Who would you choose to play Bigby in a movie?
Who would you choose to play Bigby in a movie?
My mental image of a potential movie would be filmed in a neon coloured presentation like the game.
Who would you choose for Snow?
Who would you cast as Georgie?
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Snow would probably be portraied well by Alexandra Daddario
Georgie ... no idea, maybe Billy Zane
if he dropped some pounds.
Aaand Bigby - everyones first thought and I can't think of anyone better.. Hugh Jackman
I think Hugh Jackman is the perfect Bigby, like he was born for this ahah
HughJackman immediately came to mind.
Hugh Jackman immediately comes to mind. I mean, he has the right looks and the right age to portray Bigby.
I think Hugh Jackman could totally do it, but considering he's already done Wolverine, they wouldn't choose him because they'd be too distracted by A- the fact that it's him and B- the similarities between Bigby and Wolverine. Alexandra Daddario is too young and doesn't have the right amount of grit to play Snow, in my opinion, but she definitely looks the part. I think Billy Zane's a good choice for Georgie.
I'd personally pick Lee Pace because that guy can look like anyone given the proper time (he went from Ned in Pushing Daisies to unrecognizable in Guardians of the Galaxy to pretty elf boy in Lord of the Rings) and if anyone's got the acting chops for it I'd choose him.
For Snow, Alexandra Daddario looks perfect, but she's never impressed me in terms of her acting. I would choose someone a bit older and more experienced, like Colbie Smulders.
Hmm...Very nice pic with Cobie, I never thought of that. She can definitely be both a cold ice queen and then be a warmhearted princess.
Thanks! I agree.
I'd say an actor in their 40's would be a decent fit.
Maybe Hugh Jackman, or Jeffrey Dean Morgan?
Someone actual;y did an art with Jeffrey Dean Morgan as an actor playing Bigby. Seems pretty cool!
Hmm, he needs longer hair...
Don't know, everytime I see Jeffrey Dean Morgan, I grin.
Fits pretty well:
[contains Spoilers of TWD series before date of upload(3months ago)]

I would want someone looking more serious.
Hugh Jackman, obviously!!!
This poster is why I had him as a choice
Basically Joel from The Last Of Us right there
Him too. I don't find any other actors better than him. Jackman is perfect.
Logan (the movie) is so much like The Last Of Us in places...
Hell, I don't even want a TLOU movie or even even an Uncharted movie. Logan is TLOU we got in movie history.
Didn't they want Mark Wahlberg to play Nathan Drake if the Uncharted movie was green lit?
... For fuck's sake, use someone else!
I know it's not going to be as good as the games. Nolan North is and will always be the real Nathan Drake, same as Emily Rose and Richard McGonagle as Elena and Sully.
I think Jake Gyllenhaal would make a good Bigby as he can display the right amount of attitude if needed.
I would have Emmy Rossum as Snow.
I'd probably go with English actor Jason Flemyng as Georgie.
Hugh Jackman immediately comes to mind
Why even ask? Everyone knows that Dwayne the Rock Johnson will get the part because he's in every movie.
The funny thing is that if they were to cast Nolan North in a live-action movie... I'd want him to play Sam Drake! :P
He could be Bluebeard
Whether it be a movie or a TV series here are who I think should play some Fables characters.
Bigby - Josh Holloway
Snow White - Evangeline Lily
Crane - Gregory Itzin
The Woodsman - Jon Bernthal
The Crooked Man - Gary Oldman
Colin - Donald Trump
That Donald Trump image is disturbing...
Josh Holloway is perfect for Bigby