I got skyrim remastered (ps4) a week ago and just like the first time round i cant get immersed. I got it on release day for the 360 and traded it in after a couple of weeks because it bored me. The thing is I need a easy game with a huge playtime to keep me entertained for a while, I loved oblivion it didn't bore me at all, but skyrim...
Any advice for me? What missions or towns should I head to, what skills should I invest in, how do I have fun? Trading in isnt a option right now so I have to stick at it.
It depends what you want. Joining a group is a good starting point.
The Mage College of Winterhold,
The Companions(disease resistance perk in nice) of Whiterun,
The Thieves Guild of Riften,
The Dark Brotherhood of Riften(not really, but the journey to them starts with talking to the kids at the Riften orphanage).
I joined every group to get the most out of the game.
I got skyrim remastered (ps4) a week ago and just like the first time round i cant get immersed. I got it on release day for the 360 and tra… moreded it in after a couple of weeks because it bored me. The thing is I need a easy game with a huge playtime to keep me entertained for a while, I loved oblivion it didn't bore me at all, but skyrim...
Any advice for me? What missions or towns should I head to, what skills should I invest in, how do I have fun? Trading in isnt a option right now so I have to stick at it.
After that, I started going to towns and doing the quests for the Jarls, which in turn, has you doing quests for the citizens. On my first play through I was just wandering around and finding dungeons. I found that rather boring since you're getting quest items with no context.
As for skills, definitely invest in healing. After that, offensive skills are good(either weapon or destruction magic). If you're not interested in managing your armour too much, don't worry about the defensive skills too much(they'll level on their own, the perks are mostly just useful for complete armour sets)
It depends what you want. Joining a group is a good starting point.
The Mage College of Winterhold,
The Companions(disease resistance … moreperk in nice) of Whiterun,
The Thieves Guild of Riften,
The Dark Brotherhood of Riften(not really, but the journey to them starts with talking to the kids at the Riften orphanage).
I joined every group to get the most out of the game.
It depends what you want. Joining a group is a good starting point.
The Mage College of Winterhold,
The Companions(disease resistance … moreperk in nice) of Whiterun,
The Thieves Guild of Riften,
The Dark Brotherhood of Riften(not really, but the journey to them starts with talking to the kids at the Riften orphanage).
I joined every group to get the most out of the game.
Currently replaying Expedition: Conquistador in preparation for Expedition: Vikings. Now this game came out in 2013 and now replaying it again, there is a surprising amount of depth to it. The party members you choose during the start of the game isn't faceless monks, they all got each and different personality. Sure, maybe not as much depth, but they all feel different because some are either peaceful or aggressive, racist or open-minded. Also your choices matters quite a lot, since some choices can result in the depth or addition of companions.
By no means a perfect game, since the turn-base combat can be a little RNG and the story can be hard to follow if you are not an avid reader. But a really nice game. And proudly made by Logic Artist who are Danish game developers.
I've been playing Obduction and I can't tell if I like it or not yet. It's by the creators of the Myst games and while I'm enjoying the graphics, I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing to progress in the game.
Started playing Shadow of Mordor, but I found it too easy... and I'm not a person whom plays games on the hardest difficulty. I think I'm just too used to that Arkham style counter combat. I shelved it for now and started Dragon Age: Inquisition again as a different race, class, personality. A much better game on repeat play-throughs, once you know what you do/don't have to/want to do. Plus mods.
18 hours into Yooka Laylee and I'm really liking it. Platforming around areas and exploring the worlds is really fun but the minigames aren't great. They're really not that fun at all and the only reason I'm doing them is to get all the pagies. But other than that it's a really fun game.
The Dark Brotherhood & the Thieves Guild were two quest lines that had me really invested. I recommend you give them a chance. I also started the Dawnguard DLC recently, and so far it has been an interesting plot line. You can decide to join a vampire clan or fight to defeat them along side some vampire hunters. As for what you should invest your skill points into, that depends on your play style. I like having self heal on one hand & a one handed sword in my other hand so I can attack and heal myself without relying too much on potions. I tend to pour my skill points into speech, one handed, healing & my armor.
I got skyrim remastered (ps4) a week ago and just like the first time round i cant get immersed. I got it on release day for the 360 and tra… moreded it in after a couple of weeks because it bored me. The thing is I need a easy game with a huge playtime to keep me entertained for a while, I loved oblivion it didn't bore me at all, but skyrim...
Any advice for me? What missions or towns should I head to, what skills should I invest in, how do I have fun? Trading in isnt a option right now so I have to stick at it.
Just finished Rise of the Tomb Raider and will soon be starting the original Bioshock for the first time. Heard some very good things about it.
Also playing The Walking Dead: A New Frontier and Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy.
What they said. It's tied to a mechanic. Like games which give you a different ending if you chose to use an easier weapon. So it's not like dialogue option choices.
Oh i saw this the other day at my game store but I thought it was some ripoff game from the vikings tv show. But what you said sounded very interesting thanks I think I'm gonna check it out.
In about 5 days from now, I will buy this game called Expedition: Viking.( http://store.steampowered.com/app/445190/ )
I have played the … morefirst game called Expedition: Conquistador. The game had a lot of interesting ideas. You start the game building your own crew and explore the New World. You make your choices as you encounter danger, allies and situation, all the while dealing with managing your resources and inner conflict among your party members. From what I have heard about this game so far, it sounds like they have improved a lot of the flaws of the last game. And I always wanted to play a good Viking story and I enjoyed the show Vikings.
I have 91 games. Most of them from another video game industries.
Owned Telltale Games:
Minecraft: Story Mode (Completed 8 episodes)
The Walking Dead (Competed 5 episodes and 400 Days)
The Walking Dead: Season Two (Completed 5 episodes)
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (Uncompleted)
To be bought: Game of Thrones: Season Two, The Wolf Among Us, Batman: The Telltale Series and 7 Days to Die
(within the past year...)
Team Fortress 2
Borderlands 2 & TPS
Life is Strange
Dear Esther
(trying t… moreo get into:) Paladins
Haven't played any of Telltale's recent offerings, but been watching playthroughs of them.
Thanks for the advice, I feel like I have to do dawngaurd first since vampire masters keep apearing in cities and killing named npcs
I always play as a mage in these games so the mages college is the most appealing to me but I wanted to save it till a little later.
rather boring since you're getting quest items with no context.
Yeah it feels crappy and cheap when this happens and your inventory gets clogged up with weapons and random junk
Im going to be aiming for 100% on this game so I'll do every guild eventually. I think the reason im not enjoying it like oblivion is because of the cleaned up hub, cant gauge poison effects or see enemy levels and stuff it takes something away.
After that, I started going to towns and doing the quests for the Jarls, which in turn, has you doing quests for the citizens. On my first … moreplay through I was just wandering around and finding dungeons. I found that rather boring since you're getting quest items with no context.
As for skills, definitely invest in healing. After that, offensive skills are good(either weapon or destruction magic). If you're not interested in managing your armour too much, don't worry about the defensive skills too much(they'll level on their own, the perks are mostly just useful for complete armour sets)
The Dark Brotherhood & the Thieves Guild were two quest lines that had me really invested. I recommend you give them a chance. I also s… moretarted the Dawnguard DLC recently, and so far it has been an interesting plot line. You can decide to join a vampire clan or fight to defeat them along side some vampire hunters. As for what you should invest your skill points into, that depends on your play style. I like having self heal on one hand & a one handed sword in my other hand so I can attack and heal myself without relying too much on potions. I tend to pour my skill points into speech, one handed, healing & my armor.
I have 91 games. Most of them from another video game industries.
Owned Telltale Games:
Minecraft: Story Mode (Completed 8 episodes)
Th… moree Walking Dead (Competed 5 episodes and 400 Days)
The Walking Dead: Season Two (Completed 5 episodes)
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (Uncompleted)
To be bought: Game of Thrones: Season Two, The Wolf Among Us, Batman: The Telltale Series and 7 Days to Die
This game is a masterpiece imo and how endings are executed is less important. Well, some people may just be interested in action, shooting, super powers. They don't care about tapes, characters, story, climate, references, symbolism, philosophy, music. I do. Bioshock \gave me it. I'm talking about first game. Continuation seems far fetched, haven't play.
Yeah. The vampires get more aggressive as the game goes on. I got the DLC halfway through a game at first and they just started killing quest givers. In one case, they took out half a town's population. When I did another file, you get warned they are coming repeatedly before anything happens.
Thanks for the advice, I feel like I have to do dawngaurd first since vampire masters keep apearing in cities and killing named npcs
I al… moreways play as a mage in these games so the mages college is the most appealing to me but I wanted to save it till a little later.
rather boring since you're getting quest items with no context.
Yeah it feels crappy and cheap when this happens and your inventory gets clogged up with weapons and random junk
Im going to be aiming for 100% on this game so I'll do every guild eventually. I think the reason im not enjoying it like oblivion is because of the cleaned up hub, cant gauge poison effects or see enemy levels and stuff it takes something away.
Still playing Half-Life series ! I think it is one of the best game series ever. It was a revolution when first and second version of Half-Life got existed.
Other than that, I am playing CS:GO. Also I finished Life Is Strange in couple days ago.
Recently have been playing a lot of osu!, Fallout Shelter and Dishonored.
And yeah, I'm addicted to Fallout Shelter and Dishonored. Or at least used to.
Playing Resident Evil 7 on Madhouse mod and omg, I can't believe I died more than 2 times at the prologue.
I've decided to replay all of the Bioshock games and DLC on their hardest difficulty. By far my favorite video game series.
I got skyrim remastered (ps4) a week ago and just like the first time round i cant get immersed. I got it on release day for the 360 and traded it in after a couple of weeks because it bored me. The thing is I need a easy game with a huge playtime to keep me entertained for a while, I loved oblivion it didn't bore me at all, but skyrim...
Any advice for me? What missions or towns should I head to, what skills should I invest in, how do I have fun? Trading in isnt a option right now so I have to stick at it.
It depends what you want. Joining a group is a good starting point.
The Mage College of Winterhold,
The Companions(disease resistance perk in nice) of Whiterun,
The Thieves Guild of Riften,
The Dark Brotherhood of Riften(not really, but the journey to them starts with talking to the kids at the Riften orphanage).
I joined every group to get the most out of the game.
After that, I started going to towns and doing the quests for the Jarls, which in turn, has you doing quests for the citizens. On my first play through I was just wandering around and finding dungeons. I found that rather boring since you're getting quest items with no context.
As for skills, definitely invest in healing. After that, offensive skills are good(either weapon or destruction magic). If you're not interested in managing your armour too much, don't worry about the defensive skills too much(they'll level on their own, the perks are mostly just useful for complete armour sets)
I always find myself a lot more invested in Guild questlines than the main storyline.
Thicker Than Water in about 15 minutes.
Currently replaying Expedition: Conquistador in preparation for Expedition: Vikings. Now this game came out in 2013 and now replaying it again, there is a surprising amount of depth to it. The party members you choose during the start of the game isn't faceless monks, they all got each and different personality. Sure, maybe not as much depth, but they all feel different because some are either peaceful or aggressive, racist or open-minded. Also your choices matters quite a lot, since some choices can result in the depth or addition of companions.
By no means a perfect game, since the turn-base combat can be a little RNG and the story can be hard to follow if you are not an avid reader. But a really nice game. And proudly made by Logic Artist who are Danish game developers.
I've been playing Obduction and I can't tell if I like it or not yet. It's by the creators of the Myst games and while I'm enjoying the graphics, I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing to progress in the game.
Started playing Shadow of Mordor, but I found it too easy... and I'm not a person whom plays games on the hardest difficulty. I think I'm just too used to that Arkham style counter combat. I shelved it for now and started Dragon Age: Inquisition again as a different race, class, personality. A much better game on repeat play-throughs, once you know what you do/don't have to/want to do. Plus mods.
18 hours into Yooka Laylee and I'm really liking it. Platforming around areas and exploring the worlds is really fun but the minigames aren't great. They're really not that fun at all and the only reason I'm doing them is to get all the pagies. But other than that it's a really fun game.
MLB The Show 17
Mass Effect Andromeda
Walking Dead
Guardians of the Galaxy
I've been playing a lot of Fallout Shelter & Fallout 4 lately.
The Dark Brotherhood & the Thieves Guild were two quest lines that had me really invested. I recommend you give them a chance.
I also started the Dawnguard DLC recently, and so far it has been an interesting plot line. You can decide to join a vampire clan or fight to defeat them along side some vampire hunters. As for what you should invest your skill points into, that depends on your play style. I like having self heal on one hand & a one handed sword in my other hand so I can attack and heal myself without relying too much on potions. I tend to pour my skill points into speech, one handed, healing & my armor.
(within the past year...)
Team Fortress 2
Borderlands 2 & TPS
Life is Strange
Dear Esther
(trying to get into:) Paladins
Haven't played any of Telltale's recent offerings, but been watching playthroughs of them.
Just finished Rise of the Tomb Raider and will soon be starting the original Bioshock for the first time. Heard some very good things about it.
Also playing The Walking Dead: A New Frontier and Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy.
Bioshock is GREAT. The endings are great too... no matter what some people say.
Endings? Is there multiple endings? Or do you just mean for all three games?
I bought the Collection on PS4, so I will be playing all three.
The first game has 3(I think. Sorry. 6 is the second game).
Wow, really? Is there choices you must make or something?
I actually don't know much about the game at all.
It has something to do with one of the game mechanics.
Finished Thumper.... And now my thumbs and eyes hurt. It also broke my controller
How I defeated the final boss? The answer is I don't even know. The only thing I remember is that I couldn't believe it.
What they said. It's tied to a mechanic. Like games which give you a different ending if you chose to use an easier weapon. So it's not like dialogue option choices.
Oh i saw this the other day at my game store but I thought it was some ripoff game from the vikings tv show. But what you said sounded very interesting thanks I think I'm gonna check it out.
Recently completed:
Teltale's Batman
Pneuma: Breath of Life
Currently Playing:
Resident Evil REmake
The Banner Saga 2
Battlefield 1
Dishonored 2
The Bridge
To play later:
Walking Dead: Season 3
The Tales from the Borderlands
Metal Gear Solid 5
The Witness
I have 91 games. Most of them from another video game industries.
Owned Telltale Games:
Minecraft: Story Mode (Completed 8 episodes)
The Walking Dead (Competed 5 episodes and 400 Days)
The Walking Dead: Season Two (Completed 5 episodes)
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (Uncompleted)
To be bought: Game of Thrones: Season Two, The Wolf Among Us, Batman: The Telltale Series and 7 Days to Die
Life is Strange was a dem good game
Thanks for the advice, I feel like I have to do dawngaurd first since vampire masters keep apearing in cities and killing named npcs
I always play as a mage in these games so the mages college is the most appealing to me but I wanted to save it till a little later.
Yeah it feels crappy and cheap when this happens and your inventory gets clogged up with weapons and random junk
Im going to be aiming for 100% on this game so I'll do every guild eventually. I think the reason im not enjoying it like oblivion is because of the cleaned up hub, cant gauge poison effects or see enemy levels and stuff it takes something away.
I haven't done any yet and im on level 25 no wonder im bored
Thanks I didn't realise you could pick sides with the dawnguard plot.
I usually have healing and a sword too
I only finished the first one the endings had to do with harvesting the little sisters or not
Been playing NieR Automata and have gotten Ending C. Just have Endings D and E left, as well as many of the joke endings.
I dont even want to know how many games I have altogether
As of late, Star Wars Battlefront II.
All time favorite Star Wars game easily. Nothing is more satisfying than mowing down the entire enemy field as Luke Skywalker.
This game is a masterpiece imo and how endings are executed is less important. Well, some people may just be interested in action, shooting, super powers. They don't care about tapes, characters, story, climate, references, symbolism, philosophy, music. I do. Bioshock \gave me it. I'm talking about first game. Continuation seems far fetched, haven't play.
Yeah. The vampires get more aggressive as the game goes on. I got the DLC halfway through a game at first and they just started killing quest givers. In one case, they took out half a town's population. When I did another file, you get warned they are coming repeatedly before anything happens.
Still playing Half-Life series ! I think it is one of the best game series ever. It was a revolution when first and second version of Half-Life got existed.
Other than that, I am playing CS:GO. Also I finished Life Is Strange in couple days ago.
At the moment, I'm pretty much just playing Bioshock. I didn't think I would but I'm really getting into it. I'm finding it quite interesting.
Also playing TWD: ANF and GotG when a new episode comes out.