has it been between wars? Decades? Centuries?
Since The One Above All's conquering, 200 years, the first war happened 100 years ago, where as the second happened a few years after that, the third war however happened around 20 years ago. With purges happening every 10 years, a purge is where The One Above All sends his forces to kill all magic users on the known planet, with his main attraction being light wielders.
Thank you.
So you said that Aramoor and A'lelin are in the northern part of the Eastern Continent. What Kingdoms are in the others? Also… more you mentioned Zodane, is it one of the continents?
So currently governs the kingdoms? Is there a king or any other form of government?
Is there currently any mistrust or hatred between the various races? You said Dark Elves used to see others as lower and youthfully ignorant do some of them still view them as such? What about Orcs? Are they still mistrusted for their actions or at least treated with more caution?
How long has it been between wars? Decades? Centuries?
Thank You again you have been extremely helpful. I might make at least one character soon. If you have any problem, questions or just like to discuss them pm and we can talk I would be willing to negotiate almost anything .
And again thanks I look forward to reading the story.
So you said that Aramoor and A'lelin are in the northern part of the Eastern Continent. What Kingdoms are in the others? Also you mentioned … moreZodane, is it one of the continents?
There are plenty of kingdoms around Osleron unfortunately most of them are destroyed, Zodane is the western continent and by far most corrupted when it comes to demons, in fact only one real safe place is known Chorrod, the kingdom of the orcs.
So currently governs the kingdoms? Is there a king or any other form of government?
Every kingdom has their own king, except for the High Elves, for them, the twelve magisters have ruled after their king fell.
Is there currently any mistrust or hatred between the various races? You said Dark Elves used to see others as lower and youthfully ignorant do some of them still view them as such? What about Orcs? Are they still mistrusted for their actions or at least treated with more caution?
Very m… [view original content]
He definitely had a reason, it's also hinted at later in the part (it was a very minor hint though) where the giant shadow enters the battlefield. I can't exactly reveal what he was doing out there just yet.
So I reread the first section of Lydia's part and I realized I don't know what Kieran was doing. Am I overthinking it or did Kieran have a reason to be out in the woods?
the once bright green grass was now replaced with pools of acidic bubbling blood as the Gomelihr’s and Nexuhms poisoned everything they touc… morehed, the trees were all burnt to ash, nothing remained of them and Lydia could only think how she had caused this. Evergreen was once a beautifully forest and they had only just recovered from the Volrohn attack ten years ago, Lydia hadn’t even seen the inner forest yet, hopefully it won’t be as bad, but she heard the screams, it could be worse.
Kieran suddenly turned around, “Lydia!” he yelled to her, she quickly rushed over to him to see if he was alright, “Lydia I’m not blaming you what happened, you didn’t know and frankly neither did I, I’m surprised I couldn’t sense your light, but that doesn’t matter, the mages in Oakbreach should help me figure out what has happened and how to stop it.” Lydia hugged Kieran suddenly, which surprised Kieran, yet it didn’t seem to bother him, “Thank you, Kieran, i… [view original content]
The Voting is tied! since @AgentZ46 character appears in the part I will let him decide between the choices of [Check on your Family] and [Speak with the Order of Light]
The next part will be up in a few hours and it's probably the darkest part we'll have for a while. It is a Nick part with a new PoV joining him who is also on Earth.
He couldn’t do it, no matter how hard he tried to, Nick couldn’t kill this man. “I’m sorry,” Nick told the downed officer whose missing eye stared demonically at him. Nick still clueless what to do left with the assault rifle in hand, “BOY!!!!” the downed officer screamed at him, “KILL ME!!!!” Nick continued walking, trying his best to ignore the officer behind him, it was a struggle as the man kept screaming and raving on about how he needed to die. And Nick just kept walking, what else was he supposed to do, kill the man? he couldn’t do that, he could never do that.
Soon the officer’s voice began to fade as Nick walked further away from the scene. He was searching for the crazed man that did this, a stupid idea Nick knew, but he needed answers and the man had them.
As he entered the hall near the classrooms not much could be immediately seen, Nick kept moving from classroom to classroom, with no sign of life being there, it was hopeless the man must have left, as he turned to leave he saw the same wicked grey eyes staring at him, impossible, Nick checked everything, and just like that, he’s here. “You followed me, hmm. I’m almost impressed,” the man said as he began circling Nick with his hands in his pockets, while Nick immediately pointed the assault rifle right at the man and the man didn’t even flinch, “Are you sure you know how to use that boy, because I believe you don’t,” the man said unafraid.
Nick’s finger was wrapped tightly around the trigger by now as the man kept moving closer, “Stay back…St…Stay back or I’ll shoot!” Nick said nervously, while aiming the rifle at the man’s chest, the man didn’t care, he kept moving forward, “Do it, I dare you,” he said as his mouth formed a grin.
So Nick did, out of fear and maybe anger, but nonetheless three rounds of bullets entered the man’s gut and went straight out the other side, blood quickly come gushing out of the three fresh bullet wounds and the man, he fell to his knees, it was clear he didn’t expect Nick to shoot him, his face was struck with confusion and disgust, “You…actually,” the man begun to say as he dragged his fingers across the fresh wound, while Nick stood there watching, “You shot me….how..” the man continued as he looked upon the blood that was now on his fingers, ”How could you,” he finished as he slowly lost consciousness.
Nick had just realized what he had done, he killed this man, who knows what the police will do to him now, this wasn’t good, what could he do, hide? That wasn’t a good idea, he was always terrible at hiding. And then he remembered the man with the ripped throat, maybe, just maybe, he could tell them the truth, they might believe him, once he shows them the other bodies they’ll realize that he would not be capable of ripping out someone’s throat.
Nick began leaving with the rifle in hand so he could prove that he killed the crazed man. Nick had left the hall of classrooms by now, and was heading for the front entrance when he heard a loud noise of glass shattering from what sounded like a heavy object, it was coming from in front of him, it must be the police. Nick began running with the rifle held in a militaristic style, of course he didn’t know how to hold a rifle so it didn’t look professional. He got closer towards the shattered glass as a large hand out of nowhere threw him into the glass window.
Nick felt a large piece of glass enter into the back of his head. “HAHAHAHA,” the man was back and he let out a maniacal laugh. “You thought you had killed me, I’m good at that you know. Tricking people!” the man screamed, as his spit met Nick’s face, although Nick could barely see him, his vision was blurred from the large shard of glass now inside his head, the rifle was still in Nick’s hand so he used that to his advantage “I was always your better half T-“ Nick cut him off as he released a whole clip into the man’s face, this butchered the man’s face, yet he still lived and all he could to was scream “Argh!!!” continuously. Nick having no ammo left began to run although he couldn’t see properly, he just ran and ran and ran, barely seeing the ground in front of him, he tried to get to the front gate, but only managed to reach the open field of the playground.
Nick had severely underestimated the man’s speed and endurance, the bullets didn’t stop him for long and soon enough the man’s powerful frame and strength had already tackled Nick to the ground, with Nick being completely defenceless, “You slimy cunt!” the man shouted. His face, it was completely healed as if the bullets did nothing. the man continued to hold Nick to the ground, “That’s it,” the man didn’t speak after this, instead he grabbed Nick’s face aiming for his eyes, Nick fought back as their bodies struggled on the ground, the crazed man having the clear advantage, the man began to hit Nick in the gut causing him drop his guard. After that the man’s thumbs immediately entered both Nick’s eyes, it was a simple gouge at first, which still caused Nick to scream in agony, as Nick waved his arms to fight the man, but the man’s superior strength easily shrugged Nick’s arms away.
The eye gouge escalated into Nick’s eye exploding from the constant pressure, Nick instantly screeched in pain as his vision completely deteriorated, he kept screaming, as the man began wriggling his thumbs in Nick’s eye sockets before he finally released Nick’s now destroyed eyes, Nick began to cry although he instantly regretted it, the pain was unexplainable, and the worst bit wasn’t even the pain, it was the fact he couldn’t see, he could only feel and hear, what good was that now that this man was going to kill him.
“Ugh, much better, now I can have my fun without you struggling.” The man said, he sounded excited.
“Please, just kill me. Please! Please! Please!” Nick pleaded to the man’s voice, but from what it felt like the man was standing over him.
“Yes, that would probably help you, wouldn’t it, Nick, but you see, the thing is. This didn’t have to happen, if you would have just listened to me, now you get to die, very painfully.” Nick felt the man’s hand around his throat, as the man found another wall to slam Nick into. Nick’s throat began to tighten he tried to breathe, but failed, he tried again as the hand’s grip grew stronger, to no avail, it was hopeless, as the man began to send fist after fist at Nick’s already butchered face, Nick gave up and accepted his fate. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop the pain.
Nick was virtually dead at this point, he couldn’t see at all as the man continued beating down on his body, speaking of his body it was already destroyed, it was as if it just shut down, he couldn’t move even when he tried, it was as if he was going somewhere else, a place he did not know.
The man picked Nick up effortlessly, this time Nick tried to fight back, he had to, for Amber, for his mother, she couldn’t cope if Nick died, but he couldn’t, his body had betrayed him, this man would surely destroy everything in this school and beyond and Nick couldn’t stop him, no one could.
Nick’s body was continuously slammed into a brick wall that the man had been beating him on for several minutes, but this time the slam was harder, his ribs felt like they shattered on the impact of the brick, his arms were crushed to and even though he couldn’t move his body, he felt the pain as excruciating as it ever could be, in this one moment Nick wanted to cry again, but once again he couldn’t, he couldn’t control anything, only his thoughts.
The man began pounding on Nick’s chest again fist after fist as Nick’s blood was already all over him, “Hahaha, I never knew how fun this would be, if only they let me do this before.” He laughed as he continued caving into Nick’s chest, Nick was already on the ground at this point, he had been on the ground since the first hit, yet the man picked him up a few times, the man mixed kicks and punches into Nick’s body, as he slowly withered away.
“Alright I think I’ve had my fun, farewell Nick,” the man said as he began calming down after his maniacal attack had ended, while Nick, he was already half-dead, more like three quarters, or even more, yet he thought one thing out of all of this, This man he knows my name, how? he thought as the man’s hand easily devoured his throat.
Joel Rogers, Friday, Feb 6, 11:53 AM
“Rogers,” Jimmy said, punching Joel on the arm. ”Wake up we have a job,” Joel’s eyes began shifting open, then he was awake, “Aye, what job, we’ve had like 23 this week, why’d you go get us another one Jim?” Joel asked.
“I didn’t Chief Staples told us to go investigate my son’s school, apparently, it’s been locked down for 4 hours, some pretty hefty stuffs going on there,” Jimmy told him enthusiastically.
“Like what, a school in a small town like this, I doubt anything has happened, but fine we’ll check it out,” Joel put his keys into the ignition, knocked some crumbs of his gearshift, and began heading the way to the school.
“Police have been killed apparently, that’s what the files say,”
“Killed, you say?”
“Yes, brutally to and this is just at the front gate, supposedly a whole squadron is dead, a whole squadron that was armed with rifles, and this man” Jimmy paused, before looking back at Joel. “He was unarmed.” Jimmy told him assertively. Joel was wide awake now and speeding down the road to get to the school.
“Yea, I wouldn’t believe that Jim, you said it’s at a school, kids go to school and kids talk, they spread rumors that sort of thing, you know how kids are, so take that information with a grain of salt.” Joel told him while still driving down the road.
“Well, I suppose you could be right, kids do often talk and the principal only took them down to the local park, so it might not be that bad.” Jimmy seemed convinced, they were nearing the school now or so Joel thought, “This is it right,” Joel asked. Jimmy quickly checked the map, “Yes this is it,” Jimmy told him.
“Good,” Joel replied as his car crawled towards the back gate, which was locked. “I thought this would be open? Do they want us to jump it or something?” Joel said sarcastically.
“I guess we jump it, what else is there to do, I don’t see a key around here.” Jimmy said as he kept looking around, while Joel just sat there, staring, at the top of the spiked gate, it had blood on it.
“Jim, there seems to be blood on the gate, on the top of it,” Joel said, Jimmy’s attention immediately shifted towards the gate, “What blood, I don’t see it,” Jimmy couldn’t see it, for some reason. “Jim how about you stay in the car, while I get the gate open.” Joel said,
“Alright fine, I’ll stay back here, and I’ll drive it in once you’ve opened the gate.”
Joel exited the car and began walking to the blood atop the gate, he approached the blood and dabbed a finger in it, he then sniffed it and noticed it was child’s blood. A child must have jumped the gate, but why, they also must have cut their arm or something similar as they went over. This wasn’t good if there really was a killer in there, the child could be dead.
Before Joel began picking the lock to the gate he looked over to Jimmy, who was munching on the donuts in the car, Jimmy always was quite fat, Joel smiled and nodded at him, while Jimmy responded with a thumbs up as he munched on donut after donut. Joel soon picked the lock and pushed the large black steel gate wide open, he then inspected the grass where the child should have landed from the fall, there wasn’t much grass, very little in fact. It happened recently since there were still heavy patches in the wet grass suggesting it happened only a few hours ago, and that the child must have tripped mid jump as the patches were too wide and heavy to be a child footprints.
Joel began to follow the footsteps, them being wet helped tremendously. In this moment Jim began driving into the carpark to park the car, Jim drove over the footsteps ruining the evidence, “Jim! You’re a fucking idiot!” Joel screamed out to him, truthfully Joel wasn’t that angry he could see more footprints further down the track, he just liked lecturing Jimmy.
“Stop whining, there’s plenty more prints out there.” Jim shouted back from inside the car window. Joel ignored him as he moved to follow the only remaining prints that led on from the walkway, these prints were a lot less visible as the wetness had begun drying with each step of the child’s foot.
“What’d I miss?” Jim asked.
“Nothing, be quiet. I’m searching.” Joel told him while still following the prints.
“Alright fine.” Jim said sadly.
The tracks led past class buildings, the basketball court and the cafeteria before they finally spotted the bodies, there were two bodies, with a third a significant distance away from the others they were officers all of them, and they all looked mutilated “I guess they were right Jim,” said Joel surprised.
“Jesus,” Jim began, as he looked away “What could have done this to them?” Jim said disgusted and his eye remained looking away, whereas Joel he looked right at the wounds.
“I don’t know, but you need to go inform those teachers, we can’t have kids around with stuff like this happening.”
“As you say,” with that Jim rushed off to the front gate to exit the school.
Joel began searching their wounds proper, it was the first officer that stood out, his throat was ripped out and the wound looked very gruesome as a few veins could be seen dangling down his chest, it was very strange as no human could do that with their bare hands, yet the wound suggested that it was an unarmed attack since Joel could see no weapons involved in this kill.
The other two however had clear bullet wounds, one had his brain shot in, a fairly simple and clean kill. While the other one he was a few feet away from his now fallen comrades, he was laying on his stomach, but Joel could see a bullet wound in his leg, he was dead, so Joel proceeded to inspect his body.
Joel pulled the dead officer to his back and saw something horrific, the officer’s eye, it was missing, a wound like that, Joel wasn’t used to, nor did he like it he was very sensitive about eyes, he looked to have died recently to, maybe an hour ago, whereas the others died atleast two hours ago. The child’s footprints continued further on, towards the classrooms.
Joel knew what to do, he had to do, call Chief Staples, these were his men, he’d like to know what happened to them. Joel pulled out his phone and dialled in the number for the chief, it rung for a while as Joel began following the footprints towards the classrooms.
“Hello, This is Chief Staples speaking, wh-“
“Yea, Chief cut the shit it’s Agent Rogers.”
“Oh, Rogers. What’s the matter, you’r-“
“Yea, I’m at the school and I suggest you evacuate the area, there’s children here and a dangerous criminal, those two don’t mix well together. Your men are also dead, one has his throat ripped out and whatever did that to him doesn’t seem human, I don’t know what did it. You should call the ambulance, I’m still searching the school so make sure they don’t disturb me.”
“Hold on just one second Rogers, can you say th-“ Joel hung up and placed his phone back into his pocket. He had entered the hall to the classrooms by now, he saw bullets, three bullets, covered with blood yet no bodies could be seen, Joel approached them and inspected them, these bullets would make for useful evidence, Joel picked them up doing his best not to infect the evidence, and he placed them in his pocket. He continued following the footprints which now led outside, they were hard to follow as Joel was on concrete footpath but he managed to keep track of them, eventually they led to broken glass, which was covered heavily in blood, Joel continued inspecting it and realized it seemed to be a head wound, whoever’s blood this was surely they’d be dead now, Joel hoped it wasn’t the child, there was also an assault rifle there with multiple bullets scattered all over the ground, whoever fought here definitely struggled, however Joel saw the footprints continue so he decided to follow them he noticed with every step the prints began to turn into a sprint, Joel followed the footprints until he saw…Jimmy?
Jimmy was crouched on hands and knees, Joel didn’t know what he was so upset about but he went over to investigate. “Hey Jim, wh-“ and then he saw it, the child, the boy, Joel didn’t know who it was and even if he once did, the boy was now indistinguishable without proper forensic analysis, the boy was completely butchered to say the least, his arms shattered, same with his legs they were both twisted in the opposite way, and his eyes they were, ugh, Joel had to look away, “Jeez Jim, what the hell did this to him.” Joel said, as Jim began to cry, “Jimmy why are you crying, we need to inspect this kid damn it, I can’t have you crying right now.” Joel told him angrily and sternly, his anger was mainly at the fact he couldn’t prevent this.
“Why am I crying. Why do you think Joel, this kid, this boy…he…he is my son.” Jimmy told Joel in a tone of anger mixed with sadness, while Joel he just stood there, frozen, how, how could he not have realized this was Nick Warner, Jimmy Warner’s son, Joel knew the boy for atleast ten years he was a good kid, even if Jim was a terrible father.
“Jim, listen buddy, I need to search him, I’ll be quick okay, I promise.”
“Fine,” Jim said as his tears intensified, “I’m leaving…I’ll…I’ll inform the teachers, on what has happened and I’ll kill the man who did this” Jim didn’t even look at Joel as he made his way to leave still sobbing from what he had seen, Joel was surprised, Jim never even seemed to love Nick, it was always the boy’s mother that cared for him, Joel could only wonder what she would do once she hears the news.
Joel further inspected the body and realized he hadn’t even gotten a good look at it the first time, the amount of blood was indescribable and it was hard to even see the wounds there was so much blood. From what Joel saw it looked as if Nick’s chest was flattened by a car crusher, except it was supposedly a man that did this, Joel knew this was no man’s work, whatever it was Joel was unsure.
Nick’s missing eyes and throat are what really struck Joel, it disgusted him beyond belief, for that reason he tried not to look at it but he knew he had to, the throat is the first thing he looked at, Nick’s spine was completely removed for some reason unknown to Joel, whatever did this had ripped it out and taken it with them.
Joel couldn’t continue searching Nick, the wounds were far to gruesome and Joel never was into Forensics, so he’d leave that to the police. Joel left as soon as the ambulance and the other policeman came barging through the front gate, with whatever did this unseen to everyone, including Joel.
Joel left the school and headed for the park the children were currently at, they hadn’t left even throughout all the mess, so Joel decided to question anyone who was related or friends with Nick, his choices were The Arcland’s a rich family of billionaires who seemed to be friends with everyone, currently there were only the three children, Alyssa, Luke and James available they still could hold a lot of information about the situation. Nick’s mother was also on option Joel could head to her house and speak with her, but Jim would surely want to come with him, that could be catastrophic. Or the girl crying, she seemed to be close to Nick as everyone was comforting her.
[Speak to the Arcland children] [Speak to Nick’s mother] [Speak to the girl crying]
Nick Warner, Friday, Feb 6, 9:48 AM
He couldn’t do it, no matter how hard he tried to, Nick couldn’t kill this man. “I’m sorry,” Nick tol… mored the downed officer whose missing eye stared demonically at him. Nick still clueless what to do left with the assault rifle in hand, “BOY!!!!” the downed officer screamed at him, “KILL ME!!!!” Nick continued walking, trying his best to ignore the officer behind him, it was a struggle as the man kept screaming and raving on about how he needed to die. And Nick just kept walking, what else was he supposed to do, kill the man? he couldn’t do that, he could never do that.
Soon the officer’s voice began to fade as Nick walked further away from the scene. He was searching for the crazed man that did this, a stupid idea Nick knew, but he needed answers and the man had them.
As he entered the hall near the classrooms not much could be immediately seen, Nick kept moving from classroom to classroom, with no … [view original content]
Nick Warner, Friday, Feb 6, 9:48 AM
He couldn’t do it, no matter how hard he tried to, Nick couldn’t kill this man. “I’m sorry,” Nick tol… mored the downed officer whose missing eye stared demonically at him. Nick still clueless what to do left with the assault rifle in hand, “BOY!!!!” the downed officer screamed at him, “KILL ME!!!!” Nick continued walking, trying his best to ignore the officer behind him, it was a struggle as the man kept screaming and raving on about how he needed to die. And Nick just kept walking, what else was he supposed to do, kill the man? he couldn’t do that, he could never do that.
Soon the officer’s voice began to fade as Nick walked further away from the scene. He was searching for the crazed man that did this, a stupid idea Nick knew, but he needed answers and the man had them.
As he entered the hall near the classrooms not much could be immediately seen, Nick kept moving from classroom to classroom, with no … [view original content]
The Voting is tied! since @AgentZ46 character appears in the part I will let him decide between the choices of [Check on your Family] and [S… morepeak with the Order of Light]
The next part will be up in a few hours and it's probably the darkest part we'll have for a while. It is a Nick part with a new PoV joining him who is also on Earth.
Holy shit, Nick! I did not see that coming. At the same time, I have to wonder if he really died. I mean, does someone who dies in the simulation die in the real world as well? Is that thing like the Matrix, or does it have different rules? Maybe he just woke up from it by dying. I noticed that this mysterious guy who murdered him almost called him by a different name and that makes me think that his role in the story is not over yet.
[Speak to the girl crying]
I guess it might be for the best to speak to her first. She's close to his position, she obviously knew him well, given her reaction and I also think it might be better to leave his mother alone for now. I don't really know what these Arcland people could know that could help, I mean, what connection do they have to the case, so that crying girl should be the best first lead.
Nick Warner, Friday, Feb 6, 9:48 AM
He couldn’t do it, no matter how hard he tried to, Nick couldn’t kill this man. “I’m sorry,” Nick tol… mored the downed officer whose missing eye stared demonically at him. Nick still clueless what to do left with the assault rifle in hand, “BOY!!!!” the downed officer screamed at him, “KILL ME!!!!” Nick continued walking, trying his best to ignore the officer behind him, it was a struggle as the man kept screaming and raving on about how he needed to die. And Nick just kept walking, what else was he supposed to do, kill the man? he couldn’t do that, he could never do that.
Soon the officer’s voice began to fade as Nick walked further away from the scene. He was searching for the crazed man that did this, a stupid idea Nick knew, but he needed answers and the man had them.
As he entered the hall near the classrooms not much could be immediately seen, Nick kept moving from classroom to classroom, with no … [view original content]
At the same time, I have to wonder if he really died. I mean, does someone who dies in the simulation die in the real world as well? Is that thing like the Matrix, or does it have different rules? Maybe he just woke up from it by dying. I noticed that this mysterious guy who murdered him almost called him by a different name and that makes me think that his role in the story is not over yet.
Holy shit, Nick! I did not see that coming. At the same time, I have to wonder if he really died. I mean, does someone who dies in the simul… moreation die in the real world as well? Is that thing like the Matrix, or does it have different rules? Maybe he just woke up from it by dying. I noticed that this mysterious guy who murdered him almost called him by a different name and that makes me think that his role in the story is not over yet.
[Speak to the girl crying]
I guess it might be for the best to speak to her first. She's close to his position, she obviously knew him well, given her reaction and I also think it might be better to leave his mother alone for now. I don't really know what these Arcland people could know that could help, I mean, what connection do they have to the case, so that crying girl should be the best first lead.
It seems we have a tie!
A tough thing to handle (not really sure what to do about that, but i'm sure i'll figure it out)
Anyway the nex… moret part is ready, and I should post it right after this post actually, it's a Nick part and you'll see the consequences of him entering the school.
So, we're two parts in and you have already encountered my mortal enemy, the post-length limit. I like that, I like that a serious lot
S… morepeaking of things I like, there's this part, which is great. Orcs are always an interesting, since rare perspective in such stories and I like that you go with the whole Warcaft approach to the race in which they are not just the bad guys, but have actual depth to them. And you wrote them really well! I look forward for more parts from them and this story just continues to get better. I can't wait for future parts, this is awesome!
[Take Malvor with you]
I was a bit torn between him and Zethra and I wouldn't mind her to win this choice either. I really don't trust Rothakk, so I won't take him, though I wouldn't be too surprised if he ends up as a bit of a red herring and isn't actually that much of a bad guy. But as Narigg himself thought about, his magic can't be trusted. And Zethra's temper could … [view original content]
Nick Warner, Friday, Feb 6, 9:48 AM
He couldn’t do it, no matter how hard he tried to, Nick couldn’t kill this man. “I’m sorry,” Nick tol… mored the downed officer whose missing eye stared demonically at him. Nick still clueless what to do left with the assault rifle in hand, “BOY!!!!” the downed officer screamed at him, “KILL ME!!!!” Nick continued walking, trying his best to ignore the officer behind him, it was a struggle as the man kept screaming and raving on about how he needed to die. And Nick just kept walking, what else was he supposed to do, kill the man? he couldn’t do that, he could never do that.
Soon the officer’s voice began to fade as Nick walked further away from the scene. He was searching for the crazed man that did this, a stupid idea Nick knew, but he needed answers and the man had them.
As he entered the hall near the classrooms not much could be immediately seen, Nick kept moving from classroom to classroom, with no … [view original content]
Okay. I have finished fleshing out the full Oakbreach storyline for chapter 1. And alot of your characters will have their first appearance in it.
As for the next part, it will be a Narigg part. We will see his journey across the sea to reach Komladur (the Dwarven stronghold), where he will attempt to sneak into the portal that should take him to Earth, how successful he is depends on your choices of course. The part should be finished soon, but until then the voting remains open.
Voting is closed! Joel will speak to the girl crying. This was actually the choice I was planning for. And I can already reveal, the girl is someone who has been mentioned before. Joel's next part should be interesting.
The next part is a Narigg part, as I mentioned in my previous post. He will be crossing the sea (which holds many wonderful beasts), after a talk with Rothakk. It should be a fairly long part. It could be out within the next 12 hours or most likely tomorrow.
“Fine, I suppose you want me to fly there on Reaver,”
“Well, yes of course you’ll take the drake, but you aren’t going alone,”
“I’m no… moret? who’s coming with me?”
“I’m giving you a choice here, you can choose between Rothakk, Zethra or Malvor, choose wisely, as one slight mistake can screw this entire mission, I’ll give you time to think on this decision, this is your war room after all.” Tharegg left the room, and closed the door behind him, Narigg had time to calculate.
This was a harder decision than Narigg wanted it to be, Rothakk could be useful but such dark magic can never be trusted. Zethra was very hot headed even more than Narigg, she could probably wreck the entire mission on her own, yet if a battle occurs she would be highly useful. Malvor was definitely the most calm and collected of the three, but he was quite old and slow, he would most likely slow Narigg down, yet Narigg looked at him like a father, and trusted him m… [view original content]
Voting is closed! Joel will speak to the girl crying. This was actually the choice I was planning for. And I can already reveal, the girl is… more someone who has been mentioned before. Joel's next part should be interesting.
The next part is a Narigg part, as I mentioned in my previous post. He will be crossing the sea (which holds many wonderful beasts), after a talk with Rothakk. It should be a fairly long part. It could be out within the next 12 hours or most likely tomorrow.
Narigg Bonecrusher - Dorragir, Chorrod, Zodane, 201 AC
Malvor, he was the one who would go with Narigg, thinking similarly on many things, he was also the one who rarely got nervous, unlike Zethra, whose neurotic streak led to her rage. Zethra was also the Overlord, the High Overlord to be precise, a position that Narigg needed to stay in Dorragir, as useful as Zethra is. Narigg could not take her on this mission. Rothakk will be highly displeased once he hears that Narigg chose Malvor, and he’d be hearing very soon, since he was the one briefing Narigg on the proper mission. Narigg himself was displeased with this news, as he despised Rothakk, and having to speak with him civilly was something Narigg never liked.
Currently, Narigg was still in his war room, downing mugs of ale, while seated on a wooden chair, his large green feet sat collapsed on the war table in front of him. He forged a cockish grin as he looked at Bloodhowler atop the wall and remembered all the unfortunate foes he had slain with it, which had to be in the high thousands.
Rothakk came barging through the door interrupting Narigg’s thoughts. This caused Narigg to blankly stare at him as he kept drinking. Rothakk responded to Narigg’s stare with a look of confusion. “What are you doing?” Rothakk asked sternly. Narigg didn’t care for his questions and continued drinking. “Drinking, what else would I be doing?” Narigg responded with a slightly drunk tone. “You’re drunk…” Rothakk began. “I can’t believe this. You of all people should know how important this mission is.” Narigg cut him off before he could continue. “I’ll only be drunk for a brief time Rothakk, so ease up, alright.” Narigg finished, downing another mug.
Rothakk’s gaze hardened as he looked down at Narigg, while Narigg was too drunk to notice. “You should stop drinking.” Rothakk began slowly as he aggressively approached the table, although it looked ridiculous as he needed a cane-staff to get there. “Tharegg would not be pleased to see this.” Rothakk continued, stopping just at the table as he rested his hands upon it. “Then it’s a good thing he isn’t here.” Narigg said with an ugly grin, staring at his mug of ale.
The look Rothakk gave Narigg was one of pure hatred, his hands began to shake he was so angry. “You think that was funny, Bonecrusher?” Rothakk began with a rumbling fierce tone, whilst slowly making his way around the table. Narigg’s reaction to this was to keep drinking, completely careless of the entire situation, perhaps even Rothakk’s existence. “Do I have to remind you who I am?” Rothakk’s tone became increasingly dark as he moved closer to Narigg’s chair. At this point Narigg began to talk, or he would have, if Rothakk would shut his mouth.
“I’ve made this race what it is. And you should feel honoured to even be in my presence. If it wasn’t for me, The Flame would have fallen years ago, while you were of whoring in Frostland with your dog of a brother, Lekthr. I saved our people from imminent doom. So maybe you should think before you speak.” Rothakk growled, as he finally reached Narigg’s seat, staring down at him with twisted green eyes, he continued. “But it seems I’ve forgotten that puppets can’t think.”
Narigg couldn’t help but let out a deep chuckle, as he stared at his mug, he began swirling the ale inside it, allowing Rothakk to continue his illusion of power. The chuckle alone enraged Rothakk. “What? What are you laughing at fool?” He questioned harshly. At this point Narigg put down his mug, as he took his feet of the war table, he shifted into a high posture, while still seated his impressive height was already at Rothakk’s chin. Narigg’s eyes shifted to Rothakk’s, as orange met green. Rothakk’s gaze was hardened and angry. While Narigg’s was surprisingly calm and collected.
“You, Rothakk.” Narigg began to say, “I’m laughing at you, this entire time you thought I was drunk, yet I wasn’t. I believe you are the fool.” Narigg finished with a grin.
Rothakk’s expression was confusion mixed with rage, as he never expected someone like Narigg to be cunning enough to trick him. “That’s it I’ve had enough of you.” Rothakk concluded, as a spark of green energy could be seen in his right hand, he approached Narigg attempting to injure him. Narigg expected this and was quick enough to catch his hand. “You’ve grown predictable with age Rothakk.” Narigg said as he slammed Rothakk’s arm into the wall behind them, shattering the bone in the process. “Argh!” Rothakk screamed. While Narigg laughed at his pain. “Seems no more magic for you.” Narigg said as he then easily pushed Rothakk to the ground.
Rothakk winced in pain before he spoke, “Why have you done this? What are you hoping to achieve?” Narigg was glad to tell Rothakk exactly why he did this. “You thought I was drunk, yes? I’ve heard from Malvor that you abuse our people when they are drunk, so I wanted to see for myself. I also thought it was a good trial, since I’m about to become a dwarf, and drinking is exactly what they do.”
Rothakk was completely bewildered by Narigg’s behaviour. “All of this? Just for that? You could have killed me!” Rothakk shouted as he slowly got up, his cane-staff doing all the proper work.
“Yes, that is what happens when you abuse my people. And if I ever hear you insulting my brother again, I will slay you in front of all Dorragir!” Narigg said fiercely. He meant his threat, no one insults his family, and the only reason Rothakk was getting away with it, was because he had all the information about the Komladur mission. “Now take a seat Rothakk. Malvor and I need to get to Komladur, so make this quick.”
Rothakk quickly hobbled over to his seat, as Narigg remained seated. Malvor came through the already half opened door. “Sorry I’m late.” Malvor said with sincerity. Rothakk looked at him with displeasure, whilst he clenched his now broken arm. Narigg spoke first. “It’s fine Malvor. Rothakk and I have settled things here.” He told him. Malvor’s silver-blue eyes threw Narigg a quick glance of disappointment, before he quickly rushed to Rothakk’s side. “What have you done Narigg? I told you not here!” Malvor said angrily.
“Someone had to do it. And that someone was me.” Narigg said calmly, still staring at Malvor, as he sat beside Rothakk.
“Yes, but not here, we spoke about this.” Malvor said.
“Then where! If not here! Where shall I deliver justice, Malvor?” Narigg asked aggressively.
At this point, Rothakk joined in on the conversation. “Just shut it you two!” Rothakk slammed his unbroken hand on the table. “I’ve had enough! I give you two the information and then you both can leave.” Rothakk said shifting his eyes from Narigg to Malvor. “Fine.” Narigg and Malvor said in unison.
“Good. Very good.” Rothakk began as he slowly calmed himself down. “Now when you two get near Komladur, that is where you will ambush Galthus Sunbeard and his father. There will only be two of them in total. Malvor, you’ll be under the identity of Andron Sunbeard, you will be Narigg’s father. Which shouldn’t be too hard, you act like you are anyway. Narigg of course you will be Galthus, and he has a package you must deliver to Komladur, that is how you will enter.” Rothakk was completely calm now. “When you are in, you look for the portal, I myself do not know where it is located, if you brought me with you I could have. Since you’ll need magic to locate it surely, and since neither of you know any form of magic, I’ve devised a little trinket to help you.”
Rothakk began reaching into his cloak with his left unbroken hand, and pulled out a silver necklace, with a large golden sword inscribed into the middle of it, symbolizing the power of the light. “Now as you may know, due to his surname. Galthus is a light-wielder, I’ll be giving this to you Bonecrusher.” Rothakk quickly threw the necklace to Narigg and he caught it without effort.
“Now you see, the dwarves they won’t suspect a thing. They’ll just think it’s another trinket from The Order of Light, whereas it actually has very powerful tracking magic enchanted into it which shall lead you to the portal, if you’re careful that is.”
“What do you mean?” Malvor asked.
Rothakk shifted his attention to Malvor. “The Halflings still dwell in Komladur, and some of their machines can track magic, which would prove terrible for the both of you. I suggest you avoid the Halfling Embassy. Even without the machines, those smart bastards can probably decipher you’re not the real Galthus and Andron. Stick to the dwarves they’re nowhere near as smart.”
“What if the portal is in the Halfling Embassy?” Narigg asked inquistively.
“Then you’re in for some trouble,” Rothakk spoke looking dead into Narigg’s orange eyes. “But I suppose the mighty Bonecrusher, the best warrior in all of Osleron, can take a few puny halflings.” Rothakk said, and then spoke again without Narigg having the chance at a comeback. “After you have slain Galthus and Andron, you’ll meet Selena Ashkar, an upstart Half-Elf, she’s a dragonslayer, so keep Reaver and Dreader away from her, or they may end up dead. She is on close terms with the dwarves, and has agreed to escort Galthus and Andron, from Nin Kolduhr to Komladur, you’ll get to them before they meet her and replace them. Now I’m only missing one thing, the package the dwarves are escorting, I don’t know what’s in it. That is the only thing I don’t know, but you two aren’t complete idiots, so I suppose you’ll figure it out. If you can try and convince the Half-Elf to tell you, it may be hard, she’s a jokester from what I hear, so I suppose that is in your realm Narigg.”
“And one last thing.” Rothakk put another hand into his cloak and pulled out two vials, within each within each was a disgusting deep green liquid. “When the dwarves are dead, you put a small portion of their brains into these vials, and then both of you drink. That’s how you will have their appearance, don’t get caught on your way to Komladur and this may go well.”
Narigg was quite intrigued by this mission. He had never been to Komladur, since the orcs and dwarves were not on bad terms, only due to their alliance with the humans, that was the main reason the dwarves were enemies, nonetheless Narigg was excited. “Alright. I’m ready.” Narigg said, as he stood up and began to head for Bloodhowler, his ancestral axe. Before Rothakk cut him off. “Narigg what are you doing, that axe is famous. If you take that they’ll know you’re a Bonecrusher.” It was a good point, but Narigg still didn’t like it. “That means my armor to, doesn’t it?” Narigg asked.
“Even more so your armor, you’d be the biggest idiot on Osleron to take that.” Rothakk said with a stern tone. Then Malvor stood up, “Thank you for the briefing Rothakk, and sorry about your hand.” Rothakk nodded in return, as Malvor left for the door. “I’ll meet you by the drakes Narigg.” Malvor said with a hint of disappointment still in his tone.
“Very well, Malvor. I’ll see you soon.” Narigg said, and Malvor was gone, before he even finished the sentence. Rothakk noticed this before even Narigg did. “I suppose your plan of justice backfired Bonecrusher. It seems you’ve upset your dear friend Malvor.” Rothakk said with a grin.
Narigg only responded with a fierce glare. “How long do we have.”
“Not that long Bonecrusher, but the drakes fly fast, just watch out for ‘sea monsters’. There’ve been reports of attacks lately.”
“Alright.” Narigg finished as he left the war room, closing the door behind him. He began exiting the throne room, walking past all the advisors and soldiers as he moved, they all bowed before him as he continued walking. “General Bonecrusher!!” A soldier began to chant and all the other soldiers joined in. While Narigg he gave them each a nod before leaving the throne room. Leaving the throne room Narigg didn’t focus on much else, only the mission, he thought out multiple ways to complete it, but decided in the end he would improvise. His plans only worked for war, not a stealth mission.
Narigg was now at the mounts, as was Malvor. Malvor only responded with a glare, before he mounted Dreader the mighty green drake, and rose high above into the sky, he began gliding towards the sea before Narigg had even mounted.
With a quick stroke of Reaver’s rough scales, Narigg mounted him, and slowly rose him in the air. The clouds grew darker and darker each passing minute. As he rose more and more of Zodane became visible, from the dusty desert of Chorrod, to the far south of the Ashenlands, was a land filled with Eiwoqir, and their dreaded Demon-Lord Tanbohr who hid beneath the land in cowardice waiting to strike.
Narigg never did see Tanbohr but supposedly he is the Lord of the Traix, and brother of the mighty Fire-Lord Azarix, one of the elemental gods. Thinking of the elementals made Narigg think of Riftwell. Madrius Riftwell who had usurped the Ice-Lord’s throne in Frostland and became the new master of frost. Narigg was there when it happened as was Lekthr, their armies failed to stop Riftwell. As did the other races, he slew King Daystar, as he marched into A’lelin in hopes of corrupting the Leithyr, which he succeeded. The high elves have not been the same ever since, most of them went mad, even after the dwarves managed to uncorrupt it, but they forgot one thing, the elves. Narigg always believed it was they who remained corrupted.
By now Narigg was zooming through the sky, he was already quite far across the ocean, as Malvor could be seen much further away from Narigg. It was clear Malvor was very unhappy with Narigg’s choice to teach Rothakk a lesson, and maybe he was right. Rothakk didn’t even seem to learn anything all he got was a broken arm, which Narigg had already broken countless times before. Narigg never did understand Rothakk, he was cruel yet helpful, a tricky one to understand, truthfully Narigg liked bullying him for fun, and Rothakk did deserve it. But as General of the Flame, it is expected he be more reasonable than that.
Narigg shifted his attention to the ocean, which had a green tinge inflicted upon it, for this reason the ocean was called, The Sundered Sea, it had been this way for ten thousand years ever since, The Dark Elves first defeated the Eiwoqir. Narigg then remembered Rothakk saying sea monsters had been attacking fellow orcs, yet most orcs flew on drakes. Narigg tried to figure what sort of sea monster It could be. Krakens could be one, but Narigg and Malvor were both flying so Reaver and Dreader could handle those. Narigg then thought if it was a Leviathan then both he and Malvor may not make it out alive. Out of all the dragon species only an elder dragon, one such as Umbracor could handle a leviathan, even the thought of facing one made Narigg slightly uneasy.
And then it happened, a huge titanic figure rose from the depths, splashing the waves high into the sky almost like a tsunami, the giant wave alone took Malvor and Dreader down. While Narigg he was safe as Malvor was atleast 100 feet away when Narigg saw him slowly plummeting to the sea. The Leviathan’s several tentacles then swished and smashed into the ocean making more large waves, as a tentacle finally caught Dreader as swift as a serpent it threw him into it’s disgusting shark like mouth.
Dreader was dead, and Malvor to if Narigg didn’t do something. Without even thinking Narigg began screaming “MALVOR!!!” he screamed continuously. As the Leviathan’s full attention diverted to Narigg, Reaver dove down to the seas Narigg could almost feel the ocean they were gliding so close to it, Malvor was almost at the bottom now as Reaver was beneath ready to catch him. It was in this moment when Narigg realized something else. Something to add to their already dire circumstances.
A giant whirlpool, was just underneath Malvor, at this point it was safe to say Malvor was unconscious, while Narigg his heart was beating furiously, as was his vision blurred from the constant splash of water the Leviathan’s tentacles had caused. “REAVER!! FIRE BALL!! NOW!!!” Narigg screamed at his drake and it followed his command, as a huge ball of fire left the drakes throat, and crashed into the Leviathan’s gut. It didn’t do much damage but it did stun the monster just in time for Narigg to dart up above the whirlpool and get Malvor. Narigg wouldn’t let him die, not today.
Reaver rose just in time to not be sucked in by the giant whirlpool, Malvor was flying faster than Narigg thought, as his green orcish body looked lifeless and dead, Narigg feared as he managed to catch his arm before he fell into the whirlpool.
Just in this moment The Leviathan’s titanic frame moved the waves as his body pushed closer to the orcs, this strengthened the whirlpool. Reaver hovered there as Narigg attempted to throw Malvor onto Reaver and fly out of this nightmare. A good idea only if it worked.
Three giant tentacles simultaneously slammed into Reaver causing the drake to fall under the monster’s titanic power. Narigg and Malvor were thrown of the drake as Reaver fell and they began falling into the whirlpool.
Then it all happened slower than Narigg thought as the speed they fell seemed like forever. Though Narigg knew this was his last moment, he wanted to make sure his body would stay with Malvor. While Malvor was seemingly dead, Narigg’s large arms were covering his entire torso, so Narigg’s back would be the first thing to hit the whirlpool.
Reaver was already dead from the hit of the Leviathan, and his body just slowly entered the whirlpool. As Narigg and Malvor were about to fall in, Narigg felt a powerful energy just outside his chest, to see what it was caused Narigg great struggle as he had to twist Malvor’s body around so it was facing the whirlpool, while he did this, he quickly glanced at the strange energy on his chest.
It was the silver necklace Rothakk had given him, the one that would track the portal, as he ripped the necklace from around his neck, he held it in his hands as he tightly wrapped his arms around Malvor they crashed into the waves, The Leviathan struck a tentacle at them ensuring they would enter. All Narigg saw was darkness and he knew he was dead.
Except Narigg didn’t die, he didn’t even touch the water, and the Leviathan was gone, yet he and Malvor were still falling. Narigg’s body crashed heavily into the ground as it met snow, Malvor’s body provided more damage for Narigg as he fell straight on his chest. Narigg was sure Malvor was already dead, nonetheless Malvor’s body was resting on Narigg’s gut. Narigg just laid there with his eyes closed as he tried to figure out what the hell happened. He heard something speak. “What the hell is that?” A voice asked.
“I don’t know. They look to be orcs.” A deeper, older voice answered.
“And they just fell out of the sky.” The other voice answered. It was now that Narigg opened his eyes. At first all he saw was the blueness of the sky, and when he turned his head the whiteness of the snowy mountains. Narigg pushed Malvor’s body to the side, Narigg then stood himself up. His body was aching. And it was dwarves who were speaking.
“It moves.” The small dwarf with the golden beard said. “Oh gods! I…” the dwarf stuttered just as he realized who exactly he was talking to. “Father that’s Bonecrusher, he defeated Caedon Riftwell in single combat, Caedon’s the finest swordsman in the Brotherhood.”
“Yep, that’s me.” Narigg said as he stretched his aching muscles.
“Let’s fight him Galthus. How dare this imposter step into our lands!” Andron Sunbeard said, he was tall, for a dwarf, with golden plate armor, forged and ready for battle, he held a mace and a shield that was bigger than him. Andron was more than prepared to strike at Narigg. “As you say father.” Galthus said as he stood in a readied pose, with a sword in hand he began to charge up a light spell.
As tired as Narigg was he had to get this over with. Narigg’s large frame rushed at them with only his fists as allies.
Andron jumped in front of Narigg’s fist, as fist met shield, Narigg’s fist didn’t break the shield, but he hit it hard enough to shatter the old dwarves arm as Narigg held it in place with his left hand. Galthus finished charging his spell and shot a small beam of light energy right at Narigg, luckily Narigg pushed Andron in front of the blast, which put a huge light filled whole into his chest. “Well that was easy.” Narigg said. “You did the work for me.” Narigg finished, as Andron looked star struck as to what just happened, Narigg let him fall to the ground.
“Father!” Galthus yelped as he dropped his sword and rushed over to his father’s decrepit body. “I’m so sorry.” He said as he cried into his father’s now dead body. Narigg would usually feel bad about what had just occurred, yet the fact that Malvor may be dead made him even more heartless.
“You did your best dwarf. But it seems your best was not enough.” Narigg began as he approached the dwarves small blade.
Galthus was quivering in fear while crouched over his father’s dead body, he saw the giant orc approach him, “Wh….What are you do..doing.” Galthus said while crawling away from Narigg’s giant frame.
“Sending you to your father.” Narigg said as his boot met the dwarf’s chest he crushed him with his large feet. Galthus was already dead at this point, yet Narigg finished him further. “Farewell.” Narigg said as the dwarves’ own blade entered his throat.
Now they were both dead. Just like that and Narigg realized that it happened again, his bloodlust, he absolutely slaughtered those dwarves, like they were mere animals and if Malvor was truly dead could he really complete this mission?
Narigg continued anyway as he stripped the dwarves armor and clothes. He used Galthus’ own blade to cut into both of their skulls and retrieved a small portion of each of their brains. It was tough especially since Narigg was only a warrior, it took him a few good minutes just to extract a little of the brain, as he kept cutting the chunks to large.
He then after the extraction carefully walked over to Malvor’s body and retrieved the vials of shapeshifting. He put Galthus’ brain into one and Andron’s into the other. He gave Andron’s vial to Malvor first even though Malvor was unconscious, he forced his mouth open and slid the vial’s liquid down his throat.
He did the same to himself as parts of Galthus’ brain slid down his throat it tasted like poison, although after a few seconds it worked. It felt very strange, he felt his arms shrink, his head shrink, his whole body shrunk. Since Narigg was eight feet tall, he was now around half that, and much less muscular, he did not like it one bit. On top of that he felt this hideous golden beard.
Malvor now looked like Andron so Narigg placed Andron’s plate armor on him, even though he was still unconscious. Narigg hid the dwarf bodies. Now everything looked perfect as if Narigg really was Galthus and that his father Andron was only injured.
Just as everything looked perfect Narigg saw a feminine figure in the far distance on the snowy mountains, it looked elven, especially the ears, the girl wore plain leather. Narigg assumed it was Selena Ashkar, the half-elf Rothakk mentioned. She was quite a distance away, yet Rothakk said she would be escorting us. Narigg had to decide what would be the more realistic choice for Galthus to make.
[Rush to Selena for help] [Stay with your ‘Father’]
As tired as Narigg was he had to get this over with. Narigg’s large frame rushed at them with only his fists as allies.
Andron jumped in … morefront of Narigg’s fist, as fist met shield, Narigg’s fist didn’t break the shield, but he hit it hard enough to shatter the old dwarves arm as Narigg held it in place with his left hand. Galthus finished charging his spell and shot a small beam of light energy right at Narigg, luckily Narigg pushed Andron in front of the blast, which put a huge light filled whole into his chest. “Well that was easy.” Narigg said. “You did the work for me.” Narigg finished, as Andron looked star struck as to what just happened, Narigg let him fall to the ground.
“Father!” Galthus yelped as he dropped his sword and rushed over to his father’s decrepit body. “I’m so sorry.” He said as he cried into his father’s now dead body. Narigg would usually feel bad about what had just occurred, yet the fact that Malvor may be dead … [view original content]
I'm unsure how I feel about Narigg now, after that display with the Dwarves.
Understandable. He originally would've just killed them quickly without the insults, especially if Malvor was awake. Actually if Malvor was awake Narigg might not have even killed them. But after the Leviathan it's safe to say he was angry.
[Rush to Selena for help] Screw realism! Let's go meet the pretty elf! XD
Jokes aside she could possibly help our "father" and us so might as well.
I'm unsure how I feel about Narigg now, after that display with the Dwarves.
Judging by real Galthus' reaction to his father's death it would seem like they were close. It seems like this would probably be the option more in tune with his personality and since we want Selena to think we are him...
As tired as Narigg was he had to get this over with. Narigg’s large frame rushed at them with only his fists as allies.
Andron jumped in … morefront of Narigg’s fist, as fist met shield, Narigg’s fist didn’t break the shield, but he hit it hard enough to shatter the old dwarves arm as Narigg held it in place with his left hand. Galthus finished charging his spell and shot a small beam of light energy right at Narigg, luckily Narigg pushed Andron in front of the blast, which put a huge light filled whole into his chest. “Well that was easy.” Narigg said. “You did the work for me.” Narigg finished, as Andron looked star struck as to what just happened, Narigg let him fall to the ground.
“Father!” Galthus yelped as he dropped his sword and rushed over to his father’s decrepit body. “I’m so sorry.” He said as he cried into his father’s now dead body. Narigg would usually feel bad about what had just occurred, yet the fact that Malvor may be dead … [view original content]
Whoa, Narigg! That was... brutal I agree with Agent, I must say that I feel unsure of him now after killing the dwarves, especially in such a brutal way. I mean, they had to die for his mission and the dwarves kinda attacked him first, but still, it makes me a bit nervous for his next parts, for obvious reason.
[Rush to Selena for help]
Ah... this was something I found to be a hard choice, mostly because I not only had to decide what's best for Narigg, but naturally also what's best for Selena. I don't want her to blow his cover, because after getting several glimpses at Narigg's temper, I am afraid it won't end well for one of them. I am absolutely not sure which option would be better here, but if Narigg manages to convince her of genuinely being Galthus, then that might be a chance for them to avoid a fight, which can only be good for both. The problem is, I don't know anything about Galthus' personality, whereas Selena likely knew him for a couple of days at least. He obviously loves his father, but I don't know how he would react. I'd like to imagine that he would run to the nearest ally to get help, though that might only be wishful thinking on my part. I could see both of these having a chance at succeeding or failing, so I gotta pick this, as I have a slightly better feeling about it
As tired as Narigg was he had to get this over with. Narigg’s large frame rushed at them with only his fists as allies.
Andron jumped in … morefront of Narigg’s fist, as fist met shield, Narigg’s fist didn’t break the shield, but he hit it hard enough to shatter the old dwarves arm as Narigg held it in place with his left hand. Galthus finished charging his spell and shot a small beam of light energy right at Narigg, luckily Narigg pushed Andron in front of the blast, which put a huge light filled whole into his chest. “Well that was easy.” Narigg said. “You did the work for me.” Narigg finished, as Andron looked star struck as to what just happened, Narigg let him fall to the ground.
“Father!” Galthus yelped as he dropped his sword and rushed over to his father’s decrepit body. “I’m so sorry.” He said as he cried into his father’s now dead body. Narigg would usually feel bad about what had just occurred, yet the fact that Malvor may be dead … [view original content]
Whoa, Narigg! That was... brutal I agree with Agent, I must say that I feel unsure of him now after killing the dwarves, especially in such a brutal way. I mean, they had to die for his mission and the dwarves kinda attacked him first, but still, it makes me a bit nervous for his next parts, for obvious reason.
Yeah. Narigg can be quite reckless at times, especially moments like this.
Ah... this was something I found to be a hard choice, mostly because I not only had to decide what's best for Narigg, but naturally also what's best for Selena. I don't want her to blow his cover, because after getting several glimpses at Narigg's temper, I am afraid it won't end well for one of them. I am absolutely not sure which option would be better here, but if Narigg manages to convince her of genuinely being Galthus, then that might be a chance for them to avoid a fight, which can only be good for both.
If a fight did occur (which is something Narigg definitely wants to avoid), Selena would have a huge advantage, due to Narigg currently being in a form where he can't use his strength or endurance. The only real advantage he'd have is tactical thinking, his combat experience and weapon mastery would be overshadowed by Selena's due to Narigg being in a body he's not use to. It's doubtful that Selena would fight him if he remained in Galthus' form though.
Whoa, Narigg! That was... brutal I agree with Agent, I must say that I feel unsure of him now after killing the dwarves, especially in such… more a brutal way. I mean, they had to die for his mission and the dwarves kinda attacked him first, but still, it makes me a bit nervous for his next parts, for obvious reason.
[Rush to Selena for help]
Ah... this was something I found to be a hard choice, mostly because I not only had to decide what's best for Narigg, but naturally also what's best for Selena. I don't want her to blow his cover, because after getting several glimpses at Narigg's temper, I am afraid it won't end well for one of them. I am absolutely not sure which option would be better here, but if Narigg manages to convince her of genuinely being Galthus, then that might be a chance for them to avoid a fight, which can only be good for both. The problem is, I don't know anything about Galthus' personality, whereas Selena likely knew … [view original content]
As tired as Narigg was he had to get this over with. Narigg’s large frame rushed at them with only his fists as allies.
Andron jumped in … morefront of Narigg’s fist, as fist met shield, Narigg’s fist didn’t break the shield, but he hit it hard enough to shatter the old dwarves arm as Narigg held it in place with his left hand. Galthus finished charging his spell and shot a small beam of light energy right at Narigg, luckily Narigg pushed Andron in front of the blast, which put a huge light filled whole into his chest. “Well that was easy.” Narigg said. “You did the work for me.” Narigg finished, as Andron looked star struck as to what just happened, Narigg let him fall to the ground.
“Father!” Galthus yelped as he dropped his sword and rushed over to his father’s decrepit body. “I’m so sorry.” He said as he cried into his father’s now dead body. Narigg would usually feel bad about what had just occurred, yet the fact that Malvor may be dead … [view original content]
The voting is tied! yet again, okay it seems, I will have to come up with something to solve this, maybe like flip a coin. Anyway for now I'll just tag everyone's who hasn't voted yet, just in case they unfollowed. @Mathea@HighBee@Lord_EAA@joriandrake
The next part will take place in Oakbreach. (Surprisingly. You may have expected an Earth PoV, since we just had an Osleron one) The Mage's Quarter will be the exact location. It will also introduce a new PoV, an Elder Mage, named Thanus, whose job is to oversee the student's of Oakbreach, and make sure they're adept enough to handle themselves in magical combat. It will take place after Lydia shuts down the barrier (accidentally). It could possibly be out today, but I wouldn't count on it, my computer's been having a lot of troubles lately, (mainly the screen, it's hard to see what i'm writing), however I will still try to release the part today.
Also you may have noticed I changed the chapter titles and added a few more, there's some decent hints in the titles, which will probably go unnoticed until I post more parts.
As tired as Narigg was he had to get this over with. Narigg’s large frame rushed at them with only his fists as allies.
Andron jumped in … morefront of Narigg’s fist, as fist met shield, Narigg’s fist didn’t break the shield, but he hit it hard enough to shatter the old dwarves arm as Narigg held it in place with his left hand. Galthus finished charging his spell and shot a small beam of light energy right at Narigg, luckily Narigg pushed Andron in front of the blast, which put a huge light filled whole into his chest. “Well that was easy.” Narigg said. “You did the work for me.” Narigg finished, as Andron looked star struck as to what just happened, Narigg let him fall to the ground.
“Father!” Galthus yelped as he dropped his sword and rushed over to his father’s decrepit body. “I’m so sorry.” He said as he cried into his father’s now dead body. Narigg would usually feel bad about what had just occurred, yet the fact that Malvor may be dead … [view original content]
It was midday at this point and Thanus was still shifting from books to scrolls as he sat alone in his tower. These books were magical of course, Thanus didn't hold the learning books in his tower, only enchanted books.
Thanus continued scattering through his books, book after book fell on the ground, with only a few grabbing his attention. Phantomsong, Destroyer of Darkness, was the main one. Thanus did wonder who named these books, he always thought they were a bit over the top.
He scouted the room one last time. His mismatched eyes passed from table to table, bookshelf to bookshelf, not much could be seen other than the thousands of other books, most of which were now on the ground. Thanus was quite frustrated by all this, he needed this book for King Garibald, and he needed it tonight. Unfortunately he didn't know what it looked like or even the name.
Thanus narrowed his eyes to a small gap that seemed to hold a few dozen books or so. This gap was surrounded by stone and the books were inside the wall itself. Thanus moved his elven frame over to the corner and properly inspected the books. Again, they were the same as the ones he had been looking at for hours now, still Thanus continued, partially out of boredom, mostly out of fear of the king.
There was nothing interesting, all the books in the gap were now on the floor with all of the other books. Except one that was stuck right at the back of the wall, it glowed a bright orange, it was in a place where Thanus’ hands couldn't reach. Which meant Thanus had to reshape his hand, a school of magic he was never particularly good in, still he continued as he knew this book was the one.
This was a tricky process for Thanus, he needed a woman like Lovaen here, she was currently in A’lelin and there were no shapeshifting masters in Oakbreach that Thanus knew of. Luckily for Thanus he was in a room with many magical books, which meant there would be one for shapeshifting.
He managed to find one with relative ease, as he quickly opened the book, he read a few words before he moved his right hand under it and let the book do its work. The transformation was fast, his hand went from one of elegance to one of near invisibility, except for a certain sharpness that made it look like a white blade.
Thanus returned to the wall and pushed his thin hand through the cobble stoned slit. He realized this gap went back further than he originally thought, his hand passed through dust, before reaching the glowing book, when it finally did, Thanus could only grab it with his index and middle finger and when it touched his hand a powerful energy rushed through Thanus’ entire right arm and straight into his body. It filled him with a calmness that was godly, in that moment Thanus’ knew why King Garibald wanted this book.
Thanus slowly dragged the book out of the stone slit, his hand passed through more dust as he pulled it out of the slit. His hand went back to normal as it came out of the wall. The books powerful energy grew stronger as he finally held it in both hands. It was so strong that Thanus nearly fell asleep, the book had nothing inscribed on it, just an aura of bright orange covering its edges, while the book itself was colored an old brown.
Thanus realized this book was heavily cursed, since such calmness was never a good thing. Thanus finally brought the book to his left eye, the grey-eye.
The grey-eye did many things, including: scanning the form of magic and tracking the owner. However this book was clearly thousands of years old, so tracking its creator would likely be impossible unless they were some sort of elf.
The speed of the grey-eye was immense it went through many different possibilities from arcane to demonic magic. Until it deduced the book was a mixture of emotion, light and blood magic such a combination would be hard to fuse together. Whoever made this book must be extremely powerful.
If there was one thing Thanus knew, it was that he could not give this book to the king, even if the king frightened him. It would prove to dangerous, and the Kingdom of Oakbreach was already under enough stress. However, Thanus would try to find someone to cure the book, then, maybe, after it's cured, he would give it to the king, but until then the book would stay with him.
Now since Thanus had found the book, he had quite a bit of free time, the yearly grand dinner was taking place at even fall. Which gave Thanus around five hours to get ready, in this time he cleaned his tower placing the books back in their proper shelves this took him quite some time since it was very messy. Thanus also cleaned out the stone slit, and attempted to repair it with an arcane book, yet it didn't work, perchance the slit itself was cursed, which was a worrying thought, one he would worry about later.
Thanus then got himself into his proper elven attire, this required him to teleport to the clothing section of his tower, which was quite far away. Once there he picked out his outfit, which was an elegant silver robe, this was mixed with many magical symbols which a lot of people wouldn't understand, he also tucked his silver hair into a tight bun, and fastened two silver bracelets around his arms, the cursed book, he placed in his robes. He was now prepared.
Not just humans would be at this dinner, since it was the king’s birthday, a lot of elven nobles from A’lelin would be there. Such as, Vyaan Darkgaze, a Senior Magister and warlock, Voris Ashkar, another elven Magister of equal importance to Vyaan. They were accompanied by The Red Knights of A’lelin, led by Aerion Lightfury, Knight-Lord of The Red Knight Order, he was also known as The Dark Hand, his feats in combat are widely known and most would rather avoid him than face him. The Magisters were wise to bring Aerion, as Oakbreach and A’lelin aren't on great terms, if a fight were to happen Aerion would surely be on the winning side.
But Oakbreach had pretty great forces as well, and fighters most of them don't use magic. They have created some great anti-magic methods in the past years. Caedyn Riftwell is one of Oakbreach's greatest fighter's, brother of the dreaded Madrius Riftwell, the Ice-King of the North, that alone makes many fear to engage Caedyn in combat, which is very understandable since Madrius has slain four kings by his own hand.
And Caedyn himself had only ever lost to one man, an orc named Bonecrusher, no elf, man or even orc has ever been able to keep Bonecrusher down for good, Caedyn battled Narigg near twenty years ago, and still Thanus doesn't know why Narigg didn't kill Caedyn. These days Narigg was more of a commander, and he made many great problems for the Brotherhood. Commander Thrak and General Bonecrusher were known widely as enemies always outthinking each other, it was an endless and pointless war, yet one that continued.
Now that Thanus had finished thinking he headed downstairs, by ways of teleportation, as soon as he teleported down, he was greeted by Lexus, his assistant, she was sitting behind a large desk, she was a young human only in her mid-twenties, she had long lovely brunette hair and sparkling green eyes.
“Good evening Lex.” Thanus said with a cheerful tone. Lexus smiled before speaking. “Good evening Loremaster. It seems you've slept in again.” Lexus laughed. Thanus laughed as well, as he moved closer to the desk she was sitting at. “You know it.” Thanus said before he asked her a question. “Listen Lex, what are you doing tonight?” Lexus seemed surprised by the question. “I didn't really have any plans, I was really planning to stay home with father. We're lucky enough to even live in Oakbreach. I feel bad for all the commoners that are forced to starve in the forest.” Lexus said broodily.
Thanus gave Lexus a sympathetic look, while she continued looking at the desk, almost like she was staring into space. “Listen, Lex. Would you like to come to the king’s dinner with me tonight? I'm going with Darien, while his father should be there as well. I'm sure I'll have room to bring someone, and I'd like that to be you.” Thanus said sincerely, as Lexus looked at him their eyes met, an intense look indeed, and neither of them broke the stare, it was nice until Lexus spoke.
“Umm… I mean. Yes, of course. I'm not sure why you want me wh…” Thanus cut her off. “It’s alright Lex, I understand you're nervous. But I assure you this is not a date, unless you want it to be.” Lexus visibly blushed, and Thanus knew he probably shouldn't have mentioned the word date, as Lexus was very inexperienced, while Thanus, he had over five hundred years of experience. “How about your father, how is he doing?” Thanus asked as an escape from the awkward direction this conversation was headed.
Lexus could answer this question without blushing. “He’s fine, he's just a bit hungry, that's all.”
Thanus thought it was sad that people still starved even in Oakbreach, he could only imagine what Evergreen was like. “Well, how about I get him some of tonight's feast, that's sure to fill his belly.” Thanus said, still looking at Lexus.
“That would be great.” Lexus said smiling. Thanus smiled back. “You should get ready. We’ve about three hours until the dinner starts.” Thanus continued while looking at her dress, it was a fairly simple one, colored black with a touch of gold. Thanus noticed this was the same dress she always wore, maybe she didn't own another one. “Unless you want to wear that of course, which would be totally fine.”
Lexus blushed as she nodded. “Oh, yes, I believe I'll stick with this dress.” Lexus looked at her dress still blushing. “It's not that bad is it?” She asked nervously.
“No, no. Not at all, I think it's quite lovely.” Thanus said cheerfully. It was a half truth, although it was mainly Lexus that looked good, rather than the dress.
Lexus smiled sweetly. “Well, that's refreshing. ” Lexus paused before continuing. “I think you were looking for Darien?” she asked somewhat calmly. Thanus gave her a simple nod in return. “He’s currently teaching the students about healing. He should be done soon.” Lexus said.
“Light or Nature healing?” Thanus asked intrigued.
“Umm… I’m actually not sure. Probably, light.” Lexus said awkwardly.
“Very well.” Thanus began heading for the door with light footsteps. As he was walking out Lexus asked him. “What time should I be there?”
Thanus stopped to respond. “Don't worry about that. In about two hours, I'll come pick you up.” he said as he smiled at her. She smiled back.
And then he was of, to the classrooms, to see Darien Ashkar, and to see how well he could actually teach the students.
Thanus passed many things on his way to the classroom, like floating books, students trying to levitate, and groups of teachers playing magical chess, a game Thanus was near legendary at.
He was at the classrooms by now, it was made of silver stone, like most classrooms, and he could hear Darien teaching the students, he was the only voice in the block of classrooms, mainly because he preferred the old method of teaching magic, the elven way, where we get them to read in class.
Oakbreach was very different when it came to teaching, most teachers here prefer hands on work, rather than reading. Thanus was now leaning on the door of the classroom and he could see Darien and his seated students. Darien Ashkar had long brown hair that would highlight to blonde in certain lights. He is a half-elf which meant his ears were not as pointed as Thanus’, although they are very pointy compared to human ears. He was currently wearing long dark purple robes, he also had a silver circlet fastened around his forehead, his stance was very elegant, and he could easily pass for a true high elf. He was clearly ready for the dinner, yet he still continued teaching.
“Magic is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, in fact it may even be the most. And in one of those schools of magic, is the most helpful thing. Healing, the ability to heal is one of the greatest. So it may seem obvious that I'm disappointed, when I hear none of you study it.” Darien said calmly and paused waiting for his students to answer. The students didn't even seem to be listening most of them looked bored, even though Darien was doing a superb job. Unfortunately for Darien he had been given the most mischievous class, it was impressive he had even gotten them to sit.
“This is boring!” one of the students yelled. “Yea, I want to go blow stuff up!” another yelled. And Thanus began wondering if anyone could teach this class. “Yes, this is boring, very very boring, but do you know what's more boring?” Darien asked his students with a raised brow. None of them replied, but most of them seemed to be paying attention now. “Starving is boring, being poor is boring. You all should be grateful that you are lucky enough to have parents who can afford to live in this city. Let alone afford classes for magic.” Darien told his students sternly, yet with a certain calmness that only he could pull of. The students remained silent now, and Thanus was impressed with Darien, who was only twenty six, he could easily pass for three hundred.
“Class dismissed.” Darien said heading to his books that lay on his table. The students all bolted out the door, almost knocking Thanus over in the process. Thanus quickly recovered from the stampede of students and made his way over to Darien.
“They’re wild aren't they.” he said as he approached Darien. Darien turned around, and Thanus could see his crystal blue eyes as he packed his books into a briefcase. “Oh, undoubtedly. I don't know how you deal with them every day.”
“They usually aren't that bad. That's if you take them outside.” Thanus was now at the table, while Darien had finished packing his books into the bag. “Shall we head for the dinner now? I know we'd be early, but there's nothing else to do, unless you want to play chess?” Darien asked.
“Actually, Darien. I wanted you to take a look at this book.” Thanus slowly pulled the book out of his silver robe, it glistened orange as he did this. “That is bright. Brighter than normal light magic.” Darien said, as Thanus handed him the book. “Where did you find it? It certainly has strange energy.” Darien said, far calmer than Thanus had ever seen him.
“In my tower. King Garibald wanted it for tonight's feast. I've decided not to give it to him.” Thanus told him.
“Yes, that's probably a good decision.” Darien inspected the book closer. “I'm not sure what type of magic this is. I'm only seeing blood and light, but there must be something else, the calmness is too strong to just be light. I…” Thanus cut him off. “That would be emotion magic.” Darien immediately looked at him as he said those words. “Are you sure?” Darien asked him curiously. “Yes. If you need further confirmation. That is what the grey-eye said.” Thanus told him.
Darien looked a bit worried, yet also intrigued. “Emotion magic hasn't been seen for hundreds of years.” Darien said. “Thousands, actually. It's closer to a thousand years.” Thanus corrected him. “Are you sure? From what I recall it was only hundreds.” Darien said, inspecting the book further. “Yes. I'm the Loremaster after all, it's my job to know these things.” Thanus said, slightly annoyed. There was only one problem Thanus had with Darien. It was Darien's need to be right even when Thanus knew the facts. “Alright fine. A thousand years it is then. What are you going to do with this cursed book?”
Thanus wasn't actually sure what to do with the book. He thought maybe Darien did. “I don't know. I was wondering if you had any ideas, I know your specialty is in healing. And I know there have been some accounts of healers being able to reverse curses in history. So as you're both a master of Light and Nature healing, I thought why not see if you can undo the curse.”
Darien seemed very pleased with this news and gave Thanus a smile. “I think that sounds like a great idea. I'll see what I can do.” Darien said, as he tucked the book into his purple robes.
They began talking about the dinner as they both exited the classroom. Darien with his briefcase of books, Thanus with nothing in his hand. But they were interrupted by Lexus, who seemed downright distraught.
“Loremaster, Loremaster!!” Lexus managed to say, as she was exhausted from sprinting. Before Thanus could speak it was Darien who spoke. “It’s alright. Calm down.” Darien said very sincerely as Lexus threw her arms around him, she was almost crying. Darien managed to calm her down, through comfort and sweet words, just enough so she could speak properly.
“It’s Kieran, he's said… the barrier. It’s broken, and demons and Volrohn, they're… they're back.” Lexus managed to say, as she held Darien tightly. Darien was still comforting her. Thanus was quite worried about this news, not for himself as Oakbreach’s barrier was still able to hold the demons of. It was Evergreen he was worried about it was already filled with famine, poverty, disease, social injustice, racism, you name it, every sort of evil lived in Evergreen. That's why the nobles rarely care when something bad happens there. And now the barrier was broken Evergreen had to face demons to.
“Where's Kieran?” asked Thanus.
“He’s… Outside… Injured.” As soon as Lexus mentioned the word, injured, Darien stood up. “You can take care of her. Right?” Darien asked Thanus. Thanus gave him a nod. Darien left the building immediately after Thanus nodded.
“Lexus, You'll be fine. So will your father. You both live in Oakbreach, Oakbreach's barrier has never broken. So what's wrong?”
“Then what happened ten years ago, why did the Volrohn invade back then.” Lexus asked still sobbing.
“You know what happened there, someone shut down the barrier from the inside. We're alot stricter who holds access to it now. You know this.” Thanus knew he never was good at comforting people, he was fascinated how Darien managed to do this. “I'm sorry, okay, I'll try to get you help, but you need to stay strong.” Thanus said as calmly as possible, even though he was very stressed.
Lexus nodded as the tears stopped, she was visibly still sad. “I'm going to check on Kieran. You stay here. I'll find some help.” Lexus followed his order as he left.
Now that he was outside, to say it was crowded would be an understatement. It was filled with people, mages, students, teachers all crowded around in a circle, around presumably Kieran and Darien, Thanus moved closer to investigate.
He initially struggled to get through the large crowd, yet managed to push through it. Once he was finally through he saw Kieran first, to say he was injured was an understatement, and Thanus knew why Lexus was so afraid, he seemed to be missing more than just a few organs and he would surely bleed out if not for Darien. Kieran's black hair was stuck to his face from sweat, he had been in more than one fight today.
Kieran looked lifeless as he lay on the ground and it was clear it was only his dark magic and willpower that held him together, he had an aura of darkness surrounding him. Darien’s healing did Kieran wonders, he healed him with nature magic, which was definitely the right choice, luckily for Kieran, Darien was the best healer in the east, maybe even the world. “You will live, but currently, you're a little more than injured.” Darien said as he placed his glowing hands over a missing organ. “How long is this going to take?” Kieran struggled to ask. “Not that long. Just stay still.” Darien said. It was true Darien was already making quick progress as one of Kieran's organs regrew at an amazing pace.
The crowd just watched on some were disgusted but most were fascinated.
So I reread the first section of Lydia's part and I realized I don't know what Kieran was doing. Am I overthinking it or did Kieran have a reason to be out in the woods?
Thank you.
So you said that Aramoor and A'lelin are in the northern part of the Eastern Continent. What Kingdoms are in the others? Also you mentioned Zodane, is it one of the continents?
So currently governs the kingdoms? Is there a king or any other form of government?
Is there currently any mistrust or hatred between the various races? You said Dark Elves used to see others as lower and youthfully ignorant do some of them still view them as such? What about Orcs? Are they still mistrusted for their actions or at least treated with more caution?
How long has it been between wars? Decades? Centuries?
There are plenty of kingdoms around Osleron unfortunately most of them are destroyed, Zodane is the western continent and by far most corrupted when it comes to demons, in fact only one real safe place is known Chorrod, the kingdom of the orcs.
Every kingdom has their own king, except for the High Elves, for them, the twelve magisters have ruled after their king fell.
Very much so most races don't even like each other. The only ones confirmed to properly like each other would be The Humans, The Dwarves and The Halflings.
Since The One Above All's conquering, 200 years, the first war happened 100 years ago, where as the second happened a few years after that, the third war however happened around 20 years ago. With purges happening every 10 years, a purge is where The One Above All sends his forces to kill all magic users on the known planet, with his main attraction being light wielders.
Thank You again you have been extremely helpful. I might make at least one character soon. If you have any problem, questions or just like to discuss them pm and we can talk I would be willing to negotiate almost anything
And again thanks I look forward to reading the story.
He definitely had a reason, it's also hinted at later in the part (it was a very minor hint though) where the giant shadow enters the battlefield. I can't exactly reveal what he was doing out there just yet.
[Check on your family]
What an amazing part! I'm so glad to see this back too, although the break was evidently worth it.
Okay. I will close the voting in a few hours as the next part is almost finished. Since we have a tie I encourage anyone who hasn't voted to vote.
The Voting is tied! since @AgentZ46 character appears in the part I will let him decide between the choices of [Check on your Family] and [Speak with the Order of Light]
The next part will be up in a few hours and it's probably the darkest part we'll have for a while. It is a Nick part with a new PoV joining him who is also on Earth.
Nick Warner, Friday, Feb 6, 9:48 AM
He couldn’t do it, no matter how hard he tried to, Nick couldn’t kill this man. “I’m sorry,” Nick told the downed officer whose missing eye stared demonically at him. Nick still clueless what to do left with the assault rifle in hand, “BOY!!!!” the downed officer screamed at him, “KILL ME!!!!” Nick continued walking, trying his best to ignore the officer behind him, it was a struggle as the man kept screaming and raving on about how he needed to die. And Nick just kept walking, what else was he supposed to do, kill the man? he couldn’t do that, he could never do that.
Soon the officer’s voice began to fade as Nick walked further away from the scene. He was searching for the crazed man that did this, a stupid idea Nick knew, but he needed answers and the man had them.
As he entered the hall near the classrooms not much could be immediately seen, Nick kept moving from classroom to classroom, with no sign of life being there, it was hopeless the man must have left, as he turned to leave he saw the same wicked grey eyes staring at him, impossible, Nick checked everything, and just like that, he’s here. “You followed me, hmm. I’m almost impressed,” the man said as he began circling Nick with his hands in his pockets, while Nick immediately pointed the assault rifle right at the man and the man didn’t even flinch, “Are you sure you know how to use that boy, because I believe you don’t,” the man said unafraid.
Nick’s finger was wrapped tightly around the trigger by now as the man kept moving closer, “Stay back…St…Stay back or I’ll shoot!” Nick said nervously, while aiming the rifle at the man’s chest, the man didn’t care, he kept moving forward, “Do it, I dare you,” he said as his mouth formed a grin.
So Nick did, out of fear and maybe anger, but nonetheless three rounds of bullets entered the man’s gut and went straight out the other side, blood quickly come gushing out of the three fresh bullet wounds and the man, he fell to his knees, it was clear he didn’t expect Nick to shoot him, his face was struck with confusion and disgust, “You…actually,” the man begun to say as he dragged his fingers across the fresh wound, while Nick stood there watching, “You shot me….how..” the man continued as he looked upon the blood that was now on his fingers, ”How could you,” he finished as he slowly lost consciousness.
Nick had just realized what he had done, he killed this man, who knows what the police will do to him now, this wasn’t good, what could he do, hide? That wasn’t a good idea, he was always terrible at hiding. And then he remembered the man with the ripped throat, maybe, just maybe, he could tell them the truth, they might believe him, once he shows them the other bodies they’ll realize that he would not be capable of ripping out someone’s throat.
Nick began leaving with the rifle in hand so he could prove that he killed the crazed man. Nick had left the hall of classrooms by now, and was heading for the front entrance when he heard a loud noise of glass shattering from what sounded like a heavy object, it was coming from in front of him, it must be the police. Nick began running with the rifle held in a militaristic style, of course he didn’t know how to hold a rifle so it didn’t look professional. He got closer towards the shattered glass as a large hand out of nowhere threw him into the glass window.
Nick felt a large piece of glass enter into the back of his head. “HAHAHAHA,” the man was back and he let out a maniacal laugh. “You thought you had killed me, I’m good at that you know. Tricking people!” the man screamed, as his spit met Nick’s face, although Nick could barely see him, his vision was blurred from the large shard of glass now inside his head, the rifle was still in Nick’s hand so he used that to his advantage “I was always your better half T-“ Nick cut him off as he released a whole clip into the man’s face, this butchered the man’s face, yet he still lived and all he could to was scream “Argh!!!” continuously. Nick having no ammo left began to run although he couldn’t see properly, he just ran and ran and ran, barely seeing the ground in front of him, he tried to get to the front gate, but only managed to reach the open field of the playground.
Nick had severely underestimated the man’s speed and endurance, the bullets didn’t stop him for long and soon enough the man’s powerful frame and strength had already tackled Nick to the ground, with Nick being completely defenceless, “You slimy cunt!” the man shouted. His face, it was completely healed as if the bullets did nothing. the man continued to hold Nick to the ground, “That’s it,” the man didn’t speak after this, instead he grabbed Nick’s face aiming for his eyes, Nick fought back as their bodies struggled on the ground, the crazed man having the clear advantage, the man began to hit Nick in the gut causing him drop his guard. After that the man’s thumbs immediately entered both Nick’s eyes, it was a simple gouge at first, which still caused Nick to scream in agony, as Nick waved his arms to fight the man, but the man’s superior strength easily shrugged Nick’s arms away.
The eye gouge escalated into Nick’s eye exploding from the constant pressure, Nick instantly screeched in pain as his vision completely deteriorated, he kept screaming, as the man began wriggling his thumbs in Nick’s eye sockets before he finally released Nick’s now destroyed eyes, Nick began to cry although he instantly regretted it, the pain was unexplainable, and the worst bit wasn’t even the pain, it was the fact he couldn’t see, he could only feel and hear, what good was that now that this man was going to kill him.
“Ugh, much better, now I can have my fun without you struggling.” The man said, he sounded excited.
“Please, just kill me. Please! Please! Please!” Nick pleaded to the man’s voice, but from what it felt like the man was standing over him.
“Yes, that would probably help you, wouldn’t it, Nick, but you see, the thing is. This didn’t have to happen, if you would have just listened to me, now you get to die, very painfully.” Nick felt the man’s hand around his throat, as the man found another wall to slam Nick into. Nick’s throat began to tighten he tried to breathe, but failed, he tried again as the hand’s grip grew stronger, to no avail, it was hopeless, as the man began to send fist after fist at Nick’s already butchered face, Nick gave up and accepted his fate. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop the pain.
Nick was virtually dead at this point, he couldn’t see at all as the man continued beating down on his body, speaking of his body it was already destroyed, it was as if it just shut down, he couldn’t move even when he tried, it was as if he was going somewhere else, a place he did not know.
The man picked Nick up effortlessly, this time Nick tried to fight back, he had to, for Amber, for his mother, she couldn’t cope if Nick died, but he couldn’t, his body had betrayed him, this man would surely destroy everything in this school and beyond and Nick couldn’t stop him, no one could.
Nick’s body was continuously slammed into a brick wall that the man had been beating him on for several minutes, but this time the slam was harder, his ribs felt like they shattered on the impact of the brick, his arms were crushed to and even though he couldn’t move his body, he felt the pain as excruciating as it ever could be, in this one moment Nick wanted to cry again, but once again he couldn’t, he couldn’t control anything, only his thoughts.
The man began pounding on Nick’s chest again fist after fist as Nick’s blood was already all over him, “Hahaha, I never knew how fun this would be, if only they let me do this before.” He laughed as he continued caving into Nick’s chest, Nick was already on the ground at this point, he had been on the ground since the first hit, yet the man picked him up a few times, the man mixed kicks and punches into Nick’s body, as he slowly withered away.
“Alright I think I’ve had my fun, farewell Nick,” the man said as he began calming down after his maniacal attack had ended, while Nick, he was already half-dead, more like three quarters, or even more, yet he thought one thing out of all of this, This man he knows my name, how? he thought as the man’s hand easily devoured his throat.
Joel Rogers, Friday, Feb 6, 11:53 AM
“Rogers,” Jimmy said, punching Joel on the arm. ”Wake up we have a job,” Joel’s eyes began shifting open, then he was awake, “Aye, what job, we’ve had like 23 this week, why’d you go get us another one Jim?” Joel asked.
“I didn’t Chief Staples told us to go investigate my son’s school, apparently, it’s been locked down for 4 hours, some pretty hefty stuffs going on there,” Jimmy told him enthusiastically.
“Like what, a school in a small town like this, I doubt anything has happened, but fine we’ll check it out,” Joel put his keys into the ignition, knocked some crumbs of his gearshift, and began heading the way to the school.
“Police have been killed apparently, that’s what the files say,”
“Killed, you say?”
“Yes, brutally to and this is just at the front gate, supposedly a whole squadron is dead, a whole squadron that was armed with rifles, and this man” Jimmy paused, before looking back at Joel. “He was unarmed.” Jimmy told him assertively. Joel was wide awake now and speeding down the road to get to the school.
“Yea, I wouldn’t believe that Jim, you said it’s at a school, kids go to school and kids talk, they spread rumors that sort of thing, you know how kids are, so take that information with a grain of salt.” Joel told him while still driving down the road.
“Well, I suppose you could be right, kids do often talk and the principal only took them down to the local park, so it might not be that bad.” Jimmy seemed convinced, they were nearing the school now or so Joel thought, “This is it right,” Joel asked. Jimmy quickly checked the map, “Yes this is it,” Jimmy told him.
“Good,” Joel replied as his car crawled towards the back gate, which was locked. “I thought this would be open? Do they want us to jump it or something?” Joel said sarcastically.
“I guess we jump it, what else is there to do, I don’t see a key around here.” Jimmy said as he kept looking around, while Joel just sat there, staring, at the top of the spiked gate, it had blood on it.
“Jim, there seems to be blood on the gate, on the top of it,” Joel said, Jimmy’s attention immediately shifted towards the gate, “What blood, I don’t see it,” Jimmy couldn’t see it, for some reason. “Jim how about you stay in the car, while I get the gate open.” Joel said,
“Alright fine, I’ll stay back here, and I’ll drive it in once you’ve opened the gate.”
Joel exited the car and began walking to the blood atop the gate, he approached the blood and dabbed a finger in it, he then sniffed it and noticed it was child’s blood. A child must have jumped the gate, but why, they also must have cut their arm or something similar as they went over. This wasn’t good if there really was a killer in there, the child could be dead.
Before Joel began picking the lock to the gate he looked over to Jimmy, who was munching on the donuts in the car, Jimmy always was quite fat, Joel smiled and nodded at him, while Jimmy responded with a thumbs up as he munched on donut after donut. Joel soon picked the lock and pushed the large black steel gate wide open, he then inspected the grass where the child should have landed from the fall, there wasn’t much grass, very little in fact. It happened recently since there were still heavy patches in the wet grass suggesting it happened only a few hours ago, and that the child must have tripped mid jump as the patches were too wide and heavy to be a child footprints.
Joel began to follow the footsteps, them being wet helped tremendously. In this moment Jim began driving into the carpark to park the car, Jim drove over the footsteps ruining the evidence, “Jim! You’re a fucking idiot!” Joel screamed out to him, truthfully Joel wasn’t that angry he could see more footprints further down the track, he just liked lecturing Jimmy.
“Stop whining, there’s plenty more prints out there.” Jim shouted back from inside the car window. Joel ignored him as he moved to follow the only remaining prints that led on from the walkway, these prints were a lot less visible as the wetness had begun drying with each step of the child’s foot.
“What’d I miss?” Jim asked.
“Nothing, be quiet. I’m searching.” Joel told him while still following the prints.
“Alright fine.” Jim said sadly.
The tracks led past class buildings, the basketball court and the cafeteria before they finally spotted the bodies, there were two bodies, with a third a significant distance away from the others they were officers all of them, and they all looked mutilated “I guess they were right Jim,” said Joel surprised.
“Jesus,” Jim began, as he looked away “What could have done this to them?” Jim said disgusted and his eye remained looking away, whereas Joel he looked right at the wounds.
“I don’t know, but you need to go inform those teachers, we can’t have kids around with stuff like this happening.”
“As you say,” with that Jim rushed off to the front gate to exit the school.
Joel began searching their wounds proper, it was the first officer that stood out, his throat was ripped out and the wound looked very gruesome as a few veins could be seen dangling down his chest, it was very strange as no human could do that with their bare hands, yet the wound suggested that it was an unarmed attack since Joel could see no weapons involved in this kill.
The other two however had clear bullet wounds, one had his brain shot in, a fairly simple and clean kill. While the other one he was a few feet away from his now fallen comrades, he was laying on his stomach, but Joel could see a bullet wound in his leg, he was dead, so Joel proceeded to inspect his body.
Joel pulled the dead officer to his back and saw something horrific, the officer’s eye, it was missing, a wound like that, Joel wasn’t used to, nor did he like it he was very sensitive about eyes, he looked to have died recently to, maybe an hour ago, whereas the others died atleast two hours ago. The child’s footprints continued further on, towards the classrooms.
Joel knew what to do, he had to do, call Chief Staples, these were his men, he’d like to know what happened to them. Joel pulled out his phone and dialled in the number for the chief, it rung for a while as Joel began following the footprints towards the classrooms.
“Hello, This is Chief Staples speaking, wh-“
“Yea, Chief cut the shit it’s Agent Rogers.”
“Oh, Rogers. What’s the matter, you’r-“
“Yea, I’m at the school and I suggest you evacuate the area, there’s children here and a dangerous criminal, those two don’t mix well together. Your men are also dead, one has his throat ripped out and whatever did that to him doesn’t seem human, I don’t know what did it. You should call the ambulance, I’m still searching the school so make sure they don’t disturb me.”
“Hold on just one second Rogers, can you say th-“ Joel hung up and placed his phone back into his pocket. He had entered the hall to the classrooms by now, he saw bullets, three bullets, covered with blood yet no bodies could be seen, Joel approached them and inspected them, these bullets would make for useful evidence, Joel picked them up doing his best not to infect the evidence, and he placed them in his pocket. He continued following the footprints which now led outside, they were hard to follow as Joel was on concrete footpath but he managed to keep track of them, eventually they led to broken glass, which was covered heavily in blood, Joel continued inspecting it and realized it seemed to be a head wound, whoever’s blood this was surely they’d be dead now, Joel hoped it wasn’t the child, there was also an assault rifle there with multiple bullets scattered all over the ground, whoever fought here definitely struggled, however Joel saw the footprints continue so he decided to follow them he noticed with every step the prints began to turn into a sprint, Joel followed the footprints until he saw…Jimmy?
Jimmy was crouched on hands and knees, Joel didn’t know what he was so upset about but he went over to investigate. “Hey Jim, wh-“ and then he saw it, the child, the boy, Joel didn’t know who it was and even if he once did, the boy was now indistinguishable without proper forensic analysis, the boy was completely butchered to say the least, his arms shattered, same with his legs they were both twisted in the opposite way, and his eyes they were, ugh, Joel had to look away, “Jeez Jim, what the hell did this to him.” Joel said, as Jim began to cry, “Jimmy why are you crying, we need to inspect this kid damn it, I can’t have you crying right now.” Joel told him angrily and sternly, his anger was mainly at the fact he couldn’t prevent this.
“Why am I crying. Why do you think Joel, this kid, this boy…he…he is my son.” Jimmy told Joel in a tone of anger mixed with sadness, while Joel he just stood there, frozen, how, how could he not have realized this was Nick Warner, Jimmy Warner’s son, Joel knew the boy for atleast ten years he was a good kid, even if Jim was a terrible father.
“Jim, listen buddy, I need to search him, I’ll be quick okay, I promise.”
“Fine,” Jim said as his tears intensified, “I’m leaving…I’ll…I’ll inform the teachers, on what has happened and I’ll kill the man who did this” Jim didn’t even look at Joel as he made his way to leave still sobbing from what he had seen, Joel was surprised, Jim never even seemed to love Nick, it was always the boy’s mother that cared for him, Joel could only wonder what she would do once she hears the news.
Joel further inspected the body and realized he hadn’t even gotten a good look at it the first time, the amount of blood was indescribable and it was hard to even see the wounds there was so much blood. From what Joel saw it looked as if Nick’s chest was flattened by a car crusher, except it was supposedly a man that did this, Joel knew this was no man’s work, whatever it was Joel was unsure.
Nick’s missing eyes and throat are what really struck Joel, it disgusted him beyond belief, for that reason he tried not to look at it but he knew he had to, the throat is the first thing he looked at, Nick’s spine was completely removed for some reason unknown to Joel, whatever did this had ripped it out and taken it with them.
Joel couldn’t continue searching Nick, the wounds were far to gruesome and Joel never was into Forensics, so he’d leave that to the police. Joel left as soon as the ambulance and the other policeman came barging through the front gate, with whatever did this unseen to everyone, including Joel.
Joel left the school and headed for the park the children were currently at, they hadn’t left even throughout all the mess, so Joel decided to question anyone who was related or friends with Nick, his choices were The Arcland’s a rich family of billionaires who seemed to be friends with everyone, currently there were only the three children, Alyssa, Luke and James available they still could hold a lot of information about the situation. Nick’s mother was also on option Joel could head to her house and speak with her, but Jim would surely want to come with him, that could be catastrophic. Or the girl crying, she seemed to be close to Nick as everyone was comforting her.
[Speak to the Arcland children] [Speak to Nick’s mother] [Speak to the girl crying]
Well holy shit. That was bloody brutal, I love it!
[Speak to the girl crying]
[Speak to the girl crying]
I am sad now.
I have the power! I hold Lydia's fate in my hands....
Just kidding, it's probably not that big a deal.
I'll stick with my original vote which is [Speak with the order of Light]
Holy shit, Nick! I did not see that coming. At the same time, I have to wonder if he really died. I mean, does someone who dies in the simulation die in the real world as well? Is that thing like the Matrix, or does it have different rules? Maybe he just woke up from it by dying. I noticed that this mysterious guy who murdered him almost called him by a different name and that makes me think that his role in the story is not over yet.
[Speak to the girl crying]
I guess it might be for the best to speak to her first. She's close to his position, she obviously knew him well, given her reaction and I also think it might be better to leave his mother alone for now. I don't really know what these Arcland people could know that could help, I mean, what connection do they have to the case, so that crying girl should be the best first lead.
You're definitely on to something here.
Wait, wait, wait.....Is this vote is still open? Does that mean I break the tie if I vote?
Yes, sure for this vote I haven't decided yet which one to choose so you can choose between, Malvor or Zethra.
Ohhh. Ok, ok. Gotta make a big choice. Hope I don't regret this.
Hmmm. Liquid I think you assume the mission will peacefully. What if there is a battle? I doubt Malvor is as good a fighter as Zethra.
[Speak to the girl crying]
So. Who did you choose?
One hundred comments! Whoop whoop.
Sorry I have been taking a take home test. Ill answer in a couple of hours.
Okay. I have finished fleshing out the full Oakbreach storyline for chapter 1. And alot of your characters will have their first appearance in it.
As for the next part, it will be a Narigg part. We will see his journey across the sea to reach Komladur (the Dwarven stronghold), where he will attempt to sneak into the portal that should take him to Earth, how successful he is depends on your choices of course. The part should be finished soon, but until then the voting remains open.
Voting is closed! Joel will speak to the girl crying. This was actually the choice I was planning for. And I can already reveal, the girl is someone who has been mentioned before. Joel's next part should be interesting.
The next part is a Narigg part, as I mentioned in my previous post. He will be crossing the sea (which holds many wonderful beasts), after a talk with Rothakk. It should be a fairly long part. It could be out within the next 12 hours or most likely tomorrow.
[Take Malvor with you]
Liquid made a very sensible argument in a pm chat with me and won me over. So, so did this.
Just Voted
Narigg Bonecrusher - Dorragir, Chorrod, Zodane, 201 AC
Malvor, he was the one who would go with Narigg, thinking similarly on many things, he was also the one who rarely got nervous, unlike Zethra, whose neurotic streak led to her rage. Zethra was also the Overlord, the High Overlord to be precise, a position that Narigg needed to stay in Dorragir, as useful as Zethra is. Narigg could not take her on this mission. Rothakk will be highly displeased once he hears that Narigg chose Malvor, and he’d be hearing very soon, since he was the one briefing Narigg on the proper mission. Narigg himself was displeased with this news, as he despised Rothakk, and having to speak with him civilly was something Narigg never liked.
Currently, Narigg was still in his war room, downing mugs of ale, while seated on a wooden chair, his large green feet sat collapsed on the war table in front of him. He forged a cockish grin as he looked at Bloodhowler atop the wall and remembered all the unfortunate foes he had slain with it, which had to be in the high thousands.
Rothakk came barging through the door interrupting Narigg’s thoughts. This caused Narigg to blankly stare at him as he kept drinking. Rothakk responded to Narigg’s stare with a look of confusion. “What are you doing?” Rothakk asked sternly. Narigg didn’t care for his questions and continued drinking. “Drinking, what else would I be doing?” Narigg responded with a slightly drunk tone. “You’re drunk…” Rothakk began. “I can’t believe this. You of all people should know how important this mission is.” Narigg cut him off before he could continue. “I’ll only be drunk for a brief time Rothakk, so ease up, alright.” Narigg finished, downing another mug.
Rothakk’s gaze hardened as he looked down at Narigg, while Narigg was too drunk to notice. “You should stop drinking.” Rothakk began slowly as he aggressively approached the table, although it looked ridiculous as he needed a cane-staff to get there. “Tharegg would not be pleased to see this.” Rothakk continued, stopping just at the table as he rested his hands upon it. “Then it’s a good thing he isn’t here.” Narigg said with an ugly grin, staring at his mug of ale.
The look Rothakk gave Narigg was one of pure hatred, his hands began to shake he was so angry. “You think that was funny, Bonecrusher?” Rothakk began with a rumbling fierce tone, whilst slowly making his way around the table. Narigg’s reaction to this was to keep drinking, completely careless of the entire situation, perhaps even Rothakk’s existence. “Do I have to remind you who I am?” Rothakk’s tone became increasingly dark as he moved closer to Narigg’s chair. At this point Narigg began to talk, or he would have, if Rothakk would shut his mouth.
“I’ve made this race what it is. And you should feel honoured to even be in my presence. If it wasn’t for me, The Flame would have fallen years ago, while you were of whoring in Frostland with your dog of a brother, Lekthr. I saved our people from imminent doom. So maybe you should think before you speak.” Rothakk growled, as he finally reached Narigg’s seat, staring down at him with twisted green eyes, he continued. “But it seems I’ve forgotten that puppets can’t think.”
Narigg couldn’t help but let out a deep chuckle, as he stared at his mug, he began swirling the ale inside it, allowing Rothakk to continue his illusion of power. The chuckle alone enraged Rothakk. “What? What are you laughing at fool?” He questioned harshly. At this point Narigg put down his mug, as he took his feet of the war table, he shifted into a high posture, while still seated his impressive height was already at Rothakk’s chin. Narigg’s eyes shifted to Rothakk’s, as orange met green. Rothakk’s gaze was hardened and angry. While Narigg’s was surprisingly calm and collected.
“You, Rothakk.” Narigg began to say, “I’m laughing at you, this entire time you thought I was drunk, yet I wasn’t. I believe you are the fool.” Narigg finished with a grin.
Rothakk’s expression was confusion mixed with rage, as he never expected someone like Narigg to be cunning enough to trick him. “That’s it I’ve had enough of you.” Rothakk concluded, as a spark of green energy could be seen in his right hand, he approached Narigg attempting to injure him. Narigg expected this and was quick enough to catch his hand. “You’ve grown predictable with age Rothakk.” Narigg said as he slammed Rothakk’s arm into the wall behind them, shattering the bone in the process. “Argh!” Rothakk screamed. While Narigg laughed at his pain. “Seems no more magic for you.” Narigg said as he then easily pushed Rothakk to the ground.
Rothakk winced in pain before he spoke, “Why have you done this? What are you hoping to achieve?” Narigg was glad to tell Rothakk exactly why he did this. “You thought I was drunk, yes? I’ve heard from Malvor that you abuse our people when they are drunk, so I wanted to see for myself. I also thought it was a good trial, since I’m about to become a dwarf, and drinking is exactly what they do.”
Rothakk was completely bewildered by Narigg’s behaviour. “All of this? Just for that? You could have killed me!” Rothakk shouted as he slowly got up, his cane-staff doing all the proper work.
“Yes, that is what happens when you abuse my people. And if I ever hear you insulting my brother again, I will slay you in front of all Dorragir!” Narigg said fiercely. He meant his threat, no one insults his family, and the only reason Rothakk was getting away with it, was because he had all the information about the Komladur mission. “Now take a seat Rothakk. Malvor and I need to get to Komladur, so make this quick.”
Rothakk quickly hobbled over to his seat, as Narigg remained seated. Malvor came through the already half opened door. “Sorry I’m late.” Malvor said with sincerity. Rothakk looked at him with displeasure, whilst he clenched his now broken arm. Narigg spoke first. “It’s fine Malvor. Rothakk and I have settled things here.” He told him. Malvor’s silver-blue eyes threw Narigg a quick glance of disappointment, before he quickly rushed to Rothakk’s side. “What have you done Narigg? I told you not here!” Malvor said angrily.
“Someone had to do it. And that someone was me.” Narigg said calmly, still staring at Malvor, as he sat beside Rothakk.
“Yes, but not here, we spoke about this.” Malvor said.
“Then where! If not here! Where shall I deliver justice, Malvor?” Narigg asked aggressively.
At this point, Rothakk joined in on the conversation. “Just shut it you two!” Rothakk slammed his unbroken hand on the table. “I’ve had enough! I give you two the information and then you both can leave.” Rothakk said shifting his eyes from Narigg to Malvor. “Fine.” Narigg and Malvor said in unison.
“Good. Very good.” Rothakk began as he slowly calmed himself down. “Now when you two get near Komladur, that is where you will ambush Galthus Sunbeard and his father. There will only be two of them in total. Malvor, you’ll be under the identity of Andron Sunbeard, you will be Narigg’s father. Which shouldn’t be too hard, you act like you are anyway. Narigg of course you will be Galthus, and he has a package you must deliver to Komladur, that is how you will enter.” Rothakk was completely calm now. “When you are in, you look for the portal, I myself do not know where it is located, if you brought me with you I could have. Since you’ll need magic to locate it surely, and since neither of you know any form of magic, I’ve devised a little trinket to help you.”
Rothakk began reaching into his cloak with his left unbroken hand, and pulled out a silver necklace, with a large golden sword inscribed into the middle of it, symbolizing the power of the light. “Now as you may know, due to his surname. Galthus is a light-wielder, I’ll be giving this to you Bonecrusher.” Rothakk quickly threw the necklace to Narigg and he caught it without effort.
“Now you see, the dwarves they won’t suspect a thing. They’ll just think it’s another trinket from The Order of Light, whereas it actually has very powerful tracking magic enchanted into it which shall lead you to the portal, if you’re careful that is.”
“What do you mean?” Malvor asked.
Rothakk shifted his attention to Malvor. “The Halflings still dwell in Komladur, and some of their machines can track magic, which would prove terrible for the both of you. I suggest you avoid the Halfling Embassy. Even without the machines, those smart bastards can probably decipher you’re not the real Galthus and Andron. Stick to the dwarves they’re nowhere near as smart.”
“What if the portal is in the Halfling Embassy?” Narigg asked inquistively.
“Then you’re in for some trouble,” Rothakk spoke looking dead into Narigg’s orange eyes. “But I suppose the mighty Bonecrusher, the best warrior in all of Osleron, can take a few puny halflings.” Rothakk said, and then spoke again without Narigg having the chance at a comeback. “After you have slain Galthus and Andron, you’ll meet Selena Ashkar, an upstart Half-Elf, she’s a dragonslayer, so keep Reaver and Dreader away from her, or they may end up dead. She is on close terms with the dwarves, and has agreed to escort Galthus and Andron, from Nin Kolduhr to Komladur, you’ll get to them before they meet her and replace them. Now I’m only missing one thing, the package the dwarves are escorting, I don’t know what’s in it. That is the only thing I don’t know, but you two aren’t complete idiots, so I suppose you’ll figure it out. If you can try and convince the Half-Elf to tell you, it may be hard, she’s a jokester from what I hear, so I suppose that is in your realm Narigg.”
“And one last thing.” Rothakk put another hand into his cloak and pulled out two vials, within each within each was a disgusting deep green liquid. “When the dwarves are dead, you put a small portion of their brains into these vials, and then both of you drink. That’s how you will have their appearance, don’t get caught on your way to Komladur and this may go well.”
Narigg was quite intrigued by this mission. He had never been to Komladur, since the orcs and dwarves were not on bad terms, only due to their alliance with the humans, that was the main reason the dwarves were enemies, nonetheless Narigg was excited. “Alright. I’m ready.” Narigg said, as he stood up and began to head for Bloodhowler, his ancestral axe. Before Rothakk cut him off. “Narigg what are you doing, that axe is famous. If you take that they’ll know you’re a Bonecrusher.” It was a good point, but Narigg still didn’t like it. “That means my armor to, doesn’t it?” Narigg asked.
“Even more so your armor, you’d be the biggest idiot on Osleron to take that.” Rothakk said with a stern tone. Then Malvor stood up, “Thank you for the briefing Rothakk, and sorry about your hand.” Rothakk nodded in return, as Malvor left for the door. “I’ll meet you by the drakes Narigg.” Malvor said with a hint of disappointment still in his tone.
“Very well, Malvor. I’ll see you soon.” Narigg said, and Malvor was gone, before he even finished the sentence. Rothakk noticed this before even Narigg did. “I suppose your plan of justice backfired Bonecrusher. It seems you’ve upset your dear friend Malvor.” Rothakk said with a grin.
Narigg only responded with a fierce glare. “How long do we have.”
“Not that long Bonecrusher, but the drakes fly fast, just watch out for ‘sea monsters’. There’ve been reports of attacks lately.”
“Alright.” Narigg finished as he left the war room, closing the door behind him. He began exiting the throne room, walking past all the advisors and soldiers as he moved, they all bowed before him as he continued walking. “General Bonecrusher!!” A soldier began to chant and all the other soldiers joined in. While Narigg he gave them each a nod before leaving the throne room. Leaving the throne room Narigg didn’t focus on much else, only the mission, he thought out multiple ways to complete it, but decided in the end he would improvise. His plans only worked for war, not a stealth mission.
Narigg was now at the mounts, as was Malvor. Malvor only responded with a glare, before he mounted Dreader the mighty green drake, and rose high above into the sky, he began gliding towards the sea before Narigg had even mounted.
With a quick stroke of Reaver’s rough scales, Narigg mounted him, and slowly rose him in the air. The clouds grew darker and darker each passing minute. As he rose more and more of Zodane became visible, from the dusty desert of Chorrod, to the far south of the Ashenlands, was a land filled with Eiwoqir, and their dreaded Demon-Lord Tanbohr who hid beneath the land in cowardice waiting to strike.
Narigg never did see Tanbohr but supposedly he is the Lord of the Traix, and brother of the mighty Fire-Lord Azarix, one of the elemental gods. Thinking of the elementals made Narigg think of Riftwell. Madrius Riftwell who had usurped the Ice-Lord’s throne in Frostland and became the new master of frost. Narigg was there when it happened as was Lekthr, their armies failed to stop Riftwell. As did the other races, he slew King Daystar, as he marched into A’lelin in hopes of corrupting the Leithyr, which he succeeded. The high elves have not been the same ever since, most of them went mad, even after the dwarves managed to uncorrupt it, but they forgot one thing, the elves. Narigg always believed it was they who remained corrupted.
By now Narigg was zooming through the sky, he was already quite far across the ocean, as Malvor could be seen much further away from Narigg. It was clear Malvor was very unhappy with Narigg’s choice to teach Rothakk a lesson, and maybe he was right. Rothakk didn’t even seem to learn anything all he got was a broken arm, which Narigg had already broken countless times before. Narigg never did understand Rothakk, he was cruel yet helpful, a tricky one to understand, truthfully Narigg liked bullying him for fun, and Rothakk did deserve it. But as General of the Flame, it is expected he be more reasonable than that.
Narigg shifted his attention to the ocean, which had a green tinge inflicted upon it, for this reason the ocean was called, The Sundered Sea, it had been this way for ten thousand years ever since, The Dark Elves first defeated the Eiwoqir. Narigg then remembered Rothakk saying sea monsters had been attacking fellow orcs, yet most orcs flew on drakes. Narigg tried to figure what sort of sea monster It could be. Krakens could be one, but Narigg and Malvor were both flying so Reaver and Dreader could handle those. Narigg then thought if it was a Leviathan then both he and Malvor may not make it out alive. Out of all the dragon species only an elder dragon, one such as Umbracor could handle a leviathan, even the thought of facing one made Narigg slightly uneasy.
And then it happened, a huge titanic figure rose from the depths, splashing the waves high into the sky almost like a tsunami, the giant wave alone took Malvor and Dreader down. While Narigg he was safe as Malvor was atleast 100 feet away when Narigg saw him slowly plummeting to the sea. The Leviathan’s several tentacles then swished and smashed into the ocean making more large waves, as a tentacle finally caught Dreader as swift as a serpent it threw him into it’s disgusting shark like mouth.
Dreader was dead, and Malvor to if Narigg didn’t do something. Without even thinking Narigg began screaming “MALVOR!!!” he screamed continuously. As the Leviathan’s full attention diverted to Narigg, Reaver dove down to the seas Narigg could almost feel the ocean they were gliding so close to it, Malvor was almost at the bottom now as Reaver was beneath ready to catch him. It was in this moment when Narigg realized something else. Something to add to their already dire circumstances.
A giant whirlpool, was just underneath Malvor, at this point it was safe to say Malvor was unconscious, while Narigg his heart was beating furiously, as was his vision blurred from the constant splash of water the Leviathan’s tentacles had caused. “REAVER!! FIRE BALL!! NOW!!!” Narigg screamed at his drake and it followed his command, as a huge ball of fire left the drakes throat, and crashed into the Leviathan’s gut. It didn’t do much damage but it did stun the monster just in time for Narigg to dart up above the whirlpool and get Malvor. Narigg wouldn’t let him die, not today.
Reaver rose just in time to not be sucked in by the giant whirlpool, Malvor was flying faster than Narigg thought, as his green orcish body looked lifeless and dead, Narigg feared as he managed to catch his arm before he fell into the whirlpool.
Just in this moment The Leviathan’s titanic frame moved the waves as his body pushed closer to the orcs, this strengthened the whirlpool. Reaver hovered there as Narigg attempted to throw Malvor onto Reaver and fly out of this nightmare. A good idea only if it worked.
Three giant tentacles simultaneously slammed into Reaver causing the drake to fall under the monster’s titanic power. Narigg and Malvor were thrown of the drake as Reaver fell and they began falling into the whirlpool.
Then it all happened slower than Narigg thought as the speed they fell seemed like forever. Though Narigg knew this was his last moment, he wanted to make sure his body would stay with Malvor. While Malvor was seemingly dead, Narigg’s large arms were covering his entire torso, so Narigg’s back would be the first thing to hit the whirlpool.
Reaver was already dead from the hit of the Leviathan, and his body just slowly entered the whirlpool. As Narigg and Malvor were about to fall in, Narigg felt a powerful energy just outside his chest, to see what it was caused Narigg great struggle as he had to twist Malvor’s body around so it was facing the whirlpool, while he did this, he quickly glanced at the strange energy on his chest.
It was the silver necklace Rothakk had given him, the one that would track the portal, as he ripped the necklace from around his neck, he held it in his hands as he tightly wrapped his arms around Malvor they crashed into the waves, The Leviathan struck a tentacle at them ensuring they would enter. All Narigg saw was darkness and he knew he was dead.
Except Narigg didn’t die, he didn’t even touch the water, and the Leviathan was gone, yet he and Malvor were still falling. Narigg’s body crashed heavily into the ground as it met snow, Malvor’s body provided more damage for Narigg as he fell straight on his chest. Narigg was sure Malvor was already dead, nonetheless Malvor’s body was resting on Narigg’s gut. Narigg just laid there with his eyes closed as he tried to figure out what the hell happened. He heard something speak. “What the hell is that?” A voice asked.
“I don’t know. They look to be orcs.” A deeper, older voice answered.
“And they just fell out of the sky.” The other voice answered. It was now that Narigg opened his eyes. At first all he saw was the blueness of the sky, and when he turned his head the whiteness of the snowy mountains. Narigg pushed Malvor’s body to the side, Narigg then stood himself up. His body was aching. And it was dwarves who were speaking.
“It moves.” The small dwarf with the golden beard said. “Oh gods! I…” the dwarf stuttered just as he realized who exactly he was talking to. “Father that’s Bonecrusher, he defeated Caedon Riftwell in single combat, Caedon’s the finest swordsman in the Brotherhood.”
“Yep, that’s me.” Narigg said as he stretched his aching muscles.
“Let’s fight him Galthus. How dare this imposter step into our lands!” Andron Sunbeard said, he was tall, for a dwarf, with golden plate armor, forged and ready for battle, he held a mace and a shield that was bigger than him. Andron was more than prepared to strike at Narigg. “As you say father.” Galthus said as he stood in a readied pose, with a sword in hand he began to charge up a light spell.
As tired as Narigg was he had to get this over with. Narigg’s large frame rushed at them with only his fists as allies.
Andron jumped in front of Narigg’s fist, as fist met shield, Narigg’s fist didn’t break the shield, but he hit it hard enough to shatter the old dwarves arm as Narigg held it in place with his left hand. Galthus finished charging his spell and shot a small beam of light energy right at Narigg, luckily Narigg pushed Andron in front of the blast, which put a huge light filled whole into his chest. “Well that was easy.” Narigg said. “You did the work for me.” Narigg finished, as Andron looked star struck as to what just happened, Narigg let him fall to the ground.
“Father!” Galthus yelped as he dropped his sword and rushed over to his father’s decrepit body. “I’m so sorry.” He said as he cried into his father’s now dead body. Narigg would usually feel bad about what had just occurred, yet the fact that Malvor may be dead made him even more heartless.
“You did your best dwarf. But it seems your best was not enough.” Narigg began as he approached the dwarves small blade.
Galthus was quivering in fear while crouched over his father’s dead body, he saw the giant orc approach him, “Wh….What are you do..doing.” Galthus said while crawling away from Narigg’s giant frame.
“Sending you to your father.” Narigg said as his boot met the dwarf’s chest he crushed him with his large feet. Galthus was already dead at this point, yet Narigg finished him further. “Farewell.” Narigg said as the dwarves’ own blade entered his throat.
Now they were both dead. Just like that and Narigg realized that it happened again, his bloodlust, he absolutely slaughtered those dwarves, like they were mere animals and if Malvor was truly dead could he really complete this mission?
Narigg continued anyway as he stripped the dwarves armor and clothes. He used Galthus’ own blade to cut into both of their skulls and retrieved a small portion of each of their brains. It was tough especially since Narigg was only a warrior, it took him a few good minutes just to extract a little of the brain, as he kept cutting the chunks to large.
He then after the extraction carefully walked over to Malvor’s body and retrieved the vials of shapeshifting. He put Galthus’ brain into one and Andron’s into the other. He gave Andron’s vial to Malvor first even though Malvor was unconscious, he forced his mouth open and slid the vial’s liquid down his throat.
He did the same to himself as parts of Galthus’ brain slid down his throat it tasted like poison, although after a few seconds it worked. It felt very strange, he felt his arms shrink, his head shrink, his whole body shrunk. Since Narigg was eight feet tall, he was now around half that, and much less muscular, he did not like it one bit. On top of that he felt this hideous golden beard.
Malvor now looked like Andron so Narigg placed Andron’s plate armor on him, even though he was still unconscious. Narigg hid the dwarf bodies. Now everything looked perfect as if Narigg really was Galthus and that his father Andron was only injured.
Just as everything looked perfect Narigg saw a feminine figure in the far distance on the snowy mountains, it looked elven, especially the ears, the girl wore plain leather. Narigg assumed it was Selena Ashkar, the half-elf Rothakk mentioned. She was quite a distance away, yet Rothakk said she would be escorting us. Narigg had to decide what would be the more realistic choice for Galthus to make.
[Rush to Selena for help] [Stay with your ‘Father’]
Okay everyone I hope you enjoy.
[Rush to Selena for help] Screw realism! Let's go meet the pretty elf! XD
Jokes aside she could possibly help our "father" and us so might as well.
I'm unsure how I feel about Narigg now, after that display with the Dwarves.
Understandable. He originally would've just killed them quickly without the insults, especially if Malvor was awake. Actually if Malvor was awake Narigg might not have even killed them. But after the Leviathan it's safe to say he was angry.
Judging by real Galthus' reaction to his father's death it would seem like they were close. It seems like this would probably be the option more in tune with his personality and since we want Selena to think we are him...
[Stay with your 'father']
Whoa, Narigg! That was... brutal
I agree with Agent, I must say that I feel unsure of him now after killing the dwarves, especially in such a brutal way. I mean, they had to die for his mission and the dwarves kinda attacked him first, but still, it makes me a bit nervous for his next parts, for obvious reason.
[Rush to Selena for help]
Ah... this was something I found to be a hard choice, mostly because I not only had to decide what's best for Narigg, but naturally also what's best for Selena. I don't want her to blow his cover, because after getting several glimpses at Narigg's temper, I am afraid it won't end well for one of them. I am absolutely not sure which option would be better here, but if Narigg manages to convince her of genuinely being Galthus, then that might be a chance for them to avoid a fight, which can only be good for both. The problem is, I don't know anything about Galthus' personality, whereas Selena likely knew him for a couple of days at least. He obviously loves his father, but I don't know how he would react. I'd like to imagine that he would run to the nearest ally to get help, though that might only be wishful thinking on my part. I could see both of these having a chance at succeeding or failing, so I gotta pick this, as I have a slightly better feeling about it
Yeah. Narigg can be quite reckless at times, especially moments like this.
If a fight did occur (which is something Narigg definitely wants to avoid), Selena would have a huge advantage, due to Narigg currently being in a form where he can't use his strength or endurance. The only real advantage he'd have is tactical thinking, his combat experience and weapon mastery would be overshadowed by Selena's due to Narigg being in a body he's not use to. It's doubtful that Selena would fight him if he remained in Galthus' form though.
[Stay with your 'father'] I think that would fit better
The voting is tied! yet again, okay it seems, I will have to come up with something to solve this, maybe like flip a coin. Anyway for now I'll just tag everyone's who hasn't voted yet, just in case they unfollowed. @Mathea @HighBee @Lord_EAA @joriandrake
The next part will take place in Oakbreach. (Surprisingly. You may have expected an Earth PoV, since we just had an Osleron one) The Mage's Quarter will be the exact location. It will also introduce a new PoV, an Elder Mage, named Thanus, whose job is to oversee the student's of Oakbreach, and make sure they're adept enough to handle themselves in magical combat. It will take place after Lydia shuts down the barrier (accidentally). It could possibly be out today, but I wouldn't count on it, my computer's been having a lot of troubles lately, (mainly the screen, it's hard to see what i'm writing), however I will still try to release the part today.
Also you may have noticed I changed the chapter titles and added a few more, there's some decent hints in the titles, which will probably go unnoticed until I post more parts.
[Rush to Selena for help]
New part should be up in a few hours.
Thanus Elric Grey-Eye - - Oakbreach City, 201 AC
It was midday at this point and Thanus was still shifting from books to scrolls as he sat alone in his tower. These books were magical of course, Thanus didn't hold the learning books in his tower, only enchanted books.
Thanus continued scattering through his books, book after book fell on the ground, with only a few grabbing his attention. Phantomsong, Destroyer of Darkness, was the main one. Thanus did wonder who named these books, he always thought they were a bit over the top.
He scouted the room one last time. His mismatched eyes passed from table to table, bookshelf to bookshelf, not much could be seen other than the thousands of other books, most of which were now on the ground. Thanus was quite frustrated by all this, he needed this book for King Garibald, and he needed it tonight. Unfortunately he didn't know what it looked like or even the name.
Thanus narrowed his eyes to a small gap that seemed to hold a few dozen books or so. This gap was surrounded by stone and the books were inside the wall itself. Thanus moved his elven frame over to the corner and properly inspected the books. Again, they were the same as the ones he had been looking at for hours now, still Thanus continued, partially out of boredom, mostly out of fear of the king.
There was nothing interesting, all the books in the gap were now on the floor with all of the other books. Except one that was stuck right at the back of the wall, it glowed a bright orange, it was in a place where Thanus’ hands couldn't reach. Which meant Thanus had to reshape his hand, a school of magic he was never particularly good in, still he continued as he knew this book was the one.
This was a tricky process for Thanus, he needed a woman like Lovaen here, she was currently in A’lelin and there were no shapeshifting masters in Oakbreach that Thanus knew of. Luckily for Thanus he was in a room with many magical books, which meant there would be one for shapeshifting.
He managed to find one with relative ease, as he quickly opened the book, he read a few words before he moved his right hand under it and let the book do its work. The transformation was fast, his hand went from one of elegance to one of near invisibility, except for a certain sharpness that made it look like a white blade.
Thanus returned to the wall and pushed his thin hand through the cobble stoned slit. He realized this gap went back further than he originally thought, his hand passed through dust, before reaching the glowing book, when it finally did, Thanus could only grab it with his index and middle finger and when it touched his hand a powerful energy rushed through Thanus’ entire right arm and straight into his body. It filled him with a calmness that was godly, in that moment Thanus’ knew why King Garibald wanted this book.
Thanus slowly dragged the book out of the stone slit, his hand passed through more dust as he pulled it out of the slit. His hand went back to normal as it came out of the wall. The books powerful energy grew stronger as he finally held it in both hands. It was so strong that Thanus nearly fell asleep, the book had nothing inscribed on it, just an aura of bright orange covering its edges, while the book itself was colored an old brown.
Thanus realized this book was heavily cursed, since such calmness was never a good thing. Thanus finally brought the book to his left eye, the grey-eye.
The grey-eye did many things, including: scanning the form of magic and tracking the owner. However this book was clearly thousands of years old, so tracking its creator would likely be impossible unless they were some sort of elf.
The speed of the grey-eye was immense it went through many different possibilities from arcane to demonic magic. Until it deduced the book was a mixture of emotion, light and blood magic such a combination would be hard to fuse together. Whoever made this book must be extremely powerful.
If there was one thing Thanus knew, it was that he could not give this book to the king, even if the king frightened him. It would prove to dangerous, and the Kingdom of Oakbreach was already under enough stress. However, Thanus would try to find someone to cure the book, then, maybe, after it's cured, he would give it to the king, but until then the book would stay with him.
Now since Thanus had found the book, he had quite a bit of free time, the yearly grand dinner was taking place at even fall. Which gave Thanus around five hours to get ready, in this time he cleaned his tower placing the books back in their proper shelves this took him quite some time since it was very messy. Thanus also cleaned out the stone slit, and attempted to repair it with an arcane book, yet it didn't work, perchance the slit itself was cursed, which was a worrying thought, one he would worry about later.
Thanus then got himself into his proper elven attire, this required him to teleport to the clothing section of his tower, which was quite far away. Once there he picked out his outfit, which was an elegant silver robe, this was mixed with many magical symbols which a lot of people wouldn't understand, he also tucked his silver hair into a tight bun, and fastened two silver bracelets around his arms, the cursed book, he placed in his robes. He was now prepared.
Not just humans would be at this dinner, since it was the king’s birthday, a lot of elven nobles from A’lelin would be there. Such as, Vyaan Darkgaze, a Senior Magister and warlock, Voris Ashkar, another elven Magister of equal importance to Vyaan. They were accompanied by The Red Knights of A’lelin, led by Aerion Lightfury, Knight-Lord of The Red Knight Order, he was also known as The Dark Hand, his feats in combat are widely known and most would rather avoid him than face him. The Magisters were wise to bring Aerion, as Oakbreach and A’lelin aren't on great terms, if a fight were to happen Aerion would surely be on the winning side.
But Oakbreach had pretty great forces as well, and fighters most of them don't use magic. They have created some great anti-magic methods in the past years. Caedyn Riftwell is one of Oakbreach's greatest fighter's, brother of the dreaded Madrius Riftwell, the Ice-King of the North, that alone makes many fear to engage Caedyn in combat, which is very understandable since Madrius has slain four kings by his own hand.
And Caedyn himself had only ever lost to one man, an orc named Bonecrusher, no elf, man or even orc has ever been able to keep Bonecrusher down for good, Caedyn battled Narigg near twenty years ago, and still Thanus doesn't know why Narigg didn't kill Caedyn. These days Narigg was more of a commander, and he made many great problems for the Brotherhood. Commander Thrak and General Bonecrusher were known widely as enemies always outthinking each other, it was an endless and pointless war, yet one that continued.
Now that Thanus had finished thinking he headed downstairs, by ways of teleportation, as soon as he teleported down, he was greeted by Lexus, his assistant, she was sitting behind a large desk, she was a young human only in her mid-twenties, she had long lovely brunette hair and sparkling green eyes.
“Good evening Lex.” Thanus said with a cheerful tone. Lexus smiled before speaking. “Good evening Loremaster. It seems you've slept in again.” Lexus laughed. Thanus laughed as well, as he moved closer to the desk she was sitting at. “You know it.” Thanus said before he asked her a question. “Listen Lex, what are you doing tonight?” Lexus seemed surprised by the question. “I didn't really have any plans, I was really planning to stay home with father. We're lucky enough to even live in Oakbreach. I feel bad for all the commoners that are forced to starve in the forest.” Lexus said broodily.
Thanus gave Lexus a sympathetic look, while she continued looking at the desk, almost like she was staring into space. “Listen, Lex. Would you like to come to the king’s dinner with me tonight? I'm going with Darien, while his father should be there as well. I'm sure I'll have room to bring someone, and I'd like that to be you.” Thanus said sincerely, as Lexus looked at him their eyes met, an intense look indeed, and neither of them broke the stare, it was nice until Lexus spoke.
“Umm… I mean. Yes, of course. I'm not sure why you want me wh…” Thanus cut her off. “It’s alright Lex, I understand you're nervous. But I assure you this is not a date, unless you want it to be.” Lexus visibly blushed, and Thanus knew he probably shouldn't have mentioned the word date, as Lexus was very inexperienced, while Thanus, he had over five hundred years of experience. “How about your father, how is he doing?” Thanus asked as an escape from the awkward direction this conversation was headed.
Lexus could answer this question without blushing. “He’s fine, he's just a bit hungry, that's all.”
Thanus thought it was sad that people still starved even in Oakbreach, he could only imagine what Evergreen was like. “Well, how about I get him some of tonight's feast, that's sure to fill his belly.” Thanus said, still looking at Lexus.
“That would be great.” Lexus said smiling. Thanus smiled back. “You should get ready. We’ve about three hours until the dinner starts.” Thanus continued while looking at her dress, it was a fairly simple one, colored black with a touch of gold. Thanus noticed this was the same dress she always wore, maybe she didn't own another one. “Unless you want to wear that of course, which would be totally fine.”
Lexus blushed as she nodded. “Oh, yes, I believe I'll stick with this dress.” Lexus looked at her dress still blushing. “It's not that bad is it?” She asked nervously.
“No, no. Not at all, I think it's quite lovely.” Thanus said cheerfully. It was a half truth, although it was mainly Lexus that looked good, rather than the dress.
Lexus smiled sweetly. “Well, that's refreshing. ” Lexus paused before continuing. “I think you were looking for Darien?” she asked somewhat calmly. Thanus gave her a simple nod in return. “He’s currently teaching the students about healing. He should be done soon.” Lexus said.
“Light or Nature healing?” Thanus asked intrigued.
“Umm… I’m actually not sure. Probably, light.” Lexus said awkwardly.
“Very well.” Thanus began heading for the door with light footsteps. As he was walking out Lexus asked him. “What time should I be there?”
Thanus stopped to respond. “Don't worry about that. In about two hours, I'll come pick you up.” he said as he smiled at her. She smiled back.
And then he was of, to the classrooms, to see Darien Ashkar, and to see how well he could actually teach the students.
Thanus passed many things on his way to the classroom, like floating books, students trying to levitate, and groups of teachers playing magical chess, a game Thanus was near legendary at.
He was at the classrooms by now, it was made of silver stone, like most classrooms, and he could hear Darien teaching the students, he was the only voice in the block of classrooms, mainly because he preferred the old method of teaching magic, the elven way, where we get them to read in class.
Oakbreach was very different when it came to teaching, most teachers here prefer hands on work, rather than reading. Thanus was now leaning on the door of the classroom and he could see Darien and his seated students. Darien Ashkar had long brown hair that would highlight to blonde in certain lights. He is a half-elf which meant his ears were not as pointed as Thanus’, although they are very pointy compared to human ears. He was currently wearing long dark purple robes, he also had a silver circlet fastened around his forehead, his stance was very elegant, and he could easily pass for a true high elf. He was clearly ready for the dinner, yet he still continued teaching.
“Magic is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, in fact it may even be the most. And in one of those schools of magic, is the most helpful thing. Healing, the ability to heal is one of the greatest. So it may seem obvious that I'm disappointed, when I hear none of you study it.” Darien said calmly and paused waiting for his students to answer. The students didn't even seem to be listening most of them looked bored, even though Darien was doing a superb job. Unfortunately for Darien he had been given the most mischievous class, it was impressive he had even gotten them to sit.
“This is boring!” one of the students yelled. “Yea, I want to go blow stuff up!” another yelled. And Thanus began wondering if anyone could teach this class. “Yes, this is boring, very very boring, but do you know what's more boring?” Darien asked his students with a raised brow. None of them replied, but most of them seemed to be paying attention now. “Starving is boring, being poor is boring. You all should be grateful that you are lucky enough to have parents who can afford to live in this city. Let alone afford classes for magic.” Darien told his students sternly, yet with a certain calmness that only he could pull of. The students remained silent now, and Thanus was impressed with Darien, who was only twenty six, he could easily pass for three hundred.
“Class dismissed.” Darien said heading to his books that lay on his table. The students all bolted out the door, almost knocking Thanus over in the process. Thanus quickly recovered from the stampede of students and made his way over to Darien.
“They’re wild aren't they.” he said as he approached Darien. Darien turned around, and Thanus could see his crystal blue eyes as he packed his books into a briefcase. “Oh, undoubtedly. I don't know how you deal with them every day.”
“They usually aren't that bad. That's if you take them outside.” Thanus was now at the table, while Darien had finished packing his books into the bag. “Shall we head for the dinner now? I know we'd be early, but there's nothing else to do, unless you want to play chess?” Darien asked.
“Actually, Darien. I wanted you to take a look at this book.” Thanus slowly pulled the book out of his silver robe, it glistened orange as he did this. “That is bright. Brighter than normal light magic.” Darien said, as Thanus handed him the book. “Where did you find it? It certainly has strange energy.” Darien said, far calmer than Thanus had ever seen him.
“In my tower. King Garibald wanted it for tonight's feast. I've decided not to give it to him.” Thanus told him.
“Yes, that's probably a good decision.” Darien inspected the book closer. “I'm not sure what type of magic this is. I'm only seeing blood and light, but there must be something else, the calmness is too strong to just be light. I…” Thanus cut him off. “That would be emotion magic.” Darien immediately looked at him as he said those words. “Are you sure?” Darien asked him curiously. “Yes. If you need further confirmation. That is what the grey-eye said.” Thanus told him.
Darien looked a bit worried, yet also intrigued. “Emotion magic hasn't been seen for hundreds of years.” Darien said. “Thousands, actually. It's closer to a thousand years.” Thanus corrected him. “Are you sure? From what I recall it was only hundreds.” Darien said, inspecting the book further. “Yes. I'm the Loremaster after all, it's my job to know these things.” Thanus said, slightly annoyed. There was only one problem Thanus had with Darien. It was Darien's need to be right even when Thanus knew the facts. “Alright fine. A thousand years it is then. What are you going to do with this cursed book?”
Thanus wasn't actually sure what to do with the book. He thought maybe Darien did. “I don't know. I was wondering if you had any ideas, I know your specialty is in healing. And I know there have been some accounts of healers being able to reverse curses in history. So as you're both a master of Light and Nature healing, I thought why not see if you can undo the curse.”
Darien seemed very pleased with this news and gave Thanus a smile. “I think that sounds like a great idea. I'll see what I can do.” Darien said, as he tucked the book into his purple robes.
They began talking about the dinner as they both exited the classroom. Darien with his briefcase of books, Thanus with nothing in his hand. But they were interrupted by Lexus, who seemed downright distraught.
“Loremaster, Loremaster!!” Lexus managed to say, as she was exhausted from sprinting. Before Thanus could speak it was Darien who spoke. “It’s alright. Calm down.” Darien said very sincerely as Lexus threw her arms around him, she was almost crying. Darien managed to calm her down, through comfort and sweet words, just enough so she could speak properly.
“It’s Kieran, he's said… the barrier. It’s broken, and demons and Volrohn, they're… they're back.” Lexus managed to say, as she held Darien tightly. Darien was still comforting her. Thanus was quite worried about this news, not for himself as Oakbreach’s barrier was still able to hold the demons of. It was Evergreen he was worried about it was already filled with famine, poverty, disease, social injustice, racism, you name it, every sort of evil lived in Evergreen. That's why the nobles rarely care when something bad happens there. And now the barrier was broken Evergreen had to face demons to.
“Where's Kieran?” asked Thanus.
“He’s… Outside… Injured.” As soon as Lexus mentioned the word, injured, Darien stood up. “You can take care of her. Right?” Darien asked Thanus. Thanus gave him a nod. Darien left the building immediately after Thanus nodded.
“Lexus, You'll be fine. So will your father. You both live in Oakbreach, Oakbreach's barrier has never broken. So what's wrong?”
“Then what happened ten years ago, why did the Volrohn invade back then.” Lexus asked still sobbing.
“You know what happened there, someone shut down the barrier from the inside. We're alot stricter who holds access to it now. You know this.” Thanus knew he never was good at comforting people, he was fascinated how Darien managed to do this. “I'm sorry, okay, I'll try to get you help, but you need to stay strong.” Thanus said as calmly as possible, even though he was very stressed.
Lexus nodded as the tears stopped, she was visibly still sad. “I'm going to check on Kieran. You stay here. I'll find some help.” Lexus followed his order as he left.
Now that he was outside, to say it was crowded would be an understatement. It was filled with people, mages, students, teachers all crowded around in a circle, around presumably Kieran and Darien, Thanus moved closer to investigate.
He initially struggled to get through the large crowd, yet managed to push through it. Once he was finally through he saw Kieran first, to say he was injured was an understatement, and Thanus knew why Lexus was so afraid, he seemed to be missing more than just a few organs and he would surely bleed out if not for Darien. Kieran's black hair was stuck to his face from sweat, he had been in more than one fight today.
Kieran looked lifeless as he lay on the ground and it was clear it was only his dark magic and willpower that held him together, he had an aura of darkness surrounding him. Darien’s healing did Kieran wonders, he healed him with nature magic, which was definitely the right choice, luckily for Kieran, Darien was the best healer in the east, maybe even the world. “You will live, but currently, you're a little more than injured.” Darien said as he placed his glowing hands over a missing organ. “How long is this going to take?” Kieran struggled to ask. “Not that long. Just stay still.” Darien said. It was true Darien was already making quick progress as one of Kieran's organs regrew at an amazing pace.
The crowd just watched on some were disgusted but most were fascinated.