Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • You're welcome! :)

    TheDerpGod posted: »


  • You know those before/after things on skin care? Well this is one that actually shows a difference o.o holy waffle pies.

    You happened to spot any other things like this?

    Deltino posted: »

    So, it turns out that at some point, they went back and updated ep 4 to fix the animations on both Clint and the bearded guy that stabbed Ja

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited July 2017

    He was broken, too? Well, it just keeps getting more and more interesting. I'll try, but it's pretty hard to find videos of the fixed versions. Not only do you have to find a video of someone that played it recently (within the past month or so), it also has to have been played on a specific version of the game as well. And most videos you'll find are people that played it when it first came out.

    edit: Found a playthrough with the fixed Lingard. In fact, the videos I linked above? Yeah, seems like that guy played S3 within the past month or so, so he has all the fixes in his playthrough from the looks of it.

    DennisK22 posted: »

    Check Lingard in Episode 3 where clem steals medicine. They fixed him too

  • I had 2 play through, on my first 1 I had kenny and javier says: "Clem, we almost there? Clem!" And on my 2nd I had the alone ending and javier said: "Clem, we almost there? Uuuuh, Clem?" Not sure how this dialogue changed, if it was the flashbacks or what but it was kinda cool the way they were different.

    DennisK22 posted: »

    Here is my video where I put together all possible determinant ending lines or scenes Clem says or is in. Included possible Luke lines as we

  • Damn I actually thought Clint was confident when he didn't react to getting held hostage

    Deltino posted: »

    So, it turns out that at some point, they went back and updated ep 4 to fix the animations on both Clint and the bearded guy that stabbed Ja

  • Finally, Fern looks like a human being and not some humanoid alien. I've been complaining about that ever since E5 came out...
    It's nice to see that they fixed this.

    Deltino posted: »

    So, it turns out that at some point, they went back and updated ep 4 to fix the animations on both Clint and the bearded guy that stabbed Ja

  • Coincidence? I think yes.

  • Another animation that's broken (I think it is, at least) is when Gabe's about to die and he tells Clem to take his playing cards. She says "What?" and sobs, but her face is almost expressionless.


    Deltino posted: »

    So, it turns out that at some point, they went back and updated ep 4 to fix the animations on both Clint and the bearded guy that stabbed Ja

  • You know what, it does make sense that Lingard was broken but I agree that it kinda worked with him.
    enter image description here

    It's honestly kinda weird seeing some of these guys show emotion now after so long in part because of that.

    Deltino posted: »

    So, it turns out that at some point, they went back and updated ep 4 to fix the animations on both Clint and the bearded guy that stabbed Ja

  • Is the default image what was used to make that Conrad jackoff meme?

    Another animation that's broken (I think it is, at least) is when Gabe's about to die and he tells Clem to take his playing cards. She says "What?" and sobs, but her face is almost expressionless. 1:42

  • Yeah, she was easily the biggest offender of that. Seeing her show actual emotion now is so jarring.

    Also, fuck David.

    Finally, Fern looks like a human being and not some humanoid alien. I've been complaining about that ever since E5 came out... It's nice to see that they fixed this.

  • Same.-

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Damn I actually thought Clint was confident when he didn't react to getting held hostage

  • edited July 2017

    ♪What goes around, comes back around♫

  • Does she only do that if you save her in Part 1?

    ♪What goes around, comes back around♫

  • edited July 2017

    Actually, good question I didn't not try to dodge the truck in any of my playthroughs. (Except for my playthrough when I kept Conrad alive. That happened by accident. ಠ_ಠ)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Does she only do that if you save her in Part 1?

  • She does it either way if you don't dodge the truck.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Does she only do that if you save her in Part 1?

  • Cool Beans.

    Melton23 posted: »

    She does it either way if you don't dodge the truck.

  • Great. :unamused:
    Another point of useless continuity with choices.

    Melton23 posted: »

    She does it either way if you don't dodge the truck.

  • Who ever fails QTE's anyway? XD

    DabigRG posted: »

    Great. Another point of useless continuity with choices.

  • lol looks like he's touching himself XD

    Another animation that's broken (I think it is, at least) is when Gabe's about to die and he tells Clem to take his playing cards. She says "What?" and sobs, but her face is almost expressionless. 1:42

  • edited July 2017

    About fucking time, Jesus Christ. Lack of facial animations was always disturbing.

    Deltino posted: »

    So, it turns out that at some point, they went back and updated ep 4 to fix the animations on both Clint and the bearded guy that stabbed Ja

  • Anyone who has played Beyond: Two Souls

    Melton23 posted: »

    Who ever fails QTE's anyway? XD

  • edited July 2017

    Are those moments in games where you are dancing and it comes up with all of the arrows and you need to press them at the same time QTE's? Because if they are shark tale on the ps2 is king for failing QTE's
    EDIT:these piece of turds right here.

    Now that I look back on it, these things are cringey as all hell. Children are apparently immune to the cringe.

    Anyone who has played Beyond: Two Souls

  • Huh. Same thing with the car hydraulic contest in GTA San Andreas. And if you failed, you had to restart the whole mission. >:(

    Melton23 posted: »

    Are those moments in games where you are dancing and it comes up with all of the arrows and you need to press them at the same time QTE's? B

  • Funny you should say that, I was playing San Andreas just about 2 weeks ago and was doing that mission. I aced it :3 probably because it was the ps4 version though

    Huh. Same thing with the car hydraulic contest in GTA San Andreas. And if you failed, you had to restart the whole mission. >:(

  • Yah. I was on the pc when I last played it. The controls are way more frustrating on the keyboard. :) But at least it's easier to enter cheat codes! Flying in a tank is awesome!

    Melton23 posted: »

    Funny you should say that, I was playing San Andreas just about 2 weeks ago and was doing that mission. I aced it probably because it was the ps4 version though

  • Ahh the Shark Tale game! So much nostalgia!

    Those dance levels were kinda BS though

    Melton23 posted: »

    Are those moments in games where you are dancing and it comes up with all of the arrows and you need to press them at the same time QTE's? B

  • I couldn't even get passed the 1st one so I didn't even get a quarter way through the game XD I didn't even know there were more than one until today

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Ahh the Shark Tale game! So much nostalgia! Those dance levels were kinda BS though

  • I remember the gameplay being fun all over the place lol. There was racing, stealth, punch out with sharks, etc Dance levels aside it was a pretty fun game, way better than the movie.

    Melton23 posted: »

    I couldn't even get passed the 1st one so I didn't even get a quarter way through the game XD I didn't even know there were more than one until today

  • edited July 2017

    There's a clear effort put into collecting all variations. Liked!

    DennisK22 posted: »

    Here is my video where I put together all possible determinant ending lines or scenes Clem says or is in. Included possible Luke lines as we

  • Good lord, this exists! And what's up with the butt smackin going on every second?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Are those moments in games where you are dancing and it comes up with all of the arrows and you need to press them at the same time QTE's? B

  • Attention to detail, mon frere! Remember--"Your choices matter."

    Melton23 posted: »

    Who ever fails QTE's anyway? XD

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    If you ask me, it makes more sense this way. I mean, he's being held at gunpoint by a guy he knows for a fact would have no problem shooting him. I'd expect him to be at least slightly worried about that.

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    Damn I actually thought Clint was confident when he didn't react to getting held hostage

  • Oh my goood. You gotta be kidding me right now.

    Deltino posted: »

    So, it turns out that at some point, they went back and updated ep 4 to fix the animations on both Clint and the bearded guy that stabbed Ja

  • edited July 2017

    I said as much before about Clint, I'm actually a little disappointed but still it makes sense. You don't want a guy like david holding you hostage. He does kill him in that scenario, after all. Wasn't even really deserved.

    DabigRG posted: »

    "Ah, they do care!" Says picky fan #426 Especially interesting in Clint's case, as I just assumed he was supposed to be very stolid compa

  • sometimes they're the same thing

    DabigRG posted: »

    If by that you mean hilariously goofy, then I agree my fruity commentor.

  • edited July 2017

    Eh, though it's made clear they've made deals in the past that make way more sense with her being the proposer and receiver, that does sound about right. Honestly, what Jane did to him there was not only heartless and cold-blooded, but also outstandingly reckless and wasteful for someone who's supposed to be this logical, pragmatic "expert" survivalist.

    Agreed, without the previous backstory of Troy being a probable rapist, it seems like it's just there to make Clem question if Jane is a good role model choice.
    Except, one little problem... HER MURDERING TROY IS NEVER EVER BROUGHT UP AGAIN.
    Not by a single person. Even Kenny could use that against her, but doesn't.

    All I'm saying is that considering how overpowered and ineffectual Kenny and Arvo respectively are otherwise, the contrast amongst those two scenes kinda stands out in hindsight.

    Can we not start talking power levels like this is an anime forum or something? I bet you're thinking of Mike being overpowered by Kenny, but the truth there is Mike didn't want to fight at all, he's not very aggressive toward living people.

    Considering everything about that scene and a key part of Jane's arc in general was based around her treatment of Sarah, I know I have every reason to. Her cold, self-righteous attitude throughout just sealed the deal.

    Well, she was right. Sarah did die no matter what. And even when she tried to save her (by herself, which was stupid that no one else helped.) she couldn't pull it off and almost died herself. How was she in the wrong here? I really wish that plank dropping had left a huge scar just to show what how Jane almost died for a girl she barely knew.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Come on, this is all so pedantic. Troy had his guard lowered, he probably thought he was the one seducing Jane with how dumb he is

  • edited July 2017

    Jane is hardly the big bad, all the key moments in the season point to it being Kenny. Kenny also long overstayed his welcome after cheating death in season 1. But this was all intentionally supposed to be optional/subjective anyway, so... not much point in arguing about it.

    Yeah, I get that, but at the same time, you either stick with your fucking guns on the shit you set and advertised or have Jane be Luke one way or the other to begin with. And she was shoved down our throats because they had her, this quiet, gimmick character who's name you could easily miss the one time it's said, suddenly be given all this screentime, development, backstory, and [attempted] nuance out of nowhere over all the other characters (minus Kenny) who deserved a decent chunk of it more. If you want more explanation, read my big post further up--fuckin fanficy, pandering Creator's Pet.

    It does feel like two different stories/seasons jammed together. That cabin group - what did they have planned for them?
    But you know, part of me likes it. It's realistic that things can change at the drop of a hat. In real life your friends don't necessarily develop character arcs before they die in a senseless random way. And you meet new people that you wouldn't expect to have actual impact on your life.
    Kenny got the best characterization he needed in episode 5. Not only does he miss his kid, but he we find out he wasn't actually around much before the zombie apocalypse and didn't raise him right and feels further guilt from this. His intentions with AJ, whether or pure or not, are kind of mental.
    I'm still not getting this Jane massive shit-hate you got going on, Jane gets lots of flack from other characters and does stupid things, so how's she a Creator's Pet, exactly?

    Good point. But ya gotta work with what they give ya, for better or worse.


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I knew you'd post something like that. On a scale of 1-10 how much pleasure does that image bring you?

    When the heck did I say she was weak? My complaint was that she suddenly started playing the helpless victim instead of the overtop "feminist" icon she was throughout.

    It's realistic. She was cocky and thought she could take the old man.
    When she realized that if she did nothing she was going to DIE, right there, yeah she let out a yelp of help to Clem. I mean, who wouldn't?
    Seriously one moment you say she's too perfect, the next you complain she cries for help? You're an odd one. You just really seem to hate her guts.

    DabigRG posted: »

    To quote her, it was a stupid plan. She had a spur of the moment idea that she could convince Clem to ditch Kenny, simple as that. I

  • I didn't watch all of it so idk :p

    DabigRG posted: »

    Good lord, this exists! And what's up with the butt smackin going on every second?

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