I actually liked ANF Clem much more than S2 Clem but true, Clementine's emotions on Gabe's death is completely out of character, especially … morewhen you have her kiss him. Telltale is trying way too hard to make her look like a badass, they made her drive a motorcycle without an explanation how she even knows how to and according to the unused lines, Kenny taught her that. Really Telltale? Kenny taught her how to drive a car, not a motherfucking motorcycle.
I played severals time ANF, if in the end of season 2 you decide to leave and stay alone she grab gabe's hand when he die !
If you followed the bitch Jane step and betray Kenny then she kiss Gabe
I would have stayed with Kenny, but the scare on her head is fucking ugly so I pick the choice which get her loose a finger.
I maybe will try with wellington's end for the scare on cheek it is liht and at least it doesn't betray Kenny
Basically if Clem stay with the bitch she become an easy girl which kiss everyone for no reason !
I am pretty sure it is, I played the game several time in severals way
Then I played 95% the same which one using Clem alone, and one starting with Jane choice, one no kissing when the another did the others
Or maybe it is just those 5% different which change the thing
So I guess I will have to play again to be totally sure
Yeah, I concur. They kinda dug this whole by advertising the idea of her being #MyClementine to begin with, but ANF!Clementine is pretty far removed from the original character anyway.
I knew she wasn't the Clementine I had raised and looked after the second she shot Eli in cold blood. And don't give me that "It was an acci… moredent!" or "He sold her faulty bullets; he deserved it!" or "He tried to kill Javier!" shit. I know he attacked him, but there were so many other ways that situation could have been resolved, but instead, she instigated and raised her gun at him first, and pulled the trigger more than once. She then intentionally reloaded it, and you know what's the most fucked?
She didn't even care that she had just murdered someone. All she cared about was not getting caught. And as the cherry on top, she expected Javier, someone who she had just threatened to shoot, kinda made him make a deal with her about handing over the van (which had everything they owned), and held him hostage. This was one of the most fucked scenes in my opinion, and it showed me my choices from season two didn't mean jack-shit.
As much as … [view original content]
Pff you all complain about Clem, but my Javi is probably Gay or bisexual
I rejected Kate
I were always nice with Paul
At the and I say him nice armor
Then he replied well…hum…yeah… ok
Well to be fair that's business as usual regardless of age.
* Duck shot in the head while zombifying
* Sarah devoured alive
* Ben ima… morepled through his body and shot in the head followed by being eaten by walkers
* Killing a feeble walker child by bashing it's skull in or essentially stomping it's skull in
* Axing a man's leg off
* Larrys head being smashed by a salt lick
* Carly/Doug shot point blank in the face
* Kenny bashing Carvers face to a bloody pulp.
Here we go again with the oh-so-dumb-and-absolutely-horrible Gabe ruining everything, especially Clementine. I wish most would take a breather and actually and honestly think about the dynamic between Clementine and Gabriel, because, in reality, it's genius and makes perfect sense in regards to Clementine's character.
Yes, Gabe is inexperienced, rash, angsty, and can be very immature which is usually what I find almost all the anti-gabentine arguments consisting of. But that's the point. It's one of the reasons why his relationship with Clementine was great for her and resounded with her so much.
I see you have decided to use this line of dialogue to predict the damnation of Clementine's character development, so I'll analyze it as how it should truly be taken.
Clementine: I always thought I'd be alone. Then, I met you.
As forced and corny as this may have seemed, it goes much deeper into her history as a character. Before their relationship, there was only ever two categories of people Clementine associated with: those protecting her (eg Lee, Luke, Jane), and those she had to protect (eg AJ, Sarah). Sometimes these categories would mix together, such as Kenny being an adult head in the beginning of season 2 and then Clementine having the choice of either saving or killing him in the end. But other than that, there were only two.
With the people protecting her such as Lee and Luke, Clementine was on a friendly basis with, but that does not necessarily equate to concrete friendship since they were all adults. And as much as you try to disagree, a child cannot fully relate to an adult in terms of friendship until it becomes one (if you think from a psychological perspective). And Clem could never have a full-on friendly relationship with those she was protecting because, in order to protect someone you care about, you must constantly worry for their safety and guard it at all times. This is also why her adoption of AJ has forced her to mature into motherhood far before her time.
But then Gabe comes along and changes all of that.
Unlike those she has met before in the Apocalypse (with the rare exception being Duck in the early episodes of season 1), Gabe fits into neither of those categories. He has proven he can protect himself without Clementine's intervention and does not need to protect Clementine. He is a breather for her. He is someone exactly her age, someone independent and in ways uncertain, like her.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Going back to my original point, I know these two are not the same. They are in all essence of the word, opposites; the character foils of one another. And again, that is why their dynamic is so interesting and makes sense. Since Gabe is mostly unmatured, he still has a kiddish demeanor about him, and because this is so unlike Clem, that immature personality rubs off on her. Just look at Clementine when Gabe plays cards with her, frickin cards.
And it's not just the cards where we see them connect. They are always off the side talking together, walking side by side. Why? Because of this simple and always predominant rule: Opposites attract. And opposites attract for a reason, guys, to compliment each other, and that's exactly what had happened.
And for those who say that there has been too little time for them to realistically bond with each other, we have to remember that there is also nothing realistic about the zombie apocalypse. In situations and settings such as that, people do learn to bond and trust each other in much less time than if there were no constant life or death situations. And if Episode 4 did not push the fact that Clementine is growing up enough, we also have to take into account that she's thirteen, not thirty-three. We all know how easy it is to develop crushes at that age. Enter in a rarity in this stage of her story: a boy her age, and boom! The crush is created.
So no, their relationship is not forced of unrealistic at all.
Here we go again with the oh-so-dumb-and-absolutely-horrible Gabe ruining everything, especially Clementine. I wish most would take a breath… moreer and actually and honestly think about the dynamic between Clementine and Gabriel, because, in reality, it's genius and makes perfect sense in regards to Clementine's character.
Yes, Gabe is inexperienced, rash, angsty, and can be very immature which is usually what I find almost all the anti-gabentine arguments consisting of. But that's the point. It's one of the reasons why his relationship with Clementine was great for her and resounded with her so much.
I see you have decided to use this line of dialogue to predict the damnation of Clementine's character development, so I'll analyze it as how it should truly be taken.
Clementine: I always thought I'd be alone. Then, I met you.
As forced and corny as this may have seemed, it goes much deeper into her history as a character. Before their r… [view original content]
* New frontiere member attacked and killed a little girl by shoothead in front of her ( and Javi)
* others new frontiere members left her a… morelone in the forest years before
* Badger loudly said that he fucked the deal, which imply obviously the death of Javi and probably the woman
* Guys attacked her and her friend in the forest in season 2
Clem has been raised in a world where she saw a lot of people dying often for no reason
Why would you want her to trust a guy like badger, in an apocalyptic world you can't let a chance, it is how you die
I knew she wasn't the Clementine I had raised and looked after the second she shot Eli in cold blood. And don't give me that "It was an acci… moredent!" or "He sold her faulty bullets; he deserved it!" or "He tried to kill Javier!" shit. I know he attacked him, but there were so many other ways that situation could have been resolved, but instead, she instigated and raised her gun at him first, and pulled the trigger more than once. She then intentionally reloaded it, and you know what's the most fucked?
She didn't even care that she had just murdered someone. All she cared about was not getting caught. And as the cherry on top, she expected Javier, someone who she had just threatened to shoot, kinda made him make a deal with her about handing over the van (which had everything they owned), and held him hostage. This was one of the most fucked scenes in my opinion, and it showed me my choices from season two didn't mean jack-shit.
As much as … [view original content]
She felt like a fucking Jane 2.0, and I hated it.
I thought Jane was more capable of leaving people to die to care for herself, not kill people directly.
Here we go again with the oh-so-dumb-and-absolutely-horrible Gabe ruining everything, especially Clementine. I wish most would take a breath… moreer and actually and honestly think about the dynamic between Clementine and Gabriel, because, in reality, it's genius and makes perfect sense in regards to Clementine's character.
Yes, Gabe is inexperienced, rash, angsty, and can be very immature which is usually what I find almost all the anti-gabentine arguments consisting of. But that's the point. It's one of the reasons why his relationship with Clementine was great for her and resounded with her so much.
I see you have decided to use this line of dialogue to predict the damnation of Clementine's character development, so I'll analyze it as how it should truly be taken.
Clementine: I always thought I'd be alone. Then, I met you.
As forced and corny as this may have seemed, it goes much deeper into her history as a character. Before their r… [view original content]
There's really no depth nor development to her at all. Season 2 at least developed her and her relationships with the group she was in. ANF doesn't do that. In fact the only thing ANF cares about is Javier
I agree with the Clem & Gabe scene. It was completely out of character for her and I don't think the writer even cared about it(Consider… moreing he just make love plays & other shit), he just wanted to please the Gabentine fans with the kiss even though it was completely out of character and didn't even make sense.. Kissing a boy that you have known for 3 days? Really? If that's all it takes for Clem, then I think any boy out there can literally get with Clem.
It made no sense to have Clem as a side character anyways, she should've been the main character. Luckily, we will never have to witness Clem as a side character anymore, since she WILL be the main character next season.
She doesn't feel like the same person because she's not the PC. :P I get what ur saying though. The stuff with Gabe was sooooo uncomfortable to watch because there was no build up to it. Then again they are both entering puberty and probably haven't met anyone their age in a lonnnng time so it's plausible they would have a crush on each other. Then again they have barely any screentime together so idk. I wish Telltale didn't sell Clementine as this invincible child. She doesn't seem like a child at all. It hurts the realism of the games. Like it's ok if she's scared or screws up.
I agree with you, my Clementine tried to stop everyone to murder in season 2 , didn't shot kenny, left him because he was dangerous and that's what I get?? I really wished they had started new frontier story with Clem, then Garcia's Story before going after AJ.... it would have made much more sense to me.
I knew she wasn't the Clementine I had raised and looked after the second she shot Eli in cold blood. And don't give me that "It was an acci… moredent!" or "He sold her faulty bullets; he deserved it!" or "He tried to kill Javier!" shit. I know he attacked him, but there were so many other ways that situation could have been resolved, but instead, she instigated and raised her gun at him first, and pulled the trigger more than once. She then intentionally reloaded it, and you know what's the most fucked?
She didn't even care that she had just murdered someone. All she cared about was not getting caught. And as the cherry on top, she expected Javier, someone who she had just threatened to shoot, kinda made him make a deal with her about handing over the van (which had everything they owned), and held him hostage. This was one of the most fucked scenes in my opinion, and it showed me my choices from season two didn't mean jack-shit.
As much as … [view original content]
The problem is that TellTale has streamlined all Clementines into the "badass" edgelord version of her. TellTale doesn't give a crap that you spend two seasons molding her ethics and personality. Her fawning all over Gabe in e5 despite being disgusted by that kind of thing in e1 is just ridiculous. There is no character consistency anymore in general. Almost every freaking character pulls a 180 in every new episode they're in.
She will be the main character for S4 unless Telltale wants to piss off more fans and get poor sales again, eventually making fans not buy TWDG anymore unless she returns as the main character..
She doesn't feel like the same person because she's not the PC. :P I get what ur saying though. The stuff with Gabe was sooooo uncomfortable… more to watch because there was no build up to it. Then again they are both entering puberty and probably haven't met anyone their age in a lonnnng time so it's plausible they would have a crush on each other. Then again they have barely any screentime together so idk. I wish Telltale didn't sell Clementine as this invincible child. She doesn't seem like a child at all. It hurts the realism of the games. Like it's ok if she's scared or screws up.
Pff you all complain about Clem, but my Javi is probably Gay or bisexual
I rejected Kate
I were always nice with Paul
At the and I say him nice armor
Then he replied well…hum…yeah… ok
you got lucky , at least Paul realised you weren't really flirting with him ! in my first try I just wanted to make him stay with us, but clearly invited him for more ^^' well, that was funny...
Pff you all complain about Clem, but my Javi is probably Gay or bisexual
I rejected Kate
I were always nice with Paul
At the and I say him nice armor
Then he replied well…hum…yeah… ok
I am clearly not the only one thinking that season 2 was just for telltale to match the flashback. Only one choice was considered in season2, if you left alone, with Jane or Kenny. If you look in the post of what Clementine became, you realise that there was only 3 choices possible in A New Frontier to make her what she'll become in the upcoming season.
Really not fair... I wish they used season 2 choices to make her what she became.
It would have been a better surprise for all of us having a different Clem showing up in new frontier, with dialogs matching our choices from season2. Then see her evolve in season4.
This. I hated how whiny, illogical, hot-headed mess of a person Gabe was. He reminded me of the worst parts of Kenny. I also hated Kenny. I really didn't understand why Clem would be attracted to Gabe in the least.
The only thing that made New Frontier Clementine not my Clementine is her affection towards Gabe. My Clementine wouldn't even bat an eye in Gabe's direction, let alone sticking by his side 24/7.
I am pretty sure it is, I played the game several time in severals way
Then I played 95% the same which one using Clem alone, and one start… moreing with Jane choice, one no kissing when the another did the others
Or maybe it is just those 5% different which change the thing
So I guess I will have to play again to be totally sure
She doesn't kiss Gabe if you don't betray Kenny and follow the bitch
I played severals time ANF, if in the end of season 2 you decide to leave and stay alone she grab gabe's hand when he die !
If you followed the bitch Jane step and betray Kenny then she kiss Gabe
I would have stayed with Kenny, but the scare on her head is fucking ugly so I pick the choice which get her loose a finger.
I maybe will try with wellington's end for the scare on cheek it is liht and at least it doesn't betray Kenny
Basically if Clem stay with the bitch she become an easy girl which kiss everyone for no reason !
Clem it's Clem and she's still adorable in ANF.
That's what doesn't make sense. Jane didn't anything to make Clem think it's worth kissing a dying person of her age.
Its appeared that not the ending of Jane who trigger the scene when Clem kiss Gabe.
Then what is it?
I am pretty sure it is, I played the game several time in severals way

Then I played 95% the same which one using Clem alone, and one starting with Jane choice, one no kissing when the another did the others
Or maybe it is just those 5% different which change the thing
So I guess I will have to play again to be totally sure
lol it's still original character cuz telltale did it... omg ppl.
Badger loudly said that he fucked the deal, which imply obviously the death of Javi and probably the woman
Guys attacked her and her friend in the forest in season 2
Clem has been raised in a world where she saw a lot of people dying often for no reason
Why would you want her to trust a guy like badger, in an apocalyptic world you can't let a chance, it is how you die
Pff you all complain about Clem, but my Javi is probably Gay or bisexual
I rejected Kate
I were always nice with Paul
At the and I say him nice armor
Then he replied well…hum…yeah… ok
I don't know
*Doug point blank on back of his head
Here we go again with the oh-so-dumb-and-absolutely-horrible Gabe ruining everything, especially Clementine. I wish most would take a breather and actually and honestly think about the dynamic between Clementine and Gabriel, because, in reality, it's genius and makes perfect sense in regards to Clementine's character.
Yes, Gabe is inexperienced, rash, angsty, and can be very immature which is usually what I find almost all the anti-gabentine arguments consisting of. But that's the point. It's one of the reasons why his relationship with Clementine was great for her and resounded with her so much.
I see you have decided to use this line of dialogue to predict the damnation of Clementine's character development, so I'll analyze it as how it should truly be taken.
Clementine: I always thought I'd be alone. Then, I met you.
As forced and corny as this may have seemed, it goes much deeper into her history as a character. Before their relationship, there was only ever two categories of people Clementine associated with: those protecting her (eg Lee, Luke, Jane), and those she had to protect (eg AJ, Sarah). Sometimes these categories would mix together, such as Kenny being an adult head in the beginning of season 2 and then Clementine having the choice of either saving or killing him in the end. But other than that, there were only two.
With the people protecting her such as Lee and Luke, Clementine was on a friendly basis with, but that does not necessarily equate to concrete friendship since they were all adults. And as much as you try to disagree, a child cannot fully relate to an adult in terms of friendship until it becomes one (if you think from a psychological perspective). And Clem could never have a full-on friendly relationship with those she was protecting because, in order to protect someone you care about, you must constantly worry for their safety and guard it at all times. This is also why her adoption of AJ has forced her to mature into motherhood far before her time.
But then Gabe comes along and changes all of that.
Unlike those she has met before in the Apocalypse (with the rare exception being Duck in the early episodes of season 1), Gabe fits into neither of those categories. He has proven he can protect himself without Clementine's intervention and does not need to protect Clementine. He is a breather for her. He is someone exactly her age, someone independent and in ways uncertain, like her.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Going back to my original point, I know these two are not the same. They are in all essence of the word, opposites; the character foils of one another. And again, that is why their dynamic is so interesting and makes sense. Since Gabe is mostly unmatured, he still has a kiddish demeanor about him, and because this is so unlike Clem, that immature personality rubs off on her. Just look at Clementine when Gabe plays cards with her, frickin cards.
And it's not just the cards where we see them connect. They are always off the side talking together, walking side by side. Why? Because of this simple and always predominant rule: Opposites attract. And opposites attract for a reason, guys, to compliment each other, and that's exactly what had happened.
And for those who say that there has been too little time for them to realistically bond with each other, we have to remember that there is also nothing realistic about the zombie apocalypse. In situations and settings such as that, people do learn to bond and trust each other in much less time than if there were no constant life or death situations. And if Episode 4 did not push the fact that Clementine is growing up enough, we also have to take into account that she's thirteen, not thirty-three. We all know how easy it is to develop crushes at that age. Enter in a rarity in this stage of her story: a boy her age, and boom! The crush is created.
So no, their relationship is not forced of unrealistic at all.
Oh yeah, I remember this now. A good read.
Wait everyone thinks this now? I used to get loads of shit from people on here when I said anything negative about s3 Clementine
When was this? Pre ANF release?
After the first two eps mostly
She saw her parents as zombies and her dads belly was half eaten.
After a couple of minutes, she got forced to shoot Lee or leave him like that.
After 7-8 months, she lost Omid which was one of the favourite person for her.
She spend 16 months with depressed Christa.
She forced to shoot Kenny or didnt stop Jane's death in front of her eyes.
She lost Jane or Kenny no matter how you ended up in finale episode of Season 2.
ANF take AJ from her. She lost the reason why she lived so far.
So, its understandable. She is still caring her previous side, though.
Um... I never mentioned Badger once.
This. I agree with you.
Well, she did kill Troy and partially Vitali, though the latter was just a spur of the moment thing.
they just should've stayed away from romance
There's really no depth nor development to her at all. Season 2 at least developed her and her relationships with the group she was in. ANF doesn't do that. In fact the only thing ANF cares about is Javier
Thot, I forgot she killed Troy.
How do you know she will be a main character next season? Lol
She doesn't feel like the same person because she's not the PC. :P I get what ur saying though. The stuff with Gabe was sooooo uncomfortable to watch because there was no build up to it. Then again they are both entering puberty and probably haven't met anyone their age in a lonnnng time so it's plausible they would have a crush on each other. Then again they have barely any screentime together so idk. I wish Telltale didn't sell Clementine as this invincible child. She doesn't seem like a child at all. It hurts the realism of the games. Like it's ok if she's scared or screws up.
I agree with you, my Clementine tried to stop everyone to murder in season 2 , didn't shot kenny, left him because he was dangerous and that's what I get?? I really wished they had started new frontier story with Clem, then Garcia's Story before going after AJ.... it would have made much more sense to me.
The problem is that TellTale has streamlined all Clementines into the "badass" edgelord version of her. TellTale doesn't give a crap that you spend two seasons molding her ethics and personality. Her fawning all over Gabe in e5 despite being disgusted by that kind of thing in e1 is just ridiculous. There is no character consistency anymore in general. Almost every freaking character pulls a 180 in every new episode they're in.
She will be the main character for S4 unless Telltale wants to piss off more fans and get poor sales again, eventually making fans not buy TWDG anymore unless she returns as the main character..
Hell, she practically murdered him now that I think about it.
Actually, she left to die, getting eaten by walkers.
After reminding him of their alliance only to shoot him pointblank in the crotch after he was pacified.
sorry, I don't know why it double posted my reply....
you got lucky , at least Paul realised you weren't really flirting with him
! in my first try I just wanted to make him stay with us, but clearly invited him for more ^^' well, that was funny...
I am clearly not the only one thinking that season 2 was just for telltale to match the flashback. Only one choice was considered in season2, if you left alone, with Jane or Kenny. If you look in the post of what Clementine became, you realise that there was only 3 choices possible in A New Frontier to make her what she'll become in the upcoming season.
Really not fair... I wish they used season 2 choices to make her what she became.
It would have been a better surprise for all of us having a different Clem showing up in new frontier, with dialogs matching our choices from season2. Then see her evolve in season4.
This. I hated how whiny, illogical, hot-headed mess of a person Gabe was. He reminded me of the worst parts of Kenny. I also hated Kenny. I really didn't understand why Clem would be attracted to Gabe in the least.
They didn't lie about 42 Clem's. The ending card shows one of the 42 Clem's.
What else did you expect?
42 different movies?
With the Kenny ending you can end up kissing Gabe too.
Perhaps it has to do how much Javi agreed with Gabe/Clem friendship.