Gabe probably comes the closest of any character to potentially rivaling Sarah in terms of what could've been done with him. The fact that his situation gave him a more active personality, a smaller more manageable cast, a more streamlined story direction, and direct relevance to the major elements just makes this more apparent.
This season was a bit of a mess. What i actually like in the first season of the Walking Dead was the fact that things kind of made scene. I think that they kind of gave up on the "realism" that made season 1 compelling. In the first season, every action was carefully planed and when the group acted on something, it was after speaking about it.
One example, in the last episode, David and Javiers have their conversation, then everyone is on the roof without even speaking with the rest of the folk on the tower.
It felt like it could have used some breathing room.
It's something that is not some uncommon with the rest of their work. I don't know about you but i actually liked how in the first episode of season 1, you had the chance at the end of a long day, to speak with the rest of the group.
It's something that is not some uncommon with the rest of their work. I don't know about you but i actually liked how in the first episode of season 1, you had the chance at the end of a long day, to speak with the rest of the group.
Yeah, I did kind of appreciate that on my recent playthrough.
This season was a bit of a mess. What i actually like in the first season of the Walking Dead was the fact that things kind of made scene. I… more think that they kind of gave up on the "realism" that made season 1 compelling. In the first season, every action was carefully planed and when the group acted on something, it was after speaking about it.
One example, in the last episode, David and Javiers have their conversation, then everyone is on the roof without even speaking with the rest of the folk on the tower.
It felt like it could have used some breathing room.
It's something that is not some uncommon with the rest of their work. I don't know about you but i actually liked how in the first episode of season 1, you had the chance at the end of a long day, to speak with the rest of the group.
Nate from 400 days. Seriously, the guy would've made for a great, anti-hero, sort of character in the mix. The series, in general, at least in the games, imo has suffered with not going all out with their setting, a setting that should be full of crazed madmen like Nate that sometimes may have to be relied on for survival, but instead it seems to be entirely stuck with just following mostly all-around decent people as the main cast, excluding some. But I shall continue to hope. Albeit, pointlessly hoping since Nate'll probably never show up again, but ya know, dreams and all that...
That is a fairly decent point. They've bridged on that with Jane, Max, Ava, and arguably Mike and Conrad, but I don't think we've gotten too fair into that pot, for better or worse.
Nate from 400 days. Seriously, the guy would've made for a great, anti-hero, sort of character in the mix. The series, in general, at least … morein the games, imo has suffered with not going all out with their setting, a setting that should be full of crazed madmen like Nate that sometimes may have to be relied on for survival, but instead it seems to be entirely stuck with just following mostly all-around decent people as the main cast, excluding some. But I shall continue to hope. Albeit, pointlessly hoping since Nate'll probably never show up again, but ya know, dreams and all that...
The cake subplot was completely scrapped after Episode 2. It's funny because Valve's Portal series also scrapped a cake subplot. Thanks cake in Portal and the cake in Season 3 appear very similar due to chocolate design. The last we hear of it is when Javier tells Joan to choke on it. In Portal 2 GlaDos promises cake to the player after completing a variety of challenges only to result in an attempted murder. Javier was also almost murdered. I could forgive all of Season 3's faults. All of them.... If they had just finished the cake subplot with either it being eaten at the end of destroyed. I need closure...
Not sure. Maybe during Lilly talking about missing supplies would've made Larry snap and blame Lee and then Lee would beat his ass up lol. Maybe when the bandits show up, Larry has a heart attack and when you're leaving the motor inn you either leave him or risk saving his life and bring him with you.
The cake subplot was completely scrapped after Episode 2. It's funny because Valve's Portal series also scrapped a cake subplot. Thanks cake… more in Portal and the cake in Season 3 appear very similar due to chocolate design. The last we hear of it is when Javier tells Joan to choke on it. In Portal 2 GlaDos promises cake to the player after completing a variety of challenges only to result in an attempted murder. Javier was also almost murdered. I could forgive all of Season 3's faults. All of them.... If they had just finished the cake subplot with either it being eaten at the end of destroyed. I need closure...
Not sure. Maybe during Lilly talking about missing supplies would've made Larry snap and blame Lee and then Lee would beat his ass up lol. M… moreaybe when the bandits show up, Larry has a heart attack and when you're leaving the motor inn you either leave him or risk saving his life and bring him with you.
ANF was a complete waste of time for us fans and was a waste of resources for Telltale overall. The season didn't really accomplish much other than angering people and making people slowly turn against Telltale.
It's something that is not some uncommon with the rest of their work. I don't know about you but i actually liked how in the first episode o… moref season 1, you had the chance at the end of a long day, to speak with the rest of the group.
Yeah, I did kind of appreciate that on my recent playthrough.
Why am I seeing concept art for this nobody?
I want to see some concept drawings for Ava, Tripp, Conrad, Badger, Max, fucking anybody before this hipster love-child of Kenny and Wyatt
As someone who read the comics first, expecting every walking dead villain to be an over the top pure evil bastard is purely logical. You'd know if you did that.
To this day, no villain in the games comes close to being as despicable as the comic Governor, except maybe Badger. Difference is Badger was just an edgy asshole, whereas the Governor was clearly intelligent and could have done better with himself, but chose to be sadistic and selfish.
And leaving things out is hardly proof of changing a character, we've talked about this. In the end, though, I don't really know what they were going for with Troy. I mentioned that before, too.
What bothers me is when people just want to leave sexuality completely out, like this character was so redeemable when he murdered people, but rape? No no no.
Doh, whatever. Often times, the only difference is the appearance/conduct of flirter or/and the age/vulnerability of the flirtee.
Idk, I … morealways get the vibe that people are quick to make that assumption about any villain for the sake of making them seem far more horrible than they actually are and I guess personal preference might have something to do with me not really wanting that type of thing being in there if I don't think it's needed. I know Troy is apparently an inversion of that and his original characterization would've at least been more in line with that mind set, which is part of why I'm glad it was done.
And again, Clementine seems like she'd be kinda offputting(pretending I know anything about child molesters for a second) and targeting Sarah, while arguably making more sense, doesn't really seem like a best interests type of thing given her dad is the settlement's Doctor. Then again, considering he's kind of a dumb prick who likes giving people a hard time for no reason...
Mark, he was supposed to be in episode 3 but get left behind in the bandit raid.
That would have been so fucked up... If I had been left behind by people I was with had I not been killed by the bandits I'd have dedicated my life to killing the people who left me behind
As someone who read the comics first, expecting every walking dead villain to be an over the top pure evil bastard is purely logical. You'd know if you did that.
Well, excuse me for being a filthy casual! Anyway, people like RavenSnowStorm did mention something to that effect to me once in regards to the Governor. I recently asked a question about the comics because everytime someone tells me something about it, it sounds worse and worse despite it's apparent reputation.
To this day, no villain in the games comes close to being as despicable as the comic Governor, except maybe Badger. Difference is Badger was just an edgy asshole, whereas the Governor was clearly intelligent and could have done better with himself, but chose to be sadistic and selfish.
If you say so. I know Carver was apparently considered Governor-lite by some people and someone gave me a rundown of his backstory not to long ago. Which again, this is supposed to be a good comic?
Meanwhile, Badger is an even lazier character than Mariana, given that he literally looks like a random mook model picked at random. There's little worth noting about him..
And leaving things out is hardly proof of changing a character, we've talked about this. In the end, though, I don't really know what they were going for with Troy. I mentioned that before, too.
I think it's pretty simple: a particularly dickish guard who gives Clementine and the rest of the group a hard time when Carver isn't around. As I said before, I guess they downplayed his villainy so he wouldn't overshadow Carver himself.
Plus, as is he's the closest thing the Season has to a laughable villain, since Carver, Michelle, Arvo, and the other Scavengers/Russians are played pretty seriously. Kinda hard to do that or the other approach if he's dangerous enough to be raping Jane behind the scenes, but lame enough to be getting essential eyerolls from Sarah onscreen; the mood whiplash could be murder to the tone.
What bothers me is when people just want to leave sexuality completely out, like this character was so redeemable when he murdered people, but rape? No no no.
Did he? The only time I remember him using the gun was in conjunction with the Cabin Group Retrieval Squad mowing down walkers .
If you just meant villains in general, it's probably because its considered worse for whatever reason and some people would rather not think about that.
As someone who read the comics first, expecting every walking dead villain to be an over the top pure evil bastard is purely logical. You'd … moreknow if you did that.
To this day, no villain in the games comes close to being as despicable as the comic Governor, except maybe Badger. Difference is Badger was just an edgy asshole, whereas the Governor was clearly intelligent and could have done better with himself, but chose to be sadistic and selfish.
And leaving things out is hardly proof of changing a character, we've talked about this. In the end, though, I don't really know what they were going for with Troy. I mentioned that before, too.
What bothers me is when people just want to leave sexuality completely out, like this character was so redeemable when he murdered people, but rape? No no no.
Why am I seeing concept art for this nobody?
I want to see some concept drawings for Ava, Tripp, Conrad, Badger, Max, fucking anybody before this hipster love-child of Kenny and Wyatt
Why am I seeing concept art for this nobody?
I want to see some concept drawings for Ava, Tripp, Conrad, Badger, Max, fucking anybody before this hipster love-child of Kenny and Wyatt
The most wasted character was Maybelle. She was just laying there in the barn, minding her own business. And then she was left behind when walkers flooded the St. John farm. All that emotional development for nothing...
Some? You implying there's a couple? Well, I ain't seen them unless you're counting them photos from the end.
I've Just seen some nice background concepts, that sketch of clem with her hands in her pockets, and I did see one Javier picture.
But even then, those are pretty bleh, those were the final designs. As if they got the look down instantly, there's obviously got to be some conceptual drawings of what they considered for their designs.
The most wasted character was Maybelle. She was just laying there in the barn, minding her own business. And then she was left behind when walkers flooded the St. John farm. All that emotional development for nothing...
I liked the start about this family. It had all ingredients to become intense with every character.
David : Hot blooded and abusive to his brother
Javier : Easy going and submissive to his brother
Kate : In love with Javier, always tried to get away from David, with very low morals when it comes to family.
Gabe : Irritating and childish to no end, but try to change.
Mariana : Cute perceptive and very smart kid.
David would have been better as the leader, the one ordering the raids.
The choice to make would have been more difficult for many of us, sure, he didnt know his family was alive and got his daughter killed but can you really forgive your own brother for this? But I wish it was Gabe instead of Mariana.
Mariana would have been a much better friend for Clem.
Kate was surely a better choice for the betrayal if you rejected her
But the dialogs and choices were seriously lacking..
for example, when David comes to get Javier to check on Kate...if Javier ask David if he ever tried to get home, David says" how could you ask that?" then he clearly explains that he didn't try. So why didn't we get the option to say "so you gave up on us?!!" instead of a stupid smile because you took care of them instead of David.
Also the scene after they get kicked out of Richmond ...when they face some walkers, Javier just goes happy lucky me! I can smash some muertos!, it was seriously out of character and lame, since they made Clem help was a very bad transition.
When Javier let David in... there was a lock, he didnt break it, so why would they need a container to block it? Did they really need that, to make them see all that stolen stuff from Prescott??
Kate forced romance was also a problem, even when you push her away everyone think they are together. It would have been better if she was the one to betray you if you refused her. It would have made more sense than making Eleanor betray her ex and "best friend" Tripp just because she was confortable there.
Why would David go alone confront Joan knowing she betrayed him?? so stupid, no option for this either , isn't David supposed to be a strategist? Years in the army for nothing.
When they get at the square to confront Joan, why in hell Javier or David didn't tell the truth about Joan's raids? it was the plan, no? They just stayed silent.
Joan's monologue was seriously stupid, "Javier, are you ready for that?!" or "I can do anything I want!" she looked like a pissy junior high schooler
Then if you take the deal, why David tells Joan he's gonna kill Clint instead of shooting at her directly if what he wanted was revenge? Makes no sense at all...
In the end no real choices possible, some dialogs choices were tricky and I really think Clementine's character should have been set depending on the choices you made in a continuation of season 2, and see her grow up depending on 3 different stories... if you left with AJ, AJ/Kenny or AJ/Jane and how you became a new frontier depending on those choices. it would have made a real transition to the TWD A New Frontier.
Yeah, I remember someone linked most of the Badger lines a good while back. Also, I think he might be a bit wasted there given that he sounds like a Family Guy character.
Some? You implying there's a couple? Well, I ain't seen them unless you're counting them photos from the end.
I've Just seen some nice back… moreground concepts, that sketch of clem with her hands in her pockets, and I did see one Javier picture.
But even then, those are pretty bleh, those were the final designs. As if they got the look down instantly, there's obviously got to be some conceptual drawings of what they considered for their designs.
Note: Copying this from my episode rewrite thread because the original custom writeup was accidentally lost:
The Russian's: Just as a head ups, I really wanted the Russian's situation to be a little more expanded upon given that one of the major few locations in the episode is their unfinished home. I really felt that after the disappointingly black and white conflict between Carver's Howes Hardware community and Luke's Cabin Group, having these four show up as a more ambiguous threat was a brilliant move that, unfortunately, got a little undercut by how underutilized they were and how overly unlikable, unsympathetic, or sympathetic I felt Kenny, Jane, and Arvo came off as.
Arvo, from my personal understanding, is a random bystander who becomes something of an adversary to Clementine due to a misunderstanding encouraged by shady circumstances. Having him suddenly come back with own group with sorta intimidating appearances and dialogue, but kinda understandable views of their adversaries (based on the translated dialogue) combined with the presence of a woman who could be his sick sister would make you question how truthful Arvo was being earlier and be a little on edge due to not being able to understand his group. Having the other Russians die, with Arvo paying special attention to the woman, without anything beyond "You robbed that boy Arvo, so now we're gonna take whatever we want from you!" being established about them would continue to send mixed messages about whether they were villainous or if you just wiped out the group of a neutral guy you did technically rob earlier for being angry at you for doing so.
However, the one step I think was necessary to have, whether you sympathize with them or not, is a definitive answer in the form of their house. Pictures, guns, blueprints, stolen belongings, remains of recently used medication, anything that proves one way, another, or even both as to the status of the Russian Group before the encounter between Clementine, Jane, and Arvo. The supplies sorta fill that role a bit, especially once you realize they're the same basic type of bags given out at Wellington, but I'm talking about something that comments on who Buricko, Vitali, and Natasha really are when they're not going after an enemy. I think it would've been more effective to the story if it was one with a sprinkle of the other: personal things showing that this is indeed their unfinished house after immigrating to America, but also some things makes you wonder whether you were one of the first groups who they had to fight against or just their latest victim.
I liked the start about this family. It had all ingredients to become intense with every character.
David : Hot blooded and abusive to hi… mores brother
Javier : Easy going and submissive to his brother
Kate : In love with Javier, always tried to get away from David, with very low morals when it comes to family.
Gabe : Irritating and childish to no end, but try to change.
Mariana : Cute perceptive and very smart kid.
David would have been better as the leader, the one ordering the raids.
The choice to make would have been more difficult for many of us, sure, he didnt know his family was alive and got his daughter killed but can you really forgive your own brother for this? But I wish it was Gabe instead of Mariana.
Mariana would have been a much better friend for Clem.
Kate was surely a better choice for the betrayal if you rejected her
But the dialogs and choices were seriously lacking..
for example, when David comes to g… [view original content]
I keep thinking, and don't remember Kate implying anything like that. Just when Javier said "his jaw remember" when they were talking about how David is etc then Kate says " I bet you do" or something, simply because she noticed when Rafa died, David punched Javi.
. @Clemenem wrote this back in December, so I'll repost it here because why not.:
I think Conrad was a totally wasted character and could have been expanded upon greatly. He could have been someone who had appeared in a more positive light as a good man who wanted to help Javier find his family as well as be totally bitter about the New Frontier. I would have written him as an assist to Eleanor opposed to some sleazy bar owner who was shown in a tragic broken state after the loss of his wife swearing vengeance on TNF. Instead of antagonistically pointing a gun to Gabe's head and giving you the very much forced option to shoot him or sell Clementine out, he could have instead just argued and vented his frustrations and resentment giving you a morally understandable reason as to why to side with him for sympathetic reasons. I know the majority would most definitely favor being loyal to Clementine but it would paint him as a more complex, grey character.
Gabe probably comes the closest of any character to potentially rivaling Sarah in terms of what could've been done with him. The fact that his situation gave him a more active personality, a smaller more manageable cast, a more streamlined story direction, and direct relevance to the major elements just makes this more apparent.
This season was a bit of a mess. What i actually like in the first season of the Walking Dead was the fact that things kind of made scene. I think that they kind of gave up on the "realism" that made season 1 compelling. In the first season, every action was carefully planed and when the group acted on something, it was after speaking about it.
One example, in the last episode, David and Javiers have their conversation, then everyone is on the roof without even speaking with the rest of the folk on the tower.
It felt like it could have used some breathing room.
It's something that is not some uncommon with the rest of their work. I don't know about you but i actually liked how in the first episode of season 1, you had the chance at the end of a long day, to speak with the rest of the group.
That sucks.
Yeah, I did kind of appreciate that on my recent playthrough.
Nate from 400 days. Seriously, the guy would've made for a great, anti-hero, sort of character in the mix. The series, in general, at least in the games, imo has suffered with not going all out with their setting, a setting that should be full of crazed madmen like Nate that sometimes may have to be relied on for survival, but instead it seems to be entirely stuck with just following mostly all-around decent people as the main cast, excluding some. But I shall continue to hope. Albeit, pointlessly hoping since Nate'll probably never show up again, but ya know, dreams and all that...
That is a fairly decent point. They've bridged on that with Jane, Max, Ava, and arguably Mike and Conrad, but I don't think we've gotten too fair into that pot, for better or worse.
The cake subplot was completely scrapped after Episode 2. It's funny because Valve's Portal series also scrapped a cake subplot. Thanks cake in Portal and the cake in Season 3 appear very similar due to chocolate design. The last we hear of it is when Javier tells Joan to choke on it. In Portal 2 GlaDos promises cake to the player after completing a variety of challenges only to result in an attempted murder. Javier was also almost murdered. I could forgive all of Season 3's faults. All of them.... If they had just finished the cake subplot with either it being eaten at the end of destroyed. I need closure...
Not sure. Maybe during Lilly talking about missing supplies would've made Larry snap and blame Lee and then Lee would beat his ass up lol. Maybe when the bandits show up, Larry has a heart attack and when you're leaving the motor inn you either leave him or risk saving his life and bring him with you.
...What? You mean Episode 3. know what, considering those supplies were primarily medication, I can see that happening.
I put Episode 2 intentionally. Ties that Bind was ONE episode not two
Ah yes, of course!
ANF was a complete waste of time for us fans and was a waste of resources for Telltale overall. The season didn't really accomplish much other than angering people and making people slowly turn against Telltale.
It's like we don't need the constant rush every damn minute of the episode.
Give some room to the characters so they can be less caricatural...
Why am I seeing concept art for this nobody?
I want to see some concept drawings for Ava, Tripp, Conrad, Badger, Max, fucking anybody before this hipster love-child of Kenny and Wyatt
As someone who read the comics first, expecting every walking dead villain to be an over the top pure evil bastard is purely logical. You'd know if you did that.
To this day, no villain in the games comes close to being as despicable as the comic Governor, except maybe Badger. Difference is Badger was just an edgy asshole, whereas the Governor was clearly intelligent and could have done better with himself, but chose to be sadistic and selfish.
And leaving things out is hardly proof of changing a character, we've talked about this. In the end, though, I don't really know what they were going for with Troy. I mentioned that before, too.
What bothers me is when people just want to leave sexuality completely out, like this character was so redeemable when he murdered people, but rape? No no no.
That would have been so fucked up... If I had been left behind by people I was with had I not been killed by the bandits I'd have dedicated my life to killing the people who left me behind
Great opportunities wasted by the illusion of choices.
By the time they work on Season 4, I don't know if they'll make a change for once.
Well, excuse me for being a filthy casual!
Anyway, people like RavenSnowStorm did mention something to that effect to me once in regards to the Governor. I recently asked a question about the comics because everytime someone tells me something about it, it sounds worse and worse despite it's apparent reputation.
If you say so. I know Carver was apparently considered Governor-lite by some people and someone gave me a rundown of his backstory not to long ago. Which again, this is supposed to be a good comic?
Meanwhile, Badger is an even lazier character than Mariana, given that he literally looks like a random mook model picked at random. There's little worth noting about him..
I think it's pretty simple: a particularly dickish guard who gives Clementine and the rest of the group a hard time when Carver isn't around. As I said before, I guess they downplayed his villainy so he wouldn't overshadow Carver himself.
Plus, as is he's the closest thing the Season has to a laughable villain, since Carver, Michelle, Arvo, and the other Scavengers/Russians are played pretty seriously. Kinda hard to do that or the other approach if he's dangerous enough to be raping Jane behind the scenes, but lame enough to be getting essential eyerolls from Sarah onscreen; the mood whiplash could be murder to the tone.
Did he? The only time I remember him using the gun was in conjunction with the Cabin Group Retrieval Squad mowing down walkers .
If you just meant villains in general, it's probably because its considered worse for whatever reason and some people would rather not think about that.
Yeah seriously. Though I was thinking more of Kenny and Alvin, personally.
There are some for Ava
The most wasted character was Maybelle. She was just laying there in the barn, minding her own business. And then she was left behind when walkers flooded the St. John farm. All that emotional development for nothing...

Some? You implying there's a couple? Well, I ain't seen them unless you're counting them photos from the end.
I've Just seen some nice background concepts, that sketch of clem with her hands in her pockets, and I did see one Javier picture.
But even then, those are pretty bleh, those were the final designs. As if they got the look down instantly, there's obviously got to be some conceptual drawings of what they considered for their designs.
If you can post those here, that'd be lovely.
But of course! Who could forget poor Maybelle? Move over Rebecca!
Everyone should watch this video if they haven't already.

12:00 Badger... being HUMANIZED? Being FRIENDLY?
And Ava can sing apparently.
I liked the start about this family. It had all ingredients to become intense with every character.
David : Hot blooded and abusive to his brother
Javier : Easy going and submissive to his brother
Kate : In love with Javier, always tried to get away from David, with very low morals when it comes to family.
Gabe : Irritating and childish to no end, but try to change.
Mariana : Cute perceptive and very smart kid.
David would have been better as the leader, the one ordering the raids.
The choice to make would have been more difficult for many of us, sure, he didnt know his family was alive and got his daughter killed but can you really forgive your own brother for this? But I wish it was Gabe instead of Mariana.
Mariana would have been a much better friend for Clem.
Kate was surely a better choice for the betrayal if you rejected her
But the dialogs and choices were seriously lacking..
for example, when David comes to get Javier to check on Kate...if Javier ask David if he ever tried to get home, David says" how could you ask that?" then he clearly explains that he didn't try. So why didn't we get the option to say "so you gave up on us?!!" instead of a stupid smile because you took care of them instead of David.
Also the scene after they get kicked out of Richmond ...when they face some walkers, Javier just goes happy lucky me! I can smash some muertos!, it was seriously out of character and lame, since they made Clem help was a very bad transition.
When Javier let David in... there was a lock, he didnt break it, so why would they need a container to block it? Did they really need that, to make them see all that stolen stuff from Prescott??
Kate forced romance was also a problem, even when you push her away everyone think they are together. It would have been better if she was the one to betray you if you refused her. It would have made more sense than making Eleanor betray her ex and "best friend" Tripp just because she was confortable there.
Why would David go alone confront Joan knowing she betrayed him?? so stupid, no option for this either , isn't David supposed to be a strategist? Years in the army for nothing.
When they get at the square to confront Joan, why in hell Javier or David didn't tell the truth about Joan's raids? it was the plan, no? They just stayed silent.
Joan's monologue was seriously stupid, "Javier, are you ready for that?!" or "I can do anything I want!" she looked like a pissy junior high schooler
Then if you take the deal, why David tells Joan he's gonna kill Clint instead of shooting at her directly if what he wanted was revenge? Makes no sense at all...
In the end no real choices possible, some dialogs choices were tricky and I really think Clementine's character should have been set depending on the choices you made in a continuation of season 2, and see her grow up depending on 3 different stories... if you left with AJ, AJ/Kenny or AJ/Jane and how you became a new frontier depending on those choices. it would have made a real transition to the TWD A New Frontier.
Yeah, I remember someone linked most of the Badger lines a good while back. Also, I think he might be a bit wasted there given that he sounds like a Family Guy character.
Its just on the telltale front page of the ANF, "Ava concept art"
A link would be nice.
Ah, so she was gonna be white/albino originally. Glad they changed that.
And yes, I just noticed those peppermint socks in @Jayroen's picture and they're amusing.
Thanks man!
The Unfinished House

Note: Copying this from my episode rewrite thread because the original custom writeup was accidentally lost:
It's seems to be that it is implied that Kate might have been abused by David. (I mean the guy could have killed the poor Javier)
I keep thinking, and don't remember Kate implying anything like that. Just when Javier said "his jaw remember" when they were talking about how David is etc then Kate says " I bet you do" or something, simply because she noticed when Rafa died, David punched Javi.
. @Clemenem wrote this back in December, so I'll repost it here because why not.:
Feel free to add to or contest this, dude!
There were 2 protagonists
Clem (Flashbacks)
and Javi
Characters from the comics? Jesus
Pretty sure he means an relatively equal amount of playtime.
Nice. But that page is missing Javier and Clem's concept art, which just leads me to wonder what else is missing.