Characters in S2
In celebration of the upcoming S2 (which is amazing), which characters would you love to see again the most in the S2?
Mine would be Bigby, obviously, and Nerissa. Please bring back our favourite mermaid!
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King Cole. For some reason I just really want to see King Cole.
We could smuggle cigarettes to Colin in the farm!
I think Boy Blue, Pinocchio and Rose Red need to make an appearance.
Also would definitely love to have Colin around again.
Keep Colin around for sure. I'm just curious about the timeline for season 2. Will it immediately follow after season 1 or will they push it up a few years? Hmmmmm....I'd like to see more of Rose or at least get mentioned like she briefly did in the past season. I'd like to see the return of Gren for sure. Perhaps throw in random fables?
There are sooooo many characters from stories & songs that can fit in this!
I'm just soooooo excited!!!!
How can we have a Big Bad Wolf without a fat, pink pig around?
I'm pretty sure we'll encounter quite a few new characters, but the biggest names from the first season will make an appearance, such as Beauty or Beast.
I know, buddy, this is the best news from Telltale in a long time!
I really need to see Rose Red and Boy Blue in game.
Bloody Mary! She needs to be there alright? TTG just gotta include her, they have no moral right not to. I NEED MY LOVE BACK. #BloodyMaryForSeason2
Hey armis (:
I'd agree to that only if they brought Nerissa back as well!
Good to see you in the forums again, buddy
New characters for season 2:
Prince Charming
I know exactly what having Nerissa back must mean to you, so I'm down for it bruh! Let's hope Telltale doesn't disappoint.
Glad to be back, I was pleased to see your name amongst the recent commenters. Apparently we have an entirely new journey ahead of us, what a time to be alive.
Likewise for Bloody Mary, my friend
Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd like her back as well - she's quite a villain, isn't she?
The news have awakened every sleeping fan of TWAU, especially those of the Old Crew
Hope to see Toad, Nerissa, Holly and Colin again. Now, in terms of new characters, I'd go with Rose Red, Prince Charming and Cinderella.
Late Edit: I forgot about Woody, I'd love to see him again.
Colin, Flycatcher, King Cole, Boy Blue, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Rose Red, and Nerissa/Faith. I would also like Telltale to add some new Fables like they did instead of just adding characters from the comic books.
I definitely want Red Riding Hood to be in the next season. I know it's against the canon, but I want Telltale to add her in and give her more character depth than in the comics.
Characters I want to see return in season 2 (other than Bigby and Snow who are already confirmed):
New characters I'd like to see :
Characters I'd like to see, but doubt we'll see (again):
Boy Blue's my favourite comic character so I really wanna see him. Rose Red would be cool to see as well.
Honestly I'd really dig to see her as more of an anti-hero this time, maybe even teaming up with Bigby at some point! I mean there's so much more of her character to be explored, and interesting that TTG actually did have something like this in mind originally, as implied by some of the unused audio files for her. Oh well, we'll just wait and see.
You bet bro, I can picture this forum section rising from ashes as the news keep flowing in, like it's 2014 again. We can probably expect some more oldies to come back also. Old Crew is the best crew!
Boy Blue would be really cool. In the later comics he also plays a huge role, so it would make sense to include him.
Quite a list, I like it! Although I could do without Bluebeard, what a shithead.
Why is it against the canon, if you don't mind me asking? I've never read the comics myself.
But he has a voice of Dave Fennoy dude! That smooth as silk baritone of his.
That's probably the only good thing about him. I mean, the dude doesn't even have a blue beard! What a liar.
That he is haha. I still like him though.
Red Riding Hood is one of the Fables who didn't make it to our world and is still back in their own
Ah, that clears it up, thanks!
I'm actually not that fan of the character myself, and yes he's a shithead in both season 1 and in the comics.
That being said though, I think he was one of the few characters in season 1 where my Bigby can get away with swearing at that Snow didn't mind.
So it's similar to Jack, which in his case it was more to getting away with physical abuse, and with Bluebeard, it's more to with psychological abuse (not that Bluebeard gives a damn whether my Bigby swears at him or not, but at least it makes me feel better).
And yes, as TheZorkij mentioned Dave Fenroy voicing him is also another reason (which I forgot to mention in my original comment).
Definitely Rose Red, Blue, Prince Charming, Cindy, Goldilocks, Pinocchio and Geppetto, the Snow Queen and maybe a barley corn girl or two. Rapunzel would be cool to see too. And I want to see more of the characters weve gotten to know like Tiny Tim.
They should bring back Nerissa, Bloody Mary, Tweedle Dee, and Jersey (at least)
For new characters I want to see Cinderella, Briar Rose and Rose Red to show up.
Oh and can this Season be 10 episodes long please!?
What about 20 episodes?
I'd like to see Cinderella this season, she had a model in season 1 but didn't seem to have any importance aside from walking around town.
There's enough characters to make ten seasons.
I had forgotten about Briar Rose - nice catch!!
Bigby ain't allowed on the farm though
We're gonna sneak right into
Bigby, Colin, Bloody Mary, Woody, and Snow.
Also forgot to include one important character (other than Briar Rose whom Hazza has mentioned) - Totenkinder, the most powerful witch in Fabletown.
The new characters i'd like to see in the new season would be: Boy Blue, Pinocchio, Rose Red, Cindy, King Cole and Totenkinder.
Whoa whoa dude!! Let's be reasonable before we start reaching for the stars ya know?
Actually a character who NEEDS to be in this Season if they want to keep with the comic timeline is Boy Blue.
He takes over as Snow's secretary after she officially becomes the Deputy Mayor.
Also having King Cole show up would be interesting...
The Sleeping Beauty herself
She isn't quite 'main character' material in the comics, but appears enough to be relevant, so give her a role in S2!