Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Wait, what happened?

    R.I.P @DabigRG

  • edited July 2017

    DabigRG got banned. I'm still not sure why it happened. It might have been a recent PM conversation he had In the Clem Menstruation Thread with @Melton23. And Now also @VengefulKenny is banned, too. :'( Sad day for all of us.

    Wait, what happened?

  • edited July 2017

    Wut. That conversation was harmless... mostly. I'm sure I would have been banned too if that were the case. If it was... pls pls pls make it 1 day ;_;
    enter image description here

    DabigRG got banned. I'm still not sure why it happened. It might have been a recent PM conversation he had In the Clem Menstruation Thread with @Melton23. And Now also @VengefulKenny is banned, too. Sad day for all of us.

  • Wow spanish exams are like that? Here the teacher play an audio and we fill the gaps... or just a song, sometimes (I'M NOT LISTENING TO JUSTIN BIEBER EVER AGAIN). Or they tell us "Write an essay about what good parenthood means to you (swear we wont show it to your parents 100% real no feik xdxd te la re kreiste wey) or your own philosophical hypothesis about what religion means" and bullshit like that.

    Melton23 posted: »

    This video reminded me of those Spanish tests I took when I was at school and there would be those people who would tell you what to do but


    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    DabigRG posted: »

    Daze? Daze?! DAAAAZE!!!

  • We get the whole listen to the audio but the people saying it sound so dumb XD no disrespect to them or anything but it is pretty funny listening theme stent their words but taking forever to say it.

    Wow spanish exams are like that? Here the teacher play an audio and we fill the gaps... or just a song, sometimes (I'M NOT LISTENING TO JUST

  • Lol at first I thought

    "Hey he was born before WWII maybe he fought in the war"

    Then I was

    "Sure he fought in the war at 4 years old i'm a fucking genious"

    Who the fuck gets cancer that young!? He's only 66!

    Findagon posted: »

    Hold on a sec... Doesn't the ID number in the card tell his birthday? Because if it does, Salvador was born in 16.3.1938. That makes him 66 years old when he died.

  • Not sure if this is some sort of error during the scene where you're at David's house but Kate only has 1 sock XD

  • I know, it sounds super weird.

    Melton23 posted: »

    We get the whole listen to the audio but the people saying it sound so dumb XD no disrespect to them or anything but it is pretty funny listening theme stent their words but taking forever to say it.

  • Whoa... They were members for a really long time. That sucks...
    They broke some rule, I guess. I don't know what they were talking about becuase I always disliked that thread and rarely ever visited it.
    I'm just really curious to what they did exactly.

    DabigRG got banned. I'm still not sure why it happened. It might have been a recent PM conversation he had In the Clem Menstruation Thread with @Melton23. And Now also @VengefulKenny is banned, too. Sad day for all of us.

  • They were in Eleanor's apartment. Though we were originally going to go to David's house.

    I gotta see Kate with one sock! :joy:

    Melton23 posted: »

    Not sure if this is some sort of error during the scene where you're at David's house but Kate only has 1 sock XD

  • Jecksepticeye had it in his play through. 1:22:55. At least I think the thing on her right foot is a sock. If not then she has no socks at all :3

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    They were in Eleanor's apartment. Though we were originally going to go to David's house. I gotta see Kate with one sock!

  • Thank you! :)

    Melton23 posted: »

    Jecksepticeye had it in his play through. 1:22:55. At least I think the thing on her right foot is a sock. If not then she has no socks at all

  • Now that I look at it, I think she had both feet bare but a sock just appeared out of nowhere XD unless that's how ankle holsters look now... idk, I never knew she had an ankle holster. Maybe she does. But it looks like a sock came from outta nowhere XD

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Thank you!

  • edited July 2017

    She traded her right sock for some weed from the friendly post-apocalyptic drug dealer.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Jecksepticeye had it in his play through. 1:22:55. At least I think the thing on her right foot is a sock. If not then she has no socks at all

  • It was her right sock but yeah she would do that XD

    Findagon posted: »

    She traded her right sock for some weed from the friendly post-apocalyptic drug dealer.

  • Kate be like:

    Kate lol

    Melton23 posted: »

    It was her right sock but yeah she would do that XD

  • I've noticed this too (I'm native portuguese speaker, and our Gabriel pronounce is the same as spanish), but maybe they decided to use Gabe because they thought Gaby/Gabi, in english, sounded like they were talking to a girl. I can understand that. Btw, I think David is mispronounced the entire game too.

    I'm so glad you asked! In the game, the Garcias' names were all mispronunced. While some had english versions, and the characters could h

  • Yes, David is mispronuced too. Even more than Gabriel, because at least his father gives him the right name.

    I've noticed this too (I'm native portuguese speaker, and our Gabriel pronounce is the same as spanish), but maybe they decided to use Gabe

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited July 2017

    It's not a sock that Kate's wearing. It's an ankle brace.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Not sure if this is some sort of error during the scene where you're at David's house but Kate only has 1 sock XD

  • Kate is wearing an ankle brace.

  • Waiting for the triggered user who acusses me of stealing Delt's detail without realizing this is a joke.

    Kate is wearing an ankle brace.

  • Good eye!

    Deltino posted: »

    It's not a sock that Kate's wearing. It's an ankle brace.

  • enter image description here

    R.I.P @DabigRG

  • I always did find Kate to be an fascinating character begging to be developed.

    Deltino posted: »

    It's not a sock that Kate's wearing. It's an ankle brace.

  • Aaaah. So she's wearing 1 ankle brace and no socks :0 isn't an ankle brace technically a sock?

    Deltino posted: »

    It's not a sock that Kate's wearing. It's an ankle brace.

  • Plenty of people! My granddad died at 66 of cancer.

    Lol at first I thought "Hey he was born before WWII maybe he fought in the war" Then I was "Sure he fought in the war at 4 years old i'm a fucking genious" Who the fuck gets cancer that young!? He's only 66!

  • Wow really? My condolences. I always got the idea that dying before 80 was dying young... guess I'm wrong.

    Plenty of people! My granddad died at 66 of cancer.

  • DABIGRG IS BACK!!!!!!!

    wow your name looks weird in capital letters
    DabigRG posted: »

    I always did find Kate to be an fascinating character begging to be developed.

  • Yeah, it kinda does. And happy to be!

    DABIGRG IS BACK!!!!!!! wow your name looks weird in capital letters

  • Uh, would you tell us why you were gone? It's okay if you'd rather keep it to yourself, I'm just a little curious.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, it kinda does. And happy to be!

  • To make a short story longer: I was in a pretty bad mood about somethings when Vengeful posted a question that was not only loosely related to something I was upset about, but also seemed really lazy considering I'm pretty sure I saw what he was asking for not too long ago. So in a moment of poor judgment, I directly cussed him while telling him to find it himself, he retaliated a bit by spamming some similar things throughout my thread and by the time I thought it over and considered doing something about it, the mods had stepped in to reign things in.

    I'm guessing he's not back yet because he's a repeat offender. Which I do feel pretty bad about since it really was my fault, so the first thing I did when I was unbanned was give him what he was asking about in the firstplace and then some.

    Uh, would you tell us why you were gone? It's okay if you'd rather keep it to yourself, I'm just a little curious.

  • Good on you, for trying to make things right. :)

    DabigRG posted: »

    To make a short story longer: I was in a pretty bad mood about somethings when Vengeful posted a question that was not only loosely related

  • It's something really do I believe in, after all.

    Good on you, for trying to make things right.

  • Oh. Yeah, I've been there. It sucks. Yeah, I'd like to tell you it wasn't your fault-- but yeah. Sorry. It's fine, everyone gets bannes sometimes.

    DabigRG posted: »

    To make a short story longer: I was in a pretty bad mood about somethings when Vengeful posted a question that was not only loosely related

  • I could never do that. I'd most likely send a massive fuck you before or after getting banned. But good on you for being a better person than I am :)

    DabigRG posted: »

    To make a short story longer: I was in a pretty bad mood about somethings when Vengeful posted a question that was not only loosely related

  • commies wear them, so yes, he is.

  • Uh. Guess I'll have to give everyone another boring lecture AGAIN hehe

    [Insert boring lecture abut communism here]

    commies wear them, so yes, he is.

  • What's up with you and commies, dude? And why do Kate and Ava count?

    commies wear them, so yes, he is.

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