Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Perhaps, but I thought Lee had about a day before he started getting weak. Same with Pete.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Which, if that's the case, goddamn do people turn quickly sometimes. Well, when you make your decision to either save Richmond or Ga

  • Death by heartbreak--goddamn. :cry:

  • Blunt weapon to the head



    It's Kate we're talking about, I can totally see this happening. She just 420blazed it too hard.

  • He's clearly gone into a healing trance

    Oh yeah, I can totally see him coming back.

  • edited July 2017

    Wait, what? I assumed you meant liked her, you don't mean "liked" liked her?
    Plus, that still wouldn't explain her leaving in the end.

    DabigRG posted: »


  • That's sick, bro.
    What parody, by the way? Like a Youtube Poop?

    DabigRG posted: »

    FyI, I know there's a parody of this out there, but I don't wanna risk posting it

  • Yeah, I want to know what you mean too

    fallandir posted: »

    It's always good to see TT making Luke an important character, influencing Clementine's personality in an optimistic way, despite his lukewarm, almost cold nature.

  • edited July 2017

    Can they just have Rick die, Carl get with Sophia and end the damn series already
    It's run its course

  • edited July 2017

    I want Carl and Sophia to get together, too. Why did Carl have to choose that horny she-devil Lydia? -_-

    About Rick dying, Robert Kirkman said that Rick won't survive the entire thing and that Carl "will carry the book now". Kirkman also said that he doesn't plan on stopping the comics anytime soon. :joy: (In an interview he said they might go past 300 issues).

    Louche posted: »

    Can they just have Rick die, Carl get with Sophia and end the damn series already It's run its course

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    So I figure I might as well post these so people get an idea about the improvements/not-so-improvements that went into the S3 models for Kenny, Jane and Edith.

    Here's Kenny's S3Ep1 model, alongside his S2 counterpart:

    enter image description here

    Yeah. That speaks for itself, doesn't it? Let's just say that ain't exactly an improvement.

    On the other hand, though, we have the episode 4 version of his model...

    enter image description here

    ...which is pretty much a net improvement across the board. It looks a hell of a lot closer to his S2 counterpart.

    Now with Kenny out of the way, let's move on to Jane.

    Here we have Jane's S3Ep1 model alongside her S2 counterpart:

    enter image description here

    "Close, but no cigar" is probably the best way I can think to describe this one. It's like, you can tell that they were trying to make Jane here... but something didn't quite go according to plan along the way.

    And then her episode 4 model:

    enter image description here

    Again, pretty much an all-around improvement. It should be noted that, although subtle, the ep 4 version is a bit more accurate anatomy-wise.

    And last and most definitely least, we got Edith, who only has a S3Ep1 version of her model:

    enter image description here

    And honestly? In comparison to episode 1 Kenny/Jane, I'd say Edith was the closest to her S2 version.

    The more astute of you probably picked up on how the characters are slightly smaller than they were in S2. And you'd be correct; they are. But this is mostly due to the graphical overhaul (technology-wise) and the change of art-style. The only reason the characters barely changed between S1 and S2 is because the art style was fundamentally the same-- outside of higher texture resolutions and increased fidelity on the linework, not much changed otherwise. S3, on the other hand, had huge technical overhauls as far as graphics are concerned, and that's without factoring in the jump to a new iteration of the art style.

  • edited July 2017

    Good to see that no matter the model, Jane will always be uncanny. In fact, I'd argue her original model looks much better in hindsight despite it's slightly non-standard design.

    Deltino posted: »

    So I figure I might as well post these so people get an idea about the improvements/not-so-improvements that went into the S3 models for Ken

  • edited July 2017

    It's an...* ahem *... piece of fanart.

    Though @marcost3 was the one to make me notice this little factor.

    Louche posted: »

    That's sick, bro. What parody, by the way? Like a Youtube Poop?

  • Well, it kinda does: If Clementine tried to save Luke, Bonnie tries to give her friendly life advice in what would end up being the intended last conversation they had even though Bonnie hadn't fully decided yet(probably because it was Mike's plan to begin with); if she didn't, then Bonnie makes it clear how angry she is with her and unwittingly sets up her departure by saying she has nothing more to say to her.

    After all, Bonnie barely knows Clementine, who's still a kid compared to her anyway, so she has little problem leaving without saying goodbye since she also was getting tired of Kenny.

    Louche posted: »

    Wait, what? I assumed you meant liked her, you don't mean "liked" liked her? Plus, that still wouldn't explain her leaving in the end.

  • I dont understand how the s3e1 models even made it to the final game. They are so sloppy it is embarassing.

    Deltino posted: »

    So I figure I might as well post these so people get an idea about the improvements/not-so-improvements that went into the S3 models for Ken

  • Well, they were eventually intended to only show up once by the time the episode had a release date, so they just didn't bother with touching the models up too much.

    I dont understand how the s3e1 models even made it to the final game. They are so sloppy it is embarassing.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    These were obviously rushed out the door, and most likely at the expense of whoever was working on them. There's no way you can tell me that the person that actually worked on these models thought they were ready to ship. No, someone had to have made them have to rush these out before they were done.

    Think of it like an artist that's hired to make a painting... but then he's given 6 hours to work on it, which leads to a product that, even by the artist's standards, is not exactly creme de la creme.

    I dont understand how the s3e1 models even made it to the final game. They are so sloppy it is embarassing.

  • edited July 2017

    Which is sloppy and embarrassing and a testament to how few fucks were given towards the series.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Well, they were eventually intended to only show up once by the time the episode had a release date, so they just didn't bother with touching the models up too much.

  • I know it was rushed, that much is incredibly obvious about ANF. They wanted to release it by Christmas despite the rewrites and they even sold 1 episode for the price of 2 (scumbags).

    The fact that such little care and attention was given to the s2 endings is just inexcusable. It's more like a painter was given a hefty commission and more than 2 years for a project that was basically outlined by the fans, yet they made a quick pile of shit out of it in the last 3 months of the contract.

    Deltino posted: »

    These were obviously rushed out the door, and most likely at the expense of whoever was working on them. There's no way you can tell me that

  • Head trauma. Kate could've fallen and hit her head while trying to escape, and turned before any walkers found her. I remember something in the newspaper about a kid dying after slipping and bashing their head on the curb while crossing the road, and there was another case of a guy dying after being punched in the head. Horrible shit like that just happens :(

    AronDracula posted: »

    They say walkers are the ones who killed Kate but if you look closely, she has no bite marks. It's either Telltale lazy or Kate just died na

  • edited February 2018

    egg g g

  • she saw all the hate she gets on the forums

    egg g g

  • Yeah, I noticed that. In hindsight, it's apparent that Kate is not actually a very happy person.

    egg g g

  • Easy.

    Get him out of the lake... stick him on top of a fire, and BAM! Good as new.

    Oh yeah, I can totally see him coming back.

  • She just cry because she smoke all her stock of weed and can't find more

    she saw all the hate she gets on the forums

  • I think she may have gotten bit in the chaos during the opening of Episode 5, and she just kept it from everyone for some reason. It could also explain why she'd want to block up the hole she made, as maybe she wanted to do something good before she died? or even save others from the fate that she was given?

    That's the only logical explanation I can think of since it did take an entire day from the beginning of EP5 to the end there.

    That is if you suspend your disbelief that she actually managed to escape the truck without anyone noticing...
    AronDracula posted: »

    They say walkers are the ones who killed Kate but if you look closely, she has no bite marks. It's either Telltale lazy or Kate just died na

  • Except that she would've shown signs of turning by the end of the episode and mentions either having a family or needing some space after all that's happened in her endings.

    AChicken posted: »

    I think she may have gotten bit in the chaos during the opening of Episode 5, and she just kept it from everyone for some reason. It could a

  • right....

    Let's just agree none of it makes sense, and it was some forced drama... (AGAIN).
    DabigRG posted: »

    Except that she would've shown signs of turning by the end of the episode and mentions either having a family or needing some space after all that's happened in her endings.

  • It's a shot from when Javier decides whether to go with her back to Richmond or leave the town to get Gabe.

    egg g g

  • enter image description here

    Deltino posted: »

    So I figure I might as well post these so people get an idea about the improvements/not-so-improvements that went into the S3 models for Ken

  • And then they made the flashbacks for Episode 4, which were completely apologetic fanservice and pointless, particularly in Jane's case.

  • edited July 2017

    I knew you'd be here to crap on Jane's design, tsk

    DabigRG posted: »

    Good to see that no matter the model, Jane will always be uncanny. In fact, I'd argue her original model looks much better in hindsight despite it's slightly non-standard design.

  • edited July 2017

    Bullcrap, the whole point of that flashback was to make Jane look like an even bigger scumbag for killing herself, or maybe just make it sadder for Clementine. But the bias against Jane makes me think the former.

    DabigRG posted: »

    And then they made the flashbacks for Episode 4, which were completely apologetic fanservice and pointless, particularly in Jane's case.

  • Her own fault. Can't make life good choices while high.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, I noticed that. In hindsight, it's apparent that Kate is not actually a very happy person.

  • I still don't get what you mean. Stop dancin' around it, and tell where I can see it?
    If it's something pornographic, I'd be really confused. I've never seen anything of the sort with Mike or Bonnie involved.

    DabigRG posted: »

    It's an...* ahem *... piece of fanart. Though @marcost3 was the one to make me notice this little factor.

  • that's why I don't use that as my profile picture
    if there was in any way a happy looking kate :), I would look forward to making it my profile picture

    egg g g

  • Gosh, what a downgrade. They should have stick with Season 2 graphics.

    Deltino posted: »

    So I figure I might as well post these so people get an idea about the improvements/not-so-improvements that went into the S3 models for Ken

  • Well it's true. I mean, her ANF models are definitely better made than Kenny's, but there's still oddities about them. And why does she seem to have high blood bressure or whatever in her face?

    Louche posted: »

    I knew you'd be here to crap on Jane's design, tsk

  • Exactly! Why bother giving her another flashback to appease her fans--her Janiacs, if you will--when the first flashback had her kill herself for being pregnant?

    Like, I know there's definitely value to be had in bringing back certain characters for flashbacks or hallucinations, but what Jane did just kinda nullifies any good vibes that could come out of that flashback. Especially since it doesn't really give us much of anything beyond Clementine being more than capable of protecting AJ herself, something established several times beforehand--even in the alternative Season 2 ending, no less!

    Louche posted: »

    Bullcrap, the whole point of that flashback was to make Jane look like an even bigger scumbag for killing herself, or maybe just make it sadder for Clementine. But the bias against Jane makes me think the former.

  • Same.

    SirajB6 posted: »

    that's why I don't use that as my profile picture if there was in any way a happy looking kate , I would look forward to making it my profile picture

  • Which is a funny thing to say considering some of the reasons she's unhappy were during times when she wasn't.

    Louche posted: »

    Her own fault. Can't make life good choices while high.

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