The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • edited May 2017

    While replying to you goes greatly against my better judgement, I simply have to say that you most definitely did not apologise to me.

    All you insinuated was that we were both to blame for this incident just to cover for yourself as you could feel how close to a ban you were because of that argument you had with another user...when in actual fact you were the one who unjustifiably claimed that I was a pedophile, a rapist, a stalker...for no reason whatsoever other that to cause me harm. I begged you, BEGGED you to just leave me alone and stop harassing me.

    You then proceeded to reply to every comment of mine in the forums calling me a plethora of offensive names, and then when you were inevitably banned (through which was not of my doing as I did not report a single one of your comments as I believed that I could simply ignore them or resolve them with a mod) you decided to send me pornographic pictures to everyone and to me?

    I know that this matter should have been resolved in PMs but until a mod arrives to contain this, I refuse to bottle this up any longer and allow you to keep harassing me while the entire community has no knowledge of the things in which you are doing.

  • IGN

    Amazing Farming

    Too Many Zombies

  • edited August 2017

    Until, duh.

    Okay, sorry, but I got confused: were you referencing David or Gabe before that?

    Well, it was either her or David, and they went with David. What are you gonna do? Ep 4 had the flashback where you can tell Ava off, at least..

    I know, but honestly, I'm happy with how they actually set the real deal up considering Ava's actual characterization and role. Again, she is definitely one of [if not] the best new characters in ANF.

    Ugh, ew, no way would Ava be grooming young teenagers. I think a strong, tough soldier/leader like David is more her type. Maybe even an up-and-coming tough guy like Javier.

    Oh yeah, I meant more back when we thought she was gonna be an unorthodox villain, making her his personal enemy as well.
    Though I did kinda rationalize the idea of those two hitting it off due to they're admiration for David and everything that comes with their commonalities. Well that and to fuck with Clementine, but that's probably a different matter entirely.

    Honestly, I wish there was an option to dump Kate's ass immediately and flirt with Ava. The closest thing is when you greet her nicely, and she asks David why he never said his brother was a gentleman. She kinda gives Javier this look...

    ...Eh. As much I really like her, I don't think it'd make much sense for Javier himself to wanna get with her. But alas, the necessary weasel with RPG's with set protagonists.

    No way is that the case unless you she lied about her age, which probably wouldn't work in this day and age.

    Yeah, I know. Though it's possible that she wasn't actually in the army but rather a very young cadet/intern at a nearby bootcamp that had a lot of potential. Come to think of it, where exactly was it stated that she was to begin with?.

    Yeah, well the wiki also says Carley, Becca and Shel are caucasian when they're clearly some kind of mix, Becca in particular kinda looks native indian to me, with maybe a dash of whiteness

    Yeah, I didn't by that either, at least for Shel and Becca. They do look more vaguely Eastern than anything else to me.

    okay, do tell.

    • Well, considering the themes about family, grudges/revenge, misunderstandings, and parenthood, it sorta made sense to think that David may not be the only relative in the New Frontier, but really, it came down a number of things:
    • Earlier on in Part 2, talking to Conrad after checking in on Kate has him tell Javier that Gabe came through and encourage Javier to be there for him to get through their tough time, citing his words of wisdom as being "one parent to another."
    • Conrad's grudge against Badger kind of helped make him a better Kenny than Tripp since some people were looking forward to avenging Mariana as well, showing a darker side of such a feeling early on.
    • His being a determinant Token Evil Teammate that's holding Clementine hostage as a bargaining chip for getting into the New Frontier's good graces opened up a lot of possibilities for the story to go.
    • Whether exactly 19 or in her 20s, Ava was about the right age to potentially be the 43 year old Conrad's missing daughter. The fact that she had a vaguely color scheme to Francine(even though I don't think she could possibly be her mom given that I don't think she and Conrad were married) also helped.
    • The common thought about speculation of Ava as a villain was that she wanted to have AJ for herself, which would make her an Evil Counterpart to Clementine as well as Gabe, given their anger issues and issues chip regarding David's influence. This would make the theory relevant by suggesting that she and Conrad separated on bad terms and her dual greatness with kids and obsession with having a baby could be born out of a Freudian desire to be a better/cooler parent than Conrad was.
    • Not really related, but a point I brought up a little while back was this: Why wasn't it Conrad who got knocked out by Ava if he's alive? After all, he hates the New Frontier and was established as being aggressive, jumpy, and willing to sink to low depths such as using one kid/teen as a hostage to convince his uncle to use another kid/teen as a bargaining chip as a result of fighting against them. And he stated early on in the episode that he's still gonna do whatever it takes to find the man who killed Francine. So it'd make sense for him to roll up on her and get knocked out as a result.
    • To tie it up with Thicker than Water, as if there wasn't enough evidence already, Ava is revealed to have directed Clementine to Prescott, citing the fact that there are good people there. While her vague backstory also somewhat jossing this theory, it's still contributes to the theory by alluding to the idea that Conrad and Ava's fallout wasn't too long ago and a part of her still thinks he is good person.

    Fanficy shit, I know, but it all just made a little too much sense given everything else going on.

    Louche posted: »

    Until or after? Until, duh. given that they seemed to be setting her up as an arc villain for Clementine. Well, it was

  • I want a series flashbacks for characters not named Lee, Clementine, and Kenny in general.

    Louche posted: »

    ah, the negatives of single character POV I always wanted to see a flashback of the stranger stalking the group in season 1, and things from his perspective on the walkie talkie.

  • Yeah and it's not like we see or hear about Carley and Lilly getting into it on a regular basis either.

    Oh god, the Fandumb about those two still haunts me.

    Louche posted: »

    I hate it when that happens. And let's not pretend that season 1 wasn't guilty of it. If you've sided with lilly all the time, and she's

  • edited June 2017

    I don't remember that. Did they show her patting a kid on the head or lifting one up or something?

    Ava is introduced sitting at a fountain or something surrounded by a bunch of kids(well, mostly boys) who run off when she gets up to greet Javier and David and can even seen waiting patiently in the background as she talks to them.

    There was something that surprised me. That were kids in Richmond.

    Makes sense considering the New Frontier essentially evolved into a professional security and processing force for Richmond. So it makes sense that people who still have kids would come there.

    There weren't even any shown in Prescott.

    O_O Oh...yeah....

    They coulda done more with that. Funny how they all disappeared in ep 4...

    Well, it obviously wasn't "Bring your kid to Execution" day. But yes, they really could've took advantage of that once or twice if they had more screentime using Clementine, Gabe, and/or David and Ava.

    Louche posted: »

    Well, obviously, the whole town would miss her, but the kids in particular would since she was apparently really good with them. Which is Hi

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2017

    I was looking at the image you originally linked and it's not a big deal; it's perfectly fine to post here. If users harass you over it, tell us via PMs.

    I went ahead and flagged some of the posts that were already doing so (or posts about the stuff that came afterwards).

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    This is not the original post.

  • edited June 2017

    I'm looking at the image again, the more obvious size difference is making Michelle's death seem a lot crueller now.

    Well, she's basically Hood!Sarah, so that might have something to do with it.
    I personally always though she'd be at least a little taller than Sarita personally. Then again, that's probably just as much due to a scene I wanted to include in my rewrites as not being able to tell how tall she was given that she appeared to dwarf Clementine and was taller than Omid(not that that's hard).

    I did think at one point, what the was the purpose of having her drop her gun and surrender and practically be murdered by Christa, if you can't even have Clem bring it up later. You know, discussions of morality. Was it just? An eye for an eye, and all that.

    It was mostly there to show just much how losing Omid affected Christa in the moment. This is stern, rational woman who believed Vernon stealing the boat was ultimately just him doing what was best for his group, if you recall.

    I mean Kenny's eye for an eye involved murdering Carver, but carver only disfigured him, didn't kill him or anyone he knew... well, that's not entirely true. He killed Walter, but they definitely didn't make that apparent as part of Kenny's reasoning.

    Would've made much more sense and carried weight had that still been Carlos. Just sayin.

    They stopped mentioning Walt after the initial arrival, iirc.

    Yeah, pretty much. It was always an issue with the season and it reached ridiculous and damn near unforgivably sloppy lengths by the time No Going Back rolled around.

    Louche posted: »

    I'm looking at the image again, the more obvious size difference is making Michelle's death seem a lot crueller now. I did think at one poi

  • edited May 2017

    Maybe I would have noticed earlier if the game ran smoother on my PS3. Goddamn it. There's these subtleties you can miss unless the framerate is perfect.

    Yeah, my 360 sometimes chugged a bit in between loading sequences and some models would snap into place on rare occasions. Kinda like Ben in the cornfield, now that I think about it.

    Freud would probably disagree. It's okay, I get a kick out of what you might bring up next. (you actually made me picture that scenario)

    Then picture this: Ben "making it up" to Lilly for making a deal with Jake.
    enter image description here

    You know, it never made sense how the walkers in A New Day (aside from named characters) were already skeletal looking.

    Yeah, that's a good point. Then again, Kenny mentioned that a walker attacked Doug while they were getting gas, so the outbreak may have happened a day or two beforehand.
    Or they're just general walker models.

    I mean, unless they're implying Lee was unconscious in the car wreck for months.

    Well that makes even less sense for numerous reasons.

    Louche posted: »

    Maybe I would have noticed earlier if the game ran smoother on my PS3. Goddamn it. There's these subtleties you can miss unless the framerat

  • When you forget to buckle up
    enter image description here

  • no, you fools: the succing has already happened. look at how javier's eyes have rolled back into his head, he's in ecstasy.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • edited May 2017

    Ouch, well no wonder you feel the way you do. You gotta nitpick, scour the game for things to click and if it advances before you think you've finished you gotta reload that checkpoint son. Obviously you shouldn't HAVE to go crazy 100% clickclickclick on everything to try and get the full scope of a character, but that's just the way it is.

    Well, that's what these games were supposed to be pioneering, but that's what having lackluster gameplay for a while will do to you.
    Still, it's weird that I missed that since I'm pretty sure she's perfectly visible in that sequence, unlike Gabe, who's sitting on top of a heap where the camera can hide him.

    . They tried to give Badger some justifacation by mentioning his "dead buddies" but that didn't really work out and in episode 3 he takes the record as the most despicable monstrous character in the games. I mean, 1 dimensional bad guys can work fine, but something about Badger is certainly lacking.

    The funny thing is he really is so interchangeably forgettable that I don't really agree with that: he's just a provoking, wild thug, nothing more.

    That's a potentially good idea though, have Badger kidnap Mariana instead, and you get the parallel with Clem also having a family member taken "captive" by the New Frontier.

    Yeah, seriously. Maybe Francine could've been kept captured but wounded as well to keep all of the common ground between Javier and Conrad. Speaking of which, did you also have the assumption that Badger was planning to overthrow what we would eventually know as the Council?

    Funny how Badger doesn't even speak or do anything when he first appears, he just seems like another unimportant goon, they could have at least had him knock out Javi instead of Max. Or give a hint as to how psycho he was. And even though it's sick, taking a girl as his "captive" probably adds more to him than "hahaha I kill you guys"

    Yeah, I noticed that the second time around a few months ago. There is a weird, brief zoom in on him as he and Max enter the room, but his expression(read:lack of one) can easily make you think that he's still just some random mook, though I suppose being the only one to come in denotes that Max really trusts him for whatever reason.

    And then there's Max. Boy, what a disappointment. He easily could have been the most interesting character this season. You think he's just another asshole, but he ties you up instead trying to kill you. And when pressed about Kate, you can see he's starting to feel guilty. I mean he seems genuinely shocked when he hears that Badger murdered a kid, and sorta gives him shit about it later, but it wasn't enough.

    Oh, definitely. I will admit that I was mixed about the reveal that he was involved in the other raids(adding weight to "We don't have the go-ahead!"), but at the same time, it also contributed to the idea that the New Frontier were a group of orderly thugs (most likely Clint's influence) that do what they do because they see it as necessary to establish order and the fact that he was very willing to expose Joan despite the fact that she was shown as being very influential and persuasive showed me that, self-saving or not, he wanted to help make things right.

    Then he tries to murder David? That seemed out of character. They should have had Badger start the gunfight, and Max go along with it out of desperation.

    To be fair, I didn't get the idea that he was actually trying to kill David, but rather just making a smokescreen to give them a chance to escape. It helps that he was right up on David and could've easily killed him on the spot.
    Still, you're right considering Badger was absent from the episode up till that point and the PAX Trailer really made him out to be a big deal.

    I'm trying to figure out what her purpose is, too. I guess unifying what's left of the Garcia family in the wake of her death, so they're stronger than ever with their... emotional bonds? I dunno. We should probably wait until episode 5 releases to go on more big rants like this.

    Yeah, so far, she's just a plot device to make the New Frontier(or at least Badger) look bad early on. Which, again, you didn't really need to do considering Kate gets hit anyway and the next episode has them kidnap Francine, try to kill Javier if he goes along with the deal, and destroy Prescott on an unauthorized order.

    Louche posted: »

    Funny you should mention that because I somehow missed that the first time around and I did think it gave a little depth to her. Ouc

  • edited May 2017

  • edited May 2017


    I seriously can't stop laughing at this.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    When you forget to buckle up

  • [removed]

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    This is not the original post.

  • edited June 2017

    Pandering would have been making her clone of Clem from season 1. I know that would have worked with a number of people too. She's mature for her age, insightful, but has a touch of kid still in her, she gets excited for sweets.

    That's exactly what I mean, though: she's Clementine except ten years old and Hispanic! Making her Javier's insightful niece(or whatever the fuck the original idea would've made her) and Gabe's mature little sister(or cousin originally) was essentially just a formality for Clementine's connection to Lee and Duck.
    As I've said in the past, I don't basic concepts being reused as long as it has just enough to work as it's own thing and goes in a different direction. Not that Clementine herself isn't an easy character to begin with, but that blatant bit of seeming laziness that early in the game really did trigger most of my issues with her almost immediately. A New Frontier, indeed.

    Louche posted: »

    Written? Maybe. But I strongly disagree on the design. She has a mole, a scar, a rougher face shape than many other girls, and despite being

  • She's basically Becca without a Shel.

    That was actually a common parallel and one that I was trying to avoid as much as possible when I brought her back for a bit during my rewrites.
    With that said, I also get the feeling that Becca might've actually ended up shooting Clementine for the sake for a laugh. Now that would've been messy.

    Louche posted: »

    Yeah, often with any movies I've watched. I don't flip/browse through it like I used to. I know, that's a good bit there, in hindsight yo

  • you know, I saw so many people saying Jane would do that to Clementine

    Of course she would. Hell, half of the cast were interested in her at some point or another.
    By the way, I didn't mean that she'd "turn" Clementine. Nice thought, tho.

    Funny then, how she and the equally boyish Molly are the only ones that actually had confirmed sex with men.

    enter image description here

    Louche posted: »

    you know, I saw so many people saying Jane would do that to Clementine, plus aggressive kennyfans calling her butch and a dyke Funny then, how she and the equally boyish Molly are the only ones that actually had confirmed sex with men.

  • Oh hai, Stephanie!

    What the heck is going on with her hands?

    Louche posted: »

    nah, this is Molly's sister. obviously she grew her hair out since the photo

  • Okay, EUWGH! That doesn't make any sense, but still.

    Louche posted: »

    you know what happens to corpses when they aren't taken care of right?

  • I'd smash the "He wants to die" option. Die in great pain.

  • I made dis


  • edited May 2017 does she know what sex is now?

    I mean she never had anybody to explain it to her considering Jane died soon after they got back to Howes and I can't imagine Kenny trying to explain it to her. In the alone ending she was y'know...completely alone.

    She doesn't have the Internet or anything. I'm going to stop thinking about this now cuz it's getting a bit weird.

    fallandir posted: »

    I made dis

  • Just a joke man, let's just assume she's older when she realizes that.

    ZombiePizza posted: » does she know what sex is now? I mean she never had anybody to explain it to her considering Jane died soon after they got back

  • Sudden realisation of Clementine.

    enter image description here

    fallandir posted: »

    I made dis

  • Yay your Obi-Wan Javinobi profile picture is back.

  • My favourite film!

    Sudden realisation of Clementine.

  • Yeah lol. Missed it too much.

    Spent too much time making it not to use it. :)

    Yay your Obi-Wan Javinobi profile picture is back.

  • What was the original post?

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    This is not the original post.

  • edited May 2017

    Stealing my memes, eh, Poogs?

  • edited May 2017

    Damn straight! :grin:

    Louche posted: »

    and you made go back up and look, you dog bet you love Ava for that, she's got that short sexy stocky look down.

  • Maybe those certain users would disapprove of it because maybe he called them immature but proceeded to post an immature joke himself. That could be why, right ;) ;) you catching on?

    I was looking at the image you originally linked and it's not a big deal; it's perfectly fine to post here. If users harass you over it, tel

  • Your daily crispy Kate meme.

    enter image description here

  • god is dead we killed him

  • Why does Javi look like he's thirty years older?

    ZombiePizza posted: »

    This is not the original post.

  • That's the joke bro. It follows the 'back in my day...' elderly reminiscent style of comedy.

    Why does Javi look like he's thirty years older?

  • i dont see ur meme anywhere close to THIS babe ur just JElOus

    Stealing my memes, eh, Poogs?

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