Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • inside joke w sleep

    DabigRG posted: »

    What's up with you and commies, dude? And why do Kate and Ava count?

  • ...K.

    inside joke w sleep

  • Thanks, and yeah, he did die pretty young. But cancer doesn't considers age when it finds it's victims.

    Wow really? My condolences. I always got the idea that dying before 80 was dying young... guess I'm wrong.

  • 2. Expected Posting Etiquette

    2.1 When signing up, it is expected that you will primarily make attempts at participating in genuine and quality discussion. Avoid having a posting history where the majority of your contributions are low effort posts, ironic posts, or otherwise negative contributions like hate speech or excessive drama. Low Effort Posts can include talking heavily in meme references, inside jokes, reaction videos/gifs, passive aggressive thread derailing, etc.

    inside joke w sleep

  • enter image description here

    2. Expected Posting Etiquette 2.1 When signing up, it is expected that you will primarily make attempts at participating in genuine a

  • That moment when u break the rules. Ducks be like: quack quack.
    enter image description here
    T'is a joke, mods, pls don't kill me.

    2. Expected Posting Etiquette 2.1 When signing up, it is expected that you will primarily make attempts at participating in genuine a

  • The water tower where Javier, Clementine, Kate, Gabe and David stand in "From The Gallows" can be briefly seen on the fourth episode, when the first four characters arrive at the expansion area.

    water tower

    You might not have noticed that the tank has a blinking red light.

    Aircraft warning lights are high-intensity lighting devices that are attached to tall structures—such as broadcast masts and towers, water tanks located on high elevation, electricity pylons, chimneys, tall buildings, cranes and wind turbines—and used as collision avoidance measures. Shorter structures that are located close to airports may also require lighting.

    [Read more]

    The water tower in itself does not look particularly high, so, before the outbreak began, it may have been required to hold warning lights because of its proximity to the Prescott airfield.

    Pretty neat to think of considering that Richmond and Prescott are the most prominent locations of the season.

  • When the group first sees Jesus across the rooftops, Tripp mentions him possibly having a rifle and wanting to keep his head intact. Well, if you choose Tripp during the Tripp/Ava choice, Joan obliges him with a shot to the neck.

  • edited July 2017

    Just wanted to remind people of this:
    enter image description here
    The mug says "Worlds Best Uncle." It's what Javier can use in his fight with Badger.

    @Credit to Poogers555

  • Does this move look familiar?

    This was in the #53 issue of the comic. Came out 4 years before season 1 of the Telltale series.

  • Huh. Who knew Jane was a comic fan.

    Does this move look familiar? This was in the #53 issue of the comic. Came out 4 years before season 1 of the Telltale series.

  • No wonder she's wrong in the head :}

    DabigRG posted: »

    Huh. Who knew Jane was a comic fan.

  • :joy:

    Melton23 posted: »

    No wonder she's wrong in the head :}

  • Ok, where is everyone getting these emoticons from? I feel so left out :'( I'd also like to know how to make my font bigger/smaller too, ty <3

  • There are cheat sheets online that not only give you the emoticons, but also the text version so you can simple type them out.

    For example, :joy: is a close together typed out version of : j o y :.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Ok, where is everyone getting these emoticons from? I feel so left out I'd also like to know how to make my font bigger/smaller too, ty

  • Go to Emojipedia, there are a lot of emoticons there and their text versions. :)

    Melton23 posted: »

    Ok, where is everyone getting these emoticons from? I feel so left out I'd also like to know how to make my font bigger/smaller too, ty

  • Jane, how dare you steal Abraham's technique?

    Does this move look familiar? This was in the #53 issue of the comic. Came out 4 years before season 1 of the Telltale series.

  • edited July 2017

    Whaaaaat? :O How did I not notice that before

  • Is it just me but the bridge, where the group came from, near the water tower in Episode 5, isn't there?

    The water tower where Javier, Clementine, Kate, Gabe and David stand in "From The Gallows" can be briefly seen on the fourth episode, when t

  • Do I just copy and paste them like a YouTube video?

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Go to Emojipedia, there are a lot of emoticons there and their text versions.

  • The text versions? Yup. Make sure it's with the ":" on both sides. I hope that helped. :)

    Melton23 posted: »

    Do I just copy and paste them like a YouTube video?

  • It annoys me how Jane gets credited every time someone takes out the walkers legs. Clem figured it out before she met her, it's not exactly rocket science.

    Does this move look familiar? This was in the #53 issue of the comic. Came out 4 years before season 1 of the Telltale series.

  • Thanks.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    The text versions? Yup. Make sure it's with the ":" on both sides. I hope that helped.

  • enter image description here

    Melton23 posted: »


  • They probably should've written in an option to let her in on that fact, since you could at least pass it off as something Clementine just did in the moment and not a conscious strategy.

    It annoys me how Jane gets credited every time someone takes out the walkers legs. Clem figured it out before she met her, it's not exactly rocket science.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited July 2017

    So, it turns out that at some point, they went back and updated ep 4 to fix the animations on both Clint and the bearded guy that stabbed Javi.

    Here's broken Clint:

    enter image description here

    And here's Clint with fixed animations:

    enter image description here

    The broken bearded guy:

    enter image description here

    And the fixed version:

    enter image description here

    Clint also got a unique subtitle color as well (blue), just like Fern does in the fixed versions of episode 5.

    And even further on the subject, Salvador's animations in episode 5 were broken as well. They were also fixed along with Fern's.


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    edit: Oh god, it gets even better. The bearded guy was also broken in episode 5, for that 5-second cameo he makes. That was also fixed.


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    edit 2: And finally, to round this all off, here's a few pictures of Fern, if you haven't seen that either.


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    enter image description hereenter image description here

    edit 3: And now thanks to @DennisK22 mentioning it, it turns out that this was a problem even back in the third episode. Lingard was broken in episode 3, as well. Both in the Clementine flashback and in present time.


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    edit 4: Okay, final edit this time. Lingard was broken in episode 4, too. Although to be fair, given that Lingard is high as a kite in most of his appearances, his lack of facial animation actually works in his favor, if you ask me.


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    Also like Clint, Lingard got a unique subtitle color, too. His is a reddish-brown.

  • edited July 2017

    "Ah, they do care!" Says picky fan #426

    Especially interesting in Clint's case, as I just assumed he was supposed to be very stolid compared to the other Councilors.
    I wonder if they'll fixed certain programming quirks like Gabe's outburst as well.

    Deltino posted: »

    So, it turns out that at some point, they went back and updated ep 4 to fix the animations on both Clint and the bearded guy that stabbed Ja

  • That's awesome!

    Has anyone found an EP4 updated video?

    Deltino posted: »

    So, it turns out that at some point, they went back and updated ep 4 to fix the animations on both Clint and the bearded guy that stabbed Ja

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I found an ep 4 playthrough with the fixed animations. Although it's a playthrough with commentary, so hopefully you can put up a random yelling man in the corner of the screen. Or just mute it. Whatever works for you.

    Just uh, skip around to find the interesting parts.

    That's awesome! Has anyone found an EP4 updated video?

  • edited July 2017

    0:14 (2nd vid) Me the moment I heard Tripp- in this episode
    Also, does anyone else see "Watch Tracer Butt" on the side?

    Deltino posted: »

    I found an ep 4 playthrough with the fixed animations. Although it's a playthrough with commentary, so hopefully you can put up a random yel

  • I looked back on this seeing the April thing, so this took place 3 months before the outbreak

    Deltino posted: »

    Since you mentioned the note: And my own transcript (which I'm 99% certain is accurate): - TAURINE MEDICAL - 8675 309th St. Col

  • Didn't work. :cryinglaughingemoji:

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    Wait... :emo:

  • It has to be "joy", not cryinglaughingemoji. :grin:

    TheDerpGod posted: »

    Didn't work. :cryinglaughingemoji:

  • :joy:

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    It has to be "joy", not cryinglaughingemoji.

  • Check Lingard in Episode 3 where clem steals medicine. They fixed him too

    Deltino posted: »

    I found an ep 4 playthrough with the fixed animations. Although it's a playthrough with commentary, so hopefully you can put up a random yel

  • edited July 2017

    Here is my video where I put together all possible determinant ending lines or scenes Clem says or is in. Included possible Luke lines as well. There is a weird audio glitch that I didn't know how to fix. Not good at video editing :P

    Let me know if I missed anything. I didn't include the flashbacks on purpose.

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